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Reviews FMR

FMR Reviews (925)

Dear Mr***, FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your nameAfter review of the file and all calls associated with it, the call in question was dropped not terminatedYou stated in your complaint that you had rectified all loans that you had taken outFMR will take you at
your word that they are paid prior and document them accordinglyAll collection activity has been permanently discontinuedFMR would like to apologize for any inconvenienceYou will receive no further contact from this officeRegards, Nick W

Dear Ms***, FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your nameWe apologize to hear that your identity had been compromised in the past, and will take you at your word this this may be fallout from that unfortunate incidentYour account with this office has been
closed and you will receive no further contact from this officeFMR would like to apologize for any inconvenienceRegards, Nick W

Dear Mr***, FMR has been contracted to collect on a debt attached to your nameYou contacted FMR on 01/27/and spoke with two representativesThey were both attempting to verify who they were speaking with due to company policy and disclosure lawsI apologize for any inconvenienceYour
account will be closed and you will receive no further communication from this officeRegards, Nick W

Dear Ms***, FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your nameYour phone call with our representative has been reviewedAll information that was placed with our office was provided to you including your address, your email, place of employment, and a possible bank account that
was used to obtain the loanYou did not state the information was not yours, just that at the time of the loan that information was not yoursYou were also provided the creditor and the amountYour claim that our representative refused to send you documentation is false, she updated the address to what you provided and documentation was sent to ** *** ***, ***, ** ***It was explained to you at the end of the phone call your account would be documented as fraud and returned to the clientYou have not received any more phone calls from this office and collection activity has been discontinuedRegards, Nick W

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I tried speaking with your representative on the phone and she would give no details even to the nature of your businessHiding behind a reference to privacy will not resolve this issue and will not make your business a respectable organizationTell me what your business does, why you contacted me and how you got my personal information and I may consider resolving this complaint
*** ***

There is nothing attached here nor is there a messageThank youRegards, Nick W

Dear Ms***, FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your nameThe documentation you are stating you were refused had been sent to the email address you provided, ***.***@***.com, on August 19, As per your request all phone calls from this office
have been stoppedYou will not receive any future communication from this FMRShall you have any questions please contact our officeWe apologize for any inconvenience. Regards, Nick W

Dear Mr***, FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your nameAfter you contacted our office and verified that you were the correct party you acknowledged that the debt in fact was yoursUnfortunately the debt is owed by the individual in which it was
obtained and that was explained to you by the representative you spoke withIf you feel you do not owe the debt or do not have the means to resolve the debt this office is unable to assist youThis office does not work for *** *** and no way is *** ***, your debt was placed with our office for collection purposesDocumentation was sent to the address we have as per your requestWe have made the decision to discontinue collect effortsYour account has been closed and returned and you will not receive any more phone calls from this office. Regards. Nick W

Dear Ms***, FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to *** ***We would like to first apologize for any inconvenience that we may have causedYou initially contacted our office on February 2nd to have to your phone number removed from our database, which it
wasYou have not received any more calls from this office since. Regards, Nick W

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowBank fraud was mentioned to me Also, the agent told me he couldn't say anymore as someone would contact me on a recorded line If this agent wasn't on a recorded line, how can Nick listen to the call? Also, the companies the collection agency was collecting for are nor were they licensed in the state of Illinois to do business as FMR states they didI checked with the state to see if they were and found out that in fact, they are not Which means the debt is not collectable to begin withAfter checking other complaints, I see I am not the only one being told that bank fraud charges may be brought up
*** ***

Dear Ms***, FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your nameWhen you initially contacted our office it was explained to you that your information was provided to our officeThe representative remained professional and answered any questions that you did have pertaining to
the debtUltimately you agreed to a payment arrangement with our office under the circumstances that you received documentation via mail and emailSaid documentation was sent to *** *** ** ** *** ***, ***, CA *** as well as ***@***.com the day after you secured your arrangement on October 25, As for your credit report, we are not a credit reporting agencyWith this being said it is unfortunate that you have chosen not to resolve this matter with our officeYour account has been closed and any future collection activity has been stoppedYou will not receive any more calls from this officeWe would like to apologize for any inconvenienceRegards, Nick W

Dear Ms***, FMR has been contracted to collect on a debt attached to your nameAfter reviewing every call that was made on your file, not once, did a representative state that a "lawsuit will be taken against you" or used false, deceptive or misleading statementsIf you have proof to the
contrary please provide itThe calls made or received in this office are done so in compliance with state and federal lawThe purpose of reaching out to third parties is solely for location information due to not having updated contact information for youWe have made the decision based on review of the file and the complaint, to permanently discontinue communicationFMR would like to apologize for any inconvenienceRegards, Nick W

Dear Ms***, FMR has been contracted to collect on a debt attached to your nameThe reason that we have the information we do is because it was submitted to the discussed lendersWe believe that you have not established the debt and have documented the debt as disputedWe would recommend
that you review your credit report and make sure there are no other compromisesWe assure you that we will be closing the file and will not receive any further communication from this officeWe also would like to assure you FMR is not attempting to scam anyone, if there is an issue with the information we are provided, we immediately discontinue collection effortsFMR would like to apologize for the inconvenienceYou will not be called from this office againRegards, Nick W

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
February 6, ~ They just called me again today. Additionally, I asked them to mail me documentation to back up their claim that I owed anyone/any business money, because I do not. They never mailed anything
*** ***

Dear Mr***, FMR has been contracted to collect on a debt attached to your nameFMR is a third party collection agency and has not purchased anything from the "DARK net"After reviewing the call, it seems there were several pieces of information that you stated were not validThe
representative immediately shut the account down and placed in a status that will permanently discontinue collection effortsAs far as your allegations that "legal action would be taken" or that this office is a "scam" are both untrueWe apologize for any inconvenience and are currently working with our brokers to determine if there was an error madeYou will not receive any further calls from this officeNick W

Dear Mr***, FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your name. In you were contacted by our office and given all the information pertaining to the debt including the creditor and the time in which it was obtainedYou then agreed to resolve the matter and went
as far as setting up an agreement to pay the debt back in fullYour were sent documentation to the email provided ***@***.com on December 2, Up until May of you made voluntary repayment to this office which were stopped due to a family emergencyRecently FMR has attempted to contact you for another option to resolve the matter, however we have been made aware that this is something you do not wish to resolveYour account has been closed and returnedYou will not receive any more phone calls from this office. Regards, Nick W

Dear Ms***, Any phone calls you would have received from this office would be between the hours of am and pm as those are our hours of operationYour account has been closed and you will receive no further communication from this officeRegards, *** ***

Dear Mr***, FMR has contracted to collect on debt attached to your nameAfter reviewing the phone conversation you had with our representative we have come to the conclusion that he remained professional in providing you any information he hadWe understand you are disputing this debt and for
this reason you were told your account was documented as dispute and sent backThe incident involving your significant other and your bank account are unfortunate however this office or our representative had no way of knowing thisWe can assure you that you account has been sent back and closed and that you will not receive any future communication from this officeFMR would like to apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your service to our countryRegards, FMR

Movement Recovery (“FMR”) is in receipt of the complaint referenced above and
appreciated the opportunity to respond.
is a collection agency and the current creditor and owner of an unpaid account
in Ms***’s name. The personal loan
originated with ***
*** GroupThe last four account number digits are
*** We are attaching the verification
of debt letter with our response for Ms***’s convenience. This letter was not sent as we only spoke
with Ms*** on July 8, whereby she refused to allow our representative
to speak and threatened to file the current complaint. It is unfortunate that Ms
*** was unable to resolve this completely with our office and has relied on
misinformation from the internet from which to base her complaint. We wish there was a way for us to address
these completely incorrect allegations.
FMR is not a “fraud” and is in fact registered with the Secretary of
State as a legitimate company. We will
honor Ms***’s desired resolution and not contact her again regarding this
account; however, the account remains unpaid.
We regret this could not have been solved directly and encourage Ms***
to contact our office. Please
contact the undersigned if we can be of any additional help in this matter.
Nick W
Representative of
Movement Recovery

Dear Mr***, FMR has been contracted to collect on a debt attached to your nameThe representative you spoke with has been submitted to further training due to the issues you have documented in your complaintFMR has made the decision to close the account and document it as disputed due
to the original creditor not being recognizedFMR would like to apologize for any inconvenienceAll collection activity has been permanently discontinuedRegards, Nick W

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Address: 1902 Ridge Rd Ste 115, West Seneca, New York, United States, 14224-3312


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