Davison Design & Development, Inc. Reviews (246)
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Review: Division, did not perform the Initial Design services they promised for my Invention of Computer Cell Phone Eye Glasses as promised to Perform a 3D rendering of the glasses and there was a total break down from their management staff with Mr. [redacted] who charged me over $395.00 for pre development work which was done, however they charged me an additional $1000.00 Dollars which I received only a Dvd explaining their process, and I singed many various agreements with the company for Product research and development of 3DGrapichs,marketing to companies to no avail there were conflicts of interest and disagreements between Mr. [redacted] and I about how the I wanted them to perform the Technical Drawing, and a violation of the contracts that were in placeI would like to have my Money refunded that was Paid to them for violating our Contractual agreements due to the Company not living up to Its Promises, and false solicitation, by not living up to its agreements.Desired Settlement: I would like to have a full refund of Monies paid. for breach of Contractual obligations.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]
against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 03/31/2014. Mr. [redacted]’
complaint is factually inaccurate and his demand for a refund is baseless. As will be detailed
below, Mr. [redacted] entered into two service contracts; the first was completed to his documented
satisfaction and the second was terminated with a full refund.
05/02/2011, Mr. [redacted] entered into an agreement for Pre-Development services which
obligated Davison to compile research data related to his product idea. The fee for this service
was $695.00, not $395.00 as alleged in his complaint. The service was completed and Mr.
[redacted] completed a questionnaire about the service on 05/10/2011, providing nothing but
positive feedback. Enclosed, please find a copy of the signature page of the contract and Mr.
[redacted]’ completed questionnaire.
Following completion of the Pre-Development services, on 07072011, Mr. [redacted]
entered into an Integrated Product Rendering contract. Mr. [redacted] made a single partial payment
of $50.00 toward this contract. At Mr. [redacted]’ request, the contract was terminated and his
money was refunded. Enclosed please find a copy of the cover letter dated 03/20 2012, providing
Mr. [redacted] with his refund.
As stated, the services for which full payment was made have been completed to Mr.
[redacted]’ satisfaction. The partial payment toward the contract which was tenninated has
previously been refunded. There is no factual basis to support his complaint.
Review: In the beginning, I paid a $750 "pre development" fee to see if my product idea was viable. It was. I was told I had 4 options with varying degrees of price and royalties. I chose option 3, roughly $15,000. Signed the paperwork, etc. Then, I was verbally approached about a 60/40 split, saying that if I paid 60%, a total of $8,832, they would finish the product and get it licensed. Then, the rest would be due. About 3 weeks after reaching that point (in early January) I receive a phone call. As it turned out, my product idea was actually illegal, but they neglected to inform me of this although I'm sure they knew it from the beginning. (from the $750 pre development and research fee) I signed off on what they did design, which was unsatisfactory in my opinion, because I had no choice. Doing so was the only hope of getting something back for nearly $9,000. On April 2, 2013, I was told that the product was nearing completion and I would begin receiving royalties in approximately 6 weeks. 6 weeks came and went. I heard nothing. Then, in July, I was told to pay the remaining balance of $5,800-something based on the 60/40 split and that's what they were waiting on. But they had agreed to finish it for what I had already paid. I do realize that I have not paid in full, but they said the rest would be due upon completion and licensing. That is not complete yet. What I believe has happened is they believed my original (illegal) idea would sell, so they made that deal with the 60/40 split. Then, realizing the woefully disappointing legal version would probably not sell, they wanted to get all the money upfront so they could say "It didn't sell. Sorry, no refunds". Attempts of communication have broken down, as my product director is sending me emails through a non-davison email address without an official letterhead and I no longer trust him. I have attempted to contact higher management, but never hear back. I just get a call from my product director who talks in circles and confuses the issue more.Desired Settlement: I think that, for whatever reason, they either can't build something this sophisticated and complex, (most of their products have been very simple plastic things. This has very advanced electronics) or that they believe it won't sell and want me to eat the cost. Either way, this has been a horrible experience for me and I no longer believe in them or my product idea and just want my money back. Or for them to do what they said they would do, but I doubt that will happen so a refund is better.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development Inc, (Davison) on or about 09/05/2013. In his complaint, [redacted]---- makes numerous mischaracterizations about his project. Specifically, his complaint states an evaluation of the “viability” of his product idea was conducted, he alleges dissatisfaction with proposed design o f his product sample and he alleges a modified 60/40 fee arrangement. As will be detailed below, Davison has performed its serves according to the terms of the contracts and to Mr. [redacted]’s documented satisfaction. There remains an outstanding balance owed on the agreed fee. Payment o f the balance is required prior to the performance o f the remaining services. There is no basis to warrant a refund. Mr. [redacted] submitted an idea to Davison through its website. The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit an idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and the person electronically acknowledging the disclosures. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he received and read the disclosure statements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any payment to Davison. The disclosure statements set forth, among other details, that Davison does not provide an evaluation of the commercial potential of submitted ideas. Mr. [redacted] entered into the initial Pre- Development Agreement for custom research services, which were performed. Following those initial services, Mr. [redacted] entered into a contract for the design and construction of a physical product sample. The contract provides that no services are due to be performed until full payment o f the agreed fee is paid. Mr. [redacted] has made payment of 60% of the agreed fee, the remaining 40% being outstanding. Contrary to Mr. causey’s statement, Davison does not offer its design and development services under payment terms different than those set out in the contract. However, understanding that it may take some time for a client to finalize full payment, Davison agrees to begin the design process when payment has reached the 60% level. Accordingly, a proposed design was developed and submitted to Mr. [redacted] for his approval. He approved the design and completed a questionnaire in which he provided positive feedback. A copy o f his signed approval and the completed questionnaire are attached. (Note the actual approved design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes). Davison remains willing to complete all services under the terms of the contract, provided full payment is received. As the services provide to date have me with Mr. [redacted]’s documented satisfaction, there is not basis to warrant a refund. Associate counsel Davison Design and Development, Inc.
They made mo attempt to even make me an offer at all. They just said that I was wrong and they were right. They mentioned no misunderstanding, no apology for said misunderstanding, nothing. My product manager and I conversed almost weekly for several months, even telling me that quote "You should be receiving a royalties check in 6 weeks." Never once in those conversations did he mention paying the remaining 40%. And why should he? We were in agreement that the product would be COMPLETED for 60% of the cost of the new product sample agreement, with the rest taken out of future royalties. Then, 3 months after that 6 week promise, I finally asked where we stood. I was rudely informed that I needed to pay the remaining balance. Not one time have I seen tangible evidence that they are actually building anything. My cell phone can take a picture and send it anywhere in the world in seconds; why haven't I seen my product? I saw and approved the VIRTUAL design because I had no choice. They had already taken the money and never informed me my original design was illegal. I was not informed of this until they showed me the virtual rendering. I think they should have immediately informed me of this, and asked me how I wanted to proceed, rather than just taking my money and doing their own thing. This very important issue was also never addressed in the response to my complaint.
I understand that there is an unpaid balance. I have all along. I previously stated why it has not yet been paid, but here is why I am unwilling to pay the rest: The aforementioned inconsistencies and untruths in what I was told by my new product director have diminished my faith that this is an honest company. I have already lost almost $9,000. The LAST thing I want is to pay the remaining $5800 and lose that too! I had faith that the company was fair when we struck the 60/40 split deal because the remaining 40% was there to insure they would do the best job possible so the product would be licensed and they would get the remaining balance. But now, I think they have realized the product may not sell and want the rest upfront so they could say "sorry...didn't sell. No refunds" and rip me off. It would also not surprise me if they put everyone's money into a pool and invested it in a CD or something where they could earn interest on it until they couldn't keep giving the customer "the runaround" anymore. If you imagine roughly $9000 from everyone who is trying to get a product developed. Let's keep it simple and say 10. $90,000. In a CD earning 2% interest, that is a substantial amount of money. How can I trust anyone that lies? How do I know that this is not the case? I still have all those e-mails from my new product director that were sent from a personal email address and use a questionable demenaor. I simply cannot trust this company anymore.
This letter is in response to the supplemental comments submitted by Mr. [redacted] in regard to the above referenced complaint and provided by your office in the correspondence of 09/25/2013. His supplemental statement makes no new allegations, simply reiterating the concerns voiced in his initial complaint to which Davison responded. Mr. [redacted] continues his allegation that the fee structure for his contract was changed to reflect that only 60% of the contract fee was payable. As stated in our initial response, this is contrary to Davison’s practice. Mr. [redacted] provides absolutely no evidence to support his contention. If he has any supporting evidence, he is asked to provide that to Davison and the matter will be further reviewed. In the absence of such evidence, the contract explicitly states the agreed fee and that the fee is payable in full before any services are due to be performed. As stated in our initial response, understanding that it may take some time for a client to finalize full payment, Davison voluntarily agrees to begin the design process when payment has reached the 60% level. Accordingly, a proposed design was developed and submitted to Mr. [redacted] for his approval. He approved the design and completed a questionnaire in which he provided positive feedback. Copies of these documents have previously been provided. In his statement, Mr. [redacted] acknowledges that there is an outstanding balance. Despite this acknowledgement, he states; “Not one time have I seen tangible evidence that they are actually building anything.” As stated above, there are no services due until full payment of the agreed fee has been received. Though a proposed design has been developed and approved by Mr. [redacted], the actual construction of the physical product sample will not begin until the fee has been paid in full. Davison remains willing to complete all services under the terms of the contract, provided full payment is received. As the services provided to date have me with Mr. [redacted]’s documented satisfaction, there is not basis to warrant a refund. Davison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: Davison Design has taken over $11600.00 from me, a senior citizen. I feel like I have been robbed. And furthermore I have been misled, and pressured into signing an agreement with lies! For one thing: I was never shown the prototype that the developers supposedly made to market my invention idea product. I felt like I was 'strong armed' to sign my name on the agreements. And also forced to pay up front under the guise that the workers have to get paid before the product can be developed and marketed. And the upfront funds were also supposedly needed before the product can be pitched to the wholesaler. I was deluded into thinking that my marketed idea would be shown to several markets, not just the one that was contacted. In late 2012 I wrote to Davison but I received no reply in response whatsoever!Desired Settlement: As a senior with a very limited budget, think it would be a big crime to not refund what I have had 'stolen' from me or at least a percentage of what was stolen. I guess I should be penalized some for believing in swindlers!
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 02/18/2016. Customerconcerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communicationerrors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact and throughout the developmentand presentation of the idea, Davison maintains an open channel of communication, disclosing itsservices and fees upfront, providing contracts that are simply written, with no “fine print”provisions, and securing the client’s approval and authorization. It is not possible to be moreupfront with its clients about the services, fees and the development of their project. A review ofMr. [redacted]’s file indicates that all services were completed with his express approval andauthorizations. Further, the services met with his documented satisfaction. It bears noting that allservices were completed by January 13, 2013. Now, more than three years later, he has filed thiscomplaint. There is no basis for a refund, nor support for his complaint.Briefly stated, Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison in November 2010. The electronicsubmission system utilized by Davison makes it impossible for a client to submit an idea withouthaving two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format. Mr. [redacted]acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he received and read the two disclosurestatements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client enters anyservice contract or makes any payment to Davison. Among the disclosures is the statement that“It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract in connection with a submittedidea.” The disclosure then provides a listing of the various services and related fees. Enclosed,please find a copy of the disclosure detailing the services. He entered the initial pre-developmentcontract which obligated Davison to compile research on U.S. Patents and products, on themarket at that time, which were similar to his idea. This research was completed. In February2011, he contracted for the design and construction of a physical product sample. An initialdesign was created and submitted for his approval. Mr. [redacted] provided his written approval ofthe design on or about February 16, 2012. A copy of his signed approval is enclosed. Note theactual approved design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes. Based on his approval,the physical sample was constructed and presentation material created. An Executive Briefing,which included a photograph of the constructed product sample, was provided to him for review.In July 2012, Mr. [redacted] authorized the presentation of his new product idea and completed aquestionnaire about the Executive Briefing in which he provided positive feedback. Copies of hisauthorization and completed questionnaire are enclosed. In August 2012, his new product ideawas presented to the designated corporation who declined to enter a license. Mr. [redacted] declinedthe offer to make additional presentations and selected a “reactive approach” in which Davisonwould wait for a corporation to approach them seeking a product similar to Mr. [redacted]’s idea.Enclosed, please find a copy of Mr. [redacted]’s selection of this approach.In his complaint, Mr. [redacted] alleges he was not shown the constructed product sample.This is false. The Executive Briefing included an actual photograph of the physical sample.Second, Mr. [redacted] alleges he contracted to have Davison “market” his idea. This is amischaracterization. Davison does not “market” its clients’ product ideas to the general public,they design and develop product ideas for presentation to corporations who in turn maymanufacture and market the product. Finally, Mr. [redacted] alleges he was not informed that thepresentation of his product idea was limited to the designated corporation. Again, he is mistaken.The disclosure statement clearly details the additional service for making additional presentations.Further, the contract which he entered contains the following provision:“Section 4. L. The Client shall not be responsible for any additional expenses to Davison within thescope and term of this Agreement, with the possible exception being additional services to present theIdea to an additional targeted corporation which may include services to refurbish or repackage thesample, for which Davison currently charges $395.00. Davison’s obligations are only those set forth inthis Agreement and only directed towards the targeted corporation named on the last page of thisAgreement.”As stated, Mr. [redacted] was fully informed of all services and related fees BEFORE heentered any contract. The services have been performed with his express written approval andauthorization, and to his documented satisfaction. There is no basis for a refund. However, in theinterest of customer satisfaction, Davison will offer two additional presentations at no cost to Mr.[redacted]. If he chooses to accept this offer, he need only contact the Licensing Department whowill coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize the presentations.David ** D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
I have reviewed the response made by the Davison Design & Development, Inc. regarding my complaintID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. You should have a copyof their offer presented. In fact I found the response from Mr. D[redacted] (Associate Counsel) furtherinsulting and condescending!Mr. D[redacted]’s statement’ all services were completed by January 13, 2013. How can I know forcertain when the service was terminated? No official ending date was quoted to me? If you refer tothe January 10, 2013 correspondence to me: the connotation of the written option is so ambiguous tome as usual. For example it partially states ‘ has no time frames specified on when this couldhappen.’ On[redacted] possibly assume that this is an idefinite proposition? No? So why would I assumethere is a time limit after reading this context? Their statements should have more defining clarity.Furthermore, if Mr. D[redacted] bothered to read my entire complaint, he would have noted that I did notwait 3 years to complain. I mentioned previously that I sent a letter to Mr. A[redacted], dated February 15,2015, complaining about the lack of service I received. As I stated earlier, no one bothered to contact orcommunicate back with me. Mr. A[redacted] could have sent me a courteous note to set me straightregarding the termination of services.And I apologize to Mr. D[redacted] for mistating ‘marketing’ for ‘presentation’. This seems very petty topoint out. Especially to someone who is an unsatified customer who paid almost $12,000 for services.And another thing: I did not mention anywhere in my complaint that I did not receive photos of thefinished prototype. I admit that I did. Mr. D[redacted] must have got me confused with another of the manyunsatisfied clients that sent in a complaint!And lastly: I am enclosing a copy of the Section 4.L. that I RECEIVED when I was sent the variouscontract pages after! registered. I swear to the GOOD LORD that this a copy of that article section Mr.D[redacted] made reference to. Only the first sentence matches what I received on MY copy. (And theasterick and written amount of ‘$385.00 Additional Cost’ is what! wrote down after Mr. A[redacted]surprised me and erroneously stated to me that! was previously told about an additional $385.00 costto PRESENT my idea to an additional wholesaler. ) It can clearly be seen that I was not ever told of aprecise additional fee amount for this service! Mr. A[redacted] was wrong! Also: that last sentence shownon my statement is very ambiguous again. ‘ any additional services in the future’ What preciselydoes this mean?Mr. D[redacted] is wrong. There are a lot of ambiguous, misleading, unclear and unmentioned data on thesecontract forms.And this leads to bad business practices. And I feel that I should be refunded at least partially for all thisaggravation, and frustration that I had to encounter. Even some criminals are treated better![redacted] L [redacted]PS .Please see message from the guilty, ex-Davison employee lamenting how he was forced to ‘scam’the clients while employed by Davison or else! Too bad he did not leave his name
Review: I paid Davison for creating an idea that I have had. It has caused me over 6000.00. They never created the actual product in which I've had numerous conversations with a representative, Paul B[redacted] about why the process was taking so long. He ensured me that they were working on it and due to the nature of the invention, creating and packaging was very important. He assured me that the end result would be very satisfying. Hr encouraged me to continue and have the product patent-in which I did. He told me that he had a pharmaceutical company called [redacted] who were very interested in my idea and that they have used many ideas before from Davison customers. I checked out they're website and it seemed as if this was a mock company. I addressed my concerns with Paul and he told me that they will not only be offering my product to just one company. He sent me something to sign after the packaging was completed. I told him that I was not satisfied with the result, he then said just fax back the satisfaction sheet and do not sign it. I did that-packaging was never changed. He then tells me that I will no longer working with me. The next person that I worked with left me a message that it would take a few months to move forward. I returned her call questioning this because I was told by Paul about the interested company. Within a few days she returned my call stating that the company wasn't interested and that they were not changing the packaging and that if I wanted it offered to any other company I could either do that on my own or pay them an additional $375.00 per company. None of this was told to me prior. I was misinformed by Paul B[redacted]. I asked the woman to speak with Mr. Davison and she said that he didn't want to talk to me. After spending over $6000.00 I was left with a virtual reality product that I couldn't even use because it was not the actual product that I paid to have created. Pseudo packaging that I was never even satisfied with. All of my hopes and efforts wasted-aside from the largeDesired Settlement: amount of money that I've spent. I would like my money returned. I paid for the patent separately. They did not create my product, offer my product as promised. The Revdex.com has helped me before-I'm hoping that you will help me again.
Thank you
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 02/10/2016. Customerconcerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communicationerrors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact and throughout the process,Davison maintains an open channel of communication, disclosing its services and fees upfrontand securing its clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process. The contracts aresimply written, with no “fine print” provisions. A review of Mrs. [redacted]’s file indicates thatDavison has performed all services with her approval and authorization, and to her documentedsatisfaction. There is no support for her complaint.Briefly stated, Ms. [redacted] contacted Davison in July 2014. At the time of her initialcontact, she was provided with two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savableformat. Ms. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that she received and read the twodisclosure statements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Cliententers any service contract or makes any payment to Davison. Among the disclosures is thestatement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract in connection witha submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing the various services and related fees.Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosure detailing the services. Ms. [redacted] then entered intotwo service contacts. The first was for pre-development research which was provided to her. Thesecond was for the creation of a rendering that depicted her product idea and presentationmaterial. Ms. [redacted] approved the proposed rendering, authorized the presentation of her ideaand completed a questionnaire about the rendering and presentation material, providing positivefeedback. Her product idea was presented to the targeted corporation on 09/22/2015. Thecorporation chose not to license her idea. An offer to make additional presentations was made toMs. [redacted]. She declined this additional service, which is her prerogative. Copies of herapprovals, authorization, and completed questionnaire are enclosed. Note the actual approveddesign has been redacted for confidentiality purposes.complains that a physical product was never made, suggesting this was a service for which shecontracted. She had entered an “Integrated Product Rendering” agreement. The language in thecontract, from its title to the specific terms, is clear that a graphic representation of her productidea, i.e. a rendering, depiction, design, was to be developed. No term refers to the constructionof a physical product sample. Next, she alleges she was not informed of the fees for theadditional service of presenting her product idea to subsequent corporations. Again, thedisclosure clearly sets out this service and fee, and the contract terms are clear that the initialpresentation service is directed only to the designated corporation. Finally, she makes theunsubstantiated claim that the company to which her product was presented was a “mockcompany”. To the contrary, the company to which her product was presented is an establishedcorporation in the medical industry, having been in existence for over thirty years. It bears notingthat Davison’s Office of the President has been in contact with Ms. [redacted] to address herconcerns. In a conversation on or about December 4, 2015, Ms. [redacted] conceded to having notread the contract. Davison can only fully disclose its services and fees. It is not reasonable tohold Davison accountable for clients who chose to ignore the numerous disclosures and contractterms.As stated, all services have been performed with Ms. [redacted]’s express written approvaland authorization, and to her documented satisfaction. While it is unfortunate that the targetedcorporation chose not to pursue her product idea, that fact does not negate the provided services.The simple fact is that the product development process provides no guarantees of financial gain.The contracts and disclosures are explicit in this regard. While this is of little comfort to a clientwho has expended considerable time, money, effort and emotion into a project, the fact that aparticular project does not bring financial gain to the client does not invalidate the services thatwere provided. There is no basis to warrant a refund. However, in the interest of customersatisfaction, Davison will offer two additional presentations at no cost to Ms. [redacted]. If shechooses to accept this offer, she need only contact the Licensing Department who will coordinatethe necessary paperwork to authorize the presentations.Sincerely,David M. D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.Enclosures
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 05/26/2015. At the outset,please be advised that Mr. [redacted] is not a client of Davison. He has not entered any contract forservices with Davison, nor has he made any payment to Davison. His involvement is that of abusiness partner of Davison’s client, [redacted]. His allegation of a breach of contract isbaseless. As will be detailed below, Davison has performed its services with Mr. [redacted]’sapproval and authorization, and to Mr. [redacted]’s documented satisfaction. There are no groundsfor a refund.Customer concerns upset everyone and Davison’s staff works very hard to troubleshootthem so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact andthroughout the process, Davison maintains an open channel of communication, disclosing itsservices and fees upfront and securing the clients’ approval and authorization throughout theprocess. The contracts are simply written, with no “fine print” provisions. Unfortunately, despiteits best efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularly when their product ideas are notlicensed. A brief summary of the services provided to Mr. [redacted] follows;07 07/2011: Mr. [redacted] submitted his idea for a new product.07 13/2011: He entered the Pre-Development and Representation Agreement.08/08/2011: Davison provided the contracted research material to Mr. [redacted].08/23/2011: Mr. [redacted] entered the New Product Sample Agreement.11/28/2011: Mr. [redacted] approved the proposed design for the product sample and completeda questionnaire providing positive feedback.02/06/2012: In reliance upon his approval, the product sample, packaging and presentation materialwere created and provided to Mr [redacted] lie authorized the presentation of hisproduct idea and completed another questionnaire providing positive feedback.07/11/2012: The presentation of his product idea was submitted to the designated corporation.10/03/20 12: The Corporation chose not to license Mr. [redacted]’s product idea.10/I 8/2012: Davison offered additional services to present to another selected corporation. Mr.[redacted] has declined these services.11/2013: Davison arranged for the shipment of the product sample to Mr [redacted].the actual approved design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes.As stated, the design, construction, and presentation of Mr. [redacted]’s product samplehave been performed with his express written approval and authorization, and to his documentedsatisfaction. No additional contracts have been entered and no additional payments have beenreceived. There is no basis to warrant a refund for services rendered. The simple fact is; theproduct development process provides no guarantees of financial gain. Davison’s contracts anddisclosures are explicit in this regard. While this is of little comfort to a client who has expendedconsiderable time, money, effort and emotion into a project, the fact that a particular project doesnot bring financial gain to the client does not invalidate the services that were provided. However,in the interest of customer satisfaction, we will offer two additional presentations at no cost to Mr.[redacted]. If he chooses to accept this offer, he need only contact our Licensing Department whowill coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize the presentations.EnclosureTurning ideas
Review: Some time ago I had turned in an invention idea to a company called Davison Design and Development. Later I changed my mind about going through with it because I was afraid I could not afford the legal and patenting fees. A few days ago, a representative from Davison's called me. They still had my idea on file. He said they had some companies that may be interested in my idea. He made it sound really good and convinced me to go ahead and let them develop my idea and asked that I pay $795.00 for patenting and legal fees. So I agreed and it was charged to my credit card account. Later, after getting off the phone with him, I went online and found several articles that showed that Davisons has scammed other inventors. I DO NOT WANT TO BE SCAMMED!!! So I immediately called my credit card company and requested a stop pay. But it was too late. The transaction had already went through. I have emailed the representative and demanded that they credit back my account, but have received no answer. It is still showing up on my account. I also noticed that they are not on the list as a Revdex.com accredited company. Today I called Davisons and requested to speak to someone in their credit department. The lady who answered said she could NOT transfer me to the credit department and transferred me to the representative instead. I got his answering service and I left him a message saying I want to make sure they are crediting my account. Please let me know if you can help me clear this up as soon as possible. I do not want this situation to ruin my credit. I want this cleared off my account ASAP!!! If they have scammed other people in the past, then I do not trust them to not scam me! Thanks and have a blessed day!Desired Settlement: I want this cleared off my account ASAP
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 05/22/2015.Please note that Ms. [redacted] has been refunded her payment in full. This refund wasprocessed on 05/21/20154, a copy of the refund receipt is attached hereto. Outside ofprocessing the refund, Davison has no control of the posting of the credit to her account.It bears noting that in her complaint, Ms. [redacted] states the payment was for “legaland patenting fees”. This is incorrect. The fee was for the performance of researchrelated to her idea for a new product. Davison is not a law firm and does not advertisethat it provides intellectual property services or any other legal services. The contractsfor services do not include patent filing services or any other legal services. To the extentMs. [redacted] beleived she was making payment for such legal services, she is mistaken,through no fault of Davison.In light of the refund, I kindly ask that her complaint be closed as “resolved”.Sincerely[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.EnclosureTurning ideas
Review: Complaint from [redacted] regarding…
[redacted] (salesman) and [redacted] Founder of Davison a better way to invent.
I [redacted] called Davison from several months ago and spoke to a [redacted] about something I would like when my father had just passed away just weeks after calling ‘Davison a better way to invent ‘, I thought how nice it would be to have a [redacted] called “[redacted]”. This would show pics and play songs of loved ones as you wanted. [redacted] told me his father had passed away to (much longer ago) and how he missed him (I believe that). So some months ago and thought it was a great idea and so did Davison a better way to invent sales person [redacted]. He sent me via email (I don’t have a PC) to a friend’s home documents and videos. My friend would read the material and watch the videos and relay the information to me.
I had an idea with no prior experience with patents. I just really wanted a patent. The problem comes in when your idea is spoke of like it’s a sure thing, you’re going to sell a lot of your product. If you can understand what I am trying to say. I am a 58 year old women, single on disability and my friends say vulnerable because of my father’s death; especially with the emotions of my Father! How could anyone in looking back at what happened use that to trap me into believing my idea was a sure deal? Yes the papers sent (to my friend) may try to make it look legal, but if you look at the Revdex.com complaints and others, there is a problem. A problem hurting those most vulnerable. He told me [redacted] that they found a patent company, had a meeting about the idea, and the idea was great. But he knew from the start the idea could not be patent! I found this out latter from a second party about my idea. You can’t patent any type of [redacted] such as I thought. I said when it makes money I will give some to all (I always do help family and friends however I can, had I know the true risk and costs there is no way I would have done this. This made me look like a fool to friends and family.
[redacted] , says you need a certain amount money to start the project. And slowly asks for more and entices you and becomes more aggressive. I don’t see emails my friend does. I speak with [redacted] , on the phone. Everything seems OK. Buyer beware I understand. But this is a scam. If you don’t believe me look at their Revdex.com record. Most of the complaints over the past year are exactly like mine. Including the amount of money and money given back and what they keep. Davison a better way to invent, need to be shut down. It’s hurting the people lease able to be hurt.
I wrote a letter asking for all my money back. I was scared I would get none. I was offered $800 back but they kept $900 of my money. My friend who has internet said that’s the same story and near the same amounts for most of the complaints at the Revdex.com. It’s a scam. They mislead you, then get you in, when you see the light, if you fight they give you a small portion back. They have not been able to show me what they did with my money. I believe I have a right to know. I want all my money back. I cry, at what happened. I am a single black women, this is trash is all I will say. A reasonable person would believe there was only a 50% chance that their idea would make it. But Davison’s sales people like [redacted] make it seem like you have a 70% to 80% chance of making a big hit. They say one thing, write another.
Please help recover all my money
[redacted]Desired Settlement: Full Refund of my money.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 02/08/20 15. Weunderstand that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperative when operating asuccessful business. Customer concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. Ms. [redacted] entered into twoseparate service contracts; a Pre-Development Agreement (PD) and a New Product SampleAgreement (NPSA). Services under the PD were provided to her documented satisfaction. TheNPSA was terminated by Ms. [redacted] before services were due. Davison offered, and Ms. [redacted]accepted, a refund on her payment on the NPSA. Despite having accepted the refund, Ms. [redacted]felt justified in filing her complaint which includes false and defamatory statements. There is nobasis to warrant a further refund.Ms. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’s website. Thesystem Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit anidea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, andthe person electronically acknowledging the disclosures. Ms. [redacted] requested hard copies ofthese disclosures which were sent to her. It is important to note that the disclosures are madeBEFORE the Client makes any payment to Davison. The disclosures detail the risks and costs ofthe new product development process. Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosures whichwere provide to Ms. [redacted], the Affirmative Disclosure bearing her signature. Following heracknowledgment of the disclosures, Ms. [redacted] entered the PD contract. These services werecompleted and Ms. [redacted] completed a questionnaire providing positive feedback. A copy of hersigned questionnaire is enclosed.On 10/03/2014, following completion of the PD services, Ms. [redacted] entered the NPSAcontract. This contract provided a seven (7) day cancellation period, during which she could havereceived a full refund. A copy of the signature page of this contract, specifying the revocationperiod, is enclosed. Ms. [redacted] did not cancel the contract within this period. After two monthshad passed, Ms. [redacted] terminated the contract. As this termination occurred well beyond thestated period, there is no contractual basis for a refund. However, Davison has no interest inretaining fees for services which will not be performed. Davison offered, and Ms. [redacted]accepted, a refund of 80% of the partial payments made on the contract. (Davison retains 20% tocover the administrative costs incurred.) Enclosed, please find a copy of the refund checkendorsed and cashed by Ms. [redacted].making numerous false and defamatory statements. In her complaint she alleges; “I just reallywanted a patent”. Davison is not a law firm and does not advertise that it provides intellectualproperty services or any other legal services. The contracts for services do not include patentfiling services or any other legal services. The contracts are explicitly clear that the Client issolely responsible for securing any and all intellectual property protections. The PD contractstates in Section ll.B.: “Davison is not responsible for applying for or obtaining any intellectualproperty protections on the Product or Design, including but not limited to patents, trademarksand trade names.” And the NPSA contract states in Section 4.J.iii): “Davison is not a law firm.Davison is not providing, and Client is not relying upon Davison for, legal advice. Clientacknowledges that he/she is responsible for patenting his/her Idea ...“ To the extent she believesDavison offers such services, she is mistaken.She further alleges; “. . .had I know the true risk and costs there is no way I would not havedone this.” As referenced above, Ms. [redacted] was provided with disclosures explicitly detailingDavison’s historical success rates and the costs of the various service contracts. To now allegethat she was not aware of these facts is simply a fabrication.In short, Ms. [redacted] was fully informed of the risks and costs of the new productdevelopment process BEFORE she entered any service contract. Davison performed the PDservices to Ms. [redacted]’s express written satisfaction. No services were due to be performedunder the NPSA. Ms. [redacted] terminated the NPSA well beyond the stated revocation period; assuch no refund was due. Despite not being obligated, Davison offered, and Ms. [redacted] accepted,a partial (80%) refund of the partial fees paid toward the NPSA. There is no basis to warrant afurther refund.Sincerely[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
if customer service is their goal then Davison Revdex.com records shows a very
consistent pattern of poor customer service. In this case. Mrs [redacted] never
knew of nor received hard copies of anything in the USPS mail. As stated in the
prior letter, Ms. [redacted] has no computer. She relies on help from others.
Davison is a Scam. I am on disability ([redacted]), have been all my life
and I am the type this company seems to take advantage of when they know the
idea is going no place. The whole point is not what is written in black and
white but what is said to the consumer, paid by the consumer and done by Davison. What was done that cost Davison any amount of money?
They don't even use the USPS.
for my emotions. Davison themselves show proof of what the sales people do; I
wrote "I love you ", big happy faces. I thought money was
coming in. I thought my idea was fantastic. Just look at all the papers Davison
themselves show. Look at the contracts Davison talks you into.
takes the person one step to another bigger step. I am sure you have seen these
very same emails from other complaints. An aggressive investigation should be
conducted by the State Attorney and or others in the sales tactics. Why would I
write “I love [redacted]”. The money I paid was at least $1695 (receipts attatched)
but I remember one more first smaller payment. But this shows how far off
Davison was, they did not even give half that back. Did they even show you the
Revdex.com all the money I paid?
have much more. But I don’t think more is needed if Davison is really for
customer service and does the right thing. What did they do with $900?
Regards, [redacted]
Review: I retained Davison to create and license/sell my first invention. They seemed professional and helpful. I read the complaints and reviews; and it still seemed like they could perform. I paid them $9500 to design and market my idea.The problem began when they sent me the "virtual reality" renderings of my idea. It was so far off from my design as to be an entirely different product with no cool factor or uniqueness. In short, what they designed was TERRIBLE.I called to voice my concern. They argued with me that their tactic was this: Create a simplified, dumbed-down version to create interest with the target company. It was pointed out that companies just want to know that the idea can be created for cheap. And we didn't want to scare away the potential buyer with a product that would be too expensive to make.This would have made sense, except my idea is simple and requires little engineering. It combines a simple anchor between two products that already exist. It was ridiculous but they pressed the issue and added that they actually intended to turn my idea into three products of differing price points. They pressured me to sign off on the project because we were losing time and needed to get it in front of our target corporation asap. So, I signed off. They were the experts after-all.After the "target corporation" took months to reply, the answer was of course, no. They felt the idea was not interesting or new.Davison made many verbal promises over the phone. Promises of sales and performance. When the product failed to inspire a sale/licensing deal, Davison lazily said they'd be willing to repackage the lackluster design and target another company for an additional $300.I had no interest putting the travesty they turned my idea into in front of another company only to be laughed at again.Davison was so eager to please until I signed off on that idea and they got my money. Then...nothing.Regrettably, since I signed that release, I have no legal recourse.Desired Settlement: I would like my money back, or for Davison to retool, repackage, re-patent, and re-submit my idea to a minimum of three corporations in the form I originally intended. I paid money for a particular invention to be engineered, and that is what I want.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]
Review: I would like to lodge a complaint against Davison Design and Development Inc. I believe Davison fraudulently charged me $14,755 for false promises of marketing my Idea to manufacturers. At first, [redacted] provided me with bad information about the service fee with davison company. she email me a contract that had no price details on the services and when we spoke all she told me was it cost $745 to start the work on my product to show it to different companies. Again all she always said was; it only take $795 to present my "idea" to a company. After I drove to invention land for a tour she said the same thing about the price. She never gave me a real price listing of the whole service neither did the contract. After I paid the $745, then a week later she started to tell me some prices range ($9,600 to $15,000) of what I'd had to pay before my product can even goes in front of a company which that was not what she said before I paid the $745. I kept telling her that she gave me the wrong information and mislead me on the real deal to have my product presented to which ever company the choose. She apologize to me couple of times for not giving me the correct price information, then she began to ignore my calls until I was transferred to a different person ([redacted]). Same tactics (BLAH,BLAH, BLAH) again from him. After several calls and emails, [redacted] finally called me in July 2014 and he promised me a phone call on 09/09/2014, and I haven't heard from him or anyone since. I've been calling and send emails, no one ever respond. I've requested receipts or proof of the alleged presentation between Davison and manufacturers about my product,but they fail to provide me with the information. Please, help me find an attorney who can help me get my money back.Thank YouDesired Settlement: I want all my money back and my prototype. And, someone needs to shut "davison" down.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 12/15/20 14. Weunderstand that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperative when operating asuccessful business. Customer concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initialcontact, through the research and development of a new product idea, to the presentation of aclient’s idea, we try to maintain an open channel of communication, disclosing our services andfees upfront and securing our clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process.Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularly whentheir product ideas are not licensed. That appears to be the simple truth with Mr. [redacted].Mr. [redacted] has been a valued client since first contacting Davison in September 2010.In his complaint, he makes numerous misstatements of fact and defamatory conclusions. Healleges he was not informed of the costs associated with services and that he has not been updatedas to the status of his project. When he first contacted Davison, he did so through our website.The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submitan idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format,and the person electronically acknowledging the disclosures. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged, via anelectronic signature, that he received and read the two disclosure statements. It is important tonote that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any payment to Davison. Amongthe disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than onecontract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing of thevarious services and related fees. Further, this information is freely available on Davison’swebsite. To allege he was not provided this information is simply false.With regard to the specific services provided to Mr. [redacted], these services wereprovided with his express written approval and authorization, and to his documented satisfaction.Davison created a design for his product sample which he approved and completed aquestionnaire about providing generally positive feedback. In reliance on his approval, thephysical product sample and presentation material were created. He authorized the presentationof his product sample, the presentation was made and, unfortunately, the corporation declined tolicense his idea. Mr. [redacted] subsequently authorized three additional presentations. His productidea is currently being reviewed by the final corporation. In addition to the presentations forwhich he contracted, Davison has made another presentation at no cost to Mr. [redacted]. Copies ofhis approval, authorization, and questionnaire are enclosed (note the actual approved design hasbeen redacted for confidentiality purposes). Throughout this process, our records indicate thatMr. [redacted] has been fully informed of the status of his project. Our Licensing Department hasbeen asked to again reach out to Mr. [redacted] to address any questions he has on the projectstatus.As stated, the design, construction, and presentation of Mr. [redacted]’s product samplehave been performed with his express written approval and authorization. There is no basis towarrant a refund for services rendered. The simple fact is; the product development processprovides no guarantees of financial gain. Our contracts and disclosures are explicit in this regard.While this is of little comfort to a client who has expended considerable time, money, effort andemotion into a project, the fact that a particular project does not bring financial gain to the clientdoes not invalidate the services that were provided. However, in the interest of customersatisfaction, we will offer two additional presentations at no cost to Mr. [redacted]. If he chooses toaccept this offer, he need only contact our Licensing Department who will coordinate thenecessary paperwork to authorize the presentations.Sincerely[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: I am very upset at the way this company misleads a person. They did not do the things they told me they were going to do. Also, they did not do the things I ask them to do, even though they said they would. They had many opportunities to mention to me things about the contract and didn't, even though they new exactly what I was trying to accomplish and what direction I wanted to go, which the contract stated different. After they got my money it was very difficult to get in touch with them, they never returned my calls or my e-mails. It was like they just disappeared. They are so nice in the BEGINNING. There is so much more to thisDesired Settlement: Just would like my money back, at least.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 12/18 2014. Customerconcerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communicationerrors are kept to a minimum. In his complaint, Mr. [redacted] makes the defamatory comment that“this company misleads a person.” As will be detailed below, from the time of an initial contactand throughout our process, we maintain an open channel of communication, disclosing ourservices and fees upfront and securing our clients’ approval and authorization throughout theprocess. Our contracts are simply written, with no “fine print” provisions. It is not possible to bemore upfront with our clients about our services and fees. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts,clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularly when their product ideas are not licensed. Thatappears to be the simple truth with Mr. [redacted].Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’s website. Thesystem Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit anidea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, andthe person electronically acknowledging the disclosures. On 09/24/20 13, Mr. [redacted]acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he received and read the two disclosurestatements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client enters anyservice contract or makes any payment to Davison. Among the disclosures is the statement that“It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract in connection with a submittedidea.” The disclosure then provides a listing the various services and related fees. Thisinformation is also freely available on the company website.Following his acknowledgment of the disclosures, Mr. [redacted] entered into two servicecontracts. The first was the Pre-Development Agreement which was for the compilation ofcustom research relevant to his submitted idea. This research was provided to him on or about12/12/2013. Following completion the pre-development services, Mr. [redacted] entered into aNewProduct Sample Agreement for the design and construction of a physical product sampleaddressing the problem he had identified, packaging materials, and the creation of presentationmaterials. Davison submitted a proposed design which Mr. [redacted] approved. A copy of his signedapproval is enclosed; note the actual design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes. Inreliance upon his written approval, the physical product sample, packaging, and presentationmaterials were created. The presentation materials, in the form of Executive Briefing, wereprovided to Mr. [redacted]. The Executive briefing included an actual photograph of the physicalproduct sample. Mr. [redacted] authorized the presentation of his product idea to the targetedcorporation. A copy of his signed authorization is enclosed. Unfortunately, the company chosenot to proceed with his idea. A second corporation was identified and the offer of the additionalservice of presenting to the new targeted corporation was presented to Mr. [redacted]. To date, he hasnot engaged this additional service, or any other additional services. At his request, the physicalproduct sample was shipped to his attention. A copy of the cover letter provided with his productsample is enclosed.As stated, Mr. [redacted] was hilly informed of all services and their related fees offered byDavison, BEFORE he entered into any contract. The services have been performed with hisexpress written approval and authorization. While it is unfortunate that the targeted corporationchose not to pursue his product idea, that fact does not negate the provided services. There is nobasis to warrant a refund for services rendered. The simple fact is; the product developmentprocess provides no guarantees of financial gain. Our contracts and disclosures are explicit in thisregard. While this is of little comfort to a client who has expended considerable time, money,effort and emotion into a project, the fact that a particular project does not bring financial gain tothe client does not invalidate the services that were provided. However, in the interest ofcustomer satisfaction, we will offer two additional presentations at no cost to Mr. [redacted]. If hechooses to accept this offer, he need only contact our Licensing Department who will coordinatethe necessary paperwork to authorize the presentations.Sincerely[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.Enclosures
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Its satisfactory only with 2 conditions. 1) I get proof that they actually presented it to the company. and 2) They use my rendering of my idea along with Davision's rendering, so these companies see what my idea originally looks like, so they have both options of my product to see. I could say something about every single thing Davison said in that response, but at this point I will leave it alone.
Review: I submitted an invention idea to Davison in 2007 and no product development or marketing has come forth. I paid my money and have contact Davison and they are constantly asking for more money to place my product idea before companies. I sent a letter of complaint June 24, 2014 and a Davison representative called asking for more money or just wait until someone ask them to send over my invention idea. I have paid for the product invention design and marketing, but Davison will not more forward in making good on the promise made. My problem is that Davison has received all the money for my product idea and yet Davison will not have my invention made for store/retail sale. Also I feel (in my opinion) my idea was sold by Davison to other companies who are now selling in walmart.Desired Settlement: I would like a refund and/or my invention made and marketing to the stores listed on their website. This is what they promised and if they were not going to do it they should not have taken my invention idea nor my money.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] againstDavison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 08/12/2015. Davison understandsthat customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperative when operating a successfulbusiness. Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard to troubleshoot themso communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact, through theresearch and development of a new product idea, to the presentation of a client’s idea, an openchannel of communication is maintained, disclosing the services and fees upfront and securingthe clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process. Unfortunately, despite bestefforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularly when their product ideas are not licensed.That appears to be the simple truth with Mr. [redacted].Ms. [redacted] has been a valued client since first contacting Davison in September 2007. Inher complaint, Ms. [redacted] alleges that “no product development or marketing has come forth.” Thisstatement is both false and a mischaracterization of the services provided. As will be detailed,Ms. [redacted]’s product idea was developed; a design was created and approved by her, a physicalproduct sample, packaging and presentation materials were constructed and approved by her. Asfor “marketing”, Ms. [redacted] misconstrues the services provided. Davison does not “market” itsclients’ products to the general public. They design and develop product samples for presentationto corporations, who in turn may manufacture and market the product. Ms. [redacted]’s product samplehas been presented, with her written authorization, to two corporations. Unfortunately, neitherhas decided to license her product idea.With regard to the services that were provided, a brief summary follows. Ms. [redacted]contacted Davison in September 2007. As with all potential clients, she was provided withdisclosures that set out the risks of the new product development process, as well as Davison’shistorical success rates in securing licenses. She contracted for the initial pre-developmentresearch services which were completed. Subsequently, she entered into a contract for the designand construction of a product sample, packaging and presentation material. Davison submitted adesign of the product sample to Ms. [redacted] which she approved, in writing, and about which shecompleted a questionnaire providing positive feedback. A copy of her signed approval andcompleted questionnaire are enclosed; note the approved design has been obscured forconfidentiality purposes. In reliance upon her approval of the design, Davison constructed theproduct sample, packaging and created presentation materials. An Executive Briefing wascreated which contained an actual photograph of the constructed product sample. After receipt ofthe Executive Briefing, Ms. [redacted] authorized the presentation of her product idea to the targetedcorporation. At that time, Ms. [redacted] also completed a second questionnaire in which she providedpositive feedback about the Executive Briefing. A copy of her authorization and thequestionnaire are attached. Ms. [redacted] then authorized a second presentation to a new corporation.Again, the corporation chose to not license her idea. Ms. [redacted] chose not to pursue any additionalpresentations and our last contact with her, prior to the present complaint, was on 06/26/20 14.In her complaint, Ms. [redacted] references “promises made”, implying some form ofguarantee that her product would be successful. The simple fact is; the product developmentprocess provides no guarantees of financial gain. Davison does not and simply cannot, makesuch guarantees. The express terms of the contracts are explicit that Davison make norepresentation about the likelihood of financial gain. The New Product Sample Agreement whichMs. [redacted] entered contains the following provisions:“Davison has made no representations concerning the likelihood that the Client willreceive any financial gain from the development of the Idea.”“The Client understands that there is no way of knowing at this time if the targetedcorporation will license, buy or pay royalties for the Idea once it has been developed.Client acknowledges that Davison has made no representations concerning the likelihoodof licensing, marketing, royalty payments or profitability.”Finally, Ms. [redacted] makes the thoroughly unsubstantiated claim that Davison may havesold her idea. She offers no support for such an inflammatory allegation. Simply put — no;Davison has not “sold her idea”. Davison has abided by its obligation of confidentiality withregard to Ms. [redacted]’s idea, as it adheres to this obligation for all of its clients. However, Davisoncan not account for similar, or the same, ideas that may be submitted by other clients, or that maybe disclosed to the general public through other avenues. Davison is not aware, and simply cannot be aware, of every idea for a new product that any person, anywhere, may conceive. It is notuncommon for multiple people to conceive of the same or a similar product, independently.As stated, the design, construction, and presentations of Ms. [redacted]’s product sample havebeen performed with her express written approval and authorization and to her documentedsatisfaction. No additional contracts have been entered and no additional payments have beenreceived. There is no basis to warrant a refund for services rendered. The fact that a particularproject does not bring financial gain to the client does not invalidate the services that wereprovided. However, in the interest of customer satisfaction, Davison will offer two additionalpresentations at no cost to Ms. [redacted]. If she chooses to accept this offer, she need only contact theLicensing Department who will coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize thepresentations.Sincerely:David M. D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: I paid Davison to build a product for me. I was told it would be no problem. They told me every step of the way how production was going. I was sent design pictures that needed my approval. I approved of the design and we went forward. I was told the product was finished. They moved forward to pitch my idea to a company for purchase. It was turned down. I asked for a picture of the final product since I had not seen it. I was sent a picture of the finished product. It was different than what I had approved. My product had two parts. Arms to attach to the bed of a truck and a box for golf clubs. Both were supposed to be original design meet for several purposes. But what had been built for me used an existing golf club travel case. I called and asked about this. I was told that when existing products can be used to make it easier for them to build a product, then they use an existing product. Now I have a product that already exist and Davison has my money. I sent a letter to the President of the company and the founder Mr. [redacted]. Both letters asked simply for someone to call me and help me get MY product built. I tried to call after that and the President of the company has instructed everyone at Davison not to talk to me or respond to my calls. They have taken my money and given me nothing in return except a product that I can already buy from any sporting store.Desired Settlement: I would simply like for someone to call me from Davison. The President or Mr. Davison that is willing to actually build the product I have paid them for. If they aren't willing to build my product then a refund should be returned to me.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 04/05/2015.Customer concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them socommunication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact, to thepresentation of a client’s product sample, we try to maintain an open channel ofcommunication.Please note that Davison has reached out to Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns.Following a thorough review of his project and the development process, his concernshave been addressed. Mr. [redacted] will to continue to work with Davison in the pursuit ofhis project. Mr. [redacted] has agreed to contact your office directly concerning theresolution. A copy of his e-mail, dated April 14,2015, confirming the resolution isenclosed.Sincerely[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.Enclosure
Review: I would like to lodge a complaint against Davison Design and Development Inc., [redacted] (here after referred to as “Davison”). I believe Davison fraudulently charged me monies to develop and present a “patent pending” invention idea (originally conceived by me in 2005). Davison failed to provide a receipt or proof of the alleged presentation, as well as failing to provide receipt or proof that my idea was allegedly declined by the [redacted] Manufacturing Corp [redacted], ###-###-#### (here after referred to as “[redacted]”). I requested a Cc. of email correspondences between Davison and [redacted] for both.
I had sketched and brainstormed for years and finally decided in 2012 to risk my life savings and invest in my future by turning my idea into a product. I researched several companies to assist with the development, marketing and presentation of my idea to a manufacturer. After carefully considering which company to go with, Davison seemed to be a good fit.
After Davison did the patent search for approximately $850.00 finding nothing that would conflict with my awesome idea, we decided to proceed to the next step. Another fee of $6,626.00 was charged and the waiting game began. I was handed over to the “Design Team” and “Project Manager/Presenter”, Autumn Leniewsky. I paid for and sent the patent application myself. My Registered patent receipt # is 61/855,469 Which I renewed this year to keep it current.
I procured CAD files and renderings from a business associate at my own expense as well as six physical prototypes made on a CNC machine! Also, I designed and provided the logo! After 5 months of words like, “it’s all a process”, “it takes time”, and, “reverse engineering”, (BLAH, BLAH, BLAH; all stalling tactics!) when my patience was at its limit, Davison finally sent me a graphic of the presentation which showed the packaging that they planned to show to a prospective manufacturer. The text description of my idea was so poorly written, it was what I considered to be unacceptable (embarrassing!) I also saw the so called reverse engineering was something that (with the file I provided), could have been accomplished by my Nephew who is studying graphic art, in ten minutes, not five months I was anxious to move on with the project so I signed off on it, but registered a “very dissatisfied” survey to the company.
Davison wanted to present my idea to a “nobody” company with no market account connections or distribution, so I asked if they would present to the manufacturer of my choosing. After careful consideration, I picked [redacted] a well-known manufacturer of plumbing products. [redacted] has accounts and distribution with Lowes, Home Depot, Ace hardware, True Value, etc…To me, the idea is a slam dunk, no brainer which I was confident that [redacted] would jump at the chance to make for me!!
I was told that the average turnaround time for a presentation was 90 days. 90, days came and went with non-productive lip service conference calls. As more time went by at the four month mark, Autumn told me, “no news is good news” ….at least they didn’t turn us down. Then at five months from the original presentation I was told that the manufacturer “declined at this time” on the opportunity to go forward with manufacturing my idea. I asked for a “CC” of the refusal email….Autumn refused to provide proof of presentation, saying, “we don’t do that”, as well as refusing to prove that the presentation was done in the first place…(this left me skeptical if it was ever actually presented or was this all a scam?) I even placed a call to the president of Davison saying that I was an unhappy customer…Could he speak with me to come up with a solution? No one will return my calls!!!!
Our lack of communication makes it apparent to me that they are refusing to try to resolve issues I have with them. I sent a written request for the return of my prototypes on October25th in a self-addressed stamped USPS Priority envelope which was tracked as delivered to the Davison offices on October 28th at 8AM! Because they had refused to return my prototypes, I fear that they may steal my idea. (They have since returned all but one of my prototypes… I still think they could use the unreturned prototype for their own gains)
This journey began in September of 2012 and last contact was November 2013.
In conclusion, after all that has transpired with Davison Corp, I am left with a depleted bank account and great hardship to me (as I am a widow struggling to make ends meet). The money I used was my life savings!! I was hoping to secure my future finances with the physical realization and implementation of this Patent pending idea. Please advise me on any recourse I may pursue. The amount they charged for their services was grossly overpriced for the alleged services they provided. They claim that I agreed to it, but had I known the limited and unsatisfactory service I was to receive for that high price tag, I would not have proceeded.
I have since, discovered that I am not alone in this experience with Davison. There is in fact a pattern of this same experience by many other inventors that also trusted their ideas to this company (Davison) as well. I would like to recover all the monies paid by me or on my behalf to Davison for services they did not provide or that were unacceptable to me.
I thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.Desired Settlement: see Attached document
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint, filed by Ms. [redacted],
against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 09/15/2014. Customer
concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication
errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact, to the presentation of a client’s
product sample, we tiy to maintain an open channel of communication and secure our client’s
approval throughout the process. Ms. [redacted] has been a valued client since first contacting us
in September 2012. The product development process provides no guarantees of financial gain
and often is pursued over a lengthy period of time. As a result, it is easy to lose track of the work
and effort that has been provided along the way, particularly in the unfortunate event that a
license is not secured. Her complaint provides numerous miseharacterizations. Davison has
provided its services with her express written approval and authorization, and in a professional
and prompt manner. A brief summary of events will aid in understanding the services that were
Ms. [redacted] contacted Davison in September of 2012. She was provided with, and
acknowledged that she received and read, two disclosures which outline our services and fees and
the risks of the new product development process. Following receipt of these disclosures, she
entered into a Pre-Development Agreement on 09/19/20 12 for the completion of research related
to her submitted idea. This research was completed and provided to her on 10/29/2012, within
six weeks of her contracting for the service. Following the completion of this initial service, she
entered into a custom agreement on 01/11/2013. Contrary to her complaint, this contract was not
for the development and marketing of her idea. It was for the design and construction of
packaging and presentation material. Ms. [redacted], as she correctly states in her complaint,
already had constructed a physical product sample. Davison submitted a design of the packaging
to Ms. [redacted] which she approved, in writing, on or about 04/01/2013 — less than three months
after entering the contract. A copy of her signature approval is attached; note the approved
design has been obscured for confidentiality purposes. At that time she also completed a
questionnaire in which she provided positive feedback about the proposed design. A copy of this
questionnaire is attached. In reliance upon her approval of the design, and within six weeks,
Davison constructed the package sample and created presentation materials. The Executive
Briefing contained an actual photograph of the constructed package sample. On or about
05/13/2013, she authorized the presentation of her product idea to the targeted corporation. At
that time, Ms. [redacted] also completed a second questionnaire in which she provided positive
feedback about the presentation materials. It is this questionnaire which she claims she provided a
“very dissatisfied” response. However in reviewing the questionnaire, it is apparent she confused
the notion that the presentation material “communicated thoroughly and quickly” with the time
the process took to create the presentation material. As outlined above, each step was performed
in a prompt manner. A copy of her authorization and the questionnaire are attached. The
presentation of her product idea was made to the corporation who, unfortunately, chose not to
pursue the idea. A copy of the e-mail exchange with targeted corporation is enclosed; note the
contact name and information relating to the product idea details have been redacted for
Her concerns of her idea being stolen are baseless. When Ms. [redacted] submitted her
idea, she did so by entering a Confidentially Agreement. Under the express terms of the
Agreement; “Davison will not use, disclose, license or sell this idea with out my [Ms. [redacted]]
express written permission.” Davison takes the obligation of confidentiality seriously, and abides
by the terms of the Agreement. As such, her concern over the confidence of her idea is
unwarranted. Finally, she alleges that all six of her prototypes were not returned. This is false;
these items were returned on 06/20/2014 via USPS certified mail tracking #[redacted]
As stated earlier, the simple fact is; the product development process provides no
guarantees of financial gain. Our contracts and disclosures are explicit in this regard. While this
is of little comfort to a client who has expended considerable time, money, effort and emotion
into a project, the fact that a particular project does not bring financial gain to the client does not
invalidate the services that were provided. Davison has no obligation, legal or otherwise, to
refund any monies paid by Ms. [redacted] for services rendered to her documented satisfaction.
Review: I sent my handbag designs along with the prototype to the Davison Company. But before I did I got my own patient for my ideal and they were still trying to get me to send them $5000 to obtain a patient and some more work they said they had to do. When I told the representative from the Davison company (Matt) I was know longer interested in conducting business with them, they would not send me my handbag nor my prototype back. Matt told me I would have to send them a box and pay for them to send it back to me. But he also told me that they still wanted to go through with the design. An that was the last conversation I had with them. I am currently deployed overseas at the moment. I would like for the Davison Design to mail me both of my designs back.Thank you,[redacted]Desired Settlement: Both my designs returned to me in the condition they were sent to them.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against ?? Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 09/23/2013. In his complaint, Mr. [redacted] requests the return of materials that he has submitted to Davison. Davison has located the materials and is willing to return the same to his attention. However, Mr. [redacted] has refused to accept responsibility for the charges associated with the shipment of these materials. Mr. [redacted] has been informed on at least three occasions that Davison is not responsible for the return of materials submitted to it by a Client. When he first contacted Davison, he did so through the confidential submission of his product idea. The submission form explicitly states; “I will not send Davison materials or prototypes that I want returned because Davison will not return any materials submitted to it by me concerning my idea”. Mr. [redacted] then entered into a first agreement for services which included the following term; “Davison is not responsible for... prototypes or any other materials submitted to Davison by Client”. Following completion of the first contract, Mr. [redacted] entered a second contract which contains the following term; “Use of Client-Provided Materials as Production Sample; ... Davison has no obligation to maintain or return such materials ...” Given the volume of items submitted to Davison by its clients, it is not reasonable for Davison to absorb the costs associated with the return of Client provided material. Thus our contracts contain the referenced disclaimers. Despite these explicit disclaimers, Davison is willing to return Mr. [redacted]’s product material, provided he covers the cost of shipping. Davison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: I had sent and idea to Davison for evaluation. They contacted me telling me that for $15,000 they would provide assistance in gaining a patent and that they had a company that was interested in the idea. They said that they would provide a prototype and engineered drawings suitable for manufacture. Everything they did was a total fraud. The drawings, which I have had evaluated by a third party were useless. The prototype was pathetic and in no way represented my concept. They never had a company that was interested. I found a company that was interested based on their supposed new and revolutionary process, which did not exist, and the prototype. They were going to manufacture and signed a licensing agreement with Davison. Upon getting the prototype, they immediately cancelled this agreement and stated that "a kindergarten student could do a better job and that is was suitable as perhaps packing material and nothing else." This was a huge contract as it was going to be manufactured in China and marketed on the Paciffic Rim. Davison tried to get the proposed manufacturer to put up money for a real prototype , which was against contractual language. I cancelled my agreement and asked for my money back. The patent which I applied for is based on totally fraudulent information. Upon questing Mr. [redacted] of the company, he stated to me, "they were not capable of building a prototype." In summary, I can say only that they are a total fraud for every aspect.Desired Settlement: I would like my funds returned and all material concerning the proposed invention returned.
See attached File July 15,2013 This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 07/02/2013. Mr. [redacted]’s complaint makes numerous inaccurate claims about the scope of services, fails to acknowledge that the services were performed with his approval and authorization and to his documented satisfaction, and finally fails to acknowledge his prior relationship with the targeted corporation and his subsequent threats of legal action. Davison’s Services: Mr. [redacted] alleges he sought Davison’s services for “evaluation” and “assistance in gaining a patent”. Our disclosures which Mr. [redacted] acknowledged having received and read, as well as our contracts are explicitly clear the Davison does not perform evaluations of submitted ideas, nor is Davison a law firm that provides patent services or any other legal service. To the extent he has a belief these are the services for which he hired Davison, he is mistaken through no fault of Davison. Mr. [redacted] entered into an agreement for the design and construction of a product sample and the preparation of presentation materials. A proposed design was submitted to Mr. Page and he provided his approval of the design. Enclosed, please find a copy of his signed approval of the design (the actual design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes). Also enclosed is a questionnaire in which Mr. [redacted] provided positive feedback about this design. In reliance on his approval, the physical product sample, packaging, and presentation material were created. An Executive Briefing, which contained an actual photograph of the product sample, was provided to Mr. [redacted]. Enclosed please find a copy of a questionnaire about the Executive Briefing in which he again provided positive feedback. Mr. [redacted] authorized the presentation of his product idea to the targeted corporation. A copy of his signed authorization is enclosed. Unfortunately the corporation chose not to license his product. This complaint followed. DAVISON Targeted corporation: In his complaint, Mr. [redacted] alleges the targeted corporation was “going to manufacture and signed a licensing agreement with Davison”. This is false. The corporation never signed a license agreement. After services had begun, Mr. [redacted] advised Davison that he has a prior and on-going relationship with the targeted corporation. The exact nature of this relation ship is unclear. However, it is disconcerting when a corporation, previously aware of the client’s idea, rejects a licensing agreement and the client uses this fact as a basis to demand a refund, under threats of legal action, for services rendered to the client’s documented satisfaction. In summary, Davison had performed its services with Mr. [redacted]’s written approval and authorization. There is no basis to warrant a refund.
In the first place, I approved the graphic designs, which had no relationship to a real product. They were fantasy as I later found out. If they had been real, it might of had a chance of being produced. I questioned the design as per enclosed letter. I will mail all supporting information. The pictures with a supposed new technology were indeed pure fantasy. The prototype was indeed just copy paper with styrofoam cutouts. I have enclosed a letter from the manufacturer in his rejection of the product which says it all. As far as the patent goes, I used the picture with new technology, which was a total lie. It does not exist as I was led to believe it did. Their entire process was pure fraud. Where is the prototype as they indicated in the graphic picture? Let them produce it, or tell the truth as Mr. [redacted] did when I questioned the lack of a real prototype, "We simply are not equipped to produce one" Nice time to find out when presenting to a manufacturer, who was basing the entire agreement on an acceptable prototype. Please await my mailing which will follow soon. Thank you [redacted]
See attached File
August 06, 2013
Re: [redacted]
Your ID#: [redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted];
This letter is in response to the additional comments submitted by Mr. [redacted] regarding the above referenced complaint. His additional comments provide no additional details, and are merely recitation of his earlier stated concerns. As stated in our initial response;
1. Mr. [redacted] approved the design of his product sample.
2. He completed a questionnaire about the proposed design in which he provided positive feedback.
3. Based upon his approval, the physical product sample was constructed and presentation materials prepared.
4. Mr. [redacted] was provided a copy of the presentation material, which included an actual photograph of the constructed product sample.
5. Mr. [redacted] authorized the presentation of his product sample.
6. Mr. [redacted] completed a questionnaire about the presentation material in which he
provided positive feedback. Any concerns over the design and construction of his product sample are simply not supported in light of the above stated chronology. The issue regarding Mr. [redacted]’s prior, and ongoing, relationship with the corporation to which the presentation was made is disconcerting. As stated in our initial response, Mr. [redacted] advised Davison of the identity of the company but failed to initially inform Davison that he had a prior relationship. The fact that the bulk of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns are based upon this company’s rejection of the product sample, casts a skeptical light on the value of that company’s position. While we have no direct evidence of collusion, it would seem Mr. [redacted] and the company are “in this together”, as evidenced by the e-mails provided in his supplement comments. In summary, Davison had performed its services with Mr. [redacted]’s written approval and authorization. There is no basis to warrant a refund.
Associate Counsel
Davison Design and Development, Inc.
Dear Sir: This was definitely not resolved. I sent you a lot of information that supported my claim of fraud. Once again a senior citizen with diminishing mental abilities falls victim.
Those who committed fraud get away with it. Thanks for your help. [redacted]
Review: Was promised on August 1, 2013 a refund of $100 told 5 to 7 days Realize I've been misled, looking for a full refund of $800.00,for not being informed of the 15,000 requirement. Scamed :)Thank youDesired Settlement: $900.00 Refund
See Attached File? August 22, 2013
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 08/15/2013. Ms. [redacted] contracted and paid for initial Pre-Development services, which were completed. Following the initial services, she was offered a second contract for which she made a partial payment, and then subsequently declined the second contract. In her complaint, she alleges she did not receive the refund of her partial payment on the second contract and she demands a full refund of all monies paid, alleging she was not advised of the cost associated with the second contract. As will be detailed below, she is mistaken on both matters. There is no basis to warrant any further refund. Ms. [redacted] submitted an idea to Davison through its website. The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit an idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and the person electronically acknowledging the disclosures. On 05/22/2013, Ms. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that she received and read the two disclosure statements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any payment to Davison. The disclosure statements set forth, among other details, all services and related fees offered by Davison. Ms. [redacted] entered into the initial Pre-Development Agreement for custom research services on 05/30/2013. These services were performed and the research material was sent to her on 07/12/2013. On 07/30/2013, following completion of the initial services, Ms. [redacted] was offered a second contract for the design and construction of a product sample and the preparation of presentation materials. She made a partial payment of $100 toward this contract. She subsequently declined to enter the contract, which is her prerogative. On 08/15/2013, a refund of her payment was processed to the same credit card that was used to charge the partial payment. A copy of the refund receipt is enclosed. As stated, Ms. [redacted] was fully informed of all services and their related fees offered by Davison, BEFORE she entered into any contract. The services for which there existed a contract have been performed. The partial payment she made toward the second contract has been refunded. There e is no basis for any further refund. Davison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: I gave [redacted] a deposit of 100$ torward a 795$ agreement. I then changed my mind the next day. So, I emailed him and mailed out a letter revoking the contract as the contract stated I must do the following day. Then I called and left him a message the following monday and got no return call. He was supposed to call me on Thursday October 30 (today) for the rest of the payment. He didn't. I called him and left another message, then he called me back acting as if he didn't get my previous call, didn't get my email messages and didn't receive the letter I sent last week. It takes 3 business days to receive a letter! Needless to say, I informed him that I was revoking our contract informed him that I followed the instructions for revoking said contract by email AND mailing a letter, I would like him to refund my money. He then said if we get the letter then we will process it and hung up with me. I know they already got the letter. Please help me get my refund of 100$us. Thanks.Desired Settlement: Refund in full. 100$us
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]
[redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 10 30 2014.
Please note that Mr. [redacted] has been refunded his payment in full. A copy of the refund
receipt is attached hereto.
In light of the refund, I kindly ask that his file be closed as “resolved”.
Review: This complaint is about the representative [redacted] provided me with bad information about the service fee with davison company. she email me a contract that had no price details on the services and when we spoke all she told me was it cost $795 to start the work on my product to show it to different companies. Again all she alway said was it only take $795 to present my rum product to a company. After I drove to invention land for a tour she said the same thing about the price. She nevered gave me a real price listing of the whole service neither did the contract. After I paid the $795 she than a week later starting telling me some prices of $10,000-$15,000 I need to pay befor my product even goes in front of a company which that was not what she said before I paid the $795. I kept telling her that she gave me wrong information and mislead me on the real deal to have my product presented to which ever company the choose. She apologize to me couple of times for not giving me the correct price information, She only was telling me it cost $795 to get my product starting to present it in front of companies. I had a family member who is a lawyer review the contract and he told me I need to ask for my money back because I was not given the correct information. When I email [redacted] couple of time she finally called me 2 weeks later to tell me that I took a lost and I won't get a refund. I'm asking for a refund before I contact a news station to let them know how Davison company give incorrect price information and take your money and keep it and than they tell me I should get a credit card loan, borrow money to continue. IF I KNEW THE CORRECT INFOMATION ON THE PRICE I WOULD OF NEVERRRRRRR GIVEN $795 IF I DIDN'T HAVE ALL THE MONEY WHICH I DON'T.Desired Settlement: Need a refund for being mislead.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]
against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 10 17/2014. Customer concerns
upset everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a
minimum. From the time of an initial contact, to the presentation of a client’s product sample, we try to
maintain an open channel of communication, disclosing our fees and services in advance. In his statement,
Mr. [redacted] alleges he was not informed of the additional fees associated with the offer of additional
services for his new product idea. He is simply incorrect. As will be detailed below, he was provided a
complete disclosure of the types of services offered, and their related fees, as well as an explicit statement
that it is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract for a submitted idea BEFORE any
contract was entered.
On 07 10/20 14, Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’s
website. The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit
an idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and the
person electronically acknowledging the disclosures. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronic
signature, that he received and read the two disclosure statements. It is important to note that the
disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any payment to Davison. Among the disclosures is the
statement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract in connection with a
submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing of the various services and related fees. A copy of
the disclosure, as provided to Mr. [redacted], is enclosed. Further, this information is freely available on
Davison’s website. To allege he was not provided this information is simply false.
On 07 17/20 14, Mr. [redacted] entered into an agreement for Pre-Development services which
obligated Davison to compile research data related to his product idea. These services were completed and
the research material sent to Mr. [redacted] on 09 11/2014. He completed a questionnaire about this
service, in which he provided positive feedback. A copy of his signed questionnaire is enclosed. The
agreement contains the following provisions;
“Section II B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaining a product sample
and relevant information about the product in a professional format for presentation to a Licensee,
at Client’s sole expense. Davison, at its option, will offer to provide further development
services, under a separate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creating the
sample and presentation material for the targeted Licensee. Client is aware that he or she is free to
obtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtain them.”
On 09 25 2014, after completion of the initial pre-development services, Mr.
[redacted] was offered a contract for additional services for an additional fee. This offer is
consistent with the disclosures as well as the terms of the Pre-Development agreement. Mr.
[redacted] has not engaged these additional services, which is his prerogative.
As detailed above, Mr. [redacted] was informed of the additional services twice; the
first disclosure occurring BEFORE he entered any contract and the second disclosure occurring
within the terms of the Pre-Development Agreement. The allegation that he was not informed of
these facts is unjustified. The services for which there existed a contract have been performed.
No additional services have been contracted and no additional payments have been made. There
is no basis to warrant a refund for services rendered to his documented satisfaction.
Associate Counsel
Davison Design and Development, Inc.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]
[redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about
09/28/20 14. Customer concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to
troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an
initial contact, to the presentation of a client’s product sample, we try to maintain an open
channel of communication. In her statement, Ms. [redacted] alleges she was not
informed of the additional fees associated with the offer of additional services. She is
simply incorrect. As will be detailed below, she was provided a complete disclosure of
the types of services offered, and their related fees, BEFORE any contract was entered.
Davison has performed its services which were contractually due. Ms. [redacted] has not
met her obligation of payment, thus any outstanding services are not yet due to be
On 12/03/2012, Ms. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product idea
through Davison’s website. The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions
makes it impossible for a person to submit an idea without first having two separate
disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and the person electronically
acknowledging the disclosures. Ms. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronic
signature, that she received and read the two disclosure statements. It is important to note
that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any payment to Davison.
Among the disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more
than one contract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a
listing the various services and related fees. Further, this information is freely available
on Davison’s website. To allege she was not provided this information is simply false.
Ms. [redacted] entered into two separate contracts for services. The first, the Pre
Development Agreement was entered on 12/06/20 12 and obligated Davison to compile
research data relevant to her submitted idea. This service was completed and the research
was sent to Ms. [redacted] on or about 01/12/2013. Following the completion of the first
contract, on 02/01/2013, Ms. [redacted] entered into a second contract, the New Product
Sample Agreement, for the design and construction of a product sample. This contract
provided a seven day revocation period which Ms. [redacted] did not invoke. She
selected a payment option and has made a series of partial payments toward the fee. The
contract provides that no services are due until full payment has been received. Davison
is willing to proceed under the terms of the contract; however there is no basis for a
refund if the contract is cancelled after expiration of the revocation period.
Despite having no contractual obligation to process a refund, Davison has no
interest in retaining fees for services that will not be performed. Davison will agree to
waive its claim for the unpaid balance and refund SO°o of the monies paid toward the
New Product Sample Agreement. There is no basis to refund any monies on the Pre
Development Agreement as these services have been performed. If Ms. [redacted]
desires to accept this offer, she need simply contact me directly in our legal department
and the paper work will be forwarded to her attention.
Review: This company Davison is suppose to help you get your design out to other companies who will buy your design. Well I was working on a design for years and needed help getting companies to buy my design well they had sooth talker [redacted] talk me into paying over 700 dollars to get the process going then he said during those conversations there wouldn't be any more of a cost. Then he stated to get the Director of licensing going I would need to pay over 9,500 dollars to get companies to buy the design and that they do all the work and find them for me. He assured me it would work. Well after I got a loan for the 9,500 dollars to get my business going well they didn't do anything. they say they call companies and that one was looking at it and each time I called they said the same one was interested even after knowing my husband was very ill they assured me. When they said they call and talk to companies but didn't have any record of it on paper it made me wonder and they wanted more money to ask another company. They took me for my money I didn't have.Desired Settlement: I asked if they would just pay the rest of loan up and that is all I was asking. But now I would like half of it back because they will not pay it to me. So they go free money when I suffered from paying a loan with a very sick husband with hospital bills.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]