Davison Design & Development, Inc. Reviews (246)
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Address: 595 Alpha Dr Ridc Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15238-2911
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Review: I paid them a lump sum for services, and when I had to contact them they said to continue on I will have to pay extra money . When I told them I talk to representative that told me they would search elsewhere they said she no longer works there. They are a total scam , they took my money and they never call with updatesDesired Settlement: Finish the Job
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about11 / 12/2015. Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of aninitial contact and throughout the process, Davison maintains an open channel ofcommunication, disclosing its services and fees upfront and securing its clients’ approvaland authorization throughout the process. The contracts are simply written, with no “fineprint” provisions. A review of Mr. [redacted]’s file indicates that Davison has performedall services with his approval and authorization, and to his documented satisfaction.There is no support for his complaint.Briefly stated, Mr. [redacted] entered into two service contacts. The first was theinitial pre-development for research which was provided to him. Following that initialservice, he entered an Integrated Product Rendering Presentation agreement. Pursuant tothe terms of that agreement, Davison provided a proposed design for his product ideawhich he approved. In reliance on his approval, presentation material was created and heauthorized the presentation of his product idea. Further, he completed two questionnairesabout the design and presentation material in which he provided positive feedback.Copies of his approvals, authorization and completed questionnaires are enclosed. Hisproduct idea was presented to the targeted corporation in June 2014. Unfortunately, thecorporation to whom his product idea was presented has not provided a decision. On atleast two occasions, Davison offered the option of pursuing other corporations. Herefused these offers, deciding to continue to wait on a response from the originalcorporation.In his complaint Mr. [redacted] alleges he paid a lump sum for services and that tocontinue he needs to pay extra money. This statement mischaracterizes the facts. Theservices under the Integrated Product Rendering Presentation agreement were for a setfee. As stated above, these services were provided with his express written approval,authorization and to his satisfaction. Also, as stated, Davison had offered to provide theadditional service of an additional presentation. There is a fee for this service. Mr.[redacted] was advised of this fee BEFORE he entered any service contract as it wasdisclosed to him as part of the initial disclosure provided to him in January 2014.Further, it is explicitly referenced in the contracts which he entered. To the extent he wasnot aware of the fee; it is not due to a lack of disclosure from Davison. Next, he allegeshe was not kept updated on the status of his project. This is contradicted by the phonelogs for his project. Following the presentation of his idea, there have been no less thannine (9) update calls to Mr. [redacted]. During these update calls, the repeated offers ofadditional presentations were made and declined.There is no manner for Davison to “force a decision” from a company on aparticular product idea. To attempt to do so would jeopardize the review of that client’sproduct idea, as well as any other client’s product idea that may be submitted to thecorporation in the future. While the lack of a response from the targeted corporation isunderstandably frustrating, that delay does not provide a valid basis for his postedcomments. All services have been performed with Mr. [redacted]’s express writtenapproval and authorization and to his documented satisfaction. While the targetedcorporation has not pursued his product idea; that fact does not negate the providedservices.Despite having no basis for his complaint, in the interest of customer satisfaction,Davison will offer two additional presentations at no cost to Mr. [redacted]. If he choosesto accept this offer, he need only contact the Licensing Department who will coordinatethe necessary paperwork to authorize the presentations.Sincer y,David ** D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: I have given this company $1456.00. I was supposed to get a application for a provisional patient and design that I was promised in 12 weeks of signing documents for them to do the design on my invention. It has been now 20 weeks and still no provisional patient application. There is some thing that they are not disclosing to me. I would have kept paying monies to them but something is amiss. I do not wish to use this company any longer and wish for a refund on my money.Desired Settlement: I would like a full refund of the money that I gave them.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 11/11/2013. Please be advised that I have spoken with Mr. [redacted] earlier today, have reached an amicable resolution to his concerns. I kindly ask that his file be closed as resolved.
Review: I contracted with Davison for nearly $6,000.00. My initial representative and I had a good rapport. When things were transferred to the Licensing Dept., things changed.My Licensing Representative kept stating that the Company reviewing my Invention, (Metro Design) had not made a decision. After month after month of being told the same thing, I asked my Lic. Rep. to please follow up for me. She explained that she could not rush them.These conversations were repeated on many occasions, with the results always ending the same way. I then complained to my inital contact, who game me an encouraging word, but referred me back to my Lic. Rep.Then, I called the Company Complaint Dept. and was instructed to leave a message, expressing my dissatisfaction to the Company President- which I did. He did not return my call.I called again and after much debate, I was allowed to leave a message with the Lic. Rep's Supervisor. As of today, she has not returned my call. I also called Davison again and asked for the Contact information for the Company that I'd been assigned to. The receptionist sounded, in my opinion agitated and stated that only my Lic. Rep or Product Specialist could provide that information.When I tried to contact- what I believed to be my Company of Review, the phone rang and rang under all the prompts. When I finally reached someone, they stated, although the Website information was to the contrary, that they did not review products for Licensing and they had no idea that Davison even existed.I am hoping that Davison would be willing to refund any portion of my fees they feel would be appropriate. I am requesting this based on their rudeness, evasiveness, refusal to supply requested information when appropriately asked as a client, inability/refusal to return calls in a timely fashion and failing to provide evidence that the Company my Invention was sent to was indeed Legitimate for the purpose that I signed the Contract for.Sincerely,[redacted]Desired Settlement: I would like a partial refund and an Apology or Explanation as for the reasons stated above.
See attached File
Dear Mr. [redacted];
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against
Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 09/17/2013. In his complaint, Mr. [redacted]
raises a concern over the time taken by the targeted company to provide a response regarding his product
idea and he alleges a lack of communication from Davison and questions the existence of the targeted
As stated in his complaint, Mr. [redacted] has no complaint about Davison’s services through the
presentation of his product idea. Our records indicate that he provided his approval and authorization
throughout the process. His product idea was presented to the designated corporation. The targeted
corporation is one with whom Davison has a lengthy, positive working relationship. As Mr. [redacted] was
informed, Davison has licensed eighteen (18) product ideas with this particular corporation. Unfortunately,
the corporation has been slow to provide a decision about his product idea. Davison has diligently
contacted the corporation in an attempt to determine the status of their review. Mr. [redacted] has been
regularly contacted to apprise him of the status (our records document no less than six status calls to Mr.
[redacted]). During this course of communication, the option of presenting to a second corporation was
offered. Mr. [redacted] specifically instructed Davison not to pursue additional presentations until a decision
was made by the initial corporation. Davison simply can not force a decision from another company.
Similarly, we can not provide to our clients information that is not provided to us.
While the lack of a response from the targeted corporation is understandably frustrating, that delay
does not provide a valid basis to warrant a refund. In the interest of customer satisfaction, we will offer to
Mr. [redacted] two additional presentations at no cost to him. If he chooses to accept this offer, he need only
contact our Licensing Department who will proceed with the necessary paperwork.
Associate Counsel
Davison Design and Development, Inc.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I will simply ask the company to provide me with the Contact Information for the 2 companies that they have agreed to- for the additional presentations. Lack of Proper Communication can often lead to Dissatisfaction and Resentment.
I would also like to Personally thank the Pittsburgh Revdex.com for all their assistance. I am Very Grateful for your Objectivity, Support and Advocacy. And, I would also like to Thank Davison Inventions for Responding in a Fair and Professional Manner.
I intend to call them later today to officially Accept their Offer as it was presented here.
Again, Thank you for all your Help!
Review: On March 24, 2014, I submitted an idea to an email I received from Davidson, and was immediately contacted by a representative. I received a call from Tonnette Matt, who went over my idea over the phone, discussed what her company "does" and then sent me various emails with videos of other's who had their ideas developed. I was asked to pay $795.00 I paid $695.00 - I received a $100.00 because I paid all up front) for "pre-development services" but to this date, I have asked a detailed break-down of such services, to no avail. all I received from their "pre-development" research was a print out of similar products to my idea (I conducted the same search and found the same things on Google). After several videos, letters, and more phone calls, I finally decided to check this company's reputation with the Revdex.com, and found many complaints filed against Davidson, not to mention all the negative complaints on Google! I have sent several emails since May 5th again asking for a detailed, itemized break-down of what I paid for, and they only want to talk to me over the phone - I have told them repeatedly that I will not talk over the phone, that I prefer to have proof of correspondence, but they have not provided the information I have asked for. I no longer wish to do business with Davidson and just want my money back. Someone should contemplate filing a class-action law suit because it appears they are literately stealing a lot of money from people who are just trying to get ahead in life; they are getting rich by abusing people's dreams! I'm a single mom and cannot afford to throw away money! At this point, I'm requesting that I be refunded the $695.00 that I paid.Desired Settlement: I want my $695.00 refunded to me
Review: I submitted an idea and all they have been doing is scamming me. I do not have any money, I submitted that idea to make money not spend money. Unfortunately, I already sent some to them, then they said my idea has a buyer, then they said send more money, I don't have any. I think now they can steal my idea. wa\hat can I do if they do that.Desired Settlement: 795.00
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]
against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 03/13/2014. Customer
concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication
errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact, to the presentation of a client’s
product sample, we try to maintain an open channel of communication. In his statement, Mr.
[redacted] alleges he was “scammed” and implies the Davison should be providing its services free
of charge. This is simply baseless. As will be detailed below, Mr. [redacted] was provided a
complete disclosure of the types of services offered and their related fees BEFORE any contract
was entered and Davison provided its services for the contract that Mr. [redacted] entered. He has
simply chosen to not pursue additional services, which is his prerogative.
Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’s website.
The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit
an idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format,
and the person electronically acknowledging the disclosures. On 08/23/2013, Mr. [redacted]
acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he received and read the two disclosure
statements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any
payment to Davison. Among the disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s normal practice
to seek more than one contract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then
provides a listing the various services and related fees. Enclosed, please find a copy of the
disclosure as it was presented to Mr. [redacted].
Following his acknowledgment of the disclosures, on 08/30/20 13, Mr. [redacted] entered
into an agreement for Pre-Development services which obligated Davison to compile research
data related to his product idea. Mr. [redacted] made payment of the fee and Davison completed
the Pre-Development services on 02/19/20 14. The Pre-Development Agreement states in
relevant part (emphasis added);
“Section II B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaining a product sample and
relevant information about the product in a professional format for presentation to a Licensee, at Clients sole
expense. Davison, at its option, will offer to provide further development services, under a separate
contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creating the sample and presentation material for the
targeted Licensee. Client is aware that he or she is free to obtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtain
Following the completion of the services under the Pre-Development Agreement, on
03/07/2014, Davison provided to Mr. [redacted] a proposed agreement for further development
work. This proposal is consistent with our disclosures and the terms of the Pre-Development
Agreement. To date, Mr. [redacted] has not engaged these additional services, which is his
As stated, Mr. [redacted] was fully informed of all services and their related fees offered by
Davison, BEFORE he entered into any contract. The services for which there existed a contract
have been performed, in a timely manner. No additional contracts have been entered and no
additional payments have been received. There is no basis to warrant a refund for services
I received you letter. My complaint was not that I want them to prossess my idea free, it is that they said they have a buyer and when he said he would call at acertian time to discuss things, I thought he was gonna tell me how much I get. Instead he said I have to pay more. I live on disability and my [redacted]s exceed my income. I would pay them if they pay me first, if it really is sold. I wander if they really did find a buer, maybe he said they did to trick me of more money.
This letter is in response to the supplemental comments submitted by Mr. [redacted] in the
Review: I paid www.Davidson.com $9,500 dollars and all I got was a drawing and picture of a [redacted]. They took my money and strung me along for a year then said don't call us we will call you if any thing comes up. That was over two years ago. The drawing was not even close to the product that I wanted to invent.Desired Settlement: I want my money back so I can go to a reputable company.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against
Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 03/07/2014. Mr. [redacted]’s complaint
provides a gross mischaracterization of his project at Davison. As will be detailed, all the services have
been provided with his express written approval and authorization, and to his documented satisfaction.
There is no basis for his allegations of disreputable conduct and there is no basis to warrant a refund.
Mr. [redacted] entered into an agreement for the design and construction of a product sample and
the preparation of presentation materials. A proposed design, in the form of an Integrated Product
Rendering, was submitted to him and he provided his approval of the design. Enclosed, please find a copy
of his signed approval of the design (the actual design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes).
Also enclosed is a questionnaire in which Mr. [redacted] provided positive feedback about this design. In
reliance on his approval, the physical product sample, packaging, and presentation material were created.
An Executive Briefing, which contained an actual photograph of the constructed product sample, was
provided to Mr. [redacted]. Enclosed please find a copy of a questionnaire about the Executive Briefing in
which he again provided positive feedback. Mr. [redacted] authorized the presentation of his product idea
to the targeted corporation. A copy of his signed authorization is enclosed. Unfortunately the corporation
chose not to license his product.
Following the decision by the corporation, an offer of additional services to present his product
idea to a second corporation was offered. On 04/26/2013, Mr. [redacted] expressly declined this offer and
agreed to wait to see if a corporation would approach Davison seeking a product similar to his. He was
advised that there would be no affirmative action taken by Davison to further pursue the presentation of his
product sample. To date, there has been no activity on his project.
In summary, Davison had performed its services with Mr. [redacted]’s written approval and
authorization. The services have been provided to his documented satisfaction. There is no basis to
warrant a refhnd. However, in the interest of customer satisfaction, we will offer to Mr. [redacted] two
additional presentations at no additional cost to him. If he chooses to accept this offer, he need only contact
our Licensing Department who will proceed with the necessary paperwork.
Review: Davison advertises and claims that if you pay them $720 they will help you produce, patent and sell your inventions. This is untrue. The fee of $720 is for them to "create a contract" and "find a company to sell your invention to". In fact fees are from $12000 to $8000 depending on the royalties you want to pay Davison when and if they actually do help you produce your ivention and sell it. This is not disclosed to you in any of your initial cotact with this firm. Or when fees are paid. I explained to Mr. Ted M[redacted] in our phone coversation regarding the NDSA agreement that I could not and would not pursue this invention with his firm and that I want a refund. I have not heard back from him. I have sent 3 emails requesting full refund.Desired Settlement: I would like a refund of the monies paid $720 since I am not going to pursue this invention. There has been no prototype created and his firm did not do anything to patent my idea to date.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 02/29/20 16. Customerconcerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communicationerrors are kept to a minimu** From the time of an initial contact and throughout the developmentand presentation of the idea, Davison maintains an open channel of communication, disclosing itsservices and fees upfront, providing contracts that are simply written, with no “fine print”provisions, and securing the client’s approval and authorization. It is not possible to be moreupfront with its clients about the services, fees and the development of their project. A review ofMs. [redacted]’s file indicates that she was provided with, and acknowledged, the disclosures of allfees and services BEFORE she entered any service contract or made any payment to Davison.The services for which she contracted have been completed. She has declined the offer ofadditional services, which is her prerogative. There is no basis for a refund, nor support for hercomplaint.Ms. [redacted] initiated contact with Davison by submitting an idea through its website on11/13/2015. The electronic submission system utilized by Davison makes it impossible for aclient to submit an idea without having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable andsavable format. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client entersany service contract or makes any payment to Davison. Among the disclosures is the statementthat “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract in connection with asubmitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing of the various services and related fees.Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosure detailing the services and related fees. Ms. [redacted]acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that she received and read the two disclosurestatements. Enclosed please find a copy of the electronic data record documenting heracknowledgment at 03:04:27 on 11/13/2015 from IP address her acknowledgment of the disclosures, Ms. [redacted] entered the initial predevelopment contract which obligated Davison to compile research on U.S. Patents and products,on the market at that time, which were similar to her idea. This research was completed and thematerial provided to her in a Product Portfolio on 01/07/2016. The contract for the predevelopment service contains the following provision;“Section II B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaining a product sample, packagingand relevant information about the product in a professional format for presentation to a Licensee, at Client’ssole expense. Davison, at its option, will offer to provide further development services, under a separatecontract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creating the sample and presentation material for thetargeted Licensee. Client is aware that he or she is free to obtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtainthem.”On 01/27/2016, consistent with the terms of the Pre-Development Agreement and thedisclosures provided to Ms. [redacted], Davison offered additional services for the furtherdevelopment of her project. Ms. [redacted] declined these additional services, which is herprerogative.Ms. [redacted]’s complaint contains numerous false allegations and mischaracterizations.Her allegation that the services and fees were not disclosed to her is simply false. As statedabove, every individual who submits an idea through Davison’s website is provided with, andacknowledges having received and read, the disclosures. Further, the disclosures are freelyavailable on Davison’s website. Davison can not confirm that she actually read the disclosures,only that she acknowledge having done so.Next she claims the services offered are to “produce, patent and sell your invention”.This mischaracterizes Davison’s services. First, Davison is not a prototype manufacturer thatcreates a product sample based upon the client’s preconceived notions. Davison is a design anddevelopment firm whose goal is to create a product sample that is a cost-effective solution to theproblem identified by the client. Second, Davison does not offer patent services. Davison is nota law firm and does not advertise that it provides patent services or any other legal services. Thecontracts for services do not include patent filing services or any other legal services. Thecontracts are explicitly clear that the Client is solely responsible for securing any and allintellectual property protections. Finally, Davison does not “sell” its clients’ product ideas to thegeneral public, they design and develop product ideas for presentation to corporations who in turnmay manufacture and market the product. To the extent Ms. [redacted] misunderstood the natureand scope of services offered such misunderstanding is not due to a lack of disclosure byDavison.As stated, Ms. [redacted] was fully informed of all services and related fees BEFORE sheentered any contract. The services for which she contracted have been performed. Her decisionto not pursue the further development of her product idea does not negate the initial service whichwas completed. There is neither basis for a refund nor support for her complaint.SincerelyDavid ** D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: I was hoping to get my.idea going so contacted davison inventions, after talking to the person that helping me I never heard from him again but I didn't give any money uet, then about a month later or so I received a call.from a different person asking about my.idea
She sounded very nice and I told me the proceeds. All tho the fees she was asking for where very high it sounded okay because she also said that I would be making a lot if money
to my understanding they were going to be able to make the product while I was making pauments, but I did understood, I am supposed to make a full payment so they can do the product or make.payments but they won't do anything with the product until all.the money it's paid off, and it's $14000, I can't afford it
I sent them I think $800 first for the license research and then $1000 to start but this is before she explain thatyou product would be on hold until paying in full
With the first payment the paperwork I trcrivr wasn't even related to my idea but I was exited about it and now I am loosing all.that money
Is there any way to get any of it back?
I had talked to the lady that I had been talking to about my idea and she says the money was use for the brainstorming of the idea, I understand I wasn't very smart to decide to do this but I was too exited about it to see it
I understand that I am in fault too for not doing my r3seach on the company. But I would like to at least receive most of the money backDesired Settlement: I understand that I am in fault too for not doing my reseach on the company. But I would like to at least receive most of the money back
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about04 10/2015. Customer concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of aninitial contact and throughout our process, we maintain an open channel ofcommunication, disclosing our services and fees upfront and securing our clients’approval and authorization throughout the process. Our contracts are simply written,with no “fine print” provisions. It is not possible to be more upfront with our clientsabout our services and fees. In his statement, Mr. [redacted] implies he was misled aboutthe costs associated with the development of his project. As will be detailed below, Mr.[redacted] was provided explicit, clear disclosures of the relevant fees.Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’swebsite. The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible fora person to submit an idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in aprintable and savable format, and the person electronically acknowledging thedisclosures. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he received andread the two disclosure statements. It is important to note that the disclosures are madeBEFORE the Client enters any service contract or makes any payment to Davison.Among the disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek morethan one contract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides alisting the various services and related fees. Enclosed, please find a copy of thedisclosure detailing our services.Following his acknowledgment of the disclosures, Mr. [redacted] entered into anagreement for Pre-Development services which obligated Davison to compile researchdata related to his product idea. Davison completed the Pre-Development services andforwarded the compiled research to Mr. [redacted] on 07 28/2014. The research comprisedeleven (11) U.S. patent documents and information on six (6) products currently in themarket which are similar to his submitted idea.The Pre-Development Agreement states in relevant part (emphasis added);“Section II B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaininga product sample, packaging and relevant information about the product ina professional format for presentation to a Licensee, at Client’s sole expense.Davison, at its option, will offer to provide further development services,under a separate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creatingthe sample and presentation material for the targeted Licensee. Client is awarethat he or she is free to obtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtain them.”Consistent with the terms of the Pre-Development Agreement and the disclosuresthat Mr. [redacted] acknowledged, Davison offered additional services for the developmentof his project. Mr. [redacted] entered into a second contract, the New Product SampleAgreement, for the design and construction of a product sample. This contract provided aseven day revocation period which Mr. [redacted] did not invoke. He selected a paymentoption and has made a partial payment toward the fee. The contract provides that noservices are due until full payment has been received. Davison is willing to proceedunder the terms of the contract; however there is no basis for a refund if the contract iscancelled after expiration of the revocation period.Despite having no contractual obligation to process a refund, Davison has nointerest in retaining fees for services that will not be performed. Davison will agree towaive its claim for the unpaid balance and refund 80% of the monies paid toward theNew Product Sample Agreement. There is no basis to refund any monies on the PreDevelopment Agreement as these services have been performed. If Mr. [redacted] desiresto accept this offer, he need simply contact our legal department and the paper work willbe forwarded to his attention.[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
My english is not the best but for my understanding I will only be refunded 80% of my last payment, which was $1000? but nothing from the first payment of $700?I would like to at least receive at least 50% for the first payent and the 80% of the last, I am still paying that money that I had to borrow, my mistake was not to ask for a friend to be my trasnlator or ask for the payperwork in spanishi am sorry for all of this, I should've done more research, loosing $900 out of the $1700 that I paid it seems very unfair, I cant even pay fro my cellphone billThank you
Review: Said they have a buyer for my product,pushed me to pay them $10,000, then after I did pay, they asked for additional $ 395.00 for developing product packaging, after I paid, moments later they sent me a letter stating that the company wasn't interested,but to send another $ 395.00 to repackage the product for another potential buyer,and this may go on many times until they have a buyer. Forking over $395.00. Thank God I stopped on the first payment . I paid $ 10,000.00 for what? They lied to me saying " They have a buyer interested". They bully, or pressure me on the phone,saying in a demeanor tone "LOOK! I ain't got time to play around"! Pressuring. Every time I call my REP, he directs me to licensing , and they give me the same scripted story " Send money".Desired Settlement: Give back $10,000.00.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]
Review: BEWARE!!!! BEWARE!!!! BEWARE!!!! BEWARE!!!!The company lacks integrity and uses ambiguities within their contract to justify their insidious practices. Company operates like a slick used car salesman with a goal to separate you from your hard earned money and will say anything to sell you a lemon. BEWARE!! Do not sign or agree to ANYTHING unless you are 100% satisfied with the final result. Company is relentless and will not work towards customer satisfaction. REDESIGN process cost at least half of your original investment; so dont believe the false claim that you will be able to bring your project back for redesign if a company does not accept it. IN SHORT FIND ANOTHER COMPANY WITH INTEGRITY!!!Desired Settlement: Would like the company to adhere to the companys founder philosophy of integrity, fidelity and customer satisfaction and complete the process by creating the original project I submitted to them at no additional cost.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against
Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 12/11/2013. Customer concerns upset
everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a
minimum. From the time of an initial contact, to the presentation of a client’s product sample, we try to
maintain an open channel of communication. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, clients are
occasionally dissatisfied, particularly when their product ideas are not licensed. Having reviewed Mr.
[redacted]’s file, this appears to be the situation.
Mr. [redacted] contracted with Davison for the design, construction, and presentation of a product
sample. On or about 03 15/20 12, he approved the design and completed a questionnaire about the
Integrated Product Rendering in which he provided positive feedback. In reliance upon his approval, the
physical product sample was constructed and presentation materials prepared. Mr. [redacted] authorized the
presentation of his product sample and completed another questionnaire about the Executive Briefing
presentation material in which he again provided positive feedback. His product idea was presented;
unfortunately the target corporation chose not to license his idea. Additional presentation services were
offered, though he has declined. Copies of the various approvals, authorizations, and signed questionnaires
are attached (note the actual approved design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes).
Mr. [redacted]’s complaint demands that Davison re-design his product sample to meet his initial pre
conceived idea. It is important to note that Davison is not a prototype manufacturer that creates a product
sample based upon the client’s preconceived notions. Davison is a design and development firm whose
goal is to create a product sample that is a cost-effective solution to the problem identified by the client.
The design and construction of his product sample was completed with his express written approval and to
his documented satisfaction. Despite this fact, Davison offered to re-design, and reconstruct, the product
sample to meet his requirements; however there is a significant cost in this undertaking. Bearing in mind
that he has paid for, and received, a product sample in compliance with the contract terms, we offered this
additional service at a greatly reduced fee. Mr. [redacted] has declined this offer.
All services have been provided with Mr. [redacted]’s express written approval and authorization. All
services have met with his documented satisfaction. Additional services have been offered, at a reduced
fee, and Mr. [redacted] has declined such additional service. There is no factual basis to support his complaint.
Associate Counsel
Davison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: We hired Davidson Developing to design and Promote my idea, we paid them around $ 7,000.00. What they did sent us only pickture how will looks like no any develpment has been done or any advertizment. They told me than they contacted [redacted] Co and told us if we wish to continue than did ask for more money. They thift they stold us money and gave us back just pure one page picktures. They took our money and done nothing in return. Davison worse Co what I ever deal. Also we paid for Provision patent , but we never got Certificate from them.Desired Settlement: Davison must return our money back. They done nothing, only called us every month and sent us bad photo how product will looks with out any design. We need to have Patent Provision Certificate what we paid for
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 09/18/2013. At the outset, it bears noting that Mr. [redacted] is a minor, all contracts and services have been rendered to him as a co-inventor with his mother, [redacted]. In his complaint, Mr. [redacted] alleges that Davison has “done nothing” and are asking for “more money” to continue his project. As will be detailed below, all services and fees were disclosed BEFORE any contract was entered or any fees paid. Davison has provided its services with Mr. [redacted]’s express written approval and authorization, and to his documented satisfaction. There is no basis for a refund. Mr. [redacted] and his mother contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’s website. The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit an idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and the person electronically acknowledging the disclosures. On 05/12/2011, they acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that they received and read the two disclosure statements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any payment to Davison. Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosure statement that sets out the various services and related fees. Following the acknowledgment of the disclosures, Mr. [redacted] entered into an agreement for Pre-Development services which obligated Davison to compile research data related to his product idea. Davison completed the Pre-Development services and forwarded the compiled research to Mr. [redacted]. Following the completion of the services under the Pre-Development Agreement, on 02/01/2012, Mr. [redacted] entered into an agreement for the creation of an Integrated Product Rendering and presentation materials illustrating his product idea. It is important to note that he did not enter into an agreement for the design, development and constructing of a product sample, though such a contract was offered. Davison provided its services with Mr. [redacted]’s express written approval and authorization. Enclosed, please find a copy of his signed approval of the design of the Integrated Product Rendering (note the actual rendering has been obscured for confidentiality purposes). Also enclosed, please find a copy of his signed authorization to make the presentation of his product idea. In addition to approving and authorizing the services, Mr. [redacted] has completed questionnaires in which he has provided positive feedback. Enclosed pleas find a copy of the questionnaire dated 06/22/2012 about the Integrated Product Rendering and the questionnaire dated 08/13/2012 about the Executive Briefing material. Mr. [redacted]’s product idea was presented to the target corporation who is currently reviewing the project. Consistent with the disclosures and contracts, Davison has offered to make an additional presentation, though Mr. [redacted] has declined this additional service. Mr. [redacted]’s comments about his Provisional Application for Patent are misdirected. All patent applications are filed by the client directly with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). If Mr. [redacted] has made a filing with the USPTO, he should direct his inquiries about a receipt to them. As detailed, all services have been performed with Mr. [redacted]’s express written approval and authorization, and to his documented satisfaction. There is no basis for a refund. Associate Counsel Davison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: Feb. 2014 me and my daughter came up with a baby car seat, stroller, carrier all in one idea and found Davison on line. We contacted [redacted], Director of New Products at the time, sent him our first payment to research it to see if there was anything out there like it. After a very short time he got back to us and said that there was NOT. So we were excited to move on it so we sent Davison another $12,000.00+-. At first there was some communication and they were supposed to get our product the way we told them. They kept sending pictures of just junk that was nowhere near what wanted. We explained what we wanted multiple times and told them to get it right. This went on for a few months and we had to send more money to try to get them to present our idea to some manufacturers. Barbara Browning, Designer had taken over by now and knew exactly what we wanted after numerous attempts and said they were presenting our idea for production. This what near the end of 2014 already. Then we could NOT get them to contact us and we called and called to NO avail.Now is 2015 and they will not contact us. Well we finally learned in July 2015 that Barbara Browning quit and moved to Florida and NO one is working on our product and NO communications. Then my daughter saw our idea for sale on line in Sept 2015 and found out that it was started early 2015. I would think the patent for the idea would have been issued far sooner than being out in stores. They should have NEVER accepted further payment after patent search. To me that appears to be theft. This is potentially 10's of thousands of dollars that we are losing. We also sent money to the US patent and trademark office and we thought that Davison was suppose to do all this as part of payment. Once they got the majority of our savings, the savings of 2 disabled people, they ceased all communication. The lack of communication and lack of expertise from Davisons' 'world class' design team is like nothing I have ever seen.Desired Settlement: 100% refund, finish our idea and receive our royalty checks for our product.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 12/18/2015. Davisonunderstands that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperative when operating asuccessful business. Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initialcontact, through the research and development of a new product idea, to the presentation of aclient’s idea, the staff tries to maintain an open channel of communication, disclosing the servicesand fees upfront and securing the clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process.Unfortunately, despite best efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularly when theirproduct ideas are not licensed. That appears to be the simple truth with Ms. [redacted].The details regarding the development of her project, as provided by Ms. [redacted] inher complaint, are both incomplete and inaccurate. Her allegation that the product sampledeveloped by Davison did not meet her approval and that there has been a lack of communicationis simply not supported by the facts. Ms. [redacted] first contacted Davison in January 2014 bysubmitting an idea for a new product. She entered the initial pre-development contract whichobligated Davison to compile research on U.S. Patents and products, on the market at that time,which were similar to her idea. This research was completed. In March 2014, she contracted forthe design and construction of a physical product sample. She finalized payment of the fee inMay and a design was created and submitted for her approval in July. This initial design did notmeet with her approval and Davison agreed to a re-design. Over the next several months, Ms.[redacted] was continually provided status updates on her project. The records indicate no lessthan six updates over the ensuing 7 month period. In February 2015, the revised design wasprovided to Ms. [redacted]. She approved this design and completed a questionnaire about thedesign in which she provided positive feedback. Copies of her signed approval and questionnaireare attached. Note the actual approved design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes.Based on her approval, the physical sample was constructed and presentation material created. InApril 2015, Ms. [redacted] authorized the presentation of her new product idea and completed asecond questionnaire. Enclosed please find a copy of her signed authorization and questionnaire.In June 2015, the new product idea was presented to the designated corporation who declined toenter a license. Ms. [redacted] then authorized a second presentation which was made in July2015. The second corporation has not licensed her product. Subsequently, Ms. [redacted] raisedconcerns over her project. In October 2015, the Office of the President reached out to her toarrange a call with the President of Davison. There has been no response from Ms. [redacted]regarding this call.As the above summary illustrates, Davison has performed its services with Ms.[redacted]’s express written approval and authorization. Further, the services have beenperformed to her documented satisfaction. While it is unfortunate that the targeted corporationschose not to pursue her product idea, that fact does not negate the provided services. The simplefact is that the product development process provides no guarantees of financial gain. Thecontracts and disclosures are explicit in this regard. While this is of little comfort to a client whohas expended considerable time, money, effort, and emotion into a project, the fact that aparticular project does not bring financial gain to the client does not invalidate the services thatwere provided.Ms. [redacted]’s complaint raises two additional matters that need to be addressed. First,she alleges that Davison was to take care of the patenting of her product idea. She is incorrect.Davison is not a law firm and does not advertise that it provides patent services or any other legalservices. The contracts for services do not include patent filing services or any other legalservices. The contracts are explicitly clear that the Client is solely responsible for securing anyand all intellectual property protections. To the extent she believes Davison would secure apatent for her idea, she is mistaken. Next, she makes reference to a similar product on the market,and implies some fault on Davison behalf. It bears noting that she does not identi~’ the product,does not state if it is covered by a currently enforceable patent. Rather, she simply claims to havefound some product that she feels is relevant and that Davison did not locate this information inits Pre-Development research. There are literally millions of issued patent in the United Statesalone, millions of filed applications that do not result in issued patents, millions of patents andpatent applications filed in foreign jurisdictions, and millions of products in the market place. Thesimple truth is no prior art search is guaranteed to identify every possible patent or similarproduct. Davison is not, and can not, be aware of every idea for a new product that anyone,anywhere might have or develop. It is not uncommon for multiple individuals to conceive of thesame or similar idea independently. The contracts contain explicit acknowledgments of this fact.As stated, Davison has performed its service in accordance with the terms of the contract.The services have been provided with Ms. [redacted]’s approval and authorization. The serviceshave been provided to her documented satisfaction. There is no basis for a refund. However, inthe interest of customer satisfaction, Davison will offer two additional presentations at no cost toMs. [redacted]. If she chooses to accept this offer, she need only contact the LicensingDepartment who will coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize the presentations.SincerelyDavid * D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: A few months ago I sent Davidsons an Idea. They seemed to be as happy about it as I was. They said they needed to pay $795. Dollors. They gave me $100. off because of a permotion they were having for new Ideas. I ask Ms Barrow's Is there any other reason I will have to come up with more money? She said no were're good. So after paying this off,She said at first I needed to come up 10K to 13K. I ask are you crazy I can't come up with that kind of money.then I said You Lied to me.Then she calls me back and tells me all I needed was about 7K. They knew from the start I am on disiblaty. I sighned a Confidentialty agreement.Desired Settlement: I wish to be relased from the agreement and A refund. This whole thing was based on A Lie that they told. I feel I was Exploited.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]
Review: I paid for services that were not truthful from the beginning. I was told lies of what they could do for my product [redacted]. They did not provide the services that I was told they could do to help me get my product [redacted] on the market. They are unreliable and untruthful. Two of their employe's that I personally spoke with and e-mailed no longer have e-mails with the company and so I can not get in touch with anyone regarding my project or the monies that I paid them for services. Davison is a SCAM! George Davison is a SCAM artist.I believe that Davison Design & Development, Inc. should have to return payments sent to them for not standing up to their part of their contracts.I am very disappointed with their company and have nothing good to say about their company. Please make others aware of this scam before they lose their money like I did.Desired Settlement: I would like the money I paid for their services returned to me for not keeping up with their part of our contract.
Review: I went online to seach a company for an idea I had. Davison Design called me and talked to me about my idea and told me that they needed 875.00 dollars to search to make sure it was not already on the market. So in July of 2015 I paid them to do the research.The person I talked to was Ted Morse Sr. Ted called me back a few days later and told me that they could go ahead with the idea because it was not on the market. Davison sent me a DVD of what they found and it was not nothing that I was thinking of, they also sent me 2 other DVD that told me how the process works. I went on line and found my idea was already on the market. I called Ted back and told him what I found and he said don't worry we will change it a little and it would get patented. He told me that there needs to be competition to keep prizes down,its like vacuum cleaners same product but there different in some way. I believed and trusted him then he talked to me about different ways to pay to get my idea started. My husband and I took money out of our retirement account to pay Davison to get my idea going. We paid Davison $10,945 dollars all together and I have not gotten a product out on the market yet. I called Ted and he does not call me back. Before they got my money he would call me back the same day I seen on line that they had a class action suite against them for scamming people and I believe that is what they have done to me and my husband. The last I heard from them was in January where they e-mailed me a drawing of my idea and I called Ted about it with some questions. He really could not answer my questions about the design and I told him that I was not happy with it . He told me that it is going back to the design team and I would here from them soon. I called Ted this month(Feb) and left him a message to call me and he has not to this day 2/25/2015. I sent the President of the company an e-mail of what was going on and I ask for my money back and copied Ted and have not heard from neither one of the** My husband is a disabled veteran from Vietnam and I am on disability so we live on a limited income. I don't understand how people can scam other people like this and live with themselves.Desired Settlement: Get my money back
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 02 25 2016.Davison understands that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperativewhen operating a successful business. Customer concerns upset everyone and the staffworks very hard to troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimumFrom the time of an initial contact, through the research and development of a newproduct idea, to the presentation of a client’s idea, the staff tries to maintain an openchannel of communication, disclosing the services and fees upfront and securing theclients’ approval and authorization throughout the process. At the outset, please note thatDavison has been in contact with Ms. [redacted] to address her concerns, and she iscontinuing to work with Davison in the continued development of her product idea. Thatstated, her complaint raises a number of points that should be clarified.Initially, she states that the proposed design of her product sample did not meetwith her approval. This directly contradicts the signed approval and completedquestionnaire she completed on or about 01/14/2016. Enclosed, please find copies ofthese documents. Note the actual approved design has been redacted for confidentialitypurposes.Next she indicates that she was informed her product sample “would bepatented”. She is incorrect. Davison is not a law firm and does not advertise that itprovides patent services or any other legal services. The contracts for services do notinclude patent filing services or any other legal services. The contracts are explicitly clearthat the Client is solely responsible for securing any and all intellectual propertyprotections. To the extent she believes Davison would secure a patent for her idea, she ismistaken.Thirdly, she makes numerous reverences to getting her product “on the market”.Davison does not “market” its clients’ product ideas to the general public; they designand develop product ideas for presentation to corporations who in turn may manufactureand market the product. The two service contracts which she entered contain thefollowing provisions:Pre-Development and Representation agreement, section HID.: “Client acknowledges that Davison hasmade no claim or waffanty that Davison will be able to consummate a License Agreement, or find aLicensee willing to compensate Client for his or her product and/or design. Client acknowledges thatDavison has not made any representations concerning the potential of Client’s Product to be marketed,licensed, patented or to make a profit for Client. Davison has not evaluated the Product;”New Product Sample Agreement, section 4.J.ii) “Client acknowledges that Davison has not and will notevaluate the commercial potential of the Idea and that Davison has not disclosed it to anyone. Thus,there is no way of knowing at this time if the targeted corporation will license, buy or pay royalties forthe Idea once it has been developed. Client acknowledges that Davison has made no representationsconcerning the likelihood of licensing, marketing, royalty payments or profitability.”Finally, her complaint implies she has an expectation that her product idea wouldbe “on the market” by now. This is an unreasonable expectation. Ms. [redacted] firstcontacted Davison on July 07, 2015. It has been 8 months since that initial contact. Theproduct development process is a lengthy process. Following her idea submission, shecontracted for research services to obtain some level of understating of similar patentsand products. Following completion of the research, she contracted for the design andconstruction of a product sample, packaging, and presentation material. A design wassubmitted to her and met with her approval. Davison is in the process of constructing thevarious items in reliance upon her approved design. Following the construction stage, thepresentation material will be provided to her for her authorization to make thepresentation to the designated corporation. Once the presentation is made, thecorporation may, or may not, choose to license the product idea. In the event thecorporation does decide to license the product idea, there is a significant time period forthe corporation to arrange for the manufacturing, marketing, and distribution of theproduct before it is officially “on the market”. Eight months is simply not a sufficientperiod of time for all of these events to occur.As stated, the services performed to date have been provided with Ms. [redacted]’approval. Davison is continuing to provide the services pursuant to the terms of thecontracts. Ms. [redacted] has been provided a status update and is continuing to work withDavison in the development of her product idea. There is no factual basis to support hercomplaint.SincerlyDavid ** D[redacted] Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
In reference to case #[redacted], and response to Davison letter to my complaint:
Review: I called asked for my prototype item to be returned to us.I followed the 3 wks for the waiting period, filled out the paper work. have called numerous times left my phone with ast receptionist and other people but haven't gotten a response on when its been sent back to us. contacted the attorney general in your state but they can't help us. were at wits end just want our product back so we can move forward to doing business with someone who has a higher quality of honesty. even the fact that I paid them 5200 for nothing I can live with that when one consider what they did for that money would be laughable.Desired Settlement: send back the product and let us know when it should arrive here locally
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 02/02/20 16. Davisonunderstands that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperative when operating asuccessful business. Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initialcontact, through the research and development of a new product idea, to the presentation of aclient’s idea, they try to maintain an open channel of communication, disclosing their servicesand fees upfront, and securing the clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process. Aswill be detailed, all services have been performed with Mr. [redacted]’ written approval and to hissatisfaction.Mr. M[redacted] entered into a contract for the creation of presentation material andrepresentation services. A proposed design for the presentation material was created andapproved by Mr. [redacted]. He completed a questionnaire about the Integrated Product Renderingin which he provided positive feedback. In reliance upon his approval, the presentation materialwas finalized and an Executive Briefing depicting his product idea was submitted to him. Again,he completed a questionnaire about the Briefing in which he provided positive feedback and heauthorized the presentation of his product idea. Enclosed, please find copies of his signedquestionnaires and authorization. The contention in his complaint that Davison did “nothing” isnot credible.With regard to the return of his prototype, it bears noting that the contract which Mr.[redacted] entered specifically states; “Use of Client-Provided Materials as Production SampleDavison will use materials submitted by you for the purpose of . . .presenting the product...Davison has no obligation to maintain or return such materials.” Despite having no contractualobligation to do so, Davison is in the process of preparing his sample for shipment and it will beshipped to him promptly.
Review: I contacted Davison in June 2013 4 their expertise in bringing product from paper to implementation and distribution. Idea was a portable receptacle for urinary urgency. I have MS & have urgency. I came up with the idea of a small portable urinary receptacle. The person I dealt with exclusively was Rebecca Moser. She was helpful but very vague and somewhat elusive with a definitive answer in every instance of queries I made. I saved a recording of every conversation we had on tape. We began to talk in terms of money and cost to bring my product from inception to design and implementation. Since this process was entirely new to me, I felt that I needed to deal w/company who knew all the pitfalls & how to guide you correctly. I received all the contract forms via fax and emails. When I returned each agreement back with notations, Rebecca called me back to tell me the form cannot be accepted by Davison with my comments - send back clean signed form back for their records. At this point August 16, she told me any further work required will be done after I paid their fees. I am handicapped now, so I wanted to know from her if my concept was something alreadshe as a consumer would buy for herself or for her family. She said to me she had wished something like my product being available would be very useful, but she was not required or obligated to give opinion or suggestion for any preliminary concept. I told her all along I was unhappy with their vision of my concept that they sent back to me.(I received a folder with a product rendering and 3 dvd's in a case) Their fee for this service and presentation was a total fee of $9485.00 for the Davison DVD self promotion set, my idea sent to the targeted client. RM passed me to Ellen Gallani in January 2014 - told me their target client passed on my idea. We can now send th idea to target company 2 for additional $385. Let us know. I found similar product already on amazon since July 2013, I paid for them to do due diligence if item was already availableDesired Settlement: I paid Initial fee of $715.00 paid in June 2013 they can keep for value of service. I demand a refund of moneys paid in Aug 22, Sept 4 $4217 and the incessant phone calls until I finally confirmed payment Nov 26, 2013 for the remainder $3793.75 w/ promise of redesign. Total refund of $9485.00 Davison didnt honor their terms and NOT suggest all ways to bring product to market. I expressed dimay oo design which I verbally questioned every instance. I recorded all w/ RM on tape
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. John [redacted]
Review: I thought I was just filling out my information for a free information packet for my invention idea but they asked for the name of my invention idea and to describe it in detail. I provided the information because it would not let me proceed to next step. When I pressed next I noticed my initials automatically popped up into a box that said that I had read and agreed to the information below, which there wasn't. By then it was to late and information was submitted to the** I knew something wasn't right so I Googled the company name to try to get an email address and the Revdex.com Information was the first article about the company. I do have screenshots on my cell phone of information that I provided and some of the information from the**Desired Settlement: I do not want Davison Design and Development Inc to be in possession of any of the information I provided, such as my name, address, phone number, email address, my invention name (voice control) or the invention idea and details.
Also I do not want them to contact me in any for** No emails, phone calls or letters. I did not try to contact Davison Design and Development Inc.
February 04, 2016This letter is in regard to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]. Frankly, her complaint should not be considered a valid complaint againstDavison.By her own admission, she voluntarily submitted an idea through Davison’swebsite, then immediately filed her complaint. She did not enter any contract, nor makeany payment. In fact, our records indicate there has been no contact with her, beyond hersubmission through the website. If she wished to withdraw her idea submission, that isfine, but she never even attempted to contact Davison to indicate that decision.Accordingly, her complaint should not be considered a valid complaint against thecompany.In the event your office decides to post her complaint, regardless of the thoroughlack of a reasonable basis, a formal response is enclosed herewith.David ** D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: Robert S[redacted] of Davison convinced me to Davison 6,700.00 to sell my product to one of the businesses they work with on a daily basis. Robert S[redacted] told me that they would send out Davison people knocking on doors to find someone to buy my project and that I would receive frequent updates from Davison on their sales efforts. That Matt A[redacted] was in charge of this area of the business. So I spoke to Matt A[redacted] and I was told that they are sending letters lout in an effort to interest a company into buy my product. I explained to Matt that Robert S[redacted] had told me that she they would be taken my product door to door to sell it and not sending letters to try and draw attention to my product. I than asked Mr. A[redacted] to try and sell me one of my cooling systems - he couldn't. It didn't sound as if he knew what he was taking about. Than I spoke to the CEO of Davison - he maintained his position and his contract. I asked Davison for the 4th time to provide me with proof that Davison has contacted other businesses on my behalf, they have yet to comply. I don't believe they have made any effort to sell my product - either by knocking on the door or sending letters. They have simply cashed my check and taken my money.Desired Settlement: Refund my 6,700.00 immediately. Since there are so many people that have filed complaints about Davison I believe the attorney general needs to bring suit about these people and put them out of business. I
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 08/10/2015. Customerconcerns upset everyone and Davison’s staff works very hard to troubleshoot them socommunication errors are kept to a minimum. Davison makes a full disclosure of its services andfees, the contracts are simply written with no “fine print” provisions, and the staff maintains anopen channel of communication throughout the process. Unfortunately, Mr. [redacted]’s complaintis replete with inaccuracies. While each individual inaccurate statement may seem minor inisolation, the repeated nature of the inaccuracies demonstrates either an intentional effort tobolster his position or a simple disregard for the facts. Regardless, Davison has provided, andcontinues to provide, its services per the terms of the contract. There is no basis for a refund forservices rendered.Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison already having a product developed. He entered into aRepresentation Agreement on 01/31/2015, under which Davison is obligated to present hisproduct to up to forty-five (45) companies in an attempt to secure a license agreement. Davisonhas provided to Mr. [redacted] a listing of the companies that it has contacted about his product andhas provided to him a true and correct copy of the correspondence sent to said companies. Todate, no company has expressed an interest in licensing his product. While this is unfortunate, itdoes not provide a basis for a refund.In his complaint, Mr. [redacted] makes the following inaccurate statements;1. He states he paid Davison $6,700.00. This is false; his paid $5,600.00.2. He states he hired Davison to “sell my product”. This is false. Davison does notmanufacture products or sell product to the general public. Davison presents aclient’s product idea to a designated company in an effort to secure a licenseagreement. It is the subsequent licensee that may manufacture and sell theproduct. The contract Mr. [redacted] entered specifically states; “WHEREAS, theInventor desires to retain Davison to submit the Invention for possible licensing,sale or distribution by others ...“3. He states that Davison agreed to take his product “door to door to sell it...” Iftaken literally, this is false; the “knocking on doors” approach is simply notrealistic in the 21st century. Electronic communication is a fundamental aspect oftoday’s business world. If taken euphemistically, then yes, Davison hascontacted each company individually and specifically about Mr. [redacted]’sproduct, though as stated above, not to “sell the product” but to seek a licenseagreement.4. Mr. [redacted] alleges that the contracted services were “not sending letters Thisis false. The contract clearly sets forth what the services were to include;“2. IDEA PRESENTATION SERIVCESDavison’s idea presentation services will include some or all of thefollowing as described. Davison will attempt to present the Invention inas many different forums as possible, but not all products handled byDavison receive presentation in all of the below listed manners;a. Conduct verbal presentation (phone);b. Conduct electronic presentation (email);c. Conduct face-to-face presentation at Davison’s facility or othercorporation’s facility;d. Show Invention at trade shows (when opportunity presents);e. Maintain the Invention virtual rendering and other materials topresent to future potential licensees not currently registered toreview product ideas.”5. Mr. [redacted] claims to have spoken to the CEO of Davison. This is false; in fact,Mr. [redacted] has a discussion with the President of the company during which thedetails of his project and Davison’s performance of the services, per the contract,were discussed.As stated, Davison has performed, and continues to perform, its services per the terms ofthe contract. Mr. [redacted]’s complaint is based on mischaracterizations of the nature and scope ofthe contracted services. There is no basis to warr[redacted] a refund for services rendered.David *. D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.Turning ideas into products
I would like to respond to each of the points made by Davison,First of all when I realizedthat I sent only $5,600. to Davison rather than 6,700.00 I immediately let them know myerror.Second, I know the process and I know that Davison does not buy products. Theysimply stand as a middle man and try to sell my intention to another company.Third, regardless what the contract state - Mr. Robert S[redacted] of Davison told me ineveryone of our phone conversations that when Davison sales people would be outknocking on doors trying to sell my product to another company. Mr. S[redacted] told me thismany many times. I would have never signed up for this deal had I know there weresending letters with no follow up either by phone or having a salesman drop in on theperson the letter was sent to.I have a copy of the letter that Matt Alwine claims to have sent to these other business,a copy is included for your review.Item 4 has already been covered - Mr. Robert S[redacted] - NEW PRODUCTS told me theywould send men out and they would be knocking on doors trying to get my businesssold.4.2 No responseFive, I have more than a few emails from Davison that read “from the office of thePresident. While both have different I really don’t see the difference between thethe President and the Chief Executive Officer of a company.Now, On several occasions I have asked Matt Alwine to send me copies of the lettershe sent to other business so that I could take the time and contact these businessesand see if they recall receiving a letter from Davison and if they had any questions that Icould help them with.On one occasion, I asked Mr. Alwine to sell me one of my cooling systems - hestumbled through his own sales pitch as stated on the letter Alwine sent to othercompanies.He didn’t know the product so even if some did call him about my product he didn’tknow the product well enough to sell it to me or anyone else. Earlier today I sent Mr.Alwine an email suggesting a change in the verbiage of this letter and I copied the officeof the President as well.If Mr. Robert S[redacted] of Davison miss represented himself or his employer and thats theinformation I used when I decided to go with Davison than this is what Davison has tolive with,I will be pulling other related email from Davison for your review, see how it stacks upagainst what they are telling you.
This letter is in response to the supplemental comments submitted by Mr. [redacted]in regard to the above referenced complaint. The supplemental comments are dated09/21/2015, and were provided to Davison, by your office, on 10/28 2015. Please notethat Davison has been working, and continues to work, with Mr. [redacted] to address anyconcerns about his project. As recent as 10/30/2015, Mr. [redacted] provided additionalinput about his project and agreed to a course of action regarding the presentation of hisproduct. In light of this mutual agreement to proceed, I kingly request that his complaintfile be closed as resolved.There is one comment in his supplemental letter that requires a response.Specifically, he prefaces his stated concern with the statement “regardless what thecontract state”. As stated in the initial response of 08/18/2015, Davison makes acontinued effort to minimize any confusion over its fees and services. There is a fulldisclosure of all services and fees before any service contract is entered and before anypayments are made. The contracts are simply written with no “fine print” provisions, andthe staff maintains an open channel of communication throughout the process. To simplyignore the written terms, and rely on alleged verbal statements, would create the typicallyunending, and irresolvable, “he said — she said” scenario. The contracts state clearly, andfully, the scope of services to be provided. Reliance on the contract terms is not onlyprudent, but necessary, to avoid undue confusion.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]
[redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about
09 16 2014. Customer concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to
troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an
initial contact, to the presentation of a client’s product sample, we try to maintain an open
channel of communication.
On or abut 06/06/20 14, Ms. [redacted] entered into an agreement for Pre
Development services which obligated Davison to compile research data related to her
product idea. This contract provided a revocation period during which a refund of
payments would be made if the contract was timely cancelled. Ms. [redacted] did not
provide her cancellation until 07/14/2014, well beyond the stated period. The contract
does not provide for a refund of payments for cancellations made beyond the stated
revocation period. However, Davison has no interest in retaining fees for services which
will not be performed. Accordingly, Ms. [redacted]’s payment