Davison Design & Development, Inc. Reviews (246)
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Address: 595 Alpha Dr Ridc Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15238-2911
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Review: After I submitted my idea to Davison's they contacted me shortly afterwards. I spoke to a representative who asked questions about the product I wanted them to build for me. I told him that before anything I had to confirm that the product COULD be built and he told me he would check with his own engineers to make sure it could be done before I Would give him the money. He called me a day or two later to let me know that he reviewed it with his engineers and they had confirmed that it was possible for them to build. I trusted his word and paid an initial fee of $795 and we put the project in motion. After Davison's did their research they contacted me to let me know that we were ready to move on to the next step which was Product Rendering. It costed me $5,850. We finished the project and I had the product patented for $125 but shortly after I had it patented I felt comfortable telling people about my great idea! They loved the idea but pointed out that they didn't believe that the product could be built properly to make it work the way I wanted so I started to do some research. I began to realize that I had been ripped off so now all I ask is that they refund my money.Please Note [redacted]If I wasn't told by the representative that they were able to produce the product, I would've taken full responsibility for what happened... Thanks.Desired Settlement: Initial Fee: $795Product Rendering: $5,850Total: $6,645
This letter is in response to the above-referenced complaint. Davison has reviewed the complaint and its file on Mr. [redacted] and cannot find any grounds for the requested refund. When Mr. [redacted] submitted his product idea to Davison, he did so pursuant to an agreement that stated, in part, “Davison does not evaluate product ideas and does not represent that any idea will be licensed, patented or profitable.” Similar disclaimers were contained in each of the two disclosures made to him in connection with his project prior to contracting with him. Mr. [redacted]’s first contract (research and representation) with Davison obligated Mr. [redacted] to provide to Davison a sample, presentation materials and packaging of his product idea. The contract contained a fourth statement that Davison had not evaluated his idea and a statement that Davison made no representations that his idea could be marketed, licensed, patented or make a profit for him. Davison performed the research and delivered the results to Mr. [redacted]. In response, he provided very positive written feedback, a copy of which is enclosed. Davison subsequently offered to Mr. [redacted] a contract by which it agreed to produce for him a rendering of his product idea, but which contained no promise to build a sample of his product. If, as he claims, Mr. [redacted] would not have entered into the first contract if Davison could not build a sample for him, he certainly would not have entered into a second contract that did not include building a sample. Davison provided the rendering to Mr. [redacted] and he approved it. Copies of his approvals are enclosed. It was not until after Davison was unsuccessful in seeking a licensee for his concept that Mr. [redacted] began demanding that the company build a sample of his product idea, despite there being no contractual basis for that demand. Because all of the contracted services were fully described in written agreements and performed and approved by Mr. [redacted], Davison believes that the complaint is without merit and should be described by your organization as resolved. Regards, George H. Crompton General Counsel
The contract you sent in response was correct and indeed had my signature on it. However, it seems you overlooked the biggest issue in my first letter. I was told by a representative of Davison's that his engineers confirmed the product could be built to my exact specifications. So this contract was signed by me after he reassured me it could be done. Or else this contract would never have been signed. Lying to the client (me) to receive my signature for this contract was wrong. All of the contracts I signed were after the conversation I had with the representative who informed me that the product WAS in fact, possible to build.
This letter is in response to the supplemental comments submitted by Troy
[redacted]. As stated in our initial response, all contracted services have been performed with
Mr. [redacted]’s express written approval and to his documented satisfaction. While it is
unfortunate that the targeted corporation chose not to license his product idea, that fact
does not negate the services which were provided.
In his supplement comments, Mr. [redacted] raises a concern over the construction of
the product sample. However, he did not contract for that service. A copy of the contract
was included in our initial response and the contracted service was for the creation of an
Integrated Product Rendering not a physical product sample. It is not reasonable to
assert a complaint regarding services that were not part of the agreed terms of the
All contracted services have been provided with Mr. [redacted]’s express written
approval and authorization. All services have met with his documented satisfaction. His
complaint is directed to services which were not contracted. There is no factual basis to
support his complaint.
Associate Counsel
Davison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: I contracted with davison to promote my idea for a new product-after two & a half months the business contracted with [redacted]-a company which they had no success with out of 168 attempts-i was very skeptical @ this point & became irritated @ their constant pushing to get me to sign a new contract-i told them I was applying for a patriot express loan @ which they became less patient & paranoid about me going with another contractor- which I @ that time had no intentions to do-until I checked their Revdex.com rating of a D. All I received for my $795+10% royalties was a patent search-which I could have done for free on my own-the new contract that they were excessively pushing on me was $14175 + another 10% royalties- their representative became excessively persistent in moving this forward when she knew I had financial problems & a hard time coming up with the original $795. I believe their unprofessional insistance/demands were intended to put me on the spot in order to benefit themselves. I want all or part of my $795 back as I believe their conduct warrants.Desired Settlement: all or part of my initial fees back-@ least half.
Dear Mr. Baker; This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 09/17/2013. In his statement, Mr. [redacted] alleges he was pressured to enter into an agreement and implies that he was misled in regard to our fees. This is blatantly false. As will be detailed below, he was fully apprised of the types of services offered and their related fees BEFORE any contract was entered. Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’s website. The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit an idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and the person electronically acknowledging the disclosures. On 05/29/2013, Mr. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he received and read the two disclosure statements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any payment to Davison. Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosure statement that sets out the various services and related fees. Following his acknowledgment of the disclosures, Mr. [redacted] entered into an agreement for Pre-Development services which obligated Davison to compile research data related to his product idea. Davison completed the Pre-Development services and forwarded the compiled research to Mr. [redacted]. His statement acknowledges his receipt of this research. The Pre- Development Agreement states in relevant part (emphasis added); “Section IIB. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaining a product sample and relevant information about the product in a professional format for presentation to a Licensee, at Client's sole expense. Davison, at its option, will offer to provide further development services, under a separate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creating the sample and presentation material for the targeted Licensee. Client is aware that he or she is free to obtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtain them.” ?? Following the completion of the services under the Pre-Development Agreement, on 08/20/2013, Davison provided to Mr. [redacted] a proposed agreement for further development work. This proposal is consistent with our disclosures and the terms of the Pre-Development Agreement. To date, Mr. [redacted] has not engaged these additional services, which is his prerogative. As stated, Mr. [redacted] was fully informed of all services and their related fees offered by Davison, BEFORE he entered into any contract. The services for which there existed a contract have been performed. No additional contracts have been entered and no additional payments have been received. There is no basis to warrant a refund for services rendered. [redacted] Associate Counsel Davison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: My issue is in regards to a personal [redacted]er. I've had for a very long time a passion for pursuing a product idea. Due to personal obstacles (family HIPPAA, financial, busy Mom, and other) I had not actively pursued my product idea (invention idea). I then discovered "Davison" and reached out to them online and submitted my idea. They took approx $700 from me and said it would be neccessary to pursue research on similiar products/other neccessary leg work. It was hard on my financial resources but gave a lump sum as I felt really good this was a decent, professional organization and I was going to see my product in shelves (in the far future, but atleast I had hope with this company). They never disclosed there would be a seperate set of events/costs that would need to take place in order to keep the product idea moving until the last minute. Their communication was brief, cold, "have to" type vibe and no personalization. I always felt like I was just a #. For some reason, I was paired with Mr. [redacted], who called me once/week for approx 5-7min. the calls would be general updates, no updates, just a touchbase (have-to) call. It was a waste of my time each time. Aside from lack of true customer service, the main reason for my complaint is that I was told I would be provided a proposal and recived it last week. It lised 4 payment options in order for them to begin building a product sample to to then pursue a manufacturing company. The proposal did not list a terminaton date or deadline to respond. When I discussed the proposal with [redacted], he said he would need a retainer fee in order for the product idea not to be cancelled. The proposal has lump sums ranging from $9K to $13K, who has that kind of money laying around? He said if I didn't pay off which ever option I select in 2 months, then I wouldn't get perks or discount. On the other hand, it didn't list that I had to initiate contract proposal within a designated time. He got upset and refused to work w/me.Desired Settlement: Let my product idea stay active in Davison, but just on hold status until I can gather funds to make a lump sum or monthly installment. My dealings with Davison and my impression of their reputation is soley based on my interactions with [redacted] (director of new products). I had asked several times if there was a way to communicate with Mr. [redacted], founder of the company and was refused an outlet to reach him. [redacted], became aggresive several times and demonstrated rude behaviour.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]
Review: Hello Sir on about 5-1-2015 I was using my smartphone and this advertisement popped up. The Ad was for the said company known as Davison, which is a company that claims to help people to develop and bring their invention to the market place. And for a percentage of license royalty. When I viewed this phone Ad I responded by adding the name of my invention and my contact phone number. A few days latter the president of the company called me while I was at work. His name was Mr D[redacted], and so I explained what my invention was about. My invention was a baby seat alarm, so we both talked about baby seat alarms and there needs in today's lifestyle. He agreed on such device need, and explained that his director a Mr Edward R[redacted] would be in contact with me and start gathering info for this project. Please note at this point in time all I've is a little Ad on a smartphone, the only thing that got to blindly go with Davison program and claims was the conversation with Mr D[redacted] and Mr R[redacted]. Please not that no one mentioned any exchanging of money for services. Understanding that when your an inventor one tends to think the hole world will rush in support of a good sound invention. This company never sat down and said we will build plus package your invention in order to present to targeted market. Mr D[redacted] an R[redacted] and the smartphone Ad gave me the lead me to strongly think this company gold was to capitalize on good ideals by building marketing the for a percent of royalty. It was not until I email Mr [redacted] (the director of new products). Here is how company got my money before I was able to learn truth of how company operate outside of their poor disclosure policies of operations. I emailed Mr [redacted] full report of how my baby seat alarm system worked. He agreed that my ideal was something the company could work on. He then email me some agreement form for me to electronically sign off on. Then form asked that agree Davison and I were now to be only two partners to this idea at this point. Still no one ever directed me to their www.Davison.com web page. Well the following week Mr [redacted] call me at work and talk about how doable my report was. He then began the first request for money. His pitch was all we need is little money down to get started, he said $25. down would be good. Well I had payed all the way up to $150. and he still had not given my plans to his team as stated. So I asked why project not been started and the reply was we need the hole amount ($795. ! shocking ). I was lead to think this company would build my invention, so I used my PayPal credit to pay off the $645. balance (totaling $795.) I've told we need money down before our team gets handed your plans. I payed $795. and they are still saying we need money before we build your project. Before Mr [redacted] went on vacation he claimed himself and team would be on top of my project. Nothing happen next, after the vacation Mr [redacted] asked if I gotten package in mail! I said no. I was told that the package would be resent and that an email would also be sent detailing what would be in mailed package. I never got that second package , but I did get get an email. I was shock with the email content, Davison was asking for $165.00 hand hour to build my project, and or $12,000.00 to $14,750.00 more to build and market my invention. I would like to get my $795. back. I got nothing for my money. They mislead me from the start and cheated me. For $650.00 I could had the those plans I emailed to Davison turn into a professionally prepared report & drawing with a one year PPA patent in place. And whereby I could have had this patented idea marked for $40. per marketing searches. With Davison I got nothing for my money. I was mislead, I was told what they wanted me to know when they choose. No one ever talked total cost or cost for steps alone the was. No one at any point said this is the cost here and do you think you can handle investing your money to the overall amount. Davison new that there are other companies like theirs who wrongfully grab up people money and they just proved to be no different.Desired Settlement: I want my money back. I've putting inventions out to be marketed and I would never have paid more than $50. if this company had been truthful with me. I paid $645. with a PayPal credit that I must pay back to PayPal. I need that money refunded back to that PayPal account. I also paid $150. out of pocket I would like back. The phone advertising was misleading and the company directors were not upfront.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about08/11/2015. Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of aninitial contact and throughout the process, Davison maintains an open channel ofcommunication, disclosing its services and fees upfront and securing the clients’ approvaland authorization throughout the process. The contracts are simply written, with no “fineprint” provisions. It is not possible to be more upfront with its clients about the servicesand fees. As will be detailed below, Mr. [redacted] was provided explicit, clear disclosuresof the scope of services and the relevant fees, which he acknowledged having receivedand read. He contracted for the pre-development services which were provided to hissatisfaction. Additional services were offered, which he declined. There is no basis for arefund for services rendered to Mr. [redacted]’ documented satisfaction.Mr. [redacted]’ statement does have a thread of truth running through it, but isreplete with inaccuracies and simply disregards numerous facts. The result being, hisstatement creates a false representation of Davison’s process. Below is a summary of theevents, with supporting documentation, to provide an accurate description of his project.Mr. [redacted] submitted his idea to Davison on 03/15 2015, not 05 01 2015 asstated in his complaint. The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes itimpossible for a person to submit an idea without first having two separate disclosuresdisplayed in a printable and savable format, and the person electronically acknowledgingthe disclosures. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronic signature on 03/15/2015, at14:04:47 from IP address [redacted], that he received and read the two disclosurestatements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Cliententers any service contract or makes any payment to Davison. Among the disclosures isthe statement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract inconnection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing the variousservices and related fees. Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosure detailing theservices, as well as the data record documenting his electronic acknowledgement.Following his submission, a representative of Davison contacted Mr. [redacted] todiscuss whether the services offered by Davison would be of interest to him. Contrary tohis statement, this call is not made by the company CEO. Rather, there is a designateddepartment that follows up with individuals who have submitted their idea to confirm thesubmission and discuss the offer of services. Mr. [redacted] entered into the initial predevelopment service agreement which obligated Davison to compile research data relatedto his product idea. Davison completed the services and forwarded the compiled researchto him on or about 05/28/2015. Mr. [redacted] completed a questionnaire about this servicein which he provided positive feedback and acknowledged that the research was“prepared in accordance with my contract for this service.” A copy of his questionnairesigned and dated 06 03 2015 is attached.The Pre-Development Agreement states in relevant part (emphasis added);“Section 11 B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaining aproduct sample, packaging and relevant information about the product in aprofessional format for presentation to a Licensee, at Client’s sole expense.Davison, at its option, will offer to provide further development services, under aseparate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creating the sample andpresentation material for the targeted Licensee. Client is aware that he or she is free toobtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtain them at all...”Consistent with the terms of the Pre-Development Agreement and the disclosures thatMr. [redacted] acknowledged, Davison offered additional services for the development ofhis project. This contract outlined the services for the design and construction of aphysical product sample, packaging and presentation materials. The contract provided aselection of four payment options, which were consistent with the fee disclosure he hadpreviously acknowledged. Mr. [redacted] has declined these additional services, which ishis prerogative.As stated, Mr. [redacted] was fully informed of all services and their related feesoffered by Davison, BEFORE he entered into any contract. To the extent he was notaware of the additional services and fees; it was not due to a lack of disclosure byDavison. The services for which there existed a contract have been performed to Mr.[redacted]’ documented satisfaction. No additional contracts have been entered and noadditional payments have been received. There is no basis to warrant a refund forservices rendered.David ** D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
[redacted] , I reject this business response . They advertised that they would handle cost to complete cost contact is made. Soon as this company listens the customers ideas is when they request a little money to get started.. This is not an upfront with customer company. Had they been truthful about cost/all cost I would have not have had any further dealing at that point. PLEASE NOTE at the very point of first contact with company I had no intent of spending a hundred dollar on project , when this company Ad claimed to handle cost. Company has been a bait and switch from start. This company may finish work, but all its been for me is ONE BIG ALSO CHARGE/ALSO YOU NEED TO PAY THIS . If company had told me a upfront an $795. 00 assessment was needed I would have said no thank you an good day. They have bad advertisement that gets a persons interest up, and from there the customer is lead (not leading) this advertised transaction. The first thing the customer should know in bright letters is $795.00 fee just to get things started. Company advertise A New Way To Invent, but the customer should see past bright colors to the fact that the services here are just as much as any other like company. Misleading advertising is why I'm out $795.00 with this company (Davison).
Review: Hello, my name is [redacted] and I am thoroughly disgusted by the poor business practices of Davison. I explained to the senior manager of new product development who's name is [redacted], that I had an innovative invention that would be a sure fire way of succeeding through the company. [redacted] was not very specific in what was required of me other than patent search agreements and a nonrefundable amount of $695.00 for this process to take place. I received a pointless portfolio with my name on the DVD explaining information that was already provided through the website. I am on disability, so the money I receive is very limited. He said that it would cost me up to $16,000.00 to get my product developed! I did not receive a blue print to show what my product would look like, and he suggested I take out a loan and ask friends and family for money. I know I have been scammed, despite any agreement to pay the $695.00 and I am seeking a full refund of all expenses toward this project with full closure of any accounts saved through the company. I will not ask family or anyone I know for money. [redacted] also said when I wanted a refund that "I will not get it". I am thoroughly unhappy with the service provided and would like every red cent of my money credited back to my bank account. I do have all the agreements, portfolio, emails, letters and date of which the money was drafted from my account if proof is required. I will do thorough investigative research before committing to any other company in the future.Desired Settlement: I would like a full refund of all $695.00 credited back to my account, and all confidential information regarding my product indefinitely terminated without penalty of finding another company to develop my product of decided to do so.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] againstDavison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 12 14/2014. Customer concerns upseteveryone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to aminimum. From the time of an initial contact, to the presentation of a client’s product sample, we try tomaintain an open channel of communication, disclosing our fees and services in advance. In her statement,Ms. [redacted] complains that she did not receive a “blueprint to show what my product would look like...”The implication being that the $695.00 fee for the Pre-Development research was sufficient to cover theexpense of the full development of her product sample. This is an unreasonable conclusion and is contraryto the numerous disclosures provided to Ms. [redacted] and contrary to the explicit terms of the PreDevelopment contract. As will be detailed below, she was provided a complete disclosure of the types ofservices offered, and their related fees, as well as an explicit statement that it is Davison’s normal practiceto seek more than one contract for a submitted idea BEFORE any contract was entered.On 08 14/20)4, Ms. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’swebsite. The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submitan idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and theperson electronically acknowledging the disclosures. Ms. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronicsignature, that she received and read the two disclosure statements. It is important to note that thedisclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any payment to Davison. Among the disclosures is thestatement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract in connection with asubmitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing of the various services and related fees. Further,this information is freely available on Davison’s website. To allege she was not provided this informationis simply false.On 1006/2014, Ms. [redacted] entered into an agreement for Pre-Development services whichobligated Davison to compile research data related to her product idea. These services were completed andthe research material, comprising fifteen (15) U.S. Patent documents and information on thirteen (13)similar products currently on the market, was sent to Ms. [redacted]. She has acknowledged her receipt ofthese items. The purpose of the Pre-Development research is to collect information relevant to the furtherdevelopment of her product idea. To blindly assume that no individual has previously thought of a similarproduct idea is simply naive. To assert that this research is “pointless” is misguided.The Pre-Development Agreement contains the following provisions;“Section II B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaining a product sampleand relevant information about the product in a professional format for presentation to a Licensee,at Clients sole expense. Davison, at its option, will offer to provide further developmentservices, under a separate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creating thesample and presentation material for the targeted Licensee. Client is aware that he or she is free toobtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtain them.”On 11/26/2014, after completion of the initial pre-development services, Ms. [redacted] was offered a contractfor additional services for an additional fee. This offer is consistent with the disclosures as well as theterms of the Pre-Development agreement. Ms. [redacted] has not engaged these additional services, which isher prerogative.In our last contact with Ms. [redacted], she stated that she contacted the corporation to whom Davisonhad intended to make a presentation of her product idea. When she secured Davison’s services, she signeda Confidentiality Agreement, in which she agreed to not contact any corporation that Davison discloses toher. Ms. [redacted] freely admits she violated this obligation. Corporations, in general, are hesitant toconfidentially receive new product ideas from the general public. The corporations that register withDavison agree to review projects in confidence and in exchange want to limit their communication to onlyDavison. The alternative is that the corporation gets swamped with update requests and projects arerejected summarily. That is the reason that every client of Davison agrees to not contact the corporationsthat are disclosed to them. There is no ulterior motive, only the attempt to ensure our clients’ projects aregiven a fair and thorough review. The potential harm in a client violating this Agreement is not limited tothat client’s particular project, but extends to all other client projects that are being reviewed, or may bereviewed in the future, by the specific corporation. The Confidentiality Agreement is explicitly clear; “I[the Client] agree that my violation of this agreement will result in the immediate termination of allcontracts between myself and Davison...”Finally, Ms. [redacted] has expressed concern over the confidentiality of her product idea and herright to pursue this idea. When she contacted Davison, she made contact by entering a ConfidentiallyAgreement. Under the express terms of the Agreement; “Davison will not use, disclose, license or sell thisidea with out my [Ms. [redacted]] express written permission.” Davison takes the obligation of confidentialityseriously, and abides by the terms of the Agreement. Also, the Pre-Development contract which sheentered explicitly states; “Nothing in this agreement changes legal title to the product or design.” Ms.[redacted] is free to pursue her product idea as she decides, with the limited exception of contacting thecorporation that was disclosed to her by Davison. As such, her concern over the confidence of her idea isunwarranted.As detailed above, Ms. [redacted] was informed of the additional services twice; the first disclosureoccurring BEFORE she entered any contract and the second disclosure occurring within the terms of thePre-Development Agreement. The allegation that she was not informed of these facts is unjustified. Theservices for which there existed a contract have been performed. No additional services have beencontracted and no additional payments have been made. There is no basis to warrant a refund for servicesrendered.Turning ideas into products[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and
Review: I have been made aware of a product that was presented to Davison. I understand that a provisional patent application was filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on 12/2/13 under application number [redacted]. I do understand that [redacted] agreed to Option 1 (Reactive) on February 6, 2014 in order to research his own manufacturers before filing for an actual patent. (I am aware that several attempts have been made by [redacted] with Davison regarding interested companies but Davison has yet to respond.) In order to proceed with the final patent application (form PTO/SB/26) before abandonment twelve months from the date of the Provisional Patent application filing, I am requesting hardcopies of the following items per the contract presented and signed by [redacted] on 12/28/12 and [redacted] on 1/7/13. I am breaking down the contract item by item so that hopefully my requests will be answered as quickly as possible. Much more information needs to be provided in order for a patent application to be filed and granted. This contract promises many items that have never been discussed or witnessed; this includes the actual product sample. If these items are not provided as well as the actual product, a full refund will be expected for $12,775.00 which was paid in full, in good faith per our contact, on 6/20/13 to Davison. PER OUR CONTRACT: 1.Services Provided Section A Creating Presentation Materials I. In reference to this paragraph, please provide detail (background and qualification) and names of those on the Development Team. ii.Please tell me what the problem solved was as well as the objective of my product as deemed appropriate by your Development Team.iv.Please provide dates of the brainstorming sessions as well as the modifications and enhancements as well as changes, etc, discussed in these brainstorming sessions v.Please provide of list as well as why certain businesses were selected as targeted corporation that were to resemble my product.Section B Creating The Product Samplei. Please provide an analysis of the project used to create a cost efficient and effective production process. Also, please provide the explanation as to how the sample attempts to reflect, as closely as reasonably possible, the targeted corporation manufacturing methods. ii.Please provide all CAD drawings as well as the dates they were developed and/or changed. iii.Please provide the creation of computer codes used to transfer the data to the code used by the shops machinery to produce all parts of the final product sample. I would also like to know what machinery the targeted corporation (Horizon Tool) actually uses and how this machinery will suit the production of my product. iv.Please provide a list of all OEM components and machine set-up used in building the product sample. vi.Please provide a list of finished or OEM parts used to assemble a complete product sample.viii. Please provide all photos of the product sample that are in a secure location or proof thereof.Section C Creating The Packaging Samplei.Please provide the date of results of the meeting used to determine the appropriate packaging style to merchandise the product.ii.Pleased provide the information used for Package Design & Engineering including product size, weight and level of fragility used in the analysis.iii.Please provide all Packaging Production Drawings and/or CAD Illustrations as well as the name of the packaging computer program used.iv.Please provide list of G-code files (Computer Software) as well as the machinery used to produce the final packaging sample.v.Please provide the entire Machine Packaging Sample. Section D Product Sample Finalizationii.Please provide the entire Product Sample Integrity Review as completed by your quality assurance team to verify that the final product sample accurately represents the design approved by Client. iii.Please provide photos or proof thereof of the shipping container obtained or built to protect the Product Sample during shipment.Section F Information for Provisional Patent ApplicationPlease provide a hardcopy of any and all information used in association when filing that Provisional Patent Application in the United States. As this information is not readily available for view online, I would like to have this information in hand. This information is necessary in order for me to continue any further with the necessary patent application. Section G Executive SummaryPlease provide the promised Executive Summary. This material was never received. This includes a packet of information that will include a summary of the problem solved by the idea, the product samples key functional features and computerized drawings of the components manufactured by Davison. A full color photograph of the sample and its packaging in included in the Executive Summary.Lastly, under the section titled 6. Choice of Law; Arbitration; Cure:I am asking Davison for the above listed items as I feel there is breach of contract. None of the above items have been discussed or provided as specifically stated in the contract. I am writing this in good faith and I expect the same from Davison. Our contract states Davison will respond in no less than thirty days after Client gives his or her assent to the proposed cure. I anxiously await your response. Sincerely,[redacted] D. [redacted]cc: Revdex.com Lyle Petrulli, Director of New Products, DavisonEnc: Power of AttorneyDesired Settlement: Davison has mislead me entirely throughout the design and production process. After many attempts for information via email with Ms. [redacted], I have no where else to turn. Per our contract, Davison says that will respond in 30 days. I have looked into Davison and understand there are many, many complaints that are identical to mine. The easiest way to resolve this breach of contract is to simply refund my money in full for $12,775.00.
This letter is in response to the above referenced matter filed by Ms. [redacted] on