Davison Design & Development, Inc. Reviews (246)
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Address: 595 Alpha Dr Ridc Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15238-2911
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This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms*** *** against Davison Design and Development, Inc(Davison) on or about 11/25/It should be noted that your office’s letter dated 12/12/is the first notice we received regarding this complaintFurther, it
should be made clear that Ms*** has not engaged any services with, nor has she made any payments to, DavisonCustomer concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimu** In her statement, Ms*** raises a concern over the confidentiality of her idea and makes numerous misrepresentations over the nature of services offered.Ms*** contacted Davison about a new product idea on November 15, She made this contact by entering a Confidentially AgreementUnder the express terms of the Agreement; “Davison will not use, disclose, license or sell this idea with out my [Ms***] express written permission.” Davison takes the obligation of confidentiality seriously, and abides by the terms of the AgreementAs such, her concern over the confidence of her idea is unwarranted.Secondly, Ms*** make statements concerning the pursuit of intellectual property rights, i.epatents, trademarks, copyrightDavison is not a law firm and we do not advertise that we provide intellectual property services or any other legal servicesThe contracts for services that we do offer do not include patent filing services or any other legal servicesThe contracts are explicitly clear that the Client is solely responsible for securing any and all intellectual property protectionsTo the extent she believes Davison offers such services, she is mistaken.Finally, Ms*** alleges a failure to contact herOur records indicate that Davison has had no less then ten communications with Ms*** about her project, including an e-mail from her after the date of her complaintMs*** has simply chosen not to pursue any services, which is her prerogativeShould she decide to purse her project with Davison we would welcome an opportunity to work with her pursuant to the services which are offered.Sincerely,David ** D***Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms *** ***
against Davison Design and Development Inc (Davison) on or about 10/As Ms ***
notes in her complaint, she entered into a contract for services in and made a series of
partial payments toward
the retainer fee Ms *** notes that she simply can not make additional
payments and requests a full refund Unfortunately~ the contract does not provide for a refund of
payments for cancellations madeBeyond the stated-revocation period
In her complaint she alleges she did not know the stated fee was a retainer fee This
claim is contradicted by the plain language of the contract The relevant section of the contract is
entitled “RETAINER AND ROYALTY’ Further, paragraph C of that section states, “The
retainer amount selected in Section 3A To claim she was not awate that the fee was a retainer
fee is disingenuous Second, she claims the refund shouldft the much of a problem” as no
services were provided This view completely discounts the administrative expenses incurred in
However Davison has no interest in retaining fees for services which will not be
performed Despite having no contractual basis to warrant a refund, Davison will refund 80% of
the partial payments made on-the contract (Davison retains 20% to cover the administrative costs -
incurred) If this resolution if acceptable to Ms ***, I ask that she contact me directly in our
Legal Department and the necessary documents will be forwarded to her attention
I paid $over a year period of time,for a new product sample that costs $I informed (*** ***)of davisons today 10/8/that I can no longer make anymore payments.So Can I just have the $backI feel that it shouldn't be much of a problem getting a full refund since I didn't take/gain/or receive anything but my payment receipts.I never agreed to a $retainer feeMy 1st payment of $was just a payment Here is the receipt for your project.(me) DATE TYPE AMOUNT April 12, Check $March 27, VISA $August 1, VISA $November 19, VISA $Cost of New Product Sample Agreement $Total Payments $Balance Remaining $*** ***
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms*** ***against Davison Design and Development, Inc(Davison) on or about 02/08/Weunderstand that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperative when operating asuccessful businessCustomer
concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimumMs*** entered into twoseparate service contracts; a Pre-Development Agreement (PD) and a New Product SampleAgreement (NPSA)Services under the PD were provided to her documented satisfactionTheNPSA was terminated by Ms*** before services were dueDavison offered, and Ms***accepted, a refund on her payment on the NPSADespite having accepted the refund, Ms***felt justified in filing her complaint which includes and defamatory statementsThere is nobasis to warrant a further refund.Ms*** contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’s websiteThesystem Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit anidea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, andthe person electronically acknowledging the disclosuresMs*** requested hard copies ofthese disclosures which were sent to herIt is important to note that the disclosures are madeBEFORE the Client makes any payment to DavisonThe disclosures detail the risks and costs ofthe new product development processEnclosed, please find a copy of the disclosures whichwere provide to Ms***, the Affirmative Disclosure bearing her signatureFollowing heracknowledgment of the disclosures, Ms*** entered the PD contractThese services werecompleted and Ms*** completed a questionnaire providing positive feedbackA copy of hersigned questionnaire is enclosed.On 10/03/2014, following completion of the PD services, Ms*** entered the NPSAcontractThis contract provided a seven (7) day cancellation period, during which she could havereceived a full refundA copy of the signature page of this contract, specifying the revocationperiod, is enclosedMs*** did not cancel the contract within this periodAfter two monthshad passed, Ms*** terminated the contractAs this termination occurred well beyond thestated period, there is no contractual basis for a refundHowever, Davison has no interest inretaining fees for services which will not be performedDavison offered, and Ms***accepted, a refund of 80% of the partial payments made on the contract(Davison retains 20% tocover the administrative costs incurred.) Enclosed, please find a copy of the refund checkendorsed and cashed by Ms***.making numerous and defamatory statementsIn her complaint she alleges; “I just reallywanted a patent”Davison is not a law firm and does not advertise that it provides intellectualproperty services or any other legal servicesThe contracts for services do not include patentfiling services or any other legal servicesThe contracts are explicitly clear that the Client issolely responsible for securing any and all intellectual property protectionsThe PD contractstates in Section ll.B.: “Davison is not responsible for applying for or obtaining any intellectualproperty protections on the Product or Design, including but not limited to patents, trademarksand trade names.” And the NPSA contract states in Section 4.J.iii): “Davison is not a law firm.Davison is not providing, and Client is not relying upon Davison for, legal adviceClientacknowledges that he/she is responsible for patenting his/her Idea ...“ To the extent she believesDavison offers such services, she is mistaken.She further alleges; “.had I know the true risk and costs there is no way I would not havedone this.” As referenced above, Ms*** was provided with disclosures explicitly detailingDavison’s historical success rates and the costs of the various service contractsTo now allegethat she was not aware of these facts is simply a fabrication.In short, Ms*** was fully informed of the risks and costs of the new productdevelopment process BEFORE she entered any service contractDavison performed the PDservices to Ms***’s express written satisfactionNo services were due to be performedunder the NPSAMs*** terminated the NPSA well beyond the stated revocation period; assuch no refund was dueDespite not being obligated, Davison offered, and Ms*** accepted,a partial (80%) refund of the partial fees paid toward the NPSAThere is no basis to warrant afurther refund.Sincerely*** ** ***Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr*** ***against Davison Design and Development, Inc(Davison) on or about 12/15/Weunderstand that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperative when operating asuccessful businessCustomer
concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimumFrom the time of an initialcontact, through the research and development of a new product idea, to the presentation of aclient’s idea, we try to maintain an open channel of communication, disclosing our services andfees upfront and securing our clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process.Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularly whentheir product ideas are not licensedThat appears to be the simple truth with Mr***.Mr*** has been a valued client since first contacting Davison in September 2010.In his complaint, he makes numerous misstatements of fact and defamatory conclusionsHealleges he was not informed of the costs associated with services and that he has not been updatedas to the status of his projectWhen he first contacted Davison, he did so through our website.The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submitan idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format,and the person electronically acknowledging the disclosuresMr*** acknowledged, via anelectronic signature, that he received and read the two disclosure statementsIt is important tonote that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any payment to DavisonAmongthe disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s practice to seek more than onecontract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing of thevarious services and related feesFurther, this information is freely available on Davison’swebsiteTo allege he was not provided this information is simply false.With regard to the specific services provided to Mr***, these services wereprovided with his express written approval and authorization, and to his documented satisfaction.Davison created a design for his product sample which he approved and completed aquestionnaire about providing generally positive feedbackIn reliance on his approval, thephysical product sample and presentation material were createdHe authorized the presentationof his product sample, the presentation was made and, unfortunately, the corporation declined tolicense his ideaMr*** subsequently authorized three additional presentationsHis productidea is currently being reviewed by the final corporationIn addition to the presentations forwhich he contracted, Davison has made another presentation at no cost to Mr***Copies ofhis approval, authorization, and questionnaire are enclosed (note the actual approved design hasbeen redacted for confidentiality purposes)Throughout this process, our records indicate thatMr*** has been fully informed of the status of his projectOur Licensing Department hasbeen asked to again reach out to Mr*** to address any questions he has on the projectstatus.As stated, the design, construction, and presentation of Mr***’s product samplehave been performed with his express written approval and authorizationThere is no basis towarrant a refund for services renderedThe simple fact is; the product development processprovides no guarantees of financial gainOur contracts and disclosures are explicit in this regard.While this is of little comfort to a client who has expended considerable time, money, effort andemotion into a project, the fact that a particular project does not bring financial gain to the clientdoes not invalidate the services that were providedHowever, in the interest of customersatisfaction, we will offer two additional presentations at no cost to Mr***If he chooses toaccept this offer, he need only contact our Licensing Department who will coordinate thenecessary paperwork to authorize the presentations.Sincerely*** ** ***Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms***
*** against Davison Design and Development, Inc(Davison) on or about 10/07/At the
outset, Ms*** alleges she hired Davison to “advertise my [product]in various plant
does not “advertise” our clients’ products to the general public, we design and
develop product samples for presentation to corporations who in turn may manufacture and
market the productAs will be detailed below, Ms*** was provided a complete disclosure
of the types of services offered and their related fees BEFORE any contract was entered
Davison provided its services for the contract that Ms*** enteredDavison offered
additional services, which she declinedThere is no basis for a refund
Ms*** contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’s websiteThe
system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit an
idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and
the person electronically acknowledging the disclosuresMs*** acknowledged, via an
electronic signature, that she received and read the two disclosure statementsIt is important to
note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any payment to DavisonAmong
the disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s practice to seek more than one
contract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing the various
services and related fees
Following her acknowledgment of the disclosures, on 05/08/14, Ms*** entered
into an agreement for Pre-Development services which obligated Davison to compile research
data related to her product ideaDavison completed the Pre-Development services on 05/29/
The Pre-Development Agreement states in relevant part;
“Section II BProduct Samples; ApprovalsClient is responsible for obtaining a product sample,
packaging and relevant information about the product in a professional format for presentation to a
Licensee, at Client’s sole expenseDavison, at its option, will offer to provide further development
services, under a separate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creating the sample
and presentation material for the targeted LicenseeClient is aware that he or she is free to obtain
such materials elsewhere or not to obtain them at allHowever, materials obtained elsewhere or
made by Client are subject to Davison’s approval prior to submission to a Licensee by DavisonIf
Davison does not approve the materials made by Client or obtained elsewhere by Client, and
Client is unwilling to make such changes to the materials as required by Davison, or if Client does
not make or obtain presentation materials and a sample acceptable to Davison, this Agreement will
be terminated without refund of any amount paid by Client
Agreement, on 06/Davison provided to Ms*** a proposed agreement for further
development workThis proposal is consistent with our disclosures and the terms of the Pre
Development AgreementShe has declined this service, which is her prerogative
Davison has attempted to work with Ms*** to address her concernsShe has spoken
with the product director in charge of her project, as well as with a representative of our Office of
the PresidentIn both situations Ms*** had become verbally abusiveI spoke with Ms
***, and her bank representative, earlier todayMs*** acknowledged that she has not
provided a physical product sample to Davison, as required by the contractShe continually
referenced a “verbal agreement” which is not supported by Davison’s practice or the terms of the
written contractDavison is willing to complete its representation service and present her product
idea to the identified target corporationHowever, this is contingent upon receipt of a product
sample, packaging and presentation material acceptable to DavisonMs*** has not provided
these items and has not engaged Davison’s services for the creation of these itemsIf she
provides these items, in an acceptable format, we can proceedIf she can provide some of the
items, then the additional services offered can be modified to account for the items she will have
As stated, Ms*** was fully informed of all services and their related fees offered by
Davison, BEFORE she entered into any contractThe services for which there existed a contract
have been performed, no additional contracts have been entered and no additional payments have
been receivedThere is no basis to warrant a refund for services rendered
Davison Design and Development, Inc
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms***
*** against Davison Design and Development, Inc(Davison) on or about 08/05/
Please note that Ms*** has been refunded her payments in fullA copy of the refund
receipts are attached heretoHer project
file at Davison has been closed
In light of the refund, I kindly ask that her complaint with your office be closed as
*** ** ***
Associate Counsel
Davison Design and Development, Inc
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowWhat you read on paper does not define the conversations I had with two of the reps. They lied and the form that has the written * does not look familiar. davison representatives, do not converse in writing BC then you would know their legitimacy. They praise you and your dream until you pay in full then. you are someone else problem. I will forward Revdex.com my complaint and the documents that exist. however, this does not negate the fact that all conversations lead me to believe they were trust worthy, in fact given that they are experienced and know up front if a product is worth pursuing, is why everything convoluted is done by phone. This is how they have be able to cover themselves. how many times have they gotten away with this one-" she signed the contract telling her this may not work" they never tell you if they would check to see if a similar items is out there. I just made that up huh! It obvious they have been doing this style of business for quite some time. Well they need to give me a reasonable percentage of my money back, I'm the honest one here I have taken into account the little time it took for them to try and screw me over. bottom line, they take advantage because it is allowed because we trust. Well I'm not giving up now. they need to admit that their style of taking advantage of people utilizing the phone will stop. They did tell me it would take time to find someone to license, and when they did thats when it began and I have the name of the furniture store they gave me early on, and they did tell me they would make sure the same product was not already out therewhats my reason for inventing their story to me
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
*** *** ***
Revdex.com of Western Pennsylvania*** *** *** *** *** ** ***
November 17,
Re: *** ***
Your lD#: ***
Dear *** ***;
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by *** *** ***
against Davison Design and
Development, Inc(Davison) on or about 11/04/Customer
concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication
enors are kept to a minimumFrom the time of an initial contact, to the presentation of a client’s
product sample, we try to maintain an open channel of communication
It bears noting that her complaint makes numerous conflicting statementsShe
acknowledges she entered into a contract for an Integrated Product Rendering of her idea (as
opposed to a contract for a physical product sample), yet complains her idea did not go through
the step process for the construction of a physical product sampleAlso, after the first targeted
corporation chose not to pursue her idea, she acknowledges that she selected the reactive
approach rather than incur the costs of proactively presenting to a new corporationUnder the
reactive approach, there are no updates provided to a client unless a corporation was to approach
Davison requesting product ideas similar to her ideaYet she complains about this lack of
Earlier today, I have spoken with *** *** and have addressed the issues she
presented in her complaintDavison has offered to make two additional presentations of her
product idea at no cost to her*** *** agreed, and has further agreed to independently notil5’
your office of our resolutionIn light of my conversation with *** *** and our agreement on
the additional presentations at no cost to her, I request that her complaint be closed as “resolved”
*** ** ***
Associate Counsel
Davison Design and Development, Inc
Turning ideas
Revdex.com: complaint ID ***After I sent the last response to the Revdex.com I asked them to attach this file for Davison's consideration (which never happened)I understand the frustrations coming across. I am as passionate about my product as you are about protecting your company. I did not understand your were sending the prototype to my house before I responded last time. Now having a real look at it I know why no one would ever think about buying itSo more attempts to put it in front of a client would have done no good. Because I would not buy this as a consumer eitherLooking at the prototype, I encourage you to try the product for yourselfIf you personally don't see anything wrong with the design and the "easy to install" feature I will walk away knowing I will never do this againIf you see how the prototype design was not per spec (1/thicker than it should have been), how hard it really is for anyone to use with the material it is designed from and the second rate adhesive used. I will accept a redesign and more attempts to put it in front of a client, someone like 3m and gorilla. I know I started this complaint with emotion and for that I apologize. But the product in its current state is not suitable for anyone to be interested inIt is not easy to install, it is not build per print and it is not something that is safe to use (Trip hazard, I voiced the opinion before and was told to trust you) I want to be proud of the end design even if it never goes anywhere. If this is suitable to you we can take this off line and work towards an end product together one more time.Regards,*** ***
if customer service is their goal then Davison Revdex.com records shows a very
consistent pattern of poor customer serviceIn this caseMrs *** never
knew of nor received hard copies of anything in the USPS mailAs stated in the
prior letter, Ms*** has no computerShe relies on help from others
Davison is a ScamI am on disability (*** ***), have been all my life
and I am the type this company seems to take advantage of when they know the
idea is going no placeThe whole point is not what is written in black and
white but what is said to the consumer, paid by the consumer and done by DavisonWhat was done that cost Davison any amount of money?
They don't even use the USPS
for my emotionsDavison themselves show proof of what the sales people do; I
wrote "I love you ", big happy facesI thought money was
coming inI thought my idea was fantasticJust look at all the papers Davison
themselves showLook at the contracts Davison talks you into
takes the person one step to another bigger stepI am sure you have seen these
very same emails from other complaintsAn aggressive investigation should be
conducted by the State Attorney and or others in the sales tacticsWhy would I
write “I love ***”The money I paid was at least $(receipts attatched)
but I remember one more first smaller paymentBut this shows how far off
Davison was, they did not even give half that backDid they even show you the
Revdex.com all the money I paid?
have much moreBut I don’t think more is needed if Davison is really for
customer service and does the right thingWhat did they do with $900?
Regards, *** ***
This letter is in response to the additional comments submitted by Ms*** regardingthe above referenced complaintAs stated in the original response, Ms*** was fullyinformed of all services and their related fees offered by Davison, BEFORE she entered into anycontractThe services for which there existed a contract have been performedNo additionalcontracts have been entered and no additional payments have been receivedThere is no basis towarrant a refund for services renderedWithout complete reiteration, Davison’s original responseof 02/15/is incorporated as if fully set forth herein.In her additional comments, Ms*** states that she did not complete the onlinesubmission of her idea, implying that she may not have received the fee disclosuresWhile it cannot be confirmed if she did cancel some submission attempts, it can be verified that shecompleted the online idea submission a total of three timesShe completed a submission on08/15/2012, a second submission on 08/21/2012, and a third submission on 08/22/2012.Accordingly, she was provided with the fee disclosures at least three times before entering anycontractThe allegation that she was not informed of the additional fees for additional services isnot credible.Next, Ms*** details her personal financial situation and implies a pressureddecision to make payment on the contractThis is not an accurate description of eventsWhileno comment can be made on her personal financial situation, the impression that her payment wasa one-time event is falseMs*** specifically authorized a total of five individual partialpayments over a period of twenty-one weeksThis extended time period, over which multiplepayments were made, demonstrates a reasoned, purposeful decision to purse the projectAnyimplication of pressured tactics is unfounded.Again, Ms*** was fully informed of all services and their related fees offered byDavison, BEFORE she entered into any contractThe services for which there existed a contracthave been performedNo additional contracts have been entered and no additional paymentshave been receivedThere is no basis to warrant a refund for services rendered.Sinc~7~7*** ** ***Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.Turning ideas
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms*** Sub
against Davison Design and Development, Inc(Davison) on or about 09/30/We
understand that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperative when operating a
successful businessCustomer
concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to
troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimumFrom the time of an initial
contact, through the research and development of a new product idea, to the presentation of a
client’s idea, we try to maintain an open channel of communication, disclosing our services and
fees upfront and securing our clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process
Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularly when
their product ideas are not licensedThat appears to be the simple truth with Ms***
In her complaint, Ms*** mischaracterizes the services provided by DavisonShe
asserts that Davison “would decide if it was worth pursuing” and that Davison would “check to
see if anyone has the same product”Also, she raises a concern over the cost of subsequent
presentationsAs will be detailed, Ms*** was apprised on multiple occasions, including
BEFORE any contract was entered, that Davison does not evaluate ides submitted to it and of the
additional costs associated with additional presentationsThe services provided by Davison were
with her express written approval and authorizationFurther, they were completed to her
documented satisfaction
Ms*** first contacted Davison in September of At that time she was provided
with, and acknowledged that she received and read, two disclosuresThe disclosure statements set
forth, among other details, the following statement; “Davison does not offer evaluations of idea
submissions for commercial potential”The disclosure also details the various services and their related
fees, including the repackaging serviceFollowing her acknowledgement of the disclosures, she entered
into the Pre-Development Agreement for research servicesThis contract contains the following
disclaimer; “Client acknowledges that Davison has not made any representations concerning the potential
of Client’s Product to be marketed, licensed, patented or to make a profit for ClientDavison has not
evaluated the Product This service was completed and the research material related to existing
similar products was provided to her
Following receipt of this research, she entered into an agreement for the design and
construction of a product sample and presentation materialsThe contract terms include the
following; “Client acknowledges that Davison has not and will not evaluate the commercial potential of the
Idea.there is no way of knowing at this time if the targeted corporation will license, buy or pay royalties
for the ideaclient acknowledges that Davison has made no representations concerning the likelihood of
licensing, marketing, royalty payments or profitability The contract also provides a disclosure of
the repackaging service and its related feeWe provided a proposed design and she approved the
design, in writing, and completed a questionnaire about the rendering providing positive
feedbackA copy of her signed approval and completed questionnaire are enclosed(The actual
design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes.)
In reliance upon her approval, the physical product sample and presentation material
were createdAn Executive Briefing, which included a photograph of the physical product
sample, was sent to Ms*** She authorized the presentation of her product idea and completed
a second questionnaire providing positive feedback about the Executive BriefingA copy of her
authorization and completed questionnaire are enclosedHer product idea was presented;
unfortunately, the corporation chose not to license the product ideaAdditional presentation
services were offered, though Ms*** has declined to engage these services
As stated, Ms*** was fully informed of all services and their related fees offered by
Davison, BEFORE she entered into any contractShe was provided with detailed research
information on similar products BEFORE engaging the services to design and construct a product
sampleThe design, construction, and presentation of her product sample have been performed
with her express written approval and authorization, and to her documented satisfactionNo
additional contracts have been entered and no additional payments have been receivedThere is
no basis to warrant a refund for services renderedThe simple fact is; the product development
process provides no guarantees of financial gainOur contracts and disclosures are explicit in this
regardWhile this is of little comfort to a client who has expended considerable time, money,
effort and emotion into a project, the fact that a particular project does not bring financial gain to
the client does not invalidate the services that were provided
Davison has no obligation, legal or otherwise, to refund any monies paid by Ms*** for
services rendered to her documented satisfactionHowever, in the interest of customer
satisfaction, we will offer two additional presentations at no cost to herIf she chooses to accept
this offer, she need only contact our Licensing Department who will proceed with the necessary
We did
sign off on two, very generic, “Product Rendering Forms” & “Shipping
Procedure Agreements”. At the time, our
assumption was that the actual prototype rendered in the photograph
worked. These forms were signed off for
presentations & shipments ** *** * *** We received no proof these presentations ever
occurredWe were told they were completed and that the company was not
interested, that was it. It would have
been nice to actually see the presentations and/or proposals that were
submitted to them for review. Did it contain
competitive information, estimated production costs, estimated revenue by
product line (water/ice rescue, water recreation, exercise, ice fishing, etc…)???
If this type of information was not presented, and the prototype did not work,
why would anyone be interested in manufacturing it? How was the prototype shipped to them? It could not be shipped to us when we
requested it for testing following the second rejection. What was their feedback? Were they asked to complete a survey and/or
questionnaire regarding what they did like, did not like, and reasons for it
not being a fit in their product line?
We did
have a number of concerns with the design of their prototype after we saw the
final renderings. Our concerns were
verbally dismissed, and we were told that any potential companies would address
the short comings through their own R&D departmentAfter hearing this
“over-used” response numerous times, we felt they had no intentions of
correcting the problems. In our
opinion, we were “strong armed” into moving forward with their vision not
ours. Also in our opinion, we believe
Davison lacked the creative capacity to make something eye appealing and the
engineering fortitude to make something that worked. They made us something we were not expecting,
it did not perform as intended, and they refuse to refund any money
It was
around this time we began to get suspicious, and expanded our due diligence of
Davison (albeit late), and discovered a history of exactly what we were
experiencing. Please search google:
“Davison lawsuits”
our drive to Pittsburgh to pick up the first prototype, and the failed test, we
asked Davison to redo it, which they did and provided a video of it
working. Not nearly as well as our
original prototype, but it at least floated (not like their first attempt), and
it was able to propel on water.
signed off on a third set of forms for the second prototype. At the end of our rope now, but what else did
we have to lose at this point? The third presentation was for ***, and
we were again told the same thing… they have no interest, and provided no
supporting specifically what these companies thought; if in fact a presentation
was completedThe only way to improve what we have is to listen to the folks
that would be responsible for making & selling it, then going back to the
drawing board and working together to make it happen
We do appreciate
the offer to present to two more companies, but hesitant to accept this offer
until we know exactly what will be presented and can review the presentation,
proposal, executive briefing, etc….prior.
How will the prototype be shipped?
Who are the target companies? Can
we get some sort of guarantee that we can review all this and that we will get
feedback, positive or negative, following?
primary goal is to prevent this type of thing happening to anyone else. In our opinion, and apparently a number of
other folks that have posted on Western PA Revdex.com and other consumer protection
websites, the business practices of Davison might still be considered questionable. We are hopeful for a positive outcome but
wonder if that can ever be achieved.Regards,
*** ***
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr*** *** against
Davison Design and Development, Inc(Davison) on or about 18/Customer concerns upset
everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to
minimumFrom the time of an initial contact, to the presentation of a client’s product sample, we try to
maintain an open channel of communicationIn his statement, Mr*** alleges he was not informed
of the additional fees associated with the offer of additional services for his new product idea and that he
was provided a positive evaluation of his ideaHe is simply incorrectAs will be detailed below, he was
provided a complete disclosure of the types of services offered, and their related fees, as well as explicit
statements that Davison does not provide evaluations of new product ideas BEFORE any contract was
On 06/14, Mr*** contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’s
websiteThe system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit
an idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and the
person electronically acknowledging the disclosuresMr*** acknowledged, via an electronic
signature, that he received and read the two disclosure statementsIt is important to note that the
disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any payment to DavisonAmong the disclosures is the
statement that “It is Davison’s practice to seek more than one contract in connection with a
submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing of the various services and related feesThe
disclosure also explicitly states: “Davison does not offer evaluations of idea submissions for commercial
potential.” A copy of the disclosure, as provided to Mr***, is enclosedFurther, this information is
freely available on Davison’s websiteTo allege he was not provided this information is simply false
On 30/14, Mr*** entered into an agreement for Pre-Development services which
obligated Davison to compile research data related to his product ideaThese services were completed and
the research material sent to Mr*** on 13/The agreement contains the following
“Section II BProduct Samples; ApprovalsClient is responsible for obtaining a product sample
and relevant information about the product in a professional format for presentation to a Licensee,
at Client’s sole expenseDavison, at its option, will offer to provide further development
services, under a separate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creating the
sample and presentation material for the targeted LicenseeClient is aware that he or she is free to
obtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtain them.”
“Section hIDDisclaimers Client acknowledges that Davison has not made any
representations concerning the potential of Client’s Product to be marketed licensed patented or
to make a profit for ClientDavison has not evaluated the Product...”
On 08/21/2014, after completion of the initial pre-development services, Mr***
was offered a contract for additional services for an additional feeThis offer is consistent with
the disclosures as well as the terms of the Pre-Development agreementMr*** has not
engaged these additional services, which is his prerogative
As detailed above, Mr*** was informed of the additional services twice; the first
disclosure occurring BEFORE he entered any contract and the second disclosure occurring within
the terms of the Pre-Development AgreementAlso, he was twice informed that Davison does
not provide evaluations of product ideasThe allegation that he was not informed of these facts is
unjustifiedThe services for which there existed a contract have been performedNo additional
services have been contracted and no additional payments have been madeThere is no basis to
warrant a refund for services rendered
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr*** ***against Davison Design and Development, Inc(Davison) on or about 01/26/At the outsetit should be clarified that Mr***’s project was actually submitted as ajoint project, theother individual being
Mr*** *** ***lAs will be detailed below, each step of thedevelopment and presentation process was conducted with the express written approval andauthorization of both Mr*** and Mr*** ***l.We understand that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperative whenoperating a successful businessCustomer concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hardto troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimumFrom the time of an initialcontact, through the research and development of a new product idea, to the presentation of aclient’s product sample, we try to maintain an open channel of communication, disclosing ourservices and fees upfront and securing our clients’ approval and authorization throughout theprocessUnfortunately, despite our best efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularlywhen their product ideas are not licensedThis appears to be the case in Mr***’ssituation.His complaint contains numerous and defamatory statementsHe alleges there hasbeen no activity on his project since this is falseWe continued to work with him throughHe authorized a presentation of the project in February 2013, and the presentation wasmade in April Our last contact with him was on December 02, He alleges “not onecompany has yet had the opportunity to review” his project this is falseHe specificallyauthorized, in writing, three presentations of his projectAll three presentations were made,however no corporation chose to license the product ideaFinally, his post completely ignoresthe fact that each step of the process was performed with his express written approval andauthorizationHe even completed questionnaires in which he provided positive feedback.On 02/Mr*** and Mr*** ***l entered an agreement for the designand construction of a product sampleA proposed design was prepared and submitted for theirapprovalThey approved the product sample design in July and completed a questionnaireabout the design providing positive feedbackBased upon this approval, the physical productsample was constructed and presentation materials preparedThe presentation material, in theform of an Executive Briefing, which included an actual photograph of the constructed productsample, was provided to themOn 10/30/2009, they authorized, in writing, the presentation of theproduct sample to a corporation and completed a questionnaire about the Executive Briefing inwhich they provided positive feedbackThe product idea was presented; unfortunately, thecorporation chose not to license the product ideaAt their express direction, a secondpresentation was made to a second corporation, who again chose not to license the ideaAsnoted in the complaint, the product sample was re-designed following concerns they hadexpressedThis re-design was performed at no cost to the clientsThey approved the re-designedsample in November Presentation materials were again created and they authorized a thirdpresentation on 02/14/This presentation was made; again the corporation did not licensethe ideaOur last contact with the clients was in December 2013.Throughout this process, they had been continually apprised of the status throughconsistent updatesWe contacted them to discuss further services which they have not engaged.As such, we have completed all services with their approval, authorization and to theirdocumented satisfactionWe have not received any further authorization to pursue additionalpresentationsAs stated, our last contact was in December Now, more than a year later,Mr*** feels justified in filing this complaintThere is no basis to warrant a refund forservices performed with the clients’ express written approval and with their express writtenauthorization.Attached, please find copies of the various approvals, authorizations and completedquestionnaires referenced aboveNote the actual approved designs have been redacted forconfidentiality purposesIn the interest of customer satisfaction, we will offer two additionalpresentations at no cost to the clientsIf they choose to accept this offer, they need only contactour Licensing Department who will coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize thepresentations.Sincerely*** ** ***Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.EnclosuresTurning ideas
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint
Doesn't matter anymore, they are "legally" rightDoesn't make it morally right? no, I do not need to accept it, I guess the matter will stay unresolved
Thanks anyway,
*** ***
*** *** I just wont a refund I've called several times and they ignore my calls this is why I wont a refund just please give me a refund that's all I ask they have lied from the start I don't wont to have to get a lawyer but I can if they would answer I would have kept going with what I was inventing but its hard when they don't communicate with you and ignore your calls and I told mrkapps that ive all ready researched what I was wonting to do and I was going to get a working model I was just wonting them to help me with the patting process and mrkapp said it was 795.00 and fill out the paper work they sent and he would take care of the rest a few months went by and never herd from them or talked to them since months went by and I got a cd and paper work of everything I already knew I thank this is a scam all I wonted from Davison is help with what I all ready have I did not wont them to make or build anything they misunderstood from the start and kept asking for money so all I ask is a refund for something im not happy at all thank you and hope this is all you need and I know im not the only one they have done this to just pleas all I ask is a refund so I can be done with all this
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***