Davison Design & Development, Inc. Reviews (246)
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Address: 595 Alpha Dr Ridc Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15238-2911
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Review: I invested a total of $13,635.00 for Davison to outline specifications from the samples I sent them, find a manufacturer for me or I thought to expose product at their facility or even suggest my product to any manufacturers who may call or visit their facility for new ideas or products. When the product was submitted to a manufacturer I was told that they didn't receive any feedback from them and normally that means they are not interested. It was then suggested that I submit another $385.00 if I wanted the item submitted to another manufacturer who they already have submitted 24 presentations to without any licensing agreements made. I indicated that I really didn't feel like submitting item to them if they have never chosen anything they submitted thus far. It was then suggested that I was then told I could try to promote item on my own. I was astounded because the reason why I went to Davison was for them to promote or expose my idea for me. I believe for the amount of money paid I should be receiving more. I receive no phone calls from them now. I also paid for a pending patent. Not sure how much weight that carries or when it exactly it expires. Currently contacting patent office for that info.Desired Settlement: I agree that some monies should be paid for the design. But I submitted to them clean cut examples of the already made product so the only thing needed to be done by Davison was to generate a computerized specifications of the product and find me a manufacturer. The computerized specifications shouldn't cost me $13,635.00 dollars. I also would like my product samples returned.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]
[redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about
03/10/20 14. At the outset, it bears noting that Ms. [redacted] does not raise an issue with
the services provided in the design and construction of her product sample and the
presentation material. In fact, a review of her file indicates these were completed with
her express written approval and authorization and to her documented satisfaction. In her
complaint, Ms. [redacted] raises a concern over lack of a response from the targeted
company to whom her product idea was presented, as well as a concern about the fee for
preparing presentation material for a new target corporation.
Ms. [redacted]’s product idea was presented to the targeted corporation on
10/10/2013. Unfortunately, the corporation has been slow to provide a decision about her
product idea. Davison has diligently contacted the corporation in an attempt to determine
the status of their review and Ms. [redacted] has been regularly contacted to apprise her of
the status. Corporations, in general, are hesitant to confidentially receive new product
ideas from the general public. The corporations that register with Davison agree to
review projects in confidence. There is no manner for Davison to “force a decision” from
a company on a particular product idea. To attempt to do so would jeopardize the review
of that client’s product idea, as well as any other client’s product idea that may be
submitted to the corporation in the future. While the lack of a response from the targeted
corporation is understandably frustrating, that delay does not provide a valid basis to
warrant a refund.
During this course of awaiting a response from the first corporation, the option of
presenting to a second corporation was offered. Ms. [redacted] initially indicated that she
would like to pursue this avenue, but the necessary contracts have not been entered. In
her complaint Ms. [redacted] implies she was not informed of the fee associated with this
service. She is incorrect. When she first contacted Davison, she was provided???
disclosures which set forth, among other items, a listing of our fees and services. The
Repackaging/refurbishment service and fee is explicitly detailed. A copy of the
disclosure as it was presented to Ms [redacted] is enclosed with the relevant section
highlighted. Further, the contract which she entered states;
Section 4. L. “The Client shall not be responsible for any additional expenses to
Davison within the scope and term of this Agreement, with the possible exception
being additional services to refurbish or repackage the sample, for which Davison
currently charges $385.00. Davison’s obligations are only those set forth in this
Agreement and only directed towards the targeted corporation named on the last
page of this Agreement.
To the extent Ms. [redacted] was not aware of the additional fee for the additional service, it
is through no fault of Davison.
Despite having hilly disclosed our services and fees in advance of any contract,
having completed all services with Ms. [redacted]’s express written approval and
authorization, and having completed the services to her documented satisfaction, in the
interest of customer satisfaction, we will offer to Ms. [redacted] two additional
presentations at no cost to her. If she chooses to accept this offer, she need only contact
our Licensing Department who will proceed with the necessary paperwork.
Associate Counsel
Davison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: I feel that I am being misrepresented by this company. I hired them to help with the design and licensing my product idea. I have paid them over $13000.00 for there services. I understand that not every product will be picked up by prospective companies, but I don't feel that they have completed any of the task that they claim to have done. They claim that they have produced a prototype of my design and presented it before 3 companies. The only thing they have ever sent to me is a computer drafted picture. I have ask for one to be sent to me and they claim that they only have the one and need it to be used fir any presentations. All they have done is charged me $395.00 every time they claim to pitch it to another company. The only thing I have to show for this is the same old computer picture with a different logo in the upper left hand corner. I have tried numerous times to talk to [redacted], the licensing director, but he never returns any of my calls. I have been dealing with this for the past 7 plus years and have yet to receive any solid proof that any work other than the computer generated picture has been done. I feel that [redacted] and his company have misrepresented in good faith and defrauded me out of excess of $13000.00. Every time I ask for proof of any sales pitches made, they simply reply "the company wasn't interested at this time". and that's it. I have never had any information as to strategy or how these meeting are set up or done or anything. just that they said no!Desired Settlement: I wish for Davison to be ordered to return my money and my idea to me. I ask that any and all renderings, if any actually exist, along with a check for a full refund of all money that I and my family have been defrauded of. I am asking for this because of there unprofessionalism and blatant disrespect in the manner that they communicate with myself. In addition to their unwillingness to provide me with ample proof that they have created and presented my idea to any company.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint, filed by Mr. [redacted],against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 04/03/20 15. Customerconcerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communicationerrors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact, to the presentation of a client’sproduct sample, we try to maintain an open channel of communication and secure our client’sapproval throughout the process. Mr. [redacted] has been a valued client since 2009. The productdevelopment process provides no guarantees of financial gain and often is pursued over a lengthyperiod of time. As a result, it is easy to lose track of the work and effort that has been providedalong the way, particularly in the unfortunate event that a license is not secured. Davison hasprovided its services with his express written approval and authorization, and to his documentedsatisfaction. A brief summary of events will aid in understanding the services that were provided.Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison in 2009, was provided with, and acknowledged that hereceived and read, two disclosures which outline our services and fees and the risks of the newproduct development process. Following receipt of these disclosures, he entered into a PreDevelopment Agreement for the completion of research related to his submitted idea. Thisresearch was completed and provided to him. Following the completion of this initial service, heentered into a New Product Sample Agreement for the design and construction of a physicalproduct sample, packaging and presentation material. Davison submitted a design of the productsample to Mr. [redacted] which he approved, in writing, and about which he completed aquestionnaire providing positive feedback. A copy of his signed approval and completedquestionnaire are enclosed; note the approved design has been obscured for confidentialitypurposes. In reliance upon his approval of the design, Davison constructed the product sample,packaging and created presentation materials. An Executive Briefing was created whichcontained an actual photo&ranh of the constructed product sample. After receipt of the ExecutiveBriefing, Mr. [redacted] authorized the presentation of his product idea to the targeted corporation.At that time, Mr. [redacted] also completed a second questionnaire in which he provided positivefeedback about the Executive Briefing. A copy of his authorization and the questionnaire areattached. The presentation of his product idea was made to the corporation who, unfortunately,chose not to pursue the idea. Mr. [redacted] authorized the presentation to two additionalcorporations, who also declined to license his product idea.A representative from Davison contacted Mr. [redacted] to discuss the concerns listed inhis complaint. Following a review of the project, as outlined above, Mr. [redacted]’ only issuewas a request to have the physical product sample shipped to his attention. Davison hasforwarded the necessary paperwork to coordinate this shipment.As stated earlier, the simple fact is; the product development process provides noguarantees of financial gain. Our contracts and disclosures are explicit in this regard. While thisis of little comfort to a client who has expended considerable time, money, effort and emotioninto a project, the fact that a particular project does not bring financial gain to the client does notinvalidate the services that were provided. Davison has no obligation, legal or otherwise, torefund any monies paid by Mr. [redacted] for services rendered to his documented satisfaction.Sincerely[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.EnclosuresTurning ideas
Review: I have been dealing with Davison for almost 3 years now.... Every time I turn around they are asking for more and more money. This company talks a good line and has even been covered on the history channel. I lost almost everything (over $15k) believing in my invention. My invention was 2 pieces of rubber about 3" round, I though I was paying for the expertice of the company to do something I've never done, but today I get an email stating "New product development is an uncertain endeavor and the use of Davison's services typically does not result in a license agreement, sales on any market or profit to the inventor." So this means they are only profiting themselves, with my money and no proof that anything has really been done. couple 3d renderings but I can do that at work.Desired Settlement: After 3yrs and numerous attempts to go to other companies (repackaging fee)("represent" me to other companies that walk in the door)There has been no justification to use $15k on my invention. I understand cost of trying to run a business and like I said "paying for the expertice" I am willing to split the cost 2/3, Davison can keep $5k from my stupidity and trust. Unless they can give hard proof of what was spent and send me everything built, plus what can not be accounted for in hard numbers
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 12/04//2014. We understand that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperative when operating asuccessful business. Customer concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact through the research and development of a new product idea, to the presentation of a client’s idea, we try to maintain an open channel of communication, disclosing our services and fees upfront and securing our clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process. Unfortunately despite our best efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularly when their product ideas are not licensed. That appears to be the simple truth with Mr. [redacted]Mr. [redacted] has been a valued client since first contracting Davison in October 2011. In his complaint, Mr. [redacted] states he “lost almost everything” implying that the expected a financial gain from his project. While this is certainly the ideal outcome of the new product development process, it is simply not an outcome that can be guaranteed. At the initial contact with Davison, our clients are provided with disclosures that set out the risks of the new product development process, as well as Davison’s historical success rates in securing licenses. It is only after this full disclosure, and the client’s acknowledgment of the disclosure, that any contracts for services are entered. Further, the express terms of the contracts are explicit that Davison make no representation abut the likelihood of financial gain. The New Product Sample Agreement which Mr. [redacted] entered contains the following provisions.“Davison has made no representations concerning the likelihood that the Client will receive any financial gain from the development of the Idea.“The Client understands that there is no way of knowing at this time if the targeted corporation will license, buy or pay royalties for the Idea once it has been developed. Client acknowledges that Davison has made no representations concerning the likelihood of licensing, marketing, royalty payments or profitability.'”With regard to the specific services provided to Mr. [redacted], these services were provided with his express written approval and authorization, and to his documented satisfaction. Davison created a design for his product sample which he approved and completed a questionnaire about providing generally positive feedback. In reliance on his approval, the physical product sample and presentation material were created. He authorized the presentation of his product sample, the presentation was made and, unfortunately, the corporation declined to license his idea. Mr.[redacted] then authorized a second presentation to a new corporation. Again, the corporation chose to not license his idea. Mr. [redacted] chose not to pursue any additional presentations and our last contact with him, prior to the present complaint, was on 03/14/2013. Copies of his approvals, authorizations, and questionnaire are enclosed (note the actual approved design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes).Mr. [redacted] also requests a full accounting of the fees paid for services and to be provided with “everything built” for his project. Within the New Product Sample Agreement, which Mr. [redacted] entered, he was provided a variety of payment options. He selected a payment option of a flat fee and a percentage of royalties. This retainer is payment in full of all services outlined in the contract. There is no obligation to provide a further accounting. If he wanted such an accounting, he was provided the option of paying an hourly rate in which case a specific accounting would have been provided. As for his request for his project materials, they have been sent to him under a separate cover. A copy of the letter to Mr. [redacted] proving these materials is enclosed.As stated, the design, construction, and presentation of Mr. [redacted]’s product sample have been performed with his express written approval and authorization. No additional contracts have been entered and no additional payments have been received. There is no basis to warrant a refund for services rendered. The simple fact is; the product development process provides no guarantees of financial gain. Our contracts and disclosures are explicit in this regard. While this is of little comfort to a client who has expended considerable time, money, effort and emotion into a project, the fact that a particular project does not bring financial gain to the client does not invalidate the services that were provided. However, in the interest of customer satisfaction, we will offer two additional presentations at no cost to Mr. [redacted] If he chooses to accept this offer, he need only contact our Licensing Department who will coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize the presentations.Davison Design and Development, Inc.Sincerely, [redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development
My complaint is not because of my decision and the results. My complaint is the lack of proof. I don't agree the representation made by Davison rep was a forthright when making my decisions (things said, not written down). I still don’t have any proof Davison is actually doing what they were contracted to do.I am a very hands on person. Show me the process; show me pictures of the actual machined forms I was told about, and the product taken to the other companies, not 3D renderings. How do you prove to anyone their product actually went before a client?If I kept telling my clients to trust me, and they could never see results, I would be in this same situation with them. I feel if I accept the offer extended without knowing the process everything else is in vain. In this modern age asking for actual pictures of services rendered is not an unreasonable request.Regards, [redacted]
This letter is in response to the supplemental comments submitted regarding the abovereferenced complaint. We provided our initial response on December 16, 2014 and incorporatethat reply herein. In that response we provided a summary of the services completed, and copiesof Mr. [redacted]’s signed approval, authorizations, and completed questionnaires. We also provideda copy of the letter to Mr. [redacted] providing him with additional copies of the deliverablespursuant to the contracts he entered. We also provided to him the actual physical productsamples. A copy of this letter and the delivery confirmation receipt are enclosed.In his supplemental comments, he demands proof that the presentation of his product ideawere made. Two presentations have been made; the first to the [redacted] company on or about07/172012 and the second to [redacted], Inc. on or about 01/07/2013. Both presentations werespecifically authorized by Mr. [redacted]. Enclosed please find a copy of the USPS Priority Maillabels documenting these two presentations. (Note the actual contact name at each corporationhas been redacted.)Finally, as set forth in our initial response, we have offered to make two additionalpresentations at no cost to Mr. [redacted] He has not accepted this offer. Davison has not only metits contractual requirements by performing all services with Mr. [redacted]’s express writtenapproval and authorization. These services have been provided to his documented satisfaction.Davison has gone beyond its obligations by offering additional service at no cost to Mr. [redacted]While it is his prerogative to decline these services, his decision to not accept this offer does notnegate the fact that all services were properly provided.In light of the above matters, his complaint should be closed as “resolved”.Sincerely[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.EnclosuresTurning ideas
complaint ID [redacted]
Review: ok I summitted a idea with davison company and they told me that would it cost only 795.00 for entire project then 3 months later sends me a contract and on the contract say I have to pay 5.000. the whole idea that I submitted was a pancake and waffle maker with changeable trays so now 6 months after I see my idea in stores after I submitted my idea with them I feel that it fraud I lost money and time dealing with themDesired Settlement: money that I put into and time I lost by it not getting in stores and ohter people that have same problem
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]
Review: I had sign with this company asking them to create a [redacted] that runs on Electric Rechargeable Battery and Automobile Battery, that allows the user to make ice any where they please. They made the wrong ice maker. I have a written statement from their employee confirming what this company was supposed to create for me.
They never created this [redacted]. I have been trying to deal with them directly but I get no results. I paid them $12,720.00 and I have been waiting for two years for nothing. They have very poor customer service; they never answer phone calls, E mails, faxes or mail.Desired Settlement: I got tired waiting for this company to create my idea, I would appreciate refund for all my money.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 01/26/2016. Davisonunderstands that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperative when operating asuccessful business. Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimu** From the time of an initialcontact, through the research and development of a new product idea, to the presentation of aclient’s idea, the staff tries to maintain an open channel of communication, disclosing the servicesand fees upfront and securing the clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process.Unfortunately, despite best efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularly when theirproduct ideas are not licensed. That appears to be the simple truth with Mr. [redacted].Mr. [redacted] first contacted Davison in March 2013 by submitting an idea for a newproduct. He entered the initial pre-development contract which obligated Davison to compileresearch on U.S. Patents and products, on the market at that time, which were similar to his idea.This research was completed. In January 2014, he contracted for the design and construction of aphysical product sample. An initial design was created and submitted for his approval in April2014. This initial design did not meet with his approval and Davison agreed to a re-design. InNovember 2014, the revised design was provided to Mr. [redacted]. He approved this design andcompleted a questionnaire about the design in which he provided positive feedback. Copies ofhis signed approval and questionnaire are attached. Note the actual approved design has beenredacted for confidentiality purposes. Based on his approval, the physical sample wasconstructed and presentation material created. An Executive Summary, which included aphotograph of the constructed product sample, was provided to him for review. In February 2015Mr. [redacted] authorized the presentation of his new product idea. Enclosed please find a copy ofhis signed authorization. In March 2015, the new product idea was presented to the designatedcorporation who declined to enter a license. Mr. [redacted] declined the offer to make additionalpresentations and the product sample was shipped to hi**Despite his approvals and authorizations, Mr. [redacted] continues to allege the productsample did not meet with his approval. It is important to note that Davison is not a prototypemanufacturer that creates a product sample based upon the client’s preconceived notions.Davison is a design and development firm whose goal is to create a product sample that is a costeffectivesolution to the problem identified by the client. The contract which Mr. [redacted] enteredexplicitly states the following;“1. A. iv) Preliminary Product Design: Development Team "brainstorming" sessions will be held to uncoverproduct design solutions that blend with the targeted corporation's manufacturing capabilities. Theergonomics and aesthetics of the product are also taken into consideration. This subjective process oftenresults in the Development Team making modifications and enhancements, which are sometimes substantial,to the proposed solution or the preliminary design submitted by Client, particularly if Client's proposeddesign is not a cost effective solution to solving the problem outlined by the client, does not reflect currentmanufacturing techniques or may be in conflict with products patented or on the market....4. O. Client acknowledges that there have been no representations by Davison that the Idea as conceived andsubmitted by Client is novel or feasible or that the design to be created by Davison will function in themanner and with the attributes as originally conceived by Client.. .This Agreement does not contain orincorporate any specifications, performance characteristics or other qualities for the design or product sampleto be produced.”The design created by Davison was approved by Mr. [redacted], and he completed a questionnairedocumenting his satisfaction with the design. To now allege disapproval is disingenuous.Davison has performed its service with Mr. [redacted]’s approval and authorization. Despitethe significant work performed to date, including the re-design, Davison is willing to continue towork with Mr. [redacted] to address any and all concerns he may have with his product sample. Hisproject is in the process of being reviewed by the Office of the President. That Office willcoordinate any continuing efforts to resolve his concerns.Sincerely,David ** D[redacted]Associate Counsel
Review: I paid a davison they said their address [redacted] telephone number ###-###-#### $795.00 for three ideas. One idea is being misrepresented and I am seeking a refund on all three ideas. They are refusing to give me a refund and agrue with me that I want a refund. I have told them the valid reasons I am seeking a refund. Malik Peckman is the person that argues with me misrepresented my idea and is refusing to give me a refund. I spoke to another person and they are expecting me to wait until they look at my file and see what went wrong and decide on whether or not they will give me a refund. I told them I am a consumer that paid for something no work has been done on and want a refund.Desired Settlement: Refund for the three ideas I paid 795 each without further contact with the company
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 09/02/2015.Customer concerns upset everyone and Davison’s staff works very hard to troubleshoot them socommunication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time o f an initial contact and throughoutthe process, Davison maintains an open channel o f communication, disclosing its services andfees, and utilizing contracts that are simply written, with no “fine print” provisions. It is notpossible to be more upfront with their clients about the services and fees.As stated in her complaint, Ms. [redacted] entered into three separate Pre-DevelopmentAgreements. The pre-development service is for the compilation o f research material relevant tothe client’s submitted idea. Each contract provided a three day revocation period in which theservice may be cancelled and full refund provided. Ms. [redacted] did not cancel any o f thecontracts within their revocation periods. The first contract was entered on 07/08/2015. Theservice for this first contract was completed and the research material was provided to Ms.[redacted] on 08/06/2015. A copy o f the USPS delivery confirmation is enclosed. As thecontract was for a custom service, as opposed to a general item o f goods, it is not capable ofbeing returned and re-inventoried. The second and third contracts were entered on 08/05/2015and 08/07/2015 respectively. As confirmed by her complaint statement, Ms. [redacted] did notraise any concerns over the contracts until 08/31/2015, i.e. after completion of the service o f thefirst contract and well after the expiration o f the revocation periods o f the second and thirdcontracts. There is no contractual basis to warrant a refund.In light o f her complaint, Davison has stopped any additional work on the second andthird contracts. Despite having no contractual obligation, Davison has refunded Ms. [redacted]’spayments for the second and third contracts. Enclosed please find copies o f the refund receipts.Further, at her request, her project files have been closed and she has been placed on the “Do NotContact” list.Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.SincerelyEnclosures
Review: I asked the rep. that is handling my new product idea specifically, if Davison could NOT get the first company to accept my idea and they had to present to another company would there be ANY additional costs to me? The answer I received was "NO, u have paid everything u are responsible for paying, Now that they have had no success with the first company, I am required to pay an additional $385.00 supposedly for refurbishing and repackaging! I have placed a call to my rep., who instructed me that he would look into it and get back to me! Finally two days later I receive a call, and now my rep. Is saying that he never told me such things after he admitted to saying such things in our previous conversation! He then told me to give him two days to figure something out, it has now been four days and still now return call not a resolution to the issue! I'm pretty much being forced to pay an additional $385.00 to present to another company or choose to let Davison sit on my idea until someone approaches them about my idea! I have already paid out I've $10,000.00 to get this idea out there! Now they want to take me for more $ as well as present my idea to a company that they have submitted 12 ideas to and secured 0 in the last five years, to me that sounds like I'll be responsible for paying ANOTHER $385.00 after they present to that company! I am VERY unhappy and feel like I've been taken for over $10,000.00!No one from Davison will return my calls, emails, or even come up with a resolution! SINCERLY [redacted] ( dissatisfied client)Desired Settlement: $385.00 fee waived or release my idea to me(virtual design & physical design)So that I can move forward with my idea!
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 08/07/2013. Mr. [redacted] alleges he was not apprised of the fee for the Repackaging/refurbishment services offered by Davison. His complaint raises no other issues related to the services provided. As will be detailed below, Mr. [redacted] was provided, and he acknowledged, an explicit disclosure of the fee BEFORE he entered into any contract with Davison. Further, the New Product Sample Agreement (NPSA) which he entered contains an explicit reference to the repackaging fee. Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison in July of 2009. As with all potential clients, he was provided two disclosure forms, in a printable and savable format, and he acknowledged that he received and read the disclosures. These disclosures outline, among other details, all services and related fees offered by Davison. Enclosed, please find a copy of the relevant disclosure which was acknowledged by Mr. [redacted] on 07/29/2009. Mr. [redacted] initially entered into the Pre-Development Agreement for custom research services. After completion of those services, he entered into the NPSA agreement on 02/07/2012. The NPSA agreement contains the following provision; “4.L. The Client shall not be responsible for any additional expenses to Davison within the scope and term of this Agreement, with the possible exception being additional services to refurbish or repackage the sample, for which Davison currently charges $385.00....” Please note the fee for this service increased in the time period between the disclosure of 07/29/2009 and the contract date of 02/07/2012. Mr. [redacted] was fully apprised of the repackaging fee twice; once before any contract was entered and again within the explicit terms of the NPSA. However, in the interest of customer satisfaction, Davison will offer one (1) repackaging service at no additional charge to Mr. [redacted]. If he chooses to accept this offer, he need only contact our Licensing Department and the necessary documents will be forwarded to him.
Associate Counsel
Davison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: I submitted my idea to Davison and got in touch from davison by richards elizabeth and she went on helping me for my dream to come true and went through their process and paid $795.00 for first step and second step to get product rendering done so the sample can be sent to the investor and I paid $5,850.00 so in total $6645 and I never received any sample as I live in uk and it is expensive to send so they send me image with some product description on it after few week I get call that the investor refused to invest so they want to present the idea to other investor so they send me the investor name so turn around said to them no I like to chose my investor as you presenting the idea to the wrong investors so they send me 2 option and I refused I asked them that I want to represent the product to the investor that I want and they asked me to send them the information and after I did they totally ignored me none of the people who were in touch are now no reply from them there phone line on message system so no way I can get in touch with them .
1 .I don't think they actually made any product rendering of my idea
2.I pretty sure they took money and never send to the investor which they said they have send it to but I never received proof of it
3. I was told I can give them a investor and they will get in touch with them to present my idea and they ignoring me nowDesired Settlement: I want my money back I think they are lying because if they genualy did the product rendering and sample they wold have send it to me but their excuse was I am far away it will cost too much and also no proof of the investor getting my idea presented to them Kindly I need my money back I told them that I am putting my faith into them and I am using my kids holiday money but they really lie to me and now I am stuck no where to go to and ask for help
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 09/07/2015. Customerconcerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communicationerrors are kept to a minimum. In his complaint, Mr. [redacted] fails to mention that the serviceswhich were provided were completed with his express written approval and authorization.Further, he does not mention that he completed questionnaires about the services, in which heprovided positive feedback. Rather, he either is mistaken about the scope o f services, or haschosen to misrepresent the scope o f services to support his claim for a refund. As will bedetailed, Davison has provided its services with Mr. [redacted]’s approval, authorization and to hissatisfaction. Unfortunately, despite best efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularlywhen their product ideas are not licensed. That appears to be the simple truth with Mr. [redacted].Mr. [redacted] entered into two service contracts. The first was the Pre-DevelopmentAgreement which was for the compilation o f custom research relevant to his submitted idea. Thisresearch was provided to him on or about 08/13/2014. A copy o f the USPS Customs Declarationdocumenting this shipment is enclosed. Following completion the pre-development services, on12/09/2014, Mr. [redacted] into a contract for the design and creation o f an integrated productrendering and presentation material, illustrating his idea. Contrary to his assertion, this contractwas not for the construction o f a physical product sample. In January 2015, Davison submitted aproposed design which Mr. [redacted] approved, and for which he completed a questionnaireproviding positive feedback. A copy o f his signed approval and completed questionnaire areenclosed; note the actual design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes. In reliance uponhis written approval, the presentation materials were created. The presentation materials, in theform o f Executive Briefing, were provided to Mr. [redacted]; he authorized the presentation o f hisproduct idea to the targeted corporation and completed a second questionnaire about theExecutive Briefing, again providing nothing but positive feedback. A copy o f his signedauthorization and completed questionnaire, dated 02/18/2015, are enclosed. The presentation ofhis product idea was made on 03/21/2015. Unfortunately, the corporation chose not to license hisidea. A copy o f the e-mail exchange documenting the presentation and rejection is enclosed.Note: the identity o f the specific contact individual has been redacted. Mr. [redacted] was offeredadditional services to present his idea to a new corporation; he has declined this additionalservice. There are no pending services to be performed.to the Integrated Product Rendering, states he did not receive a physical sample, thenquestions whether a product rendering was completed. Further, prior to his filing the complaint,he had raised concerns with Davison over the receipt o f manufacturing costs and specificationsfor his idea. As stated above, he contracted for the creation o f a rendering depicting his idea, notfor the construction o f a physical product sample. This was discussed with Mr. [redacted] on orabout 09/08/2015 and he acknowledged his understanding. Also, in his complaint he asserts thathe provided contact information for an “ investor” to whom he would like to have his ideapresented. First, Mr. [redacted] has not contracted for any additional presentation services. Second,the “investor” information he provided was merely the name o f a British television celebrityassociated with an inventor funding program. This is simply not sufficient contact informationfor a potential licensee.As stated, all services have been performed with Mr. [redacted]’s express written approvaland authorization and to his documented satisfaction. While it is unfortunate that the targetedcorporation chose not to pursue his product idea, that fact does not negate the provided services.The simple fact is; the product development process provides no guarantees o f financial gain.Our contracts and disclosures are explicit in this regard. While this is o f little comfort to a clientwho has expended considerable time, money, effort and emotion into a project, the fact that aparticular project does not bring financial gain to the client does not invalidate the services thatwere provided. However, in the interest o f customer satisfaction, Davison will offer twoadditional presentations at no cost to Mr. [redacted]. If he chooses to accept this offer, he need onlycontact our Licensing Department who will coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize thepresentations.
This letter is in response the Davison .I can totally prove that Davison Is lying .
Let me put some Point together below that Davison mentioned in there reply then I will try my best
to explain how Davison is Lying .
1. This contract was for the construction of Physical product Sample .
Well I was given clear indication that Davison will print some sample of the product in a
manner that they will create full product rendering which is like full product details that
what material and parts needed to produce this product and also Davison will do the
packaging for the product now all the evidence in this reply from Davison shows they never
created any sample and they just emailed illustration of the product to the [redacted]
company but I was charged for Sample Touch-up , Package Printing, The final package
Presentation Assembly. I am attaching the snapshot of the email where they were
demanding me to pay postage for it . 2. He authorized the presentation of this product idea to the targeted corporation and
completed a second questionnaire about the Executive Briefing , Again providing nothing but
positive feedback.
when I got the material by post it was folder with one cd which never worked and 1
a4 Flyer with the information of my product and there was nothing no product rendering
information and the About the questionnaire I was told by the agent if I give positive feedback it will
speed the process up and which I did and trusted her that she was going to email the cd material
which got the product rendering information which was never e-mailed to me .I am going to attach
the snapshot and please have a look at the Design and please judge yourself Sir that A4 flyer with
my material and 2 images is this called Product rendering ??? So in General I approved the Design
of Flyer not the Product rendering Material .So they tricked me into all this as I all wanted this to be
represented quickly so I can get my investment back and they took advantage of it and excuse of
not sending me the rendering Material by post that as I live too far .And Cd never worked where I
suppose to see the product rendering which they again said they will email me and they never did. 3. The Email that send from and to [redacted] :
I am not convinced that this email is genuine because if you look at the
email is sent to the [redacted] email address ending with [redacted] and the reply came
back with the email address ending with [redacted] plus you can see in the email
subject from [redacted] that it showing that it’s a reply so how can email address ending with
[redacted] can reply the email was not sent to him in original it was sent to the address
ending with [redacted]!!!!!!!!!!Now my Question still has not been answered where is my product rendering I got all the
right to see my Product rendering show it to me as I was told that the money $5850.00 I am
paying Davison will create the product rendering ,Now let me mention again I was told that
product rendering by Davison for my product means that product is virtually rendered
which shows all the material and the cost to this product and its ready for production if the
company that they presenting agreed to take this product idea onboard .But now I was told
on the phone and again in the reply form Davison that they have delivered for what I paid to
them .really I paid $5850.00 to Davison to create a flyer for me !!!!!!
Want my money back or send me the full Virtual rending of my product to me as I was told .
Kind Regards
This letter is in response to the additional comments submitted by Mr. [redacted] on orabout 09/24/2015, in regard to the above referenced complaint. As stated in the original response,services were completed with his express written approval and authorization, and to hisdocumented satisfaction. Mr. [redacted] continues to misrepresent the scope of services to supporthis claim for a refund. He contends the Integrated Product Rendering Agreement was to include“full product details that what materials and parts needed to produce this product and alsoDavison will do the packaging for the product...” This contention is contrary to the disclosureprovided to Mr. [redacted] before any contact for service was entered and contrary to the terms ofthe Integrated Product Rendering contract.Mr. [redacted] submitted his idea for a new product through Davison’s website. The systemDavison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit an ideawithout first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and theperson electronically acknowledging the disclosures. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged, via anelectronic signature on 07/17/2014, at 15:16:13 from IP address [redacted], that he receivedand read the two disclosure statements. It is important to note that the disclosures are madeBEFORE the Client enters any service contract or makes any payment to Davison. Thedisclosures detail, among other items, the scope of services offered by the various contracts.With regard to the Second Phase Agreements, the disclosure specifies distinct contracts withdistinct services. Specifically, the disclosure details;“(a) New Product Sample Agreement- Davison offers to professionally design and construct a productsample, graphics, packaging and presentation materials;(b) Integrated Product Rendering agreement- Davison offers to prepare design images and graphicssuitable for presentation of the idea;”Further, the terms of the Integrated Product Rendering Agreement states: “1) 1 Preparation ofRendering: Drafts are prepared by the Art Department to depict the product.” It is clear from thedisclosure and the contract terms that the Integrated Product Rendering agreement offers thepreparation of images and graphics, not a physical product sample and complete specifications. Acopy of the disclosure and the electronic signature data documenting Mr. [redacted]’sacknowledgment of the disclosures are enclosed. Note the specific details of the submitted ideahave been redacted for confidentiality purposes.to the further pursuit of a license agreement supports his position. Again, hemisrepresents the terms. This form is a standard form used for all projects at Davison, regardlessof whether the specific service agreement was a New Product Sample Agreement, an IntegratedProduct Rendering Agreement or a Custom Agreement. Further, the form states; “If required forpresentation or requested by the targeted corporation, Davison will perform the following:”Accordingly, the applicability of the services detailed varies depending upon the specific project.Finally, Mr. [redacted]’s concerns over the documentation of the e-mailed presentation ofhis project are spurious. The documents provided clearly evidence the presentation and thecorporation’s response. Davison has no control over the e-mailing policies and procedures ofother corporations.As stated, all services have been performed with Mr. [redacted]’s express written approvaland authorization and to his documented satisfaction. While it is unfortunate that the targetedcorporation chose not to pursue his product idea, that fact does not negate the provided services.In the interest of customer satisfaction, Davison will continue to honor its prior offer of twoadditional presentations at no cost to Mr. [redacted]. If he chooses to accept this offer, he need onlycontact our Licensing Department who will coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize thepresentations.Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc
I don’t know what to say they keep hiding behind these contract clauses just not to
pay me my hard earned money they scammed me professionally .When I was talking to the Product
manager I made it clear that I am trusting Davison and putting my kids holiday saving money into
this project and I was wrong to trust . Now let me proof them wrong again that Davison is lying.
1. Look at the entry of idea submission through website they attached the image off and they
are using it to reply back to this complain is totally wrong as you can clearly see that we are
talking about Henna Hands product and they have attached image of is KIDS LUNCH BOX.
2. I have only Initialed agreement submitting the idea not For product rendering as I have took
some image shots of the form and its content below which is step 1 where you describe the
idea with your personal information .and you can see in this step 1 where I initialed the
agreement there is nothing about the product rendering that I agreed on at this step .
Review: submitted my invention to Davison. they would not give me a written financial agreement after requesting one for over two weeks. They just kept sending me little movies about their business. So I called and told them I want my patent pending drawing and all the paper work on our patent pending invention. Mr. [redacted] the V.P. of Davison are you sure you are patent pending. I said are you going to return my drawings and he said no. I asked him if he was thinking about stealing my invention and told him if he was he better think again because he will be infringing on my patent pending status. I back out of this company before I gave them any money and just because they like my idea does not mean they can keep it and try to steal it. Every paper was clearly marked patent pending. this on January 28, 2014. They do not know when my p.p. will end I am too smart. They are trying to extort me by keeping my papers and hope my Patent Pending will run out. I will file a complaint with United States Trademark and Patent Office. Thank You.Desired Settlement: I want my papers back from Davison. When I asked Mr. [redacted] if he was going to return my papers to me he said no. I do not understand why he would do this every paper was clearly marked with property of [redacted] and clearly marked patent pending. I sent the drawings so they could make a proto type but when they would not give me a financial agreement to my liking they refused to send back my papers on my invention which was under a confidential agreement. I want my papers returned.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]
Review: I transfered $8,300 to davisons on 12/31/14 for my product development,infomercial,lab work etc.
I have to this date recieved absolutely nothing for my money,but a bunch of old promotional garbage that has nothing to do with what I paid for.
8 months has passed and they wont answer my calls.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about08/17/2015. A representative from Davison has been in contact with Mr. [redacted] todiscuss any concerns he has about his project. Please note that Mr. [redacted]’s concernshave been addressed and his project is moving forward.In light of the above resolution, I ask that his complaint be closed as “resolved.”Mr. [redacted] has agreed to notify your office directly of the amicable resolution to hiscomplaint.Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: they took my ideal told me it would only cost $795.00 dollar to get it patian then to market I paid them I have recieved nothing other than they want more money that I don;t have i'm on disabilty myself I want my money backDesired Settlement: refund my money and give me my ideal back these people are scamming people they need to be shut down and we victims need help
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about06/09/2015. Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of aninitial contact and throughout the process, Davison maintains an open channel ofcommunication, disclosing its services and fees upfront and securing the clients’ approvaland authorization throughout the process. The contracts are simply written, with no “fineprint” provisions. It is not possible to be more upftont with its clients about the servicesand fees. As will be detailed below, Ms. [redacted] was provided explicit, cleardisclosures of the scope of services and the relevant fees.In her statement, Ms. [redacted] alleges she was told that $795 would cover thecost of patenting and marketing her idea. She is mistaken. The fee was for theperformance of research related to her idea for a new product. Davison is not a law firmand does not advertise that it provides intellectual property services or any other legalservices. The contracts for services do not include patent filing services or any otherlegal services. Also, Davison does not “market” its clients’ products to the generalpublic, they design and develop product samples for presentation to corporations who inturn may manufacture and market the product.In June 2012, Ms. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product ideathrough Davison’s website. The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissionsmakes it impossible for a person to submit an idea without first having two separatedisclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and the person electronicallyacknowledging the disclosures. Ms. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronicsignature on 06/24/2012, that she received and read the two disclosure statements. It isimportant to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client enters any servicecontract or makes any payment to Davison. Among the disclosures is the statement that“It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract in connection with asubmitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing the various services and relatedfees. Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosure detailing the services.Following her acknowledgment of the disclosures, Ms. [redacted] entered intoan agreement for Pre-Development services which obligated Davison to compile researchdata related to her product idea. She finalized payment for this service in October 2014.Davison completed the Pre-Development services and forwarded the compiled researchto her on or about 11/10/2014.The Pre-Development Agreement states in relevant part (emphasis added);“Section II B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaininga product sample, packaging and relevant information about the product ina professional format for presentation to a Licensee, at Client’s sole expense.Davison, at its option, will offer to provide further development services,under a separate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creatingthe sample and presentation material for the targeted Licensee. Client is awarethat he or she is free to obtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtain them atall...”Consistent with the terms of the Pre-Development Agreement and the disclosures thatMs. [redacted] acknowledged, Davison offered additional services for the developmentof her project. She had declined these additional services, which is her prerogative.As stated, Ms. [redacted] was fully informed of all services and their relatedfees offered by Davison, BEFORE she entered into any contract. The services for whichthere existed a contract have been performed. No additional contracts have been enteredand no additional payments have been received. There is no basis to warrant a refund forservices rendered.Enclosure
Review: I was scam out of $ 715.00. I was told, first by [redacted], That my idea , will be presented to a company, would pay me for it. Still in 2012, I told Mr [redacted], I'm not working, I only have unemployment coming in my house hole. 8/28/12 , He said, we won't let funding stop my idea. All I need is $ 795.00 to start it going, He send me videos showing, other clients get royalty checks, I paid a little each month, and every month I pay something, I told Mr. [redacted]. If there's more to paid, I don't want to do this, I can pay any more. He told me there no problem, He already had a company instead in my idea, it was [redacted]. He said he presented my idea to [redacted], then he send a stack of papers, New product sample agreement to sign, and return in believe 10 days, That I have to pay them Retainer and royalty . 4 Options, $ 165,00 u.s. dollars per hour plus expense, $ 15170. U.s. dollars,$ 13170 u.s. dollars and a 5% royalty assigned to Davison, 11170 u.s. dollars and a 10% royalty assigned to Davison. I told him on numerous times I do not have any more money, he ask me to borrow it from family, I said I can't. Then I couldn't get in touch with him, not returning my calls. Then he send me a email, saying I've certainly enjoy working you and was really looking forward to getting the sausage dripping and bacon dripping in front of [redacted] to see if they would be interested in it. My feeling at this stage is that you're unable or unwilling to continue pursuing your idea or at the very least, pursuing it with our company. That is no a problem. If this is truly the case. I want you to feel 100% comfortable calling me and letting me know that and I'll terminate the relationship. Then [redacted] was not at the company anymore, Then months later. 9/2013 [redacted] , contact me and said he was assigned to assisting me.And want me to pay again.I do have copy of there email.Desired Settlement: Just get my money back, And warn people about this company.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 01/23/2015. Setting asidethe defamatory comments contained within her complaint, Ms. [redacted] implies she was notadvised of the additional cost for additional services offered. She is mistaken. As will bedetailed below, she was fully apprised of the types of services offered and their related feesBEFORE any contract was entered. The services for which there existed a contract have beenperformed. There is no basis to warrant a refund.Ms. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’s website.The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submitan idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format,and the person electronically acknowledging the disclosures. On 08/15/2012, Ms. [redacted]acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that she received and read the two disclosurestatements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes anypayment to Davison. Among the disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s normal practiceto seek more than one contract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure thenprovides a listing the various services and related fees. Enclosed, please find a copy of thedisclosure as it was presented to Ms. [redacted].Following her acknowledgment of the disclosures, on 08/31/2012, Ms. [redacted] enteredinto an agreement for Pre-Development services which obligated Davison to compile researchdata related to her product idea. Davison completed the Pre-Development services and forwardedthe compiled research to Ms. [redacted] on or about 02/18/2013.The Pre-Development Agreement states in relevant part (emphasis added);“Section II B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaining a product sample, packagingand relevant information about the product in a professional format for presentation to a Licensee, at Clientssole expense. Davison, at its option, will offer to provide further development services, under aseparate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creating the sample and presentation materialfor the targeted Licensee. Client is aware that he or she is free to obtain such materials elsewhere or not toobtain them at all.”Following the completion of the services under the Pre-Development Agreement, on 03 192013,Davison provided to Ms. [redacted] a proposed agreement for further development work. Thisproposal is consistent with our disclosures and the terms of the Pre-Development Agreement. Todate, Ms. [redacted] has not engaged these additional services, which is her prerogative. Further, itshould be clarified that, as Ms. [redacted] has neither engaged Davison’s services to create theproduct sample and presentation material, nor has she provided these items on her own, there hasbeen no presentation of her product idea.As stated, Ms. [redacted] was fully informed of all services and their related fees offeredby Davison, BEFORE she entered into any contract. The services for which there existed acontract have been performed. No additional contracts have been entered and no additionalpayments have been received. There is no basis to warrant a refund for services rendered.Sincerely [redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 10415686, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
I did not contact [redacted], I did start to fill out the form, But when I seem they was asking for money, I did not contain the form, I click out. The days later, [redacted] call me and said he seen where I started and idea and didn't completed. He wanted to find out about my idea. That's when the first time I told him, I was not working and don't have any money for it right now. Then he was explaining to me how to get started and what the company that except my idea , will pay you for your idea. I keep telling him, I'm not working, he suggested borrowing money from family members to just get started. He told me about the$795.00 and he would give me a discount and I can pay monthly payments as I get the money, please! Why would I pay a company $ 715.00 knowing, I'm going to lose it after my last payment. I did no get or was told about the new product sample agreement and the thousands of dollars I have to pay And pay in seven days, after I paid him $ 315. On 2/1/2013. Even though I told him everytime I made a payment toward getting started, I can't and don't have any more money to pay, That's when I was told these things on the phone by [redacted], that where company royalty come in at. I was not fully aware of no more fee or money to pay. I did try to contact Mr [redacted], I was told he was not longer with the company. And last time talking with Mr [redacted], I told him again I don't have any more money. His words he email to me was, His feeling at this stage is that you're unable and willing to continue pursuing your idea or,at the very least , pursuing it with our company.if that's the case, call him. I did call him. Then 9/24/3013 Mr [redacted] contact me and tried the same thing with me. They recorded every thing,
Review: I paid $1490.00 over a 4 year period of time,for a new product sample that costs $9230.00 I informed ([redacted])of davisons today 10/8/2014 that I can no longer make anymore payments.So Can I just have the $1490.00 backI feel that it shouldn't be much of a problem getting a full refund since I didn't take/gain/or recieve anything but my payment receipts.I never agreed to a $1000.00 retainer fee. My 1st payment of $1000.00 was just a payment Here is the receipt for your project.(me) DATE TYPE AMOUNT April 12, 2011 Check $1000.00 March 27, 2012 VISA $200.00 August 1, 2012 VISA $150.00 November 19, 2012 VISA $140.00 Cost of New Product Sample Agreement $9230.00 Total Payments $1490.00 Balance Remaining $7740.00 Desired Settlement: A full refund of $1490.00
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms [redacted]
against Davison Design and Development Inc (Davison) on or about 10/0812014 As Ms [redacted]
notes in her complaint, she entered into a contract for services in 2010 and made a series of
partial payments toward the retainer fee Ms [redacted] notes that she simply can not make additional
payments and requests a full refund Unfortunately~ the contract does not provide for a refund of
payments for cancellations made. Beyond the stated-revocation period.
In her complaint she alleges she did not know the stated fee was a retainer fee This
claim is contradicted by the plain language of the contract The relevant section of the contract is
entitled “RETAINER AND ROYALTY’ Further, paragraph C of that section states, “The
retainer amount selected in Section 3A To claim she was not awate that the fee was a retainer
fee is disingenuous Second, she claims the refund shouldft the much of a problem” as no
services were provided This view completely discounts the administrative expenses incurred in
However Davison has no interest in retaining fees for services which will not be
performed Despite having no contractual basis to warrant a refund, Davison will refund 80% of
the partial payments made on-the contract (Davison retains 20% to cover the administrative costs -
incurred) If this resolution if acceptable to Ms [redacted], I ask that she contact me directly in our
Legal Department and the necessary documents will be forwarded to her attention
I paid $1490.00 over a 4 year period of time,for a new product sample that costs $9230.00 I informed ([redacted])of davisons today 10/8/2014 that I can no longer make anymore payments.So Can I just have the $1490.00 backI feel that it shouldn't be much of a problem getting a full refund since I didn't take/gain/or receive anything but my payment receipts.I never agreed to a $1000.00 retainer fee. My 1st payment of $1000.00 was just a payment Here is the receipt for your project.(me) DATE TYPE AMOUNT April 12, 2011 Check $1000.00 March 27, 2012 VISA $200.00 August 1, 2012 VISA $150.00 November 19, 2012 VISA $140.00 Cost of New Product Sample Agreement $9230.00 Total Payments $1490.00 Balance Remaining $7740.00 [redacted]
Review: Davison took almost 18,000 from me for what a bunch of lies and mistruth I was told that they would develop my product and put it in the trade show and they would be inviting me to their Bussiness and take picture of my product none of that ever happen they starting ignoring my calls and they start sending me to different people they said they would work with me for a year to get my product licences my patent had expires before they finally contact me in Feb saying they couldnt get a sell when they sent me a name if a company that was interested and for me to wait for the licensing department to contact me regarding my royalties well I waited almost a month before recurving a call saying the company refused my product and if I wanted them to pursue another company for 400 more dollars they never said anything about the trade show or any if my concerns I had addressDesired Settlement: I would like a refund because all I recurved was a prototype that's not what I original files with them they did what they wanted and didn't honor my ideas they changed it to what they thought I have lost my entire life saving with this company and I don't think they its fare take people dreams and take mminey their money and they get nothing but prototype that can't even be used they charged me 2500 more for a video when they told me after u gave them 15, 000 I wouldnt have to give anymore
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]
Review: I started with Davison 2/27/2012 Integrated Product Rendering Agreement Receipt for [redacted] March 6, 2012 VISA $500.00 April 16, 2012 Check $446.00 May 18, 2012 Check $446.00 June 15, 2012 Check $446.00 June 29, 2012 Check $4012.00 Cost of Integrated Product Rendering Agreement $5850.00 Total Payments $5850.00 Balance Remaining $0.00 I have not recieved anything that is in any shape or form related to my submitted invention.(hand held never scanner)My repersentive keeps telling me it is on the table and show be ready for approval within a week. It has been 2 years with nothing to show. I would like a full refund at this time. Can You help me.Desired Settlement: Integrated Product Rendering Agreement Receipt for [redacted] March 6, 2012 VISA $500.00 April 16, 2012 Check $446.00 May 18, 2012 Check $446.00 June 15, 2012 Check $446.00 June 29, 2012 Check $4012.00 Cost of Integrated Product Rendering Agreement $5850.00 Total Payments $5850.00 Balance Remaining $0.00 Full refund of $5850.00
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 02/12/20 14. Customer concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact, to the presentation of a client’s product sample, we try to maintain an open channel of communication and secure our client’s approval throughout the process. Please be advised that a representative from our Office of the President has been in contact with Mr. [redacted] to resolve his concerns. We have agreed upon a course of action which involves the redesign of his product rendering and additional services to be provided at no additional cost to Mr. [redacted]. In light of the agreed course of action, Task that your office close Mr. [redacted]’ complaint as “resolved”.
Review: I paid [redacted] $795 for his services! he didn't even do anything for me but send me a packet in the mail! then he tried to tell me that he wanted 6000 dollars more for the building of the application I needed! I did not like that so I ask [redacted] for a refund and he said he would not do that, he kind of avoided the topic! since then I have called him once or twice and no response. I have left him emails and he did not respond! so here I am filling a complaint against him and his company!Desired Settlement: I want my money back! I do not feel like he is professional and fulfilling his end of the agreement.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 01/08/2014. In his statement, Mr. [redacted] alleges he was not provided any service for his payment of $795 and implies he was unaware of the fees associated with the offer of additional services. As will be detailed below, Davison provided its services for the contract that Mr. [redacted] entered, and provided a complete disclosure of the types of services offered and their related fees BEFORE any contract was entered. To the extent he was unaware of these additional services; it is through no fault of Davison. Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’s website. The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submit an idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and the person electronically acknowledging the disclosures. On 10/18/2012, Mr. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he received and read the two disclosure statements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes any payment to Davison. Among the disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing the various services and related fees. Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosure as it was presented to Mr. [redacted]. Following his acknowledgment of the disclosures, on 10/31/2012, Mr. [redacted] entered into an agreement for Pre-Development services which obligated Davison to compile research data related to his product idea. Mr. [redacted] finalized payment for this service on 09/03/20 13 and Davison completed the Pre-Development services. On 09/17/2013, the compiled research, consisting often (10) U.S. Patent documents and information on six (6) similar products, was sent to Mr. [redacted]. His complaint acknowledges his receipt of this information. The Pre Development Agreement states in relevant part (emphasis added); “Section II B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaining a product sample and relevant information about the product in a professional format for presentation to a Licensee, at Client’s sole expense. Davison, at its option, will offer to provide further development services, under a separate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creating the sample and presentation material for the targeted Licensee. Client is aware that he or she is free to obtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtain them.” Following the completion of the services under the Pre-Development Agreement, on 10/16/2013, Davison provided to Mr. [redacted] a proposed agreement for further development work. This proposal is consistent with our disclosures and the terms of the Pre-Development Agreement. To date, Mr. [redacted] has not engaged these additional services, which is his prerogative. As stated, Mr. [redacted] was fully informed of all services and their related fees offered by Davison, BEFORE he entered into any contract. The services for which there existed a contract have been performed. No additional contracts have been entered and no additional payments have been received. There is no basis to warrant a refund for services rendered. Sflp David M. [redacted] Associate Counsel Davison Design and Development, Inc. Enclosure Turning ideas
Review: I have emailed [redacted] plenty of times and even sent a letter letting him no I no longer can or want to pay on the the item I was doing and that I would like to get my money back and I havent payed n e thing since lyk may and he emailed me only once telling me that I would have to call and talk to him but after I told him I no longer had a phone I only had email or the mail and I havent received my money nor heard n e thing after I told him that...Desired Settlement: I only wish to get back wut I have payed.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]
[redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about
12/23/2013. Please note that the disputed charges have been refunded. A copy of the
refund receipts are attached hereto.
In light of the refunds, I kindly ask that her file be closed as “resolved”.
Review: I made a final payment to finish an invention. I was signed to a manufacturer at the same time. I still have not received any royalties.The project manager will not correspond with me by email-only phone conversations and I feel this is suspicious. Also, I made a double payment and the agent will not reimburse me after I sent the bank info showing the 2 payments. I requested a refund on this project. Payments on second project have been suspended pending this issue.Desired Settlement: I would like a refund on the first project or some viable proof of getting my royalties.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] against
Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 12 11/2013. In her complaint, Ms. [redacted]
states a belief that her product idea has been licensed and royalties are due. This is incorrect. As will be
detailed below, Davison has provided the services which were contractually due and Ms. [redacted] has not yet
met her obligation of full payment in order for any outstanding services to become due. Accordingly, there
is no basis for a refund.
Ms. [redacted] has been a client since first contacting Davison in 2007. Since that first contact, she
has submitted two separate projects; her complaint is directed to the first of these two projects. With regard
to the first project, she entered into two separate contracts for services. The first obligated Davison to
compile research data relevant to her submitted idea and to identify a corporation to whom her product idea
would be presented. This service was completed and the research delivered to Ms. [redacted] and the targeted
corporation was disclosed. Following the completion of the first contract, Ms. [redacted] entered into a second
contract for the design and construction of a product sample. She selected a payment option and has made
periodic payments since entering the contract. The contract provides that no services are due until full
payment has been received. To date, Ms. [redacted] has an outstanding balance owed; accordingly no services
are due to be performed.
Ms. [redacted] misunderstands her project status with the disclosed corporation. There are no
royalties due because there is no license agreement. There is no license agreement because no presentation
of her product idea has yet been made. The presentation is dependent upon the construction of a product
sample and creation of presentation materials, which in turn are contingent upon her making full payment
of the contract fee. Ms. [redacted] also raises a concern over a “double payment” for which she requests a
refund. A review of her file indicates such an excess payment, on the original contract in 2009. The
amount of this overpayment will be applied as a credit toward her current contract obligation.
Associate Counsel
Davison Design and Development, Inc.
Turning ideas
Dear Revdex.com Agent:
Review: I had submitted an idea with Davison with the agreement that they would assist in creating a model of my product and market the idea to companies/buyers. After paying the amount required of around $5850 dollars I did not get a model of equivalent value or service. After watching their video about the invention lab where ideas are brought to life, I only received a one page photo concept of my idea. It was poorly done, and something that I could have done in about 10 minutes on my own.
After being placed with a salesperson from the initial contact, Ms. Deborah W[redacted], the service from their salesperson was nonexistent. She could not be reached for collaboration which I attempted numerous times. I could never call and speak with her directly. She would leave voicemail messages to set up telephone appointments and then not follow through with the call. She would call at a time not agreed upon when I could not receive the call. I think I only spoke with her around 3-4 times over the course of a year. The salesperson chose ONE target company to sell to over the course of a year. I was not provided detailed information as far as dates, names of target company representatives, or how often she spoke with the target company. In other words, I never had actual proof that she was working to sell my product. After a year had passed and she could not make the sale, she suggested another company. This would have required additional funds of around $300 to approach another company.Desired Settlement: I want a full refund from the company.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 11/18/2015. Customerconcerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communicationerrors are kept to a minimu** From the time of an initial contact and throughout the process,Davison maintains an open channel of communication, disclosing its services and fees upfrontand securing its clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process. The contracts aresimply written, with no “fine print” provisions. A review of Mr. [redacted]’s file indicates thatDavison has performed all services with his approval and authorization, and to his documentedsatisfaction. It bears noting that all services were completed by September 2014. Now, over ayear later, he has filed this complaint. The significant delay in presenting his concerns bears onthe credibility of his contentions. There is no support for his complaint.Briefly stated, Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison in August 2013. At the time of his initialcontact, he was provided with two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savableformat. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he received and read the twodisclosure statements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Cliententers any service contract or makes any payment to Davison. Among the disclosures is thestatement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract in connection witha submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing the various services and related fees.Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosure detailing the services. Mr. [redacted] then enteredinto two service contacts. The first was for pre-development research which was provided tohi** The second was for the creation of a rendering that depicted his product idea andpresentation material. Mr. [redacted] approved the proposed rendering, authorized the presentationof his idea and completed questionnaires about the rendering and presentation material, providingpositive feedback. His product idea was presented to the targeted corporation on 03/28/20 14.The corporation chose not to license his idea. An offer to make additional presentations wasmade to Mr. [redacted]. He declined this additional service and decided to take a “reactive”approach, i.e. to wait to see if a corporation was to approach Davison with a request for a productsimilar to his. Copies of his approvals, authorization, completed questionnaires, and selection ofthe reactive approach are enclosed. There has been no contact with Mr. [redacted] since September2014.In his complaint, Mr. [redacted] alleges he contracted for assistance in “creating a model” ofhis product idea. To the extent his statement implies the construction of a physical productsample, he is mistaken. The language in the contract, from its title to the specific terms, is clearthat a graphic representation of his product idea, i.e. a rendering, depiction, design, was to bedeveloped. No term refers to the construction of a physical product sample. Further, thedisclosure form which was provided to him clearly indicates the separate services of the creationof a product rendering versus the construction of a product sample. Mr. [redacted] also contendsthat he contracted for assistance to ‘market the idea’. This is incorrect. Davison does not“market” its clients’ product ideas to the general public, they design and develop product ideasfor presentation to corporations who in turn may manufacture and market the product. Finally,Mr. [redacted] complains of the fee associated with the service of making an additional presentationto a new corporation. As stated, Davison had offered to provide this additional service, and thereis a fee for this service. Mr. [redacted] was advised of this fee BEFORE he entered any servicecontract as it was disclosed to him as part of the initial disclosure provided to him in August2013.As stated, all services have been performed with Mr. [redacted]’s express written approvaland authorization, and to his documented satisfaction. While it is unfortunate that the targetedcorporation chose not to pursue his product idea, that fact does not negate the provided services.The simple fact is that the product development process provides no guarantees of financial gain.The contracts and disclosures are explicit in this regard. While this is of little comfort to a clientwho has expended considerable time, money, effort and emotion into a project, the fact that aparticular project does not bring financial gain to the client does not invalidate the services thatwere provided. However, in the interest of customer satisfaction, Davison will offer twoadditional presentations at no cost to Mr. [redacted]. If he chooses to accept this offer, he need onlycontact the Licensing Department who will coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize thepresentations.Sincertic,David ** D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Thank you for the response from Davison, their team, and Associate Counsel Mr. David ** D[redacted]. Respectfully, Mr. [redacted] would dispute Davison's assessment of open communication. The representative, Ms. Laura C[redacted], as outlined in the initial dispute, could not be contacted or spoken to directly in regards to the product by the client. Typically in representation, there is a face to face meeting, computerized face to face chat, or at the very least, scheduled times to discuss strategies when collaborating to sell a product. Scheduled phone times with Ms. C[redacted] were not kept, and the client was given information via voicemail without being able to offer immediate input. A customer should be able to tell that they are being represented by an agent by such communication. Evidence should be presented to prove that the work was being put in over the course of time that the client was told it may take to sell the product. The amount of time in this matter was at minimum a year according to Davison. In addition, no names other than the target company were given. The client cannot say that a certain representative of the target company, or board was contacted with reasonable proof.
Review: We have spent several thousands of dollars paid to Davison to assist us with our invention. After receiving the prototype in the mail we found that it was not the same quality per our agreement. In fact, the prototype left paint resedue on our hands and fell apart in our hands. Per the agreement with a satisfaction guarantee we have sent emails and phone calls to get the issue corrected. We requested a new prototype be constructed and delivered to us with no response by Davison. After researching issues related to Davison we found we are not alone in others with having similar dealing with this fradulant company. We also found where they lost a suit and had to compensate folks they tricked. This company needs to be shut down and be prosecuted for fraud! Please assist us with this situation.Desired Settlement: Refund in full along with a prototype
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 01/05/2015. Subsequent to his complaint, on 01/07/2015, a member of our licensing department spoke with Mr. [redacted] and addressed his concerns. Despite this resolution, a complete response to his complaint is provided below.Customer concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact, through the research and development of a new product idea, to the presentation of a client’s idea, we try to maintain an open channel of communication, disclosing our services and fees upfront and securing our clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process. In Mr. [redacted]’s case, he approved the design of his product sample; he authorized the presentation of his product idea after having received the presentation material which included a photograph of the physical product sample; and he complete two questionnaires about the design and the presentation material in which he provided positive feedback.At his request, the product sample was shipped to him. At that point he expressed concern over the quality of the construction of the product sample. The contract for the construction of the product sample is explicitly clear that the sample is meant for demonstration purposes only. The product sample is not intended to be of the quality of a final product that may be manufactured and sold at retail. This was explained to Mr. [redacted] in the conversation of 01/07/2015. He stated that he understood and the matter was resolved.In the interest of customer satisfaction, we will offer two additional presentations at no cost to Mr, [redacted]. If he chooses to accept this offer, he need only contact our Licensing Department who will coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize the presentations.Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.