Davison Design & Development, Inc. Reviews (246)
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Address: 595 Alpha Dr Ridc Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15238-2911
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This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about03/20/2015. Customer concerns upset everyone and our staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum....
From the time of aninitial contact and throughout our process, we maintain an open channel ofcommunication, disclosing our services and fees upfront and securing our clients’approval and authorization throughout the process. Our contracts are simply written,with no “fine print” provisions. It is not possible to be more upfront with our clientsabout our services and fees. In her statement, Ms. [redacted] alleges she was misled aboutthe costs associated with the development of her project. As will be detailed below, Ms.[redacted] was provided explicit, clear disclosures of the relevant fees.Ms. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’swebsite. The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible fora person to submit an idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in aprintable and savable format, and the person electronically acknowledging thedisclosures. Ms. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that she receivedand read the two disclosure statements. It is important to note that the disclosures aremade BEFORE the Client enters any service contract or makes any payment to Davison.Among the disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek morethan one contract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides alisting the various services and related fees. Enclosed, please find a copy of thedisclosure detailing our services.Following her acknowledgment of the disclosures, Ms. [redacted] entered into anagreement for Pre-Development services which obligated Davison to compile researchdata related to her product idea. Davison completed the Pre-Development services andforwarded the compiled research to Ms. [redacted] on 02/12/2015. The researchcomprised nine (9) U.S. patent documents and information on six (6) products currentlyin the market which are similar to her submitted idea. Ms. [redacted] acknowledgedreceipt of these materials on 02/20/2015 and again in her complaintThe Pre-Development Agreement states in relevant part (emphasis added);“Section II B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaininga product sample and relevant information about the product in aprofessional format for presentation to a Licensee, at Client’s sole expense.Davison, at its option, will offer to provide further development services,under a separate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creatingthe sample and presentation material for the targeted Licensee. Client is awarethat he or she is free to obtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtain them.”Consistent with the terms of the Pre-Development Agreement and the disclosures thatMs. [redacted] acknowledged, Davison offered additional services for the development ofher project. She had declined these additional services, which is her prerogative.As stated, Ms. [redacted] was fully informed of all services and their related feesoffered by Davison, BEFORE she entered into any contract. The services for which thereexisted a contract have been performed. No additional contracts have been entered andno additional payments have been received. There is no basis to warrant a refund forservices rendered.[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 12/26/20 14. In hisstatement, Mr. [redacted] implies he was not advised of the additional cost for additional servicesoffered. He is mistaken. As...
will be detailed below, he was fully apprised of the types of servicesoffered and their related fees BEFORE any contract was entered.Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison about a new product idea through Davison’s website.The system Davison utilizes for electronic submissions makes it impossible for a person to submitan idea without first having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format,and the person electronically acknowledging the disclosures. On 03/26/20 14, Mr. [redacted]acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he received and read the two disclosurestatements. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client makes anypayment to Davison. Among the disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s normal practiceto seek more than one contract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure thenprovides a listing the various services and related fees. Enclosed, please find a copy of thedisclosure as it was presented to Mr. [redacted].Following his acknowledgment of the disclosures, on 04/08/20 14, Mr. [redacted] enteredinto an agreement for Pre-Development services which obligated Davison to compile researchdata related to his product idea. Davison completed the Pre-Development services and forwardedthe compiled research to Mr. [redacted] on or about 07/24/20 14. On 07/30/20 14, Mr. [redacted]completed a questionnaire about the Pre-Development service, in which he provided positivefeedback. A copy of his signed questionnaire is attached.The Pre-Development Agreement states in relevant part (emphasis added);“Section II B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaining a product sample, packagingand relevant information about the product in a professional format for presentation to a Licensee, at Client’ssole expense. Davison, at its option, will offer to provide further development services, under aseparate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creating the sample and presentation materialfor the targeted Licensee. Client is aware that he or she is free to obtain such materials elsewhere or not toobtain them at all.”Following the completion of the services under the Pre-Development Agreement, on 08/05/2014,Davison provided to Mr. [redacted] a proposed agreement for further development work. Thisproposal is consistent with our disclosures and the terms of the Pre-Development Agreement. Todate, Mr. [redacted] has not engaged these additional services, which is his prerogative.As stated, Mr. [redacted] was fully informed of all services and their related fees offered byDavison, BEFORE he entered into any contract. The services for which there existed a contracthave been performed to his documented satisfaction. No additional contracts have been enteredand no additional payments have been received. There is no basis to warrant a refund for servicesrendered.Sincerely[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.Enclosures
Review: I submitted an idea for an invention. I was never told the final amount of costs on the bill I'm paying on. And no one could tell me what my progress on the invention was. I just kept paying weekly or monthly. And had phone conferences talking about things I'm paying them to do for me! I couldn't her my money back and on a bill I have no idea the final cost of.Desired Settlement: Email me back I'll send my receipt
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 05/10/20 16. At the outset,it should be made clear that while Mr. [redacted] had been a client of Davison, he terminated hiscontract on 09/08/2015. Prior to this complaint, there has been no communication from Mr.[redacted] in the more than eight (8) months since his cancellation.Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard to troubleshoot them socommunication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact and throughoutthe development and presentation of the idea, Davison maintains an open channel ofcommunication, disclosing its services and fees upfront, providing contracts that are simplywritten, with no “fine print” provisions, and securing the client’s approval and authorization. Itis not possible to be more upfront with its clients about the services, fees and the development oftheir project. Mr. [redacted]’s allegation that he was not informed of the fee for the service contracthe entered is simply false. A review of his file indicates that he was provided with theinformation on no less than seven (7) occasions.Mr. [redacted] initiated contact with Davison by submitting an idea through its website on06/09 2015. The electronic submission system utilized by Davison makes it impossible for aclient to submit an idea without having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable andsavable format. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client entersany service contract or makes any payment to Davison. The disclosures provide a listing of thevarious services and related fees. Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosure detailing theservices and related fees. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he receivedand read the two disclosure statements. Following his acknowledgment of the disclosures, Mr.[redacted] entered the initial Pre-Development and Representation agreement. Section II. A. of thatagreement explicitly states the fee of $795.00. Mr. [redacted] made a series of five partial paymentstoward the fee. After each payment, he was provided a written receipt detailing the fee of$795.00, the amount that has been paid, and the outstanding balance. His position that he was notinformed of the fee is simply not valid.Agreement. As he had not made full payment, services were not due to be performed. Severalattempts to contact Mr. [redacted] were made to see if he would like to resume the agreement. Aspreviously stated, there has been no communication from Mr. [redacted], until this complaint.Mr. [redacted]’s allegation that the fees were not disclosed to him is simply false. As statedabove, every individual who submits an idea through Davison’s website is provided with, andacknowledges having received and read, the disclosures. Further, the contract he entered and thepayment receipts provided to him, all detail the fee amount. His decision to cancel the contractwell after the revocation period does not provide a basis for a refund. If Mr. [redacted] would like tore-engage Davison’s services, he need only contact his Davison representative and voice that
I submitted my idea and made my first payment. Finally finished paying of the fee, and was told that we can now move forward with the beginning process. Then they tell me I have to come out of pocket 15000 just to have an prototype created! I suggest not going to this company because they will scam you out of your money, especially if you are an single mother. They seem to target those not married.
I wish all the people who made bad reviews be aware that your invention wasn't successful as others thats making us more aware to develop the stuff that people want an like be aware other people probably built what you thought you only put so stop giving the company negative readings an try harder at what you invent.
Review: I had contacted Davison to help me with an invention Idea. I paid them to develop my Idea and to show it to a customer to which they did. I then asked them to send me the product so that I could try getting a company to look at it. They told me I needed to fill out some paperwork, to which I did then return the paperwork to the company months ago. I have tried to get in touch with the person dealing with my request to which I have left several voice messages. I called the gentleman that I was dealing with during the development of the product and he was able to tell me that they had received the paperwork and did not know why or what the problem was. So I waited a week and a half and then called again, and left a message with the person, I also called the president of the company and left a voice message with them and have not received a return call or anything!! So now this is my course of action.Desired Settlement: I would like to see either my product delivered to me or a full REFUND!!
[redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about07/19/20 16. Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. Mr. [redacted]’ productsample has been shipped.As noted in his statement, Mr. [redacted] requested that his product sample beshipped to him. On May 11,2016 he completed the necessary paperwork andspecifically requested that the sample be inspected and repaired (if necessary) beforeshipment. The document explicitly states that “there is no predetermined timeline to shipthe sample. You will be informed when the sample will be shipped based on the amountof time it takes to prepare it”. A copy of the signed form is enclosed. The sample waslocated, inspected and prepared for shipment. It was shipped on July 27, 2016 anddelivery was confinned on July 30, 2016. A copy of the delivery confirmation isenclosed. To the extent the time necessary to inspect and prepare the sample forshipment was longer than Mr. [redacted] may have anticipated, or if it caused anyinconvenience to him, Davison extends its apology.
Review: I agreed to go with this company a few months ago. The. 1 st few weeks I got great customer/ rep communication and then suddenly it went to zero after several voice mail messages and email attempts to contact the rep, I left messages with the president of the company and they were ignored too. I sent in my invention design to them and now I'm very worried it may have been stolen because ever since that was sent in, all communication with the company ended. They took a payment for their service on April 6, 2016 but nothing has been accomplished. Every time I call them I get transferred to the presidents voicemail and the president ignores my messages as well as the rep ( Erik Ingram ). I get spammed by them via email with testimonial videos but absolutely no business communication with this company. I've left messages with mr Ingram stating that I no longer wish to be part of their service if they continue to fail at proper business practice and lack of communication. I requested a refund and Received it 5/26/2016. All my attempts to contact this company has been Unsuccessful. All I get is an operator who directs my call to the voicemail of the president. ...... I was promised literature about this company and nothing was ever sent. I was promised a weekly phone call by Erik Ingram and they stopped after 3 weeks. I've addressed all my concerns to Erik and he ignored the** His first excuse was that he wasn't getting my messages. I know that isn't true because when he emailed me and asked when was a good time to reach me, I emailed back and gave him a time and he called at that particular time. ..... But all in all, not ONCE have I ever gotten a response from him in email. Not once has he ever answered his phone. The only times we ever spoke was when he called me. I could never get ahold of anybody there. I just want to know my design/ invention is safe! They wouldn't allow me to patent the product because they said its for a later date which aggravates me because they have " my" product design and it's not patented! They say they're completely confidential and safe with our products but after all the poor service I've received, I'm finding that difficult to believe. I've thought about filing with the FTC and social medial as well but my first attempt will be with the Revdex.com here. I'm not happy with this company what so ever!Desired Settlement: I need to speak with this company to be reassured my product information is as safe as they claim and I want answers as to why all my correspondence with them has been completely ignored for the last month. I want it in writing or via email reassuring me my product information is safe and secure and will not be used!
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 05/27/2016. At the outset,it should be made clear that Ms. [redacted] has not entered any contract for services. She did makean initial partial payment which, as she acknowledges in her complaint, has been refunded. Aswill be detailed below, Davison and Ms. [redacted] did discuss the offer of services, but she did notengage any services. Accordingly, no services have been provided. There is no reasonable basisfor her complaint.Davison understands that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperativewhen operating a successful business. Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff worksvery hard to troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimu** However,communication is a two way street. In March 2016, Ms. [redacted] submitted an idea for a newproduct through Davison’s website. Following that submission, there have been a number ofdiscussions about the idea. On 04/04/20 16, she made a partial payment toward the initial service,though she did not, and has not, entered the contract. In an attempt to move her project forward,Davison made numerous unsuccessful attempts to contact her. The next contact received wasnotice of a complaint to an on-line site. In response to that complaint, it was explained to her thatthe idea submission was made pursuant to a Confidentiality Agreement to which Davisonadheres, her partial payment was refunded, and she was informed that her file was closed. Thiscurrent complaint followed.If Ms. [redacted] would like to pursue her project, Davison remains willing to provide itsservices. Her file has been re-activated and a representative will be in contact with her shortly. Ifshe does not wish to proceed, that is her prerogative. However, there is no basis for any furtherrefund, as her payment has already been refunded and no basis for the complaint of non-receipt ofservices, as she never engaged any services.SincerelyDavid ** D[redacted]Associate Counsel
Review: Davidson Design and Development Inc. [redacted]
In the summer and fall of 2014 my associate and I spent numerus phone conversations with the Vice President of New Products, Chad M[redacted], who assured us that Davidson Design and Development Inc. would make us a lot of money. Mr. M[redacted] also, assured my associate and myself that his company would be more then adequate to take my product and have it on the market in a short period of time. It is now June of 2016 and they are no closer to that goal then it was 2 years ago. My product had already been patented, field tested and marketed, but I was still required to put money up front for them to do research and development. To this day, Davidson Design and Development Inc. has not done any research or development that I have any knowledge of. On December 3, 2014 I signed a contract with Davidson Design and Development Inc. and paid an additional $8.000.00. I was contacted on a WEEKLY basis and assured that a team of individuals were working on getting the product ready to present to a manufacturer and distributor. In February of 2015 I delivered to Mr. M[redacted] a feeder to use to speed up the process that is valued over $500.00. I wasted over 500 hours on the phone with Mr. M[redacted] and all I got in return was two inferior pictures, or what they call renditions. My time is worth $100.00 per hour. (I am now into this scam company for over $50,000.00) Then in November of 2015 I received the first rendition. It was inadequate to say the least. It had patent pending on it and to this day I have not received an adequate explanation why that was on a product that already had been patented. It indicates to me that they were going to try and steel my patent. I refused to sign such an inferior rendition and then six months latter another rendition was sent to me, which was worse than the first. I expressed my dissatisfaction with the whole process. I received the same run around or double talk that I had heard for two years. On May 17, 2016 I sent Mr. M[redacted] an email that I put in writing what I wanted to continue. In short, either a set time line on father actions or my money back. (I still have the email I sent if needed) He contacted me twice to get me to talk to the President of New Products Frank V[redacted]. After spending another five hours in emails that I have kept to show how ridiculous the whole process was. Mr. V[redacted] called me on May 27, 2016 and all but threated me by saying he was going to do what he wanted to, no matter what I wanted. To this day all I can verify that Davidson Design and Development Inc. did was computer generate two pictures; I could have had done in 48 hours, for less that $100.00. This is differently not what I paid for and is not worth the money I paid this scam company.
I will make it simple I do not trust Davidson Design and Development Inc. to fulfill anything, I WANT ALL MY MONEY BACK.
[redacted]Desired Settlement: Complete refund of money paid to them
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. Samuel K[redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 06/13/2016. Customerconcerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communicationerrors are kept to a minimum. From the time o f an initial contact and throughout the developmentand presentation o f the idea, Davison maintains an open channel o f communication, disclosing, inadvance, its services and fees, the risks o f new product development, and providing contracts thatare simply written, with no “fine print” provisions.Mr. K[redacted] initiated contact with Davison by submitting an idea through its website. Theelectronic submission system utilized by Davison makes it impossible for a client to submit anidea without having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format, and theclient acknowledging that they have received and read the disclosures. It is important to note thatthe disclosures are made BEFORE the Client enters any service contract or makes any payment toDavison. The disclosures provide a listing o f the various services and related fees as well as thehistorical licensing data. Following his acknowledgement o f the disclosures, Mr. K[redacted] enteredthe initial pre-development contract which obligated Davison to compile research on U.S. Patentsand products, which were similar to his idea. T his research was completed and provided to him.Subsequently, he entered an Integrated Product Rendering and Presentation (IPRP) agreement forthe design o f a rendering o f his product idea and creation o f presentation material. Davisonsubmitted a proposed design to Mr. K[redacted] for his approval. He did not approve the initial design.Based upon his input, the project was re-designed and a second rendering was submitted for hisapproval. Again, Mr. K[redacted] did not approve the design. Davison’s Office o f the President spokewith him to elicit further details in a continuing attempt to create an approved design. Mr. K[redacted]has ceased responding and has demanded a full refund. There is no basis to support his claim fora refund, nor support for his complaint. Based upon his expressed desire to terminate hisrelationship with Davison, further work on Mr. K[redacted]’s project has been suspended, pending anagreement to move forward.With regard to his specific complaints, Mr. K[redacted] initially alleges he was informed he“would make a lot o f money” and that his project would be “on the market in a short period oftime”. Such claims are directly contradicted by the disclosures and explicit contract terms. Thesimple fact is; the product development process provides no guarantees o f financial gain.Davison does not make such guarantees. The express terms o f the contracts are explicit thatDavison make no representation about the likelihood o f financial gain. The contracts that Mr.K[redacted] entered contain the following provisions:“Davison has made no claim or warranty that Davison will be able to consummate a License Agreement, orfind a Licensee willing to compensate Client for his or her product and/or design. Client acknowledges thatDavison has not made any representations concerning the potential o f Client’s Product to be marketed,licensed, patented or to make a profit for Client.”“Please remember that we do not promise or guarantee any financial gain from the development o f any newproduct.”Next, Mr. K[redacted] alleges that Davison did not perform the initial pre-developmentresearch. This statement is not only false, but illogical. The first service contract obligatedDavison to compile research relevant to the submitted product idea. This research was conductedand the results provided to Mr. K[redacted] in a Product Portfolio in October 2014. After completion ofthe initial services he entered the IPRP contract in March 2015. Had the initial research not beencompleted, it is not logical to think Mr. K[redacted] would then enter the second service contract.Thirdly, Mr. K[redacted] complains he received only “two pictures”, implying he contracted forsomething different. As stated above, the IPRP contract that he entered was for a graphicrendering, i.e. a picture, illustrating his product idea and subsequent presentation material.Davison has submitted two separate renderings which have not met with his approval. Thecreation o f the subsequent presentation material is dependent upon the approval o f the designrendering.Finally, Mr. K[redacted] claims the inclusion o f the term “patent pending” on his renderingindicates Davison’s intention to claim ownership o f his idea. This is false. The contracts enteredexplicitly states that they do not change legal title to the product idea. Secondly, as he points outin his complaint, he has already secured a patent. The inclusion o f the term is appropriate when aclient has filed a provisional patent application covering their idea. If Mr. K[redacted] does not file anapplication covering any changes the final approved design may incorporate, that is hisprerogative and the rendering will not include the term.There is no factual basis to support Mr. K[redacted]’s complaint and no basis for a refund. Hisderogatory comments, allegation o f threats and exaggerated claims (ex. 500 hours on the phone)are pure vitriol, meant to inflame rather than inform. As stated above, he was fully informed o fthe services and fees BEFORE he entered any contract. The pre-development service has beenperformed. The IPRP agreement provided a seven day revocation period in which it could havebeen cancelled and a full refund provided. That provision was not invoked, and Davison hasmade multiple good faith efforts to complete the services under the contract terms. Davisonremains committed to Mr. K[redacted]’s project and will consider any suggestions submitted by him inwriting which are consistent with the contract terms.Sincerely, David *. D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.Turning ideas into products
In response to Mr. D[redacted]’s response, I would like to start by saying the first paragraph of his response has been used on a number of complaints your office has already received. It is the same verbiage Davidson Design and Development Inc. uses each time. In the communication process that was on a weekly to bi-weekly basses, I was given the impression that Davidson Design and Development Inc. would make me money and have my product in 1000s of stores. At no time was I advised in this process that they would not be able to do so. This opening paragraph is a lie.I will only deal in facts in this reply to not offend the Associate Council and Mr. D[redacted].Fact 1, I paid $695.00 for a computer search and print out of my patent that already existed. This could not have taken more than 10 minutes. This took them over 5 months to complete.Fact 2, I paid another $5740.00 and a $500.00 patented product, for two inferior pictures that any child could have done. This took Davidson Design and Development Inc. over 18 months to produce.Now that the facts are established I will respond to the lame response given by Mr. D[redacted]. First of all, if Davidson Design and Development Inc. have done anything else, they have not shared it with me and I am the one that paid them for a service. Another fact is I have repeatedly requested to be shown what they were doing and all I got was “I will send an email up the chain”. Mr. D[redacted] starts out by stating that I submitted an ideal to them. I NEVER SUBMITTED an ideal to them. This is another lie. I spent numerus phone conversations with what has been identified to me as their Vice President of New Products, Chad M[redacted]. In these conversations I explained in great detail that the product was NOT new, it was a patented, marketed and working patented product. This started in the summer of 2014. Mr. M[redacted] assured me that Davidson Design and Development Inc. would be able to find a company to and I quote “produce and market 1000s of my product a month”. In these conversations he never advised me that there was a remote chance I would be wasting my money. I agreed to start the process in the fall of 2014 and paid Davidson Design and Development Inc. $695.00 to do what Mr. D[redacted] refers to as Pre Development phase, where they are to research patents and ideals. This was addressed with Mr. M[redacted] and he advised me repeatedly that it was just a formality and this was part of the process. For the record, this process took them over 5 months to complete. As for signing off on this, yes I did but again it was advised to me that if I did not they could not go forward, even though Davidson Design and Development Inc. could not have spent more than a half hour to complete this process. I signing this did not mean I agreed they had done anything more than print out my patent and if they did SHOW ME. I did question Mr. M[redacted] about the two paragraphs in the agreement Mr. D[redacted] has in his response and again I was told, “Just imagine your product in 1000s of stores across the country”. For the record, during the first 9 months I had been dealing with Davidson Design and Development Inc., Mr. M[redacted] had contacted me at a minimum of once a week to tell me how his team was working on my product and it was going to be in 1000s of stores. I was already into this for $695.00 when the second agreement was presented to me and been told on a weekly basis how much money I would be making. I than paid an additional $5945.00 to continue. It took Davidson Design and Development Inc. another 8 months to come up with the first drawing presented to me. This drawing did not resemble my product and did have PATANT PENDING on it. To this day I still have not had a satisfactory response on why Davidson Design and Development Inc. was going to try and patent a product already patented, unless they had intentions of steeling my patent. I asked Mr. M[redacted] to explain why this was on the picture and what they had done besides this drawing for me. To this day I have no explanation or reasonable response to either request. Mr. D[redacted] stated in has response that it is my prerogative not to have patent pending on the drawing. This still does not address the FACT that it was ever on an existing patented product. They had over 9 months to get it r[redacted] and this is the best he could come up with. The only explanation then could be that Davidson Design and Development Inc. was in fact intending to steel my patent. In this first drawing, the product on the drawing did not resemble my patented product and was of inferior quality. I still have what they sent me. The first drawing was rejected in Dec. of 2015 and six months later a second drawing was sent. In this drawing, they attempted to use a picture I sent them in the summer of 2014, of an outdated model of my product and simply copied and pasted it on the drawing. This is proof that Davidson Design and Development Inc. did not do any work on my project as I was told hundreds of times by Mr. M[redacted] that he had a team working on my project. For the record in the 18 months I was denied any communication with the team working on my project, therefore I am not sure they exist. When I rejected this amateurish picture and demanded an explanation on what they had done for all the money I paid them, I was begged by Mr. M[redacted] to talk to the President. At the time I was under the impression I was talking to someone in authority. Mr. D[redacted] stated in his statement that I may not have been talking to anyone in authority but someone in the office of the president. The individual I spoke to could not advise me why they had put patent pending on the first picture and threatened me when all I wanted was a simple time line to continue, or my money back. Mr. D[redacted] indicated in his response that Davidson Design and Development Inc. dose not give any time lines. I have been dealing with this company for over 2 years and my product was already prototyped, patented, marketed and in use. I can just imagine how long it would take them to take a new ideal and get it to licensing. As for Mr. D[redacted]’s response to me demanding “two pictures”. This is a lie also. I would like for him to produce the document where I demanded two pictures. As far as Mr. D[redacted] stating that Davidson Design and Development Inc. is committed to my project. They have had over 2 years to get it to licensing and have done nothing. My company will not do business with a company that is not above board, transparent, has tried to mislead me and steel my patent. Another fact, I have a record of hundreds of phone calls from Davidson Design and Development Inc. In 99% of the calls, they called me. In all the phone calls I was reassured that they would make me money and have my product in 1000s of stores. Mr. D[redacted] stated also that I have ceased responding. I have no desire to continually be told how great Davidson Design and Development Inc. is and how they will make me rich, when they have only stole my money to this point. For the record, I have not been contacted by Davidson Design and Development Inc. in over 4 months. In summary of my response, I have been more then patent with Davidson Design and Development Inc. They have not fulfilled the promises or agreement they started with in the summer of 2014 and for them to indicate they have, simply show me the proof. It is easy to fall back on a few words, but the fact is Davidson Design and Development Inc. uses scamming techniques to rob hard working people of their money. They continually re-assure you that they will make you money while they do nothing and attempt to fall back on their technical wording in an agreement they force you to sign, being they have already taken hundreds of dollars from you, by this point. I do want a full refund of $6545.00 and my product I delivered to them in Feb. of 2015 returned. Samuel L. K[redacted]CEO [redacted]
This letter is in response to the additional comments submitted by Mr. K[redacted] regardingthe above referenced complaint. The comments do not raise any issue that was not previouslyaddressed. The two fundamental bases of his complaint are a claim that Davison guaranteed afinancial gain and a claim that the services for which he contracted, the pre-developmentagreement and the Integrated Product Rendering agreement, were either unnecessary or poorlyperformed. There is simply no basis to support the first claim and no reasonable basis to supportthe second.Mr. K[redacted]’s continued contention that Davison promised to find a company to “marketl000s of my product a month” is simply irrational. While locating a company to license aparticular product and take it to market is the desired goal, the simple fact is; the productdevelopment process provides no guarantees of financial gain and Davison does not make suchguarantees. The disclosures and terms of the contracts are explicit that Davison make norepresentation about the likelihood of financial gain. As the initial response stated and provideddocumentation to support, Davison advises its client of this fact BEFORE any contract is enteredinto, as well as within the terms of the contracts. To continue to allege such a guarantee wasprovided is to simply ignore the documented evidence.Next, to the extent Mr. K[redacted] believes the contracted services were unnecessary; he wasfree to not engage those services. Having entered the contracts, it is not reasonable to allege theservices were not needed after they were performed. As to the sufficiency of the services,Davison has performed them according to the terms of the contract. Mr. K[redacted] has not approvedeither of the two proposed renderings. Davison has made multiple good faith efforts to addresshis concerns, including discussions with the President of Davison. Regrettably, efforts have beenunsuccessful. Davison remains willing to complete the services under the contract terms andthere is no basis to warrant a refund.David M. D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and
Review: in april of 2015 I notified davison that I would like to have them help me with a product to put into the market .they accepted and we went forward with them saying they would help build and market my product and that it would go throw a little process . they changed my idea considerably made quite simple to build and keep telling they got redesign this or that need to make templets need to do this or that will get back soon as time went on the up dates were longer apart and when I called for update even after a longer time frame then this guy eric had asked I got more excuses more time . one year later I ask for up date call him he does not return call in late march of 2016 , I call to talk to a George d[redacted] was told no asked for a frank v[redacted] also not available left message not week later I write to frank no answer now two and a half weeks later I am writing to you . and I did ask frank for my money back it has been way to long for this basis product to be made ,and then find out this so called company that this eric had said would be a good fir for my product is owned by d[redacted] and mow with more research find this { scam } company has many complaints ,not with the chamber of commence and not affiliated with the Revdex.com .. I had asked for a full refund ,asked for a response from a frank vp ? and got nothing .Desired Settlement: I want my hard earned money back in full total ... all I paid . asap .and these guys on black list of companies in your area to warn others of their unethical tactics
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about05/02/2016. Please be advised that a representative from Davison has contacted Mr.[redacted] and fully discussed his concerns. Mr. [redacted] has agreed to continue withDavison in the development of his project. I also spoke with Mr. [redacted] today toconfirm, and he has agreed to notify the Revdex.com of the same.In light of the agreement to proceed, I ask that his complaint be withdrawn. In thealternative, a full response to his complaint is enclosed.
As I waiting for 1 year 3 ~4 months, I believe I have met their waiting ,be patient, we’ll get back with yourequirements ,of there so called contract ... Which their atty states in his letter to you the process is atime consuming process,,,, and involves numerous steps ????? as I have told them one or more at thisDavison company ,that we are not building a ROCKET and they had my approval to move on. Nowthat’s the simple truth.... Also a design was sent in September to me, but totally different frommy idea. I wrote on it, that not all, my features were on the design ....their phone guy Eric called andsaid that there attys do not want you to write anything on it, now this is week or so later so I wait fornew papers of the same,,, one month later 10-1920161 get it, sign it, get it out, to get this simple littleproject going,,, and it was not { MARCH01 2016 } that David d[redacted] has said ???... That I finally got itand sent it back????? As I was eager to see something happen ...February, march and on I was calling forupdates, only to get voice mail, you only talk to them if they make the call. So I wait two weeks, threeweeks no call ,when this Eric guy, he says their still trying to get the proper department to SEW andother stalling tactics , template problems ,with their cad machines or whatever high tech rhetoricthey use ,to sew a piece of cloth must be something to see ,this wonderful material put together.I did my part I paid their money game with deadlines etc. I let them change my idea to make it simplefor their departments with no moving, confusing parts. I waited very patiently ,design problems,material problems material research, etc.... I HAD An IDEA THEY SAD THEY COULD HELP. ???? So withthat in mind and a rather simple item to build. I trusted them to do their part the item they wantedto make and I reluctantly agreed, could have been done in my garage in a week maybe not as pretty astheirs, but I who is mechanically inclined could have done it, but I thought I would let them do it, withthere????! Expertise??????/ And knowledge of possible manufactures ....hoping good could come of this....when this all started Eric said great working with you if you have any questions call??? I did but waitedawhile for a responseThis company seemed like a good sell with their ads and other advertisement looked Iegit??After 6months, 8 months, 1 year, Eric was not coming up with answers that made sence??? And at thiswonderful, high tech, helped so many people company, with their smart engineering team can’t build aLAWN CHAIR??????? Ever hear the saying something ,,, smells.. I was getting that before calling theirMANAGEMENT PEOPLE ,A FRANK V[redacted] ,JOHN D[redacted] AND DAVID D[redacted] SPELLING OF NAMES MAYBE NOT RIGHT... AND WHO THEY ARE,, I AM NOT SURE, BUT CONVERSATIONWAS WERE MADE 4-7-2016 AND 5-13-2016 ...I COULD NOT TALK TO THE OWNER GEORGE D[redacted]..????The MISCHARACTERIZATION of service in David d[redacted] s letter????? I was simply saying that I wouldlike them to help me put this to the market,, as I knew up front there is no assurance of that but as Ericcalled saying we have exciting news we may have a manufacture that will look at it and he said ,there isa little process ,which I knew. I SAID HELP ME PUT THIS IN THE MARKET .... NOT THAT I contracted toput this in the market??! I KNEW THAT AFTER TALKING TO ERIC, THEY ONLY SUBMITTO THE MARKETPLACE ... if it’s feasible ...SO WERE HE GOES WITH WORDS HERE IS NOT CORRECT. And on the scampart of Davison reviews I believe I saw someone said that Davison owns hugs pet products?? I do notknow??? if you say no so be it ,,, but I said to David d[redacted] that! believe not all the scam remarks weretrue ,and would work with him it I saw results, he said he would push it up the ladder to speed it up orso, nothing.. Only a call 6-9-2016 ,from Eric whom I had asked to not talk to,’”as I get no were withhim “.. to say same still stitching,, not sounding very helpful, short talk will know more in coupleweeks ,again nothingAnd also finding hugs pet products shares the same building is convenient for Eric to say got great news Ifound a company that is willing to look at your item???? No more calls ....I have called... and no callbadk. I gave them plenty of time to call, get the simple project done Do as a reputable companywould do, be honest ,stay in contact ,answer calls ,work with their client and show integrity ....I tooktheir word that they would help putting this little idea together . They did not fulfill their end of thedeal, all there, stalling, no return calls, no help, and same excuses, will not get this something companyon the good guy list of companies in the Pittsburg areaI SIGNED THERE QUESTIONAIRE: but on 4-27-2015 .at the time in early stages it’s all show to any one, itlooked to be legit, at the time. As I said it was helpful, this is day one of our so called agreement. ONEyear 334 months later whole different story.. Now that they had my $$$$ money $$$$.George Davison this is not right,, what you and your people do to the very people who give youtheir hard earned money,and put their trust in your company . YOU and I know that to take this long1 YEAR 334 MONTHS“to build this idea, a rather simple one, and expensive, is totally unheardof,, not good ,, / do you really help people with ideas ..Or say you do???? With your fancy adds ....Nowthat I know what kind of company I’m dealing with.. I AM DEMANDING ALL MY MONEY BACK.... NOW$ 11,485.00.... You did not do a thing for me. As you well know, your people do not answer callsonly at their convenience ,they stall ,they give excuses ,same ones by the way ... GOT SEWINGPROBLEMS GO TO A TAILOR LOT FASTER ....they say one thing, LIKE...WE,LL help move this threw, alltalk nothing gets done. I tried to work with you and your people but got nothing in return .... If you gotany good within yourself you will do the right thing. NOW, I am waiting not very patiently for my moneyback. YOU KNOW THE AMOUNT IF NOT LET ME KNOW I CERTAINLY KNOW. $ 11,485.00, FOR A YEARAND 334 MONTHS OF YOUR “propaganda[redacted]
This letter is in response to the additional comments submitted by Mr. [redacted] regardingthe above referenced complaint. At the outset, please note that on September 20th therepresentative from Davison had a lengthy (16 minute) discussion with Mr. [redacted] about hisproject and any concerns of his. Construction of his product sample and creation o f thepresentation material has been completed and the authorization to proceed with the presentationhas been forwarded to Mr. [redacted].As previously stated, Davison understands the importance o f customer service andcommunication. Evety client is important, and Davison tries to address any concerns. In hiscomments, Mr. [redacted] misinterprets the reference o f March 01, 2016 in Davison’s initialresponse. Davison acknowledges that it received notice o f his concerns in April, a fact the priorresponse did not dispute. The March 01, 2016 date is the date Mr. [redacted] provided hisauthorization to proceed with the construction phase o f his project; as evidenced by his email o fthat date. Also, Mr. [redacted] raises a concern over the responsiveness o f Davison to his calls.Typically, calls are scheduled with clients to avoid the frustrations that “phone tag” can create.When a client makes an unscheduled call into Davison, to the extent possible, it is the companypolicy to have that call returned on the same business day or at the latest the next business day.Following the resolution of matters in his initial complaint, Mr. [redacted] called on June 9th andhis call was returned that same day. He called on July 8th (a Friday) and the call was returned onJuly 12th. As stated above, the most recent communication was on September 20th.Davison has discussed the status of Mr. [redacted]’s project with him and is continuing towork with him in the development o f his product idea. Davison will continue its efforts tominimize any communication issues with Mr. [redacted], as well as with all of its other clients. David *. D[redacted]Associate Counsel
Review: I r
My name is [redacted] and I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. I've recently been assigned the important responsibility of assisting you on your [redacted]. The individual you were communicating with previously is no longer with our company, and I wanted to assure you that your [redacted] is safely in my hands and that I am personally here for you.
We should speak at your earliest convenience so that we may get better acquainted. Please give me a call or email me. If you have a preferred telephone number where I can reach you, please send it to me or call me ###-###-#### (or ###-###-####) extension [redacted].
Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Creatively Yours,
Senior Director of New Products
[redacted] | RIDC Park | [redacted]
###-###-#### | Fax: ###-###-####
International: ###-###-####
eceived this message after I paid $795 for their service. I was told by Brian A[redacted] there are no further fees due, this amount covers patent searches and all else related to product development.
I repeatedly called to see if my prototype game [redacted] had been received, and could not get through after 5 calls. When I did get through, I was told by the operator the phone system was not working and the problem was being addressed. I was assured [redacted] would call back before 5pm. No call happenend.Desired Settlement: 1] Bring the product to market and pay me royalties with no further outlay of money on my part (as I was told) OR
2] Return my prototype game with a signed document that no further development will be pursued by anyone from the company under any company name, and that [redacted] N[redacted] is the sole owner and creator of the game [redacted] and no game similar or identical to my game will be shown, altered, or produced by any company without my permission.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against [redacted]on Design and Development, Inc. ([redacted]on) on or about05 06 2016. At the outset, please be advised that I have made several attempts to reachMr. [redacted] to address his concerns; however I have not yet been able to connect withhim. I will continue efforts to reach him.[redacted]on understands that customer service is vital in all businesses and isimperative when operating a successful business. Customer concerns upset everyone andthe staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to aminimum. From the time of an initial contact, through the research and development of anew product idea, to the presentation of a client’s idea, the staff tries to maintain an openchannel of communication, disclosing the services and fees upfront and securing theclients’ approval and authorization throughout the process. A review of his file indicatesthat [redacted]on has performed its services per the contract terms.Mr. N[redacted] initially submitted an idea for a new product to [redacted]on in July2014. Subsequently, on 04/23/2016, he entered the initial pre-development contractwhich obligated [redacted]on to compile research on U.S. Patents and products which aresimilar to his idea. This research has been completed and shipped to him on 05 10 2016.There is currently a call scheduled to discuss the research and possible additionalservices. The file indicates the service has been performed in a prompt manner,according to the terms of the contract.In the complaint, Mr. [redacted] makes several inaccurate statements that will beclarified. First, he alleges there has been a lack of communication from [redacted]on. In theperiod of 04/01/2016 to 05/10/2016, there have been no less than eight calls to Mr.N[redacted]. Next, he makes a demand to “bring my product to market”. [redacted]on does not“market” its clients’ product ideas to the general public; they design and develop productideas for presentation to corporations who in turn may manufacture and market theproduct. Third, he makes a demand to “pay me royalties”. While royalties are thedesired goal, the simple fact is that the product development process provides noguarantees of a license. Our contracts and disclosures are explicit in this regard. Finally,he alleges to have been informed that there are no additional fees beyond that charged forthe initial pre-development service. This contention is directly contradicted by thedisclosures and the contract terms. Even the title of the contract he entered “PreDevelopment. . .“ states that the services are prior to the development of the product idea.The electronic submission system utilized by [redacted]on makes it impossible for aclient to submit an idea without having two separate disclosures displayed in a printableand savable format. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE theClient enters any service contract or makes any payment to [redacted]on. Among thedisclosures is the statement that “It is [redacted]on’s normal practice to seek more than onecontract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing ofthe various services and related fees. Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosuredetailing the services and related fees as it was presented to Mr. N[redacted]. Heacknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he both received and read thesedisclosures. In addition, the pre-development contract that he entered contains thefollowing provision;“Section II B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaining a product sample,packaging and relevant information about the product in a professional format for presentation to aLicensee, at Client’s sole expense. [redacted]on, at its option, will offer to provide furtherdevelopment services, under a separate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creatingthe sample and presentation material for the targeted Licensee. Client is aware that he or she isfree to obtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtain them.”As stated, the services performed to date have been provided according to thecontract terms. I will continue to attempt to contact Mr. [redacted] to address anyconcerns; certainly he is free to contact me directly. [redacted]on looks forward to continuingto work with Mr. [redacted] in the development of his project.David M. D[redacted]Associate Counsel[redacted]on Design and Development, Inc.Enclosure
Review: payed for prototype and royalty deal for licensing of products..instead tried to acquire more money from me.And most importantly stole 3 ideas of mine which are now on the market being sold....this is my money there making not thiers.
have 2 contracts original and in place of.. through slow playing me and paperwork they have stolen ideas that are now on the market..charged me 795. for prototypes and a portfolio to present to companies for royalties instead I got 3 cds and a new contract in place of original one told them to stick to original contract for 795....they slowed played me then stole ideas that are on the market this should be my money not thiers....have contracts cds and pics of products with their logo to prove this and have no problem doing so. please understand they have no right to steal sell and make money from my ideas....they said I signed off I never agreed or signed off of anything just did not return second contract or addendum to them ....they say... they do... does not mean they are right... nothing but slow playing criminals from the start..I have pics.. paperwork. contact numbers. contracts. return envelope with addy will use in court no problem.Desired Settlement: refund of 795 dollars... and what they have made off of my ideas they stole which is probably a lot of money..and to stop using my ideas for their profits....pay me for all of it...maybe jailtime for being thiefs
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 05/10/20 16.Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard to troubleshoot them socommunication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact and throughoutthe development and presentation of the idea, Davison maintains an open channel ofcommunication, disclosing its services and fees upfront, providing contracts that are simplywritten, with no “fine print” provisions, and securing the client’s approval and authorization. Itis not possible to be more upfront with its clients about the services, fees and the development oftheir project.At the outset it should be noted that all contracted services for Mr. [redacted] have beencompleted by April 2015, to his documented satisfaction. In May 2015, he chose to not engageany additional services. Prior to the current complaint, the only communication from Mr.[redacted] in the past year has been an e-mail on 03/30/20 16. That email and his complaint restupon a misconception that he “payed for prototype and royalty deal”. Further, his allegations thathis ideas were stolen are unsubstantiated, false and defamatory. There is no basis for hiscomplaint.Mr. [redacted] initiated contact with Davison by submitting an idea through its websiteon 08/23/20 14. The electronic submission system utilized by Davison makes it impossible for aclient to submit an idea without having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable andsavable format. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client entersany service contract or makes any payment to Davison. Among the disclosures is the statementthat “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract in connection with asubmitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing of the various services and related fees.Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosure detailing the services and related fees as it waspresented to Mr. [redacted]. He acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he both receivedand read these disclosures.Following his acknowledgment of the disclosures, Mr. [redacted] entered the initial predevelopment contract which obligated Davison to compile research on U.S. Patents and products,on the market at that time, which were similar to his idea. This research was completed and thematerial provided to him in a Product Portfolio on 04/06/2015. He completed a questionnaire on04/12/20 15 noting his satisfaction with the service. A copy of his signed questionnaire isenclosed.The contract for the pre-development service contains the following provision;“Section II B. Product Samples; Approvals. Client is responsible for obtaining a product sample, packagingand relevant information about the product in a professional format for presentation to a Licensee, at Client’ssole expense. Davison, at its option, will offer to provide hirther development services, under a separatecontract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creating the sample and presentation material for thetargeted Licensee. Client is aware that he or she is free to obtain such materials elsewhere or not to obtainthem.”Consistent with the terms of the Pre-Development Agreement and the disclosures provided to Mr.[redacted], Davison offered additional services for the further development of his project. Hedeclined these additional services, which is his prerogative. However, he voiced concerns overan alleged lack of disclosure of the additional services. Numerous attempts were made to addresshis concerns, including a call with the President of Davison. As stated, there has been no furthercontact from him, prior to the email of 03/30/2016 and the current complaint.Mr. [redacted]’s allegation that he paid for a prototype and a royalty deal is directlycontradicted by the disclosures and the contract terms. Even the title of the contract he entered“Pre-Development...” states that the services are prior to the development of the product idea.The allegation of theft of three of his ideas is baseless. Initially, he only submitted one concept toDavison, not three. Second, all idea submissions are made pursuant to a ConfidentialityAgreement. Davison adheres to this obligation of confidentiality for all submitted ideas,including Mr. [redacted]’s idea. That stated, Davison is neither aware of nor responsible for, anyand every new product idea that might be conceived of by anyone, anywhere. It is notuncommon for multiple persons to have the same or similar idea. That is the express purpose ofthe Pre-Development services to obtain some insight to existing similar products and patents.There is no factual basis to support Mr. [redacted]’s complaint. As stated above, he wasfully informed of the services and fees BEFORE he entered any contract. The services for whichhe contracted have been performed to his documented satisfaction. His decision to not pursue thefurther development of his product idea does not negate the initial service which was completed.There is no basis for a refund.SincerelyDavid M. D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: My problem is with how Davison takes care of business, back in 2014 February I gave Davison six hundred forty-five dollars after the company received a couple hundred dollars almost a year before February 2014. Here it is now 2016 soon to be 2017 and I have yet received anything about the next step. I contacted the company for a complete refund of my money that hasn't gotten my family but a empty dream. Nothing has been done since the last time I contacted Davison and those I communicated with over the phone and via email.
Not one person had any information about what I was doing with Davison, but soon after I first requested a refund of all monies I saw on YouTube a gentleman showing off a [redacted], which was the idea I was being helped with by Davison. I lost it, I said. I lost the ticket to a little bit more of comfortable life my family, not rich just enough to solve our problems. The idea shown on YouTube wasn't my exact idea but the concept was there. I want to sue Davison for this situation also.Desired Settlement: The desired outcome for my family in this situation would be to sue Davison for the loss I took along with my family by this huge idea the average civilian and U.S. Military could use. A complete refund of all monies I spent. A company buying my idea the right idea for a comfortable percentage. I was also told people's ideas get stolen by large companies all the time and sure I may win but by the time I do I will have won nothing after lawyer fees etc. and here we are.
Someone like [redacted], [redacted] etc. to purchase my idea and put it on shelves the way I intended to.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 08/30/20 16. WhileDavison understands the importance of communication and customer satisfaction, Mr. [redacted]’scomplaint is founded on misstatements and false assumptions on his behalf. Davison endeavorsto maintain an open channel of communication, disclosing the services and fees upfront andsecuring the clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process. The disclosures andcontracts are simply written with no “fine print” provisions. It is simply not possible to be moreupfront about the fees, services and risks. Unfortunately, despite best efforts, clients sometimesdisregard the disclosures and assume their product is a guaranteed “ticket” to financial success.Briefly stated, Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison in January 2014, not 2012 or 2013 as statedin the complaint. He entered into two contracts for services; the Pre-Development andRepresentation Agreement (PD), and the New Product Sample Agreement (NPSA). Prior tomaking any payment to Davison, he was provided with, and acknowledged receiving, twodisclosures detailing the various services, fees and historical licensing data. A copy of the datarecord confirming his receipt is attached, note the actual submitted idea has been redacted forconfidentiality. The disclosures are also freely available on Davison’s website. The PDagreement was entered on 02/05/20 14, and completed on 03/10/20 14. This service provided Mr.[redacted] with a compilation of US patent documents and information on products similar to hissubmitted idea. He then entered the NPSA on 05/09/2015 for the design and construction of aproduct sample, packaging, and presentation material. He selected a payment option and made anominal partial payment (less than 2% of the selected fee). Services under the NPSA are not dueto be completed until payment of the hill fee has been received. On 09/14/2015, Mr. [redacted]expressly requested his project be placed on hold, until he contacted Davison to proceed. Prior tothe current complaint, there has been no contact from Mr. [redacted].As the chronology indicates, Mr. [redacted] chose to place a hold on his project. Now, afterviewing a YouTube video of a comparable product, he feels he lost his “ticket”. This position issimply not realistic. It assumes that absolutely no one, other than himself; has thought of theconcept of his product idea, and further that his product idea would be successful if he hadpursued it. Davison goes to great lengths to inform its client of the risks of new productdevelopment. The purpose of the PD service is to provide the client with some level ofunderstanding of patents and products that have already been developed that are similar to theiridea. It is not uncommon for multiple people to conceive of the same or similar ideas. Mr.[redacted] was provided this information before entering the NPSA. Further, concepts are notproducts; a single concept may yield a variety of different products. Mr. [redacted] concedes thatthe YouTube product was not exactly the same as his submitted idea. Finally, even if Mr. [redacted]had pursued his idea through to its presentation, there is no guarantee of a licensed, much lessfinancial gain. Davison goes to great lengths to communicate this to its clients. Mr. [redacted] wasrepeatedly provided with this information, specifically in;Disclosures:“Davison does not offer evaluations of idea submissions for commercial potential..’The historical licensing data including the number of clients to have received a license and the number of clients whohave received a financial gain are provided.Pre-Development Agreement:“Client acknowledges that Davison has made no claim or warranty that Davison will be able to consummate aLicense Agreement, or find a Licensee willing to compensate Client for his or her product and/or design. Clientacknowledges that Davison has not made any representations concerning the potential of Clients Product to bemarketed, licensed, patented or to make a profit for Client. Davison has not evaluated the Product;”New Product Sample Agreement:“Client acknowledges that Davison has made no representations concerning the likelihood that the Client will receiveany financial gain from the development of the Idea.”“Client acknowledges that Davison has not and will not evaluate the commercial potential of the Idea and thatDavison has not disclosed it to anyone. Thus, there is no way of knowing at this time if the targeted corporation willlicense, buy or pay royalties for the Idea once it has been developed. Client acknowledges that Davison has made norepresentations concerning the likelihood of licensing, marketing, royalty payments or profitability.”Davison is willing to proceed under the terms of the NPSA, provided Mr. [redacted] makesfull payment of the fee. If he chooses to terminate the agreement, that is his prerogative.However, the contract does not provide for a refund of payments for cancellations that occurbeyond the stated period.If Mr. [redacted] chooses to terminate the contract, despite having no contractual obligationto process a refund, Davison has no interest in retaining fees for services that will not beperformed. Davison will agree to waive its claim for the unpaid balance and refund 80% of themonies paid toward the NPSA. There is no basis to refund any monies on the PD Agreement asthese services have been performed. If Mr. [redacted] desires to accept this offer, he need simplycontact our legal department and the paperwork will be forwarded to his attention.SincerelyDavid *. D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: This company is immoral and should not be allowed to operate. They sell you on a dream to get you hooked. Their process involves stages that become progressively more expensive, but at no time do they give you a legitimate idea of how much the whole process will cost. In order to use their services for product development you must sign a contract. This business will hide behind this contract to justify providing poor service. In my specific situation, they gave me a decision point once I had paid almost all my upfront fees. This decision point wasn't highlighted in the contract but the sales representative implied that it was a point where the customer could decide to go forward with the project or not. I saw that I didn't like their work, decided to not go forward with the project, and requested a refund of my prepaid upfront costs (I made monthly payments that were spread over a great period of time). Once I requested a refund my account was sent to a manager that I had a difficult time reaching. So I sent an email to my original sales representative requesting the refund again. Communication ceased at this point. I waited a while but at this point this business really seemed like a SCAM. I had to go through my Credit Card company to dispute the charges at this point. Davison Design responded with the contract, highlighted that I didn't cancel within the time allowed. I didn't cancel in the time allowed because the contract was geared towards all prepayments being made in a single payment upfront. Mine were spread over a time period much greater. The company refused to address my concerns in the credit card dispute and instead chose to just hide behind a different part of the contract to keep all the prepayments. Davison Design did no work for me on the project that I had made prepayments for, gave me a "decision to go forward" point, provided me subpar sample computer renderings, and hid behind the contract to steal money.Desired Settlement: FULL Refund!
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 08/27/20 16. Customerconcerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communicationerrors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact and throughout the process,Davison maintains an open channel of communication, disclosing its services and fees upfront,and providing contracts that are simply written, with no “fine print” provisions. It is not possibleto be more upfront with its clients about the services and fees. Unfortunately, despite best efforts,clients sometimes disregard the disclosures and contract terms.Mr. [redacted] contacted Davison in November 2014. The electronic submission systemutilized by Davison makes it impossible for a client to submit an idea without having two separatedisclosures displayed in a printable and savable format. It is important to note that the disclosuresare made BEFORE the Client enters any service contract or makes any payment to Davison.Among the disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more thanone contract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing of thevarious services and related fees as well as the historical licensing data. Enclosed, please find acopy of the disclosure detailing the services and related fees as it was presented to Mr. [redacted].He acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he both received and read these disclosures.Enclosed is a copy of the data record confirming his acknowledgement on 11/22/2014 at 09:46:16EST. Note the submitted idea has been redacted for confidentiality purposes.Mr. [redacted] entered into two contracts for services; the Pre-Development andRepresentation Agreement (PD), and the New Product Sample Agreement (NPSA). The PDagreement was completed, providing Mr. [redacted] with a compilation of US patent documents andinformation on products similar to his submitted idea. He then entered the NPSA for the designand construction of a product sample, packaging, and presentation material. He selected apayment option and made a series of partial payments, though an outstanding balance remains.Services under the NPSA are not due to be completed until payment of the full fee has beenreceived. Understanding that the retainer amount is a sizable sum, Davison does, voluntarily,begin the design phase of the services when 60% of the agreed fee has been paid. Accordingly, aproposed design was developed and submitted to Mr. [redacted] for his approval. Mr. [redacted] didnot approve the design and Davison has made good faith efforts to resolve his concerns. Ratherthan engaging in a discussion of his concerns with the design, Mr. [redacted] has terminated thecontract and sought a refund.In his complaint, Mr. [redacted] makes a number of allegations to support his claim for arefund. Each will be addressed separately;I. “at no time do they give you a legitimate idea of how much the whole process will cost.”This is simply false. As stated above, BEFORE entering any contract or making anypayment, every client is provided with, and acknowledges having received and read, adisclosure statement that details the cost of all services offered. This information is also freelyavailable on Davison’s website. Further, the NPSA contract lists four separate fee structuresfrom which Mr. [redacted] made a selection. He could have chosen to not enter the contract;rather he chose a fee structure. To claim he was unaware of the cost is not credible.2. “In order to use their services for product development you must sign a contract.” This iscorrect, though there is nothing inappropriate about providing a contract which details thescope and costs of services to be provided.3. “did no work for me on the project that I had made prepayments for.” This is false. First, Mr.[redacted] only made partial payment, there is an outstanding balance. Second, as detailedabove, Davison did begin the design phase and did provide a proposed design for hisapproval.4. “I didn’t cancel within the time allowed.” This is correct. The contract terms are clearlywritten and provide a revocation period during which the contract could be cancelled and arefund received. By his own admission, Mr. [redacted] did not abide by this provision. In fact,his attempt to cancel occurred more than a year after the relevant period ended and afterdesign services had begun.5. “chose to just hide behind.. .the contract.” This is a false characterization. Davison did not“hide” anything. The contract is clearly written, there is no obscure legal terms and no fineprint. From his statement, it is clear that Mr. [redacted] was aware of the revocation period andthe cancellation policy. He has simply chosen to ignore those terms.Davison remains willing and able to address any concerns Mr. [redacted] has with theproposed design, within the terms of the contract. The express purpose of seeking approval of thedesign before a product sample is constructed, is to allow the client an opportunity to understandthe proposed design and to provide their input. In the event he believes the proposed design doesnot solve the problem he identified, or if he believes there is a more cost-effective method tosolve the problem, he may provide written details to Davison of the modifications along withpayment of any upstanding balance owed on the selected fee. Upon receipt, the modificationswill be considered. There is no basis to support his claim for a refund.SincerelyDavid *. D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: I was unfamiliar with the complaints made to by former Davison customers and was unaware of the class action lawsuit filed against Davison. My partner and I were simply trying to bring our idea to life but, Davison inventions denies that we revoked our contract within the 3 days stated in the contract. We gave them notices and even faxed it to them. However they say they never received them even though my sources say they did. We also sent a letter to Davison stating our contract has been revoked. Our Davison Inventions advisor has since dropped communication and I am very unsatisfied with the service.Desired Settlement: I am demanding a refund for the time that has been taken as well as the $695 that I worked for and am looking to spend on my college expenses. Davison is simply trying to avoid a refund by making false responses to my truthful actions.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. Omar[redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about07/17/2016. Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard totroubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. Having reviewed hisfile, it appears the issue is an unfortunate breakdown of communication.Please note that Mr. [redacted] has been refunded his payment in full and his projectfile has been closed. The refund was processed today, 07/25/2016; a copy o f the refundreceipt is attached hereto. Outside of processing the refund, Davison has no control of theposting of the credit to his account. Davison extends its apologies for any inconveniencethe delay in processing this refund may have caused Mr. [redacted].In light of the refund, I kindly ask that his complaint be closed as “resolved”.
Review: I submitted my product to Davison over six or seven years ago. Somebody had contacted me from the company over 8 months ago. When I talk to Mark he told me that my product was a good product and that they are the best in the business that their company makes and has the best product makers. After countless phone calls of talking to him. I finally decided to go with the company because they said that my product would probably go on QVC. The night turn me over to Jason. Which I don't even know what stage that was I didn't even know about different stages. In the beginning they told me I would never have to pay any more money it was a one time fee I had to end up paying a license fee to $75 or less. Now it's going into licensing and they want me to pay anywhere from $475 to get my product out there. Because they said the other companies turned it down and they need more money to submit it to other companies. Which I was not aware of this was going to happen nobody ever explained it to me this was the first I heard about it. I have two options they emailed me first off soon as I don't pay any money and they don't contact me after that the second option is a try to find another company that will accept my product. After waiting upon six months and I even told Mark I was so excited in July that my product was coming out he says you have a good memory. Needless to say that they came and I got a call from licensing my whole world fell out from underneath me I never felt so low and all my life the hype of getting my product there and waiting and waiting and waiting. Jason told me if it was that easy he would be having his feet at the beach. My product was called [redacted] they changed it to [redacted]. Because I figured they knew what they were doing I even talked to the vice president when Mark was out cuz he was sick this is why I am going to buy one of these for my wife he said because her one foot goes bad he thought it was an excellent product again I got my hopes up. I have been badly misled I put over $8,500 into the company they kept telling me how good the product was and how well it worked which was only a cardboard box they said a prototype. It's designed with sand in it to make it go back and forth to exfoliate feet. I wrote them an email explaining to them but I would not give them any more money because that's what I was told I would not and that I would need to do what I have to do if my product and not go out on the market that's why I'm contacting you. I have never been so misled and deceived in all my life I put up my car for collateral. I maxed out two credit cards. All because of the hype they told me about my product. I have never been so disappointed in the company in all my life. I just want to resolve this matter. Thank you for your time .Desired Settlement: I just what what they promised me to get my product out there and not have to pay another dollar like they said.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted]against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 08/15/2016. Theallegations in her complaint of her being misled and deceived have no factual basis. From thetime of an initial contact, through the research and development of a new product idea, to thepresentation of a client’s idea, an open channel of communication is maintained, disclosing theservices and fees upfront and securing the clients’ approval and authorization throughout theprocess. The disclosures and contracts are simply written with no “fine print” provisions. It issimply not possible to be more upfront about the fees, services and risks. Unfortunately, despitebest efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularly when their product ideas are notlicensed.Briefly stated, Ms. [redacted] entered into two contracts for services; the Pre-Developmentand Representation Agreement, and the New Product Sample Agreement. Prior to making anypayment to Davison, she was provided with, and acknowledged receiving, two disclosuresdetailing the various services, fees and historical licensing data. Copies of the disclosures,bearing her signature, are enclosed. The disclosures are also freely available on Davison’swebsite. The services were performed with her express written approval and authorization. Sheapproved the design of her product sample and authorized its presentation. Copies of her signedapproval and authorization are enclosed. (Note the actual approved design has been redacted forconfidentiality purposes.) The product idea was presented to the designated company who chosenot to license the product idea. An offer of the additional service to make an additionalpresentation was declined by Ms. [redacted], which is her prerogative. This complaint followed.In her complaint, she makes two incorrect claims; one that she was told her productwould be licensed, and second, that there was no additional fee beyond the initial PreDevelopment contract fee. As will be detailed, Ms. [redacted] was repeatedly infonned of the risksof the product development process as well as the potential for additional services and theirrelated fees.Product license: The simple truth is; there is no guarantee that a particular product ideawill be licensed, much less a guarantee of a financial gain. Davison does not provide evaluationsof the commercial potential of a product idea, much less any form of guarantee that a particularproduct will be licensed. Davison goes to great lengths to communicate this to its clients. Ms.[redacted] was repeatedly provided with this information, specifically in;Disclosures:“Davison does n~! offer evaluations of idea submissions for commercial potential..”The historical licensing data including the number of clients to have received a license and the number of clients whohave received a financial gain are providedIke-Development Agreement:“Client acknowledges that Davison has made no claim or warranty that Davison will be able to consummate aLicense Agreement, or find a Licensee willing to compensate Client for his or her product and/or design. Clientacknowledges that Davison has not made any representations concerning the potential of Client’s Product to bemarketed, licensed, patented or to make a profit for Client. Davison has not evaluated the Product;”New Product Sample Agreement“Client acknowledges that Davison has made no representations concerning the likelihood that the Client will receiveany financial gain from the development of the Idea”“Client acknowledges that Davison has not and will not evaluate the commercial potential of the Idea and thatDavison has not disclosed it to anyone. Thus, there is no way of knowing at this time if the targeted corporation willlicense, buy or pay royalties for the Idea once it has been developed. Client acknowledges that Davison has made norepresentations concerning the likelihood of licensing, marketing, royalty payments or profitability”Additional Services and Fees: From the outset, Davison discloses that it offers a varietyof services and details the related fees. Ms. [redacted] was repeatedly provided with thisinformation, specifically in;Disclosures:“It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract in connection with a submitted idea.”A listing of the various services offered and their related fees are provided.Pre-Development Agreement:“Client is responsible for obtaining a product sample, packaging and relevant information about the product in aprofessional format for presentation to a Licensee at Clients sole expense Davison, at its option, will offer toprovide further development services, under a separate contract for a separate fee, to assist in obtaining or creatingthe sample and presentation material for the targeted Licensee.”New Product Sample Agreement:“The Client shall not be responsible for any additional expenses to Davison within the scope and term of thisAgreement, with the possible exception being additional services to present the Idea to an additional targetedcorporation which may include services to refurbish or repackage the sample, for which Davison currently charges$395.00. Davison’s obligations are only those set forth in this Agreement and only directed towards the targetedcorporation named on the last page of this Agreement.In light of the numerous disclosures provided to Ms. [redacted], her contention that she wasmisled is simply not credible. Further there is no basis to support her demand to get her product“out there”. However, in the interest of customer satisfaction, Davison will offer two additionalpresentations at no cost to Ms. [redacted]. If she chooses to accept this offer, she need only contactthe Licensing Department who will coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize thepresentations.SincerelDavid * D[redacted]
Review: At first Davison was prompt with there emails & phone calls. until they got about 10,000$ + US out of me. then sent me to the Licensing Department. in a short time they wanted another 400.$ to target a Corporation. ok I sent it. in return I asked to send me the prototype and a copy of there presentation to the CO. not a photo. I want to see if it works. that was Nov.30 2015. no response; they don't return my emails my phone calls and they say will call me on certain day and don't All I wanted is to see if they were a scam or not. plus since then I keep getting different ladies 3 of them now, with the same voice, in 1 year. I have saved all emails in another program, if you need more info. no proble** thank-you for your time and please reply.Desired Settlement: still waiting for the prototype, called [redacted], it's a cleaning system to clean a [redacted]
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about02/10/2016. We understand that customer service is vital in all businesses and isimperative when operating a successful business. Customer concerns upset everyone andour staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to aminimu** From the time of an initial contact, through the research and development of anew product idea, to the presentation of a client’s product sample, we try to maintain anopen channel of communication, disclosing our services and fees upfront and securingour clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process. Unfortunately, despiteour best efforts, communication errors occasionally occur.Having reviewed Mr. [redacted]’s file, there has been a delay in providing hisproduct sample to hi** To the extent this delay has caused any inconvenience to him,Davison extends its apology. I have contacted the pertinent departments to expedite theshipment of his product sample and Mr. [redacted] will be contacted when the shipmentoccurs. If he has any further questions, or issues, he may contact me directly.David ** D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Thank-you very much for your time, PS please don't miss understand me. Davison has lost my trust. there was nothing else I could do but to take some action, I will believe there words when I see my prototype in my hands. we will go from there; again thank-you. trust me I will be in touch with davison to see what's going on.
Review: Advertise as assistance to inventors. They lure with a basic fee with a deceptive sales pitch and then duress the victim to obligate themselves to their services for more money or the basic fee will be a waste of money since services die at the middle of the falsely advertised deal. Take $700.00 to $15,000.00 as investment for bogus development projects and representation. Delay product development. Provide computer images and non-functional physical proto-types as the product. Delay representation services until contract expires. Then send letter of contract expiration. Refuse to refund money to the defrauded consumers.Desired Settlement: The investigation of the company for fraudulent and deceptive practices. A full refund of the money.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 08/04/2016.Regrettably, his complaint is a defamatory mischaracterization of the services provided and itdoes not contain any factual support for his malicious comments. From the time of an initialcontact, through the research and development of a new product idea, to the presentation of aclient’s idea, an open channel of communication is maintained, disclosing the services and feesupfront and securing the clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process.Unfortunately, despite best efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularly when theirproduct ideas are not licensed.The new product development process is a high risk venture. There is no guarantee that aparticular product idea will be licensed, much less a guarantee of a financial gain. Davison goesto great lengths to disclose the risks to all individuals who may submit an idea for a new product.In addition to disclosing all of its services and fees upfront, the historical success rates of securinga license and of realizing a financial gain are provided. The contracts for services repeatedlyprovide disclosures that there is no guarantee that a product will be licensed, or that a client willrealize a financial gain. When faced with an outcome not meeting their expectations, too manyclients forget that they knowingly undertook a risk after being fully informed of the risk byDavison. Instead, they lash out with unsubstantiated allegations. As will be detailed below,Davison performed its services with Mr. [redacted]’s approval and authorization. Further, Mr.[redacted] provided documentation of his satisfaction with the services. There is no basis tosupport his demand for a refund, much less to support his defamatory statements.Mr. [redacted] submitted an idea through Davison’s website. The electronic submissionsystem utilized by Davison makes it impossible for a client to submit an idea without having twoseparate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format. It is important to note that thedisclosures are made BEFORE the Client enters any service contract or makes any payment toDavison. Among the disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seekmore than one contract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides alisting of the various services and related fees, as well as the historical licensing data. Enclosed,please find a copy of the disclosure detailing the services and related fees as it was presented toMr. [redacted]. He acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he both received and read thesedisclosures. Also enclosed is a copy of the data record confirming his acknowledgement on08/04/2014 at 05:27:15 EST. Note the submitted idea has been redacted for confidentialitypurposes.With regard to the services that were provided, a brief summary follows. He contractedfor the initial pre-development research services which were completed. As Mr. [redacted] is aresident of Texas, the disclosures that were provided to him at the time of his idea submission(detailing the various services, fees and historical success rates) were again provided within theterms of the pre-development contract. Following his receipt of the research material, Mr.[redacted] completed a questionnaire on 10/28/2014 noting his satisfaction with the service. Acopy of his signed questionnaire is enclosed. Subsequently, he entered into a contract for thedesign and construction of a product sample, packaging and presentation material. Davisonsubmitted a design of the product sample to Mr. [redacted] which he approved. In reliance uponhis approval of the design, Davison constructed the product sample, packaging and createdpresentation materials. An Executive Briefing was created which contained an actual photographof the constructed product sample. After receipt of the Executive Briefing, Mr. [redacted]authorized the presentation of his product idea to the targeted corporation. At that time, he alsocompleted a second questionnaire in which he provided positive feedback about the ExecutiveBriefing. The presentation of his product idea was made; unfortunately the corporation has notlicensed the idea. At his request, the physical product sample was shipped to him on or about03/15/2016. Enclosed please find a copy of his signed approval, authorization and completedquestionnaire. Note the approved design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes.Mr. [redacted]’s allegations of deception, delay and termination of services are simply notsupported by the facts. Davison has performed all of its services in a prompt and professionalmanner. His allegation of a non-functional sample is suspect. Despite having received thesample in March, there has been no concern raised by Mr. [redacted] about the sample before thiscomplaint. If the sample is in fact non-functional, he may return it to Davison for inspection andrepair. However, Davison is not responsible for any damage that may have occurred in shippingor through misuse of the sample.As stated, all services related to the research, design, construction, and presentation ofMr. [redacted]’s product sample have been performed with his express written approval andauthorization and to his documented satisfaction. No additional contracts have been entered andno additional payments have been received. There is no basis to warrant a refund for servicesrendered and certainly no basis for his mischaracterizations. The fact that a particular projectdoes not bring financial gain to the client does not invalidate the services that were provided.However, in the interest of customer satisfaction, Davison will offer two additional presentationsat no cost to Mr. [redacted]. If he chooses to accept this offer, he need only contact the LicensingDepartment who will Coordinate the neccesary paperwork to authorize the presentations
Review: I hired Davison to try to help me find a licensing agreement on a product I developed. I have paid them over $10,000 to do so. Thus far (it's been almost 2 years since I hired them), I have received 4 pieces of paper, no confirmation that they have even contacted a company regarding my product and now they are refusing to speak with me further until I pay them more money. The contract was for them to contact a company, give a sales presentation, with a prototype of the product, which they have not done.Desired Settlement: I want released from any contractual obligations in regards to my products and their claim to any rights/monies from the product as well as a full refund.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 06/12/20 16.Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard to troubleshoot them socommunication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact and throughoutthe development and presentation of the idea, Davison maintains an open channel ofcommunication, disclosing its services and fees upfront, providing contracts that are simplywritten, with no “fine print” provisions, and securing the client’s approval and authorization. Itis not possible to be more upfront with its clients about the services, fees and the development oftheir project. Unfortunately, despite best efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularlywhen their product ideas are not licensed. That appears to be the simple truth with Ms.[redacted]. A review of her file indicates that all services were completed with her expressapproval and authorization. Further, the services met with her documented satisfaction. There isno basis for a refund, nor support for her complaint.Ms. [redacted] submitted an idea through Davison’s website. The electronic submissionsystem utilized by Davison makes it impossible for a client to submit an idea without having twoseparate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format. It is important to note that thedisclosures are made BEFORE the Client enters any service contract or makes any payment toDavison. Among the disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seekmore than one contract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides alisting of the various services and related fees, as well as the historical licensing data. Enclosed,please find a copy of the disclosure detailing the services and related fees as it was presented toMs. [redacted]. She acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that she both received and readthese disclosures. Enclosed is a copy of the data record confirming her acknowledgement on07/13/2014 at 14:58:24 EST. Note the submitted idea has been redacted for confidentialitypurposes.With regard to the services that were provided, a brief summary follows. She entered theinitial pre-development contract which obligated Davison to compile research on U.S. Patents andproducts, on the market at that time, which were similar to her idea. This research was completedand provided to her. In November 2014, after completion of the initial service, she contracted forthe design and construction of a physical product sample. An initial design was created andsubmitted for her approval. Ms. [redacted] provided her written approval of the design on orabout February 09, 2015 and completed a questionnaire about the design providing positiveTurning ideas into productsDavison RiDC Park 595 Aipha Drive Pittsbu gh A 15238 2911 w.v.v Davison corn • Tell 866 Davison • Fax I 800,540 5490 • iniernational 412599 1234 • Fax 412 967 0794DAVISONfeedback. A copy of her signed approval and completed questionnaire is enclosed. Note theactual approved design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes. Based on her approval,the physical sample was constructed and presentation material created. An Executive Briefing,which included a photograph of the constructed product sample, was provided to her for review.On or about June 08, 2015, Ms. [redacted] authorized the presentation of her new product ideaand completed a questionnaire about the Executive Briefing in which she provided positivefeedback. Copies of her authorization and completed questionnaire are enclosed. On or aboutSeptember 16, 2015, her new product idea was presented to the designated corporation whodeclined to enter a license. Ms. [redacted] declined the offer to make additional presentations,deciding to take a “reactive approach” in which Davison would wait for a corporation to approachthem seeking a product similar to her idea. No additional services are due to be performed.In her complaint, Ms. [redacted] makes numerous incorrect statements. First, she statesDavison was to “help me find a license agreement”. To the extent she implies a guarantee ofsecuring a license, she is mistaken. The simple fact is; the product development process providesno guarantees of financial gain and Davison does not make such guarantees. The express termsof the contracts are explicit that Davison make no representation about the likelihood of financialgain. The contract which Ms. [redacted] entered contains the following provisions:“Davison has made no representations concerning the likelihood that the Client will receive any financialgain from the development of the Idea.”“Client acknowledges that. ..there is no way of knowing at this time if the targeted corporation will license,buy or pay royalties for the Idea once it has been developed. Client acknowledges that Davison has made norepresentations concerning the likelihood of licensing, marketing, royalty payments or profitability.”Secondly, she alleges to have only received 4 pieces of paper, implying Davison has notperformed its services. That is incorrect. As stated above, she received the initial researchmaterial in a Product Portfolio. The Executive Briefing included an actual photograph of theconstructed product sample. The contract states that the client intends Davison to retainpossession of the product sample, unless requested by the client. Ms. [redacted] has not requestedthe sample.Next, she alleges she received no confirmation of the presentation. That is incorrect. Asstated above, the presentation was made on September 16, 2015. Ms. [redacted] was informed ofthis fact on September 18, 2015. Status calls with her were made on November 4, 2015,December 23, 2015, Januaiy 20, 2016, March 29, 2016 and May 02, 2016. Davison can notcompel another corporation to disclose the basis of its decision to pursue or not to pursue aparticular product idea. If such information is made available, it is provided to the client. If it isnot made available, Davison can not provide to the client information which is not provided fromthe targeted corporation. While the lack of a substantive response from the targeted corporationis understandably frustrating, that does not support her claim that she was not informed of thepresentation.Finally, she states that Davison will not speak to her without her making additionalpayments. This is a mischaracterization. Davison has completed all of the services for which shecontracted. Those services have been done with her approval, with her authorization, and to herdocumented satisfaction. Davison has offered additional services which she has declined. Theseadditional services were fully disclosed to her BEFORE she entered any contract for service.Davison would welcome the opportunity to continue with her project, however if she declines theoffer of services, that is her decision.As stated, Ms. [redacted] was fully informed of all services and related fees BEFORE sheentered any contract. The services have been performed with her express written approval andauthorization, and to her documented satisfaction. There is no basis for a refund. However, inthe interest of customer satisfaction, Davison will offer two additional presentations at no cost toMs. [redacted]. If she chooses to accept this offer, she need only contact the LicensingDepartment who will coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize the presentations.sincerelyDavid ** D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.
Review: Last year I engaged Davison Design and Development to work with me on my proposed invention. I spoke with Matt Olszewski, Director of New Products. We discussed Davison's desire to represent me and reviewed the cost for them to do so. I originally decided not to pursue my invention because of the cost, which at the time was over $12,000 for them to create a design and market my product. Matt continued to talk with me about this and really played on my desire to pursue my invention. I allowed my heart rather than my head to make that decision. I borrowed the money to pay them for their services upfront. I ended up with a mortgage on my house and sent them a check. During our conversation, I believe Matt saw I was wavering over the amount so he offered to reduce it to something over $8,000, but then said Davison wanted a larger percentage of my royalties in return. I again let my heart make the decision and sent them money. They spent quite a long time gong through their process and finally a number of months later had a design drawing of my product. It was such a simple idea, that I felt was not very expensive to create a drawing. They them identified one of their companies that they deal with, Hampton Direct, as their first choice to present to. After several months in the hands of Hampton Direct (I only assume they were contacted) I heard from Davison stating that Hampton Direct did not show any interest in my product at this time. I was then being represented by Vicki Becker, Director of Licensing. I was told that they could present my product to another one of their companies for consideration. They did say that this second company was already presented with over 9 product options, but rejected all of them. They would be happy to present my product, but it was cost an additional $375 to do so. I asked what did all of what I paid them cover, but never really got any answer. I told Davison that I would not pay them any additional money to do their job that they promised me originally. They said that they explained this additional cost to me up-front, but I have found nothing in my records to confirm this. I feel like the representative of Davison are very good sales people when it comes to convincing people, who have expressed second thoughts on signing with them, to do so. I just don't feel that they have kept up to their promises. I have since reviewed their record with the Revdex.com of Pittsburgh and find I am not the only person who has complaints about Davison. I only wish I had used my head and not my heart in the early goings and followed my instincts and not gotten involved with them. All I have to show for it is a receipt of my original costs of over $8,000, but very little work on their part.Desired Settlement: I feel that Davison did not sincerely work at marketing my invention and basically took advantage of me. I would like a refund of my costs.
This letter is in response to the above referenced complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] against Davison Design and Development, Inc. (Davison) on or about 06/03/2016. Davison understands that customer service is vital in all businesses and is imperative when operating a successful business. Customer concerns upset everyone and the staff works very hard to troubleshoot them so communication errors are kept to a minimum. From the time of an initial contact, through the research and development of a new product idea, to the presentation of a client’s idea, an open channel of communication is maintained, disclosing the services and fees upfront and securing the clients’ approval and authorization throughout the process. Unfortunately, despite best efforts, clients are occasionally dissatisfied, particularly when their product ideas are not licensed. That appears to be the simple truth with Mr. [redacted].Mr. B[redacted] submitted an idea through Davison’s website. The electronic submission system utilized by Davison makes it impossible for a client to submit an idea without having two separate disclosures displayed in a printable and savable format. It is important to note that the disclosures are made BEFORE the Client enters any service contract or makes any payment to Davison. Among the disclosures is the statement that “It is Davison’s normal practice to seek more than one contract in connection with a submitted idea.” The disclosure then provides a listing of the various services and related fees, as well as the historical licensing data. Enclosed, please find a copy of the disclosure detailing the services and related fees as it was presented to Mr. [redacted]. He acknowledged, via an electronic signature, that he both received and read these disclosures. Enclosed is a copy of the data record confirming his acknowledgement on 11/13/2012 at 13:48:01 EST. Note the submitted idea has been redacted for confidentiality purposes.With regard to the services that were provided, a brief summary follows. He contracted for the initial pre-development research services which were completed. Subsequently, he entered into a contract for the design and construction of a product sample, packaging and presentation material. Davison submitted a design of the product sample to Mr. [redacted] which he approved. In reliance upon his approval of the design, Davison constructed the product sample, packaging and created presentation materials. An Executive Briefing was created which contained an actual photograph of the constructed product sample. After receipt of the Executive Briefing, Mr. B[redacted] authorized the presentation of his product idea to the targeted corporation. At that time, he also completed a questionnaire in which he provided positive feedback about the Executive Briefing. The presentation of his product idea was made; unfortunately the corporation chose not to license the idea. The additional service of an additional presentation was offered to Mr. B[redacted] and he declined. Enclosed please find a copy of his signed approval, authorization and completed questionnaire. Note the approved design has been redacted for confidentiality purposes.In his complaint, Mr. [redacted] makes numerous mischaracterizations that will be addressed. First he states that Davison was to “market” his idea. This is incorrect. Davison does not “market” its clients’ product ideas to the general public; they design and develop product ideas for presentation to corporations, who in turn may manufacture and market the product. Next, he claims the Davison only created a drawing of his idea. That is false. The contract was for the design and construction of a physical product sample, packaging and presentation material. The Executive Briefing which was provided to him included an actual photograph of the physical product sample. The contact explicitly states; “Client intends that Davison will retain possession of the product and packaging sample, unless Client requests otherwise in writing.” Mr. [redacted] has not requested the physical sample. Third, he expresses a complaint over the fee for additional presentations. Davison had offered to provide this additional service and there is a related fee which was fully disclosed to Mr. B[redacted]. This fee was disclosed to him as part of the initial disclosure when he first submitted his idea, and it is explicitly referenced in the contract. Finally, Mr. [redacted] references “promises”, implying some form of a guarantee of a license or financial gain. The simple fact is; the product development process provides no guarantees of financial gain. Davison does not make such guarantees. The express terms of the contracts are explicit that Davison make no representation about the likelihood of financial gain. The New Product Sample Agreement which Mr. [redacted] entered contains the following provisions:“Davison has made no representations concerning the likelihood that the Client will receive any financial gain from the development of the Idea.”“Client acknowledges that... there is no way of knowing at this time if the targeted corporation will license, buy or pay royalties for the Idea once it has been developed. Client acknowledges that Davison has made no representations concerning the likelihood of licensing, marketing, royalty payments or profitability.”As stated, the design, construction, and presentation of Mr. [redacted]’s product sample have been performed with his express written approval and authorization and to his documented satisfaction. No additional contracts have been entered and no additional payments have been received. There is no basis to warrant a refund for services rendered. The fact that a particular project does not bring financial gain to the client does not invalidate the services that were provided. However, in the interest of customer satisfaction, Davison will offer two additional presentations at no cost to Mr. [redacted]. If he chooses to accept this offer, he need only contact the Licensing Department who will coordinate the necessary paperwork to authorize the presentations.Sincerely, David ** D[redacted]Associate CounselDavison Design and Development, Inc.Enclosures
Please email so I can gather proper info to gather a class action law suit on Davison.
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They over charge and way under perform and mislead you to believe that they have connections in their back pocket to help bring your invention to the market place and they will pitch it to their roles of clients who will open the door for them but not you.
They promote additional services to help launch your invention after the prototype is finished,. They make inferior prototypes and say it works best so the person they show it to can expand on it and make it seem like they are the genus. What a gimmick, to had you crap and say don't worry , they can see the beauty within.
Let's get our money back and close their doors.