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Bricasti Design LTD

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Bricasti Design LTD Reviews (5339)

Hi *** We appreciate you taking the time to contact us, but unfortunately we can't support this type of request through the Revdex.comFor further assistance please visit the Help Center to find the best way to report this kind of issue:
The Facebook Team

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: As I stated in my last response, I am unable to receive my digit login code via SMS because the phone number on my account is old and out of useI am logged out of my Facebook account on EVERY device (I chose to logout on all platforms before I realized my number wasn't up to date)I've clicked the "didn't receive code" option, and it has asked me to verify my ID by sending identificationSo, the only possible solution at this point according to Facebook Help Centre, is to send in a photo of my ID so that Facebook can verify my identity (which I have done three times since September 1st and have heard NOTHING back from Facebook)Can I please have someone respond who can verify my identity and let me back into my account? Sincerely,*** ***

Hi,Thank you for contacting Facebook through the Revdex.comWe’re sorry to hear you’re having trouble accessing your Facebook account, but we think it may be compromisedTo keep your information safe, we've locked your account.Before we can unlock your account, we need you to complete a quick security
checkPlease enter your login information on Facebook*** and follow the onscreen instructions
The Facebook Team have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint
ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
They have asked for a link to the account, so here it is: ***
I may have it resolved, I think it was an issue with friends because apparently I need them to play my games
Sincerely, *** ***

Hi *** Thanks for contacting FacebookBecause of the large number of messages we receive, we conduct all of our communication through emailPlease continue to email us here with any questions you may have and we'll be happy to answer them for you.Additionally, it looks like you have more than
one account on Facebook. A Facebook profile is meant to represent a single person, and having more than one profile doesn't follow our Community StandardsWe also require that each profile shows the account owner's first and last nameThis way, everyone always knows who they're connecting withPlease choose which account you would like to keep and respond to your customer support ticket with a valid photo IDThis will secure your account.Thanks,***The Facebook Team

Hi ***Thanks for writing inWe'd like to help you resolve this issue, but we need more information before we can do soCould you provide a direct link (URL) to your profile or the email address/phone number associated with the account?Thanks,***The Facebook Team have reviewed the response made by the business in reference
to complaint ID ***, and they asked for more information Please forward them my account information: *** Sincerely, *** ***

Complaint:***I am rejecting this response because:Sincerely,*** ***

Hi ***,Thank you for reaching out to Facebook through the Revdex.comWe'd like to provide some resources that may help resolve your issue more quicklyPlease take a look at the list below and see if any of the following links to our Help Center address your problem.If you don't
find an answer to your question below, please respond with as much detail as possible, including links (URLs) to the profiles, Pages or content related to your complaint and we will do our best to assistKeep in mind we may not be able to offer any additional information or help outside of what is found in our Help CenterWe appreciate your patience.Other:- I believe my content was removed in error: ***- I’m blocked from using a feature (ex: sending messages, uploading photos): ***Thanks,***The Facebook Team

Hi ***Thanks for reaching out to Facebook through the Revdex.comWe've reviewed your complaint and have determined that the content you referred to was correctly removed since it violated our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.To learn
more about this, we recommend reviewing our Community Standards: ***Thanks,The Facebook Team

Hi,Thank you for reaching out to Facebook through the Revdex.comWe'd like to provide some resources that may help resolve your issue more quicklyPlease take a look at the list below and see if any of the following links to our Help Center address your problem.If you don't find an answer to your question below, please respond with as much detail as possible, including links (URLs) to the profiles, Pages or content related to your complaint and we will do our best to assistKeep in mind we may not be able to offer any additional information or help outside of what is found in our Help CenterWe appreciate your patience.Other:- I believe my content was removed in error:*** ***- I’m blocked from using a feature (ex: sending messages, uploading photos):***Thanks,***The Facebook Team

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** ***Subject: Re: Your complaint has been received
My complaint has been resolved between me and the businessThank you

Complaint: ***My email address connected to the account is ***
It was previously ***, and on the day I reactivated the account I changed the email address to the one above A few hours later I wasn't able to log into the account anymore.Sincerely,*** ***

Hi,Thank you for contacting us through the Revdex.comTo gather more information, can you provide us with the email address associated with the account you're referring to?Thanks,***
The Facebook Team

Complaint* ***I am rejecting this response because: Facebook gave me a link to deactivate the account I want to permanently delete my Facebook account which requires Facebook to do it themselves I cannot do it They say you have to notify them They don't say how to do that so I have to use the to do it They don't give you an email address to do it I want to permanently delete my Facebook account I am aware I will not be ever able to reactivate it and I am fine with that Thank you for your assistance I do not use Facebook and do not intend to use it
Thank you very much for your assistance
Sincerely,*** ***

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: I first contacted their help center and there was no responseIf Facebook continues to ignore me then I want the federal department I can file a complaint with. Sincerely,*** ***

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:
The links provided as solution, are not reflecting my situation and do not propose a solution for my problem.
Basically, the problem with the page is that I can’t post anything on it, because I am “not authenticated”, despite of me having full control of the pageThis has happened since a couple of years ago, and after me sending several reports and trying to fin a solution for this in your help center, my efforts have been unsuccessful
I am attaching screenshots of:
-Proof that I have control of the page according to my Facebook profile
- Information about the page and it’s ID
-Screenshot about the error message displayed when trying to post
-Screenshot of error message shown by the Facebook App.
Worth noting, that on Facebook help community, there isn’t any answers about Not being authenticated on a Facebook pageAlso, all the reports I’ve sent for this issue, receive a response Fromm faceboon saying ‘Thank you for reporting this issue..’ but does not offer any solution, or even, have a Facebook representative to contact me to offer helpFor all of these reasons, I had to contact
Sincerely,*** ***

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:I still can't acces my account as the facebook automatic responde message says that my uploaded ID is not valid.Sincerely,*** ***

Hi,Thank you for reaching out to Facebook through the Revdex.comWe'd like to provide some resources that may help resolve your issue more quicklyPlease take a look at the list below and see if any of the following links to our Help Center address your problem.If you don't find an
answer to your question below, please respond with as much detail as possible, including links (URLs) to the profiles, Pages or content related to your complaint and we will do our best to assistKeep in mind we may not be able to offer any additional information or help outside of what is found in our Help CenterWe appreciate your patience.I can't access my Facebook or Instagram account:- I forgot my Facebook password: ***- My Facebook account has been hacked: ***- I am not receiving my security code: ***- My email or phone number is attached to someone else’s account: ***Thanks,***The Facebook Team have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint
ID ***, and have agreed to include the requested url for both my personal profile and the ministry profile since I will conduct interviews on both, and unfortunately neither profile will allow me to do the person broadcast
Personal Profile:***
Ministry: Profile:***
I really appreciate your response and I hope that this issue will be resolved as soon as possible
*** ***
*** ***

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Address: 123 Fells Ave, Medford, Massachusetts, United States, 02155


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