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Bricasti Design LTD

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Bricasti Design LTD Reviews (5339)

Hi ***, We appreciate you taking the time to contact us, but unfortunately we can't support this type of request through the Revdex.comFor further assistance please visit the Help Center to find the best way to report this kind of issue: ***
Thanks, ***The Facebook Team

The email address associated with the account is *** or phone number ***

I don't see why Facebook needs clarification of anything quite franklyThis block should have
never happened and the fact that it's taken days for Facebook to do anything about it is disgraceful customer service, and they should be absolutely ashamed of what they're doing here
But I'll bite and give them what details I can for now.Email Address Associated with My Profile: ***
Link to my Profile: ***
Link to *** ***'s profile: ***
Now I had blocked *** because of this and will now not be able to block for hours, so with me providing you this link you better ensure that if this fake profile tries to report me again that you will not put any blocks on my profile, as I am still not able to like, post or comment on Facebook
Now please make sure that Facebook does their job for once, as this is beyond a joke

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:
I can't send a direct (URL) link to the account because Facebook has disabled the accountSincerely,*** ***

Hi ***Thank you for reaching out to Facebook through the Revdex.comWe'd like to provide some resources that may help resolve your issue more quicklyPlease take a look at the list below and see if any of the following links to our Help Center address your problem.If you don't
find an answer to your question below, please respond with as much detail as possible, including links (URLs) to the profiles, Pages or content related to your complaint and we will do our best to assistKeep in mind we may not be able to offer any additional information or help outside of what is found in our Help CenterWe appreciate your patience.I can't access my Facebook or Instagram account:- I forgot my Facebook password: ***- My Facebook account has been hacked:***- I am not receiving my security code: ***Other:- Facebook is asking me to submit ID: ***Please keep in mind that Facebook will never charge for Customer Support services, nor do we offer phone support for getting locked out of your account.Thanks,***The Facebook Team

Hi ***
We appreciate you taking the time to contact us, but unfortunately we can't support this type of request through the Revdex.comFor further assistance please visit the Help Center to find the best way to report this kind of issue:
***Thanks, The Facebook Team have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meSincerely, *** *** ***

Hi, We appreciate you taking the time to contact us, but unfortunately we can't support this type of request through the Revdex.comFor further assistance please visit the Help Center to find the best way to report this kind of issue: ***
The Facebook Team

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: I am waiting for the problem to be solvedFacebook has stated to that they are looking into the matter and might contact mr directly, if needed.Sincerely,*** ***

Complaint:***I am rejecting this response because: The reason this is no longer a problem is because of the time it took for Facebook to respond and the lack of a timely method to reach Facebook with an immediate problem I expect assurances that this will not happen again It has happened more than once, and is still happening Facebook needs to correct the issues with their security/blocking system and customer service I wonder if they care about their customers or their reputationTheir inability to be reached when a problem actually happens is non-existent Facebook assumes no accountability.Sincerely,*** ***

Hi ***,Thank you for reaching out to Facebook through the Revdex.comWe'd like to provide some resources that may help resolve your issue more quicklyPlease take a look at the list below and see if any of the following links to our Help Center address your problem.If you don't
find an answer to your question below, please respond with as much detail as possible, including links (URLs) to the profiles, Pages or content related to your complaint and we will do our best to assistKeep in mind we may not be able to offer any additional information or help outside of what is found in our Help CenterWe appreciate your patience.I can't access my Facebook or Instagram account:- I forgot my Facebook password: ***- My email or phone number is attached to someone else’s account: ***
-I need to update the email on my account : ***
Thanks,***The Facebook Team

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
Have you been to that link? Please go check it outTells me how to deactivate then if I want to delete to reach out to facebookIs this a joke? C'mon seriously? If you read my complaint you'd know I've done this for years and I randomly get emails my account was reactivatedIt's okayGoogle to the rescue*** That's what you wanted to send meAt least you cleared whatever bs security thing was preventing me from signing inThanksI am rejecting this response because you never really addressed itBut since I've already figured it out thanks to GoogleYou can close my complaint
*** *** has yet to reach out to me however they have given me access to my Facebook back so I will close this complaint Thank you. Sincerely, *** ***

Hi *** We appreciate you taking the time to contact us, but unfortunately we can't support this type of request through the Revdex.comFor further assistance please visit the Help Center to find the best way to report this kind of issue: ***
Thanks, **The Facebook Team

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: Facebook's use of the “Report” link near a post, profile, photo or comment" is UNEFFECTIVE and they do not respond and only supply a FORM responseFacebook DOES NOT read the specific complaint and pushes users to other meansWe have ATTEMPTED to contact Facebook via the "Report” link near a post, profile, photo or comment" and have only been told that "fake user names" are acceptable..even though they may be derogatory or offensive.Sincerely,*** ***

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response once again my account been disabled for no
good reasonthis just happened Ive been using facebook for the past to hoursNo explanation for disabling my account this ridiculousYet again I have done nothing wrongI had to submit another picture of myselfI want answers and I want them nowSincerely,*** *** have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meSincerely, *** ***
It is a miracle! Last night at 11:00pm I tried again to access Face book This time I was allowed in using my desktop computer I would have appreciated more of an explanation on "why this is no longer a problem" from Face book Were their filters too sensitive that they perceived I had Malware on my computer, or just why this happened? Unfortunately, Face book never responded to my Face book "report" of the incident that I filled out weeks again So clearly, this complaint was the correct action for me to take Dozens of other Face books users on the internet recount their same experiences and never had their similar "locked out due to Malware on your computer" situations So Face book, if this happens in the future, I now know that only a complaint will get your attention

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:I want to speak am to a supervisor pleaseSincerely,*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because this is the response that I always get and no-one helps me further.
*** ***

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: for the fourth time you have copied and pasted the same answer to me and not actioned my requestI have no other facebook pageThis is my facebook page: *** I am the only manager of this page and I do not have any admin rights to add posts or add anything to itI can do nothing basically to my own facebook business page since a few months now so I do not know what happenedPlease kindly give me access as an admin manager with full rights to edit my facebook business pageI am linked to it from my facebook personal page but that is all as it shows that it is my businessI await action in the next response and no more linksOnly you at facebook can fix this no one else!!Sincerely,*** ***

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Address: 123 Fells Ave, Medford, Massachusetts, United States, 02155


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