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Beverly Hills Weight Loss Clinics

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Reviews Beverly Hills Weight Loss Clinics

Beverly Hills Weight Loss Clinics Reviews (3086)

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11697454, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved
Alexandra V** D***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.*** *., the GM, has added insult to injury for what little resolution I have asked from herFirst of all, I was not driving erraticallyIf the lot were too small, how could I have possibly driven a van erratically when there wasn't a lot of room to go anywhere? Second of all, even though it is true that her lot might be too small, she could have politely given me a proper explanation without being rude and given me an alternative parking spot because I wasn't the one that backed out of an agreement in the first place (resorting to statements like,"You can sue me if you want to." and "I can do anything I want; I'm the manager; Get off my property!" An apology was made but not by *** said that *** admits to SOME of my allegations but not all of it---she is now making me out to be a liarIf I became angry with her, it was because I had reason to be; how about her, What's her excuse for rude behavior? or is that a standard attitude she gives to all customers? If it was *** that offended me, the apology has to come from her and made in front of her staff---that's all I ask
*** ** ***

July 18, ID#: *** U-Haul Ref#: *** Thank you for your concern for our customer Mr*** Haley R*** our Field Manager for our Atlanta North Regional Office, followed up on the information Mr*** provided and sent him the following email in
response: Hello Mr***, I have refunded the fuel charges of $to the card on fileI'm sorry for the inconvenience Our customers are very important to us and we regret to hear of situations that cause problems for themThank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer a response Sincerely, Maria P*** Executive Assistant U-Haul International

May 3, 2017 ID#: ***U-Haul Ref#: *** Thank you for your concern for our customer Mr***. Charles W***, our Executive Assistant for our Raleigh Regional Office, followed up on the information Mr*** providedHe informed our office he spoke to Mr*** and
explained, although he found no discrepancy in the odometer reading, a refund for $was issued in the interest of customer good faithMrW*** also suggested Mr*** or a company representative verify the mileage at the time of rental to avoid mistakes.Our customers are very important to us and we regret to hear of situations that cause problems for themThank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer a response.Sincerely,Maria P***Executive AssistantU-Haul International

June 29, ID#: *** *** *** U-Haul Reference id: *** R Thank you for your concern for our customer Mr*** Processing time for credits can take 3-business days from the date issuedI can see the transaction did take place on our end and was submitted to Mr***’s account If Mr*** has an issue with the movers he hired he can reach out to them for compensation of broken itemsThe web site provides a connection to general laborMr*** hired the laborers and they are personally responsible for the work they do and any damage that occursThe payment code is given so the customer has control over the payment to the movers. If the customer is not happy with the service or if there is a dispute the customer can withhold paymentIf Mr*** gave the movers the payment code he can file a formal objection at by signing into his customer account. He can communicate with them to try to resolve the issue via the web siteMr*** can also reach out to them directly to try to come to resolution Our customers are very important to us and we regret to hear of situations that cause problems for themThank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer a response Sincerely, Penny S*** Executive Assistant U-Haul International Tell us why here

November 9, 2017 ID#: ***U-Haul Ref#: *** Thank you for your continued concern for our customer Mr***. Mason S***, our Area Field Manager for our Eastern Massachusetts Regional Office, reviewed Mr***’s recent commentsOur records indicate the credit MrS*** requested on October 25th for Mr*** did not transmit for unknown reasonsWhen it was brought to his attention, he requested a check instead, which will be sent by FedExMr*** was also sent an email with a release of claims for his signature. We continue to be committed to providing our customers with the highest standards of service in the do-it-yourself moving industryThank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer another response. Sincerely,Maria P***Executive Assistant

Dear Arizonia:Following is my A.Dcorrespondence to U-Haul for Complaint # ***:Good Morning Elnora N***:March 4, A.Dwith your outstanding concern and help, I paid $to Judy for storage unit ***.April 4, A.D., I call the U-Haul number to pay $for April U-Haul Storage Rent for Unit ***When I call, Victoria tells me someone put $instead of $for my April RentVictoria says she can only take the amount put in the system.This smells like Mary B***.An unidentified sender sends me a U-Haul e-mail Late NoticeThe person should have identified themselvesThis smells like Mary B***.April 7, A.D., When Rashon is not in the office, Mary B*** has Latoya call me and tell me I have a balanceI tell Latoya I do not have a balanceLatoya says I owe rent for AprilI tell Latoya I paid the April RentLatoya excuses herself and talks to Mary B***.Mary B*** gets on the phone and tells me I did not pay my April RentI tell Mary B*** I did pay my April Rent on the 4th via the number.Mary B*** excuses herself, comes back, and tells me I paid Rent for January, February, and MarchI told Mary B*** I paid my April Rent via the numberMary B*** is not satisfied.Mary B*** wants me to bring in the receipt or a bank statement showing the payment.Mary B*** slams the phone in my ear.Victoria e-mailed my receipt to me.I call the U-Haul number and tell Peter I just received a call from a nasty property manager who says I owe Rent for April and slammed the phone in my ear.Peter transfers me to customer serviceI speak to Sombath who tells me Mary B*** is not the Property ManagerRashon is the temporary Property Manager.I call Rashon April 8, A.D., a little after a.m., Mary B*** answersI did not speak to Mary B***.My April Rent should be I overpaidI request credit for May of the rent overpayment of $13.99.I paid $to Victoria April 4, A.DThe overpayment is $that I request be credited towards the $May Rent of $205,17.Mary B*** has no business having Latoya call meLatoya should have never called me.Mary B*** has no business in my U-Haul Rent Storage AccountMary B*** is not the Property ManagerMary B*** is not in charge.Your attention is needed in solving this matter and is greatly appreciated.Thank you,*** ***Please reopen Complaint # ***. I thought U-Haul was going to resolve my issue with them.I thought I was going to receive my desired requests. I Reject U-Haul's response to my issue.Regards,*** ***

September 15, ID#: ***U-Haul Ref#: ***Thank you for your concern for our customer Ms***.Cecilia O***, our Executive Assistant for our Los Angeles West Regional Office, followed up on the information Ms*** providedShe informed our office Ms*** originally
made a reservation to pick up a 9-foot van from a location called Tires R Us Inc., which is a certified U-Haul dealer but who recently decided to temporarily not rent U-Haul equipment due to a medical issueThis location had been temporarily closed for a month and a half, however, still shows as an active locationMsO*** relayed when a reservation is made online, before a customer agrees on the preferred pick up location,a notice appears before the “continue” button that states “Preferred pick up location onlyA U-Haul representative will need to contact you to schedule the most convenient location with the available equipment.” Due to the dealer in question being closed the days Ms*** needed to make her move, we placed her reservation at the closest location, approximately miles from the original locationA Reservation Manager called the following day and left a message for Ms*** providing her with the new pick up locationWhen Ms*** called the following day, she expressed her dissatisfaction with the alternate pick up location and claimed to have a confirmed reservationMs. O*** stated they requested Ms*** email the receipt for confirmation but instead of sending it to [email protected], Ms*** sent it to [email protected] Ms*** called to verify the correct email address, she was offered other options, such as free miles to travel to Inglewood or Santa Monica or a free upgrade to a 10-foot truck with miles to travelMs*** still insisted on picking up at Tires R UsBecause they were unable to reach an agreement, Ms*** was told the reservation would still stand for the 9-foot cargo van plus free miles for Inglewood pick upMs*** then decided on the alternative of a free upgrade to the 10-foot truck and free miles at S.Main Stin Los Angeles, approximately miles away from her preferred pick up locationAfter coming to this agreement, our Route Manager sent her an email reflecting the confirmationMsO*** stated they try to make the moving process easier for their customers and asked that her apology be relayed to Ms***.Our customers are very important to us and we regret to hear of situations that cause problems for themThank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer a response.Sincerely,Maria P***Executive Assistant, U-Haul International

November 21, ID#: ***U-Haul Ref#: ***Thank you for your concern for our customer Mr***.John W***, our GM for our U-Haul Moving and Storage of Alcoa, followed up on the information Mr*** provided He informed our office he issued Mr*** a refund for the $
Reservation Guarantee Fee on November 7th The refund should post on his next credit card statement.Our customers are very important to us and we regret to hear of situations that cause problems for themThank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer a response.Sincerely,Maria P***Executive AssistantU-Haul International

July 22, ID#: *** U-Haul Ref#: *** Thank you for your continued concern for our customer, Mr*** Rod B***, our President for our Orlando Regional Office, reviewed Mr***’s recent comments. He relayed a total refund for the rental was already issued. U-Haul is a do-it-yourself moving company. The hiring of contracted labor is a customer’s responsibility and not an expense that will be reimbursed by U-Haul. MrB*** stated no further refund will be forthcoming We continue to be committed to providing our customers with the highest standards of service in the do-it-yourself moving industry. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer another response Sincerely, Maria P*** Executive Assistant U-Haul International

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I made it perfectly clear that I requested a one way rate U Haul quoted me in town Had I been CORRECTLY informed of the rate I would not have chosen U Haul for this move The difference in rates cost me time, gas, and money I am not an it I am aware that the rate structures are different But don't quote me for in town when I say "Is the foot truck available for a one way move?" Those were my words If your company continues to insult me by making it clear that they had no interest in accepting responsibility for their mistake, this will only escalated
*** ***

September 12, ID#: ***U-Haul Ref#: ***Thank you for your concern for our customer Ms***.Zakee R***, our President for our South Carolina Regional Office, followed up on the information Ms*** providedHe informed our office Ms*** was advised of the balance of
$when the contract was closed outBecause the balance was not paid at that time, it was put on a Promissory Note and sent in for collectionIn the interest of customer good faith, MrR*** agreed to refund the $Service Fee.Our customers are very important to us and we regret to hear of situations that cause problems for themThank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer a response Sincerely,Maria P***Executive AssistantU-Haul International

April 11, 2017 ID#: ***U-Haul Ref#: *** Thank you for your concern for our customers Mr*** and Mrs***. Jessica A***, our Executive Assistant for our Western Massachusetts and Vermont Regional Office, followed up on the information Mr*** providedShe informed our office she left a message for Mr*** on April 5th and April 7th requesting a call backShe has not heard back but hopes to speak to Mr*** to personally address his concernsIn case Mr*** misplaced MsA***’s telephone number, she can be reached at ###-###-#### or direct at ###-###-#### Our customers are very important to us and we regret to hear of situations that cause problems for themThank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer a response Sincerely,Maria P***Executive AssistantU-Haul International
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.What information matched i'll fax a copy my driver's license to prove the information doesn't matchsounds to me that you said you not holding me liable but not being able to rent sounds like you arei just want my name removed so I can rent and a $uhaul gift card
*** ***

February 22, ID#: *** U-Haul Ref#: *** Thank you for your concern for our customer Ms*** Shannon O*** our Executive Assistant for our Southern *** Regional Office, followed up on the information Ms*** provided and sent her the following email in
response: MsF*, We have reviewed your complaint and you were definitely entitled to the reservation guaranteeIt applies to all scheduled (or agreed) reservationssome reservations are not able to be scheduled when first made, until we contact the customer, but this did not apply to yourswe apologize for the miscommunication on our part and will make sure to clear up any confusion that the employees you spoke with have about this programThe funds are being applied to the credit card that you paid for your rental withif we can be of further assistance, please feel free to email or contact me at the numbers belowThank you, Shannon O*** U-Haul company of southern *** Office: *** *** Fax: *** *** *** Our customers are very important to us and we regret to hear of situations that cause problems for themThank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer a response Sincerely, Maria P*** Executive Assistant U-Haul International

October 26, ID#: *** U-Haul Ref#: *** Thank you for your concern for our customer Ms*** Dominick D** ***, our GM for our U-Haul Moving and Storage of Riverdale, followed up on the information Ms*** provided. He informed our office he
left a message for Ms*** requesting a call back to advise her the storage unit was sold at auction due to non-payment Our customers are very important to us and we regret to hear of situations that cause problems for themThank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer a response Sincerely, Maria P*** Executive Assistant U-Haul International

January 13, ID#: ***
U-Haul Ref#: ***
Thank you for your concern for our customers *** *** and *** ***, whose name is on the actual U-Haul document
*** ***, our President for our New Mexico Regional Office, followed up on the information Mr*** providedHe
informed our office an explanation was offered regarding the rate structure between our in-town and one-way rates as a matter of resolving their concerns
Our customers are very important to us and we regret to hear of situations that cause problems for themThank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer a response
*** ***
Executive Assistant
U-Haul International

February 5, ID#: *** U-Haul Ref#: *** Thank you for your continued concern for our customer Ms*** Meghan W***, the Claims Adjuster with RepWest Insurance Company, reviewed Ms***’s recent comments. She informed our office she left a message for Ms*** explaining they are not able to issue any additional payments at this time as Lokey Kia stated what Ms*** sent in is just a quote for parts and not a true statement. MsW*** explained supplements can only be paid directly to the shop and they have no record that any additional parts or repairs are needed due to this loss We continue to be committed to providing our customers with the highest standards of service in the do-it-yourself moving industry. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer another response Sincerely, Maria P*** Executive Assistant U-Haul International

August 30, 2017 ID#: ***U-Haul Ref#: ***Thank you for your continued concern for our customer Ms***.Adam S***, our President for our Southwestern Wisconsin and Rockford Regional Office, reviewed Ms***’s recent commentsHe informed our office a supplemental refund for $was issued back to her American Express accountThe refund should post on her next credit card statement.We continue to be committed to providing our customers with the highest standards of service in the do-it-yourself moving industryThank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us to offer another response.Sincerely,Maria P***Executive AssistantU-Haul InternationalTell us why here

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