American Family Insurance Reviews (569)
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American Family Insurance Rating
Description: Insurance Services, Insurance Agencies and Brokerages (NAICS: 524210)
Address: 6000 Bass Lake Rd, Crystal, Minnesota, United States, 55429-2765
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Car insurance fine but home owners insurance not so good. If there was an issue with my property I was never given any warning just a cancellation notice. One time it was a wood burning stove in garage as soon as it was put in they noticed and sent a cacellation notice this time I was able to remove and have insurance kept in place. Years later when shingles needed replaced and their idea of debri in yard as hazardous I got a cancellation notice. Speaking with them I tried to say its in the works and will get the "debri" removed before insurance is due next. They played with me and made me think that was all fine and dandy even said they'd call and check in the week before and see what progress was being made. Never heard from them again until I called to let them know all cleanup done and I had a receipt for the shingles but lotsof hail storms and were running behind. They said no we will no longer be able to insure you.which gave me about 2 Business days to find someone else to insure my home. They also had someone taking photos on property with no notice to me before during or after the visit other than cancellation notice. Which my teenage daughter was home alone and a little creeped out but an old man walking around taking pics. And nothing was done by agent. I decided to take ALL my business elsewhere.
Review: On April 14, 2014 my 2011 Silverado was involved in a collision with a driver that spun 180 degrees on an icy road and hit my front end. There was $3500 damage to my vehicle by my dealer's estimate. The seat belts were locked in the position they were in when I was hit-so they are broken and a safety hazard to me and my passengers. The headlight assembly has since fallen out, so I am driving illegally with one headlight (in the state of Ohio, a vehicle MUST have two headlights, even in daylight hours, in the event of inclement weather) and no right signal lamp in the front. The other driver was cited by the police, and she told me she had American Family Insurance. My sister wished me luck trying to collect for the damage-she had been given the run-around by that company when her parked car was hit by a texting driver 8 years ago.
I first called American Family insurance at ###-###-#### on or about April 17th to make a statement of my version of the accident. The young man I talked to said that they needed to get the other driver's statement to determine liability, and that they would be in touch. I faxed them the repair estimate I got from the dealer on April 18th at ###-###-####.
I hadn't heard anything after two weeks, so I called them again at the above number to see what was happening. The young man that I talked to said that he was having a hard time getting in touch with the driver, and things were on hold until he could get her statement.
About a month after that second phone call, (some time in mid or late May) I called again to see where things stood. Once again, I was told that they were unable to get in touch with the other driver. I explained that my husband was getting impatient with the situation, and wanted to get my truck fixed. He was ready to hire an attorney, although I didn't want to deal with the expense and the hassle. The young man was polite, but noncommittal about getting my issue resolved.
It is now June 25th- nearly two and a half months since the accident. I would like my truck fixed, plain and simple.
American Family Insurance claim #[redacted]Desired Settlement: Bring my 2011 truck back to the condition it was in when it was hit.
June 26, 2014
Review: I had a hot water pipe split and spray steam into my basement, which caused steam water damage on my joists as well as flooring above. the basement was so steamy you couldn't see in front of your face. Joists and cabling were dripping wet. My living room is sagging, laminate flooring bubbling and starting to turn up. Bedroom and living room carpet were damp. House is now creaking in many places. Mold was found around the basement. There is bowing of sheetrock. No big deal, call your insurance company, right? Wrong!
I called American Family Insurance and the told me they had a company they recommended for [redacted] and estimates, and that they used the same estimation software. That company '[redacted]' came out and sprayed once for mold and set up 3 fans in the basement and a dehumidifier. On friday [redacted] said they would return to spay again on monday and to remove the damaged stuff in my basement. They said I could remove the stuff and put it in my front yard and they would haul it off on monday. I asked Ken from [redacted] if that was safe, he said yes. [redacted] said they would spray for mold again then. They returned 11 days later and removed the equipment and left my junk here. They didn't spray again. My house was still very humid and the carpets were moist. Needless to say, the insurance agent [redacted] came out and began to say 'looks like they got it about dry'. This is the most rude person I've ever dealt with. Not the way I would treat a paying customer of 12 years! I proceeded to show him how the carpets above were still damp and icky to the touch. he told me he didn't feel anything. I said 'you can't feel that? something's wrong with you. I showed him a moisture spot under the carpet that had clearly risen up from below, and he said it looks like a dog peed there. I told him I don't allow dogs in my room. I showed him the laminate flooring and he proceeded to tell me he didn't know what shape my floors were in before. I told him they were all new since I've been there. I mentioned my concern for mold. He said we could have a test done, but my policy only covered 10,000 for mold. I told him that mold came along from the steam of the broken pipe. Mold didn't cause structural damage, the water pipe did. The insurance agent told me he would email a form to itemized damaged stuff on. He never sent that to me. He was very condescending and had a horrible attitude! It was like he was trying to discredit all of my serious concerns. I called a good mold tester, since the [redacted] company American Family recommended didn't do tests even though they say mold certified. My choice mold company came out and immediately notice the carpet and laminate floorings still being moist as well as the whole house being too humid form the recent water damage. Certified Water and Mold said that my carpet should have been floated, and the laminate flooring removed. They said [redacted] didn't dry the house like they should have. It's been three weeks since it happened, and it feels like American Family is trying to screw me. I told him I needed a structural engineer to look at the joists and studs that had been compromised from the hot steam leak. He contacted a company with practically No online presence. Aris engineering called me saying they were in town and were sent by Amfam. I asked him for references, he said, "what?". I said yeah, people you have done work for in the past. He said, "well, we do a lot of business for Amfam and [redacted]. I told him that wasn't a good reference at all. I then told him I would feel more comfortable if he sent me his references. [redacted] said he would get them for me. Then the insurance guy, [redacted] forwards the structural person's resume to me without any references. The letter even stated that I had refused access to my home without references. (not true) Amfam's first recommendation of [redacted] left my house with excessive moisture, mold uncleaned. now has elevated mold levels because of it. also found stachybotrys in living room (3%). I honestly know without a doubt that it'b be just like the other company... Lookin out for the wrong persons interests. I thought insurance companies were supposed to be there for you. I could pay my best friend to sweep it under a rug and tell me it's no big deal. My house and recording studio in the finished side of the basement are my only investments and I don't want American Family to screw me out of my hard earned investments. Please help!
Thank You!Desired Settlement: To be treated with respect and kindness, and receive an appropriate settlement in a reasonable amount of time, and for American Family insurance to be SHUT down permanently!!! I want the Whole world to know how BAD Amfam and their rude piece of crap emploees are!!! Throw the book at em!!!
June 2, 2014
Review: Currently settling an auto claim with American Family, it has taken a month and I have not received a check to get my car fixed. It's a hit and miss with their customer service, I have been very patient and understanding to timeframes of policy and procedures... however, the representatives all inform me with different and sometimes inaccurate information. Occasionally, some of the representatives verify my information in order to protect my account or information I have with them, which I appreciate, however some of them do not verify any security measures before providing information. I always have to call back multiple times, I have been emailing my adjuster and I highly appreciate all his hard work, but he has not responded to any of my emails or phone calls. I have left numerous messages and called numerous times. I'm starting to get a little frustrated because of the service I have received during this claim.Desired Settlement: I would highly appreciate if the claim can be resolved in a timely matter, so I can get my car fixed as soon as I can. I have submit an estimate twice and would like a manager or supervisor to take action...
May 4, 2016 WI 10019 West Greenfield Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53214 RE: Complaint File Name: The attached complaint/inquiry was received today. The privacy laws require us to protect the confidentiality of non-public information relating to our consumers and others who rely upon us. Maintaining the confidentiality of this information is important to our company. Therefore, we are unable to send our response directly to you. It is a company goal to provide the best possible service to consumers. Even though we are unable to reply directly to you, I have asked the appropriate department to research the concerns and respond directly to the complainant as soon as possible but no later than May 11, 2016. Sincerely, Consumer Affairs Advocate American Family Insurance Company (800) 692-6326 X30799
Review: I moved into a new home.I contacted my insurance agent to provide me with the coverages necessary.At this point I was informed that this insurance company had been sold.The current insurance group stated they would provide me with the coverages necessary for my mortgage holder and the closing of my loan. Approximately one month later I received a check back for about $570.00 notated as "refund for insurance premiums". Upon receiving this check I contacted American Family Insurance to assure that my policy was in order and this check was cashable.The AFI customer service representative three way called my agent`s insurance group to get everything sorted out. It was confirmed by AF and my agent that this was an overpayment on my premium and everything was in order. I was hesitant originally but having done my due diligence in this phone call I felt reassured. In late August, early September I realized when writing my check, the address stated on my policy was my old rental address.AF had my current home address as they had been sending me bills since Novemember.The same evening I contacted American Family Insurance to discuss my findings. The customer service representative said that based on my policy, they found I had renters insurance still in effect and that they would contact my agency. I then was informed my last agency was no longer around and it to had been sold to a new agent.It then took approximately two months to get everything sorted out with the new agent. I reached out about twenty times to both the agent and AFI to sort this out with little to no results. After pushing for explanations I was informed that the last agency had never put my policy into effect and I should not have received the original check back.Also I was told I owed AFI this amount. After going back and forth they refunded my renters and came after me for the difference. This venue does not give me enough characters to express the challenges poor service or people I dealt with to get to this result.Desired Settlement: I would like AFI and the Agents they choose to do business with to own their mistakes. After all the wasted time,energy and failure, I feel American Family Insurance must take ownership for their poorly managed situation. I am sorry to inconvenience all those who provided me with good service and the current agency for having to own what they purchased into. I feel this should not be my burden, the purchasing agency and American Family should own this and waive the outstanding balance due.
October 17, 2013
Review: This auto insurance co took double the amount of money out of my checking account, along with many many NSF FEE's! I never received a notice telling me the diffrent upcoming amount so I could have disputed it prior to this happining in May 2013. Along with notifying [redacted] about this and he's trying to figure this out, June rolls around & it happens again! Come to find out they never took my son off the policy back in March when I sold his Blazer & he had moved to Oklahoma for college. I was then told I needed a copy of his lease as proof he lives there! He was staying in the dorms as a Freshman at the time. I had proof of that and auto insurance for the vehicle my oldest son had given to him as a gift for going to college, proof he had insurance thru him. Then I had to prove my oldest son didn't live with me.... All said & done I was to receive a check for over payment but not for NSF totaling $260!! [redacted] tells me I'd get it in two days. Nope the agency tells me 7-10 days. By this time I'm very upset, and [redacted] tells me they credited my account! I told him I wanted the money back because I was goin to switch agency's. I got back from vacation and called [redacted] to find out where the check was. He told me they mailed it off. I told him I wanted my money. Becalmed the underwriters and cancelled the checks and credited my account. Why would be do that when it was already credited!? I checked the mail & saw the chech so I deposited the checks and was notified by my bank they had been cancelled. so now I'm overdrawn on my account additional $360!!Desired Settlement: $300 for overpayment$260 for First NSF$360 for Cgecking account overdrawn NOW
August 27, 2013
Review: I have a claim against one of your insured. The adjuster handling the claim has offered what I feel is a low settlement and he refuses to explain to me what the offer specifically covers and why it is so low.
He says it covers everything and I can not tell what part of the claim he values so lowly.
I have asked for a change of adjusters more than once and he refuses.
He just reminds me that I have the option to go to court.Desired Settlement: I would like to know what value represents each part of my claim.
Example: Injury, time, trauma, stress ect...
June 12, 2015 of Wisconsin
RE: Complaint File Name: [redacted] A [redacted]
The attached complaint/inquiry was received today. The privacy laws require us to protect the confidentiality of non-public information relating to our consumers and others who rely upon us. Maintaining the confidentiality of this information is important to our company. Therefore, we are unable to send our response directly to you.
It is a company goal to provide the best possible service to consumers. Even though we are unable to reply directly to you, I have asked the appropriate department to research the concerns and respond directly to the complainant within ten business days from the date of this letter.
Review: I called in October and told the agent to cancel the motorcycle coverage. I received my next billing and it was incorrect, it still had the motorcycle on it. I called the agent several times to verify that it had been dropped and I wanted a new billing. Over the next month or so--I talked with the agent and his assistant several times and told them I was concerned about my insurance being cancelled. He(the agent) assured me that would not happen, he was working with the main office to get my billing corrected. He would call me back as soon as he found out something. I was frustrated with the service over the time of my policy and was checking out a new company for a rate. I was informed that my insurance had been cancelled back to Oct. 20th. I thought it was only for the motorcyle which was correct, but she informed me it was for the auto policy also. I immediately called American Family and they verified that it all had been cancelled it on Jan. 9, effect for Oct. 20. I explained the whole story with them and there were alot of notes from the agent on record regarding my billing. She told me she could not reinstate my policy because it had been out of force for too long. She then transfered me to quoting----they were going to write me a new policy until I mentioned filing a complaint with the Insurance Commission. She put me on hold and came back and said "After talking to a co-worker, because you are going to file a complaint, we can not write you a new policy". After and hour and a half on the phone, she put me on hold again. She came back and told me that her manager had just come back from lunch and told her she could write me a policy, BUT it would be $227.00 a month instead of my previous $130.00 a month. Needless to say--------I was MORE furious. I argued with her for a very long time and they would not put me back on the premium rate--I had to be on the standard rate if I wanted coverage. I am not one to drive without insurance-----so I purchased the policy for $227.00 a month. I am furious that they cancelled my policy because the agent was supposedly working with the home office on my billing. I recieved a cancellation notice on my motorcycle on or around the 1st of January, along with a billing statement that was still incorrect. I did not receive a cancellation on the auto, just a bill. They also stated they had sent a refund check on January 9, I have not received any refund check. I would like to see some action on this with American Family Insurance and the agent.
Product_Or_Service: Auto Insurance
Account_Number: [redacted]Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Replacement
I want to be reinstated at my previous monthly premium rate of $130.00
January 21, 2015
Review: We have been dealing with and insurance claim by someone who hit us for 20 plus days. It took 5 days for a response after we turned the claim in for the company to repsond with the insured persons information. We then went to one of their repair shops they recommended and got a quote for work to be done. The person who assessed the damage at the repair shop took photos and wrote up a quote. We dropped our vehicle off for repairs around 12 days later, only to be called the next day saying their was rust and damage that was previously there before the person insured hit us. She was less than respectful to my husband while communicating with him about the situation. She claims that the accident that we were involved I could not have happened as we had described, and they would only be covering one small portion of repairs that are needed.
When I called to discuss the issue with the claims person she was out of office and I contacted the claims persons office who originally was in contact with us. They were very persistant they could do nothing for us and when I asked to talk to a manager they said non were available, but usually worked till 5pm. This was as 4:15 pm and I would like to speak with someone, and again she refused. After discussing with my husband I called back and ask for pictures that were sent and the insured drivers statement. The gentleman helping me tried but then was told only the claims agent handling the claim could release those even though he had access to them. I again asked to speak with a manager and was given the run around on they are not avalible.Desired Settlement: We would like our truck repairs to be completed to the quote we were given.
January 16, 2015
Review: AFI doubled my car ins w/o any authorization and deducted almost 700$. I called an was told no refund. Tried to reduce ins. Told it was done, Not...
There have been so many fraudulent activities! 1st my son had a fender bender during an ice storm. We got repairs for that and a dent from a parking lot hit when he was in school. It was recorded as 2 separate accidents. They used this to increase my rates to ridiculous rates and began deducting without any notification or authorization directly from my bank account, Almost 700$ a month. I called and was told a refund was not possible. I contacted my bank and they honored my complaint and refunded as well as all the bounce fees that resulted. I asked that the insurance be reduced and up deductible to lower the rates. I was told it was done. It was not, they continue to try to bill me almost 600$ a month (up from 300). So I acquired insurance from another company at 300 a month and was told that there were 2 claims on my house as well. I have never made a single claim on my house and American Family fraudulently posted 2 claims to make it extremely difficult to change insurance companies and to justify raising rates. I asked them to come out and see if there was roof damage from hail and the local fires, I was told there was no damage. I tried to cancel AF ins coverage's and I was told they would continue to charge me until I violated my rights to privacy and gave them proof of my new insurance coverage. Currently I have a bill for over 3000$ in coverage I have cancelled as of March 1st. I have denied them any further access to my bank accounts due to fraudulent withdrawals.Desired Settlement: I want a written statement verifying that there were never any claims submitted on my house and that the claim on my sons car was only 1 accident not 2 and he was not at fault it was weather. The car he hit crashed right in front of him because of ice and he crashed into that car for the same reason. I want this corrected in the system as well. These are unethical ploys to allow them to charge outrageously for insurance coverage and make it extremely difficult to change insurance companies. I w
April 29, 2014
Review: Myself and the homeowner contacted the adjuster pertaining to an issue that we were dealing with in finishing the interior of the property. We had to go back and forth with the adjuster in order to get this ladies house done right.
They wanted us to install new drywall to her ceiling without adding texture to the entire ceiling. This wasn't an option for us as contractors since just putting texture on a small portion of the ceiling would have looked ridiculous! They finally agreed to pay for the texturing of the ceiling and told me to provide a proof of renting a texture sprayer after the job was finished and that's exactly what we did and now they are refusing to reimburse me for the rental fee. We are a small company and cant afford to eat any cost because of the greedy insurance company and because they feel like black contractors and black home owners don't deserve the same treatment as they render to their other clients in different zip codes.
This has been an absolutely horrible experience from the start to the end with how the adjuster have been disrespecting myself and my company by talking down to me and attempting to badger me and suggesting that we aren't a real contracting company based on talking to me and hearing my voice.
I also offered the adjuster to look my company up with the of St Louis for his own edification since he talked to me like I was a kid when I first spoke with him. Every since our first conversation, himself and the other adjusters working on the case used the words " a real contractor", in attempt to discredit my company defame me as the company owner. This blatant and obvious racism has contributed to complication after complication with this claim which is absolutely uncalled for in this day and age.Desired Settlement: I would like for them to reimburse my company for the amount agreed on for the rental of the texture sprayer. $85.00
February 1, 2016 of Wisconsin 10019 West Greenfield Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53214 RE: Complaint File Name: [redacted] The attached complaint was received from, [redacted], today. The privacy laws require us to protect the confidentiality of non-public information relating to our consumers and others who rely upon us. Maintaining the confidentiality of this information is important to our company. Therefore, we are unable to send our response directly to you. It is a company goal to provide the best possible service to consumers. Even though we are unable to reply directly to you, I have asked the appropriate department to research the concerns and respond directly to the appropriate individual by February 15, 2016. Sincerely,
Review: I was rear ended going down the highway at 65 mph while I was 7 mo.pregnant and I had my 2 yr.old in the car,by one of their carriers 5 mo. ago and they won't even settle with me,I had to pay for all my doctor bills and by another var out my pocket.Desired Settlement: I want compensation for my car that was totaled, my doctors bills and my injuries
September 28, 2015 of Wisconsin10019 West Greenfield AvenueMilwaukee, WI 53214 RE: Complaint File Name: [redacted] The attached complaint/inquiry was received today. The privacy laws require us to protect the confidentiality of non-public information relating to our consumers and others who rely upon us. Maintaining the confidentiality of this information is important to our company. Therefore, we are unable to send our response directly to you.It is a company goal to provide the best possible service to consumers. Even though we are unable to reply directly to you, I have asked the appropriate department to research the concerns and respond directly to the complainant within ten business days from the date of this letter. Sincerely,
American Family Insurance sent me a what I felt was an automated reply of a link to their web page.Shows me they might not be all about families....considering the link to my closed case I had made against their insured was never resolved.Interesting conclusion when My family including my 2 year old daughter and myself 7 and a half months pregnant were rear ended at over 60mph by their insured.I was told by American Family that I need a witness.I suppose my 34 yr old fiance in the passenger seat of my vehicle wasn't enough. What about our totalled 94 caprice classic?looks like to my Family we were to little of a family to measure up to theirs.?
October 9, 2015 of Wisconsin10019 West Greenfield AvenueMilwaukee WI 53214 RE: ComplaintFile Name: [redacted], your file [redacted] The above complaint/inquiry was received today. The privacy laws require us to protect the confidentiality of non-public information relating to our consumers and otherswho rely upon us. Maintaining the confidentiality of this information is important to our company. Therefore, we are unable to send our response directly to you. Be advised, a response was sent directly to the complainant on 10/6/15 and all concerns were addressed. Sincerely,
Review: Beware of American Family Insurance. Last year on 8/8/2013 I found out my house had a hail damage (I travel a-lot & work long hours). So I called the claim department & they came in & they gave me an estimate. I had a couple of roofers came in & gave me an estimate but I did not like what they represent & because I travel a lot & a few other factors like cold, I decided to wait until this year to get my house fixed. Last month I had a couple of other roofers came in & gave me estimates. After reviewing them in, I decided to go with one of them. Then, here came the surprise from AFI that I will not get my depreciation because the roof was damaged on 6/6/12 & you have past your one year anniversary. When I told them that I did not know that & even my agent told me that I have until 8/8/13 to get the roof done no body is listening. My agent is too worries he will get fired if he does anything & claim department is like an answering machine & they keep repeating that I missed my 1 year anniversary & they are sorry & it is my fault I missed 6/6/13 date. Per my agent & my opinion, the 1 year anniversary is from the date of when I put the claim down not the lost date. How am I supposed to know the hail damaged was done on 6/6/13? Did AFI or my agent called to remind me. When I found out, I called AFI right away & the anniversary of my claim is 8/8/2013 not 6/6/13. I see a few of my neighbors havent done anything. Probably they dont even know of the roof damage. Is that meaning they are screwed up & they cant do anything now? Why AFI or agents never send you any flier to let you know about the hail & what to do. Obviously they came up with this 6/6/12 date & they knew about it while some customers like me didnt know. How do they exactly know what date the damage was done? Ive been with AFI & my agent for MANY, MANY, MANY years & this is how they pay me back. I am VERY, VERY, VERY disappointed of what AFI represents. It appears to me they just want your money & when it comes to crises, there is no help & humanity is gone for the money. I will put down a complain in & let people know about the facts & loyalty.Desired Settlement: I just want to fix my house roof.
August 9, 2013
April 20, 2015 of Wisconsin
RE: Complaint File Name: [redacted]
The attached complaint/inquiry was received today. The privacy laws require us to protect the confidentiality of non-public information relating to our consumers and others who rely upon us. Maintaining the confidentiality of this information is important to our company. Therefore, we are unable to send our response directly to you.
It is a company goal to provide the best possible service to consumers. Even though we are unable to reply directly to you, I have asked the appropriate department to research the concerns and respond directly to the complainant within ten business days from the date of this letter.
American Family Mutual Insurance Company
###-###-#### [redacted]
Review: The company refuses to pay full claims on two claim for storm damage received on claim #[redacted] , 05/20/2013 for $5,730.83 by their figures. And claim #[redacted], 05/31/2013 for $3,113.18. Both claims totaled $8,844.01which is considerably less than the actual repair and replacement cost.The company deducted $500.00 deductible on each claim. Which is our deductible.But refused to refund the full amount promised for our out of pocket expenses tha we were instructed to spend to have service techs. check toverify repair or replacement and cause of damage ( on electrical appliances ), the company representative said our money would be refunded but would not refund the full amounts spent by us.Out of the total amount of both claims the company did not pay even half of the total amount. they are slowing down our progress on repair and or replacement of our lost or damaged property.To svav the company from paying claims. We have to use our saviongs to replace and repair items ,then they refuse to pay or only pay partial payment for lost or damaged items. Their representative , A Brinkley telephoned one of the service techs. and attempted to get him to say that our refrigerator could be rapaired. He told her it could be repaired if the parts were available. But the parts were no longer available. She told me the refrigerator was rapairable but that she gave us money for a new one. In reality , she only gave us part of the money for a new one, sheld back some of the money on almost everything . Both company representatives ( [redacted] ) did not pay full replacement cost on our above ground pool. She paid , $2,150.53 out of A $5,730.83 claim and held back $3,080.30. even though we submitted A quote of $3,180.48 from a pool company for the pool. The money she did give was for removal of a tree from the pool ,removal of the damaged pool and repair to the facia on our home.To this day the company refuses to settle the two claims.Of the total damage of claim #00845014894 for $3,113.18 . The company only paid $1,988.55 . We are still trying to get Payment. We pay over $1,100.00 yearly for our home owner,sinsurance with a $500.00 deductible for each claim. We nor anyone else should be treated the way when we make a claim. This is the first claim we have made on this policy.Desired Settlement: Meet their responsibility pay the full amounts to replace and repair our lost or damaged property or refund every dime we have paid this company over the years.
July 9, 2013
Review: On 8-27-14 I took my car to American Auto Repair shop for an oil change, transmission service and to repair the automatic windows. When I received my car back it had a leak (possibly oil), so I had to take it back to them the following week and while it was in the shop, on 9-4-14 a fire broke out in the shop and my vehicle was one of several destroyed in the shop. American Family Insurance is the insurance company for the auto shop and following the investigation, I received a letter from American Family Insurance stating that the liability of the loss does not rest with their insured DBA AMERICAN AUTO REPAIR AND TOWING and that they must respectfully disclaim coverage in this matter. The claim number is [redacted], policy number is [redacted], name of insured is [redacted].Desired Settlement: I'd like for the insurance company of the repair shop to reimburse me for the loss of my car or find out what I do have to do to recover some of my losses.
November 24, 2014
Review: My water damage claim has not been handled well. Nor have my previous auto claims. They have been slow to respond and difficult to deal with. They have left me uninformed and living in a mess for over a month now. They refuse to restore my kitchen and my bathroom to its original condition. I need temporary housing for now as well.Desired Settlement: I would like them to pay for all my damages and to replace all my kitchen cabinets and counter tops to match. I do not want half my kitchen with a different counter top and cabinets. I can not match the old cabinets. I would like fair payment for the work needed to access and repair the broken water pipe in the bathroom. I have been washing dishes in a bathtub for seven weeks now.
November 12, 2014
Review: My car was hit by their policy holder and totaled. They admit liability. In working with their Claim Adjuster ([redacted])
he continually offers an amount that is not even remotely close to "making me whole" or enabling me to replace the
car. I provided data on local car prices which he refuses to acknowledge, he just repeatedly told me to contact an
attorney if I refused his offer. They hired an independent assessor in Pennsylvania who indicated he normally submits
a worth estimate based on comparable cars selling in this area but that Mr. [redacted] specifically requested he not
submit that in this case.
I filed a Customer Service complaint on 3/31 with my Letter of Demand (with evidence) requesting a Supervisor to
reply to me. On 4/2 Mr. [redacted] called me back (despite my request for a supervisor, said he had my letter but did not
interact with it, simply saying he did his due diligence and now quoting an even lower settlement amount). I indicated I
did not wish to speak with him further but a supervisor and he said I would be called on 4/13, another 10 days without a car.Desired Settlement: That they consider my evidence for a legitimate settlement of $7000 not the $5600 figure I am being quoted with inappropriate evidential support.
April 8, 2015
re: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
The attached complaint/inquiry was received today. The privacy laws require us to protect the confidentiality of non-public information relating to our consumers and others who rely upon us. Maintaining the confidentiality of this information is important to our company. Therefore, we are unable to send our response directly to you.
It is a company goal to provide the best possible service to consumers. We have received other communications from Mr. [redacted] and will be responding to his concerns in a timely manner.
Sincerely, [redacted]
Consumer Affairs Advocate
American Standard Insurance Company of Ohio
###-###-#### [redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], the initial response was not sufficient but they did eentually a supervisor and the claim has been settled although I was not fully satisifed with the resolution as they would not interact with the evidence I presented. But the claim is settled.
Review: We have had homeowners coverage since Nov 1998 We had a garage fire in 2011. In 2012 they tried to cancel our insurance. I filed a claim issue w/ the and then American family came back & said they made a billing error. Well now we had another incident in the spring of 2013 we asked for an adjuster to come out & take a look and we were told it would not be covered. In September I received a letter stating that we would no longer be able to be covered by their insurance. Even though they did not pay anything out for our May incident they said it still counts against us. I have called their office and spoke with a person named [redacted] and she said we are a liability to them and they can no longer cover us. I am not sure why we pay premiums to them if they will not cover us? When I talk to the local representative all he wants to do is get us to change our car insurance or add life insurance so that we are more desirable as clients.Desired Settlement: All I want to do is continue with my insurance.
November 5, 2013
This company attempted to strong arm me for my other business. Attempted to purchase coverage for an out of town property, the underwriter told me due to a claim 4 yrs ago they would only cover me if I transferred all my insurance to AmFam.. I asked if basically the company was telling me to transfer all insurance to them or sell off to a secondary company at 3X the original quote his response was "yes that is what we do".