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Western Dental Services Inc

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Reviews Western Dental Services Inc

Western Dental Services Inc Reviews (345)

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.  Protecting member information is not only our company policy - federal law now requires it.  That is why we must first get a release of health information from our patient...

authorizing us to disclose any information regarding this case.  WDS requires that patient complete and sign the "Western Dental Services Authorization Form" that was emailed to patient and to date, patient has not replied to WDS' request for this signed document.  Please note that WDS has corresponded directly with patient regarding this matter.  However, as soon as the signed release is received by WDS, we will forward any pertinent information to the

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau.  WDS has reviewed and responded to the patient regarding their inquiry.  The following is WDS' resolution to this matter:WDS apologizes for any...

difficulty the patient experienced while attempting to schedule her appointment. WDS reached out to the patient on June 3, 2016 to extend our apology and to advise that her concerns were shared with the appropriate management team and that every effort will be made to improve the service patients receive in the future. At this time, WDS is unable to offer free or no charge services to the patient, as requested in the patient’s complaint. In response to the patient’s concerns regarding the treatment plan she received, it was recommended that she return to the office for an evaluation of her current dental condition and treatment options available. WDS sincerely regrets that the patient’s experience failed to meet her expectations.  Thank you, Jessica ArambulaInquiry Response Unit ManagerQuality ManagementWestern Dental / Brident530 S Main St., Orange, CA 92868office: [redacted]mobile: [redacted]

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case. Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any customer service that failed to meet patient expectations and...

any misunderstanding that my have occurred. Due to patient having State Insurance (Dentical) responsible party would need to contact them directly as to why patients' benefit were terminated prior to patient turning 21 years old.  If a patient qualifies for Dentiacal benefits the State will continue paying for treatment until the age of 21 years old.  Dentical does not notify WDS why benefits have terminated.  Responsible party has been informed that a request has been submitted to Dentical for approval of removal of braces.  Once Dentical approves removal and retainers patient will be contacted to schedule an appointment for removal of braces.  WDS will only render treatment to the patient that is approved by Dentical

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.Patient contracted on 5/31/12 for $2,041, see attached, a payment plan was scheduled. Patient then returned on 8/21/12 and added additional treatment of $478.00, see...

attached.  On 8/21/12 patient's contract was modified for 17 payments of $117.00 and a final payment of $100.00. Patient has only made 16 payments of $117.00 and a final payment of $103, therefore balance of $114.00 is correct.  Please see attached itemized statement reflecting all the treatment completed and payments received.  On 10/8/14 patient called and was informed that she had a remaining balance of $114.00 based on her contract and her payments.  Patient was also informed on 10/8/14 that she has only paid 16 payments and needed to make an additional payment of $114.00 to pay off account.  The late fee has been removed as a good will gesture.  Since there is a legal binding contract patient is encouraged to contact hour payment department to avoid any additional fees added to account and to prevent account being assigned to a collection agency.  Patient will remain financially responsible for remaining balance.  Upon receipt of payment of $114.00 the credit bureaus will be updated accordingly.  Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any dissatisfaction and any inconvenience that this matter has caused patient.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
  I disagree, [redacted] stated that it was a( he say she say) but if it was a he say she say ( why did the Receptionist look in the log to check and see if they did make my [redacted] a appointment and she said we never give here a appointment to come back and everyone in that office that day heard her so how is that a  he say she say it was on they record that they made that error.  [redacted] was the manage that day and the receptionist told him what happen [redacted] and [redacted] was there and another receptionist was there I don't have her name so how is this my fault and I have to paid all this money to fix there mistake.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau.  WDS has reviewed and resolved the patient's inquiry.  The following is WDS' resolution to this matter: The patient first presented to WDS on...

February 29, 2016 and received an oral examination and x-rays. Patient was presented with a diagnosis and recommended services and agreed to move forward with treatment. It was noted that the patient returned to the office to begin his treatment on March 3, 2016. The patient returned on April 18, 2016 and when the dentist attempted to numb the patient he began to experience involuntary movements. The dentist recommended oral sedation and referred the patient to his primary care physician. The patient returned to the office on May 2, 2016 and elected to start the crown procedures for his tooth #20. During this visit impressions for the permanent restoration were taken and a temporary crown was cemented. WDS noted that during this visits the patient was moving involuntarily, exhibited excessive salivation and needed to swallow frequently and was unable to tolerate being inclined back. For these reasons, the treatment required additional caution and time to face these challenges and complete the procedure. Despite [redacted] assertion, the total treatment time did not exceed three hours at any of the patient’s visits. Temporary or provisional crowns are designed and intended to be easily removed one or more times as necessary during treatment. For that reason, they may accidentally and unpredictably become dislodged when not intended. During the preparation and until a permanent crown restoration is delivered and to avoid complications, it is important that the tooth is protected by a temporary restoration. The patient returned to the office on May 10, 2016 for the permanent crown restoration and indicated that he was satisfied with the shade, size, and fit of the crown. At times unforeseen staffing or scheduling demands may dictate a change in a doctor’s schedule or location on a relatively short notice. While all reasonable efforts are made to maintain the treatment of a patient with primary dentist, there are occasional instances in which this may not be possible. Based on the patient’s condition and the progress that has been made, WDS determined that the change in providers did not have any impact upon the progress of the patient’s care. WDS found no verification that the patient was sold retail products without any explanation or that there was a package that the patient purchased that included deep cleaning products. While the patient was recommended and received deep cleanings, retail products are not inclusive of these treatment costs. It was concluded that the treatment planned and performed was appropriate for the conditions with which the patient presented to the office. As all retail sales are final, WDS respectfully denies the request for a refund of the electronic toothbrush that the patient purchased.  Kind regards, [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.Upon review of account it was determined that WDS had numerous payment plans scheduled with patient to assist in bringing account current.  Unfortunately due to default from patient...

the payment plans are no longer valid.  Patient was also contacted numerous times by our payment department to assist patient in bringing account current.  Multiple times patient disconnected the calls or used profanity while speaking with a representative.  On 4/20/15 a supervisor talked to the patient and offered to work with her on removing the late fees if a new payment plan can be arranged.  Patient informed supervisor that she was not able to pay anything and that she would contact WDS when she gets income.  There has been no contact from patient since 4/20/15.  Due to default on the account the account is no longer with WDS, it has been assigned to a 3rd party collection agency.  Patient would need to contact HP Sears at [redacted] to arrange a payment plan to pay off account balance.  Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any dissatisfaction and any inconvenience that this matter may have caused patient.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Every time I have tried to call and get my account resolved after 4/20/2015 no one answers, and if they do I am put on hold 30 minutes at a time. I have tried to contact the man who contacted me on 4/20 to get it resolved now and I've had no luck. If you listen to the recordings you'd hear me saying multiple times to stop withdrawing payments out of my account and to send paper statements. And the times I did not answer I was working , I am on Texas time, by the time I'd call back the office would be closed. I do not accept the companies response, listen to the recordings and how horribly I was treated, and how I stated various time to stop using my account and send me paper statements because they were digging into my personal funds. As a company they should do whatever to keep their customers satisfied and find ways to work around that persons financial situations.obviously they don't care, and will not take partial responsibility. 
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved. I would like to point out that the response makes it look as if I am trying to take advantage by doubling the refund. This is not what I requested. I asked for a refund at their office on Beltway 8 and Beechnut in Houston. When this was not processed by the close of the billing cycle, I disputed the charge to my credit card company. After 15 days with no response from Western Dental , my credit card company removed the charge. I would warn other consumers to be aware of Westerns lack of  customer friendly business practices and to use a credit card to pay for at least the down payment. This will protect us from these types of "glitches in the system". I am also shocked that the only way to get a response from the Houston location was to track down their corporate offices and file a complaint with their local I thank the for their help in the resolution of this unfortunate situation.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.Patient was contacted directly and his concerns have been addressed accordingly.  Patient is satisfied with resolution and a refund is currently in process.  Patient has been...

informed to allow 15-20 business days for his refund to be completed.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau. Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any miscommunication or misunderstanding that may have occurred.  When patient presented to the office...

insurance benefits were verified.  Based on the insurance verification patient was presented with an estimator worksheet for the treatment he was diagnosed by the attending dentist.  In the estimator worksheet it also states that insurance benefits are estimated and patient's actual patient share may be different, patient signed and agreed to treatment.   In the General Dental Benefit Summary from patient's insurance company it also states that patient's eligibility and benefits will only be determined at the time a claim is processed by Principal Life Insurance Company.  Insurance verification is not a guarantee of payment from the insurance company.  Patient may contact his insurance company for confirmation and verification. Patient is responsible for any insurance short fall.  Patient is encouraged to contact Western Dental to schedule a payment plan for the remaining balance.  Western Dental will work with payment plan that best works with the patient.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.  Protecting member information is not only our company policy - federal law now requires it.  That is why we must first get a release of health information from our patient...

authorizing us to disclose any information regarding this case.  WDS requires that patient complete and sign the "Western Dental Services Authorization Form" that was emailed to patient on July 15, 2016 and to date, patient has not replied to WDS' request for this signed document.  As a result, WDS has corresponded directly with patient regarding this matter.  However, as soon as the signed release is received by WDS, we will forward any pertinent information to the

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau. Please note that patient's concerns were addressed on 4/13/15.  When patient first presented to the office a Lava Crown was diagnosed and sold to the...

patient.  Insurance benefits were verified but failed to confirmed that insurance did not allowed upgrades on crowns.  Patient's insurance downgraded the crown to a Porcelain/Ceramic crown, the downgrade to the least expensive crown decreased patient's share.  On 4/13/14 patient's account was pulled from the collection agency, account was adjusted and closed, and credit reporting has also been corrected.  Due to DHMO guidelines (patient's insurance), if patient would like to file a formal complaint to request WDS to pay for the services to be completed by another provider, patient needs to contact her insurance directly.  At that time insurance will contact us and any pertinent information will be forwarded to the insurance company for review as they will determine the outcome of patient's complaint. Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any dissatisfaction and any inconvenience that this matter may have cause patient.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau. Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any dissatisfaction and inconvenience that that matter may have caused responsible party. As stated in previous response it has been confirmed that refund amount of $140.00 is correct.  An itemized statement reflecting all treatment completed, additional charges, and payments applied to the account was already provided.  Pleas see attached  Promissory Note informing  responsible party of additional charges that can be added to the account.  Also a copy of Western Dental Orthodontic Treatment Policy was included in the previous response stipulating the fees charged for broken brackets.  Responsible party requested account to be set up on automatic payments at the initial start of  the contract, account was set up on automatic payments based on the contract terms.  Patient was treatment planned for 24-30 month of treatment (see attached). Responsible party requested removal of the braces 6 months before patient reaching 24 months of treatment (see attached discontinuation of treatment) inadvertently when the braces were removed early auto payments were not terminated.  Due to numerous brocket brackets and yearly plan sales no additional refund is warranted.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.This...

has been resloved
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Their response is a joke. I've talked to the office in Antioch several times, I've talked with corporate customer service, Ive spoken to two managers and numerous other people at Western Dental. This is the same response Ive gotten from them for the last 8 to 9 weeks. Every time I call they are "processing my refund". I would like a refund by October 31st. I want a deadline and a quick one. Processing my request in another 2 to 3 weeks is unacceptable. Until I have the refund this matter is not closed.]

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case. Upon review of the account it was noted that the balance for wish the account was assigned to agency was only for the charges related to the services representing the treatment performed.  Patient received total services in treatment in the amount of $4,919.00 plus additional fees of $439.21 (Late fees, broken appointments and interest).  Responsible party paid the balance for services rendered only.  An itemized statement will be mailed to the responsible party  detailing all the services and fees.  Patients are required to give a 24 hour notice to the office prior to the appointment.  A phone call to the office 24 hours prior to the appointment is considered proper cancellation notice.  Records reflect that patient has 2 missed appointments without any cancellation notice. Billing statements are sent on a monthly basis.  In the billing statements responsible party was made aware of any additional fees and amounts due.  On 2/20/14 Responsible party was made aware by the payment department that past due amount and late fees were due to a broken appointments.  Also, on 3/1/14 responsible party was given the option of removal of late fees if broken appointments fees were paid, responsible party refused to accept offer.  Many more attempts were made by the payment department before account was assigned to the agency.  The treatment will be reviewed by the dentist.  Upon review of treatment responsible party will be contacted to address her concerns and provide the best possible resolution in the best interest of the patient.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I had yet to recieve any of the above statements and I will not be satified until I do. Today is 10/17/14, if it was mailed to me on 10/10/14 hen I'm sure I would've recieved it by now. I no longer trust anyone in Western Dental only because over the 3 months I've been needing their assistance and supposidly someone was always going to contact me, no-one ever, ever did until it became known with So, nothing had been resolved as they are telling because I have yet to recieve anything but 2 new statements of owing money.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau.  WDS has  reviewed and resolved the patient's inquiry.  The following is WDS' resolution to this matter:
After further review of patient's complaint it is noted that account was given a total discount of $57.60.  An itemized statement has already been mailed to patient indicating that all payments were applied to account and discount was applied to account.  Account was adjusted and closed with a zero balance, a zero balance letter was mailed to patient on 10/10/2014.  No additional adjustments or credits will be applied to account.

WDS is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding the complaint reported.  Protecting patient information is not only our company policy - federal law now requires it.  That is why we must first get a release of health information from our patient authorizing us to...

disclose any information regarding this case.  WDS requires that patient complete and sign the "WDS Services Authorization Form" that was emailed to patient on March 15, 2017. WDS has corresponded directly with patient regarding this matter, however, as soon as the signed release is received, we will forward any pertinent information to the The patient is welcome to contact the Inquiry Response Unit for further assistance at 1-800-992-3366, extension [redacted].

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Description: Dentist Information Bureaus, Dental Laboratories

Address: 530 S Main St #600, Orange, California, United States, 92868


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