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Western Dental Services Inc

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Reviews Western Dental Services Inc

Western Dental Services Inc Reviews (345)

Brident is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding the complaint reported.  Protecting patient information is not only our company policy - federal law now requires it.  That is why we must first get a release of health information from our patient authorizing us to...

disclose any information regarding this case.  Brident requires that patient complete and sign the "Brident Services Authorization Form" that was emailed to patient on November 17, 2016. WDS has corresponded directly with patient regarding this matter, however, as soon as the signed release is received, we will forward any pertinent information to the

WDS is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding the complaint reported.  Protecting patient information is not only our company policy - federal law now requires it.  That is why we must first get a release of health information from our patient authorizing us to...

disclose any information regarding this case.  WDS requires that patient complete and sign the "WDS Services Authorization Form" that was emailed to patient on November 17, 2016. WDS has corresponded directly with patient regarding this matter, however, as soon as the signed release is received, we will forward any pertinent information to the

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.  Protecting member information is not only our company policy - federal law now requires it.  That is why we must first get a release of health information from our patient...

authorizing us to disclose any information regarding this case.  WDS requires that patient complete and sign the "Western Dental Services Authorization Form" that was emailed to patient on July 15, 2016, to date, patient has not replied to WDS' request for this signed document.  As a result, WDS has corresponded directly with patient regarding this matter.  However, as soon as the signed release is received by WDS, we will forward any pertinent information to the

WDS has provided patient an itemized statement of the charges for services rendered and all payments received. Upon review of this account it was determined that the additional balance due represented the patient's remaining balance for services performed.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case. Pleas note that when patient filed a grievance the documents that patient provided form subsequent dentist is only an estimate of a treatment plan.  Since patient has not provided new information regarding her complaint a refund is not warranted and patient will remain financially responsible for the remaining balance. If patient has new information to provide regarding her concerns, patient can contact the Patient Relation Department at 1-[redacted] Ext. [redacted] to file an appeal of her resolution.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau.  Please note that the proper department has been notified of patients requests to remove phone number from our database.  Patient will not be contacted...

for any appointment or payment reminders for her account or for any family members.  Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any dissatisfaction and any inconvenience that this matter may have caused patient.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.On 11/15/2013 when patient first presented to the office insurance benefits were verified.  Documents show that on 11/15/13 insurance company confirmed that Fluoride...

Treatment (D1208) was a covered benefit with no age limit.  Also on 11/15/2013 Full Mouth X-Rays (D0210) were performed and insurance company denied payment due to frequency limitations.  Patient was presented with a contract based on insurance verification, please note that verification of benefits is not a guarantee of payment until the insurance company processes claim.  Please see attached patient estimator worksheet. in estimator worksheet patient is made aware that insurance benefits are estimated and actual insurance benefits and patient share may be different.  Patient is responsible for payment for all services.  On 6/19/14 when patient returned to the office insurance benefits were again verified.  Documents show that on 6/19/14 office received confirmation that fluoride treatment (D1208) is only a covered benefit up to the age of 14 years old.  The office inadvertently entered fluoride treatment as a covered benefit.   Since it was confirmed on 6/19/14 that fluoride is not a covered benefit WDS will not charge patient for fluoride treatment completed in 2014.  An adjustment of $41.00 will be made to the account.  Patient will remain financially responsible for fluoride treatment performed on 11/16/13 for $27.00 and Full Mouth X-Rays $59.00.  Patient remaining balance is $79.75.00Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any dissatisfaction and any inconvenience that this matter may have caused patient.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.Patient was emailed an itemized statement reflecting all treatment completed, also a copy of his signed contract was attached to the itemized statement.  In the contract patient was...

informed his co-pays for the treatment he contracted for.  Billing statement s are sent to patients as a courtesy, patient is responsible in making payments under the conditions of the contract terms.  On 10/14/14 patient called WD and patient was informed of his remaining account balance for services rendered, patient was also informed that all late fees were removed as good will gesture.  Patient has not made an attempt to make a payment.  Records also reflect that on 11/25/14 patient was again informed of his remaining balance and was made aware that all late fees have already  been removed.  Patient will remain financially responsible for $85.00 and is encouraged to contact hour payment department to make a payment arrangement.  Once patient pays balance in full an update to his credit report will be submitted reflecting account was satisfied.  Credit reporting will not deleted due to patient being informed of his financial obligation when patient signed and agreed to contract terms.  Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any miscommunication or misunderstanding that may have occurred.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any miscommunication or misunderstanding that may have occurred.  Please be advised  that patient's concerns have been shared with the...

appropriate management to address, and an audit has been performed.  The refund amount has been confirmed and a request is already in process to expedite the refund.  A check in the amount of $413.71 will be mailed to the patient on 2/17/15.If patient has any questions further questions in regards to he account she can contact [redacted] at [redacted]. have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I did contact my insurance to verify the services rendered were billed correctly. I filed and mailed a formal complaint to WDS on 3/16, and also filed with DCA and received a confirmation letter that complaint is being reviewed. I still have not heard from the original dentist in regards to treatment either. I have court documents ready to file if needed. I will await for your resolution letter.Regards,[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.Please note that patient's concerns have bee forwarded as a formal complaint and a written response will be mailed to the patient within 30 days.  The Grievance Committee will...

review patient's concerns and resolution letter will be mailed to the patient. Also, please note that patient's insurance was not billed for services not yet completed, insurance company can only billed for the services that were complete.  A claim was sent to the insurance company for date of service for 2/19/15 (One Hour Bleaching) and 3/7/15 (Crown delivery tooth #9).  Patient is welcomed to contact her insurance company for confirmation of the claims submitted.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau.   WDS sincerely regrets the patient’s continued dissatisfaction with her experience with WDS. We wish to assure the patient that every effort will be made to improve the service she receives in the future, including her upcoming visit.

[redacted] is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding the complaint reported.  Protecting patient information is not only our company policy - federal law now requires it.  That is why we must first get a release of health information from our patient authorizing us to...

disclose any information regarding this case.  [redacted] requires that patient complete and sign the "[redacted] Services Authorization Form" that was emailed to patient on April 14, 2017. WDS has corresponded directly with patient regarding this matter, however, as soon as the signed release is received, we will forward any pertinent information to the The patient is welcome to contact the Inquiry Response Unit for further assistance at 1-800-992-3366, extension [redacted], as we work to address her concerns.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau.  WDS has  reviewed and resolved the patient's inquiry.  The following is WDS' resolution to this matter:
Western Dental sincerely apologizes for...

any miscommunication or misunderstanding that may have occurred.  Please be advised that patient's concerns have been shared with the appropriate management to address patient's complaint. A refund request was submitted to the Refund Department on 10/23/14.  Pleas allow 15-20 business days for the processing of the refund.
Western Dental apologizes for any inconvenience that this may have caused patient.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.Patient was contacted on 2/12/15 to address his concerns. Patient was informed that the fees charged for the crown have been removed from his account balance.  Patient was also informed that the Sulcular Irrigation was completed on 9/4/14 and the irrigation was completed.  The procedure was also confirmed by the office and treating dentist.  Patient was also informed that if he felt it was not done he can return to the office and the Sulcular Irrigation would be redone at no charge.  Patient refused and stated he will not return to the office due to him being referred out to a specialists.  Patient was informed that due to his dental condition the referrals to specialists was necessary to avoid compromising his teeth. Patient also stated the he looked on [redacted] how Sulcular Irrigations are done and it was not the same as the procedure he had performed.  The link was requested from the patient to confirm that he was looking at the same procedure as the one he contracted for and had completed.  Patient refused to provide the link.  Please see attached itemized statement reflecting the treatment completed and payments applied to the account.  Patient was informed that he has a remaining balance of $71.00.  Patient was also informed that due to his insurance DHMO guidelines he would need to file a formal complaint with his insurance company, patients insurance company will contact us and any pertinent information will be forwarded as they will determine the outcome of the complaint.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.  Please...

note that although WDS has obtained the required release from patient, WDS has not finalized its review and resolution of this matter.  Please note that this case is due for resolution on or before March 11, 2016, at that time, WDS will forward any pertinent information to the

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.Patient's account has been audited multiple times and confirmed that patient is only due a refund amount of $73.20.  The Explanation of Benefits were obtained from the insurance...

company to confirmed allowed PPO fees.  Also, an itemized statement was provided to patient for confirmation of fees.  Please see attached estimator worksheet reflecting the treatment that patient was contracted for.  Please note in signed estimator it states that insurance benefits are estimated and patient's actual insurance benefits and patient share may be different. A refund request is currently in process to refund patient for overpayment. Please note that  the print out provided to the patient is intended for internal reference only.  The print out reflects insurance refunds but insurance company was not refunded, it is a system adjustment that the system automatically does based on the PPO fees and plans fees and payments received, it does not affect patient share balance.  Patient can confirm that her account has been credited all of the insurance payments received with the itemized statement. WDS sincerely apologizes for any confusion that this may have caused patient.

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Description: Dentist Information Bureaus, Dental Laboratories

Address: 530 S Main St #600, Orange, California, United States, 92868


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