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Western Dental Services Inc

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Reviews Western Dental Services Inc

Western Dental Services Inc Reviews (345)

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau.As noted in previous response, a request was already submitted to Dentical for removal of braces and retainers.  Dentical can take up to 8 weeks for any type of approval.  As of today, WDS has not received a denial or approval from Dentical.  Due to Dentical guidelines and regulations we are unable to remove the braces until a determination is made by Dentical.  Please note that Dentical approvals are retroactive.  If Dentical approves removal of braces after patient's state benefits are terminated, Dentical will pay for retroactive treatment.  Responsible party is welcomed to contact Dentical to inquire on approval and regulations.  WDS is unable to make a determination until a response is received from the State.  At that time responsible party will receive a notification from the State and she will be contacted by WDS.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case. Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any dissatisfaction and any inconvenience that this matter may have caused patient. When patient presented to the office he was evaluated, the...

dentist determined that additional treatment needed to be addressed.  Due to patient's dental condition and medical condition it was necessary to obtain a medical clearance from patient's primary doctor.  Treatment cannot be started without a medical clearance due to liability reasons.  Before it was determined that a medical clearance would be required a deposit of $268.00 was collected from patient.   Once it was determined that the dentist was unable to proceed with treatment until medical clearance was received, the office was unable to void the credit card payment.  Also, patient's contract was cancelled  and closed on 3/4/15, due to a glide in the system the contact did not closed and a billing statement generated to bill patient per his contract terms.  Please note that contract was manually closed, no more billing statements will generate. The refund process normally takes from 15-20 business days.  Unfortunately due to accounting purposes a refund cannot be processed by the click of a button, it has to go through company's refund policy.  Patient does reflect a credit of $268.00 on account, since patient has stated that he has disputed the charges with his credit card company a charge back will now take place, his credit card company will contact Brident.  Due to the dispute that patient has filed his credit card company will request the money from Brident Dental and apply it back to patient's account.  If we process a refund of $268.00 patient will have 2 refunds of $268.00 and patient will have to refund Brident Dental $268.00.  Patient was personally contacted to further address his concerns and confirm that charge back status with his bank.  Patient can also contact his credit card company to inquire on their charge back policy and the time frame it will take them to collect the money back from Brident.

WDS has reviewed Ms. [redacted] concerns regarding her
account. It was determined that as Ms. [redacted] did not honor the terms of her
financial contract and due to non-payment, the balance for services rendered
was assigned to a third party collection agency. Upon bringing the account to...

current status, the patient is welcome to return to treatment. Should the
patient experience any discomfort related to the orthodontic appliances
currently in place, she is welcome to return to the office for emergency
treatment. WDS has communicated this resolution to Ms. [redacted].

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau.
As stated in previous response patient is only being billed for services rendered only.  Patient is not being billed for the contracted amount, an audit has been completed to confirm remaining balance.  As previously stated patient's insurance terminated therefore insurance company did not make payment towards all treatment completed.  Patient is welcomed to contact insurance company for confirmation of benefits paid toward his treatment.  As noted on the patient estimator worksheet signed by patient states any insurance short fall will be patient's responsibility. An itemized statement  with a copy of his contract was mailed and emailed to patient confirm that patient is not being billed for any fillings as he has indicated.  Patient is being billed accordingly. 
Western Dental considers this case closed.

WDS is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding the complaint reported.  Protecting patient information is not only our company policy - federal law now requires it.  That is why we must first get a release of health information from our patient authorizing us to...

disclose any information regarding this case.  WDS requires that patient complete and sign the "WDS Services Authorization Form" that was emailed to patient on October 27, 2016. WDS has corresponded directly with patient regarding this matter, however, as soon as the signed release is received, we will forward any pertinent information to the
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

Hello,Please find attached the waiver for my complaint.[redacted]

The patient’s account was reviewed and our audit determined that the patient is due a refund in the amount of $416.20. We have taken the necessary steps to correct the account status and ensure that patient receives a prompt refund of her overpayment. I have reached out to Ms. [redacted] to advise that her concerns have been addressed and that she should expect a refund to arrive within 15 business days. Thank you for your help. Kind regards, [redacted]Inquiry Response Unit Manager

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.Upon review of account it has been confirmed that patient was diagnosed and presented both with both a partial and a 3 unit bridge to address her dental condition.  Please see...

attached diagnosis form signed by patient understanding that she was presented with the diagnosis and was given the opportunity to ask the doctor any questions that she may have regarding her treatment plan and her oral health.  Also, please see attached contract signed and agreed by patient. Patient opted for a 3 unit bridge after she was presented with her diagnosis.  In the signed estimator it also states * You are responsible for up to 100% of the cost of fixed or removal prosthodontics even if you do not return to take delivery*  Patient did present to the office on 5/4/15 for the delivery of her bridge. Patient presented with a temporary bridge that she had fabricated at home. Patient would not allow the dentist to remove her temporary bridge and asked to see the bridge that was delivered by the dental lab.  Patient was not happy with the bridge and stated she wanted the bridge to reflect her teeth from 20 years ago and provided the doctor with a picture from 20 years ago.  The doctor explained to patient the expectations so she can have a realistic understanding, however patient disagreed with the doctor.  Doctor did inform patient that bridge can be sent back to the lab for any modifications needed.  All WDS staff present during the attempted delivery of the bridge confirmed that bridge was not chipped, also patient was left alone with the bridge for a few minutes to further consider her treatment in progress.  After patient was dismissed the office staff noticed a piece of the porcelain was chipped off, at this point the bridge was sent back to the lab.  Nonetheless, WDS encourages patient to return to the office to continue with her the delivery of the bridge that was fabricated for the patient per agreed contract.  Patient will continue to remain financially responsible for the cost of the services already performed, therefore a refund is not warranted.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Western Dental has misrepresented the situation in their response.  Western Dental has misdiagnosed the condition and fail to achieve the contracted results.  Its absurd that Western Dental would blame the repeated failures of the braces and treatment on the patient! let alone blaming the second treating doctor recommendation to remove the braces on us too.  It does not appear that Western Dental will take any ownership to the mess they created and I am afraid not resolving this issue over here will mandate that we take it to Small Claims Court.Its sad that Western Dental would lure perspective patients into paying for treatment steps that are clearly aimed into the wrong direction.  I would like to reiterate my position and claim and encourage Western Dental to get over this unacceptable response and acknowledge that the promised and contracted results outcome is a total failure
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I thank Western Dental for apologizing but I told the office manager 2 months in advance that benefits were going to be discontinued and he did nothing and that s not fair that I have to potentially pay for his mistake of not following threw and arranging to take the braces off or getting a status authorization he did neither so Western dental should pay for removal. The manager is Western Dental s representative and didn't follow threw so its Western Dental s fault and thus should pay for there mistakes.

Thank you

WDS is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding the complaint reported.  Protecting patient information is not only our company policy - federal law now requires it.  That is why we must first get a release of health information from our patient authorizing us to...

disclose any information regarding this case.  WDS requires that patient complete and sign the "WDS Services Authorization Form" that was emailed to patient on November 11, 2016. WDS has corresponded directly with patient regarding this matter, however, as soon as the signed release is received, we will forward any pertinent information to the

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.Patient presented for a evaluation at the general dentistry at WDS.  Her primary concern was the condition and function of her existing upper and lower complete dentures. ...

Following the review of her medical history, a panoramic radiograph was taken and an examination performed.  Recommended treatment, accepted by patient, included the fabrication on new maxillary and mandibular dentures.  Noteworthy, and consistent with the long term wearing of dentures, was marked loss of bone in both arches.  Following steps typical to the making of such appliances, the dentures were delivered to patient on January 27,2015.  Customary post-operative adjustments and care followed. We wish to remind patient that removable appliances are not a functionally equivalent substitute for one's healthy natural teeth.  Due to their nature and the oral anatomy upon which they rest, full lower dentures are even less stable, functional and retentive than upper dentures.  Following the delivery of their dentures, most patient can expect to, and must be willing to return to the office for several adjustments of sore spots, the fit and/or the bite.  Some patients are never able to accept dentures as substitutes to natural teeth.  Such limitations need to be acknowledged, and compensated for by the patient.  Patient is both encouraged, and is welcomed to return to the office for evaluation and the performance of any treatment which is necessary.  Experience has shown that, without a patient's acceptance of their compromised condition and the development of realistic expectations, they are unlikely to accept and adapt to their dentures and enjoy a reasonable level of satisfaction.

Western Dental Services, Inc. ("WDS") is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding this case.  Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any dissatisfaction and any inconvenience that this matter may have caused patient. Please note that patient's concerns have been shared with...

the Billing Department.  Account will be thoroughly reviewed and insurance verification and confirmation will be reviewed. Upon completion of audit and If confirmed that insurance benefits where not verified accordingly account will be adjusted accordingly.  Patient will be provided and itemized statement reflecting all the treatment completed, payments, and adjustments applied to the account.  Patient's credit report will be corrected to deleted any derogatory reporting.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Response:Western Dental never presented me a bill stating that there were additional expenses owed outside of the contract. It was only after I tried to recoup monies that were illegally taken from my account after the contract waspaid in full did Western Dental claimed services owed. If there were broken bracket repairs then I should have been billed for those services. I feel that this is only a ploy by Western Dental to keep the money that nevershould have been taken from my account.[redacted]

Attached please find the signed Authorization for Release of Health Information.I received two different messages from one stated the following but I did not receive a form where section 5 of the release form has boxes to check. Can you please clarify whether the form I attached meet the...

necessary requirements. Thank you,[redacted] "Please
fill out and return the attached release form back to our office. The
business is unable to provide a response to your complaint unless we
have this completed form on file. All sections of the form must be
filled out with a handwritten signature by the patient that received
services (unless patient is a minor then the parent can sign). Sections 1
& 2 indicate who is able to use/receive your health information
(service, billing, etc. related to the dental treatment received), which
would be the Section 3 is the health information being
used/discussed, which is the treatment/billing/service issue(s) you are
filing a complaint about. Section 4 is the use of the health
information, which is our complaint process. Section 5 is the
duration of the release form, please check the 2nd box as there is not a
specific end date for any complaint being processed with the"

WDS is in receipt of the's inquiry regarding the complaint reported.  Protecting patient information is not only our company policy - federal law now requires it.  That is why we must first get a release of health information from our patient authorizing us to...

disclose any information regarding this case.  WDS requires that patient complete and sign the "WDS Services Authorization Form" that was emailed to patient on January 25, 2017. WDS has corresponded directly with patient regarding this matter, however, as soon as the signed release is received, we will forward any pertinent information to the
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Good morning Ms. [redacted],
Thank you for taking the time to provide us your feedback and concerns regarding the handling of your account. Please note that after reviewing your patient record, it was determined that your patient share for services rendered was $651.10. However, payments in the amount of $646.00 were received from you to date. After further reviewing the payments rendered by your insurance carrier Metlife, it was also noted that payment toward the Nitrous ($20.00) was not received. Thus, this balance is added to the patient share. As stated on the signed Patient Estimator Worksheet: "Insurance benefits are estimated and your actual insurance benefit and patient share may be different. You are responsible for payment for all services."
In the interest of patient satisfaction and due to the delay in providing you the information requested, the late fees assessed to your balance have been removed. Please note that the balance for which you remain financially responsible is $25.10. Please contact us at [redacted] for assistance with your payment. A copy of your Patient Estimator Worksheet and an itemized statement is attached for your review.
[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]Above is the email  copy I recently received from Western Dental, below was my reply.
Thank you for assisting me. Now the only other thing about this was that on Feb 13,2014 when I was making the first payment, I was given an offer of the $25 off if I went ahead and paid the rest in full. And that it where the immediate second payment came in on the same phone call. Was that representative wrong for/about that offer? [redacted]
So my other point being is when I received this email, it said a balance of $25.10. I was offered $25 off on 2/13/14 so it would be what I'm understanding, 10 cents left to pay then. Is there a way to check the call recordings of that morning between the times of 0830-1100? Because I am still definitely not satisfied even with the $25 that I was offered off on that promotion if I had paid the rest of my balance. I have not received anymore emails back since my reply of the above message. It may seem senseless that it is only $25 but I am a single, working mother of 3, and when offered a deal, I take it and do believe that it should be honored by the company whom offered.

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Description: Dentist Information Bureaus, Dental Laboratories

Address: 530 S Main St #600, Orange, California, United States, 92868


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