Western Dental Services Inc Reviews (345)
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Description: Dentist Information Bureaus, Dental Laboratories
Address: 530 S Main St #600, Orange, California, United States, 92868
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.What is relevant here is that I was mislead by employees of Western Dental, not what was written in the fine print of the contract!Nurse at Berkeley office told me that I will not have to pay for this out of pocketStaff at the front desk told me the same, at multiple occasions. I asked about the cost several times because I know that health insurance in USA works differently than in my home country, so I wanted to be sure. I was in their office four times, between April 16th and May 27th. Why didn't they tell me about their mistake at the time?Is this really how Berkeley Western Dental does business? You first tell people that they don't have to pay for something out of pocket and then you send them a bill after months?This could not have been a mistake on their side! I understand that they could have made a mistake if I had an insurance by some company that they don't do business with very oftenHowever, they must be seeing this kind of dental insurance all the time!
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I am responsible for ***'s and ***'s accountThey do not have a job and I pay for everythingMy husband and I had an appointment on Nov17, I received four phone calls to confirm the appointmentsWe arrived minutes early for the appointmentsMy husband had to wait minutes before they called him inThere were no other customers in the officeI waited minutes and they still did not call me in for my appointmentI tried to reschedule and they still were making me wait, so I left with out seeing the dentist
This is the worst customer service I have ever seen!
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Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") is in receipt of the Revdex.com's inquiry regarding this case.Patient's concern where addressed directly with patient on 1/21/15. Patient was mailed a letter on 10/31/informing patient of a remaining account balance. On 10/25/
an itemized statement was mailed to patient with reflecting treatment, payments, and any adjustments applied to his account. On 12/9/a zero balance letter was mailed to patient after he paid off account. Again, on 1/21/another zero balance letter was mailed to patient. Attached is a copy of the itemized statement and zero balance letter that has already been provided to patient. Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any dissatisfaction and any inconvenience that this matter may have caused patient
Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau.We regret that Responsible Party is dissatisfied with the resolution letterPlease be advised that the Committee reviewed her concerns and the treatment, and at this time have determined that Responsible Party is not entitled a refund of the monies paid for patient's treatment at the WDS Lodi orthodontic office. Responsible party will remain financially responsible for the remaining balance on patient's account and no compensation is warrantedResponsible party complaints were addressed in the resolution letter that was mailed on October 16, 2014. Please accept our apology for the inconvenience WDS may have caused and be assured that the current condition of patient's health is our primary concern. Please be advised that the treatment is not completed and that patient should seek dental treatment in a timely fashion for the best possible outcome
Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau.A confirmation was received on 11/21/that patient's phone number was entered in the do not call list, both in the appointment center and the payment center. The phone number has been removed from all accounts, including her children, *** and ***. Any phone calls made prior to 11/21/were made prior this date before request was received by the Revdex.coms inquiry. Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience that this matter has caused. Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any wait time that patient experienced that was longer than anticipated. Please note that although our offices continue to use their best efforts to minimize waiting time, wait time and treatment time in the health care setting can be longer than usual when other patients come late and when unexpected surprises or delays occur. Nonetheless, WDS regrets that your wait time was longer than expected
Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") is in receipt of the Revdex.com's inquiry regarding this casePatient was contacted on 2/20/to address her concerns. Western Dental apologized to patient for the wait time that she experienced that was longer than what she anticipated, also for any miscommunication or misunderstanding that may have occurredPatient's concerns were addressed with the appropriate managementPatient was also informed that a refund request was submitted for a refund of $24.00, please allow 15-business days for refund to be processed. Patient was also informed that she can return to the office for a general cleaning since she felt that cleaning was not done properly, patient refused to return to the office. Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any customer service that patient received that failed to meet her expectations
Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau.WDS had responsible party case reviewed by our Orthodontic Consultant. Based upon examination of all available clinical information, he concluded that the
diagnosis, treatment proposed and the orthodontic care provided was appropriate for patient's orthodontic condition. Orthodontic progress, per the planned time frame, can only occur safely when the patient fully cooperates with treatment. Cooperation takes the form of consistent attendance at appointments, the proper care and safeguarding of orthodontic appliances, and compliance with instructions including the use of orthodontic elastics and the maintenance of proper oral hygiene. The Committee determined that patient's breakage of her appliances and her failure to fully follow her headgear instructions prevented the complete achievement of the originally planned goals of her Phase I treatment. WDS sets and maintains high standards for cleanliness, housekeeping and patient safety within its facilities. To assure compliance with WDS standards and policies, and the compliance with all associated state and federal guidelines, our offices are regularly monitored and inspected. As the responsible party reported a deviation from our expectations, an additional evaluation of the facility will be scheduled. The Committee concluded that responsible party is not entitled a refund of the monies paid for patient's treatment at the WDS Lodi orthodontic office, responsible party will remain financially responsible for the remaining balance of patient's account
Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau
Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any customer service that patient received and failed to meet her expectation. Western Dental sincerely apologizes
for any dissatisfaction and inconvenience that this matter may have cause patient.
Upon review of patient's account it is noted patient listed *** *** *** as her insurance carrier and provided copy of *** *** insurance card. Records show that WD does not have *** *** information on file.
Patient was contacted today by phone and also by email requesting a copy of her dental insurance, *** Dental. Upon receipt of insurance information, insurance benefits will be verified. Once it is confirmed that patient does have dental benefits account will be pulled from agency and placed on hold until claims are sent and processed. Once *** Dental makes payment patient will be notified of any remaining patient share balance. Western Dental will also submit a request to correct credit reporting
Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") is in receipt of the Revdex.com's inquiry regarding this case. Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any dissatisfaction and any inconvenience that this matter may have caused patientPlease note that patient's concerns are currently being reviewed and all pertinent information has been forwarded to patient's insurance company for review as they will determine the outcome of patient's complaint. Patient is welcomed to contact her insurance company directly to confirm if a resolution has been made
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Every time I have tried to call and get my account resolved after 4/20/no one answers, and if they do I am put on hold minutes at a timeI have tried to contact the man who contacted me on 4/to get it resolved now and I've had no luckIf you listen to the recordings you'd hear me saying multiple times to stop withdrawing payments out of my account and to send paper statementsAnd the times I did not answer I was working , I am on Texas time, by the time I'd call back the office would be closedI do not accept the companies response, listen to the recordings and how horribly I was treated, and how I stated various time to stop using my account and send me paper statements because they were digging into my personal fundsAs a company they should do whatever to keep their customers satisfied and find ways to work around that persons financial situations.obviously they don't care, and will not take partial responsibility.
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Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau. WDS has reviewed and resolved the patient's inquiry. The following is WDS' resolution to this matter:
Upon review of account, it was noted that
the insurance company underpaid by $27.50, account also generated a late fees. As a good will gesture Western Dental has adjusted balance to zero. A zero balance letter has also been mailed to patient
Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") is in receipt of the Revdex.com's inquiry regarding this case.Thank you for submitting your inquiryPleas note as stated in previous email patient's concerns have been forwarded as a formal complaint and a written response will be mailed to the patient. Western Dental has not finalized its review and a resolution of this matterPlease note that this case is due for a resolution on or before 4/15/15. The Grievance Committee will provide patient with a resolution letter no later than 4/15/
Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") is in receipt of the Revdex.com's inquiry regarding this case. As stated in previous email due to patient's insurance DHMO guidelines, if patient would like to file a formal complaint, patient would need to contact her insurance company directly to file a formal grievance. At that time, patient's insurance company will contact us directly and any pertinent information will be forwarded to your insurance for review as they will determine the outcome of patient's complaintWestern Dental sincerely apologizes for any dissatisfaction and any inconvenience that this matter may have caused patient
Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau. WDS has reviewed and resolved the patient's inquiry. The following is WDS' resolution to this matter:
Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any miscommunication or misunderstanding that may have occurred. In order for a refund to be processed the account needs to go thru the refund process and requirements. A refund was processed to patient' credit card on 10/30/
Western Dental considers this case now closed
Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau. WDS has reviewed and resolved the patient's inquiry.Patient was contacted directly on 4/30/to address his concerns. A refund request has been submitted, patient has been informed to allow 15-business days for refund to process. Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any dissatisfaction and any inconvenience that this matter may have caused patient
Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") is in receipt of the Revdex.com's inquiry regarding this case. Please note that as indicated in our previous response to the Revdex.com, protecting member information is not only our company policy - federal law now requires it. That is why we
must first get a release of health information from our patient authorizing us to disclose any information regarding this case. WDS requires that patient complete and sign the "Western Dental Services Authorization Form" As a result, WDS responded directly to the patient regarding this matter on 1/19/15. However, as soon as the signed release is received by WDS, we will forward any pertinent information to the Revdex.com.The release form provided is blank and has not been completed by patient
Western Dental Service, Inc("WDS") is in receipt of the Revdex.com's inquiry regarding this case. Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") appreciates the opportunity to address the concerns filed by the patient with the Business Bureau.Western Dental sincerely apologizes for any
dissatisfaction and any inconvenience this may have caused patient. Please note that patient's phone number was deleted from our company database on 11/19/as patient requested. Patient will not be receiving any more calls from WDS
Western Dental Services, Inc("WDS") is in receipt of the Revdex.com's inquiry regarding this case. Please note that as indicated in our previous response to the Revdex.com, protecting member information is not only our company policy - federal law now requires it. That is why we
must first get a release of health information from our patient authorizing us to disclose any information regarding this case. Please note that although patient has signed a release form, WDS requires that patient specifically list the Revdex.com under section: "Person/Organizations Authorized to Receive Your Health Information. Western is authorized to use or disclose your Health Information to the following persons or class of persons within an organization listed below."
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
May 6,I called WD and kept being placed on and when I finally did reach someone they said my birthday did not match my nameNow back to my complaint and why I feel WD is completely incompetentMy daughter paid for both of x-rays and she is still waiting for a refund from WD btwI did not get any special x-rays, I could not get any dental service because of my blood pressure, and WD refuses to send me am itemized account balance
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
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I have reached out to Western Dental (***), with no return calls. I would like a DEEP cleaning and not to be seen by the same doctor, along with my refund of $24.00, my insurance has paid in full