Melaleuca Reviews (102)
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I today received a telephone call from MelaleucaUnfortunately the phone was picked up by my wife, who asked me to pick up my phone, however by thetimeI did the other end had hung upI mam prepared to talk to them, but have no idea whom to ask forIf the money has been sent to my UK account I am prepared to accept their bank notification that it was paidI am prepared to accept your word that you have seen proof have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meTo clarify I never committed to the terms mentioned and a contract was not signed by me, I signed a receipt insteadPlease have melaleuca check policies and procedures with all employees and make sure fraudulent actions are not committed towards customers like me Sincerely, [redacted] ***
We are not able to locate this individual in our systemWe searched under her name, address, phone number and email addressIs there any way you can contact Ms [redacted] and ask her how she acquired the Tough & Tender? This information will help us resolve this issue Thank you, Julie I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meI wish it could have been resolved with one of the several associates I spoke to instead of reporting to, [redacted]
February 23, 2016Revdex.comAttn: [redacted] E50th St.Boise, ID 83714Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate thatshe had requested the cancellation of her account as well as a refund of the Backup Orderwhich was sentIn an effort to resolve all of Ms [redacted] ’s concerns we have cancelled heraccountAs well as processed a full refund of the order for $to her original Method ofPayment.Ms [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on February 8, and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms [redacted] ’s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordancewith the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt fromthe Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference)Ms[redacted] states that she “decided not to place any orders with this company” but failed tosubmit her cancellation notice before the Insured Customer Backup Order for January 2016was processed.We wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely, [redacted] Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed SuspendMy Membership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, andC
rSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month willbe effective the month receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will beeffective the following month
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe appreciate the opportunity Mr [redacted] gave us to do business with him, and extend our apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding his accountWe understand Mr [redacted] 's communication to the to indicate that he requests a refund of all charges relating to Melaleuca's Primer Contacto ServiceIn an effort to resolve all of Mr [redacted] 's concerns we have refunded all monthly charges since June The total amount of refund being processed to his original method of payment will be $1,Please note that we did not refund for the first twelve months of this service as the initial agreement signed in was for a twelve month period(Attached, for reference, is a copy of Mr [redacted] 's executed Primer Contacto Subscription Application.) Mr [redacted] 's Primer Contacto Service was cancelled on August 2, and, as such, he should not receive any more chargesWe note that we did not cancel Mr [redacted] 's service previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Primer Contacto Subscription ApplicationWe wish Mr [redacted] all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca's Customer Service department at 1-800-282-
Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] : We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe extend our apologies to Mr [redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding his home security We understand Mr [redacted] ’s communication to the to be that he is not satisfied with the home security system and would like to cancel his agreement with Melaleuca Security, Inc Our records indicate that in March Mr [redacted] signed up for a month agreement with Melaleuca Security, which includes the equipment and service feesIn an effort to resolve this issue, a return label was mailed to Mr [redacted] which he may use to return the equipmentOnce Melaleuca Security receives Mr [redacted] ’s equipment, his contract will be cancelled, thus waiving any early termination cancel fees We wish Mr [redacted] all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service Department at 1-800-282- Sincerely,Sterling *B***Melaleuca Security General Manager
January 28, [redacted] ***Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicatethat she requests that the owing balance be removed from her account, including shippingInan effort to resolve Ms [redacted] ’s concerns, we have removed the owing balance from heraccountTherefore, Ms [redacted] ’s account reflects a zero balanceMs [redacted] disputed the charge of $from her bank, so a refund from Melaleuca is not warranted.Additionally, we will allow Ms [redacted] to keep the order at issue.Ms [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on September 14, and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms [redacted] ’saccount previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on June 16, As aPreferred Customer, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and healthsavings programsBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s CustomerMembership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order inany month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that theycommitted to orderPreferred Customers can select the products that will be included in anyBackup Order they might receiveIf they make no such selection, any Backup Order theyreceive will include a variety of products selected by MelaleucaWe wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely, [redacted] Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the followingparagraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed SuspendMy Membership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, andC
rSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month willbe effective the month receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will beeffective the following month Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the productwithout charge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (lessshipping and handling charges)(Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method ofPayment used to purchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case arefund check will be issued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account forthe purchase price of the returned productCredit on account is available for Melaleuca productpurchases
December 7, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted] ***Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate thatshe had requested a credit for products sent to her without her consent, due to the Backup Ordertaking effect on her account as well as the Annual Renewal feeBy signing the CustomerMembership Agreement, Ms [redacted] agreed to receive and pay for a Backup Order in anymonth during which she did not order at least the amount of products she committed to order.However, these charges did not clear, which left an owing balance on the accountIn an effort toresolve all of Ms [redacted] ’s concerns we have removed the owing balance of $from theaccount and no further charges will be attemptedWe have also emailed an Authorized ReturnLabel to her which she may use to return the unwanted products at no cost to her.Ms [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on November 30, and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms [redacted] ’s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance withthe Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Termsand Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on September 20, As aPreferred Customer, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered andeligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savingsprogramsBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer MembershipAgreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any monthduring which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order.Preferred Customers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order theymight receiveIf they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include avariety of products selected by Melaleuca [redacted] ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely, [redacted] Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
rSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges)(Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned productCredit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases
Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] : We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] .Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWeappreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologies toher for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiriesregarding her account We understand Ms [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate that sherequests a refund of the Annual Renewal Fee from October and the Preferred Member Pack forNovember 2016, as well as her request for the account to be cancelledOur records indicate that a fullrefund was sent in the form of a check on January 23, The Annual Renewal fee was also sent asa check, which Ms [redacted] confirms she received Ms [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on December 12, and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms [redacted] ’s account previously becausewe had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms andConditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing cancellation is appended below for reference) Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on October 24, As a PreferredCustomer, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalogeach month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discountedservicesBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they donot order at least the amount of products that they committed to orderPreferred Customers can selectthe products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receiveIf they make no suchselection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca We wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at 1-800-282- Sincerely,Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy Administration The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs: Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the productIf I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the creditMelaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account at $service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law
Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] . Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond.We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to... do business with her, and extend ourapologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive toher inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate that shewanted her account cancelled and her debit card removed from her account. In an effort to resolve allof Ms. [redacted] ’s concerns, we have cancelled her account, refunded her initial membership feeand removed her debit card from the account.Ms. [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on August 22, 2017 and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted] ’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms andConditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing cancellation is appended below for reference).We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member BenefitsCancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.I may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member BenefitsCancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.
July 22, Attn: [redacted] Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] : We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe appreciate the opportunity Mr [redacted] gave us to do business with him, and extend our apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding his accountWe understand Mr [redacted] communication to the to indicate that he only wanted to place one order, did not want to become a customer and claims to have not been told about Melaleuca’s Preferred Customer Backup Order Mr [redacted] was charged for a Convenience Certificate in the amount of $but because the order was never paid for, an owing balance was posted to his accountIn an effort to resolve MrVictor’s concerns, we have removed the owing balance on his accountAs well, Mr [redacted] account was cancelled on June 2, and, as such, he should not receive any more products or chargesWe wish Mr [redacted] all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####Sincerely, [redacted] Director of Customer Care and Business Development
Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] * [redacted] Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe extend our apologies to Mr [redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding his home security.We understand Mr [redacted] ’s communication to the to be that he is not satisfied with the home security system, hardly ever used the system and would like to cancel his agreement with Melaleuca Security, Inc.Our records indicate that on November 5, Mr [redacted] signed up for a month agreement with Melaleuca Security, which includes the equipment and service feesThere are months left on his month agreementAccording to the terms of the agreement, if Mr [redacted] terminates the agreement the early termination fee would be $In addition, Mr [redacted] left his home security equipment behind when he movedWe have made numerous attempts to contact Mr [redacted] to discuss his complaint, but have not been successful in reaching himHowever, in an effort to resolve this issue, his contract was cancelled on July 5, and the early termination fees have been waived.We wish Mr [redacted] all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service Department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Sterling *B I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me But they are lying about me submitting paperwork twiceThey admitted to my group leader that they had a bug in their systemIf they did not have good products, I would cancel my account Regards, [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below The issue regarding the back up order being processed just days after joining Melaleuca, and the inability to cancel the membership immediately following my joining on January 29, as it was after the 25th of the month, is the root of the problem hereUpon joining on the 29th, I read the back up order clause and immediately told the representative that I would not agree to that, and did not want a membership if that was a required term of the membershipHowever, due to the fact that it was after the 25th, I was given no option to cancel for that month, and find it bad business to ship out a back up order days after signing up, with no way to cancel the membership until the following month Regards, [redacted]
December 16, 2015Revdex.comAttn [redacted] ***Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate thatshe had requested for her account to be cancelled as well as the assurance that there are nolonger an owing balances on her accountIn an effort to resolve all of Ms [redacted] ’sconcerns we have removed the balance of $from the account.Ms [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on December 4, and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms [redacted] ’saccount previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on February 24, As aPreferred Customer, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and healthsavings programsBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s CustomerMembership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order inany month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that theycommitted to orderPreferred Customers can select the products that will be included in anyBackup Order they might receiveIf they make no such selection, any Backup Order theyreceive will include a variety of products selected by MelaleucaWe wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely, [redacted] Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the followingparagraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed SuspendMy Membership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, andC
rSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month willbe effective the month receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will beeffective the following month Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the productwithout charge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (lessshipping and handling charges)(Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method ofPayment used to purchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case arefund check will be issued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account forthe purchase price of the returned productCredit on account is available for Melaleuca productpurchases
Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us frombeing more responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicatethat she had requested for a refund of the full amount of the May Preferred Member Pack,as well as $Ms [redacted] was charged to return the orderIn an effort to resolve all ofMs [redacted] ’s concerns, we have issued a refund of the order total $plus the $12.00paid in shippingShe may expect to see the total refund of $to her method ofpayment on file within business days.Ms [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on June 8, and, as such, she should not receiveany more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms [redacted] ’s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on May 23, As aPreferred Member, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all productsordered and eligibility for discounted servicesBy accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive andpay for a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at leastthe amount of products that they committed to orderPreferred Members can select theproducts that will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receiveIfthey make no such selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include avariety of products selected by MelaleucaWe wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product (less shipping and handling charges)
June 3, 2016Revdex.comAttn: [redacted] P.OBox 1000Dupont, WA 98327Re: [redacted] ***, Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] ***Thank you forbringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe extend our apologies to Ms[redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regardingher home security.We understand Ms***'s communication to the to be that she would like to cancel herhome security service agreement with Melaleuca Security, Inc., without incurring any penalty fees.Our records indicate Ms [redacted] signed up for Melaleuca Home Security on August 6, 2012, by way of electronicsignature, and had months left on her contractOne of our representatives contacted Ms [redacted] and discussedtwo different options to resolve the issueMs [redacted] agreed to have her home security agreement cancelledwithout penalty, thus waiving the standard cancel fee of $Her home security agreement was cancelled onMay 23, 2016.We wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca's Customer ServiceDepartment at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Sterling *B***Melaleuca Security General Manager
Re: [redacted] ***, Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] : We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] *.***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate thatshe had requested a refund and her credit card information removed from our recordsIn aneffort to resolve all of Ms***’s concerns, a refund of $for a convenience certificatehas been processed to Ms***’s account for the November orderIn addition, wehave emailed an Authorized Return Label so Ms [redacted] may return her December 2016order free of chargeWe would be happy to issue a refund for the order once we receive theproductsMr***’s credit card has been removed from the account Ms***’s account was cancelled on January 3, and, as such, she should not receiveany more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms***’s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordancewith the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt fromthe Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference) Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on November 13, As aPreferred Customer, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted servicesBy accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive andpay for a Backup Order in any month during which they do not order at least the amount ofproducts that they committed to orderPreferred Customers can select the products that willbe included in any Backup Order they might receiveIf they make no such selection, anyBackup Order they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca We wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282- Sincerely,Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy Administration The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs: Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca Satisfaction Guarantee.If I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the productIf I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account at $service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law
Re: [redacted] M***, Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a second notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] ***Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond.Ms [redacted] indicates that she still doesn’t understand the tax break down on her Melaleuca ordersWe did a test order on Ms***’s accoun and calculated the tax on each productThe tax amount of 9.5% appears to be correctMelaleuca customers are charged tax on shipping and handlingThey are also charged tax on the full amount of product purchased with Loyalty Shopping DollarsMelaleuca does not charge tax for Convenience Certificates until the customer redeems them for product, at which time the tax would be chargedFrom the breakdown, it appears Ms [redacted] is charged tax on the state, county and district level, but not a city tax.The $credit given to Ms [redacted] is placed on her account to be used as she sees fitWe suggest she call our toll free number when she is ready to place her next order and one of our friendly associates can assist her with the order and apply the $credit to her order.We wish to thank Ms [redacted] for her loyalty to Melaleuca and wish her the bestIf she has further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy Administration