Melaleuca Reviews (102)
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September 8, Attn: [redacted] ID Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] : We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her accountWe understand Ms [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate that she had attempted to send the cancellation letter to Melaleuca five times, and because Melaleuca did not receive them she was charged for a Backup Order in the month of May She expressed frustration because she returned the order, but was charged for shipping and handling plus taxes which was $10.73, as well as a credit on account notification letter of $In an effort to resolve all of Ms [redacted] ’s concerns we have refunded these above mentioned charges to the method of payment that was charged, making her refund for the Backup Order a total of $that includes the products thatThe refund is a full refund for the Backup Order, but Ms [redacted] is disputing for a refund of $We are unaware of how she is coming up with this refund amount, but if she has any further questions or explanations she can call our customer service line at 1-800-282-Ms [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on June 22, and, as such, she should not receive any more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms [redacted] ’s account previously because we had not received a signed, written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference)Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on November As a Preferred Customer, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programsBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order [redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-###-###-#### Preferred Customers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receiveIf they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of products selected by MelaleucaWe wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####Sincerely, Wayne Billman Director of Customer Care and Business Development The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs: Cancellation Rights I may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend My Membership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
rSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective the month receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the following month Satisfaction Guarantee If I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product without charge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping and handling charges)(Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used to purchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will be issued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of the returned productCredit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchasesIf I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, I understand that Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the creditMelaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law :I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meSincerely, [redacted] ***
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] ***.Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWeappreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologiesto her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to herinquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***’ communication to the to indicate she wasconfused about the deadline for placing an orderShe placed an order on June 1, at 9:21pmover the internetMelaleuca extended a courtesy for all customers who had not placed their Mayorder to do so up until approximately pm on June 1stSince Ms [redacted] placed her orderoutside of the extension the order Ms [redacted] placed was flagged as her June order and theInsured Customer Backup Order was processed, charging her account $In an effort toresolve all of Ms***’ concerns an Authorized Return Label was emailed to Ms [redacted] thatshe can use to send the Backup Order back to the company free of chargeAs well, we haverefunded the $in full back to the method of payment that was charged.As Ms [redacted] requested, her account was cancelled on June 17, and she should not receiveany more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms***’ account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Termsand Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Terms andConditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on January 16, As a PreferredCustomer, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalogeach month in return for a 30% to 40% discount on all products ordered and eligibility fordiscounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programsByaccepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichthey do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to orderPreferredCustomers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive.If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca [redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely, [redacted] Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
rSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth
Thank you for helping resolve complaint: [redacted] Blessings, [redacted]
Re: [redacted] D [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] *[redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate thatshe attempted to cancel before the Preferred Membership Pack was charged in Marchwithout successBecause Ms [redacted] remained a Preferred Member and did not place aminimum product point order, she was charged for a Preferred Membership Pack which wenever received payment forIn an effort to resolve all of Ms [redacted] ’s concerns, we haveremoved the outstanding balance from her account.Ms [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on April 20, and, as such, she should not receiveany more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms [redacted] ’s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordancewith the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt fromthe Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on February 21, As aPreferred Member, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and healthsavings programsBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s CustomerMembership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and pay for a PreferredMembership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least the amount ofproducts that they committed to orderPreferred Members can select the products that will beincluded in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receiveIf they make no suchselection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the productIf I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the creditMelaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law
Dear [redacted] : We recently received a follresponse from your office regarding [redacted] Mr [redacted] indicates that he has not received the refund which was indicated in our June 30, letterHowever, we ran a report and our records indicate that the refunds were processed on June 30, 2016, to his credit card on fileBelow is a breakdown of the refunds, along with the refund reference numbersProc Date Amount Account # Ref # 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] 6/30/ [redacted] We suggest Mr [redacted] contact his bank and confirm the refunds have been properly processed from his bankHis bank will probably request the reference numbersFeel free to contact our office if you have any questions or additional concernsSincerely, Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy Administration
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank youfor bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe appreciate theopportunity Mr [redacted] gave us to do business with him, and extend our apologies to him for anyinadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding hisaccount.We understand Mr [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate that he was chargedfor a Backup Order that he did not authorize and that he would like a refund in full for that chargeWhenMr [redacted] signed Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement electronically he agreed to receive andpay for a Backup Order in any month during which he did not order at least the amount of products hecommitted to orderHowever, in an effort to resolve all of Mr [redacted] ’s concerns, we have refunded him$64.06, the full amount of the Backup Order that was processed on his accountThis refund wasprocessed to the method of payment on file.Mr [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on May 15, and, as such, he should not receive any moreproducts or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Mr [redacted] ’s account previously because we had notreceived a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of ourCustomer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation isappended below for reference).Mr [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on April 11, As a Preferred Customer,Mr [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalog each month inreturn for a 30% to 40% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discounted services such aslong distance telephone service and health savings programs.We wish Mr [redacted] all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s CustomerService department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne BillmanDirector of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentSouth Yellowstone Highway [redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-(208) 522-Melaleuca.comThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
rSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effectivethe month receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges)(Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned productCredit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases
I was sold a "bill of goods" this company is lying outright I still am going to continue this complaint This company needs to be held to account even though they "claim" I was never billed They are selling people hope They should not have a triple A rating from the I still have not had a satisfactory response from this company Complaint still open...Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: Sincerely, [redacted]
September 28, Revdex.comAttn: [redacted] P.OBox 1000Dupont, WA Dear MsM [redacted] : We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] .Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond Weappreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologies toher for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiriesregarding her account We understand Ms [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate that she hadrequested a refund of a Melaleuca charge which she claims she was unaware ofIn an effort to resolveMs [redacted] ’s concerns, a refund of $was processed on May 27, Ms [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on May 24, and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms [redacted] ’s account previously becausewe had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms andConditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing cancellation is appended below for reference) Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on April 20, As a PreferredCustomer, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalogeach month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discountedservicesBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they donot order at least the amount of products that they committed to orderPreferred Customers can selectthe products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receiveIf they make no suchselection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at 1-800-282- Sincerely,Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy Administration The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs: Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Customer Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the productIf I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the creditMelaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law
Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate thatshe has been trying to cancel her account for a few months and wants Melaleuca to cancelher membership and refund her for the last three orders processed to her accountIn an effortto resolve all of Ms [redacted] ’s concerns, we have cancelled her account, emailed her threeAuthorized Return Shipment labels so she can return her orders at no expense to her, andhave processed a refund for $187.59.Ms [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on September 12, and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms [redacted] ’s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordancewith the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt fromthe Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on April 6, As a PreferredMember, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered andeligibility for discounted servicesBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’sCustomer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and pay for aPreferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least the amountof products that they committed to orderPreferred Members can select the products that willbe included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receiveIf they make no suchselection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the productIf I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the creditMelaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law
Re: [redacted] *** (follow up), Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :Thank you for forwarding to us the concerns of Ms [redacted] ***Since the firstcorrespondence, Melaleuca’s Global Headquarters has been in contact with the MelaleucaMalaysia office to understand and investigate the concerns of Ms [redacted] ***The GlobalHeadquarters was able to speak with Ms [redacted] *** on September 25, 2017, at 9:pmMDT / September 26, 2017, 11:am Malaysia time.During our call, we were able to address the concerns raised by Ms [redacted] ***.Specifically, we were able to clarify for Ms [redacted] Melaleuca’s position onpurchasing for other customers without consent from those customersIt appears that Ms[redacted] *** had previously received incorrect information on the topic from her supportteam.Melaleuca is committed to providing world class customer service and strives to meet thatstandard in every interaction with our customersWe were able to connect Ms [redacted] *** with the right staff in Malaysia to assist her with any future questions and concerns.We now consider the matter resolvedMelaleuca is excited to work with Ms [redacted] ***moving forward to help her reach her goals.Sincerely,Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy Administration
***Re: [redacted] ***, Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by Ms [redacted] ***Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention and allowing us the opportunityto respond.Ms [redacted] resides in Malaysia and is an independent contractor under the policies andguidelines of Melaleuca of Southeast Asia (Malaysia) SdnBhdTherefore, it is difficult forMelaleuca, Inc.’s global headquarters in Idaho to thoroughly respond to Ms [redacted] ***’sconcernsHowever, we will attempt in this letter to provide the information we are aware of.When Malaysia office became aware that Ms [redacted] ***’s may have violated policy byenrolling fake customers and overcharging customers for the membership fee, aninvestigation was openedAs part of the investigation the Malaysia office contacted some ofMs [redacted] ***’s personal enrollees and received responses that indicated that they were notreal customersThe audit calls were recorded and are being pulled now to see if they alignwith what Ms [redacted] ***’s claims, but at first glance there are many discrepancies in herstatements.The Malaysian office is working as quickly as they can to resolve this issue and will becontacting Ms [redacted] directly.We wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf you have any further questions, you may contactMelaleuca at 208-522-0700.Sincerely,Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy Administration
Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] : We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe extend our apologies to Mr [redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding his home security We understand Mr [redacted] ’s communication to the to be that in January he will be deployed and wishes to cancel his home security service agreement with Melaleuca Security, Inc Our records indicate Mr [redacted] signed up for Melaleuca Home Security on January 22, 2014, by way of electronic signatureUnder the contract, if Mr [redacted] chose to cancel the month agreement, the cancellation fee would 60% of the remaining balance, which would be $However, in an effort to resolve the issue, Mr [redacted] ’s home security contract was cancelled and the remaining balance has been waived We wish Mr [redacted] all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service Department at 1-800-282- Sincerely,Sterling [redacted] B***Melaleuca Security General Manager have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this solution will be fine [redacted] ***
Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate thatshe called in wanting to cancel her Preferred Membership Pack for July due to financialdifficulty, and because the Preferred Membership Pack was processed in July she would likeher account cancelledIn an effort to resolve all of Ms [redacted] ’s concerns, we havecancelled her Preferred Membership and processed a refund of $to her method ofpayment.Ms [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on August 17, and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms [redacted] ’saccount previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on November 12, As aPreferred Member, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted servicesBy accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and payfor a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least theamount of products that they committed to orderPreferred Members can select the productsthat will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receiveIf they make nosuch selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety ofproducts selected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca
October 13, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted] ***Boise, ID 83714Re: [redacted] , Case [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extendour apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being moreresponsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate that sherequests that her Melaleuca account be cancelled as well as a full refund of the charges on heraccount caused by the Backup Orders being generatedAn Insured Customer Backup Order isprocessed when no minimum product order is placed in a calendar monthIn an effort to resolveall of Ms [redacted] ’s concerns, we have refunded the total amount of both the August BackupOrder and the Business KitMelaleuca never received payment for the September Backup Order,and the owing balance was removed from Ms [redacted] ’s accountThe total amount refunded toMs [redacted] ’s method of payment is $66.81.Ms [redacted] further states that she was enrolled without her knowledge or consentMelaleuca’sPolicy Administration department has been notified and they will be contacting the individualwho presented Melaleuca to Ms [redacted] .Ms [redacted] ’s account was cancelled on October 13, and, as such, she should not receiveany more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms [redacted] ’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Termsand Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Terms andConditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on August 30, As aPreferred Customer, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered andeligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savingsprogramsBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer MembershipAgreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any monthduring which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order [redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-###-###-#### Melaleuca.comPreferred Customers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order theymight receiveIf they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include avariety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely, [redacted] Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
rSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe extend our apologies to Ms [redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquires regarding her home securityWe understand Ms [redacted] ' communication to the to be that she would like to receive a refund for her home security services she claims she did not use and is requesting that her contact be cancelled with out being charged the early termination feeOur record indicate Ms [redacted] requested Melaleuca Home Security on April 25, for a month agreementMs [redacted] signed this agreement by way of a digital signature and she also completed the quality assurance callMs [redacted] is twelve (12) months into the original agreement for the serviceA Melaleuca Security associate contacted Ms [redacted] , offering two options to resolve the issuesThe first option is that Ms [redacted] can return the equipment in good condition and pay a $restocking feeThe second option is to have Ms [redacted] keep the equipment with a charge for $and cancellation of serviceMs [redacted] indicated that she wanted to see if she could locate the equipment and would call the associate backWe are still waiting for her callWe made a second attempt to contact Ms [redacted] on October 29, but was only able to leave a voice messageWe will wait Ms [redacted] ' answer as to what she wishes to do to resolve this issue
Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response becauseThey probably have me listed as [redacted] and phone number [redacted] I married after starting the membership and changed my phone numberI gave both names ( [redacted] and [redacted] ) and they located my account before dropping my calls Sincerely, [redacted]
September 24, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted] ***Re: [redacted] ***, Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond.We appreciate the opportunity Ms [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend ourapologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being moreresponsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate that shewas enrolled with Melaleuca without her consent and due to being enrolled was charged for twoBackup OrdersShe is upset because she has returned both of the Backup Orders, but she wasnot refunded for the original shipping of the ordersTypically, when orders are returned toMelaleuca, original shipping is not refunded(An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing satisfaction guarantee is appended below for reference)However, in an effort toresolve all of Ms***’s concerns, we have refund shipping on both orders that she returnedas well as the remaining credit on her account for a total of $This refund was processed tothe method of payment that was charged.Ms***’s account was cancelled on September 8, and, as such, she should not receiveany more products or charges.Ms [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on July 22, As a PreferredCustomer, Ms [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibilityfor discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programsByaccepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichthey do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to orderPreferredCustomers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive.If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of productsselected by MelaleucaBecause Ms [redacted] asserts that she was enrolled as a PreferredCustomer without her permission, this issue has been turned over to our Policy Administrationdepartment for further research and possible communication with the individual who enrolledher[redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho ***- [redacted] ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Ms [redacted] all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely, [redacted] Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges)(Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned productCredit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases
Re: [redacted] , Case # [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] .Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWeappreciate the opportunity Mr [redacted] gave us to do business with him, and extend ourapologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive tohis inquiries regarding his account We understand Mr [redacted] ’s communication to the to indicate that hehad requested a full credit be put back on his account for an order returned, or a full refundIn aneffort to resolve all of Mr [redacted] ’s concerns, a refund of the full credit on account has beenprocessed, and he can expect a refund of $to his credit card statement in a few days(Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing notification fees is appended below for reference.) We wish Mr [redacted] all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at 1-800-282- Sincerely,Wayne B [redacted] Director of Global Policy Administration The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph: Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproductIf I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locateme and advise me in writing of the creditMelaleuca may continue to make such attempts on amonthly basis and will charge my customer account a $service fee for each month’s notificationprocess for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law