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Macy's Reviews (3004)

January 26, 2017     [redacted]   Re: ID [redacted]          Macy’s [redacted] account ending in [redacted]   Dear [redacted]:...

  I am in receipt of the complaint you filed with the and forwarded to Macy’s Executive Office.  As a representative in this office, I was asked to review and respond to your concerns on behalf of Department Stores National Bank.  Please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience or frustration that was caused when you were unable to make purchases using your Macy’s [redacted] card while shopping for Christmas.   According to the Department Store National Bank Credit Card Agreement, we may close your account or suspend account privileges at any time for any reason.  We may do this without prior notice to you.  If a cardholder has not used his or her account for two years, the policy is to consider the account inactive, and the credit limit is lowered as a precautionary security measure.  Your Macy’s [redacted] account ending in [redacted] was opened December 19, 2012.  The last activity was in February 2013; therefore, on December 24, 2015, the credit limit was decreased from $1,700.00 to $900.00.  After thirty months of no activity, per the terms of your Credit Card Agreement, your account was closed on September 23, 2016, and reported to the credit bureaus.  Your account had a zero ($0.00) balance upon closure and was reported to the bureaus as non-derogatory.  Respectfully, I must decline your request to reopen this account.    In reviewing your account history, I found that on December 23, 2016, you called in through our Automated Telephone System and requested a confirmation letter that your account was closed with a zero ($0.00) balance.  Unfortunately, the automated system does not recognize that an account is closed due to inactivity, only that it was closed as non-derogatory.  Therefore, a system generated letter was mailed to you containing the verbiage that indicated the account was closed at your request.  Please accept my sincere apology for any frustration the verbiage of the letter you received may have caused you.  We are constantly evaluating our processes and systems, and I thank you for bringing this to our attention, as it allows us an opportunity to learn of our customers’ experiences and areas in which we can improve.   [redacted], although we would like to respond favorably to every customer, that is not always feasible.  We are required to maintain and adhere to specific policies and procedures to ensure that all of our customers nationwide receive fair and consistent treatment.  Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and giving me the opportunity to respond.  If I may be of additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.   Sincerely,     Stephen C. Macy’s Executive Office ###-###-####   cc:     [redacted],

[redacted] Cincinnati,Just wanted you to know that I finally received a letter from Macy's regarding my $36.44 yesterday, Nov.10.  After almost two months, they wrote to me that they will credit my Macy's [redacted] account for that amount .  I really wanted a refund but I will be...

satisfied as long as I know that I did get back my money.  I just wanted to say, "thank you so much for your time and trouble."  Mahalo for everything.[redacted]

January 05, 2017  [redacted]   re: Complaint ID: [redacted] Dear [redacted]:  I am in receipt of your complaint forwarded to us by the As a representative of Macy's Executive Office, I was asked to review and...

respond to your concerns. I do apologize for the delay in response. Please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience you experienced due the refunds being issued as a gift cards and a Merchandise Only Certificate and delay for the refund credit back to your [redacted] account. The credits for a total of  $370.43 have been issued, you should be able to view these within 10 business days. We regret the disappointment in the customer service you experienced. This level of service did not meet your expectations or our own. [redacted], thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and giving me the opportunity to respond. In respect and consideration, you will view an additional credit of $100.00 on your [redacted] account. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at the telephone number listed below. Sincerely,   Marjorie B.Macy's/ Executive Office ###-###-#### Extension [redacted] cc: [redacted], Cincinnati

Hello [redacted], I am writing you on the behalf of Macy’s Executive Office in regards to your complaint. After several attempts to reach you by phone I was unsuccessful.I will stay available to you if you wish to resolve the issue, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I...

hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your time. Sincerely,  Dakota B.| Omnichannel Presidential CorrespondentOmnichannel Selling and Service Escalation Team | MCCS Executive OfficePhone: ###-###-#### | Fax: ###-###-#### | Email: [redacted]

[redacted]   [redacted]
April 20, 2016
Re: complaint #[redacted]
        Macy’s account ending in...

On behalf of Department
Stores National Bank:  
Contact Date(s) With Customer:  February 25,
2016 – April 17, 2016
Complaint Summary:  [redacted] has made three
separate payments (December 2, 2015, February 1, 2016, and February 29, 2016)
of $27.00 each, electronically to her Macy’s account.  She verified through her bank statements that
the payments were accepted and deducted from her bank account.  [redacted] faxed proof of payment to the
payment research team and tried multiple times to call on the status and reach
a manager to try and resolve the issue; however, she is transferred and hung up
Resolution:  I contacted [redacted] requesting the proof of
payment to be faxed to our office directly. 
Once receiving the information, our research team was still unable to locate
the payment.  We received the bank
transmittal, and then requested a copy of the front and back of the electronic
check.  Once the copies were received,
our research team was able to process and apply the three payments of $27.00 to
[redacted]’s account. In addition, I have
removed a total of $101.00 in late fees and $24.15 in interest charges and
cleared our internal records of any delinquency associated with this
issue.  I have also requested that
[redacted], [redacted], and [redacted] delete the delinquencies for December 2015
through April 2016.  This resolved her
Stephanie C.
Macy’s Executive Office
###-###-#### Extension [redacted]
cc: [redacted],

November 21, 2016     [redacted]   Re: Complaint ID [redacted]         Bloomingdale's [redacted] account ending in [redacted]...

        Bloomingdale's store account ending in [redacted]   Dear [redacted]:    I am in receipt of your complaint forwarded to us by the  As a representative of Bloomingdale's Executive Office, I was asked to review and respond to your concerns on behalf of Department Stores National Bank (DSNB). Please accept my sincerest apology for any frustration or inconvenience that this issue may have caused you.  Please be assured that Bloomingdale's does not participate in dishonest or deceptive business practices of any kind.  We have policies and procedures in place to ensure that we are in compliance with all applicable laws and we regret that you feel otherwise.    Upon researching you inquiry, I discovered that you purchased [redacted] Sunglasses on June 15, 2016, in the amount of $510.54.  This purchase was made on your Bloomingdale's store account ending in [redacted]. You returned the [redacted] Sunglasses on July 4, 2016, and the refund posted to your Bloomindale's [redacted] account in error.  I have enclosed a copy of your statement from your Bloomingdale’s [redacted] account ending in [redacted], with the closing date of July 5, 2016, for your records.  This statement confirms the return was applied to your Bloomingdale's [redacted] account.   Further research confirmed that you spoke with a Bloomingdale's Customer Service representative on August 1, 2016.  This Customer Service representative successfully transferred the misapplied return to your Bloomingdale's store account ending in [redacted] on August 1, 2016.  In order to process this request, a debit was made on the Bloomingdale's [redacted] account, and the refund was credited to the Bloomingdale's store account.  I have enclosed the statements from both accounts to confirm the debit of the refund on Bloomingdale’s [redacted] account ending in [redacted] and the credit of the refund to the Bloomingdale’s store account ending in [redacted].  Your statement with the closing date of August 30, 2016 confirms that the misapplied return was credited to the store account which I have enclosed for your records as well. I have confirmed that at no point were you charged three different times for the return of your [redacted] sunglasses.  You were charged one time for the purchase of the sunglasses, and the refund was first credited to your Bloomingdale’s [redacted] account once, and then transferred to your Bloomingdale’s store account.    With respect to the fees and charges you referenced in your correspondence, please note that these fees and charges were not the result of the credit being applied to the Bloomingdale’s [redacted] account.  Both of your accounts carried balances from the months of June 2016, through November 2016, which resulted in fees and charges on your account.  The misapplied return did not create any additional late fees or interest charges.  In regards to the late fees that posted to your account, for clarification, once a payment is not received by the due date, the minimum amount due will include any previous month’s minimum amount past due, plus any unpaid late fees and the current month's regularly scheduled payment.  In addition, any credits will lower the account balance; however, credits do not decrease the required minimum Now Due payment amount.        In regards to the interest fees that posted to your account, we charge interest for carrying a balance into the next billing cycle; if you have been paying less than the Total Now Due on your Revolving account balance each month and you then decide to pay your balance in full, you will be charged interest charges on that balance from the first day of the billing cycle until the date that your payment is received. The minimum interest charge is $2.00.  That interest charge is for the funds loaned to you during that period and it may result in a statement with only an interest charge.  My review of your account indicates that all fees and interest were appropriately charged.   As of today's date, your Bloomingdale's [redacted] has a balance in the amount of $1,053.88 with a minimum payment due in the amount of $27.00 by December 1, 2016.  Your Bloomingdale's store account ending in [redacted] has a zero ($0.00) balance after your payment in the amount of $97.56 on November 5, 2016.   [redacted], thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and giving me the opportunity to respond.   I hope this letter clarifies any remaining questions that you may have had in regards to this issue. If I may be of additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at the number listed below.   Sincerely,     Ebony M. Bloomingdale's Executive Office ###-###-#### Extension [redacted]   Enclosures / mailed November 21, 2016   cc:  [redacted],        Customer Service Manager, Macy's Credit & Customer Service

May 10, 2016[redacted]
[redacted]Re: Complaint [redacted]        Macy’s advertisingDear [redacted]:  I am in receipt of your complaint forwarded to Macy’s Executive Office by the  As a...

representative of this office, I was asked to review and respond to your concerns.  Please accept my sincere apology for any frustration this matter may have caused you.We appreciate the time you have taken to correspond with us regarding Macy’s pricing of the [redacted] Mixer and the [redacted] Waffle Maker.  As a retailer, Macy's prices may differ from those prices found at other retailers or on manufacturers' websites because Macy's is a full line store that offers a wide variety of merchandise and services that cannot be found at most other retailers.  We realize that shoppers today have many means of price comparison on a given product right at their fingertips.  Products offered by Macy's are priced in a fashion that will allow for promotional or discount pricing during sale events.  Accordingly, Macy's will sometimes offer items at a higher starting retail price and then take various discounts off that price during different sales and promotions.  This pricing strategy is not an attempt to deceive our customers. Every regular or original price we reference is the "real" price at which we offer the item in our stores.At the outset, we should note that federal antitrust laws require each retailer to independently set its own prices.  Macy’s is not permitted to agree with other retailers or with our suppliers regarding how an item offered for sale at Macy’s will be priced when offered to the public.  Such price-setting could be construed as collusion, something strictly prohibited under the antitrust laws.  Furthermore, it is not Macy’s practice to compensate for a situation such as this; therefore, I must decline your request of a refund for the price of the appliances. [redacted], thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention and giving me the opportunity to respond.  I understand that this is not the resolution you were seeking but hope you can understand our position.  While we make every effort to accommodate our customers whenever possible, it is not always feasible.  If I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at the telephone number listed below.  Sincerely,Stephen C.Macy's Executive Office###-###-#### Extension [redacted]cc:  [redacted],

July 7, 2016[redacted]
[redacted]Re: Complaint ID [redacted]        Macy’s account ending in [redacted]Dear [redacted]:I am in receipt of your complaint forwarded to us by the  As a...

representative of Macy’s Executive Office, I was asked to review and respond to your concerns on behalf of Department Stores National Bank.  Please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience this matter may have caused.In reviewing your account, the notes confirm that you reported fraudulent charges on your account June 27, 2015.   I am happy to inform you that on June 11, 2016, the fraudulent charges of $5,804.59 have been removed from your account, as well as $249.00 in late fees and $158.00 in interest charges.  As of the date of this letter, your account has a credit balance of $1.65 which can be used toward a future purchase, or you may call the number on the back of your card to request a refund be issued to you.  Additionally, we cleared our internal records of any delinquency associated with this issue, and requested that Equifax, Experian and TransUnion update their records and delete any history of delinquency for the time period of August 2015 through June 2016 on your account from your credit file.  Please allow the agencies thirty (30) days to update their records. [redacted], there is no excuse in the level of service provided in getting the charges removed and I sincerely apologize on behalf of Macy’s.  I hope you will consider this an isolated incident and continue to choose Macy’s for all your shopping needs.  As a token of our appreciation, please find enclosed a $100.00 gift card to use in store or online at  If I may be of further assistance to you, feel free to contact me at the telephone number listed below.Sincerely,Monique M.Macy’s Executive Office###-###-#### Ext [redacted]cc: [redacted],

May 18, 2016[redacted]Re: Complaint [redacted]       Macy’s account ending in [redacted]Dear [redacted]:  I am in receipt of your complaint forwarded to Macy’s Executive Office by the

 As a representative of this office, I was asked to review and respond to your concerns on behalf of Department Stores National Bank. Upon review of your account, we show no activity within the past 24 months and your account was closed on July 10, 2015, due to inactivity.  As a credit provider, we are obligated to report the account accurately to the credit reporting agencies, whether it is favorable or unfavorable to the consumer.  Regarding your request to delete this account from your credit report, under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), it is the responsibility of the credit reporting agencies to remove old information from credit reports.  The information we are reporting is correct; therefore, we are unable to delete the account from your credit report.  You have the right to dispute the accuracy or completeness of the information reported to us, by contacting the consumer reporting agencies directly at:[redacted]                                    [redacted]                                       [redacted]                            [redacted]                                      [redacted]                       [redacted]                          [redacted]###-###-####                         ###-###-####                                ###-###-####Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and giving me the opportunity to respond.  If I may be of additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.   Sincerely,Stephanie C.Macy's Executive Office###-###-#### Extension [redacted]cc:  [redacted],

[redacted]   [redacted]     February 21, 2017   
[redacted]   Re: - ID #[redacted]   Dear [redacted]:    I am in receipt of your complaint forwarded to...

Macy's Executive Office by the  As a representative of this office, I was asked to review and respond to your concerns. I apologize for any frustration you may have experienced.   After reviewing your correspondence, I contacted the Parks at [redacted] Store Manager and asked him to review your case and investigate the matter further.  He checked the lost and found area but did not find the item you described.  On February 13, 2017, I also spoke with Monica who confirmed the phone was not there when she left the store at 8:03 PM on January 16, 2017, and our records indicate that Alberta left the store at 8:15 PM.  Monica confirmed that she spoke with you on January 17, 2017, and your phone was not located in the store.         While I can certainly sympathize with your frustration in losing your [redacted] on January 16, 2017, Macy's is not responsible for the loss of your personal property while you were in our store.  Our video surveillance recordings are proprietary to our company and cannot be shared with our customers, however, we recommend that they file a police report in situations of this kind.  We will fully cooperate with law enforcement should they request us to do so.    I would like to apologize for the level of customer service you described receiving when you were attempting to locate your phone.  Please be assured that the service you described from our staff is not typical of the high level of customer service we strive to provide, and we appreciate your bringing the situation to our attention.   [redacted], it is not Macy's practice to compensate for a situation such as this; therefore, I must respectfully decline your request for compensation.  While we make every effort to accommodate our customers whenever possible, it is not always feasible.  Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and giving me the opportunity to respond.  If I may be of additional assistance, please contact me at the number listed below.   Sincerely,       Janice D. Macy's Executive Office [redacted],        Store Manager, [redacted]

[redacted]   [redacted]
July 22, 2015
Re: ID #[redacted]
account ending in...

[redacted] - [redacted]
Dear [redacted]: 
I am in receipt of your complaint
which was forwarded to Macy’s Executive Office. 
As a liaison in this office, I was asked to review and respond to your
concerns on behalf of Department Stores National Bank.  I’m sorry to hear of your mother’s illness and
hope that circumstances improve for both you and your family.
account referenced above has been noted to indicate your Power of Attorney for
[redacted].  Our records show that the
billing statement for the period ending November 17, 2014, had a $181.97
balance, with a $6.00 minimum payment due by December 17, 2014.  When no payment was received by this date, in
accordance with the terms of the enclosed Department Stores National Bank
Credit Card agreement, the account was charged the applicable late fee and
interest.  We received a $30.00 payment
on February 11, 2015; however, this was less than the $45.00 minimum amount
due, and when no further payments were received, the account continued to
accrue late fees and interest.  We
received a $130.00 payment on May 4, 2015, which brought the account
current.  Although all fees were properly
charged, as a gesture of goodwill, I removed $64.50 in accumulated late fees
and interest, resulting in a balance of $105.80, which is due by August 17,
2015.  Respectfully, I must decline your
request to remove the entire merchandise balance.  This amount will remain on our records, and
may include fees applied in the future. 
I have enclosed copies of the billing statements for the periods ending
November 17, 2014, through July 17, 2015, as reference.
As a
credit provider, we are obligated to report an account accurately to the credit
reporting agencies, whether favorable or unfavorable to the consumer.  My research confirmed that the information we
are reporting is correct; therefore, I must decline your request to remove the
delinquencies reported on [redacted]’s credit report.  However, on July 17, 2015, I requested that
the credit reporting agencies update their records and report the account as “customer
disputes reporting”. 
[redacted], we understand the hardships caused by difficult times and I am sorry
to learn of the financial problems [redacted] is experiencing.  Macy’s strives to assist our customers by
offering payment plans that could lower the interest rate and set up reduced
monthly payments.  I encourage you to
contact our Collections Department at ###-###-#### to discuss the various
options available to you.  If there are
any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me
directly at the telephone number listed below.  
Janice D.
Macy's Executive Office
###-###-#### Extension
Enclosures / mailed July 22, 2015
cc:  [redacted]
The Macy's card is issued by Department Stores National Bank.
This is an attempt to
collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose

Dear [redacted], We are in receipt of Complaint ID [redacted]. We have spoken to [redacted] and have resolved all matters as expressed in the complaint. Based on this, we consider the matter closed satisfactorily. Thank you Sincerely, Bobbie A.Liaison,...

Omnichannel Executive Office| Macy's, Inc.9111 Duke Blvd | Mason, OH 45040Office: ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-####

June 16, 2016  [redacted]  re: Complaint ID: #  [redacted] Dear [redacted]:  I am in receipt of your complaint forwarded to us by the As a representative of Macy's Executive Office, I was asked to review...

and respond to your concerns. Please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience you experienced due to the delay and inconvenience with the refund for your order #[redacted]. Macy's did issue the refund for $61.80 on June 14, 2016 to your Macy's account ending in [redacted]. We regret that you did not have a timely resolution from Macy's. [redacted], thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and giving me the opportunity to respond. If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me at the telephone number listed below. Sincerely,   Marjorie .lMacy's Executive Office###-###-#### Extension [redacted] cc: [redacted], Cincinnati

Dear [redacted],We are in receipt of rebuttal for complaint number [redacted] I have spoken with our executive credit offices and was advised the credit should show online within 24-48 hours. Additionally it should be on the customers next billing statement. I have informed the customer of this information via an email. Based on this information we are considering this matter closed satisfactorily. Thank you. Theresa S.Liaison, Omnichannel Executive Office | Macy's, Inc.9111 DUKE BLVD | MASON, OH 45040Office: ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-####
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  Please withdraw the complaint. 

[redacted]   [redacted]     October 18, 2016   [redacted]   Re: Complaint ID [redacted]        Macy's account ending in [redacted]...

       Order Number: [redacted]   Dear [redacted]:    I am in receipt of your complaint forwarded to us by the  As a representative of Macy's Executive Office, I was asked to review and respond to your concerns on behalf of Department Stores National Bank.  Please accept my sincerest apology for any frustration or inconvenience this matter may have caused you.   Upon researching your inquiry, I discovered that you purchased a necklace through on October 7, 2016.  The order, under order number [redacted], was successfully delivered on October 11, 2016.  I was displeased to learn that the merchandise was defective upon delivery, and that you attempted to contact Customer Service to return the merchandise for a full refund of the purchase price $158.36.  I was equally displeased to learn about the issues that you experienced with the associate named in your complaint.  The information you have provided has been forwarded to the appropriate parties, so that they may address this issue directly with the Associate.  Please note that due to privacy and employment laws, we are unable to provide more details about any action that may be taken.  I confirmed that the associate referenced above applied a credit to the order in the amount of $20.00, as a courtesy during your phone call with her on October 12, 2016.  I am happy to confirm with you that on October 15, 2016, your purchase in the amount of $158.36 was refunded to your Macy's account ending in [redacted].  As of today's date the account has a zero ($0.00) balance.   [redacted], thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.  If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at the number listed below.   Sincerely,     Ebony M. Macy's Executive Office ###-###-#### Extension [redacted]   cc:  Tina Geers,        Customer Service Manager, Macy’s Credit & Customer Service
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  I still have to return the salad plates to the store which is an inconvenience but my daughter did receive the dishes so I am happy for that

[redacted]   [redacted]         May 8, 2017     [redacted]
[redacted]  [redacted]   Re: Complaint ID #[redacted]         Macy's [redacted]...

[redacted] account ending in [redacted] - closed        Macy's [redacted] account ending in [redacted]   Dear [redacted]:    I am in receipt of your complaint filed with the and forwarded to Macy's Executive Office.  As a liaison in this office, I was asked to review and respond to your concerns on behalf of Department Stores National Bank.  We sincerely regret any frustration you may have experienced regarding the fraud on your Macy's [redacted] account.    Upon review, I found that you contacted us on December 14, 2016, disputing unauthorized charges from on your Macy’s [redacted] account ending in [redacted].  The representative you spoke with closed the account ending in [redacted] and opened a replacement account ending in [redacted].    On February 6, 2017, you spoke with a representative in our Fraud Department regarding the balance transfer and account activity shown on your monthly billing statements.  On March 8, 2017, you spoke with a fraud representative advising there was still a fraudulent charge on the account, and we sent you a Statement of Fraud form to complete and return.  Our records indicate that we received your completed form on April 25, 2017.    When I received your complaint, all but $100.00 in fraudulent charges had been removed.  On May 5, 2017, we removed the remaining $100.00 charge, $101.00 in late fees and $6.10 in interest related to this matter from the account.  As of the date of this letter, your Macy's [redacted] account has a zero ($0.00) balance.    We cleared our internal records of any delinquency associated with this matter and requested that [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted] delete the delinquencies for December 2016 through April 2017.  Please allow the agencies approximately thirty (30) days to make the necessary changes to their files.  Until then, this letter will serve as confirmation of our request.    Please accept my personal apology that this matter caused a change in your credit limit.  I am pleased to confirm that your credit limit has been restored to $1,500.00.   [redacted], thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and giving me an opportunity to respond.  If I may be of further assistance, please contact me at the telephone number listed below.   Sincerely, Janice D. Macy's Executive Office ###-###-#### Extension [redacted]   cc:  [redacted],

[redacted]   [redacted]
January 21, 2016
Re: ID [redacted]
       Macy’s account ending in [redacted]

I am
in receipt of your complaint forwarded to Macy’s Executive Office by the  As a representative of
this office, I was asked to review and respond to your concerns on behalf of
Department Stores National Bank.
In researching your complaint, after
the card was reported stolen on December 26, 2016, I found that on January 5,
2016, we received notice of the $133.21 in disputed charges on your Macy’s account
and a Statement of Fraud was sent to you. 
I sincerely apologize for any delay or inconvenience you may have
experienced regarding this issue.  Our
Fraud Department was able to verify the fraudulent purchases and cleared your
account of the fraudulent charges bringing your account to a zero balance.  While I certainly understand your frustration
surrounding these events, it is not Macy’s policy to compensate for
inconvenience of time.
thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and giving me the opportunity
to respond.  If I may be of additional
assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. 
Stephanie P.
Macy's Executive Office
###-###-#### Extension [redacted]
cc:  [redacted],

Good day, [redacted]:Since I made my rejection of Macy's resolution within the allotted time frame, and I have heard nothing from Macy's since then, I felt it was important to contact you.In simple terms, we have paid $1944.28 in total charges to Macy's (posted in our checking account's online register: $1584.89 on 05/04/15 & $359.39 on 05/15/15).We have received $1668.84 in total refunds as of 06/17/15.It has been 7 days since the last credit to our account.This leaves a difference of $275.44.When I last spoke to the Macy's representative on the phone, before the 17th, she  told me that she would make sure all of our money was returned, even though I said that we would be happy for them to keep $25 for our old mattress haul-away fee and $50 for the return mattress fee, because we said we would pay it.We would consider the matter closed if Macy's would pay the remaining $200.44 and produce a statement showing the reason for the $359.39 that was taken from our checking account without permission.What is the usual time frame for a company to respond for a rejection of their incomplete reconciliation attempt?Thank you for your attention to this matter,[redacted]

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Description: Department Stores

Address: Cool Springs Galleria, Franklin, Tennessee, United States, 37067


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