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GHS Interactive Security

21031 Warner Center Ln STE D, Woodland Hills, California, United States, 91367-6577

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trying to have my security system installed was offered FREE cameras if I extend contract for 36 months. Signed contract, still have no cameras.
Was having difficulties getting my system installed at my new address because according to GHS my cameras were not warranted by them. Was instead offered FREE cameras warranted by them if I extended my contract 36 months more. I signed contract under the understanding they will be returning to install cameras. Installation for cameras have been rescheduled 7 times, still have no cameras. Contacted customer support, account specialist, manager and did not get a response. Finally 11/1/2017 I speak to Alex manager, I address my concerns and she states she will be "retracting my contract to my initial contract date". That the second contract that I signed in exchange for new cameras for 36 months will be cancelled. Manager stated she will be emailing me confirmation of such details, which she has not done. As I am looking into the contract that they manipulated me to sign in exchange for new cameras, I note that the contract was not extended only for 36 months but instead for 60 more months!. as I write this complaint I am still trying to speak to someone and every time I call I get disconnected or either my call gets forwared.

Desired Outcome

At this point all I am wanting to do is cancel the contract that extends services with them for 60 more months. Receive confirmation of such cancelation and not have to deal with them anymore.

GHS Interactive Security Response

November 7, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX
To Whom It *** Concern:
We have received the complaint brought forward by out valued customer ***, we were able to locate an account for *** Lizette Guillen, here after we will refer to her as ***.
Prior to receiving this complaint Ms. had been in contact with an account specialist Ms. Montenero in regards to her contract extension addendum. Prior to receiving the complaint the account specialist had authorized the extension addendum to be voided, she provided Ms. with a 1 month credit to be applied to her account and lowered her monitoring rate by $5.00 per month for the remainder of the term. It is our understanding that Ms. submitted this complaint because she felt that she did not get a prompt written confirmation of the details she discussed with the account manager.
Since receiving the complaint Ms. Montenero has sent her email verification confirming all of the details above. We have also provided her with a VOIDED copy of her agreement for her records.
We apologize for the delay of getting this necessary written confirmation to Ms. and thank her for letting us protect her home.
Please let us know if there is anything else needed, thank you for assisting us in this matter.


Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
*** ex 2396 (office)

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

GHS has breached the contract with us. They did shoddy work to where we have to bypass *** back door. They do not keep their appts. and *** not fix.
It started with Blake Farmer coming to my house offering me 100.00 to display the GHS sign out front of my home. I entered into a contract with this company
, they came late at night,after the hours specified in contract. Contract says 9-5. He did a substandard job in his installation. The back door alarm awoke us in the night because the tech did shoddy work and the sensors do not line up. I talked to the customer (no) care line and they agreed to send him back. Also he left a non working alarm pendant that he was to replace. What junk. I have photos. He never showed for his scheduled appointment! Neither he nor the company called to tell us he would not be coming. Made another appointment, another no show! I called and talked to a higher level supervisory tech, sent him the photos, he said that is below his standard for his techs. I told him We do not want the same tech to come. He said he would come. I get email that the original guy was coming. I called back to tell them that was unacceptable. They agreed to send a better tech. I talked to him. He was too busy to come but would call me the following Monday. He did not call. He finally called me at 8:30 PM and wanted to come by. I told him it was too late, we were in bed for the night, and furthermore I had already told the company they breached the contract by not doing what they said they would do. I lost any faith I had in GHS, told them I didn't want to be with them any longer. My wife has PTSD and this was to help her. Getting jarred awake and then always having to bypass *** back door. I have all emails showing this status daily.I no longer trust them and I want them to make things right. Since they breached the contract, I want them to remove their equipment and we would owe them nothing.I told the last tech that wanted to come by three and one half hours after the contract says a tech is allowed to come by, just forget coming by,I told the company I and my wife no longer trust them, giving the poor way they did us in not even setting the system up correctly at the first. After several weeks of dealing with people that break their "professional" word to us.We no longer have any faith in them. One man I talked to on the telephone said they did not have enough techs to cover this area where I live. I had my attorney send GHS a letter saying we no longer want their service because of all the reasons I have set forth here. And I took their permission away from going into my bank account. They never answered me. I have never dealt with a more irresponsible company.

Desired Outcome

The resolution I seek is what my lawyer wrote on my behalf to this GHS company. Since they breached the contract, I want to have no more to do with them. They ought to be ashamed of themselves to be doing business this way.I want their equipment taken out of my home, and the contract cancelled with no financial penalty to us. I *** gladly go to the news tv station to do an expose. All this time they charged for the back door sensor and the medical pendant, I haven't checked my bank to see if they stopped taking monies out. I took permission away, I'll call my bank tomorrow. The company lied to me many times and refused to make it right!

GHS Interactive Security Response

November 10, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
*** and have completed our investigation. After receiving this complaint we contracted the ***'s to review their service issues and concerns about their security system. We set up a complimentary service and trained the customer on the products they have and how to operate their system. Additionally we replaced the door sensor that was causing trouble beeps. We followed up with the ***'s after their service was completed to ensure all of their security concerns were addressed, and we are happy to report that the ***'s *** remain a valued customer of GHS!
Thank you for your assistance in this matter, please let us know if anything further is needed.


Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
*** ex *** (office)

My doorbell just rang at 8pm. There is a sign that says there is a sleeping baby and another that says do not ring. I answered and I immediately told him I have kids sleeping and most people in this neighborhood have kids sleeping and I have signs that says to not ring and I didn't want whatever he was selling just because it is late and he disregarded my signs. He rolled his eyes and said he has to work and then walked away. I asked him what company he worked for because I didn't exactly get a great look at it I just saw GH and it was an alarm company...I HAVE A SIGN ON MY WINDOW WITH MY ALARM PROVIDER!! He wouldn't answer me with the name of the company. I followed him and he began to walk away hiding the name of his company. He said I was harassing him and I said he can't come selling when signs are posted in which he said he had a permit. Then I asked him again for the company and he started running away as he yelled he'll be back next week. I waited patiently outside thinking he might come back and he did in a van in which I saw the company and therefore am able to write this review and I will also be calling tomorrow when you open.

WOW. 10/27/17 and I requested for them to NOT come to my house again, I reported them to the last time and emailed the company. My little girl is sleeping there is a sign that says baby sleeping please be quiet and RING RING at my is GHS. I have ALARM COMPANY SIGNS on my house too...this company cannot grab a clue.

We called on March 17th, 2017 & spoke to a gentleman. We informed him that we are in the process of selling our home, & how do we go about the alarm.He said that we can move it to our new home. We told him that we will be moving to UT.We asked if we can transfer there, cause we would like that & he said we don't service there. He said that we can transfer to a family member or ask the new home owner. He said if not, call in & cancel. We accepted an offer beginning of June & have been asking the buyer if they would like the alarm & no response for a whole month. On, July 10th, we closed our house. We called on July 11th,to cancel due to our house has been sold, & they have informed that someone in that department will call back. Never received a call back. So, we called on July 13th & got transferred to *** at Retention. He said that we are responsible for the equipment, in which no one has informed us.The salesperson, *** & *** & the gentleman previous has informed us that we just call in to cancel.That is what we did. We have informed that we do not want to pay for something that we are not using, cause we are not residing in CA. We sold our house. *** accused us saying, that it sounds like you guys just picked up & leave. We told him it's not so. We called in before. Also,if we knew about the equipment, we would have removed it before the house got sold & return it. *** has informed that he will find a way/solution in regards to our situation. We mail in the cancellation letter per his request & asked if there was a way to come in the middle and/or we are willing to pay half.During the week of no response, the buyer's RE agent finally gave us the buyer's #. My bro n law called during that time & informed that his roommate would like our alarm system. Called in on July 24th, gave the buyer's & bro n law's phone info to *** but said we can't cancel until it's under their name. Ghs never called my bro. ended up going w/another provider. Still being charged monthly. Left vm's
Product_Or_Service: Alarm System
Account_Number: Acct #XXXXXX

Desired Outcome

Other (requires explanation) If there is a way to come in the middle? We are still waiting for a call back. We're willing to dismiss the 3 months charges, even if we were not using the service. We have read the cancellation letter that there is no early cancellation fee. Please close the account and remove our debit/credit card from the automatic payment plan.We have provided the new owners phone number that is on file (approval authorized by owner)to you already to set up a time to pickup equipment if need be.

GHS Interactive Security Response

October 26, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
*** ex *** (office)

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is a good start on hearing back from GHS Security after months of no return phone calls. But until we see some actions or solutions to our situation, we do not feel that GHS Security are going to keep their word. In our experience, we did not feel as a valued customer.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jan 31, 2018

Document Attached***
Please see the attached.

Customer Response

We do apologize for the delay in our response. We were closing and moving to our new home.

In our response to the consumer, we have informed the agent back in March that we are moving out of state to Utah. The agent would not have known it was out of state, if we did not mention it to him, for him to provide us with the details that they do not service in Utah. And that we would need to ask a relative or the new homeowner to see if they would like to keep the product. No where in the conversation, stating that we need to return the system back, if we cancel.

None of our family members during that time needed a security system due to that they already have one and the others were renting.

We had offers on our old house, which did not come in until the end of May into the beginning of June. We accepted an offer that first week of June. That was when we asked our real estate agent to ask the new buyer's real estate agent about the security system. People who have sold a house or is looking for a house, would know how this process goes. And for GHS to say that they have informed us months before we move. Mind you again, we were only informed to get in touch with our family members, which we mentioned above that it is a no go and for the new buyer, we would not know them even before the offer accepted process. We have been going back and forth trying to get a hold of the new owner in regards to the security system and no response, nor decision from them during the approval process, inspection process, and closing process of the house. That is why our real estate again told us to call to cancel the the security system, because the new buyer did not respond. It took us over a month and a half of reaching out to them to actually got a hold of the new homeowners in regards to this matter. (This was after we closed on the house and have it recorded) We did not stop following up for we know that we needed to take care of this matter, for we were still paying monthly payments for the service that we were not using.

None of the representatives have informed us that we needed to send in a cancellation letter, until *** gave us a call back on July 13th. (We called on July 10th to cancel and was waiting for someone to call us back) Even after we sent in the cancellation letter, *** has informed that he will get with his manager and will figure out a way to help and call back. But we never got a call back of any confirmation that they have received the cancellation letter or seeing if there was a way to help us. *** did told us to call him back if we can get a hold of the new home owner. And so we took it upon ourselves to call in to confirm if they have received the cancellation and thought that this would be the final process to close the account and be release from the agreement, but not. *** has informed that they have received the cancellation letter, but it was only to cancel the automatic renewal after the contract, in which no one has informed us in the beginning or any of the phone conversation in regards to that. How could the office come to think like that, because the contract is for 5 years. We have been only using the system for 5 months. We as a customer feel that these type of information are important and should be address to all customers in the early stages of advertising, and not be pushed under the rug. So *** has informed that we are still going to get billed until the name has been switched over, even after we have provided the new homeowner's phone number (approved by the wife to provide to GHS) and our brother in law's phone number to get it switched, because his landlord decided to get a security system at his house, due to instances at their place during that time.

We called back in August to see if things got done and progressed, and *** has informed us that they are on top of it. So the system still was not removed and switched over. And his brother later told us that his landlord already went with another security company. And the only thing that belongs to GHS, is the system platform where the controls sit on. For the sensors, they just used our previous provider's sensors.

We called again in September and left multiple voice messages for *** to call us back. Never received a phone call back. We even asked to speak to a manager and have informed that he is on the other line with a client. So for trying multiple times to get this situation resolved, it has urged us to reach out to our bank and the for suggestions. GHS office has not been responsive nor accommodating.

GHS only wanted our money and do not care about their customers. And other security system providers, when someone moved, the system just stays at that location. Not like GHS. We were not informed that they needed the system platform back until after we have already moved. If we have known, we would have taken care of it before we moved with still trying to get a hold of the new home owner. We had informed before that we just wanted to cancel completely due to that we are not using the system and we moved.

Moreover, we as a customer doesn't need to provide a reason on why we moved. But if the consumer really wanted to know, we moved to Utah, due to that we want are kids to be closer to their grandparents and it is better to raise our kids in Utah than in California. My wife's family is in Utah, & they can assist us with babysitting and so my wife can go back to work.

For a consumer to say that we did not follow instructions, and accuse my family of picking up and leaving the state, it is preposterous. We have been with our previous security provider for over 6 years and we are not that kind of people. We have always been a good customer to all of our providers & never have we complained or have any provider/representative/customer service talk to us or treat us this way like GHS. GHS is the first. We have switched to GHS to try them out and help promote their name. And we have not complained once. Always been nice. But after this we will not help promote. We have been very reasonable, understanding, paying each month, and even said that if they can move the system to Utah, we would like that and continue paying. We did more work then any of their employees ever did for us. And the lack of information provided, training, and proper steps from the representatives that came to our house on Dec. 2016 to the phone call in March 2017, they both have informed for us to call in to cancel. And that is what we did. We have done our part on trying to have someone take over, even after the fact that we have already moved.

We thought we made it clear to the office, the comment that we wrote to you previously and now this comment, that we are not using the system or residing in California anymore. This sounds to us that this is a scheme and we feel as it is harassment. But since we are good customers and always be, we do not want to bring the attorney at this point. We will pay the $707.88 after we have receive a final notice of the $707.88 and a letter stating that this will settle the account once and for all, and the account will be closed. It will be at a $0 balance and no longer in contract.

But with what we have been through, we will expose this truth to social media.

Note- We give this information to you, because we feel that you were misinformed or missing out on some important information that we have been given to the office all this time. We appreciate for your time.

May you make sure that this is taken care of for good. We would appreciate it.

Thank you!

*** and

Alarm system has been inoperable for 2 mths. NO techs in my area. Svc Aptmts set and NO CALLS, No SHOWS. Breach of contract on their part. Want out!
The sensor fell off the sliding door. I called GHS to have someone come out to repair. The sensor on the door was set to override so it would not trigger the system. I was told someone would call to set up an appointment for repair. After a week no one had called so I called back. Was informed they have no techs to support my area. Received call in couple days asking about my issue and was told again, no techs in my area BUT I could buy gorilla glue and try to fix it myself. Was told to call back once I had the glue an someone would talk me through proper application of the sensor. I did NOT get glue. I called back a few days later, AGAIN, explaining my issues, and an appointment was set for tech to come out for repair. Sept 2nd, I waited 6 hrs before calling to see why no show. Was told an appointment could not have been set because there are no techs servicing my area. Was told someone would contact me soon. I sent certified letter 9/21, asking for cancellation of service with NO penalty. It wasn't until they received that letter that I received a call yesterday (10/10) stating they had subcontracted to a tech support company and could now get someone out. For over a year, I've had the service and made on time monthly payments of $40. When I went into contract, it was with the understanding that my service would be fully operable and I would have local and timely support when needed. GHS has not held their part of the contract. Their customer service is the worse I've ever had and I no longer wish to have their service.

Desired Outcome

Cancellation of service and release from contract without penalty.

GHS Interactive Security Response

October 16, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
***, prior to receiving this complaint we had assisted Ms. with closing her account and have released her from her agreement without penalty. Please advise if anything further is needed.


Customer Care
*** Security LLC
XXXXX *** Center *** D
949.231.5900 ex *** (office)

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Once I was able to speak with a decision making person, my concerns/issues were heard and resolved in a timely and favorable manner. I was pleased with how my situation was later handled but it should not have had to be escalated to that extent before someone took notice and contacted me. The customer service & tech staff still have a lot to be desired but the management staff was great.
Thank you

A hard hit credit check at Experian which generated an alert to my credit rating change. An account opened in my name without my knowledge, consent.
Credit alert notification on 10/3. Account opened on 10/2. Emailed "dispute" notification to company on 10/3. Alerted that my email was "deleted" without being read on 10/4. I did not give my personal information to company to open an account, nor did I sign any electronic signature or hard signature that I am responsible in any manner for the account creation.

Desired Outcome

Contact to Experian that the hard hit was an "unauthorized" inquiry by me and removal of the company from my credit report.

GHS Interactive Security Response

October 23, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
***, GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. Prior to receiving this complaint, on October 04, 2017, we had been contacted by Ms. in regards to the account that was put in her name. As a result of her contact we made contact with La Rue *** whom is Ms. husband, he had provided GHS Ms. Christians information to qualify account for alarm services. Mr. advised that he was not aware his wife would be upset by doing so.
We sincerely apologize for this confusion -we often work with husbands and wives who do authorize qualification on behalf of one another. After speaking with Ms. husband and receiving clarification, we have changed the alarm account into his name. Additionally we submitted credit inquire reversals to the credit bureau and advised this process can sometimes take up to 30 days.

If there are any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
*** ex 2396 (office)

The company sends sales people door to door. They quietly knock on the the door well after dark and act very shady. They have no id other than a GHS sign to try and identify who they are. Many neighbors suspect that the break ins in the area, may be committed by the group of people that are sneaking around the neighborhood in the dark working for an alarm company. Even though the company has been asked by several residents in the neighborhood to stop the door to door calling after dark, they ignore the request of the people that they are trying to sell their product to.

A sales person contacted my family about "upgrading" our existing security system as installed and monitored by Monitronics, which my 89 year old motherinlaw and my husband approved to do. Upon completion of the installation, the technician had my 89 year old motherinlaw sign a 3 year contract and write a check for the first month's monitoring service. I was on the phone with the technician and refused this 3 year contract over and over, to no avail. He got my 89 year old motherinlaw to sign. Next thing we know I have also received a charge on my credit card. Then, a couple of weeks after that, I found a new monitoring charge from Monitronics. Lo and behold, I cannot get anyone to return my calls. I did get in touch with the technician and he said there was a notice to make sure and cancel the old monitoring company on the back of a pamphlet he had left at the home. I work 400 miles out of town and do not get home often enough to have seen this pamphlet. By the way, my 89 year old motherinlaw lives in the house in a trust only. The title of the house is not in her name. If someone from GHS would bother to return my calls, they would find this out, but they do not return calls nor e-mails.

I feel my family has been victimized by this fraudulent activity. GHS personnel entered the house under false pretenses to upgrade a system when they never owned the existing equipment. They NEVER explained this to be anything other than an upgrade, with a request for an additional 3 year contract. I want my money back, I want my motherinlaw's money back and an apology for taking advantage of a little 89 year old lady.

I terminated my services with GHS Interactive Security in July of 2017. I was billed for August and September.
I terminated my services with GHS Interactive Security in July of 2017 due to relocation. The company took over a month to approve my contract termination, as they had entered me into a 36 month contract despite my never having signed a term contract with the company. During the month of review the company demanded prior to clearing my termination, it came to light that the GHS salesperson who sold me my system in October of 2016 was mishandling contracts, including mine, and apparently altered my contract record before submitting it to corporate for processing (ie he never entered a contract term and then wrote it in prior to submission). I was informed by the GHS rep. that this salesperson was not longer with the company. I submitted my carbon copy of my contract to GHS, who reviewed it and determined that I was not beholden to a contract term due to the aforementioned and cleared me to terminate services effective July 2017. I was assured that my client record would be closed. To this date, I have been billed for services for August and September ($34.99 each of these months taken directly from my checking account). I was on an autobill schedule when an active client with GHS where my monthly payment was taken directly from my checking account, and GHS apparently has retained my account information and is utilizing it to pull funds unauthorized from my account. I am not currently receiving services from GHS and did not authorize these charges as I terminated my services in July. I contacted GHS Corporate on 8/1/2017 to inquire about the charge from their company that was taken directly from my checking account. I was informed it was an error and that a refund check would be issued within 3-4 weeks. I never received this check. On 9/1/2017, GHS again pulled $34.99 from my checking account despite me having terminated services in July of 2017. I called GHS Corporate again to inquire about the 2nd unauthorized charge and having not received my refund check for the August unauthorized charge that had been promised. The representative apologized again and could not explain why my account had not been closed despite me having been promised that my account had been closed following my service termination in July. The representative promised me that a refund check would be issued for the $70 that had been basically stolen from me. I informed the representative that I did not have faith in receiving my money back as I still had not received any recourse for the August unauthorized charge. The representative promised me my client account was being closed. I am communicating with my bank to determine if this merchant can be blocked from pulling any further unauthorized funds from my account, but I am hoping for some recourse for the 2 months of payments they took from me for services that I had terminated. Thank you.

Desired Outcome

I would like the $70 in unauthorized charges this company has taken from me refunded immediately. This company has promised me a refund check but this has not materialized. I would also like confirmation that this company will close my file and no longer utilize my checking account and personal information for unauthorized charges for services I have terminated.

GHS Interactive Security Response

September 07, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #***
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
Sascha ***.
Ms. account is cancelled and we have confirmed that no further billing or auto drafts will occur. We have issued a refund to Ms. today in the amount of $69.98 on check #***. This refund should be received by her within 3-4 business days and covers the two months of billing she was mistakenly charged.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for the opportunity to train our staff.
Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
*** Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA ***
*** ex *** (office)

To: GHS Corporate
We already had an alarm system.
Happy with it. Paid $16.95 per month.
Because of thefts and break-ins in our neighborhood, felt we needed an enhanced security system (CAMERAS).
A neighbor two doors from us experienced home invasion and burglary on August 11, 2017.
We met *** when he came to our door and asked if we knew about the break in two doors down. He advised he was assisting the Dallas Police Department installing security for our neighbors. I explained to him our need for security cameras.
He told us GHS would pay any existing bills to our alarm company, Smith-Thompson.
*** outlined where cameras would be installed for maximum coverage. One camera - front. One camera backyard. One camera for the interior of the house. The monitor was to be placed in the study along with recording unit (DVR). *** told us that the cameras, monitor, and DVR were a separate company.
The installer (***) checked and confirmed the camera placement and the location of the monitor and DVR. *** told us it would take about three (3) hours for the installation..and "we would be seeing a lot of him the next few days".........
While the installer (***) was converting our existing system to the GHS, *** made the announcement "you like to save money don't you?" He then proceeded to present multiple "plan" options. He had so many that he seemed to become somewhat confused himself. He told us that if we put up front approximately $2000.00 cash we could reduce our monthly payment to only $36.00 (instead of $69.00).
In addition to three (3) cameras promised by *** we asked for a porch doorbell camera. *** said "I don't have that type of camera, but YOU COULD PAY EXTRA and it will be installed with the other cameras." I wrote *** a check for $149. He cashed the check...never returned.
My signature was made electronically on *** cell phone. I advised *** I did NOT want to make a 5 year contract, but would prefer a 3 year one.
I do not want to ever be in anything I can't make changes to for more than 3 years, I may not live that long - I am 73 years old.*** called their office and asked me to verbally advise them (no name given) of my preference. I was told it was recorded, and I was assured that they would specify this on my contract, and that it had been taken care of. I believed they had carried out my wishes, but upon receiving a copy of the contract via computer I saw that the term of the (now signed) contract was NOT changed to 3 years at all, but was left at 5 years.
We agreed to a PM installation of cameras performed by *** on Monday, July 31, 2017: Monday 7/31/17 Installation NO SHOW...NO CALL. I contacted *** he advised the installer (*** ) was called out of town for a family emergency.
*** rescheduled camera installation for the following Friday, August 4, 2017:Friday 8/4/17Installation NO SHOW....NO CALL.....I contacted *** he asked if the installer had contacted me. My answer, "NO HE DID NOT". *** advised that the installer (***) was still in Austin on the family emergency.
*** rescheduled again for the following Friday, August 11, 2017: Friday 8/11/17 installation. I contacted *** at 3:00 PM asking what time is the appointment?
He texted,"I'm headed your way in 1 hour".... NO SHOW.....NO CALL..
We did not hear from *** until the following Tuesday, August 15, 2017.I asked *** "are you being TRUTHFUL AND HONEST with us?" He answered, "...yes, sorry I couldn't come last Friday, I was helping my father with his chemo."
*** said he would come August 19 and install all the cameras....NO SHOW....NO CALL

Desired Outcome

Terminate the contract. Return our $149.00 for the porch camera.

GHS Interactive Security Response

August 30, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
*** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of
integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once
our investigation is complete.

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX *** Center *** Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
*** ex *** (office)

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Dear Ms.,

Good Morning....

You said, ......We know that once all your equipment is installed, you will love the service as much as we do! We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you for many years to come, we are here for you!

You were right.

We very much appreciate how our concern/ complaint was handled. Within hours you responded. Then shortly after that we met Josh Leitner. What a quality individual he is...!! Competent. Confident. Always in command. He's the kind who gets things done. And he did. We thoroughly enjoyed meeting Josh.

We already feel safer having the cameras. It's amazing the sense of well being knowing the "big eye" is watching 24-7. That's what we are paying for.....and worth every penny of it.

A BIG thanks to you, Jessy Josh Leitner.......***........GHS.......and the home office folks too.

................................Much Appreciated.......!!.


***.......................Nancy ***



Terrible customer service and horrendous at clear communication.
Product_Or_Service: Unused security system

Desired Outcome

Other (requires explanation) Not Entered

GHS Interactive Security Response

August 21, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
*** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of
integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once
our investigation is complete.

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX *** Center Lane, *** D
*** ex *** (office)

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I want my account closed and I do not want to have to pay the unwanted 1 year extension when I was very very clear I no longer wanted your service!

GHS Interactive Security Response

Document Attached***
Please see the attached.
Thank you

When we were signed up for the service by *** and *** they informed us that we would be able to cancel within 6 months
We are now trying to cancel and we are being told that we are stuck for another year and a half. Not only this but after informing the call center NOT to send anyone to our was disregarded and an HOUR later a police officer showed up.
Yes I understand that it was not on the contract that we would be able to cancel after the 6 months with no fee but what is is called is a scam!!! I will make sure to notify everyone I know NOT to go with this company....not only because it is pointless

Desired Outcome

Cancellation granted with no fee

GHS Interactive Security Response

August 17, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
*** Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
*** ex *** (office)

I was with Safeguard America Security with a sign in the yard since 2012. A salesman/technician from GHS came 11/8/2016 and said he needed to upgrade my current system and that his company was merging with my current company. Come to find out months later that was not true and I was paying two companies two fees. I have tried on many occasions to get GHS to cancel my service due to their rep not being truthful, but they give me the run around. I have filed a complaint with the attorney general as well. I will now work with my bank on stop payment with them since this has been going on for over nine months. I would like my money back from 11/8/2016 until stop payment occur and not have to deal with them or this mess again. We are going to send their equipment back within the week. Thank you for your time and assistance.

***. ***
Product_Or_Service: Security System
Account_Number: AAXXXXXX

Desired Outcome

Other (requires explanation) Money back and out of contract.

GHS Interactive Security Response

August 16, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS *** Security LLC
XXXXX Warner Center Lane, Ste D
949.231.5900 ex 2396 (office)

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
GHS has been asking me for a copy of my contract with Security Systems Inc, DBA Safeguard America. GHS wants to buy out my contract and give me a better rate. I do not want that. I want to stay with Safeguard America which I have been with since 2012. I have brought back GHS' equipment new so I just want to be done with GHS.

Thank you

GHS Interactive Security Response

Please see the attached response.

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did not send the original contract since GHS tells me they want to buy me out. I do not want to be bought out. I have looked at my contract with them and they did not check the boxes stating how long my contract is with them. I can send you a copy. I was always under the impression that GHS was taking over my old company Safeguard America. GHS has a recording of me confirming a change, it was only days after my husband died and must have not been explained to me in full that GHS was a different company from Safeguard America.

Fraudulent practices
I have been trying to cancel this service for 3 years. I have written letters of cancellation and sent thru the mail 3 times. GHS has "lost" all 3 letters. I have sent emails indicating to Ghs that my handwritten letter is in the mail. They have conveniently lost these and have been auto renewing with no notice. I have sent another letter via mail. I want this cancelled and they keep renewing. Also I only owe for the next 3 months and I want to pay this off. I owe $37 for 3 more months, which is $111. I said I will send them payment for 3 more months and that's all I owe. They want $245. I am a senior citizen and need help with these crooks.

Desired Outcome

Cancellation of service. And I want to pay off my contract of 3 more months @ 3 months times $37 which equals $111

GHS Interactive Security Response

Aug 17, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case # XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

We have reviewed the complaint filed by our valued customer Ms. and completed our investigation.

Since receiving this complaint, we've had the opportunity to discuss the concerns brought forward with Ms. and have reached a resolution.

Ms. requested cancellation of her GHS services and contacted our customer care to seek options available. Ms. was advised of her current contract obligation, our cancellation policy and balance owed to fulfill the remaining term. As an accommodation, GHS lowered Ms. monthly monitoring fee from $41.99 to $36.99 to alleviate Ms. financial obligation to remaining term. At this time, GHS had a shared understanding in Ms. certainty of terminating services once her initial 36 month term was fulfilled, considering a proper written notice of cancellation would be received by Ms. within 30 days of renewal date.

Our customer care received and processed Ms. notice of cancellation on Dec 12, of 2016. Ms. was later contacted by our collections department and was given an inaccurate contract balance; Ms. original cancellation request and rate reduction applied to renewal term was overlooked. We sincerely apologized to Ms. for this oversight and error. GHS acknowledges Ms. best efforts in providing proper notice of cancellation and has honored Ms. proposal to pay a closing balance of $111 to satisfy her initial 36 month term. Services are to continue at 236 Jubilee Way until Dec 21, 2017.

We value the trust our customers put in our home security system and would like to thank Ms. for her services.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
*** ex *** (office)

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Despite what they say, it is in fact a scam, any business that makes it impossible to cancel unwanted service is a scam. Like others here, we called to cancel service in March, GHS reminded us that our 36 month contract was up in July. Fine, it's July, we call to cancel and they say they needed a written/mailed cancellation notice by July 5th, so we are automatically renewed for another year. Nowhere do they tell you this, and there's nothing they can do (right). If they would only stop to consider that money may be tight right now and that we would most likely reactivate in the future. Instead, not only would we never use GHS again, we will make sure to tell everyone we know to steer clear. *Now cue the GHS rep to remind of us of the contract we signed and give us a lesson in business...

GHS Interactive Security Response

Thank you for forwarding this concern to us. We take this matter seriously and have investigated the claims put forth by our valued customer, Mr.

GHS Operates with a high degree of integrity. We pride ourselve on providing excellent customer service.

-On February 20, 2017 Mrs. called GHS requesting to cancel services. At that time, Mrs. was informed of the 3 year contract entered into on August 4, 2014.
-Mrs. was further informed that her contract would go into renewal in August 2017 unless written notification was received by GHS according to the terms of the contract. (recorded call available)
-Mrs. requested a copy of the contract be sent to her because she didn't remember the contract terms.
-This email was sent within 5 minutes of the call.
-Mrs. was upset during this call and requested information to reach a supervisor directly.
-This was provided to her. The supervisor called twice in an attempt to follow up with her on her concerns. A call was made on February 27, 2017 and another on March 06, 2017.
-Voicemails were left. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. called GHS back.
-GHS did not hear again from the *** until July 26, 2017 when they were informed their account was in auto-renewal due to the terms very clearly written on the front of the contract into which they enteredand which they were informed of in February verbally and via the emailed contract.

GHS has done all in our power to properly educate the *** on the terms of their agreement. They did not return phone calls they specifically requested.

-The *** were informed of the contract terms AND provided copies for their own review. It seems reasonable that they take responsibility for their own actions in this, also, as GHS has made every effort to assist them when they've requested it, within the terms to which we are both contractually bound.


GHS Interactive Security

This company requires customers to jump through hoops to cancel services. It is a scam to force you to pay for years of services you don't need.
Attempted to provide notice of cancellation over phone, was treated like garbage from the get go because I objected to being required to write a letter. It is clear from other reviews AND my previous phone call with their customer service people that a phone call is sufficient to cancel services, but they insisted I send a letter in the mail (it is 2017!). "Ed" refused to provide me a copy of my contract until I requested one in writing via email. He also refused to provide an account number and one was not available on the website.

Desired Outcome

I want my account cancelled immediately.

GHS Interactive Security Response

Contact Name and Title: Alex Montenero
Contact Phone: 949.231.5900 ex 2274
Contact Email: ***
July 26, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case # XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
*** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of
integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once
our investigation is complete.

Alex Montenero
Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
949.231.5900 ex 2274 (office)

See Attached

Desired Outcome

See Attached

GHS Interactive Security Response

Contact Name and Title: Alex ***
Contact Phone: 949.231.5900 ex 2274
Contact Email: ***
July 26, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
*** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of
integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once
our investigation is complete.

Alex ***
Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
949.231.5900 ex 2274 (office)

GHS misinformed customer with contract end date when called to cancel service and now charging $1057.77 for remainder due of supposed renewed contract
On May 18, 2017 a phone call was placed to GHS to obtain the end date of the service contract for cancellation of services as we were contemplating switching to a new provider. The customer service agent said that our contract was due to expire 09/21/2017. We agreed to pay the remaining months as there were only 4 months remaining and proceeded to make the switch to the new provider. We wrote and mailed a cancellation letter to GHS per the customer service rep's request along with a check for the remaining amount due on the contract per the GHS customer service agent. On June 30th we received a phone call, stating that we had a contract that was signed 6/9/2017 for an additional 3 years service, expiring June 2019, $1057.77 being owed. We let them know that we did not recall signing a new contract so we asked for a copy of the contract. The copy of the contract was emailed on 7/3/2017. Contract apparently was digitally signed and have no record of it being received or sent by our email logs. We called GHS after the email was received and stated that we did not feel we should be responsible in paying the amount on the contract as that was not disclosed to us on the day we called. The customer service agent agreed that it was an error on their part and that their employee had been reprimanded, but that we still owed money due to the contract. We feel that we are not responsible for the organization's error and should not be asked to pay for their error. When questioning GHS about the contract, we have asked for email logs of the transactions that would confirm the signatures and contract receipt as we do not have any records indicating that a new contract was signed, nor did we ever receive a Notice of Cancellation mailed or emailed to our home. We have provided an ID for verification of whether the signature on the contract is ours. At this moment in time the Customer Service at GHS is unwilling to release us out of our contract. We would not have cancelled and switched to a new provider had we been given the accurate data provided to us from the beginning. We are also questioning the validity of the contract signed on 6/9/2016.

Desired Outcome

We are asking that GHS make right on their part by releasing us from the contract per the conversation that was had on May 18th, 2017 and that the $1057.77 be voided, as it was not our fault that incorrect information was given to us and we should not be penalized for the company's mistake. We would not have cancelled our service and made the switch to a new provider had we been given accurate information.

GHS Interactive Security Response

Contact Name and Title: Alex Montenero
Contact Phone: 949.231.5900 ex 2274
Contact Email: ***
July 26, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
*** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of
integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once
our investigation is complete.

Alex Montenero
Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
949.231.5900 ex 2274 (office)

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I want a resolution to this complaint.
They are still taking money out of my checking account even though they've paid until September.

GHS Interactive Security Response

Aug 14, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

We have reviewed the complaint filed by our valued customer, Mr. and have completed our investigation of events recorded.

GHS Interactive Security, LLC. operates with a high degree of integrity and we take this matter very seriously.

According to our call records, we show that on June 08, of 2016, Mr. was contacted by our customer service department proposing an offer to renew Mr. contract term. Mr. was accepting of the offer and elected to renew his 36 month term to secure his monthly rate. With Mr. permission, we sent an electronic contract, via DocuSign, to the email address provided by Mr. (***

GHS heard nothing further from Mr. until May 18, 2017 when he called requesting to cancel his services; this was approximately 11 months after Mr. entered into a new 36 month agreement with GHS. Mr. was provided an incorrect date for the end of his contract term during this phone call. We sincerely apologize for this error on the part of our customer service representative. We did advise Mr. of this error on June 30, 2017 - unfortunately, this does not negate the signed 36month contract completed by Mr. on June 09, 2016.

Mr. understood what he was agreeing to prior to his acceptance of signing a new 36month termwe have recorded calls and written documentation that demonstrates this. We have taken the necessary steps to provide Mr. evidence that verifies the validity of the document he claims to be false. In addition to providing a copy of the document, Mr. was provided the DocuSign Certificate of Completion which shows electronic signing events and GPS record tracking for each signer, verifying document was viewed and signed from two separate Web IP addresses, linked to individual emails.

Although we do not wish to lose Mr. as a valued customer, we will honor Mr. request to cancel the agreement which we are mutual bound with the condition that he pay the 24 months owed on his 36 month contract. Once these monies are received in full, GHS will consider the contract to be satisfied.

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX *** Center *** Ste D
949.231.5900 ex 2274 (office)

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
We understand that we are not entitled to recorded phone calls without a subpoena, therefore we cannot confirm or deny anything that was said or done by phone, however we have asked for the emails that were sent in June 2016 being questioned, however we've only received the one email with the DocuSign document. We had never received the renewal and asked when that was sent or emailed to us initially. We only received the contract in July of this year. When we called, it was not to cancel, but to see how long the contract was for so that if we wanted to move elsewhere, we knew how long we had before we could change companies. Based on inaccurate information given to us by GHS as stated in the response by GHS, we moved forward with changing companies and only paying the 4 months as directed by GHS. We are still currently being charged for GHS services and a check had been sent in as well for payment through September as requested by GHS. Unfortunately GHS's error will cause a financial hardship on our household. We ask again based on good faith efforts to resolve this matter, for GHS to release us from our contract due to their error with no additional monies owed or pay for our cancellation fees of our new alarm service provider of which we would not have contracted based on the incorrect information. Unfortunately an apology does not make an error of over $1000 go away. Our household works for service providers and when we make a mistake, our company makes sure that customers are not penalized for it.
Best Regards

This monitoring service is horrible. It randomly goes off so much we just turn it off. If someone actually broke in we'd be DEAD!
I have contacted them multiple times for equipment randomly going off. Last time they came out and said it was fixed, it wasn't. then they came out and charged me for a part which they should have covered. I did get my money back but the other night we were again awakened at 3am to an alarm for no reason. They were supposed to contact me to fix it but haven't yet and I'm just tired of dealing with them. I want OUT of my contract!! We no longer believe it's ever an alarm and just trained ourselves to turn it off instead of grabbing a gun and investigating like we should be doing.

Desired Outcome

I would like a discount for this OVERPRICED service that doesn't work! And I would like to be released from contract so that when i move I do not have to continue with them.

GHS Interactive Security Response

Aug 7, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
*** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of
integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once
our investigation is complete.

Customer Care

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I cannot accept a decision as one has not been presented. I do need to add that I'm currently moving and have contacted them as to the next move. Their only options are to transfer my contract to the new owner or RIP the monitor off the wall and take it with me. The other option is to buy out of my contract for $514.68. This is unreasonable because I cannot keep their service. I tried to explain that I would be willing to finish paying for equipment but since I CANNOT take it with me I would not pay for monthly monitoring. They are NOT helpful at all.

GHS Interactive Security Response

Aug 18, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case # XXXXXX

To whom it may concern:

Thank you for forwarding us this complaint from our valued customer, ***. We take this matter very seriously and have completed our investigation. We've had the opportunity to discuss the concerns brought forward with *** and have reached a resolution.

GHS Interactive Security, LLC operates with a high degree of integrity. It is important that GHS provide clarification and proper explanation of the events *** portrayed. All GHS installed equipment has a manufacturer's warranty against defects. If equipment GHS sells and installs is defective, GHS provides service or replacement at no equipment cost to our valued customers.

There is no warranty for equipment not sold and installed by GHS. GHS does not have the ability to know the age of equipment installed by another company nor can we verify it is in proper working order, as our technicians are trained on the GHS Authorized equipment product line and not every product line in the industry. Additionally, GHS does not charge our standard $35 trip fee for the first 90 days after installation of GHS equipment. This is to allow our customers an adjustment period to learn to use the alarm and also to account for any potential manufacturing defects in equipment that may come to light.
GHS installed an alarm system in *** home September 22, 2015. After a careful review of *** system event history, reported alarms, and account notes, GHS can confirm that we worked diligently to resolve and reconcile each complaint regarding system complications as they were brought to our attention - we have recorded calls and written notes demonstrating this.
Account records show that on Jan 22, 2016 *** contacted our customer care requesting technical support to service a sensor located on her garage door that wasn't responding or receiving signal. A service appointment was scheduled the very same day to have tech assess equipment onsite and we waived the trip fee as a courtesy. During that visit, our technician noted that the problematic sensor was not sold or installed by GHS - however, at ***' request, our tech successfully integrated this non-GHS sensor with the alarm system as Zone 9. This was our effort to assist the customer to avoid the unexpected expense of purchasing a new sensor.

*** again contacted our customer care on Jan 04, 2017 requesting technical support to address a series of false alarms recorded on Jan 01, 2017, Jan 02, 2017, Dec 31, 2016 and Aug 25, 2016 for her garage door sensor, zone #9. GHS again dispatched a tech the same day to assess equipment onsite and we again waived the trip charge as a courtesy. Our technician again noted this sensor as non-GHS equipment, yet, tech did his best to fix sensor and a system test showed the sensor to be functioning and successfully communicating with the rest of the system at that time.

*** called back on Jan 13, 2017 to report ongoing false activations for the garage sensor our tech recently serviced. A return service trip was immediately scheduled to replace sensor. GHS had already gone above and beyond to assist with equipment neither sold nor installed by our company. At this time, *** was charged an equipment replacement fee because the defective equipment and false alarm events recorded were linked to equipment neither sold nor installed by GHS and, therefore, did not fall under our GHS warranty. (GHS later refunded this money as an appeasement to *** due to a tech missing an appointment because of illness.)

GHS has invested a significant amount of money to add *** as a valued customer. If ***' contract with GHS is canceled, we will not only lose the investment of labor cost, sales commissions and the updated security alarm panel, cell module but also the ability to recoup our investment through *** monthly payments over the remaining term of her agreement @$39.99 per month. Although we do not wish to lose *** as a valued customer, we will honor her request to cancel the agreement to which we are mutually bound with the condition that she pay the remaining 12 months owed on her initial 36-month contract.

As an appeasement and consideration of ***' circumstances, GHS has offered *** two settlement offers: *** may propose a contract transfer of liability to the potential new home buyers of her current residence and in turn, GHS will replace (2) additional non-GHS sensors with (2) warrantied GHS sensors at no cost or *** can cancel the agreement at a 20% discount of the remaining balance owed; which would conclude a total of $412.68. If *** would like to proceed with cancellation, please let us know and we will send her a final statement to close out her account.

We feel all of our efforts clearly demonstrate that GHS has operated in good faith to address each concern from *** as it has come to our attention. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Customer Care
*** Security LLC

Customer Response • May 30, 2018

Not upholding their end of contract and won't let me out.
I have had a contract with this company for several years. I am 4 months from that ending. I have had them out several times for issues with the system. It has almost NEVER worked properly. They have come out and fixed different issues but it still randomly goes off so much that we cannot use it and even when it does go off we do NOT think it is an actual emergency because it has happened so much! It's usesless. We have stopped using it since the last alarm(late april I believe) and I would like my last months bill refunded and would like to be released from my contract. I have contacted them twice and they will not call me back.

I signed an initial contract with GHS and tried to cancel the contract 6 months before the term ended. I was happy to go to the end of my contract and allow the contract to be terminated. When I called again near the end of the contract to make sure that it would still be terminated. They informed only at that time that I would have to send in a termination letter. I sent in the letter and they said I did not send it in soon enough. They are demanding I know pay them off. I have tried to call in and their customer service begins yelling and telling me that I don't know what a contract is. I have never called into a customer service department and tried to talk to someone and had them yell at me. This is disgusting that the puts an A+ rating on this company.
Product_Or_Service: Secutiy monitoring

Desired Outcome

Other (requires explanation) Termination of contract as requested and not have me pay them off.

GHS Interactive Security Response

Contact Name and Title: Alex ***
Contact Phone: *** ex 2274
Contact Email: ***
July 20, 2017
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
*** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of
integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once
our investigation is complete.

Alex ***
Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
*** ex 2274 (office)

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Address: 21031 Warner Center Ln STE D, Woodland Hills, California, United States, 91367-6577


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