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GHS Interactive Security

21031 Warner Center Ln STE D, Woodland Hills, California, United States, 91367-6577

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GHS Interactive Security Reviews (%countItem)

Unclear cancellation policy, no copy of contract given. Multiple attempts to reach them and no return calls given.
I called at the beginning of June to inform them I had sold my house and was moving. I wanted service transferred to my new home. I was instructed to leave a message and they would call me back. A week later I had not heard from them so I called again and left another message. Another week goes by and I called again and no return call again. Finally on the 4th try I got a live person. I had already moved and was frustrated with the lack of customer service so I wanted to cancel service. She informed me I had to write a letter and that I had to pay the remainder of my contract which was 2 months. I wasn't happy about that but if that's what I had to do to drop this terrible company I would pay it. A week later I get a call from a supervisor that I was misinformed and that I had 2 years left on my contract not 2 months. Funny how after I tell them I want to cancel that the contract magically extended to 2 years. now they want the buyers to let them in to retrieve the equipment. They had the opportunity to do this PRIOR to my move when I called the first 3 times. I find it a dishonest business practice to do what they apparently do to all their customers. I have no copy of my contract because I was never given one and there isn't one on their website. I refuse to be held to some contract that I was never given in the first place.

Desired Outcome

Terminate the contract with no payment due.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jul 18, 2018

July 13, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care

Customer Response • Aug 07, 2018

Not sure why this complaint was closed since I haven't heard from this company at all. Not a letter, not a phone call, nothing. They are failing yet again to address this situation. All the while I'm being charged $56.99 a month for no service! Please reopen this case and this has not been resolved.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Aug 13, 2018

Please see attached.

Was given false information and wants out of contract with GHS Security.
On November 12th of 2017 a representative of GHS Security came to ***'s house to sell a Security system. *** told them he already had a contract with Safe Security and the representative said no problem we will buy them out and he would send a cancellation letter to Safe Security. *** the representative wrote the letter and said he would email it to Safe Security. *** agreed, however was still getting billed for Safe Security and now GHS Security System. ***, ***'s daughter, spoke to GHS Safe Security and was told he had agreed and they had fulfilled their agreement and if he did not pay for his 5 year contract it would go against his credit. *** is a senior citizen of 84 years old, with little hearing on social security and does not need two security systems.

Desired Outcome

Cancellation of contract with GHS Safe Security and to not go against his credit.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jul 05, 2018

Thursday, July 05, 2018

Re: Response to Complaint ID XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC

Customer Response • Jul 13, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Look forward to resolving this issue quickly so that my father, ***, will not be charged any more payments and any accrued charges will not affect his credit.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jul 26, 2018

Please see the attached.

Awful experience with this company. Went through the full contract with them- never actually needed them. When I tried to cancel a year ago they instruct that cancellation must be mailed and would not accept my verbal cancellation... I understand all that except that once I submitted the letter they had renewed the "contract" and refused to cancel without me paying the full 1 year contract. Here I am once again this year ... I sent them the letter with plenty of time in advance. They are once again saying they cant find the letter (they can say that they havent received my letter every time I send it) and refuse to cancel the new contract unless I pay them in full.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Sep 28, 2018

Thank you for bringing your account to our attention. We have reviewed your concerns and have attempted to contact you. We have accepted your cancellation request, we apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding. Your account is now cancelled and services will be terminated. Please contact customer service at XXX-XXX-XXXX if you have any questions.

Customer Service is awful; they appear to be very hands-on when you take their system but once you get it you are in for a rude awakening.
I gave 2 referrals for a new install and no one called either of the referrals back; I called in and everyone I spoke with regarding this matter was very short.

There is so much competitions out there I would seek other companies; customer service means a lot to me and I went all the way to management level and was treated poorly as an existing customer.

GHS is trying to tell me that I renewed my contract. I specifically remember them asking and I declined.
A technical came out to my house from GHS sometime last year and fixed my system. They tried to renew my contract and I specifically told them no. That was not something that I was interested in. Now here I am cancelling and they are telling me that I renewed it. That is not going to fly. I am not going to allow some alarm company take me and pull this quick one. All they had me do was tap for a name on an iPad from what I was told was to sign for the service. No where did I see that I was renewing anything because that is what I told your rep. I will not stand for this and I need some help or I will take further actions to get this taken care of.

Desired Outcome

cance, dancel, cancel. I am not going to allow myself to be taken by some shady sales representative. I was clear when the tech was at my house and we are having this cancelled one way or another.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jun 01, 2018

June 1, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
*** ex *** (office)

Despite an A+ rating, I'm not at all surprised to see a 67% negative review with this company and 120 total customer complaints. Call center individuals were very polite and worked to try and resolve my dilemma at their authority level. I had to speak to an administrator to work on my simple issue, and apparently there was only one person in the building that could work on my account. The lady's name is Anisa, and she had 3 days to at least grant me the courtesy of returning my call. No attempt has been made to resolve my issue, and I have been told 5 times that I will get a call back. This, however, has been far from the truth.
On my most recent attempt at reaching Anisa, I finally was able to speak to her on the phone for a couple of minutes after she made it clear to me that she "had to walk out of a meeting" (basically telling me I interrupted her meeting). When she answered, she was stand-off and had a very rude attitude about her. She made no effort to show me customer service and insisted again that I would receive a call back later in the day. This is the same line she has told me for the last 3 days, and I could see that this is probably another lie. I said I would be counting on her call back.
As predicted, I have yet to hear back from her. Unfortunately, this has not been an enjoyable experience with this company and I will not be recommending them or using them in the future. The security system has worked well for me over the last year, but employees like Anisa ruin the experience for the customer and ultimately can jeopardize a company's reputation.

GHS Interactive Security Response • May 25, 2018

Mr. Radezky,
We are sorry to hear that you had a bad experience. We pride our selves in offering excellent customer service and we take your concern seriously. We will review the calls and interaction you had with Aniza to determine if disciplinary actions need to be taken.
We value you your business and look forward to assisting you.

We have been attempting to reach you to resolve your account issue and are not able to leave messages. .
Please contact customer at XXX-XXX-XXXX and we would be happy to get your matter resolved.


GHS Interactive Security

Good morning,I am a customer of GHS Security for the last 3 years. I already paid off all the equipment installed in my property, so now I only have my monthly payment.In November last 2017, I received a phone call from the technician *** (XXX-XXX-XXXX), telling me that they have to come to my property to check the equipment and replace the batteries on the sensors. This is a service from the company to his customers. So I agreed and setup and appointment. At the end of his service, the technician gave me his tablet and told me is I can sign his work order as a proof of what he completed. I signed.Two weeks ago I sold my property, and when I called GHS to find out which are the setup to request the cancellation of the service, SURPRISE!!!! Customer service first told me that my original contract due until June, but the they transfer me to the Cancellation Department, and the gentleman, is telling me that in November last year I signed a renewal for 3 more years contract, which I never did or were ask for.The only solution of this company is that I have to keep paying the monthly fee for the next 3 years or pay the full amount.I understand that most of the companies charge a fee for break contracts, but this is to much. First of all, they trick their customer with this dishonest practice renewing contracts. How come I will have to pay for 3 more years for a service that I am not going to receive and beside that I already paid off for all the devices installed in my property at the beginning.If I where ask if I would like to renew the contract, I would answer NO. I will prefer to have it month a month.Thank you.
Product_Or_Service: Security system

Desired Outcome

Other (requires explanation) I would like to cancel the service because I am not going to used it any more. And I have to pay a fee for a cancellation have to be for the time that my contract due in June. The renewal part, was not properly disclose by the Technician at the time that he made me sign his work order. Thank you.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jun 06, 2018

June 06, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We take this matter very seriously and have conducted a thorough investigation. We have contacted Mr. and after speaking to him feel that the representative that serviced his account misrepresented himself and our company.
We do apologize to Mr. for the misrepresentation that occurred. We do not condone this type of behavior and we operate with a high degree of integrity and strive to maintain customer service relations.
We have agreed to release Mr. from the Re-Sign obligation and have scheduled his account for disconnect on July 01, 2018. We thank you for your assistance in this matter and we welcome Mr. Castro to contact us when he does find a new home to assist him with his security needs.


GHS Interactive Security LLC
*** Suite ***
Office: XXX-XXX-XXXX ***
Email: ***

Customer Response • Jun 15, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I receive a phone call from ***, how explained to me regarding which would be the correct steps when a customer request the cancellation of the service. She also was very surprise when I told her how the technician got my signature, also surprise for the way that the specialist handle the situation.
I am glad she took the time to review my case and took action on this.
She apologize for the way a was treated and that was not the policy of the company.
I am glad *** took care of my account, remove the penalties and fees and definitely I will think of them for my next property knowing that is there is a problem there are people like *** who is willing to take care of their customers.
Thank you.

I was sold the system in Jan 2017, it was a neighborhood push, going door to door. I explained that we would be moving out of state in about 1 year, the sales person told me that if I moved and could not use the system, that I could return the system, and pay a nominal separation fee for ending the contract early. Being that I wanted a security system for my home, I did agree and took the system, well shame on me. I did not read the contract in full. You have to pay the full contract, no matter how long you have the service or the system. Buyer beware of GHS high pressure sales and dishonest field managers and sales staff, read your contract fully, DO NOT TRUST anything they tell you, only trust the contract. Shame on me; however, I still feel it is prudent to warn buyers to be careful. GHS also wanted me to pay the full contract, even though I was not going to be provided any service for the remaining portion of that contract. Basically they wanted all the money with no service. Also, make sure you are aware that they require a certified letter at least 30 days in advance of your contract expiration or they will auto renew for 1 year and you are liable for that year, even if you miss it by a day. The devil is in the details, so be careful, read everything. I am now paying a monthly payment for a security system that is not in service and not connected. Again, shame on me.

GHS Interactive Security Response • May 11, 2018

We try our best to educate our customers about the services that are being provided to them and the terms of those services prior to their installation. We are not present at the time of the sale and therefore rely on our customers to communicate with us anything they discussed outside of the agreement. It looks like prior to your account being installed we completed a confirmation call with you, in this call we explained to you that you were signing a 36 month agreement, we also asked you if there was anything else promised to you by your representative that we did not discuss with you in this call. You indicated that there was not and the call was completed.
After receiving your cancellation request we educated you on the cancellation procedures. We do not require a certified letter to cancel services. We do however require you send your cancellation notice in writing to our corporate office postmarked at least 30 days prior to your renewal date. If customers are concerned about the cancellation letter being received we do welcome them to send their notice via certified mail to ensure receipt by us.
We have offered to move your system to your new home at no cost to you and we have also offered you a 10% discount for early termination. We do hope that you will re-consider your system move and remain a valued GHS customer. If there is anything that we can do for you please contact customer service at XXX-XXX-XXXX.


Customer Care

Customer Response • May 14, 2018

Yes, we did speak at the time of the initial transaction; however, again, "shame on me" for not clarifying with "you" that there was no early termination without paying for the full contract. And, yes you offered 10% discount if I paid the contract in full, but again, paying a company 90% of a remaining contract for "no services" is not any real savings to the customer. The company gets 90% of the funds and provides nothing. And, in your response you left out that when I spoke with you that the home I purchased already had a full wireless system, and had a more "whole home coverage" that I would have to purchase for a considerable amount of money to keep your system. Again, a little misleading in your response as with your sales personnel being high pressure and misleading. Again, "shame on me" at the beginning for not fully reading the contract, and again "buyer beware" this company is not being fully forthcoming, and as with their response, which left out crucial details that favor them, not the customer, this is typical of what to expect, less then truthful service that only benefits the company not the customer.

GHS Interactive Security Response • May 14, 2018


Thank you for your further reply. GHS did not bring up the new home purchased because it was not a complaint cited in your review as part of your concern. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we do all in our power to assure our valued customers have all information necessary to make an informed decision when choosing to become a customer of GHS. This is specifically why we ask if there are any agreements made between the rep and you that are not documented prior to installing an alarm system in any home; we wish to address any potential miscommunications before it can become an issue.

As we informed you previously, we do can and will to take over existing systems and we can certainly add your new equipment to your GHS system and would be happy to do this for you at your request.

You may also provide your new alarm company with your final statement from GHS to see if they would be willing to help you with any of the remaining balance.

We have offered a courtesy 10% discount for early termination and although you are not currently using the system, GHS has incurred costs for monitoring and interactive services, equipment costs, advanced commissions, installation costs and future loss of revenue.

We hope that this better addresses your concerns. Should you wish to discuss moving your system or some alternative options please contact customer service at 855.447.4961 Monday-Saturday 8AM-8PM PST.

Customer Care

I was tricked into signing a another 36 month contract instead of a work order by *** GHS technician. Manager will not return my calls.
I had a sales rep come to my house and I signed up for a 36 mo. contract. My contract ended 04/2017. I recieved a phone call from a sales rep in Aug stating that my system was not working properly so they were going to send a tech out there to service my equipment. *** shows up and services my faulty equipment. It took him 2 days to complete the work. The final day out there he completed the work and told me to sign electronically the WORK ORDER he did. I reviewed the work order and the equipment he changed and signed. I sold my house december so when I called GHS to cancel they told me I was under contract for 36 mo. I told them I was already done with them. They said that I signed the contract with ***. *** never told me I was signing another 36 mo. If he did wouldve told me then I wouldve never signed because forst of all I was done with my contract and second I was in the process of selling the house so I did not have any need in signing with them again. THey sent someone out to get the equipment and I told him what I was going thru. he recommended to talk to a manager *** or ***) in which I contacted 13 times, left vm, and never once did he return my call. I call *** numerous times and he never responded to any of my call either. *** told me I was signing a work order for the work he did at my old house. Also he is a technician, not a sales man, so I wouldnt believe a tech wouldve tricked me into signing another contract.

Desired Outcome

I want out of the contract that i never wanted to sign up for. And i want a refund from the month of December 2017 thru May 2018 for service that i have been charged for that i wasnt using since i dont live at that house anymore

GHS Interactive Security Response • May 24, 2018

May 24, 2018 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have reviewed the concerns brought forward by Mr. and have confirmed receipt of his cancellation notice. We will honor his cancellation request and will release Mr. from his extension without penalty. His account will now be cancelled and no further billing or collections shall occur. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
*** ex *** (office)

After posting review yesterday, the company responded to our call telling us someone would be at our house today at 9:30. Bryan, the serviceman, arrived on time and made the necessary repairs and stayed to explain what to do if it happened again. He also walked us through the system and the screen menu and choices again. When he left, he made sure all our questions were answered. The only problem is that they sometimes take too long to respond to problems. However, Bryan C. Is very efficient and friendly when he comes.

GHS Interactive Security Response • May 07, 2018

We sincerely apologize for the past delays in assisting you with your concerns. We are pleased that everything has been resolved. Do not hesitate to reach out to us with further questions or concerns and we will do all we can to work with you to a timely resolution.

GHS has let us down twice on repairing our system. Once in early 2018, we went without service for one month and then the serviceman didn't complete the repairs. They replaced one battery when all should have been replaced because they all are going out now. One month ago we called again because it is not working again. We're still waiting. We have a contract but they don't hold up their end of the bargain. My next *** is to write a complaint. Next I want the system out of my house.

GHS Interactive Security Response • May 07, 2018

We sincerely apologize for the failures to meet expectations for our valued customers, the Boudreaux. We have scheduled someone to be in their home right away and we believe this has been completed satisfactorily. We thank the Boudreax for the opportunity to resolve this.

In the last five years of service, I've tried to cancel several times. Each time I call to cancel, they refuse to cancel. I'm tired of them.
I'm just a customer who wants to cancel the account. I've been a customer for over 4 years now, and each time I've called to cancel they refuse! The contract states that I can cancel my account after 24 months. The first time I've tried to cancel they told I was still under 24 months. So on the 36 month Tried to cancel my account again. They stated that the service account renewed automatically and that I couldn't cancel. I tried to cancel again on 4/27/2018 (49 month) and they again refused to cancel my service account. They said that, per contract the service account renews automatically each year. So if I miss the window of opportunity to cancel, then I have to wait another 12 months. The sales man of GHS told me verbally that it was easy to cancel whenever I wanted. In addition, the contract I signed says nothing on automatic renewal. It only states a 24 months service agreement. So in reality, the salesman lied to me, and the contract says nothing on automatic renewal. So basically, this company is holding a gun at me and steeling my money each month ($45.99). Please help me cancel my service account with GHS. They are holding me prisoner to their service. I have never missed a payment, as they withdraw the funds each month from my bank account automatically.

Desired Outcome

I want them to cancel my account as a basic right I have as a customer.

GHS Interactive Security Response • May 02, 2018

May 2, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
*** ex *** (office)

Thank you Ernie. I just love your customer service. It is so nice to have some one to lean on while trying to learn a new system. You are worth your weight in gold. We really appreciate you and your words of commitment. Being brought up as part of Disney service means so much to us. You really hit the goal which makes you a great trustworthy salesman. It isn't often that we come across someone we feel we can trust. You, come off as being a person who is believable and genuine. So glad we met you. We hope we can have the opportunity to help your business grow. You are the best as you claim to be. ***�

GHS Interactive Security Response • May 11, 2018

We appreciate your input on our Customer Service and our team members. Thank you for being a valued GHS customer!

I am a loyal customer of GHS business and home security. They are fast, efficient and their hardware and video apps are awesome. I can control my system from my phone, watch video on my phone. Tech guy Seth and head of sales Dave Olson are all you need. And monthly pricing is competitive. I highly recommend them for your home and business security needs.

It is rare today to be able to compliment customer service. I am extremely impressed with both of the "Daves" that installed my alarm. Having strangers in your home can be unsetteling but not in this case. Both went above everything they could do to be of help. Their professionalism should be highly commended! Thank you so much!

I cancelled my contract within the 3 business days. I have not received a refund of the initial payment and have had by bank account further debited.
I cancelled my contract within the 3 business days. They acknowledge receipt of the cancellation. I can't get an answer as to when I will get the refund of my initial payment, though the contract states it will re returned within 10 days of receipt of cancellation. Additionally, today 42 days after cancellation was received, my bank account was debited for another payment. I keep trying to talk to someone and I'm told I will be called back, but no one calls back.

Desired Outcome

I want my initial payment of $49.99 and the additional $49.99 that was illegally deducted from my bank account after the contract was cancelled. Total refund due is $99.98.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Apr 19, 2018

April 19, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have reviewed the concerns brought forward by Mr. and have confirmed receipt of his cancellation notice. His account has been cancelled and refund has been issued.
Unfortunately the proper cancellation procedures were not followed when his cancellation request was received by our Customer Service agent. We will be reviewing our cancellation procedures with our team members and management to better serve our future customers and we do apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr..


GHS Interactive Security LLC
Office: XXX-XXX-XXXX ***
Email: ***

Customer Response • May 23, 2018

I filed case XXXXXXX on 4-17-18. On X-XX-XX I was contacted by *** of GHS Interactive Security who apologized and stated I would receive a refund check within 7-10 business days. Case XXXXXX has been closed because of my non response. My non response was due to my waiting for the check that is "in the mail." It is now 11 business days that I have been waiting for that check. I managed to get my cancellation notice to GHS Interactive Security within the 3 business days specified in the contract. Why is it that they cannot get my refund to me in a timely manner.
Product_Or_Service: Home security service

GHS Interactive Security Response • May 24, 2018

Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX / Utah I XXXXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this additional information to us. We issued payment for refund to Mr. on May 04, 2018 and have confirmed with Mr. that payment was received by him on May 14, 2018. We do apologize for the unknown delay with his receiving this payment and hope that his concerns have now been addressed.
Please let us know if there are any further concerns in regards to his account.

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
*** ex *** (office)

See Attached

Desired Outcome

see Attached

GHS Interactive Security Response • Apr 19, 2018

April 19, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information from our valued customer ***. We take this matter seriously and have completed a thorough investigation. After reviewing MR. concerns and account history, we do see mistakes were made. We offer our sincere apologies for these mistakes. Given this, we feel it is best to honor Mr. request for cancellation. His account will be cancelled without penalty and we again apologize for the inconvenience he has experienced.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
*** ex 2396 (office)

I called before my contract to inform them I no longer wanted the service and they stated to me it would be cancelled.

When I contacted them I informed them that the alarm no longer worked and I wished to cancel. However I was charged through my bank once again even though I had contacted them. I called once again in February they told me that I could not cancelled over the phone that I needed to type something up and mail it in requesting to cancel. I wrote a letter seeking the cancellation and now I received a bill of 549.00 and until I pay that I would not be able to cancel. I was not informed that when I called to cancel. I don't think its fair for me to pay for something that is not being used and when previously had asked to cancel.

Desired Outcome

I would want my account to be cancelled and I dont want to pay for the bill being sent to me. Its stating not until I pay off completely I cannot cancel.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Apr 11, 2018

April 11, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX *** Center *** D
*** ex *** (office)

The company says I could cancel anytime. When I did cancel, I was not allowed to and have to wait until next year.
So on 01/30/15, I signed up with this security system thinking that it was a great investment. The salesman pushed me to sign up with them and I thought it was a good decision. Fast forward to a year later (XXXX) I tried to cancel and they told me I can not cancel under contract until the year after that (XXXX). I was told I can cancel anytime but they didn't tell me is that I have to pay the rest off regardless if I cancel mid year or the beginning of the year. You have to write them a letter AND verbally agree to cancel your contract making things a big hassle. I was on the phone WAITING for 45min to an hour just to speak to a representative about my situation.

Desired Outcome

Fix your contract to let customer cancel whenever they want to. Have a few if you have to but don't make them stay with your company until the contract renews.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Apr 18, 2018

April 18, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We take this matter very seriously and have conducted a thorough investigation. Our account review does show that although the ***'s expressed a desire to cancel at the end of their term in 2015 during a phone call, this request was not in accordance with the agreement by which both GHS and that ***'s are bound. In Section 3 of the agreement which *** signed with GHS on 01/29/2015 Section 3 it states that the term of the agreement is for 36 months and will continue for successive one year terms "unless cancelled by either party in writing at least 30 days prior to the end of the term."

GHS received no written requests to cancel and, therefore, the agreement renewed for a 1 year term, as per the agreed to terms and conditions. Despite the above, we will honor Mr. request to cancel his services without penalty. Effective April 29, 2018 GHS will no longer monitor or respond to any alarms or signals from the *** residence.

We hope this will satisfactorily resolve the concerns brought forward by the ***

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
*** ex *** (office)

Customer Response • Apr 23, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I accept the their response because it is fair to both parties. Although it's written on paper, GHS does not communicate with their customers to go over the contract thoroughly nor give them an update that the contract is going to be renewed. Regardless of who is right or wrong, customers are a key aspect to a business and I'm glad that the help got this situation fixed. Without them, I would still be paying for a useless service each month.


GHS Interactive Security Response • Apr 04, 2018

Thank you Ms. for your positive words. GHS prides itself on offering excellent customer service and we value you, our customer. Please know we are always here to assist and we enjoy having you as our customer!

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Address: 21031 Warner Center Ln STE D, Woodland Hills, California, United States, 91367-6577


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