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GHS Interactive Security

21031 Warner Center Ln STE D, Woodland Hills, California, United States, 91367-6577

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GHS Interactive Security Reviews (%countItem)

Whatever you do, DONT USE THIS COMPANY!! Horrible customers service, the contract I originally signed was for 2 years and then all of a sudden when I called to cancel because they couldnt get my billing information right and "collections" kept calling (which by the way is even worse) I was "signed" in for a 5 year contract. The replayed my conversation and my answers to the questions are super delayed. they are SCAMMERS. I had their customer service saying I needed to pay my bill when I had it automatically coming out of a bank account, not a debit card or credit card it was coming directly out my checking and they still managed to screw that up 4 times. Then I sold my house, they kept on telling me to get the new owners to buy out my system and when the new owners didn't want it they kept telling me I should have pushed it on them more. They packed up my system and then told my realtor that she needed to send it to me but when I called customer service they said the tech needed to keep it and send it off. my realtor and the tech went back and forth on it arguing about who was sending it. then a month or so passes *** and I never got my system, only to be called weeks later after calling them asking where my system was. argued with customer service that they didnt have it and it was my realtor responsibility to send it but there tech took it. then customer service calls me again saying that they had it at the phoenix store and were waiting on me to call them to get a shipping address (which I had given them 3 times). Customer service sucks but they sure as *** will keep taking money out for a system that they havent even installed into my new house. RUN AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY! there is a reason why you cant login into their site to check on your account. reporting to the!

I sent a hand written letter to GHS as they asked in order to cancel (not renew) their services.
I sent GHS a hand written letter as they requested in order to stop their auto renew on my account. I sent the letter via mail in March. In May when the year would have ended I noticed they did not charge my account leading me to believe they got my letter and had cancelled my service. In August I noticed they had restarted charging my account in June and that I had been charged in June, July and August. I immediately called and they told me they would stop the August payment and look into the matter. I never heard from them again and went to my Bank (Chase) to dispute the charges and stop future auto-payments from being drawn from my account. At this point I had informed GHS any further charges would be viewed as fraudulent. I have since continued to receive paper bills from GHS. I called GHS today (11-19-18) and was asked to send another hand written letter to their retention department. I have written the letter and will mail it out with the hope it will actually work this time but I am not optimistic.

My customer account number with GHS is ***. My address of service is ***.

All I am hoping for is for them to cancel the service (which they should never have auto renewed) I have been trying to close and erase the payments that should never have been sent.

Desired Outcome

I simply want them to close the account they should never have auto renewed as I tried to notify them via writing as they requested. I had tried to cancel their services prior via phone but was told it needed to be in writing. All I want is for them to close the account and not charge me for a service I did not want and had cancelled.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Dec 11, 2018

Attachment to follow

Customer Response • Dec 21, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
GHS got back to me and agreed to close my account and not charge me. The representative from GHS was kind and respectful and helped work toward the solution.

Do NOT believe what they say!!! System works once in a while. Tech's may or MOSTLY don't show up. Buy your own system from a NON security company!!!!!!! It costs a LOT less.

Awful experience with this company. Went through the full contract with them, never actually needed them. When I tried to cancel a month ago they instruct that cancellation must be mailed to them and that it should be sent certified in case it gets lost... This is all fine, all be it a bit of a hassle, but after sending the letter and calling to confirm they have entered it into the system, I'm told by the agent that they will cancel my service NEXT YEAR...! I asked if he said the wrong date by mistake and informed me that due to the contract I signed, that I didn't cancel with enough time before the end of the contract and that they renewed it automatically for A FULL YEAR!!! I was told by the person that sold me it that I could just cancel at the end of my contract with no issues. This also could have been mentioned when I called and talked to the FIRST person about cancelling my service, but no, they have me go through everything and leaving me in the dark.

Upon being told they will be charging me for a year, the rep tries to make it sounds like they are really doing me a favour by only re-upping me for 1 year instead of 3 or 5 like some of their competitors... I've had to deal with lies, deceit and outright thieving with this company because no one will tell you the truth and do anything and everything to get you to commit to a contract under false information. I don't want this service, they can come to take it from my house and I don't want to "Buy" out my contract which is literally the price of paying every month for the year of the contract!!!

I doubt this will do anything to help my current situation, but I hope this helps someone who decides to look more into this company before signing up with them.

I also don't know how this company has an "A+" rating... They must be paying a lot of people off to keep this rating. They should be stripped of the rating and the accreditation with over the horrible practices that they perform.

This company is ran so unprofessional and if I could give it 0 stars I would. I do not like to give bad reviews as I own a company as well and know how bad reviews can hurt a company and not everyone will have the same experience. However, I have tried and tried to communicate with this company over the past 3 years and have always had poor service, my service was never what it was promised upon signing up. When I finally waited for our contract to end and cancelled they say they never received my letter of cancelation and automatically renewed our contract and have been sending me bills each month while they have notes on my account about us canceling service once we reached our contract date and all my calls for repairs etc., I get a run around and no call backs from the people who are supposed to call me back. I just sent a 2nd cancelation letter as they said they HAD to have this in order to close out our account which I find is *** since they have my verbal more than a 12 times! I have a new company ADT who has been giving us service since May this year and we still get bills from GSH... I would not recommend this business to anyone and cannot believe how they argue with me to this day after all the times I have called in and they are noted.. Save your time and go someone else

fraudulent charges
Feb 2015 contract for alarm system which was determined no longer needed when we called to cancel they advised a letter to cancel needs to be received in order to cancel. confirmed today they received it but company refuses to cancel and still charging monthly stating cancellation notice was received after feb 2018 and company automatically renewed for another year as opposed to a monthly service as was stated by a customer service representative back in 2017 when we initially tried to cancel.

Desired Outcome

cancellation of services with no more incurring charges

GHS Interactive Security Response • Nov 01, 2018

November 1, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC

Customer Response • Nov 08, 2018

received letter from stating whether GHS response was satisfactory or not within 10days. I can not log on to so I am emailing that it is not satisfactory as there is no resolution. GHS has been vague and simply state they are currently investigating our complaint.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Nov 12, 2018

Please see the attached.

Customer Response • Dec 05, 2018

thank you! I have reviewed the company response and agree with the decision. I thank you for your assistance in reaching a fair resolution to this matter

They're saying I didn't cancel my contract in July which I did, and they've forced me into another year's contract
I called GHS in early June 2018 expressing my desire to cancel service. I was instructed to send a letter with my info and canx date. I did. I was charged for service for July 2018 but not for August or September. Now they've charged me for October. I called and they said because my contract wasn't closed by me (it was) I was automatically locked in without notice to another year's contract. I followed all of their directions, believed the account was closed due to not being charged for two months, and now I'm forced into another year with them.

Desired Outcome

I want my account terminated as of the date I requested and the last day I was charged, July 2018 and I want the automatic contract canceled and the charge to my account for $$51.99 returned to me, with no more payments. Failure to cancel my contract is with the company, not with me. I did what they directed me to do.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Oct 30, 2018

October 30, 2018
Re: Response to ***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

*** (office)

If there was a negative star I would use it X 100. Their sales people and installer LIE. I was told there was NO limit on the door bell camera, HA, there is a limit of 400 CLIPS per month!!!!! An active family will do that many in ONE WEEK easily. Customer support is USELESS, They do NOT answer 'ticket' items. When you call and wait forever for a person to answer, they LIE and do not do ANYTHING to help.

Signing the contract, is on a sales person TABLET, which means NO COPY for you. You are not told you can cancel the contract, because they do NOT give you a copy of the notice. When you can finally get your hands on a copy of the contract (which includes the 'notice of cancellation') it is way PAST the date you can cancel!!!!!!!!!!!

STAY AWAY FROM BOTH GHS AND ALARM.COM, GHS contracts with AND Rapid Response to provide service (such as it is).

trying to cancel for a year.
! I've been trying to cancel every since I've been out of contract but you have to speak to a certain person. It doesn't matter how many times you call and leave messages that person/group will NEVER call you back! I've even opened a ticket to no avail. The equipment has never worked. This has been going on for 3 years.

Desired Outcome

Cancel this service. I've not been under a contract for years but no matter how many times I say to cancel they keep deducting from my bank account.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Oct 17, 2018

October 17, 2018
Re: Response to ***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

GHS Interactive Security LLC

Signed contract with GHS on 10/12/2018 for $60 a month for 60 months. Voiced I wanted to cancel 10/13/2018, and it was never honored.
Rep *** came to my door 10/09/2018 preaching if he put a sign out front of my house I'd receive $*** worth of home security for free. Everything was installed and entered into a signed contract 10/12/2018. Little did I know while he had me digital signing, he backdated everything. I signed the contract on the 12th, but he had dated a lot for the 9th. Once I voiced to cancel I was told by him I was past my three day right to cancel. Even though under Home Solisitation Act "cancellation notice to the place of business by midnight of the third business day after you received a signed and dated copy of the contract. Under this Act, sellers may not restrict the forms of contact."

It was brushed off and I was told to pay in full. When I requested him to pick up the equipment he declined. I left messages for supervisors to call me back on 10/13. Never got a call back, Monday being the 15th of October, I finally had to call in to retention myself. At that point I was told the same thing, I could not cancel. Instead I'd have to pay in full. Once I complained about one of the big issues being they literally ripped my old security system out of the wall and cut all the wires. The customer service rep said he'll schedule an appointment for tomorrow to repair it, and retain my business. After telling him I did not want any of the reps at my house anymore. He said he's schedule the appointment anyways.

The original rep *** has completely stopped responding to me, and refused to disclose his public business location here in El Paso.

Desired Outcome

Refund in full, and exit from the contract per the Home Solisitation Act.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Oct 30, 2018

October 30, 2018
Re: Response to ***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
*** and while investigating the claim we received additional information from him that was not included in his original complaint. We have requested the supporting documentation from him and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.


I have had this service for 4 years and have never been late. I called to cancel the service as I am in need of lowering my financial obilgations. I was told I could not as I am under a contract for another 24 mos. I was not aware that I was under a contract as the alarm itself was paid off over a year ago. I was told that when the technician came out to check my service, I extended my contract. This was not the conversation I had with the technician. He assured me that I was not extending my service. I did sign a contract extension but as not aware that is what I was doing as it was not beneficial for me to do that as the alarm was paid off and I did not want to be under a contract. I tried to explain this to them but the representative was not trying to assist me. I asked to speak to a manager or supervisor and was told there was no one else to speak to. I asked the represented for his name and he would only give me his first name and said he couldn't give me his last name. My response was so you're telling me that I cant have your name or speak to a manager or supervisor. The representative stated no I couldn't and there was nothing he could do for me. All I got out of him was no you cant cancel and his first name of *** I am someone who pays my bills and have paid them on time, every time. I could have just not paid them but no I called them to cancel because I thought I could. To have a company you have had a business relationship for over 4 years with an exceptional payment history and wishes to cancel a service where the actual system is paid for and and I cannot and cant speak to anyone about it is a disservice to any consumer. Th fact that the service guy would come to my home and mislead me is a deceptive practice. Yes, I signed the paper but I was totally unaware that I was in a contract. Had I known, I would not have called to cancel knowing that im under contract. I am appalled at the deceptive practice and the disregard for me as a customer, I felt it necessary to file a complaint. My desired income is for my service to be canceled. Id like an apology for how I was handled but if I don't get an apology, my service being canceled is enough. I wish to have no further relationship with this company.
Product_Or_Service: alarm service

Desired Outcome

Other (requires explanation) First and foremost, Id like my service to be canceled and have no other dealings with this company. I have never experienced this type of disregard for a consumer in good standing for over 4 years. Id like an apology but if I don't get that, Im ok with the service being canceled.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Oct 30, 2018

October 30, 2018
Re: Response to ***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
*** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

GHS Interactive Security LLC
Woodland Hills, CA

GHS wont let us cancel our contract. We contacted them within the 3 day right of recision period and they will not honor it.
Very simple. On Saturday 9/23/18, a door to door representative from GHS came to our home and sold us an alarm system. The technician came within a few hours to install. Later that night we found a better deal and had their system taken out by another company. On Wednesday 10/3/18, the 3rd business day, we contacted GHS through phone, fax, and mail to cancel our agreement. The representative from GHS on the phone, ***, would not let us cancel the agreement, regardless of being within the 3 business days.

Desired Outcome

Have GHS cancel our contract.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Oct 19, 2018

GHS Interactive Security, LLC operates with a high degree of integrity. On October 3, 2018, a person identifying himself as *** called our customer service department requesting to cancel services. However, the person calling was not ***. Rather, it was a sales rep from another alarm company. In addition to his dishonesty, he seems to have misinformed the *** family. The three day right of cancellation form they signed (attached) clearly states that they must cancel before midnight on October 2, 2018 in writing in order to be released from the contract.

We have attempted multiple times to reach the *** family. They have not returned our calls.

Additionally, we have reached out to the legal department of Anthem Alarm, where this sales rep works and they are in the process of investigating his tactics in order to assure honesty in his dealings.

We would very much like to speak to the *** in order to understand his true intent and understanding of the contract obligation.


GHS Interactive Security, LLC

Customer Response • Oct 31, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Please let me clarify dates, I originally had alarm contract with "protection one"which in my mothers name, she is deceased but I continued to pay on acct, on 9/29/18, salesman from GHS sold us alarm system, they stated they would contact protection one to cancel services on my behalf and installed system, another salesman from Safe Home security came to door and spoke with my niece, they had a better offer for additional equipment, my niece contacted me by phone, I let her know we had just signed contract with GHS, safe home said we were within 3 day right of recession and they would take care of cancellation, I informed then that before any installation could begin, I needed confirmation in writing that GHS had been notified, they said they called, emailed and faxed them and proceeded to install new system. On Monday, the 1st, I received phone call from" Protection One" that they were not able to connect with my system, this is when I realized that GHS had not called them as told by consultant,
I immediately contacted GHS and asked them if they had notified protection one of cancellation, in which they replied yes, at the same time I asked them if they had been notified by "Safe Home" that contract had been cancelled, they said yes, but could not accept cancellation since it was not me, I then told them that I was cancelling contract and went with another company, this is when they told me that it was to late to cancel,so now it appears I have 3 alarm contracts, GHS never notified "protection one", "Safe Home" did notify Ghs, however,did not confirm cancellation, I myself contacted Ghs and was informed I was too late, which to late would be at midnight on 10/3 which is 3 business days, I have been put thru what appears to be scams run by salesman for alarm companies, they are not employees of the monitoring companies, so they will tell you what you want to hear in that they wil take care of everything and hope that nothing happens within the next 3 days so you are stuck with 3year contract, I will also be filing a complaint against "Safe home "security as they pulled the same tactic as ghs by saying they would take care of cancellation, I would just like for both "GHS" and "Safe Home" to pick up equipment and cancels contracts

GHS Interactive Security Response • Dec 13, 2018

Document Attached***

Complaint Response Date bumped because: Holiday

Dont use GHS to secure your home. Horrible customer service. My system has never worked right. I'm out 300$ due to false alarms. GHS said they would pay the last one of 100$ because we specifically told them not to call the police but they did anyways. But they never paid it. Now we are stuck for the rest of the next year paying for a system that we dont even use because we are tired of our alarm malfunctioning.

cancellation of contract
I called GHS several months ago to tell them that I will be cancelling my alarm service when the contact expires. I was told to call back in August to make sure that it gets cancelled.

I called GHS today to confirm cancellation. The rep *** said I was supposed to mail in a letter at least 30 days in advance of the end of the contract (9-4-18). I told him I was not informed of this when I called several months ago. It did not seem to matter to him. I am mailing out a letter today. 8-20-18.

Desired Outcome

I want to ensure the contract does not get renewed for a year.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Aug 24, 2018

August 24, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC

Customer Response • Oct 03, 2018

I emailed ***, but I still have not heard back from GHS. Here is the email I sent.

I am trying to find out why I am still being billed. I was dealing with *** and he promised to call me back on several occasions. Once I realized he was not going to call back, I started keeping track of the times I left messages for him to call ( 8/31, 9/4, 9/5).

I just received another bill, when my contract should have been cancelled. Please let me know what has to be done.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Oct 04, 2018

Thank you for forwarding to us, we request that *** view the attachment. We feel that all of his concerns have been addressed. Please feel free to reach out to us if anything further is needed.
Thank you

GHS refuses to cancel my account. Contract expired 07/2018.
I called GHS to cancel alarm services at *** XXXXX when I moved out of that property in December 2017. I was told I would have to pay for services thru July 2018 which was the date the 2 year contract would expire. I sent a letter in May of 2018 requesting cancellation, they claimed they never received it. I contacted them via telephone various times, they said cancellation requests must be in writing. Every time I call they send me to a rep named *** who refuses to let me speak to anyone else and he will not state his last name either. He says his name is *** at extension ***. On August 8th I sent a second letter requesting cancellation, which they received but now *** is stating my contract automatically renewed in July and I now have to buy myself out of the contract if I want o cancel. He is requesting that I pay an additional 2 years worth of services. This is unethical to say the least. I've repeatedly asked to cancel service both in writing and via phone, they have the calls recorded. Fees are $49.99 per month.

Desired Outcome

Cancel the account, stop charging me for services I am not receiving.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Aug 14, 2018

August 14, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by
*** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC

GHS Interactive Security Response • Aug 24, 2018

Document Attached***
Please see the attached.

The company is trying to tell me that I renewed my contract and that is not true.
This organization is completely crooked. They are trying to tell me that I renewed my contract with is a total and complete LIE. I did not sign anything and you can not renew an agreement over the phone for longer than one year. This company obviously does not know that state laws of Texas. On top of that, I did not re sign any agreement nor would I. I want everything with GHS terminated.

Desired Outcome

Stop anything involving GHS security. I will not be with their services any longer.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jul 23, 2018

July 23, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
*** ex *** (office)

My wife and I have repeatedly tried to cancel our GHS home security contract. We have made multiple calls, on multiple days, to GHS.
We've been repeatedly put on hold for 20-30 minutes, only to be disconnected. The three successful attempts to actually speak to GHS representives have not resulted in them closing our account. They've told us on two of the occasions that the request has been processed, and we'd receive an email confirmation on the following next buisness day. It has been almost two weeks since we began this run around with GHS, and still haven't received an email, confirmation, or closed account.
We have had our payments on the automatic bank withdraws for almost two and a half years. Due to GHS's questionable business practices, and their failure to honor our request to close the account, we've contacted our bank, paid a $30 fee, and placed a stop payment on GHS.
Please help us to get this issue resolved. We've tried to do everything possible, and been more than patient with this company. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,
*** &

Desired Outcome

We are requestinfg that GHS close our account immediately, and credit us the $30 fee we had to pay to our bank for the stop payment.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jul 20, 2018

July 20, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC

Customer Response • Jul 24, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The response from GHS is exactly the same run around we have been receiving from the first call made to their company. This should have been settled upon completion of the first call we made to cancel our service. Now after three calls to cancel, an open case with the, and a response from a customer service representative we are no closer to resolving a very simple request.
Per GHS policy as we were informed by the representative that started our contract, all that is required from us is ONE phone call to cancel the service. This situation has obviously gone far beyond that simple call.
We are again requesting that our contract be canceled, and our account closed immediately.
*** &

GHS Interactive Security Response • Aug 10, 2018

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We take this matter very seriously and have conducted a thorough investigation. *** signed a 36 month agreement with GHS on October 31, 2015, and the end of his initial term would be October 31, 2018.
***. *** called to cancel services on Saturday June 30, 2018. She was told that an account specialist would have to assist her with this request, ***. *** chose to call back on Monday to speak to a specialist.
On July 02, 2018 *** called to cancel services. An account specialist was not available to speak to him at the time of his call, he stated he would hold for 5 minutes and then would be cancelling his payments to GHS. After a few minutes *** was transferred to an account specialist's voicemail. He left a message requesting a call back within 15 minutes to cancel his account or he would be contacting his bank.
On July 05, 2018 *** called and spoke to an account specialist, the account specialist informed *** that he signed a contract on 10/31/2015 and that it would not end until 10/31/2018. He asked *** if he had switched companies and he replied that he had. Our representative asked him if his new company would be paying off the GHS agreement that way he is not paying for 2 different services, *** stated that he had switched alarm companies and he needed to know the final amount due so that he could have his new company buyout his GHS contract.
Our account specialist provided *** the address to mail his written notice to cancel the service and advised that it would need to be received by GHS no later than September 30.
Our account specialist provided *** with an approximate payoff for the remaining 4 months of services of $239.96 and advised him that we would email him a payoff calculation.

We have no earlier or prior requests for the ***'s to cancel. It is our position that the customers switched providers on June 19 of 2018 and did not call until after their new system was installed to cancel their services with GHS. Had they called prior to switching services they would have been given the same instructions as stated above and may have possibly chosen to move their new installation date to a future date or negotiate a buyout amount with their new provider.

The ***'s have approximately 3 months left to complete their contract with GHS at which time their account will be cancelled.

They lie, lie, lie. Starting with coming to my door last summer. They told me my security system I had was going out of business, and that they were buying it. So I did sign a contract which they said was 4 years. The only reason I have a security system was because we took care of my father in law who was 95. We were afraid he would get up in the middle of the night and road around. Well he is not longer with us a we can't afford the service since my father in law was paying for it. I call in February and explain to them my situation, and he said I can't cancel until June, and that I need to write a letter. So I did that and called to make sure they received the letter, in which they responded that they had. Well July came and a payment came out of my checking. I called and they told me a service account personnel would call me back. Well a week went by and no call. Called again today and finally got ahold of one. He said I can't cancel because of my contract. Why did they lie to me in February and said I could in June if a wrote a letter. Not happy with this company at all!!!!!!!!! Don't like people who lie!!!

Dishonest, lack of customer service, lack of communication.
If they can not provide me with all the equipment to protect my home, then I have the right to cancel without a penalty, they want me to obey contract but they are not loyal and dont keep their word in my case with moving and getting the proper and necessary equipment including *** that they should put in order to continue to service my contract and home security without me having to be charged for it or extending contract, when originally I was told that equipment is free with 3 year contract when I signed up and was also told that they would replace it if we ever moved at no cost.

Desired Outcome

No penalty to cancel or refund. Or install all the proper equipment including the 8 sensors for windows at no extra cost or without a new 3 year renewal, but after learning their dishonesty, misleading information and lack of customer service I rather go with another home security system company.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jul 17, 2018

July 17, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
*** Center *** D

Customer Response • Oct 03, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Before move out date of old address I called to let GHS know of the move so they can come out and transfer equipment, they failed, I was told that a representative would call me to schedule transfer, I called again over a course of a week or two and got same response that someone would call me to schedule transfer. It was out of my control, I had no fault in this as they did not promptly schedule date before turning in property. I had to give keys back to the property in *** which GHS knew of that date. By the time they called to shedule transfer I had no access to the home, so they could not transfer equipment. They suggested a new contract to get new a replacement equipment into new home, which it was unnecessary due to lack of customer service. This is where I refuse to do new contract, it is unnecessary, this was their fault and still want me to sign contract due to their lack of services and transfer, why should it cost me more money to replace "a new contract" equipment that GHS was responsible to transfer.

As a resolution I would like to have contract fee waived, and what they state in that letter it is false, they did not make an effort to contact me, as a matter of fact I attempted reaching out to *** and *** and was told by reps that they would contact me in a later time which they have not reached out and its been months, I have no missed calls or messages regarding GHS Trying to reach me. As for the statement they are making in the response it is also false, that they offered transfer account to landlord, because they didn't even give me a chance to transfer equipment before move out date how could this be a possibility while trying to transfer services or knowing they would transfer without Knowing that they would failed how would I plan on asking landlord if they wanted services transferred? Does not make sense at all. Also they are talking about that I have not returned calls or letters within 2 years, I moved out in June 2018 that is just about 4 months ago. their response is not valid, and believe that I should have cancellation fees waived because they failed me as a customer, to move equipment before move out date and then trying to say its my fault equipment was left in old address when they were the ones failed to remove and transfer in a timely manner.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Nov 16, 2018

Document Attached***
Please see attached.

They are scammers. They are claiming that I signed a 36 month extension on my contract. I did no such thing and they showed me the signature. It isn't mine! They will not let me out now and say I have to pay $1300 to be released from the contract extension that I NEVER AGREED TO. I am trying to get this resolved, hopefully soon. Please do not consider this company.

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Address: 21031 Warner Center Ln STE D, Woodland Hills, California, United States, 91367-6577


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