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GHS Interactive Security

21031 Warner Center Ln STE D, Woodland Hills, California, United States, 91367-6577

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GHS Interactive Security Reviews (%countItem)

We had no problem while we had GHS, but we switched companies because that way we were able to expand our system without extra charges. The new company reimbursed us for the short time left on our contract, and we paid off the contract in January. Then, April 8, we found that GHS had withdrawn from our bank account what had (until last December) been our monthly payment. I telephoned and had no difficulty getting a promise of a refund. However, the refund will take "7 to 10 business days," which I think is ridiculous. It doesn't take that long for a withdrawal from any source--a refund should be almost as fast.
Also, be warned--if you change companies, be sure to keep all paperwork related to the change indefinitely because you don't know whether the company might start withdrawals months again months afterward.

I am the daughter of *** and her active Power of Attorney. GHS agreed to end her contract and then did not end it and will not return calls
My mother, *** signed a contract with GHS in September 2017 under the impression she could cancel at any time. Although she signed the contract without my knowledge I did feel she *** have engaged a service that might be helpful. We then discovered it was a contract that was for 5 years. My mother is *** and unable to master the technology involved with the system. She has had to engage neighbors and a family member that lives 5 miles away to help her turn off the alarms that were triggered easily within her home. I called the company late in the year 2018 and was told if I acquired a letter from her doctor stating that she was unable to master the technology, they would consider it for canceling the contract. I did acquire the letter and forwarded it to GHS in January, 2019. I then followed up with another letter in February when I received no response from the company. I then called and worked over the phone with a woman named *** at ***. She agreed to end the contract and assured me that March of 2019 would be my mother's last monthly charge of $58.84 and that someone would contact my mother in order to remove the equipment from her home. My mother has received yet another charge of $58.84 in April and has not been contacted to have the equipment removed. *** at *** will not return my call. I am in the process of contacting GHS again.

Desired Outcome

At this point, the company can leave the equipment installed at my mother's home but all billing should stop. In truth, I think they should refund my mother three months of premium as we have been struggling to have this resolved since December 2018.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jun 24, 2019

GHS was made aware of the initial matter and it was address and resolved immediately. Additionally once we were made aware *** was charged, we issued a refund. I can confirm that the account is closed and no additional money is owed.

Thank you for your time.

My complaint is based on the fact GHS lies to people about renewing their agreement. Back in Feb 2016 I decided to use GHS solely on the recommendation of my father in law. Since the beginning I have had issues with GHS. Fast forward to April 2019 I am looking into cancelling GHS. I called the customer service department but was told my contract was renewed in November 2018. I knew this was heading the wrong way because I clearly remember the day in November. The purpose of the technician going into my home was to fix a window sensor. To my surprise they had tricked me (and others based what I am reading on into signing another 3 year commitment. I was later transferred to the "escalation cancellation department" I spoke to Juan which was the "manager." I explained to him the situation back into November but he advised me their was nothing he can do. I asked to speak with someone above him but he kept repeating he was the only person in charge of the "escalation department." He kept repeating if I wanted to cancel my contract I would have to pay $1500 out of pocket. Which is absurd! While on the phone with Juan, I decided to Google GHS reviews under the and to my surprise their are MULTIPLE people complaining about the same exact thing!. I advised and read some of the reviews to Juan and he told me these accusations are false. I asked him how so many people can have the same issue as myself. The reviews I read mention the exact same issue I am experiencing. While reading these reviews for a moment I thought I was reading my own review even though I have not written one yet!!!
GHS is tricking unsuspected people into signing another extension without disclosing. They trick you into checking the sensor, checking battery, doing a routine check but before you know it they have you locked into another 3 years. Something needs to be done. This is not the correct way into conducting business. if MULTIPLE people are sharing the same excat experience I am then it has to true.
What am I expecting from this; I would want out of my contract I was deceived into signing. I will be getting advise into a class action lawsuit.

We had Eric *** at our home this weekend. Being that he was an ex ADT veteran he was able to dissect our entire system and beyond our knowing we have been paying ADT for 8 years now for a security system that was sloppily sold to us. Eric pointed out the fact that ADT never installed any motion detectors in our home, and to our own ignorance we thought we were protected with only window sensors not realizing that if somebody breaks through the window and and hops in the alarm *** not go off without motion detectors. Eric stated that this is malpractice and is not even legal to install a system without AT LEAST ONE MOTION DETECTOR in the alarm industry and the sales representative from ADT did this to cut costs and increase their commission which makes sense. Eric also pointed out that 4 of my window sensors where not even functioning with dead batteries and ADT never even let me know! I now realize it's not about the alarm company but the representative assisting you in your home when it comes to securing your home and family properly. I most definitely recommend Eric Navarro as your personal security consultant. I am a pilot and I am away from my wife and kids 15 days out of the month. I now feel a lot better about leaving home Thank you Eric and your wonderful Tech John *** with GHS!

GHS Interactive Security Response • Mar 26, 2019

Thank you William

On behalf of the new management team at GHS we strive to continue to exceed your and all our customer's expectations

***, CFO

I sent a request in to cancel my contract that I signed in April of 2016 which was a 24mth contract. They will not let me cancel.
In April 2016 GHS I signed a 2 year agreement to have service with them and we are now moving and I no longer want to continue the service in our new home. I sent a Letter at the beginning of Feb along with calling them several times with no return call. Finally last week I got a call and I simply said that I sent a letter in to cancel my agreement that was Signed in 2016 as we are moving and the lady responded that I signed a new 3 year contract last year, In which I did not physically sign any contract to extend service for 3 more years. I stated that I wanted my service cancelled due to we are moving in April of this year, she said that I can buy my contract out. This is unfair practice as I'm sure they just automatically used my signature from 2016 to sign me up for another 3 years. And on top of that they didn't even install the equipment that is in the house they used equipment from my last home security provider and didn't even install the cameras they said they would. I would like my contract cancelled with no money due to the provider other than this months monitoring fee.

Desired Outcome

I want them to cancel my contract effective ASAP with the only monies due is this months current monitoring fee.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Mar 15, 2019

Please see the following attachments.

Customer Response • Mar 18, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is a blantant lie!!! When the service guy came to "complimentary check" our system and my wife signed the receipt acknowledging that he came to service the system not that we where signing a 3 YEAR contract! Who in their right mind would sign another contract for a system that was paid for years ago!!! I will contact a lawyer and handle this now as a legal matter.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Mar 08, 2020

Document Attached***


To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding us the complaint brought forth by our valued customer, ***. GHS Interactive Security, LLC completed a thorough audit and investigation of the claims outlined by *** and shortly after receiving 2nd response to complaint, GHS had the opportunity to speak with *** again and reached a collective resolution. GHS honored the buyout the cancellation of *** resign term. Billing ceased and account terminated as of May 24, 2019.

Please see confirmation email below:
Importance: High


In regards to the above matter all of your concerns have been addressed and reviewed. After further investigation your end of term date will be April 22nd 2019. After your final payment is complete, we'll close your account as paid in full.

During our phone conversation on 3/20/19 I confirmed this, and you agreed. We thank you for allowing GHS to service your protection needs, I'm glad we could reach this conclusion together- sorry it took the back and forth.

I believe once you respond to the that you're satisfied with the finding and outcome, we can have it removed and closed.

I've also included my personal cell phone number below.

If there is any way I can be of further assistance please let me know.

GHS Interactive Security, LLC

We apologize for lack of communication on our part as case status does not reflect the internal corrections GHS made at that time to resolve account concerns GHS Interactive Security, LLC. operates with a high degree of integrity. We regret the initial experience *** had with our company and apologize for any lack of communication on our part. We are a company that holds ourselves to a high degree of integrity and is steadily taking every opportunity to learn and adjust to the needs of our customers and improve in areas where customer care wasn't at our standard.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter, please let us know if we can be of further assistance.


Customer Response • Mar 09, 2020

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

GHS called to perform a routine maintenance check
(free of charge) when completed contractor asked for signature to verify that he completed his job
GHS called to schedule a routine maintenance check (free of charge) on our alarm system. Scheduled day for May 2018, when completed contractor asked for signature to verify that he completed his job and was present at scheduled time (May 2018). I signed the said form assured by contractor that it was just a verification form. Fast forward one year, I called company to see when original contract was up (I knew it was up in the coming months) was informed by representative, that answered the call, that I signed a 3 year extension that would expire in May 2021. Was informed by manager (Juan) that said form I signed verifying the contractor did his "job" was actually a 3 year extension of my contract. Manager (Juan) stated that it was my fault I signed an extension and I wouldn't be released of my contract because I should be reading what I sign.

Desired Outcome

I am seeking to be released from my contract. This company is not legit and this isn't the first time this company has done this to me, in regards to my contract.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Mar 20, 2019

March 20, 2019
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have reviewed the concerns brought forward by *** and have completed our investigation.
We have agreed to release Mr. from the extension agreement and will cancel his account at the end of his renewal term on May 22, 2018. After this date GHS will no longer monitor or respond to alarms.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please let us know if anything further is needed.


Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC

Customer Response • Mar 21, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

GHS does not honor their end of the terms of cancelling the contract. I submitted my letter to cancel my service 30 days in advance as required and
I first contacted GHS to cancel my service in August or September of 2018. At that time I was given all of the information that I needed in order to cancel my service. They informed me that I needed to physically mail in a letter requesting to cancel my service at least 30 days before my contract would auto renew on December 9th 2018. I thought that was odd that I had to physically mail a letter in but nothing I could do about that so I got the address that I needed to send the letter to. I got who I needed to attention it to. I included my acct id and I mailed the letter via certified mail as suggested by GHS. The letter went to *** Woodland Hills, CA 91367. Attn. Cancellations. Acct ID. I included in my letter all of this information stating that I was requesting to cancel my service. We mailed the letter with next day service on Nov 5th or 6th. I called twice around Nov 7th or 8th to check to make sure that my letter was received. I was told that they likely received it but it hasn't been processed yet. At that time I had no reason to suspect the company of being fraudulent so I took their word for it and expected the letter to be processed when they got to it. I was ensured by the Customer Reps at GHS that Dec 15th would be the last payment that I would have to make. I assumed that my 3yr contract had been fulfilled and that my service would terminate as agreed upon. However that turned out to not be the case. It wasn't until Feb 18 2019 that my wife noticed that payments were still being made to GHS. Now I'm very suspicious that this company is about to give me the runaround and it starts to make sense why they make customers physically mail in a letter to cancel the service. This is because they do what they did to me to everyone and say that they didn't get the letter. They took an additional January payment of $56.00 but we were able to put a stop payment on the February payment of $56.00 at a cost of $30.00 from my wife's bank. Now I'm $96.00 in the hole. Money that I know GHS will not reimburse. So I called GHS yesterday to see what was going on. I get the *** on the phone who is a Customer Care Rep who cant help me because I need to speak to someone in the Cancellations department who just so happened to be busy helping other Customers. She tells me that she can take my number and have someone to call me back. I tell her I will hold on the phone and wait for someone. She tells me that is not an option. I advise *** that I have been down this road with GHS before with them saying they will call me back and then never do. I keep *** on the phone hoping that someone frees up and I can speak with someone. I was able to get from *** that I had called before and spoke to *** in the Cancellations department but he wasnt in the office and she didnt know when he would be back in. I advised that I didnt need to speak to *** I just needed to speak to someone who could help me. I ended up agreeing to have someone call me back and they did. About an hour after I got off the phone with ***, *** "Supervisor on the Cancellations Team" called. I spoke with *** who informed me that they don't have my letter. I explained to *** that I called at least 3 times to make sure that they had my letter and that I was told they had it and that it just haven't been processed yet. *** had record that I called previously and could see that I spoke to *** but *** could do nothing for me. He told me that I needed to email him a copy of my tracking number from my certified letter. This was back in November and I don't have any idea where this confirmation number could be. The worst part of all of this is that this could end up effecting my credit. I have worked hard to make my payments on time for all my bills and my credit score reflects that. Now I have to deal with this shady company who is jeopardizing all that I have worked for. Please get the word out to stay away from this company.

Desired Outcome

I would like my contract to be cancelled as agreed upon by their terms and I want my January 2019 payment refunded along with my $30.00 bank fee for the stop payment. I would also like for this company to retract any negative reports that may or may not have been made to any credit agency. I upheld my end of the cancellation requirement and they did not uphold theirs. Its not fair to ruin hard working Americans credit because they are running a shady operation.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Feb 25, 2019

February 25, 2019
Re: Response to Complaint Case #***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We take this matter very seriously and have conducted a thorough investigation. Prior to receiving this complaint, Mr. contacted our customer service department notifying of the issue, and we approved his cancellation request with refund for the two months of double billing and the $30.00 stop payment fee as requested. Mr. should receive the refund within 7-10 business days. We have not reported any negative remarks to any credit agencies and we do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Thank you for your assistance with this matter, please let us know if there is anything else needed.

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
21031 Warner Center Lane, Ste D
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
*** ex *** (office)
[email protected]

I met Dave at a local GHS office in Natomas to get an alarm system for my business which I later sold, then I got a system installed at my house and 2 years into my 3 year contract, I was contacted about extending and after he added another feature, I I am getting ready to get a system installed at a rental house. He has always been there for me...I will not deal with the 1800 numbers but personally he has provided excellent customer service. I also want to mention about their tech David....they come out and resolve my issues at times when I do need it, very timely....I understand what some say about the issues they talk about because of competition out there...I am and can get reluctant but know that there is someone out there {Dave} who works out of the Roseville location who will always take care of me should the need arise. Apart from the alarm, I have monitored glass break sensors, monitored smoke detector, a motion sensor that can take pics and the most important an auto/remote garage opener.....again I only extended my contract and chose to work with Dave because of his outstanding service!

GHS Interactive Security Response • Feb 20, 2019

Thank you, for your positive feedback. We value our employees, who help to make our organization stand out and we could not do it without them. We do appreciate your business and for letting us know how you feel about your service and our employees.

GHS Interactive Security

I signed with GHS because they promised to buy out my contract with ADT.
In Sept. of 2018 GHS promised to buy out my contract with ADT if I signed with GHS. I told them I did not know how much time I had left on my contract with ADT nor did I know how much the buy out would be. I was even told they had approval from the owner to buy out my contract with ADT. I have called numerous times and they keep telling me it is under consideration. ADT has turned it over to a collection agency and I have notified GHS of this. I am told it is still being considered.

Desired Outcome

I want them to pay ADT like they promised me.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Feb 22, 2019

GHS Interactive Security, LLC *** Ste D Woodland Hills, CA ***
ph: ***
February 22, 2019
Re: Response to Complaint Case ***
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We take this matter very seriously and have conducted a thorough investigation. Prior to receiving this complaint we were also contacted by Ms. Barnes informing us of the missing buyout payment. We have spoken to her and have expressed our sincerest apologies for the delay in getting this processed. The buyout has been approved and should be received by her within the next 10 business days.
Thank you for your assistance with this matter, please let me know if anything further is needed.
Thank you,
Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
Woodland Hills, CA ***
*** (office)

Worst alarm company I have EVER dealt with. I have had various alarm companies in various states for 40 years. THESE GUYS ARE HACKS! I have repeatedly called and it takes them a minimum of THREE days to call back. I just received a supervisors call back SEVEN DAYS LATER after I was promised they would call me back that day.

STAY FAR AWAY FROM THEM. I had a $200 fine from the police because GHS sent the police even though they NEVER called my husband or me to see if it was an accidental alarm...which it was.

They REQUIRE a THREE YEAR CONTRACT so you are STUCK with yourself a favor and believe every word I am writing. I am a business owner so I KNOW customer service and THEY SUCK. Even after sending all the issues to the president's office NOT ONE person called to see if they could resolve the issues.

My prior contract with ADT Security was not paid off, per agreement with GHS, and my credit has now been ruined by collection.
Feb. 2018 GHS Rep *** convinced me to switch to GHS and promised to pay off my existing contract with ADT Security. As the months passed, no payment was ever made to ADT. I started getting billing notices from ADT threatening collection. Sent all notices to *** via email requesting he settle the matter and get ADT paid off. Nothing was ever done. Got a notice from ADT that they sent my account to collections, sent copy to *** via email again. He stated he would handle it. Nothing was ever done, nothing was ever paid to ADT. Finally received a collection letter from an attorney requesting full payment for ADT and now my credit has been ruined with this collection. My credit should have never been in jeopardy so that a rep could get his commission. If there was ever any issue with paying ADT I should have been informed, which I was not. If they were not going to honor their agreement to pay off my existing contract with ADT as promised, I should have been notified - I was not ever told of any issues or problems. My last correspondence with the rep *** was 1/25/2019 and I sent the debt collection letter to him - I have still never received any response from him or anyone at his location. I sent an email via the GHS website on 1/29/2019 letting them know my issue and never received a reply from them. Now my credit has been ruined with this collection and I don't know what I can do to fix it at this point. I need someone to do something about this company's practices. GHS takes my payment monthly for their security service and I have no problem with them in that respect, but I should have never had to deal with having my credit ruined and no one in their company doing anything to contact me or fix this issue. My name and address is:

Desired Outcome

I am seeking resolution in the form of fixing my credit report to get rid of this collection and GHS paying off the ADT balance on my pre-existing contract.

Customer Response • Feb 05, 2019

Document Attached***
Attached are copies of all notices I received from ADT and the collection agency regarding the existing account not being paid off by GHS. All notices were sent to Rep *** at GHS Security when received. No action was ever taken to pay off my contract as evidenced by the total amount due on all of these notices. No communication was ever received from GHS regarding this issue. *** said he would handle it on his end, but nothing was ever done to rectify the situation. Have gotten no response from GHS since last correspondence on 1/25/2019.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Mar 08, 2020

Document Attached***
To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding us the complaint brought forth by our valued customer ***. GHS Interactive Security, LLC completed a thorough audit and investigation of the claims outlined by *** and shortly after receiving complaint, GHS had the opportunity to speak with *** and reached a collective resolution. GHS honored the buyout of *** contractual obligation with previous security provider.

Please see confirmation email below:
Importance: High

Hello ***,

Thank you again for taking my call today. During our call we discussed a few things. We have agreed to issue the initial payment to you, in the amount of $612.61. This should be received by you in the next 7-10 business days.

*** we value you as a customer. My wish is that by us correcting this, it demonstrates a new approach to show our appreciation.

The check will be issued today. I'll respond to the initial complaint. If you can respond on your end that you're satisfied with this new outcome- that will be great.

All of my contact information is below. If you have any questions please let me know.


GHS Interactive Security, LLC

GHS Interactive Security, LLC. operates with a high degree of integrity. We regret the initial experience Ms. McCorkle had with our company and apologize for any lack of communication on our part. We are a company that holds ourselves to a high degree of integrity and is taking every opportunity to learn and adjust to the needs of our customers and improve in areas where customer care wasn't at our standard.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter, please let us know if we can be of further assistance.


Customer Response • Mar 09, 2020

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
GHS issued a check to cover the buyout of my previous security firm's early termination fees as per their original agreement with me. I am satisfied with the results of this dispute as being handled and can now be closed.

This company forged my name and initials on contract documentation.
In Dec 2018 I attempted to cancel my 3 year contract which started on Oct 8, 2015. I was told that because after 3 years I did not contact them on a certain date that I had auto renewed for an additional year. I asked for a copy of the contract to be emailed to me as I did not remember that being part of the contract. When I opened the email I saw that portions of the contract that specifically said "Customer Authorization: To be completed by customer only were forged. Not even a good attempt at my initials. I called them back and was then asked to provide proof of my initials which I did. I am a sitting elected official of my county and have many documents with proof of such. I have never received any email, mail, phone call or communication since sending my documents. I called today and they basically said I too bad. Forgery is illegal in all 50 states I informed them to no avail.

Desired Outcome

I want my December and January payment which is automatically drafted from my checking account to be repaid and my account cancelled.

Customer Response • Feb 15, 2019

This complaint has NOT been resolved. I thought the said that they had until next week to respond, now you are saying March. Please let me know why that date was extended and what I am to do next.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Mar 08, 2020

Document Attached***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding us the complaint brought forth by our valued customer ***. GHS Interactive Security, LLC completed a thorough audit and investigation of the claims outlined by *** and shortly after receiving complaint, GHS had the opportunity to speak with ***

GHS Interactive Security, LLC. operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. The terms and conditions regarding contract length and renewal are clearly outlined on the front of the contract that both GHS and our valued customer *** entered. Description of terms can be referenced in Section 2.2 TERM; SERVICES; FEE; FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES which states that services will automatically continue for successive one (1) year terms unless cancelled by either of us in writing at least thirty (30) days before the end of the original term or any renewal term. *** GHS agreement entered renewal on September 9, 2018. attached copy for records.

In review of ***'s account notes and call records, we show that *** contacted GHS Interactive Security on December 18, 2018 to express her interest in cancelling service for the residence on 12 Bayou View Dr due to unforeseen financial hardship from car loans. Our customer care advised of *** of her current contractual obligation and offered temporary assistance to relieve some of the financial burden during this time period - However, *** was not accepting of the renewal terms outlined in her agreement and requested a current copy to review terms. Our customer care emailed a copy of ***'s Security System Sale, Installation and Service Residential Retail Installment Contract and a copy of her Schedule of Protection Work Order.

*** rebutted with claim that her initials were forged on her contract. However, the only initials GHS requires are under the Customer Authorization Questionnaire section on the Schedule of Protection Work Order. GHS requested supporting documentation exhibiting ***'s signatures and legal initial prior to the commencement date of her signed GHS documents for proper assessment. Instead, *** submitted a document signed the very same day of this request, December 20, 2018. GHS was unable to make a valid assessment of which initials were privy

In efforts to settle dispute and honor *** request to terminate. GHS honored the cancellation of the renewal term and ceased payments and terminated account as of January 15, 2019.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter, please let us know if we can be of further assistance.


I was told my existing equipment would integrate with their system and it does not.
When the techs came to install my system, I was told that everything I had would integrate into their system they installed. From day 1, my door locks did not work, and they came out 3 times to try to get them to work. On the 3rd attempt, the tech said they would fix the existing locks or they would provide ones that are compatible with the newly installed alarm. I got a call from GHS later that evening telling me that they would not make this issue right and I would have to buy out of my contract or pay ~$700 for new locks. Since their monitoring rate is significantly higher than I was paying before, I was hopeful they would at least do what they told me they would.

Desired Outcome

I need them to either make my existing locks work, or install ones that do. I would not have proceeded with installation if everything I had would not work. They did not have to spend any money on additional sensors, nor install anything other than the keypad as everything else was already provided by me.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jan 25, 2019

January 25, 2019
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
XXXXX *** Center *** D
*** ex *** (office)

Customer Response • Jan 28, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I need to know the outcome of the investigation before I can accept the response.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Mar 07, 2019

Document Attached

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I accept the proposal by GHS to satisfy my complaint. The check will allow me to purchase locks that will be compatible with the system they installed.

Customer Response • Mar 26, 2019

This complaint should NOT be closed. I requested it be reopened due to the settlement being $100 shy of what was agreed upon.

This company's a+ rating is deceiving!!! During my first year into my contract of 3 years several of my sensors stopped working. Once I contacted them, they kept promising me that they would replace them. It never happened! I ended up calling another provider and found out why the sensors stopped working. The installer actually used different model of sensors causing an interruption of the frequency. The company ended up installing the proper sensors and now the problem has been resolved. Never consider this company!!!! They don't even stand by their workmanship. They are not good at all!!!

GHS gets NEGATIVE 100 stars!!!Where do I begin. This company was dishonest from the moment their sales representative knocked on our door. We were perfectly happy with our Alarm company at the time and the only reason we proceeded to hear what GHS had to offer at the time was because we were looking for a doorbell camera. This is where it all went down hill. To start ,the representative's provided false information about the promotion that was being offered (by the way this was first known when a random person called the day after installation stating we owed $7000 and the Alarm monitor we were to be given was not the one the sales rep was suppose to inform us of!) . On top of that the day they were "selling these so call great promotions" no matter how many times we stated to the sales rep at our home that we are under contract with Brinks he continuously stated ,"that's not a problem GHS is going to buy out your contract, when you receive this months bill from Brinks forward it to GHS so we can reimburse you" YEA NEVER HAPPENED. The sales rep "supposedly" cancelled our Brinks contract by emailing an email address that responded with a company named ADT. Being that the sales rep was suppose to be a professional and "knew what he was doing" we listened to him telling us TRUST ME TRUST ME this is how we cancelð?¤?ð?¤?.
We were promised a buy out of our old Alarm company and still till this day we have NOT received it. Despite being asked to provide buy out agreement and everything else they "denied the request" stating that we knew about the contract and that there was no buy out and that we signed the contract. Which is very incorrect we were told false information by a sales rep before we even signed the contract and even on the phone PRIOR to signing the contract we still were NOT given the correct information. Now we are STUCK paying 2 alarm companies because of this itic providing false information company. THIS COMPANY IS HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE. STAY CLEAR AWAY FROM THEM. I have never experienced such a horrible company and I have never experienced a company who did not own up to their negligence and mistakes and pay up! This is beyond ridiculous and yet we are stuck footing the bill for them providing false information from the moment they knocked on our door. SHAME ON YOU GHS YOU ARE HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!


Desired Outcome


Customer Response • Feb 26, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

General incompetence
I had to call multiple times to get the account transferred and they still continued to bill the wrong person. After that I tried to cancel the account because I was forced to move and they won't cancel the account.

Desired Outcome

I would like to cancel my account and receive a refund for the amount.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jan 16, 2019

January 16, 2019
Re: Response to Complaint Case #***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
Woodland Hills, CA ***
*** (office)

Customer Response • Jan 22, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I would like to be contact to find a resolution to the issues I'm having with them.

Renewed contract for 3 more years without my consent, when we just had camera. Had someone else's name on the contract that I do not know and the sales rep is saying they could have anyone sign and approve contract renewal on my behalf without my consent. When requested to cancel the contract due to cost cutting reasons, I have to pay for 3 years of service premiums in order cancel contract, which was never authorized by me or my immediate family.
Product_Or_Service: Home Security System

Desired Outcome

Other (requires explanation) Cancel contract without penalty. It should have been out of contract in 2018 and not automatically renewed. Refund of additional charges.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Jan 08, 2019

January 08, 2019
Re: Response to Complaint Case #***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have begun investigating the claims. GHS operates with a high degree of integrity and we value our customers. We take this matter seriously and will respond in detail once our investigation is complete.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
Woodland Hills, CA ***

We have not received a refund check for charges billed to us several months after service cancellation. We no longer even live in the home.
We put in a 30 notice to cancel alarm services for service in August. Our service wasn't cancelled. We called in September and were charged 3 additional months and promised refund. We called every month and were promised every month that we would not be charged any more. The last charge was in November, and we called yet again because we still have not received a refund. We were guaranteed our refund by Dec 11,but have yet to receive it.

Desired Outcome

Refund for all overcharges in Sept, Oct, Nov.

GHS Interactive Security Response • Dec 27, 2018

December 27, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have completed investigating the claims. Our records show that a refund was approved for the October billing in the amount of $59.53 via Check #*** and was mailed on 11/09/2018. There was a system error and Ms. was mistakenly charged for November billing, and a refund was issued in the amount of $59.53 via check #*** on 12/14/2018. We have ensured that the billing errors have been corrected and no further billing shall occur. We apologize for any inconvenience, please let us know if there is anything else that is needed.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
Woodland Hills, CA ***
*** (office)

Customer Response • Jan 02, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

GHS Interactive Security Response • Feb 11, 2019

February 11, 2019
Re: Response to Complaint Case #XXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. Prior to receiving this response, Ms. notified us that she had not received the checks, we verified that the checks had not been deposited and issued stop payment on them. We have verified with Ms. her mailing address, and the replacement check was mailed to her on February 08, 2019. We ask Ms. to please allow 5-7 business days for mailing and to contact us if she has not received in that time frame.
Thank you for following up on this issue and please let us know if there is anything further that is needed.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC
Woodland Hills, CA XXXXX
*** (office)

Customer Response • Feb 06, 2019

We have not received the checks.

GHS security continues to charge me after the expiration of the contract, even after multiple phone calls to customer service.
My contract with GHS security ended in September 2018, after I submitted a letter to end the contract. Since that date they have continued to charge me $47 a month for the last three months, for a total of $144. I have called and spoken to various customer service representatives, only to be hung up on or ignored.

At the time of signing the contract, I agreed to automatic payments. After the expiration of the contract the automatic payments come out of my bank account and I am unable to stop them from charging me every month.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund in the amount of $144. And to stop the automatic payments for services that I am no longer receiving

GHS Interactive Security Response • Dec 21, 2018

December 21, 2018
Re: Response to Complaint Case #***

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for forwarding this information to us. We have received the concerns brought forward by *** and have completed investigating the claims. We received the request to cancel and approved his cancel request and refund on December 11, 2018. We apologize for any inconvenience, please let us know if you need anything else from us.

Thank you,

Customer Care
GHS Interactive Security LLC

Customer Response • Dec 27, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Received full refund and cancelled service. Customer service rep handled. Thank you.

Check fields!

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Address: 21031 Warner Center Ln STE D, Woodland Hills, California, United States, 91367-6577


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