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Destination Depot

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Destination Depot Reviews (118)

A cashiers check was sent out on 6/29/15 made out to Mr. [redacted]o $138.00. sent to [redacted]. If Mr. [redacted] did not recieve it he should of just contacted us and we would do a search for him. I will be more than happy to check to see if it was deposited or not, if not we will be more than happy to replace it. If he would like to contact me at ###-###-#### to discuss this.Thank You

I tried to discuss with the person on the phone that we had tried to contact them through the emails and phone numbers on the card and package card provided to us.  He stated that his company did not provide this information to us so they should not be held responsible.My response was that all of this information came to us under the guise of a promotion his company was putting out and felt that they were responsible and this looked more like a case of them using side organizations and spin off companies that would hide them from any responsibility and did not see how that made his company any less responsible.He told me I was just being argumentative and was not seeing this as he felt that I should.  That he new that iI was wrong in my ideals and that his company had not responsibility towards paying the 69 dollar fee for the supposed not obligation tickets but that they would pay the fee if I stated that I had used improper uses of the forms and had not truly tried to contact them.   I still say that when you are given a toll free number that you used to set u p the original appointment for the seminar and than you try and contact that number afterwards and all it does is send you through a hold pattern and then tell you they the office is closed and to call back.  How many times do I call back?  And why is the person who contacts me over this dispute calling from the main office on a mobile number. ONe that I am unable to try and contact him through?Sorry, sounds like Gypsies to me. We even tried the website but was unable to contact anyone.  Again the website they provided.

This is not us !!!!! I have no idea who this is, but it is not us !!!! Just called the number and the company is called I Travel Wholesale. So She is wrong and maybe slightly confused who she took a presentation with. We do not offer gift cards for Southwest at all.Monday, February 1, have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11109872, and have determined that this does not resolve my dispute.Please enter your reason(s) for rejecting the business response below.First contact I had with the company was this and there was no gift card received.  That's when we were referred to the  Travel center and scam began  Maybe I should file a complaint against Destination Depot as well?  They scammed us out of $5000 dollars.Dear [redacted],This email is to remind you of your appointment on Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 2:30 PM.Congratulations! You will receive a $200 Southwest Airlines gift card for your time in attending our open house. This is NOT A TIMESHARE. It is a full-service travel agency which specializes in luxury accommodations, cruises and travel packages. You will not be obligated to buy, sign or join anything in order to receive your gift card. The open house will include a brief presentation on the services offered in a relaxed, casual atmosphere. This is a group setting so please arrive 15 minutes early. Please note that this is not open to the public and is by invitation only. This is a limited time offer and is non-transferable.  Click here for driving directions.Please respond to this email to confirm your appointment, or give us a call at ###-###-####. Print this email and bring it along with you to your appointment.

We have responded to his complaint, however this seems to be going further than it needs to. Even though we feel that we should not be held responsible after the complaints from the promotional provider and his emails ( which I only supplied you with a few and not all of them ) we will sent Mr. [redacted] a check for the $138.00. There is a difference of freedom of speech and the potential for bodily harm, which even in the emails I supplied it eluded to. The pictures alone that he sent are evidence of mental health issues. He needs to call us for his address and legal name so we can cut him a check for the $138.00.

Mr. [redacted] has had the police called on him twice because of emails and death threats that where sent to one of our vendors. We received a call from one of our promotional providers that he had been sending emails to them and saying he was going to come to one of our meetings and kill everyone. It got to the point that they had to call the police on him twice. I have enclosed a couple of the emails for your inspections, but please be careful opening because of the violent nature of them. He is somewhat imbalanced and anything he states should simply taken with a grain of salt. We have always bent over backwards to try to resolve any complaints that have come to us from the This one has no wiggly room with us and we feel because of the nature of Mr. [redacted]s threats that this complaint should be removed.

Mr, [redacted] did send in the acceptance of the new pricing on his agreement and this is why his credit card was run. I have included a copy of it  As soon as we found out about his decision not to go further with his program we started processing his cancellation request. His money was refunded...

on Nov. 6th of this month, which I have included as well.

In response to Destination Depot's last business response, WHAT REFUND??? As of this minute no refund has been issued as of 11/16 at 10:05 a.m. We are in constant touch with Capital One and spoke with a representative in case we missed something and she assured us no refund has been issued. I don't know who issued the refund on 11/06 and how was it issue. We should have receive it by now. Is it a check sent to me or a refund to my Capital One account. I would like to see what Mr. [redacted] sent to as proof that he claims he sent. I will be calling you today for a fax number so I can send you all the information from Capital One. We have all the dated documents and e mails to prove this. No refund has been issued as of this moment.

He has disputed the charge on his card. He should be getting his money back. It may take a while, really up to his bank.

As of 12/23/15 there has been no refund of $3,000. I called Capital One again and was told by [redacted] NO refund was issued. She made a comment about the calls I'm making and told me as soon as a refund is received I will be sent an e-mail. I have an idea maybe Mr. [redacted] should do the same make some phone calls or e mails to confirm that a refund was issued. I asked him to attach proof with a date and I will call Capital One.  Regards,

I don't believe they issued a check.  If they did, I did not get it.  My address is [redacted]

Thank you

I am currently booking a $14,000 trip for Mr. [redacted] and as soon as we saw the complaint we contacted Mr. [redacted] to make sure he wanted us to follow thru on his reservation., he assured us he did. The hotel room that he wanted us to book was the day that he wanted to check in, we explained to him that...

there was not going to be a savings off of that type trip, he seemed to understand. We offered to compensate him for his registration cost of the $138 for 1 of the certificates and the reservation cost of $50.00 which is totally refundable or goes to the cost of the taxes of the trip. As us being available 7 days a week 24 hours a day, we do use an answering service after normal business hours, however is something is an emergency we will contact the member back immediately.

I still have not received a refund. Please open complaint back up [redacted]

The back of the postcard was the first attachment:  Obviously, the invitation is written to entice, clearly indicating that for my time and opinion, I would receive said awards.  "No purchase required" is also misleading in that in order to get those awards, I would have been required to purchase them for $69/pp. The stamped disclaimer on the bottom left was not on my postcard...actually appears in this copy to be an afterthought.  My postcard simply stated that it was not sponsored by a specific airline.  I recall this clearly because it appeared to me that Southwest Airlines was promoting the event.  When I asked [redacted]'s assistant at the seminar to explain, I was told that each of us might have received our invitation from a different airline depending on what airline was connected to the credit card...At this point, I'm not sure if that statement was even factual but I do know that had the full disclaimer appeared on my postcard, I certainly would have asked for details prior to driving one hour each way to the seminar.  As stated previously, I was required to not only show the postcard upon arrival, I was required to turn it in so I don't have it for verification.  Perhaps the business can produce it for us.   The 'profile' was the second attachment:  I recall filling out this form prior to entering the seminar.  "What gift were you offered for coming here today? (bold for emphasis)  I indicated the airline vouchers and 3 night stay as was already confirmed in the email from the business that I sent you under separate cover.  It did not ask what I was offered after I paid for the vouchers...then it would not be  gift, it would be a purchase.  I also note the disclosure at the bottom of the form, but it was my interpretation that the 'applicable taxes, deposits, transportation, gratuiities and any applicable fees' were related to the actual travel, not the attainment of the vouchers.  The disclosure even refers to the traveler, not the seminar attendee.   The gift acknowledgement form was the third attachment:  This form was given to me to complete AFTER the seminar and I was required to sign it in order to get the actual vouchers.  I did not feel that once I signed it, the young lady would not give me the voucher that she held in her hand so I did feel that I was signing for receipt of the voucher.  Once I signed and dated the form, she took the form and gave me the voucher.  It was then and only then that I found out about the $69/pp fee payable within 14 days. Too late to do anything about it then, other than to  make a formal complaint, which is what I'm doing.

I spoke to Mrs. [redacted] a few days after she attended the presentation, when she called to ask questions about the certificate that she received. I tried to explain to Mrs. [redacted] that we here at Destination Depot did not fulfill the travel certificates that this is done through an outside company. I...

suggested she call them at the number that was located on the back of her certificate. She became very agitated with me, but agreed to do so. She called me back saying it was hard to get in touch with them and that they gave her no information. I tried to explain the $69.00 fee to her and how the certificate worked. The more I spoke to her and tried to calm her down the more she became agitated. When I told her that we mentioned that there where fees and and taxes on her check-in sheet at the bottom of the page her response was " You cant expect me to read that ". Mrs [redacted] keep using the word free and I tried to explain to her that the word Free was never mentioned anywhere. At which point she referred to the post card that she received in the mail, once again I asked where on the post card did it say free, she realized her error, the brought up the registration fee again. I said it even states on the postcard that she would be responsible for the fees. She wanted to know where the airfares flew and I explained major airport to major airport and then she wanted a list of them, trying again to explain to Mrs. [redacted] that would be tough for us since we are not the ones to handle that travel. As far as I know Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] have not registered the certificate to date and Mr. [redacted] is making claims that he knows nothing about, for example he mentions the deposit on the actual booking form, yes there is a $50.00 deposit that either applies towards the cost of the trip or completely refundable if the travel is canceled. Requesting a refund of the $138.00 is not allowed once the booking process has started so yes he is right about that, if him or his wife just asked we would of reimbursed that cost to him, instead of threatening us. We are sorry that they feel that this is a scam but the promotional company that handles these certificates also supplies major department stores, car dealerships etc. so they do travel 1000's on this certificate a week

Once again this is a repeat message !!!

We will refund the $138.00 even though her complaint is not with us it is with The Travel Center which is not us. We did not receive her money they did, but to keep the image of our company right we will refund it. If she will call ###-###-#### and leave correct name and address it would be...


First off, My wife never spoke with these people.
Second. Here is exactly what their post card reads.
"Southwest Travel is pleased to invite you to an exciting VIP seminar.
For your time and opinion you will receive two (2) round trip, coach class airline vouchers to most major Airports in the continental United States. The earliest Callers will also receive a 3 day 2 night stay at a major 3 star hotels.
Seating is limited at the 90 minute seminar. No purchase required. To claim awards call tool free and use your promo code below.
They have the claimer for the Taxes and fees as they state.
That is the issue.
We paid the requested TAXES and FEE's of $138 to the Travel Center.
They then sent us to some other place to deal with and they wanted another $50 dollars more.
That's when we knew it was a scam and requested our moneys returned. They refused. We also read several other complaints about the same scam on the internet including the Dillons registered owners in Maryland
The only resolution I will except is my money returned.
We received no service, or vouchers for our money
They are a total scam. If they are not all in this? Then how does Destination Depot know I threatened The Travel Center Folks. They are the same folks. Multi Email Pyramid scam.
I will also be contacting the IRS to further investigate the collection of TAXES that we paid for no services

[redacted], dealing with you and your corrupt business has cost me a significant amount of time and money.  I am relieved a third party (plus) are stepping in to help rectify your unethical business practices.  Both you and I could have avoided hassle and headache if you would have either been a reliable business and provided services for the money you took from me or given me a refund for your lack of service exchange. You and Destination Depot (and any other future travel scam operation you will start [see Payless Vacations]) need to be help accountable for your fraudulent behavior. 

I am sorry that Mr. [redacted] feels this way and we will be more than happy to cover the $188 even though we did not receive his money. It was sent to The Travel Center which we are not affiliated with except to purchase the certificates from them. They are the ones that do all the fulfillment of the...

travel not us.  Will cut him a cashiers check next week on Friday. Even though he knew about the fees before he even sat through the presentation, as he mentioned he had done something like this before.

Check fields!

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Address: 4101 W Green Oaks Blvd Ste 305-181, Arlington, Texas, United States, 76016-4462


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