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Dell Inc

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Dell Inc Reviews (1785)

Dear,Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms. [redacted]. A Dell representative recently contacted Ms. [redacted] regarding her concerns. As a gesture of goodwill and in the interest of customer satisfaction, our representative processed a...

product return for order# [redacted]. Our records show that the credit has been posted to the original form of payment. Our representative also followed-up with Ms. [redacted] to confirm resolution. We regret any dissatisfaction she may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell Experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via e-mail at [redacted], in case Ms. [redacted] has any further concerns regarding this case.  Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:I talked with [redacted] Ext [redacted] on March 26. He wants me to pay a discounted service fee of 125 from 259 to fix Dells manufacturing defect. Told him I was not interested in paying more money to fix their defect. That complaint would remain unrelieved negative. He didn’t care stating was only a medium. If responding to this email respond to [redacted] Thank you.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because this claim has not been resolved.  The representative of Dell offered me the following:1)    They will send me a new computer with an R9 VideoCard.2)    They will send me a new R9 Video Card.3)    They will allow me to go on the open market andspend $120.00 on a Video Card that will fit Dell’s configuration:  460Watts and Motherboard of PCI express X16 knowing that the cards used by Dealare OEM cards and are meant for lower wattage use.  I can’t purchase acard on the open market produced for general use.  This is a wild goosechase and you told me as much.  I am certainly happy you find this funny.4)    They told me that I could purchase a morepowerful power source and install it.  I could then use the GTX 770 videocard that Dell sent.  The catch here is that you then asked me if Iintended to extend the warranty and when I said yes, you said oh never mind youcan’t do that then.  The reason I can’t put a high power source and theGTX 770 Video Card is that eventually it would ruin the motherboard of thecomputer and Dell would not warranty the motherboard at that point.  Whywould you tell me to do something that would ruin the computer after it wentout of warranty!!!!  I am very thankful that I work with computers andknew this was a very bad idea.  How many people have you given thissolution that didn’t know better?Bottom line is that I am at thesame place as I was in September 2014.  I have gone through numerousemployees without a resolution.  I have been lied to, told to do thingsthat would lead to further damage after my warranty expired, I have beenbullied and pushed into taking a solution that wouldn’t work, I have been told“what are you going to do when the cards goes out, not have a computer with theperson laughing behind.  Dell used to set the industry standard incustomer service now they are probably the lowest with thousands of complaints.It is very sad to see a company go down like this with employees that areunethical to say the very least. 

Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence...

submitted by Mr. [redacted]. A Dell representative recently contacted Mr. [redacted] regarding his concerns. Our records show that a partial credit of $106 has been posted to the original form of payment. Our representative followed-up with Mr. [redacted] to confirm resolution. We regret any dissatisfaction he may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell Experience. Our representative may be contacted directly by e-mail at [redacted], in case Mr. [redacted] has any further concerns regarding this case.  
Executive Support Team
Incident ID: [redacted]
Dell Inc.

Today’s Date: 01/16/2015Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submission. Dell representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, Guan-Wei Yen, to address the contents of their correspondence. Dell regrets any...

inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this process. The customer may also contact the representative at [redacted] .Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: The issue is not yet resolved and a final resolution has not yet been made. I do not believe it is fair to close the case until this is truly closed.

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in her correspondence. Our representative processed a system exchange for the customer; however, the replacement system had technical issues. As a onetime goodwill gesture, our representative offered the customer a refund and the customer accepted. Our records indicate both systems have been returned to Dell and credit will be applied to the original form of payment.  We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via email at [redacted].   Sincerely, Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Today’s Date: 05/01/2015Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submission. Dell representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, [redacted], to address the contents of their correspondence. The customer states...

continued technical concerns. At this time the agent has processed a system exchange for the customer. The unit has been received in proper order. Dell regrets any inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this process. The customer may also contact the representative at [redacted] with any additional questions or concerns in the matter.Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc

Thank you for providing a copy of the customer’s submission.  Dell representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has initiated contact with the customer by email; in their attempt to work with the customer and bring this matter to a reasonable resolution.   We...

ask that the customer continue to work with Henryetta.  The representative can be reached directly by email at [redacted].

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms. [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in her correspondence. The tablet was no longer needed; however, our representative provided...

assistance in processing an exchange for the customer’s main system and dispatched a keyboard replacement. Our records indicate the replacement orders have been delivered and no further issues have been reported.  We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via email at [redacted]  Sincerely, Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:It took hours and hours of which I was unable to work while trying to follow upon stated and agreed upon credit amount. There were numerous phone call attempts along with online chat sessions for which I was told excuse after excuse about where my credit was (it was promised within 7-10 days) yet it took over a month to receive. This is unacceptable and I will no longer do business with or recommend Dell. I will also make sure my dissatisfaction is displayed in my blog, along with all social media outlets. I cannot believe it took almost 10 months to get any response on, but I guess I should not be surprised by the lack of acknowledgement or concern from this organization.

Dear,Our records indicate that the credit has posted back to the credit card and the representative followed up to confirm this.  We ask that the contact the representative at [redacted] for any further assistance she may need regarding this matter.SincerelyAdvanced Resolution GroupIncident[redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear,Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Mr. [redacted]. A Dell representative recently contacted Mr. [redacted] regarding his concerns. As a gesture of goodwill and in the interest of customer satisfaction, our representative...

processed a product return for order# [redacted]. Our records show that the credit has been posted to the original form of payment. Our representative also followed-up with Mr. [redacted] to confirm resolution. We regret any dissatisfaction he may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell Experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via e-mail at [redacted], in case Mr. [redacted] has any further concerns regarding this case.  Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear,Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Mr. [redacted]. A Dell representative recently contacted Mr. [redacted] regarding his concerns. Please note that a product return has been processed. Our records show that the credit has...

been posted to the original form of payment. Our representative also followed-up with Mr. [redacted] to confirm resolution. We regret any dissatisfaction he may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell Experience. Our representative may be contacted directly by e-mail at [redacted], in case Mr. [redacted] has any further concerns regarding this case. Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I had contact with her yesterday, and I've received emails from her. Anytime I call her she is busy with other customers helping them. Today she was having technical difficulties on her end when she called me then my cell phone disconnected, and when she called me back she tried to remote my computer again, but it didn't work and she said she couldn't help me right now and hung up. I have received an email from her since then, and she will get back to me again. So it's still a work in progress. But I don't know if she be able to fix the problem, but I will see.

This matter has been previously addressed, and regarding the current rebuttal, no alterations have been/will be made to the final resolution. The customer is requesting to return a cable purchase that invoiced Dec 2011 which has been respectfully denied.  The customer has received a credit for the accidental damage that he states he did not authorize.  The customer also received an additional $50.00 credit as a goodwill gesture.  At this time Dell considers this issue closed.  Please have the customer contact the representative directly by email at [redacted]    
Executive Support Team
Incident ID#[redacted]
Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I am not requesting that the item for which price match has been requested be combined with any additional promotion or discount.  In fact, Mr. [redacted] was initially unaware that the very company he represents, in this case Dell, has in place a price match policy and it required that I supply him the link to the price match guarantee webpage on the Dell website.  Further, as the attached chat transcript confirms, Dell does in fact match price when an item is on sale.Further, I move to keep this complaint open in order to hold this business accountable to its price match policy.  Further, I continue to request that the item for which price match has been requested be offered at the price of my initial price match request made via chat, as is the outlined method for requesting same on the [redacted] website, on January 27, 2015.I am also happy to provide any email correspondence between the business and myself to help validate the points made above.

A Dell representative contacted [redacted] and is working with him to achieve an amicable resolution for his concerns. An onsite service has been issued. Our representative may be contacted directly by e-mail at [redacted].

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: The business further wasted my time by making me go through their seriously inefficient customer service; they put me through 3 hours of holds and transfers in order to set up the repair. Also, the tech was unprofessional due to two cancellations after the planned appointment time. What I have been through with Dell easily warrants a refund or a brand new unit, but the company kept put me through a series of  4 repairs. A unit needing that many repairs is inherently flawed and should have been replaced completely. I truly feel that I have been scammed out of $1,300 of my hard earned money. I will never buy anything from this company that clearly offers garbage customer service for their equally garbage products. One more than thing, [redacted] assured me that he would take my customer service concerns after the fourth repair is complete, but they was simply a ploy to get me to shut up and never bothered to hear out my experience. 

Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence...

submitted by Ms. [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in her correspondence. A system exchange has been dispatched and the customer confirmes it has been received and is operating without issues.  We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via email at [redacted].
Executive Support Team
Incident ID: [redacted]
Dell Inc.

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Address: 1 Dell Way Stop 8210, Round Rock, Texas, United States, 78682-7000


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