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Dell Inc

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Dell Inc Reviews (1785)

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms. [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in her correspondence. Our representative, as a onetime goodwill gesture, offered the customer a...

credit to purchase the additional warranty. We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via email at [redacted], Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear,  I am writing on behalf of Dell Inc. in response to the complaint filed with your office by the customer.  Thank you for providing a copy of the customer’s submission.  A Dell representative, [redacted] has recently contacted the customer regarding their...

concerns.  We regret any dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the’s feedback.  [redacted] has processed a new system order that has now been delivered to the customer.  Should any future concerns arise regarding this matter, the customer may contact Dell’s representative via email at: [redacted]  Dell now moves to close this matter regarding Incident ID:[redacted].   Sincerely,   Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID#[redacted]Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
At this time I have not been informed of a refund on the issue. I did not ask for a refund, I requested accidental insurance as planned when Dell forgot to add it. To date, I have only received poor communication from the Dell agent in this complaint and no acknowledgement or correction of the issue at hand. Regards,

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Mr. [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in his correspondence. Our representative, per the terms and condition of the sale, respectfully...

denied the customer’s request for a replacement system. We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via email at [redacted], Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Today’s Date: 11/12/2014Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submission. Dell representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, [redacted], to address the contents of their correspondence. Dell regrets any...

inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this process. The customer may also contact the representative at [redacted] .Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc

Dear,As Dell’s stance in this matter remains unchanged, no further attempt has been made to contact the customer.   Dell’s stance in this matter remains unchanged and no further attempt has been made to contact the customer. The damage to the tablet is not covered in the Limited Hardware Warranty purchased. The customer was offered Dell’s standard pricing for repairing screens like this at the Depot. The customer does have the option, as she mentioned, to purchase a new tablet. They can explore available options online by visiting [redacted].  The representative can be reached directly by email at [redacted] Advanced Resolution GroupIncident[redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear,Our records indicate the representative has attempted to follow up with the customer several times with no response.   The representative did reach him once on the phone but was instructed to call back which he has repeatedly and emailed with no further response.  At this time the customer has a valid Dell Concierge contract which he can call at his convenience at ###-###-#### for assistance on setting up the new system.   SincerelyAdvanced Resolution GroupIncident[redacted]Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Thank you for your response. I understand what limited quantities mean. And that was not the reason given for not honoring the promotion on 2/16. I was told 3 times, it was because the promotion ended at the 2pm EST time. To my understanding that was the ending time, not that they were out of stock. In one of the phone conversation I asked it they were out of stock, and I was told that the promotion for the free tablet ended at the 2pm time. I was deceived by the four page colored advertisement in my newspaper. I choose to shop from the Presidents Day Sale and waited until 2pm for the laptop price. Only to find out that even with the free tablet listed in the promotion, I would not receive the free tablet because it ended at 2pm. Subject to change, limited quantities, guidelines of the promotion are nice words, but until I filed this complaint those were not reasons given to me. I was always simply told that it was to end at 2pm. Dell stance in the matter remains unchanged really leaves me unsatisfied.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:I did not want what I was forced to purchase.  Dell sold me a system that they knew would be obsolete in just a few days which should be considered false advertising and/or I should have been told at the time of purchase that this would be discontinued.  Also, the discounts applied to the original purchase have not been applied.  Dell is attempting to push me aside and move on as if nothing has happened when the facts speak clearly of inadequate customer service, broken obligations both verbal and written, false advertising and a failure to do business ethically.  I would like to have independent counsel, neutral of both parties, review this case and make a determination on what is just.  It is clear by Dell's responses to this complaint that they have not taken this seriously and could care less about an individual's small investment made on a personal basis.  I have worked with Dell for many years on a personal and business basis and know first hand if I were a corporation the matter would be handled much differently.  The public should be made aware of these business practices that Dell supports and believes in.      

Dear,Dell representative [redacted] followed up with the customer and confirmed the game is working as designed.  The customer is requesting compensation which the representative has respectfully denied the request but has authorized to extend the return period to 2/24/2015 if she has any further problems.   Please have the customer contact the representative by emailing at [redacted] with any additional questions or concerns.SincerelyAdvanced Resolution GroupIncident [redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear,  I am writing on behalf of Dell Inc. in response to the complaint filed with your office by the customer.  Thank you for providing a copy of the customer’s submission.  A Dell representative, [redacted] has recently contacted the customer regarding their...

concerns.  We regret any dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the’s feedback.  [redacted] explained that the customer’s computer is out of warranty and any service would incur charges.  [redacted] did offer out of warranty service at a discounted price but the customer declined.  Should any future concerns arise regarding this matter, the customer may contact Dell’s representative via email at: [redacted]  Dell now moves to close this matter regarding Incident ID: [redacted].   Sincerely,   Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID# [redacted]Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:This latest Response from DELL, INC. was, and STILL remains TOTALLY INADEQUATE, and even more INSULTING.Just minutes ago, Monday, February 23, 2015, the latest of Two (2) more, UNSOLICITED, “Faxes”, arrived, issued by DELL, and intrusively sent via their infamous, “Blocked Number”.I presented numerous Questions in all of my Responses, many of which were summarized on February 5, 2015, well over Two (2) Weeks ago.Other than denying any Compensation for causing me such ON-GOING Grief, DELL INC. has chosen to ignore ALL of those, providing NOTHING in return.This is NOT a mere, “....inconvenience....”, which DELL INC. is attempting to misrepresent.And, the Lies continue....“....3 to 4 Business Days....”, was then replaced by,“....up to 3 Weeks....”, and now that Figure has been ‘expanded’ to, “....45 Days....”:“....Dell must provide publishers with mailing lists weeks in advance, to allow time for printing and mail processing.  As a result, it may take up to 45 days before an opt-out request becomes fully effective....”.Is DELL referring to, “Business”, or, “Calendar”, Days, before they will cease their illegal Advertising Campaigns?So, once more, how long, EXACTLY????.I have been bombarded by their Facsimiles for over EIGHT (8) MONTHS, with my Complaints about same also dating well back into 2014, and they now want another TWO (2) MONTHS....????How can this latest, and UNIDENTIFIABLE DELL Employee compare, “....printing and mail processing....”, with the transmission of offensive, date-sensitive Facsimiles via Long-Distance Telecommunication Lines.  The Examples today, outline ‘Deals’ expiring February 26, 2015.Like some abusive Spouse, who comes home and beats his Wife, defending his deplorable behavior by claiming it is her fault for not having his Dinner ready-and-waiting for him, DELL INC. conveniently ‘forgets’ that they are NOT the Victim here, I am.  I have NEVER purchased anything from DELL INC. in my entire lifetime, yet I am still being subjected to receiving their Junk Advertising, and all at MY Time, and MY Expense.Why am I being the one penalized, in what DELL INC. refers to me as wishing to, “....opt-out....” of their Harassment, when I never, ever, “opted-in”????The Responder from DELL INC. is also being deliberately obtuse in what constitutes a true Apology:1.  The Offender must first of all realize, and acknowledge their offending Action(s).      In this Case, an admission that they have, and are yet committing wrongful Acts against me;2.  The Offender must not only say that they are sorry, but fully outline what they are actually, and specifically sorry for, in sufficient detail and depth so that it is clearly evident that they are completely aware of their Actions, AND, that they truly understand the Damages which they have caused.      In this case, exhibiting some REAL Remorse would be in order;3.  The Offender must promise to IMMEDIATELY cease making any future Offences.      Now, DELL INC. wants yet ANOTHER 45 Days to stop their illegal, and reprehensible Behavior....????  That, alone, is preposterous;4.  The Offender must provide reimbursement and compensation for their Actions.      This is especially true, when DELL INC. Employees ‘stonewall’, and continue to refuse to provide ACCURATE, and FULL Answers to the reasonable Questions posed to them.My Complaint was, and remains with the [] OF CENTRAL, COASTAL, SOUTHWEST TEXAS AND THE PERMIAN BASIN, in Texas, in which DELL INC. is a Member, and, presumably, pays their Dues there, in American Dollars, and not Indian Rupees. How, then, can DELL INC. continue to ‘farm out’ this serious Complaint to another Country, INDIA?Furthermore, I have been informed that I only have Six (6) Calendar Days to reply to each of these NON- Responses from DELL INC.So, why is DELL INC. being given much more time than me, which might even be acceptable, if they had honestly responded to ALL of the Questions already well-documented, and detailed in my previous Replies?But, they have not.Instead, there appears some, “I”, Person, < but only signing himself, or herself, as the, “Executive Support Team” >, is responding, possibly through a Translator, thus accounting for the Delays replying to the  Who, exactly, is that, “I”, Person?  Possibly, a, “Team”, of one....????If it is, “[redacted]”, he is NOT a Texas-based Employee.  In addition, he is obviously incompetent, for he is the one who claimed that he had solved the problem many WEEKS ago, with his, “Form”, so let DELL INC. communicate with him.  If he was my Employee, he would have been fired already.Someone in INDIA must eventually report to Superiors in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA....When will an English-speaking SENIOR MANAGER, actually employed by DELL INC., who resides in Texas, is a Citizen of the United States, and proudly discloses his or her actual Name, Title, Telephone Number, Facsimile Number, and Physical Mailing Address, finally, and ever take responsibility?Companies such as HEWLETT-PACKARD, and MICROSOFT CORPORATION, do just that.  Period.In the meantime, the should now take the proper Steps to promptly rescind the Accreditation, plus the Membership of DELL INC. from the Organization.  Clearly, the President of DELL INC. has either not read, or comprehends the, “ Code of Business Practices ( Accreditation Standards)”

Dear,Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms. [redacted]. A Dell representative recently made multiple attempts to reach Ms. [redacted]; however, has not been able to discuss the contents of her correspondence. We regret any...

dissatisfaction she may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell Experience. Our representative may be contacted directly by email at [redacted], in case Ms. [redacted] has any further concerns regarding this case. Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted] Dell Inc.

Dear,Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Mr. [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in his correspondence. Our representative offered the customer a return for refund; however, a refund...

cannot be provided for items not purchased from Dell. The customer has not responded to multiple contact attempts.  Our representative remains available and may be contacted directly via email at [redacted] We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell experience.  Sincerely, Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear,Dell representative [redacted] followed up with the customer and onsite replaced the parts and the speakers are not working.  The customer has confirmed that he is satisfied with the resolution.   Please have the customer contact the representative by emailing at [redacted] with any additional questions or concerns.SincerelyAdvanced Resolution GroupIncident [redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear,Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms. [redacted]. A Dell representative recently contacted Ms. [redacted] regarding her concerns. Our representative requested Dell centric information, such as, Service Tag# or Express Service...

Code; however, Ms. [redacted] elected not to accept our offer of assistance. We regret any dissatisfaction she may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell Experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via e-mail at [redacted], in case Ms. [redacted] has any further concerns regarding this case.  Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear,  I am writing on behalf of Dell Inc. in response to the complaint filed with your office by the customer.  Thank you for providing a copy of the customer’s submission.  A Dell representative, [redacted] has recently contacted the customer regarding their...

concerns.  We regret any dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the’s feedback.  [redacted] has confirmed the customer’s system has been repaired and returned to him.  Should any future concerns arise regarding this matter, the customer may contact Dell’s representative via email at:  [redacted]  Dell now moves to close this matter regarding Incident ID: [redacted].   Sincerely,   Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID# [redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms. [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in her correspondence. Depot service was provided to the customer; however, the customer still has...

issues. Our representative respectfully denied the customer’s request for an exchange and offered technical assistance or further depot service to the customer. The customer declined and wishes no further contact from Dell. Our representative remains available and may be contacted directly via email at [redacted]  We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell experience. Sincerely, Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity...

to address the correspondence submitted by [redacted]. As the customer’s warranty has expired, our representative respectfully denied the customer’s request for a free repair. As a onetime goodwill gesture, a discounted rate was offered; however, the customer declined. We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell experience. Our representative remains available and may be contacted directly via email at [email protected], Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

I do not accept the  response that Dell made. The reasons are:1. They say that they are waiting for a response from an e-mail/phone contact. The last time I heard from the Rep. mentioned he told me that there is nothing wrong with my computer. Amazingly, it is continuing to do the same thing.  He refused to service the computer since there is nothing wrong.2. I have demanded to speak to someone else within the company. The Rep. mentioned was rude & told me I was wrong, that there is nothing wrong with this computer. [redacted]

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Address: 1 Dell Way Stop 8210, Round Rock, Texas, United States, 78682-7000


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