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Dell Inc

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Dell Inc Reviews (1785)

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Mr*** ***A Dell representative made multiple contact attempts to the customer regarding the issues described in his correspondence; however, the customer has not respondedOur
representative remains available and may be contacted directly via email at ***@Dell.comWe regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell experienceOur representative may be contacted directly via email at ***, Executive Support TeamIncident ID: ***Dell Inc

Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by *** ***A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in their correspondenceThe customer confirmed receipt of the gift cardWe regret the
dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding their Dell experienceOur representative may be contacted directly via email at ***
Executive Support Team
Incident ID: ***
Dell Inc

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Mr*** ***A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in his correspondence. As a onetime goodwill gesture, a credit was offered to the customer
The customer accepted and our records indicate the credit has been applied to the original form of paymentWe regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell experienceOur representative may be contacted directly via email at ***, Executive Support TeamIncident ID: ***Dell Inc

Dear, As Dell’s stance in this matter remains unchanged, no further attempt has been made to reach the customer. Troubleshooting is required before any service can or will be provided. The representative has explained this but the customer continues to refuseThe customer can contact frontline tech support to do the troubleshooting or contact the representative that has been assigned. We have included the link for the customer to review the hardware warranty terms and conditions***Please have the customer contact the investigator directly by email at *** Sincerely, Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID#***Dell Inc

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms*** ***A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in her correspondenceOur representative respectfully denied the customer’s request for a
replacement systemOur representative offered technical support which was acceptedOur representative will remain in contact with the customer and provide technical assistance when the customer is readyWe regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell experienceOur representative may be contacted directly via email at *** Sincerely, Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID: ***Dell Inc

Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer’s submission Customer expressed dissatisfaction with communication and processing expectations for a refund for a cancelled order We regret any miscommunication which may have occurred and appreciate the
feedback When the customer placed the order on-line, the funds for the purchase were put on a “preauthorization hold” with the credit card issuing bank Once the order was cancelled, the hold should have been removed with the bank Since the date of the submission, a Dell representative verified that Dell no longer had a hold on the funds and notified the customer of this information We ask that he contact our representative at *** should there be any further questions regarding this matter. Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: ***Dell Inc

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I tried to contact you about Dell's system. However, every time I tried to send you my response, it wouldn't send, thus, I tried to copy my response and send it via email. Also, I did talk with someone and I was promised a call back at a certain date and time. I recorded the date and time and No One returned the call at the date and time set. This is how it usually works. We always make an appointment and I never get the call back at the set date and time as usual. I then received two calls on other days. I wasn't home and I couldn't take the call. I tried to tell this guy this information before the call was ever made, but as usual, no one listens to me at all. Did you receive my message with attachment this last time? We still feel that Dell will only do bandaid fixes and has totally refused in trying to help us settle this disputeCan you please assist me in this matter, since Dell can't keep appointments with their phone calls and when leaving messages, they talk way to fast, that I can't get the number, etcto be able to contact anyone.
*** ***

Dear,Our records indicate that Dell representative Linda has been in contact with the customer in regards to this situation. The representative contacted our suppression team and had additional research done to remove this customers information. The representative followed up with the customer we have received an update from our 3rd party marketing company who has confirmed both consumer and business fronts have been suppressed. The representative requested the customer allow days for the remaining mailers to be sent out and after that should not receive any further.Please have the customer contact the representative by email at *** with any additional concerns regarding this matter.SincerelyAdvanced Resolution GroupIncident***Dell Inc

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
They never once told me I needed to file a police reportI, however, told them I had filed a police reportThey have continually lied to me regarding this issueThey called me almost daily after telling them that I was filing with the and that I had filed a police report to tell me simply that I needed to contact my bankI had been in contact with my bank since the very first day that this issue was discoveredI had already told them that I had been in contact with the bank and asked why they kept calling to not offer any assistance nor to give me any concrete or pertinent informationThey had no real responseI had been told that they would resolve the issue within days and was told I would be getting a refund "100%." This didn't happenThey liedInstead I was told that it was my banks responsibility to give me back my moneyIt wasn't my bank that took the moneyThe bank helped by filing a grievance and by giving me money to help me get past the difficult situationDell did nothing but continue to pester me without assistance and knowingly kept money that was taken illegally refused to assist in making things rightEvery single thing that I have stated has been witnessed by other people when I was contacted by phoneI have kept every email correspondence. Dell's employees lying to me, yelling at me, hanging up on me, insisting to me that I had some kind of "contractual agreement" from a sale that I never made, and then an employee trying to get me to authorize an illegal sale, not knowing any pertinent information from the card that they used that was required by law to know and then forcing the payment through even after I tried to save them money, time, and effort the very day after the sale was made is not anything that can be made up for by simply saying "we told the person to contact the police" (which they didn't.) In the end, this response is rejected because Dell still is not assuming any responsibility for their illegal actions nor are they telling the truth regarding the responses that I was continually, for two weeks, subjected to.
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: The information being provided by the Dell representative is absolutely falseDell is required, by TOS, to replace m laptop with "like & kind"Dell originally offered a far inferior laptop choice(s) when I initially engaged themAfter filling a complaint with, Mr*** * offered a laptop from the outlet centerI rejected the offer based upon other configurations which were more "like & kind" to my specific laptopMr*** * agreed, O/A March 2015, to postpone the replacement of my laptop for an undefined period of time in order to allow for the possibility that my choice of configuration would become availableO/A
Regards,March Mr*** * contacted me stating "I can check with the Sales department again to check if there’s a different configuration available however I can’t promise anything because we can only provide you with the same or better configuration as a replacement and it would be a refurbished system."O/A March a laptop with my preferred configuration appeared in the Dell Outlet store, thus the laptop met Mr*** * requirement that it be a "refurbished" productI called Mr*** * to secure the laptop and he refused to provide said laptop for replacement stating he would instead provide a refund, which I refused.Dell promised that if the configuration I requested became available then they would swap out the laptops but when said configuration did become available Dell refused to honor their commitment.I have attached the email communications between Mr*** * and myself, and three computer printouts from the Dell outlet website showing the promised configuration was available
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: In talking with *** this morning,7-28-2015, I had reminded him, that the "3rd party software" issue he was referring to came about after a phone conversation he had with a family member, who was not sure exactly what the issue was, More importantly, it was not me, the owner and the principle user,and also the person to which Dell has been working with since the onset of the problem, I explained to him not only today, but shortly after the conversation he had with my family member, that my family member was confused as to exactly what was the issueNot only then, but also today, ***, had/has said that since he found out that it was a software issue then Dell had no responsibility under the terms of the warrantyAgain, since I am the one who had/has been working with ***, and that my family member really had no idea what the issue was, it stands to reason that again Dell-*** are trying to use this as an explanation for not fixing the computer, for which I had bought the extended warranty for just this very situation, The same situation that has been occurring sporadically since the computer was delivered initiallyI have a telephone "remote access" appointment set for this coming Thursday,7-30-between 10-11:a.mI would like to further add that in speaking to *** this morning,7-28-15, that he also informed me that if he can find no issues, then he will label the problem/issue "unfixable" and thereby stating/labeling the case as "closed" There is most definitely an issue with the computer, albeit, happens only sporadically, but an issue none the lessI was told by other "team members" since the onset of this problem, that if, and after doing different levels of remote diagnostics, the issue still existed, then the computer could and would be replacedI feel that I have paid for a warranty that does nothing to solve the issue at hand, Dells records should very clearly show how long this has been going on, all of which could have been settled by replacing the computer, as was suggested and ultimately promisedIt has become apparent that Dell,(or the technical staff that are employed by) are waiting until the extended warranty that I paid extra for to run out, or for what it seems now, find something, anything to make it unenforceableIf it weren't for the diligence of the in *** *** ***, I'm sure that my issues would have fallen on deaf ears, as has been the case in the recent past.
*** ***

Dear, I am writing on behalf of Dell Incin response to the complaint filed with your office by the customer. Thank you for providing a copy of the submission.A Dell representative *** contacted the customer regarding their concerns with the order the
representative apologized for the experienceThe representative confirmed that the system issues are resolved. The representative has provided feedback to the management staff on the experience and the problems he mentioned.We remain available to assist and ask that the customer contact the representative should they have any additional questions at ***@Dell.comSincerelyAdvanced Resolution GroupIncident ***Dell Inc

Dear, I am writing on behalf of Dell Incin response to the complaint filed with your office by the customer. Thank you for providing a copy of the customer’s submission A Dell representative, *** has recently contacted the customer regarding their
concerns. We regret any dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the’s feedback. *** has apologized for the customers inconvenience and processed their refunds. Should any future concerns arise regarding this matter, the customer may contact Dell’s representative via email at: *** Dell now moves to close this matter regarding Incident ID: ***. Sincerely, Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID# ***Dell Inc

Dear,As Dell’s stance in this matter remains unchanged, no further attempt has been made to contact the customer. The representative can be reached directly by email at *** Support TeamIncident***Dell Inc

Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms** ***A Dell representative recently contacted MsRegarding her concernsOur representative explained the terms of the limited hardware warranty and the
return policy
As per the terms of the warranty, our representative issued a Depot servicePlease note, once the service has been completed, our representative will follwith Ms*** to confirm resolutionWe regret any dissatisfaction she may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell ExperienceWe remain ready to assist her within the terms of Dell’s limited hardware warranty and our other policiesOur representative may be contacted directly by e-mail at ***, in case Ms*** has any further concerns regarding this case
Executive Support Team
Incident ID: ***
Dell Inc

A Dell representative contacted *** *** ** Teel and is working with her to achieve an amicable resolution for her concernsOur representative may be contacted directly by email at ***

Today’s Date: 04/24/2015Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submissionDell representative, ***, has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, *** *** ***, to address the contents of their correspondenceAt this time the agent
continues to work with the customerHowever, as per policy, a final response is being submitted todayThe agent will continue to work with the customer until the matter is addressedDell regrets any inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this processThe customer may also contact the representative at *** with any questions or concerns.Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: ***Dell Inc

Dear,Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by *** *** ** ***A Dell representative recently contacted *** *** regarding her concernsPlease note that a product return has been processedOur records show that the credit has been posted to the original form of paymentOur representative also followwith *** *** to confirm resolutionWe regret any dissatisfaction she may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell ExperienceOur representative may be contacted directly via e-mail at ***, in case *** *** has any further concerns regarding this case. Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID:***
Dell Inc

Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Mr*** ***A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in his correspondenceOur representative assisted the customer by updating their records
Our representative, per the terms and conditions of the sale and the limited warranty, respectfully denied the customer’s request for a refund or an exchange and offered service to the customer, which was declined We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell experienceOur representative remains available and may be contacted directly via email at ***
Executive Support Team
Incident ID: ***
Dell Inc

A Dell representative is continuing to work with *** *** to achieve an amicable resolution for her concernsProduct return is being processedOur representative may be contacted directly by e-mail at ***

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Address: 1 Dell Way Stop 8210, Round Rock, Texas, United States, 78682-7000


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