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Austin Hose

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Austin Hose Reviews (2808)

On May **, 2016, I spoke with [redacted] and explained an email was sent explaining he would receive two Gift Cards, one $300.00 Verizon [redacted] Gift Card and one $300.00 [redacted] Gift Card. Once he chose which Gift Card he wanted to keep and activate, the other became null and void.  [redacted]...

chose the Verizon [redacted] Gift Card which was issued in 2013.  The transaction history for the gift card is held for one year after it has been used in its entirety.  [redacted] insists he did not receive the [redacted] Gift Card and is trying to get the [redacted] Gift card activated.  I explained the resolution and he is not satisfied.

Please be advised after further investigation, Verizon is unable to provide additional assistance with the account in question because it was purchases by [redacted].  All inquiries or disputes need to be handled directly with them. We trust this provides your office with the...

information required in this matter. Thank you, Ms. M[redacted] Sr. Analyst Verizon Executive Relations

A Verizon representative spoke with [redacted] on 1/**/2017. The representative walked helped him through the activation process and he was able to register. [redacted] was advised the card would be issued 90 days from the installation date provided the account was in good standing. [redacted]...

was advised the he could check the status of the card using the same link he used to register.

I am rejecting this response because:
This has not been removed from my credit report yet. This is not my doing, I'm a victim of identity theft, and did not apply for fingerhut account and did not give anyone else authority to apply,  Verizon's presidents office and executive customer relations department reached out to me immediately after filing the complaint with you and has done anything and everything possible to resolve my issues with their service and their customer service, as well as giving...

me a direct number to reach them in the future if I have problems. Thank you very much for your time and consideration on this matter. 

Spoke with customer 04/**/15 at 5:47 pm in regards to complaint, [redacted] understood would see $15 credit on his bill monthly and $25 credit will be issued after the bill generates. Customer had no further questions or concerns.

Our investigation found that the online offer customer subscribed to included $80 monthly reduction in rate in lieu of any gift card.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

  Last week when the specialist called to discuss my situation I explained everything, but she refused to understand, stating wrong stuff here again. This time I am attaching images and explaining everything from the beginning (I also have audio recordings of past conversations).I was a TWC client and was waiting for Fios to come to my neighborhood (as an old happy client of Fios in a different location). I was notified when FIOS was available and called to get a price, speaking straight from the beginning to Fios Solution Center to receive the best price. I got a price of $148.49 after taxes promised for 2 years, and even though higher then what I was paying TWC I gladly accepted thinking service will be better. Everything was fine, every month $148.49 and got even better in October 2015 when price went down to $143.39, I think it was due to applying for auto pay. That was until April 2016 when price jumped to $215.57, at the time I was 4 months pregnant and under medication fo[redacted] so I couldn't be 100% on top of it, when I called to ask why I was told deals were over, when I explained I was promised price to remain the same for 24 months and for someone to hear Verizon phone recording from signing up, I was told someone will call me back to resolve. No one called.A month later, May 2016 price went up again to $248.20, again I called again a deal (credit/coupon) was over, which makes no sense that deals ended on different times if they were both 12 months like they were claiming, again explained, and again was promised someone will call... This went on for a few months, which again I was pregnant and ill at the time. June - $254.20, July - $253.20. I also told them around the same time that my internet services were not good, dropping, slow, everything keeps getting stuck.July ** 2016 I called again and this time asked someone to at least reduce my costs until someone calls me since no one was calling and bills and debt were getting too high. The person I spoke with ended up getting me a package that was the same TV service as what I had (extreme), same internet (50/50), same TV DVR Quantum rental for 3 boxes the only difference was to remove the fully loaded movie package to only HBO and Showtime for $182.09 after taxes and with an easy stay credit of $30 in total $152.09. I agreed to that in the meanwhile and asked for someone to call me again to discuss the issues, oh and I also continued to complain about my internet service dropping. The rep did change my package but unfortunately as soon as I hung up the phone my services were mistakenly disconnected. I called right away and spent 4 hours waiting for them to connect my services again, they were trying to convince me to take another phone number since they already gave mince away.When my services were back up I was happy and kept waiting for the specialist to call and discuss my issues (billing and technical).Then when receiving my bills after I saw that my services were still weirdly high, Aug 2016 - $244.96,  I was not connected to what I had before, neither the new package the rep downgraded me to, nor the package I had before. This was a completely new package I never agreed to (basically chose their own package), plus it had a charge for router rental which I owe! I talked to a rep and was told "[redacted]" of course I didn't agree and asked someone to call me again!Due to giving birth with c-section, my mental health and being a first time mom to a newborn baby I couldn't continue calling and keeping this chase, so I called back in Oct, heard the same things, either that or that they will have to really change my package to something lower than I ever had. When I asked what about all these month I keep paying higher for your mistakes? again a specialist will call.Sep 2016 - Jan 2017 bill was around $222, Feb-March 2017 it went up to $224, and April $**9.47 due to a reconnect fee, when I refused to continue paying for something I never agreed to.I never asked or agreed for ultimate TV, never was informed they will give me this package, never agreed to start paying $10 extra a month for a router I owe! It just got worse and worse... at first the bill went up before 24 months, then when I wanted someone to investigate it no one called back, then when I finally smartly thought about lowering my bill I got disconnected and never put back on the right packages again.As for the technical side, I did think it was better for the few days I tested it, turns out I was wrong, I have a video I just made showing how the internet just drops for about a few minutes and comes back up. (it happened in the test attached, but in the video you can see how it is just stuck for a couple of minutes), I don't understand why it's so hard to send a technician like I have been asking for about a year! with all the money I pay shouldn't I at least be able to use my internet normally?In any case I don't think I am asking for anything out of line! I am asking 1. give me back money for equipment rental I owe, 2. lower my bill like was agreed on when signing up and then later again (before mistakenly being disconnected) and remove this package you gave me without me ever agreeing!! I do not want to have a contract, never had, just want what I was promised over and over again. Offering to lower my packages is not a solution since you are giving me something lower than I ever agreed to. It's illegal to just give me a package I never sign up for.I just noticed you can only attach 4 images, I have images of all bills amounts + agreed on price of $182.09 in 7/**/16 + stating in email about the easy stay credit of $30.I also have voice recordings.Thanks      
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2016                                      ... of Minnesota                                   �... [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337   Re: Case # [redacted]   Dear Ms. [redacted],   I am writing in response to the further inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted], regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.   Mr. [redacted] states that he did not receive the power washer he ordered on August 14, 2016. He contacted us via email on August 22, 2016 and we responded back asking if he wanted the item replaced or credited, and he advised he would like the item replaced. His inquiry also states that we ordered the wrong item to be resent to him, an Xbox charger pack. Mr. [redacted] says that when he called us to advise we’d ordered the wrong item, the agent advised she would need to credit the original power washer and recharge his account for the replacement order.   Our findings, after researching Mr. [redacted]’s account, are in alignment with what he states occurred. He contacted us to advise he did not receive the power washer, and an incorrect replacement was sent to him.   We apologize that the incorrect item was sent to Mr. [redacted]. On August 29th, 2016, a no charge order was placed for the Sun Joe 2030 PSI Pressure Washer. Tracking indicates it was delivered on September 1, 2016.    We have issued credit for the second Xbox charger pack, since we sent it to Mr. [redacted] in error. He may keep the merchandise at no cost.   As a courtesy, we are also sending Mr. [redacted] a discount coupon, under separate cover, for $20.00 that he may use on a future order.   Thank you for allowing us to explain.   Sincerely,     Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team   VF/bw

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's offer.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved. If the company does not perform as promised I can get back to you at: [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 Although verizon again tried to rectify the situation which was most appreciated they seem to have come to the same conclusion as I and [redacted] which is there is not sufficient for lack of technical terms power and or range due to the limitation verizon faces in this,area. By signing with them to provide my telephone and Internet services along with [redacted] the lack of pwer/range is not enough to provide functioning Internet for the tv or computer.I had to take a 2 year contract with [redacted] which the early termination fee is a $440.00 I don't feel as I should have to pay that amount of money to obtain services else where when it is verizon that contracted with me to provide the triple play package. It should have been known to them this package would not work yet they still installed and for many weeks assumed me the power/range was sufficient.  My request for resolution was for verizon to pay [redacted] the $440 early termination fee or find me harmless for that fee as its not my fault it can not be provided.I have partisapated in all requests for testing which were a minimum of 15 times and since the inception of the contract. This has caused much havoc to my life not being able to access the Internet for work and bills as well as not being able to enjoy the tv. I have paid my bills hoping this could all be it can stated by Verizon I would like to pursue a working Internet and tv situation but unable to due to the contact early termination fee s with [redacted].  The claim is not satisfactory as they did not reply as to weather or not they would take car of this fee.just acknowledged there was no more they could do and that it indeed as I had stated does not work.And I was put into a situation where I was told it was. I request verizon make arrangements with [redacted] to allow my contact with them to end with no termination fee or take care of the payment.  
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Verizon spoke with the customer and advised her final bill was for $269.80. This included a one time charge for an unreturned router for $99.99. A credit was issued for the router charge in the amount of $106.99 leaving a balance of $162.81. The customer advised she spoke to multiple reps who...

advised her the account had a zero balance. For poor customer service we issued a one time credit of $50.00. Credit will reflect on the 03/**/17 bill. The customer stated she will be sending a payment for $112.81. Verizon apologizes for the inconvenience the customer experienced as a result of this matter.

A Specialist was reached out to the customer on July [redacted] to discuss the $5.00 increase in her bill.  The Specialist left a message on her voice mail stating he issued a one-time $5.00 credit and added a recurring adjustment of $5.00 for the next 15 months (through end of current contract in 10/18 ).  The recurring adjustment will post to the account after the bill is generated so the bill will not reflect the $15.00, but the amount due will be $15.00 less.

This matter has been referred to [redacted] (Verizon's Damage Claim Insurance Provider). All concerns should be directed to [redacted].

Verizon has been unsuccessful in attempts made on 10/**/17, 10/**/17 and 10/**/17 with messages left requesting a return call. A please call letter was sent to [redacted] on 10/**/17. Verizon apologizes for the inconvenience and will address the dispute with [redacted] when she returns the call.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

We are a Verizon triple play (phone, tv, internet) customer. 3x in last 4 months, Verizon has given away our phone # and cut our service to a fraudster who apparently asked them to switch our phone # from Verizon to another telecomm. After the first time this happened, Verizon Executive Relations Team added a "carrier freeze" to ensure this did not happen again. However it happened again twice, most recently yesterday.
1. Return our phone # to us 2. Guarantee that they will not give away our phone # again 3. six months' free Verizon Triple Play or $2,000 for loss of time (fixing this each of the last 2 times cost us a minimum of 20 hours per time on the phone with Verizon to fix this) and aggravation. Verizon's sloppiness has cost my wife and me at least 60 hours' of our lives to correct this problem. In addition, some fraudster is currently capturing all of our incoming messages meant for us.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 They did not try to contact or speak with me and resolve the issue at all. I have not heard from them at all. I will try to contact them again to resolve the issue at hand.
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Please be advised Verizon has tried on several occasions to make contact with [redacted] at ###-###-#### with no success. Verizon will send a call me letter.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
The statement from Verizon is partially true. True part: I did get contact from Verizon once. What I was told is that they will start an investigation and I would receive the investigation result no later than the end of Sep. So far, the only action I saw is that Verizon credited back me the late fee ($5.12), no others. False part: 1) No one contacted me or confirmed with me that Verizon would stop seeking the returned router (as this statement mentioned). There's no confirmation email / explanation call send to or contact with me. 2) No final bill so far. 3) no explanation about the bill adjustment.Thank you,
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2015/08/07) */
August 7, 2015
# [redacted] of Minnesota
Attn: [redacted]
220 S River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted], [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am...

writing in response to the further inquiry that we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.

Ms. [redacted] account indicates an enrollment in an insurance plan offered by one of our affiliated companies, Affinion Benefits Group. It is an accidental death and dismemberment policy which is underwritten by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company.
We obtained her policy proof of enrollment(s) from Affinion, which explained the charges for the insurance premium(s) would be billed quarterly to her WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. The proof of enrollment is dated April 3, 2013. We are sending a copy of the proof of enrollment directly to Ms. [redacted] at the address we have on file. Affinion also advised us the insurance policy was cancelled per Ms. [redacted] request on May 1, 2015.
The last time Ms. [redacted] was charged for the insurance policy was on February 4, 2015. Ms. [redacted] billing statement is sent each month on the 11th. If the minimum payment is not received by the due date specified a late fee may be assessed as stated in the terms and conditions she agreed to at the time the account was opened. As a courtesy two late fees were removed on April 4, 2015 and April 21, 2015 for a total of $23.97. We have also credited interest charges in the amount of $7.52. The remaining balance on her account as of the date of this letter is $71.15. No further charges will be billed to her account for the insurance. It is important to make on time payments to avoid late fees in the future.
We appreciate Ms. [redacted] patience while we researched her account.
Thank you for allowing us to explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team

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