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WOW! Internet - Cable - Phone

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Reviews WOW! Internet - Cable - Phone

WOW! Internet - Cable - Phone Reviews (1390)

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2015/12/03) */
Customers issue was resolved and a credit has been applied to their account for the trouble.

Complaint: 11080665
I am rejecting this response because:WOW customer service representatives are extremely rude and impossible to talk to. As of now, I have spoke to 4 different representatives and each one of them gave me a different response, different amounts owed and different payment due dates. When they skated around the $70.00 worth of "extra charges" that they added onto my bill without any prior knowledge of these costs, I asked them to email or mail a breakdown of the bill. Every time I asked for a visual breakdown of the monthly costs, I was yelled at, told I wasn't listening and that I was going to get hung up on if I didn't listen. I don't want to listen. I want them to to send me a copy of not only the billing statements but also a signed contract from me stating that I agreed to pay $70.00 worth of "extras" that I was NEVER informed of. WOW cable is making up their bills as they go. They still have not explained on paper how I owe them for the charges they've added to my two months of service. I have gotten a direct tv and AT&T since this. I will never do business with WOW again, and I will make sure that anyone that I personally know (I know many people) will never be duped into getting their service either. I can't wait until a lawsuit is filed for billing fraud because I will most definitely be happy to sign onto that. 

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:I have received, and understand WOW's explanation concerning my personal phone number appearing online.  I have just sent an email to a person simply named [redacted], @executiveresponse, at WOW, stating the following:  I requested...

that starting today, August 10th, 2017, I want to discontinue service from them for a "non-published" listing, because I am not going to pay for something that they, for all intents and purposes, have no control over.  In addition, I requested that the service of my "Line ID Block" be discontinued as well.  Obviously, I fully expect both of these charges, beginning today, to be removed from my billing statement.  I stated to them that I was not canceling my WOW service, simply requesting these two phone services be removed, and  not charged for after this date.  

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
[redacted] I do not agree with the reasoning for charging me for service that I CAN'T GET - even though it was POOR to begin with.  I feel forced to pay for service that was sub par and now non-existent just because I bought a house without checking to see if WOW covered the area - who would do that?????? Be assured WOW that I will not be using your company in the future and I will be sure to let anyone who asks know why.

The customer has indicated that there issues have been resolved and therefore we are closing this issue.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: As I stated in my complaint, the website was working as of a few weeks ago, so the claim that it was discontinued and I was notified 6 years ago is simply untrue.

This customer has also filed a complaint with the FCC regarding this same issue. Any further communication with this issue will be handled through the FCC.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:WOW! has only partially responded to my proposal as to how to FULLY resolve this issue.  I had requested that, as a matter of good will, that they excuse and remove the...

$120 charge for the one of the two digital adapters that I fully acknowledge as having in my possession.  One of the adapters has been lost.  Three years ago, I was told that the digital adapter was $70.  Is there a particular reason for a $50 increase in the cost in just a short three year period.  I am now also questioning and would like to see specific printed contractual details regarding these digital adapters.  In early 2011, when these adapters were first being issued, I do not recall seeing any information about replacement cost.  In fact, I do not recall seeing or reading any print details about ANY cost at all being associated with these adapters.  To further complicate matters, I called the local [redacted] WOW! office to inquire where to find the serial number on remote controls.  I was told they appreciated having remote controller returned, but that there was no replacement cost associated with them.  In order to fully accept and resolve this issue, I am asking that WOW! respond either affirmatively or negatively to all of the requests made in the resolution section.  In other words, if WOW! declines to excuse and/or remove the $120 fee for the missing adapter, I would like to see this in writing.  It should be noted that I have been a WOW! customer since they entered the [redacted] market back in 2000 or 2001... perhaps even earlier.  It must be stated that I feel it is a very poor business practice to treat long-standing customers in the manner in which I've been treated.

We have notes from a conversation with [redacted] stating she got the January bill and refused to pay it and was notified it would be going to collections. We will not be removing this account from collections as the bill was received and acknowledged.

Our business solutions team has reached out to this customer to make arrangements for the seasonal hold on this account.

We have found that the client is affiliated with owner of the unpaid account. We are unable to provide service until this account is paid.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2015/12/11) */
There is no number listed for customer on complaint or on account. Tried to contact to resolve service issues by email several times but no success.

We attempted to contact the customer at the phone number provided, but when he answered he said he did not want to talk to us and hung up.

We have made attempts to contact the customer through the phone number she provided. We have left at least three voice mails but were unable to speak with her. We have reviewed the calls made on 6/24 from when the movies were first ordered. The person who called claimed to be her son and was...

able to provide the security question to access the account. The Video On Demand charges are valid and will not be credited back to the consumer. She is welcome to change her security question over the phone with our customer service representatives.

If this issue is not taken care, I will have no choice but to take legal action, as "False Advertising" which includes specifically "Bait and Switch" tactics are COMPLETELY illegal.  Failure to comply with the law will result in legal actions being taken, this is all that I am willing to accept, either comply with the law and update your advertisements and websites to reflect what you are actually able to sell customers in that area or legal action will be taken. Complaint: [redacted]

We are currently working on a resolution for this issue and will update whenever we have this complete.

We educated the consumer by sending out a technician to the consumer's home. The technician discovered that the consumer was using a beta speed test app to test the speed of the internet. The technician corrected this and the correct speeds were being displayed through the newer app. Our terms of...

service does explain that wireless connections through our service are not guaranteed. The consumer was getting the correct speeds and nothing was wrong with the services. The consumer is not warranted a credit as the services were working as intended.

We have made contact with this customer to get more information. After receiving the information we requested we decided to credit the balance with TWC. The customer has indicated that he is satisfied with this outcome.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and I woyld like to...

keep the case open for a coyple more weeks to make sure the issue really is resolved. I do say that the company has been making an effort though.

Contacted the customer and discussed his billing concerns. He wants new customer pricing since his expired in January told him we were not able to do this for him. Offered him a discount for the package he has now trying to be of some help with the increased cost customer refused the offer.

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Address: P.O. Box 24363, Speedway, Indiana, United States, 46224


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