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WOW! Internet - Cable - Phone

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WOW! Internet - Cable - Phone Reviews (1390)

It appears we were able to get a technician out to this customers home once the contacted us about the service issues. I am not showing any records where the customer called us and told us he was having a service issue. As we were notified of an issue in august and fixed it in that month I will be...

applying an credit to the customers bill for $27.50.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Inappropriate/unreasonable/lack of compassion

We dispatched our lead tech to inspect and address any issues with the wiring. Issue has been resolved.

There is no history of technical issues on the account.  The first report of any internet issue was during the call to disconnect.  Customer was offered a technician to resolve a technical problem, otherwise an early termination fee would apply.  Technician was declined.  The...

early termination fee is valid and will not be waived.  No further consideration will be given to this matter.

Our current policy for the services does require the rental of our equipment at this time. We do not have the services the consumer is currently subscribing to available for the use of consumers own equipment. This is in our terms of service for the service the consumer is subscribing to. The...

consumer has the option to downgrade the services and only then would qualify for using their own equipment.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:  The internet technician who came out made a mess and did not clean up.  Not only was I out of internet causing me to lose 1 week, plus 2 days of work due to not having internet as promised, plus taking 2 days off in addition to this to wait on technicians.  The last technician, moved my router to another room, without asking.  I showed him 2 spots in my Livning room I wanted the router.  One was where the 1st tech came and installed it incorrectly, the second was in the living room as well.  He hooked it up in a 3rd bedroom, without asking if it was OK.  Just did the install and said he was done.  Fine I can live with that.  It is not optimal or what I wanted.  If WOW is serving my condo complex Install should be where ever I WANT it. Not where it is easiest or most convenient for the tech.Further more, upon the tech leaving I had to clean up his mess.  I do pretty much the same kind of work as WOW field techs.  I am a systems administrator and field technician for several ISP's & MSP'sI am obligated to not only leave my work area as I found it, but make it cleaner and neater by any means.Because I have a dog, I was not able to BABYSIT the technician as I realize I must do from now on.So I allowed the tech to leave my premises based on the fact I was able to connect to the internet.However, upon further examination; I had: 2 Wall Plates not screwed back in place with wires dangling out.1 Wall Plate brokenPatio furniture placed in disarray after tech requested access to attic which proved to be pointless since he simply unplugged router from living room and plugged into 3rd bedroomChairs in living room pushed out of place and not returned how it was foundDirt & dust by all 3 wall plates tech had unscrewed and took off and not put back. Is part of WOW's installation process, requiring the homeowner/client to clean up and leave work site how it was found, after a technician install?You have not been able to reach me on the ONE & ONLY phone call you left because it was during work hours & after losing 9 days of work due to this issue, I was not inclined to take a fruitless and pointless phone call.  Please refer to my original complaint regarding this.  As I had stated initially when I contacted WOW to fix this mistake, I spent in total just under 4hours on the phone with WOW's outstanding customer support, only to be told there was nothing to be done.  (in less words)You did not reach out to me several times your reached out once.$60 credit is appreciated but does nothing for my loss of business & revenue, compensate me for my 4 hours I spent on the phone to be told nothing, clean's up the mess the 2nd tech left, or places the router/modem where I had requested's not even really a $60 credit, its a $45 credit since I am being charged from the date of the 1st install which left me with out service for an entire week+I feel that I am owed more than that, especially after further online research I see that this is a common occurrence.If you credit me 2 months of service as well as reimbursement for the Elevated Customer/Technical service I was talked into purchasing which does absolutely nothing, I think that would resolve it.  However I want this complaint to remain public so others thinking about getting WOW service will see what a Painful and Unpleasant experience I had.2 months credit plus credit compensation reimbursement for the elevated tech/customer support is really a drop in the bucket considering WOW's profit margin, lack of attention to details, & the fact that turnaround time for service activation is 24hours yet, god forbid there's an issue with that service activation, a customer would have to wait over  a week for resolution WHILE paying EXTRA for elevated tech/customer service.  Couple that with the loss of MY INCOME due to not being able to work for 9+days due to no internet, and the time I had to wait on late; incompetent techs, hours on the phone with support, & cleaning up after the 2nd tech.&  

I haven't had service in how long and still being billed ...I need this corrected I haven't had service in 3 mos and still being  billed 
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:

We received a complaint about a billing issue with multiple technician visit fees that were charged to the customer's account. We have already gone ahead and credited back the technician visit fees, and there is a credit balance of $163.04. We have agreed to issue the refund check sooner than the...

normal 4-6 week time frame. We are closing this issue since it has been resolved.

We stopped charging for services in November the outstanding bill is for time used that was never paid for.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 9, 2015/11/20) */
We have attempted to contact this customer multiple times leaving a callback number and have not heard from them. Can we verify if they still want to pursue this matter.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 11, 2015/11/24) */
(The consumer...

indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I was told when I originally signed up to wow cable I was locked in for 12-24 months with the agreement where I would be paying 112.00 every month. The service got installed and their was no signal fit me to even use, so they said they'd send out a tech to check. Once it did come in they did not have my cable or internet in what I originally signed up for so I called back explaining to the customer rep. This person said they'd fix the issues, but once they changed things the bill was charged a partial for something I originally ASKED for.
I tell them to fix the issues of the outrageous bill they stuck me with but they will say they did but don't.then one representative told me I was lying about it. They don't care long as they receive their money. They made me pay upfront for service, and pay off an old bill my mother had in the past with knology. I didn't understand why or hire they could do that but I was going to school online so I needed the service but they con artist
Final Business Response /* (4000, 13, 2015/12/04) */
The rate the customer is quoting, $112 per month, was given the customer in February 2015, they have since called in and been given credit for the service issue they had and updrgaded to a higher level of service. The bill as it stated is correct, if they would like to change their services we would be happy to assist, we have tried calling the customer multiple times and been unable to reach them.

Maintenance work was completed today 9/6 to resolve any remaining signal issues.  We fully encourage letting us know about any service issues at any point after completion of this work, however fiber optic to home is not a service that we provide.  This portion of the requested...

resolution is not within the confines of services that we provide.

The consumer has this issue resolved at this time. Our warehouse corrected the issue. Left a voicemail with the customer regarding this issue.

Unfortunately, we are experiencing trouble in your area. Our technicians are currently working to restore service as soon as possible. We are continually working to manage our network to keep outages and service problems to a minimum. Rest assured that this is a top priority for our company.

Thank you for contacting WOW!  My name is [redacted]. I apologize for the inconvenience that you are currently experiencing.  I reviewed the call you placed to sign up for service and there was an error on WOW's end with your pricing. We have applied a discount to correct your monthly rate to...

the rate you were told and backdated it to the date of install. Your new current balance is $107.96 and will continue to be about $108 per month after taxes for the duration of your 12 month contract.

Initial Business Response /[redacted]/
Unfortunately a cancelled check with a stamp is not proof that a check cleared the bank account. We need a bank statement showing proof that the payment cleared the account. please fax in the required documentation to research the payment. If...

you have any further questions please contact customer care at XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /[redacted]/
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
We sent proof of the check coming out of our account on [redacted] 19 . It was faxed to XXX XXX XXXX. Our account still shows us owing $170.95.
Final Business Response /[redacted]/
We have have not received this documentation as I showed that you where informed of yesterday January 1st. Please fax in the required documentation again so we can get this situation addressed for you. If you have any further questions contact customer care at XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Final Consumer Response /[redacted]/
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
We have sent all the documentation in letter form to all four executive officers of the company which should have arrived last week. I see no need to have to fax you information multiple times when it is costing me every time I do it. you would not except me to make such a request.We faxed the info thru Stables and have a record it went thru on 5 19 at 12;16 pm, from fax number XXX XXX XXXX,Ser.[redacted]XXXXXX. we sent to fax number XXX XXXXXXX per transmission verification report

We spoke with this customer on the afternoon of Wednesday, May 24th. At that time, he stated that he was charged NSF fees by his bank. This was not disclosed by the customer nor...

his bank at the time that our Account Research team had a conference call with the customer and his bank. Advised the customer that we will not be able to issue any further credits to his account until we receive confirmation from his bank regarding these fees. Our Account Research team attempted to reach out to the customer on Thursday, May 25th and left a voicemail, advising that he will need to fax a copy of his bank statement and has been provided the direct number to our Account Research team to follow-up and resolve this issue. No further credits will be issued to his account without documentation.

We have reviewed the initial sales call, and found that it was explained that there was a $20.00 promotional discount that would expire after 3 months. Price is valid & was agreed to by the customer. We attempted to reach the customer by phone, but there was no answer. We left a voicemail with...

our contact information and emailed him regarding our findings. The customer is welcome to contact us directly if he has any further questions or concerns regarding this matter.

Final Consumer Response /* (2000, 9, 2015/07/20) */
The company apologized and has issued a credit to reconcile my trouble and aggravation

We have attempted to contact the customer to resolve this issue and left a voice mail on his phone. We ask that he return our call so that we can ensure that a resolution is met.

We only have four days of reported issues with this customer's service which have been credited onto her account. As a courtesy, we added an additional $50 credit onto her account. If the customer would like to have their services turned back on the full balance minus the $50 and a reconnection fee...

will be owed. We attempted to contact this customer to explain this but were unsuccessful in our attempts.

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Address: P.O. Box 24363, Speedway, Indiana, United States, 46224


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