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TomTom Reviews (87)

I have already shipped my package to the provided addressHowever, unlike the representative's promise, it seems like my device will not be mailed to me within this week.The representative said the my package to [redacted] will be sent by overnight serviceUnfortunately, that wasn't true and according to ***'s shipment tracking service, the package I've sent will arrive at [redacted] by this FridayAt this rate, I "might" get my new device by end of next weekAgain, this is ridiculousI'm very furious at how TomTom representative lied to me and the fact that it would be impossible for me to get my shipment by the promised time, which is by end of this week.Not only that, why did it take this long for TomTom corporate to respond back just like the representative who never responds to my email replies and takes too many days to contact me back? I need better resolution as soon as possible.Again, as soon as possible Regards, [redacted]

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