To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated October 13, While we cannot share specific details in this public response, our underwriting department attempted to contacted the complainant on October 09, via phone but their voicemail box was full so a letter with a call back number was sentWe attempted to call them again on October 16, yet their voicemail box was still fullWe will continue to work with the complainant to reach a satisfactory resolutionSincerely, Underwriting Department State Farm Insurance Companies
I am rejecting this response because:The business did nothing to help me or mediate my claim. I requested that the recorde calls be pulled to verify my claim, they refused. I requested that my claim be escalated above the level of the customer agents who answered the complaint, this has yet to happen. I would like to be contacted by media, or have a conversation concerning next steps for contacting the FCC or governing body over insurance agencies
Re: Case Number To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated March 9, While we cannot share specific details in this public response, our underwriting department contacted the complainant on March 16, by letter, to address her
concerns, and we have reached a satisfactory resolutionSincerely, Underwriting Services Phone: 765-463-State Farm Insurance Companie
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 12119542, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
April 24, N University Peoria, IL Re: Case Number: *** To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated April 18, While we cannot share specific details in this public response, our State Farm Payment
Plan Department contacted the complainant on April 24, to address her concerns, and we have reached a satisfactory resolutionSincerely, State Farm Payment Plan 888-311-State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 10, 2016/08/09) */
August 9,
Peoria, IL
Re: Case Number XXXXXXXX
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated 08/02/While we cannot share specific
details in this public response, our SFPP department contacted the complainant on 8/02/2016, to address his concerns, and we will continue to work with the complainant to reach a satisfactory resolution
SFPP department
State Farm Insurance
November 06, Dispute Resolution Department Case Manager/Dispute Resolution Complaint Department RE: Complaint Case # *** Case Opened: 12/29/To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated January 02, While we cannot share
specific details in this public response, our auto operations division contacted the complainant to address her concernsSincerely, Auto Operations State Farm Insurance Companies
December 20, Harrison Peoria, IL RE: *** *** To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated November 28, While we cannot share specific details in this public response, a member of our Agency
Department contacted the complainant, to address her concerns, and we have reached a satisfactory resolutionSincerely, Agency/Sales Administration Shared ServicesState Farm Insurance Companies
May 18, NUniversity Peoria, IL Re: Name of Complainant: *** *** Case # *** To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated May 1, While we cannot share specific details in this public response,
a member of our Agency Department has spoken to the complainant, to address his concerns, and we have reached a satisfactory resolutionSincerely, Agency Sales Administration State Farm Insurance Companies
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/08/06) */
August 6,
*** ***
Peoria, IL
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated July 28, While we
cannot share specific details in this public response, our underwriting department contacted the complainant on August 4, 2015, to address his concerns, and we have reached a satisfactory resolution
Auto Underwriting Department
State Farm Insurance Companies
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 10, 2015/12/23) */
Re: Case Number XXXXXXXX
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated December 15, While
we cannot share specific details in this public response, our auto underwriting
contacted the complainant on December 16, 2015, to address her concerns, and we will
continue to work with the complainant to reach a satisfactory resolution
Auto Underwriting Department
State Farm Insurance Companies
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
State Farm has not contacted me at allThis issue is not and has not been resolved
Please keep my complaint open
January 29, 2018Revdex.comAttn: Dispute Resolution DepartmentNUniversity Street Peoria, IL Case Number: ***To Whom It May Concern:Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated January 24, While we cannot share specific details in this
public response, our underwriting department has corresponded with the complainant, on January 26, 2018, to address her concernsOur underwriting department considers this matter closed.Sincerely,Underwriting departmentState Farm Insurance Companies
September 25, Harrison Peoria, IL Re: Case Number To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated September 18, While we cannot share specific details in this public response, our SFPP
department contacted the complainant on September 22, September 25, 2017, to address his concerns, and we will continue to work with the complainant to reach a satisfactory resolutionSincerely, State Farm Payment Plan SFPP Department State Farm Insurance Companies
March 6, 2018Revdex.comHarrisonPeoria, IL 61602Re: Name of Complainant: Brianna *** Case # 12693159To Whom It May Concern:Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated February20, While we cannot share specific details in this public response,
amember of our Agency Department has mailed a written response to thecomplainant on March 6, 2018, to address her concerns, and we have reached asatisfactory resolution.Sincerely,Agency Sales AdministratonState Farm Insurance Companies
I am rejecting this response because: nobody contacted me! That is a direct lie, I have phone records proving nobody has contacted meI have been told there was no refund but when I asked for policy dates and reason for why there would be kind, they would not explain it!
I am rejecting this response because: I need a letter on State Farm letter head stating the fact that State Farm will not fraudulently take money out of my checking account fraudulently against A letter stating that State Farm will not take money out of my checking account without my permission this is a illegal action on the part of State Farm insurance company, I had no idea that State Farm took $dollars out of my checking account automatically, I rejected automatic deductions several times State Farm needs to respect that fact that you cannot illegally take money out of someone's checking account
To Whom It May Concern:Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated March 22, 2018.While we cannot share specific details in this public response, our claim's leadership contactedthe complainant on March 27, 2018, to address his concerns, and we have reached asatisfactory
resolution.Sincerely,Claims Department3881State Farm General Insurance Company
To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated October 13, While we cannot share specific details in this public response, our underwriting department attempted to contacted the complainant on October 09, via phone but their voicemail box was full so a letter with a call back number was sentWe attempted to call them again on October 16, yet their voicemail box was still fullWe will continue to work with the complainant to reach a satisfactory resolutionSincerely, Underwriting Department State Farm Insurance Companies
I am rejecting this response because:The business did nothing to help me or mediate my claim. I requested that the recorde calls be pulled to verify my claim, they refused. I requested that my claim be escalated above the level of the customer agents who answered the complaint, this has yet to happen. I would like to be contacted by media, or have a conversation concerning next steps for contacting the FCC or governing body over insurance agencies
Re: Case Number To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated March 9, While we cannot share specific details in this public response, our underwriting department contacted the complainant on March 16, by letter, to address her
concerns, and we have reached a satisfactory resolutionSincerely, Underwriting Services Phone: 765-463-State Farm Insurance Companie
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 12119542, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
April 24, N University Peoria, IL Re: Case Number: *** To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated April 18, While we cannot share specific details in this public response, our State Farm Payment
Plan Department contacted the complainant on April 24, to address her concerns, and we have reached a satisfactory resolutionSincerely, State Farm Payment Plan 888-311-State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 10, 2016/08/09) */
August 9,
Peoria, IL
Re: Case Number XXXXXXXX
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated 08/02/While we cannot share specific
details in this public response, our SFPP department contacted the complainant on 8/02/2016, to address his concerns, and we will continue to work with the complainant to reach a satisfactory resolution
SFPP department
State Farm Insurance
November 06, Dispute Resolution Department Case Manager/Dispute Resolution Complaint Department RE: Complaint Case # *** Case Opened: 12/29/To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated January 02, While we cannot share
specific details in this public response, our auto operations division contacted the complainant to address her concernsSincerely, Auto Operations State Farm Insurance Companies
Please see attached response
December 20, Harrison Peoria, IL RE: *** *** To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated November 28, While we cannot share specific details in this public response, a member of our Agency
Department contacted the complainant, to address her concerns, and we have reached a satisfactory resolutionSincerely, Agency/Sales Administration Shared ServicesState Farm Insurance Companies
May 18, NUniversity Peoria, IL Re: Name of Complainant: *** *** Case # *** To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated May 1, While we cannot share specific details in this public response,
a member of our Agency Department has spoken to the complainant, to address his concerns, and we have reached a satisfactory resolutionSincerely, Agency Sales Administration State Farm Insurance Companies
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/08/06) */
August 6,
*** ***
Peoria, IL
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated July 28, While we
cannot share specific details in this public response, our underwriting department contacted the complainant on August 4, 2015, to address his concerns, and we have reached a satisfactory resolution
Auto Underwriting Department
State Farm Insurance Companies
Please see the attached response
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 10, 2015/12/23) */
Re: Case Number XXXXXXXX
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated December 15, While
we cannot share specific details in this public response, our auto underwriting
contacted the complainant on December 16, 2015, to address her concerns, and we will
continue to work with the complainant to reach a satisfactory resolution
Auto Underwriting Department
State Farm Insurance Companies
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
State Farm has not contacted me at allThis issue is not and has not been resolved
Please keep my complaint open
January 29, 2018Revdex.comAttn: Dispute Resolution DepartmentNUniversity Street Peoria, IL Case Number: ***To Whom It May Concern:Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated January 24, While we cannot share specific details in this
public response, our underwriting department has corresponded with the complainant, on January 26, 2018, to address her concernsOur underwriting department considers this matter closed.Sincerely,Underwriting departmentState Farm Insurance Companies
September 25, Harrison Peoria, IL Re: Case Number To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated September 18, While we cannot share specific details in this public response, our SFPP
department contacted the complainant on September 22, September 25, 2017, to address his concerns, and we will continue to work with the complainant to reach a satisfactory resolutionSincerely, State Farm Payment Plan SFPP Department State Farm Insurance Companies
March 6, 2018Revdex.comHarrisonPeoria, IL 61602Re: Name of Complainant: Brianna *** Case # 12693159To Whom It May Concern:Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated February20, While we cannot share specific details in this public response,
amember of our Agency Department has mailed a written response to thecomplainant on March 6, 2018, to address her concerns, and we have reached asatisfactory resolution.Sincerely,Agency Sales AdministratonState Farm Insurance Companies
I am rejecting this response because: nobody contacted me! That is a direct lie, I have phone records proving nobody has contacted meI have been told there was no refund but when I asked for policy dates and reason for why there would be kind, they would not explain it!
I am rejecting this response because: I need a letter on State Farm letter head stating the fact that State Farm will not fraudulently take money out of my checking account fraudulently against A letter stating that State Farm will not take money out of my checking account without my permission this is a illegal action on the part of State Farm insurance company, I had no idea that State Farm took $dollars out of my checking account automatically, I rejected automatic deductions several times State Farm needs to respect that fact that you cannot illegally take money out of someone's checking account
To Whom It May Concern:Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your correspondence dated March 22, 2018.While we cannot share specific details in this public response, our claim's leadership contactedthe complainant on March 27, 2018, to address his concerns, and we have reached asatisfactory
resolution.Sincerely,Claims Department3881State Farm General Insurance Company