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Merrick Bank Corporation

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Reviews Merrick Bank Corporation

Merrick Bank Corporation Reviews (681)

A review of Mr***'s account shows that the account has a zero balance and is closedThe account records show that a letter of confirmation was sent to his address of record stating this same information

Ms*** opened an account with Merrick in June and has used the account for the purchase of goods and services. Interest on the account accrues during the month but is not reported online until after the statement cycle dateTherefore, the balance showing online does not include
interest accrued on the account during the current monthThe large payment made by Ms*** in August was on the cycle close date and did not include interest accrued during AugustThe payment was received and properly credited as shown on the August billing statement On September 2, Ms*** requested the account be closed and made a payment of $29.22, which was subsequently returned unpaid by her bank on September 8, In order to resolve Ms***’s complaint and strictly as a courtesy, Merrick Bank credited $to bring the account balance to zero

Mr*** had closed his account and there was nothing to review for Merrick to make any kind of exception to the credit line increase. Now that he has re-opened the account I have requested that the credit department review his account to determine if they will allow an exception to allow the line increase for Mr***. If they do an exception he will receive an email or letter from us indicating what that decision was

The request for the do not call flag was just made today. No additional calls should be received after today

Ms***’s account has had a zero balance and there had been no activity on the account for a year or more. Merrick’s decision to close the account was based upon the inactivity of the account and no other reason. Merrick will not re-open Ms ***’s accountThe cardholder agreement
between Ms*** and Merrick allows either party to close the account at any time, and allows Merrick to do so for any reason without prior noticeMerrick reported the account as “closed by credit grantor”, which is the correct reporting on the account

A review of Mr***’s account was conducted. Mr*** opened a Hooters Mastercard account in May and used the account for the purchase of goods and services. Mr*** closed the account in January and paid off the balance of the account in March 2011. The account ending
in *** was never reported as a charge off to the credit reporting agencies. I have attached a copy of what is being reported and according to the history of the account the status reported is correct and accurate. Merrick will not charge or modify the reporting of this account

Mr*** opened an account with Merrick in November and has used the account for the purchase of goods and services. Mr*** reported a fraudulent charge for the amount of $to Merrick in April A provisional credit for that amount was applied to his account in May
After a review of Mr***’s account we can confirm that there were multiple charges and credits for this amount on his accountWe apologize for the inconvenience and have notified responsible individuals of Mr***’s experience and will use it to improve our processes and communicationAn additional credit was applied to his account as shown on his account statement dated August 31, and the balance on his account is now correct

A review of Mr*** account was conducted. The due date on the account is the 5th of each monthThe statement cycle date for the account is around the 10th or 11th of each month. In April and May Mr*** made the minimum payment due on the account prior to the due date.
On May 9, Mr*** made a payment for the difference in the balance owing on the statement dated April 10, and the payment that had previously been made on April 25, 2016. Because Mr*** did not make the payment until after the 5th of the month he received a statement that included “trailing interest”. If Mr*** had made the payment on or before the 5th of May there would have been no interest owing on the accountThe way that interest is calculated on the account is part of the cardholder agreement and Mr*** received that when the account was opened. Section of that agreement sets forth how interest is calculated: Interest is calculated on the Average Daily Balance of the accountto calculate the Average Daily Balance we state with the beginning balance for each day in the Billing Cycle. For Purchases, the beginning balance includes billed but unpaid interest on Purchased, Annual fees, Late Payment fees, Returned Item fees… and other fees for services… The manner in which Merrick applies interest and fees is a Card Industry standard and compliant with both Regulation Z and the CARD Act. Mr*** account is open and the credit line is available for his use. Merrick will not waive the interest or fees owing on the accountIf Mr*** had additional questions regarding his account he can contact us at ###-###-####Tell us why here

Merrick is required by its regulators and guidance via the FFIEC to set risk policies for the bank's business. The number and amounts of returned payments constituted a risk and Merrick followed that policyTell us why here

Ms*** opened an account with Merrick in March 2016. As Ms*** states in her complaint, the payment made on the account on December 11, in the amount of $was returned by Santander Bank for non-sufficient funds. A late fee in the amount of $was charged to her
Merrick credit card account due to the returned payment. Ms*** will be able to see this fee on her statement that will be produced on or about the 28th of December. In the meantime, I have provided a copy of the pricing appendix that sets forth the fees changed on the account in various circumstancesMs*** can share this with Santander Bank to enable the refund of the fee she contends was caused by its error
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Upon receipt of the complaint from Ms*** I reviewed several calls between Merrick and Ms***. On May 23, Ms*** called Merrick and spoke to a representative about the account, during the phone call Ms*** requested the account be closedShe indicated to the
representative that she would pay the balance in full on the account the following month. The representative verified how Ms*** would make that payment and also verified the mailing address on the account Ms*** used the account for the purchase of goods and services and is obligated to repay the balance of the accountIf she is having financial difficulty or needs assistance with a payment plan she can contact us at 800-253-and discuss what options might be available to assist her

Merrick has closed the account at *** ***'s requestThis was completed on April 1, 2016. I have requested that any credit reporting be deleted from the credit fileThis may take up to days to be completed by the credit reporting agencies

A review of the account was conducted. Except for this complaint, according to Merrick’s records there has been no written communication from Ms*** regarding possible identity theft on the account under her nameThe account was opened in and was used for the purchase of goods and
services until February when it was charged off for non-payment Ms*** can contact Merrick’s security department at 800-215-to file a fraud claim on this account even though Merrick totally twisted my original point and now is calling my phone or more times a day, I appreciate that they are trying to somewhat make it right.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

A review of Ms***’s account and the issue set forth in the complaint was conducted. It appears from the review that there were some issues regarding a payment Ms*** made on September 15, The representative who took the information processed a payment using the wrong bank
account information. When Ms*** contacted Merrick regarding this issue the representative told her that the September call recording would be pulled and reviewed. When Ms*** contacted Merrick again on September 27, regarding this payment issue she explained that the error was causing problems with her employer. She asked for a supervisor but one was not available. She left a message for a call back after the review begun on September was completed. It appears that the supervisor reviewed the account and made notes concerning this issue, but never called Ms*** back regarding the status or results of the reviewOn October Ms*** received a call from a Merrick representative regarding the status of the account. The representative had full access to the account notes but did not offer any help to Ms*** regarding the September payment issue, and during the call Ms*** asked how to make a complaintWhile the representative was describing the process, the call was dropped Because of the issues set forth above Merrick has sent a letter of apology directly to Ms***The status of the account has been changed from revoked to open but suspended, and a payment plan has been put into place on the account. The Assistant Vice President of Operations will contact Ms*** directly and discuss the issues and work with her to ensure she understands the payment plan and resolve any remaining issues she may have at that timeThe representatives who spoke to Ms*** and the supervisor who did not return the call as requested will receive additional training and coaching on the proper handling of these types of issues

Ms*** opened an account with Merrick in March 2013. She used the account for the purchase of goods and services. The account became delinquent and subsequently was charged-off in March 2014. Merrick does not continue to report charged off accounts once the charge off
has been submitted to each of the three major credit reporting agencies. The reporting status can change if there is a payment made or the borrower updates any of their information with the reporting agenciesThe date of first delinquency is the date that drives how long a derogatory report will remain on a credit file. That date that Ms*** first became delinquent is July 28, Merrick has not changed that dateThe credit reporting history of the account is maintained by the credit reporting agencies. Good credit information can remain on a file indefinitely; derogatory information can remain on a file for 7-years. Merrick is required under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”) to accurately report the status of accounts it reports to the credit bureaus. The various status’ reported on Ms***’s account were and are accurate for that given point in time and Merrick will not remove or alter that information. To do so would be a violation of FCRA. Merrick is not a debt collector as defined in the FDCPA. In response to the request for validation of the debt Merrick has attached a copy of the application for the account, statements sent to Ms*** for the account and the cardholder agreement that governs the account

Merrick has placed and statements in the mail to Mr***. He should have them by the end of next week

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Merrick offered misspelled, grammatically deficient, and factually incorrect excuses instead of admitting their error Lack of comment is just one more way to avoid admitting their error.
*** ***

Mr*** opened an account with Merrick in May and has used the account for the purchase of goods and servicesThe due date on the account is the 8th of each monthThe last payment received from Mr*** for the amount of $was received by Merrick and posted to his account on May 7,
2017. Merrick has not received the most recent payment Mr*** indicated he sent. If the payment was cashed, Mr*** will need to provide a copy of the front and back of the payment he submittedOnce Merrick receives that information we can research where the funds may have been applied. If the payment has not been cashed Mr*** can request that it be re-issued It is Merrick’s policy and practice to post payments to the account as of the date they are received. Merrick encourages its account holders to use Merrick’s online cardholder website, their depository bank’s online bill pay service, or other electronic methods to make payments to avoid any postal delays

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Address: PO Box 5000, Draper, Utah, United States, 84020-5000


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