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Maximum Security Alarm, Inc.

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Reviews Maximum Security Alarm, Inc.

Maximum Security Alarm, Inc. Reviews (116)

Review: Solicited by phone, agreed to have them supply emergency necklaces for both husband and wife, instead received faulty installation of defective security equipment and no necklaces causing problems with computer, phone, internet, animals and increased tinnitus.Refuse to resolve issue after 10 days of multiple calls, emails, with various people in Maximum Security and [redacted], installer said he needs permission to remove equipment which he still has not received, finally had equipment removed today and neatly packaged at our expense and asked for them to pickup and give receipt for equipment, cancelling all obligations to their company. They finally are going to send someone to reinstall, we refused and insist when he comes that he gives us a receipt for their equipment. We purchase only made in USA products, have not received necklaces or sign, these barely legible instructions printed in Mexico and equipment made in China. I have been through a nightmare since Labor Day 9/1 and this is 9/11 and still not resolved and tinnitus terrible. PLEASE HELP TO CANCEL THIS TERRIBLE COMPANY OUT OF OUR LIVES.Desired Settlement: GET RID OF EQUIPMENT AND OUT OF OUR LIVES FOREVER, PAID $39.99, HAVE BANK BLOCKED FOR NO MORE ELECTRONIC WITHDRAWALS. THEY CLAIM NOT CANCELLED IN 3 DAYS AND WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR FULL 3 YEARS PAYMENT. WHEN THEY OFFERED TO INSTALL PROPERLY OFFERED SIX MONTHS FREE SERVICE, WE REFUSED, WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH DEFECTIVE UNAUTHORIZED EQUIPMENT AND THEIR COMPANY. FURTHER, THEIR SYSTEM IS INTERNET NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OTHER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS.



We have spoke with this customer several times and advised them we scheduled a service call to redo the entire system since it was not up to their standards, customer refused service. We have tried to go above and beyond for this customer. We gave the customer 6 months of service for free and they still are not satisfied so we have already canceled the service out.

We had no idea the customer was racist and did not purchase equipment from China or have any products made outside the USA. We apologize the user manual is printed in China and Is standard print.

No matter how hard we tried to satisfy this customer we couldn't and don't believe any company could for that matter. We are more than happy to cancel the service for this customer.



I am rejecting this response because: it is a total lie, the initial installation was on 9/01/14 Labor Day, it was a defective installation wired into my computer which is not always on, I called every day and sent various emails for a total of ten days, no satisfaction, finally on 9/11 paid mechanic $100. and had the incomplete defective installation taken out and packaged neatly for them to pick up. They only offered free six months if they could reinstall properly but I refused and I still do not have the security necklaces which were the original reason for signing up with them. This Company is terrible, I have every email documented to prove my case and they have nothing. I have even had the local Deputy informed about my situation to protect myself. The terrible accusation that I am racial is blasphemy, my attorney is a MAN OF COLOR and very highly regarded in our community and my lprotector guardian angel. HOW TERRIBLE.

The mechanic who took out the equipment said it came from China and the instructions were printed in Mexico. My husband is military and we try to only purchase MADE IN USA TO HELP OUR COUNTRY AND EMPLOYEES.

Review: Was told I had 30 days to change mind about keeping system, but when I asked to have it removed, I was told it was only 3. Credit threatened, lied to.

I received a call from Maximum Security regarding a free medical alert necklace with the installation of a security system. I said I wasn't interested. I was pressured repeatedly on the phone and tentatively agreed to the installation. I changed my mind 2 days later and called, but they said they were already in my area ready to install, and the installer had already driven from [redacted] to do it (about 2 hours away). I said alright and allowed him to install it. When he arrived, I was asked to sign an online form agreeing to installation. I wanted to read the contract, but he pressured me to go ahead and sign b/c I had 30 days to change my mind. He was in a rush to get home for family movie night with his 5 kids, and since he is divorced, he didn't want to miss his chance. Meanwhile, he didn't recommend using a motion detector because I have a dog. He wrote down directions for changing the code, but when I tried to follow them, they didn't work. He also said I would be receiving a hard copy pamphlet in the mail the following week, which I never received. I have called repeatedly about the problems, and most times I have only been able to leave messages. The company finally called me when they realized I had cancelled my credit card. Mr. [redacted] (on 5/23/13) refused to discuss any of the issues and threatened to destroy my credit. My daughter called the following day and spoke with [redacted] who again refused to discuss anything other than removing the security system while still enforcing the monthly charge. She told him that this was elder abuse, both in the sales tactics and the service responses.Desired Settlement: Removal of system, return of payment made, no negative credit report.



Business' Initial Response

I believe this customer misunderstood her cancelation right. There is a 3 day cancellation, 30 day cancellation. We installed this security system on 5/3/13 and shortly after the customer stated she was not happy due to the fact she need another motion detector so we accommodated the customer and scheduled a service call for 5/9/13 to install another motion detector for the customer. We did not hear from this customer again until 5/21/13 stating she wanted to cancel the service. We are more than willing to remove the security system however she did sign a contract therefore there will be an early termination fee for not fulfilling the contractual agreement. This customer is refusing to allow us to help her understand how to operate the system. We are more than happy to provide this customer with the service need in order to be comfortable operating her alarm system. If the customer does wish to cancel there will be an early termination fee associated with the contract. We have already mailed a copy of the contract to the customer.

Consumer's Final Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

It's now June 6th, and the company still has not removed the system. Now that the complaint has been filed with the, the company is making more of an attempt to return calls; however, they still won't schedule a time to remove the system and remove the threat of poor credit if she doesn't continue to pay the monthly fee for the contract period.

The simple truth is that she was told she had a month to try the system, period. Yes, the contract says 3 days, not 30, but she was told to sign it by the service man because he was in a hurry and she had a month to cancel anyway if she didn't like it. She doesn't like it.

Business' Final Response

We did not in any way "[redacted]" the customer into anything. If she did not wish to sign up then she could have just told us NO. The person making this complaint was not there to witness this and we have spoken with technician who DID NOT in any way force this customer to do anything against her will.

We are not in the business of wasting neither our time, nor our customer's time by trying to "bully" someone into signing up for something not wanted. In no way does it make sense business wise for us to do this or use this so called tactic we are being accused of. Think about the facts here, we have to pay for all the costs associated to signing someone up and then the customer decides they don't want the system and they cancel so now we have wasted 1,000's of dollars and man hours to bully a customer into something they don't want? From a business stand point does this make financial sense? No, it doesn't. Our reputation is bigger than that and we pride ourselves in providing customer with the service they want and deserve. We are in the business of protecting customers who want the peace of mind knowing their home and family is being protected. We apologize you feel this way however we did not bully you mother and are taking every step necessary to fix the situation.

Review: Maximum Security Alarm, Inc. Committed fraud. And Deceptive Business practices.

Maximum Security Alarm, Inc. Was told to put the contract in my wifes name, thus running her credit. They asked her for her husbands name as well. They ran her credit and saw that it did not meet their requirements. So with no agreement or knowledge by myself or my husband they ran his credit without authorization and put the contract in his name so they could make a sell. When they came and installed the alarm they mentioned nothing about the change. When the installer was done they asked my wife to sign the contract and she noticed the mistake and told the rep. to fix it. He said it was 8-9 at night and the offices are closed but if she called back monday they would fix their error and change the contract to the way that was agreed upon by us. So they lied to us straight to our faces. We followed up a good 20 times. They say that they will fix it or they will call you back but nothing gets done. They just lie more and more. Its been 3 months and nothing has been fixed. They wrongfully put my husbands name on the contract pulled his credit report without authorization and had me sign my name to the contract. The contract is fraud my husband did not sign it. Did not agree to it and did not authorize it. Im fed up with their lies and dishonest business practices. This company is a scam. We want the contract voided on the grounds of fraud.Desired Settlement: The contract was based on fraud. My husband did not give authorization or agree to be involved in with it. We want the contract cancelled and a letter stating such sent to us As well as, a letter sent to the credit reporting agencies. They can come and pick up their equipement.



Initial Business Response

We have spoken with this customer several times and advised her that her husband [redacted] is no longer on her alarm account. This account is in the name of [redacted]. On July 10th, 2013 we received the RECORDING OF the sales CONFIRMATION CALL DONE BY the sales representative with [redacted], HE completed THE ENTIRE CONFIRMATION CALL and then [redacted] SET UP THE INSTALL DATE/TIME. The sale was completed in June of 2013 and then in July [redacted] calls into our office to inform us they are getting a divorce and she does not want [redacted]'s name on the contract or account any longer. On July 17th we made this change for [redacted] and she thanked us for helping her with this. As of July the account has been in [redacted] name and [redacted] was removed from the account. We are not really sure how this customer came up with this conclusion but we have always helped her and can assist her with any changes she is requesting just like we have in the past. We will call this customer to assure her again this account is in her name.

Review: I received a call about a home security promotional offer..on fri set 20..

sales rep said no credit check, cause I told him I had poor credit, not to bother if there was..but he said no check and set up an appt for sat the next day sept 21 between 1 and 3.. it would take 2 hrs for installation. I had an appt at 2 but I cancelled and on showed phone call..I looked up business to see if they were legit. I called the office in CA, looked up on internet,,talked to a woman who told me I did not pass crdt check..I asked why I wasn't called and was told nothing. then I told her salesman set up appt and never called to tell me this and he come Monday I called to ask how they checked crdt if I never gave them ss number..the girl I talked to said all they needed was my address and birthdate...never gave my birthdate either..then she told me there was no appt scheduled on her end, which I told her when I called sat there was..and not good to just toss me aside, no phone call to inform me of this !!! I was not very pleased and told her this, was going to file complaint..was told my daughter could not apply for system cuz she is not on deed.she wanted to get me a security system as a gift!!! cant happenDesired Settlement: let my daughter apply for system..and an apology.



Initial Business Response

We will call this customer to discuss their options for a home security system.

Final Consumer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Review: They installed my alarm at my address and had nothing but issues with the alarm. They took care of situation and told me they would pay for my service til December of 2015 and won't do as they said.Desired Settlement: I would like them to do what they promised.



We will be calling the customer today to review the complaint so we can resolve the issue.

Review: Faulty equipment

We have only had our system with Monitonics for 4 months and have already had problems with the system. To date our system has not worked for almost 3 weeks. A tech came out to "fix it" and left my home abruptly telling me it was fixed, however it's still broken. Not only are we being inconvenienced by having a faulty system, but once again we have to make time for a technician to come back and try to fix it. We are paying for a service that doesn't work properly, and quite frankly we don't feel secure at all. We switched to Monitronics from our previous home security company because we were told, and made to believe their system was just as good if not better than our previous company. In fact, it is NOT just as good. With our previous company we NEVER had issues. With Monitronics we get a storm come through and the system malfunctions. Monitronics didn't even give us two panels, we were given a key fob instead of the second panel so we could activate our system from the upstairs in our home. So much for "just as good". We called to discontinue service but of course we were met with cancellations fees. How can this company expect us to pay them anymore money, and we are already paying for something that doesn't even work.Desired Settlement: We would like our service discontinued as soon as possible and with no charge. Monitronics is more than welcome to come and take every piece of equipment back.



We have already contacted this customer and we have a service call set for 08/02/2014 at 11:00 AM. The issue has been resolved.

Review: We are not getting a timely response promised from the monitoring company, despite numerous complaints there is no resolution.

On July 2nd service began after a contract was signed for 3 years of alarm monitoring service. We had been guaranteed a fast response time of aprox. 20 seconds and a new alarm panel. A tech came to our home and installed a panel, we noticed over the next few days that our phone service was intermittently disrupted, dropping calls and calls not coming in. On July 10th we contacted Maximum to inform them of the problem and our belief that the new panel was the cause, we were told a service ticket would be put in and we would get a call back. After several days of no response we contacted our phone company who came out the same day and diagnosed the problem and as improperly prepared wire put in by Maximum. Finally on July 19th we got a response from Maximum, I informed them that the situation was resolved but was disappointed at the time that passed before we got a response, they claim they been trying an incorrect number since the 15th and yet the managed to get thru 9 days later, I doubted this. On Aug 9th after several alarm tests that ended with either no response or delayed response of nearly three minutes, we were very concerned so we called our sales rep, [redacted], who had sold us the system and on a three way call we contacted customer service together, we explained the trouble with the delayed response and the bad installation, we were told a supervisor would contact us back, we NEVER heard back from anyone. On Aug 19th we tested the alarm again and after no response for several minutes of continuous alarm sounding we contacted Maximum again, I spoke with a representative named [redacted] at Ex [redacted] who disconnected me, did not call back, and left me on hold for aprox 20 minutes when I called back. At this point we were very disappointed in the service and customer service and asked for our contract to be canceled as the company was not upholding their end of the agreement. He was very rude and told me they would not. After getting no solution to this problem we found the number for the president of the company posted online, as a last resort contacted him hoping for a resolution. [redacted] the owner assured me that they would be able to correct the situation and he himself said that the response time should be no longer than 20-45 seconds. He thanked us for alerting him to the problem and also said to contact him back if there was any more trouble. He then scheduled an appointment with a tech who would be able to see if there were problems with the equipment. Unfortunately, the tech who came to the house was the very same one who installed the system improperly, he said he was going to put in a cellular piece that should speed things up. We do not see any such new equipment in the house and we highly doubt anything was actually done. On Aug 27th we tested the alarm and again there was no response for several minutes, I left a message for the owner [redacted]. Again on Aug 29th we tested the alarm and got no response for two minutes so I left a second message for [redacted]. After no response I left a third message for [redacted] on Sept 2nd asking that our contract be canceled as the company has not held up their end of the agreement, I asked for a call back with the time a tech would come remove the panel and again we have received no response. Desired Settlement: We would like to be released from the contract as the company has shown they are not willing and not able to fulfill their end of the contract that was signed. We have tried to afford the company the opportunity the correct the problem but they are not doing what was promised and they do not respond back to us.



Initial Business Response

We have spoken with this customer several times and explained how the system works. Please see all of the recent communication we've had with the customer. They never answer the phone when we call and when we finally get the customer on the line they decline to allow us to help with them with their issue. Monitronics (Moni) is the monitoring company and we have all tried to help the customer understand how the system works and what the response time is for the system. We are not willing to cancel the account as we have explained this to the customer as well. We respond back to the customer every time they contact us and we are never able to reach them so if they do not answer the telephone numbers we have on file please provide additional contact numbers for the customer we can contact them faster.

9/3/13 secondary on acct ([redacted]) called in to ask general questions on the account about times and dates that she called and spoke to our reps.. provided info to the best of my ability. hung up with good rapport.

8/21/13 per tech [redacted] called in he is available to complete job 10:42am- contacted cust 3 times no ans-unable to leave vm will keep open appt for later 08/21/2013 at 5pm-tech is aware

On 8/19/13 called [redacted] from Moni anyway and he told me that the latest alarm was 08/19/13 in Zone II garage at 2:30 54 Sec and the two way listening began at 2:31 10 sec and there was no response so they called. The listening began 16 seconds after the alarm was activated [redacted] said the average is 23 seconds, so this response was well within an acceptable time frame. [redacted] said that if the customer wants a quicker call, she needs to set up a call instead of two way.

On 8/19/13 Customer called in again said she wants to cancel, told customer I could send a tech for free. customer declined said there's no issue with the system it is the monitoring company. told customer she is under contract and we will continue to bill her. I asked the customer to allow me to contact service or moni to verify response times. Customer declined, she said she will take legal action.

On 8/19/13 Customer called in was transferred from Moni, cancellation request. Spoke to [redacted], customer wants to cancel states that in July her system was not working and it was never resolved we never sent anyone. Informed customer that [redacted] was trying to contact her on three separate occasions on two phones and she was not able to get a hold of the customer. told customer I could get her over to service to set up a date to fix the issues, customer declined. I offered to waive the 50 dollar trip fee customer was disconnected tried calling customer back at the panel number no response endless rings.

Final Consumer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

The company claims they have tried to contact us and that we do not answer our phone, this is completely untrue as they have an old number listed as the first number on the account, we have given them a list of current and complete numbers SEVERAL times, why they have not corrected this on their end I cannot understand. As far as the response time, the average 23 second response time is only what they show in their call center, the alarm is ringing on our end for nearly two minutes longer. I have explained this to them many times, including to the owner who stated there must be an issue with the connection to the monitoring center, we have allowed the tech to come out again and fix the problem but nothing was actually done and the problem is not fixed. The answer on the part of the company does not address the issue we are having and they ARE NOT fulfilling their end of the agreement. We have contacted the company as well as the owner countless times and have only gotten ONE callback 9 days later, the owner who had asked me to let him know of any future problems did not respond back to any of the three messages I left him, in which I did leave my callback number. This company is not concerned about providing good service to their customers. Again we ask that the intervenes and insist that they release us from the contract that they have not lived up to.

Final Business Response

We are having our customer service department call this customer right now to see what we can do to fix this issue. We do care about our customers and want to make each of them happy with our service.

rep: [redacted] explained and was help explaining thing on the alarm system very happy with results in my business alarm and the prices

Review: Service has never worked since it was installed.

When I first had the security system installed it wasn't fully installed correctly. The bill has been sent in my name when I never opened the account my son did. The system has never worked properly since they have installed the system and whenever I have called they have told me that if I want to cancel the account I can pay the 3 years otherwise I will have to live with it. They have made no attempt to fix any issues and have been so rude to us. They even damaged my home during the installation which I did not approve.Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Other (requires explanation)

I want my service closed and the bill waived.



Initial Business Response

We have tried to correct any and all issues with this customer several times. We have gone out to the home twice to repair all issues the customer has.

On 6/11/13 Customer removed panel from wall and pulled battery. Customer said it was because he couldn't get it to stop beeping. Due to the customer pulling the panel exact problem could not be determined. Added 7 magnets to various windows to allow venting and left an 8th magnet with the customer to install when they remove their AC unit from the window. Installed Z21 Carbon Monoxide hallway. Found customers 2nd smoke in the basement and confirmed with service and customer that they only needed 2. Tested entire system and found that Z11 was malfunctioning. Replaced with new contact and sent a full set of signals. Original installed equipment is 14-1-2 +2 smoke +Touchscreen. Confirmed Zone list with Monitronics and tested 2-way. Zone list as follows: Z1 Front Door; Z2 Side door; Z3 Back Door; Z4 Basement Door; Z5 Kitchen Window; Z6 Back Bedroom window 1; Z7 Back Bedroom window 2; Z8 Front Bedroom Window 1; Z9 Front Bedroom window 2; Z10 Office Window; Z11 Living room front window; Z12 Living room side window; Z13 Living room front window 2; Z14 Bathroom window; Z15 Hallway Smoke; Z16 Basement smoke; Z17 Keyfob 1; Z18 Keyfob 2; Z19 Touchscreen basement; Z20 Motion Hallway; Z21 Carbon Monoxide Hallway.

We have provided this customer with over $840 worth of free security equipment & have given the customer 1 month of service at no charge for their troubles.

The notes we have from 9/4/2013: The Customer has unplugged system due to annoyance with system. Customer is considering canceling would like a few days to think about it. Customer requested a call back on a few days.

This customer has called our office several times using profanity and cursing at our customer service employees. We feel we have gone above and beyond for this customer. We have fixed all of the issues they have requested, given them all of the equipment they wanted and yet still they are not happy. If this customer cancels they will held to the contract terms and be referred to collections for any unpaid debt.

We are still willing and able to assist this customer as we just went out to the home this month. The problem is the customer is not allowing us to help them.

Review: The beeps continually daily and nightly its driving me crazy!!! I paid for the first $44.99 I asked to remove the system after the first days payment I was informed that I must sign the form and then I was told at that time that I must pay 60 months!!! I am a 78 year old Living alone and on Social Security and I cannot pay the aboveDesired Settlement: I would be happy if they do not in the future cannot allow another elder victim



Business' Initial Response

We have been in communication with this customer and as of right now this customers Son will be taking over her account so she will not be responsible for the contract of the alarm system.

Review: Dishonest, extremely rude and unresponsive to service.

The agent that helped me with my service need was extremely rude, and dishonest. I have never had to deal with such unprofessional person in my past. The agent was out right insulting and not truthful. Prior to me signing the 3 year agreement serviece was great and seemed professional but the minute I signed the 3 year contact is when they stopped returning my calls and so on. So as a last attempt I sent an email telling the agent that I would like to cancel my service due to lack of customer seriece and I was instulted by the customer service agent. The unprofessional manner the agent handeled my report of problem with their devise futher confirms that I did not want to do business with Maximum Security Alarm, Inc.

I have been trying to get someone to come and pick up their equipment with no sucess to this day. After multiple attempts I got an appointment scheduled which I had to stay home form work and wait for somone form Maximum Security Alarm, Inc to come and pick up their equipement but no one showed up or called to cancel or reschedule. When I called after the 2 hour window I was I was told that the appointment has been rescheduled but no one notified me of the changes.

I'm extremely frustrated and disappointed with the service and not sure what else to do for them to come and pick up their equipment.Desired Settlement: Although I should ask for reimbursed for missed pay from staying home waiting for someone to show up and the extreme frustration all I want is for someone to come and remove their equipment and also I fell I deserve an apology for being insulted.



Business' Initial Response

We spoken with this customer several times and informed the customer we will cancel her service for her on 6/19/13. We have a system pull confirmed for this customer on 7/3/13.

We apologize Ms. [redacted] feels she did not get the service she deserved, as this is not how we operate our business. We want to make sure all of our customers are happy and well taken care of. We did return all phone calls to this customer and help her is along the way, however nothing we did was satisfying to this customer. We appreciate the feedback and we will certainly investigate this information since it was directly against the sales person she was working with.

Review: I cancelled services today May 6th with Maximum Security Alarm, Inc., They denied me confirmation proof of cancellation.I also want a full refund.

A service Account Manager( [redacted] came to my home at 1030am on May 3rd 2013. Contract was signed to purchase Alarm services through Monitronics with the understanding I have 3 business days to cancel services and not be held accountable for contract and paid fees of 142.99 and reacurring payments of 38.99 monthly if I chose to cancel.I looked into services and compaired rates with other competitors with my husband and we decided to cancel that afternoon at 2pm central time. We tried to contact [redacted] and Maximum security and left messages stating I wanted to cancel services, we had no response back that Friday the 3rd. I also tried again Saturday the 4th and recieved voicemails. Today Monday May 6th I called Maximum Security at X XXX-XXXXXXX and recieved a live women on the phone at 9am central time. I voiced my concerns to her and told her I wanted to cancel service. She told me she has noted my account and a cancellation specialist would contact me within an hour to cancel my acct.I called again at 10am central time and was told they were working on it and a manager would call me soon. Then [redacted] contacted me at 1038 am trying to negotiate prices and I told him No I want to cancel services and get refunded, he said he would take care of it and call me back. No one ever called me back so I called again at 1145am and told them it has been well over 3hrs, and I want some answers and I want my services cancelled. I was then transferred to a female Manager who I explaind I didn't want services and I want my money refunded and I want a confirmation of my cancellation. She told me she doesn't know if I will be refunded since it has been a few days, I told her" By Law you have to refund me it is in the contract that I have 3 business days and I want confirmation of the cancellation now a number or something confirming it. She told me she cannot provide me with that but said my acct. was cancelled and I should get my money back. I also filed a complaint with my Credit card company who is desputing the 142.99 amount withdrawn on Sat. May 5th, and they have proof of my cancellation with Maximum Security/ Monitronics. I also contacted Monitronics who said there is not even an account set up for me there yet. Also the Alarm System was never installed and had an install date of May 14th.Desired Settlement: I want this to show proof I cancelled my contract with Maximun security inc. / monitronics within 3 business days of written contract Today May 6th 2013. I want full refund withdrawn by Maximum security Alarm inc./ Monitronics in the ammount of $142.99 from my Chase Visa credit card and I want the to stop/ cancel any reacurring payments set up through my voided check to them from my TCF National bank account in the ammount of 38.99 every month. I am not to be held accountable to there 3yr agreement contract since I cancelled within 3 business days of it being signed, Today Monday May 6th 2013.



Business' Initial Response

We have already spoken with this customer several times and explained we have canceled her account. She will not be responsible for the 3 year contract. We refunded this customers account on May 6th. When we spoke with the customer on May 6th she understood everything. We should not have this as a complaint on our record since we did nothing wrong. This customer received everything she requested from us.

Consumer's Final Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

It took me from 9am to 12 noon to get a response and 3 phone calls just to cancel my account. They said they would have a cancellation specialist call me back which they never did.When I finally did get Manager on the phone she was rude and couldn't give me a cancellation confirmation number.So without a confirmation number I had no proof my account was cancelled so I filed a legit complaint with the to cover my own [redacted]! Where the complaint shows the intent to cancel within the 3 business days, that is why the complaint was filed!!

Business' Final Response

We do not have a cancelation confirmation number. We confirmed with the customer verbally the account was canceled. We are not in the business to make any customer unhappy so if a customer wishes to cancel their service within their 3 day right we will do everything we can to help them with the process.

I was told a salesman could come to our house to show/explain the system. Each time the sales company called to schedule the appt, I was told we didn't live within the 50 mile radius they drive. We are probably 55-60 miles. I made it clear that if they can't come to our house to discuss what/where everything would be installed, I was NOT interested. I then received a minimum of 2 calls a weekday for at least 3 months. It finally stopped and yet it has started up again about 6 months later. I just spoke to a sales yesterday and YES again they tried to convince me that a salesman could come to our house by a man who claimed to actually work directly for Maximum Security instead of a sales/telemarketing company. I have explained that I was yet again NOT INTERESTED and to take my name out of their system. Since that call yesterday, I have received no less than 10 phone calls from the same man and also from an installer at an office in this "area".

Review: Maximum promised to pay off my old security company since I still had a contract with them. After repeated calls they sent me a check with NO signature. I told them I could not afford to pay 2 security companies. After more and more repeated calls and more promises that the check was in the mail, I asked to come and get their equipment as they had breached the contract and I could not TRUST them to secure my home. Instead, I have been getting repeated calls from the 3rd party that really monitors the house ([redacted]) because I refused to pay them any thing else.Desired Settlement: I want them to come get equipment and stop harassing me and refund me the 3 months I did pay.



A request to pay off your old alarm company would not constitute a breach of contract. We have no problem refunding the monies promised to you but we will not cancel your contract over this. You signed a contract with the knowledge you had another alarm company which is a decision you made.[redacted] is the monitoring company and they have not done anything wrong. They simply want payment for the services they are providing for you based on your contractual agreement.



I am rejecting this response because: It does constitute a breach of contract. I guess a judge will have to decide. My complaint was with Maximum Security not [redacted]. [redacted] value the concerns of customers and according to the attached letter have closed me out and sent it back to Maximum. They should not even bring [redacted] up. They are the deceptive company that I am complaining against.

Review: Feel I was lied to about this company's promise to pay off early my former contract with ADT. They dont get back with me to try to resolve this.

I was contacted by phone the end of Mar. 2013, about subscribing to the Max. S. Sys. Alarm Sys. When I told the sales rep I was still under contract with ADT he said his company would be willing to pay off ADT early if I would switch carriers. I told him what the total amt due was, and he sent a svc tech out to the house on April 4, 2013 to set up the system. I was told I would receive a check in the amount of $249.68 within 2 weeks. Max. Sec. did finally call ADT to verify cancellation of my acct with ADT, but I have received 2 notices by mail from ADT that the $249.68 has not been paid, and I have received a phone call from them. My calls to Max. Sec. were given the runaround, and 1 time I talked to a woman who was supposed to be a mgr, who said she would check into the problem and get back the next day to me. She never did. I have repeatedly called them, with no assurance from anyone as to when or if I would receive pymnt of $249.68.

I was in contact with several different sales reps. Talked to a [redacted], at X-XXX-XXX-XXXX, and have talked to a woman mgr on or about Apri 26, 2013, who was supposed to get back with me, and didn't. I have also used the phone #'s XXX-XXX-XXXX and X-XXX-XXX-XXXX. Monthly payment was to be auto deduction monthly from my checking acct. Desired Settlement: I want a check in the amt of $249.68, and if they don't send it, I want the conract for security system cancelled with no penalties. I also want to know when I can expect payment, as ADT has been contacting me, and I do not want my credit ruined.



Business' Initial Response

We have no problem providing this customer what was promised to them. We will contact this consumer today and get a check cut to them for what was promised.

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Description: Security Control Equipment & System Monitors, Burglar Alarm Systems - Dealers, Monitoring & Service

Address: 1010 Hurley Way Ste 525, Sacramento, California, United States, 95825-3218


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