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Maximum Security Alarm, Inc.

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Reviews Maximum Security Alarm, Inc.

Maximum Security Alarm, Inc. Reviews (116)

Review: This company is horrible! They do not return phone calls and then claim you never called. The representative actually said that she is the only one that anwers the voicemails and I have never called. They took advantage of my elderly father in law, [redacted], having him sign a three year contract having no idea what he was signing. They used aggressive and pushy sales tactics. At no point did he understand that by having this installed he was locked in, he thought he was signing papers giving permission for the install. I have been trying to take care of this issues since October 2014. The only way I was able to reach a representative was by calling [redacted] who basically did a three way call to get me a rep. My father in law moved in September as he was told by a social worker at the hospital that they would not allow him to return home. I have explained to them the situation and the company will not release him from the contract. The rep out right lied to me and told me they had a recorded conversation of him where are details were gone over through [redacted]. When I asked for it she could not provide it and said I would have to get it from [redacted]. After calling [redacted] I was informed that they have never done this, the rep even contacted a supervisor to be sure. The rep said they record calls when customers sign directly up with them, they record the initial sign up call. The rep from Maximum Security was rude and actually had the nerve to tell me that if family had stepped in sooner this would never have happened. If there phone reps are conduct themselves in such an unprofessional manner, why should I not believe the sales reps are any different with there door to door sales tactics. I feel they took advantage of an elderly man who can barely move, is hard of hearing, has blurred/double vision and trouble speaking. The reps refuse to make it right and want him to pay off a contract in a home he is no longer able to live in.Desired Settlement: I would like for him to be released for my father in law [redacted] to be released from his contract with no penalty. I would also like a full refund.



We will contact the customer to inform them of options for cancelation. We are unable to speak with the daughter of the client without a POA or proper approval of the customer.?



I am rejecting this response because: The business has already been given permission to speak with me throughost [redacted]. They have also been informed of my PA status. I have spoken on his behalf before to bother [redacted] and Maximum Security. I am sure they have notes. Also [redacted] lives with me so my contact info and his are the same. We have also requested copies of the contracts and they have failed to arrived. The company rep has advised me already that if [redacted] cancells he is responsible for paying all payments. I am not interested in this option as I feel the company had taken advantage of an elderly man . At the very least I want him released completely from the contract they say he is under. I would also like a refund of monies paid. I would also like the company to respond either through the or by email so there is a hard copy of all correspondence as from past experience I have found that there rep was abusive and used out right lies in our phone conversation. Thank You,[redacted]

Review: We have called this company many times since March 2015 with no responses. There is always a recording stating that you have a reached some headquarters and it didn't state Maximum Security(which it use to) and that we couldn't leave a message. After many attempts we called the monitoring company [redacted], which stated that they are the monitoring company and that they could take our payment. We told them no thank you that we have had a problem before w/Maximum when we paid [redacted]. At our request we asked [redacted] to call Maximum and they said the number we have is what you have. Somehow [redacted] e-mailed Maximum for them to reach us--no reply. Our problem is we have a contract w/Maximum and we can't make any payments due to no responses on Maximum's end. We are moving and we need our system transferred to the new home. We have tried to contact one of the technicians and left a few messages w/no reply. We called another technician and he mentioned that Maximum has moved and had many temporary numbers. The tech gave us a number that he received last week. We called and left a message and no reply.Desired Settlement: I would like contact from Maximum with working phone numbers. I need to make payments with no late fees or derogatory marks on credit due to the waiting time of getting a hold of Maximum. Also, the system needs to be transferred to the new home. I don't want to be liable for the system/or payments when I move if no response from Maximum.



Hello,Please contact Maximum Security Alarm at 1-916-676-6839. We have moved office locations and are in the process of transferring our phone number to our new office however we have had some technical issues getting the numbers transferred. We are happy to help you.Thank you.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Upon receiving this response, we received a call at 12:54pm on July 13, 2015 from Maximum Security from [redacted]. She gave us two office numbers to reach them. They are as follows: [redacted] or [redacted]. She mentioned that they will take care of our move and a payment.

The phone number 916-676-6839 no longer belongs to maximum security! It is a private cell phone number!

Review: In late April this company contacted my elderly mother by telephone and talked her into learning more about a home security system when she already has one. Their representative called again the following Monday to verify that they were coming over. They were told no in two separate phone calls (one incoming and one outgoing) and that this person is not authorized to make decisions for the home. Then next morning a man who claimed to be from the company attempted entrance to the home but was blocked by a visiting nurse. The alleged salesperson was aggressive and nasty, but left immediately when the Area Agency on Aging was notified. This company called again this past Friday May 17th. I fear for other elderly people who may not have constant monitoring. We are on the National "do not call list" and privacy manager through AT&T, and this company still got through.

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Other (requires explanation)

I want them to never be in contact with the following number ever again. XXX-XXX-XXXX. Nor anyone else in the 330 area code. They should be turned over to the FBI.



Business' Initial Response

I do not show any records the Maximum Security Alarm made any phone calls to the telephone number XXX-XXX-XXXX. We have added it to our internal DNC records however we do not show we made this phone call.

Consumer's Final Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

Because the telephone number we wish to have placed on the Do Not call record is XXX-XXX-XXXX.

Business' Final Response

We will add the telephone number XXX-XXX-XXXX to our internal DNC records.

Review: In early September, 2015 I received a phone call from GE advertising a home security system. I listened to the sales pitch. I informed the sales person that I was going to be selling my home within the next two years and that I wanted a "no strings attached" ability to cancel if I sold my home. After explaining that my options were to move the system to my new home or having the new homeowner pick-up the contract I stated I was not interested in those options. I wanted to be able to cancel if I sold my home without any future contractual issues. After some deliberation on GE's end that came back on the line and told me that they would allow me to cancel the contract if I sold my home. I was also told that there would be no price increase for the 36mo term of the contract. I agreed to having the system installed in my home based upon this agreement.The install technician arrived September 9, 2015 with a digital version of the contract on a handheld computer device. I was not concerned about executing the contract at that time as I knew I would have a short window in which to cancel. The contract was emailed to me shortly that day upon which I read the contract and noticed that the aforementioned conditions (cancellation for move & no price increase) were not included in the contract. I contacted the phone number on the contract the following day September 10, 2015. I was connected with [redacted] of Maximum Security Alarm who informed me that my contract would be amended to reflect the changes I requested. Additionally, I was not present when the technician completed the install and was unable to show me how to operate the system. Could they please provide me with an operators manual. I was assured that this was also being done. I called Mr. [redacted] 2 more times days after my first discussion upon which he asked for my patience as the company amended my contract. After no receipt of an amended contract I called again and spoke with Regina - but no return calls.Desired Settlement: Amend the contract to reflect the requested changes and provide me with an owners manual or remove the system from my home and cancel the contract.



We spoke with this customer today and are in the process of working on a solution with this customer. We will mail the customer a user guide as well.

Review: I am receiving harassing phone calls.

On numerous occasions within the last year Maximum Security has called my residence for sales and alarm installation. I have attempted to call the company back to speak with an individual. I am not able to speak with anyone due to the phone number they provided is never connected to a voice mail or real person. I have submitted this company and phone number to (THE DO NOT CALL LIST), which they still call my residence. I have also looked up this company on the web and reviewed numerous complaints. The complaints have been receiving harassing phone calls, bad sales, A consumer has also filed a complaint with the attorneys general office.







Business' Initial Response

We have added this information to our DNC records. We apologize for the inconvenience as it is not our intention to bother or harass any consumer.

Review: I have a number of complaints for this company. First, I am on the National no call list so they should not have called my phone number to begin with. They used pushy sales tactics to get me on the phone with the monitoring company to set me up with an installer without fully explaining how they got my phone number or why it requires me to speak with three different companies to sign up for a security system. Second, during the sale I was under the impression that I would have access to my security system online via but I do not have any functionality there aside from viewing recent alarm activity. I have tried to contact the company via phone at one of their many numbers (some are disconnected) but have yet to be successful. I left a message on what appeared to be a cell phone account for Maximum Security Alarm Systems, Inc. but have yet to receive a call back. The voicemail box is now full so I can no longer leave new messages.Desired Settlement: My desired resolution is contact from the business and if no resolution can be reached I will submit my notification of cancellation of services within the 7 day window allotted by the contract. I will be sure to use priority mail with tracking to make sure that the company receives my mail.

Review: Maximum Security Alarm did not inform me of the existence of a 36 month contract prior to installation on Sept,25,2013.I want to nullify the contract.

Home Security System was installed on 9/25/2013 without ever informing me of the 36 month contractual obligation on my part. Only after the completion of installation did the technician ([redacted] at XXX XXX XXXX) inform me of the 36 month contract. I asked the technician that I would abide by the contract as long as I am not bound by it if and when I sell the house. He suggested that I call the manager [redacted] at XXX XXX XXXX to negotiate the exclusion. I signed the contract in good faith without reading the entire contract. I called the next day 9/26 or 9/27. I was told by the person answering that it was a standard clause and that he has to talk to his Manager to get that exception and that he would get back to me the next day. I never received another phone call from them. The technician also told me that I had 30 days to cancel the contract if no agreement is reached. I called Monitronics (the monitoring company) and they told me that the contract is not with them. I tried to call the Maximum Security Alarm (MSseveral times without anyone answering even my recorded messages. Finally someone (who refused to give his name ) called me and explained that he was a contractor and had nothing to do with the contract. He could not even provide a name.

Since I am not able to reach any responsible person from MSA, I want to cancel the contract effective immediately and remove all the equipment they installed and replace my old equipment being (before cancelling on the 9/25/2013) monitored by ADT without any long term commitment.

I am actually thinking about selling the house in the next 6-30 month time frame.

I would also like to lodge a complaint against MSA for false advertising ( not telling the terms of the contract upfront).

P. [redacted]

FDesired Settlement: I would like the contract terminated (it is still within the 30 days the technician mentioned) without any penalties from me and remove the equipment from my home and replace my old system as soon as possible.



Initial Business Response

We disclose all contractual agreements before and after installations with our customers to ensure they understand what they are signing up for. Our contracts are for a standard time frame of 36 months. I have researched out records and do not see this customer has called our corporate office and spoke with anyone from our office. This customer was sold by a partner company of Maximum Security Alarm. We will certainly call this customer for more information and resolve any issues this customer has. We would like to find out more details as to who this customer spoke with and how we can resolve any issues this customer has.

Final Consumer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

The representative of the partner company that sold me the security system never told me about the contract. Only the technician told me about it. I called the representative in two days after the installation and he told me that he would check with UPPER MANAGENT and get back to me. Had he rejected it the first time, I would have cancelled the contract before the 3 days expired.

Secondly, (so far) I did not receive any calls from the responder to this complaint as promised in his response.

Final Business Response

We spoke with this customer on 10/24 regarding the contract. We verified with the sales person that they did not receive a letter of cancellation from the customer or cancellation request. Our Technician informed this customer about the 36 month alarm monitoring agreement before he signed the agreement and the customer still signed the agreement.

Yesterday when we spoke with the customer we informed him that [redacted] or [redacted] have no record of him calling in within the first 3 days wanting to cancel. Customer stated that he was never told about the 36 month AMA until after the equipment was installed the tech told him of the 36 month AMA. I told him and you still signed the AMA after the tech told you of the AMA, he said yes. My question to him was why did he sign then? I then told him he was responsible for the AMA and if he did not pay he would be turned over to a third party collection who would report it on his credit. He told me he would pay but he is going to the consumer affairs and whoever else he could go to.

The bottom line here is the customer knew about the 36 month agreement while the technician was there and instead of refusing the service at that time he allowed the alarm to be installed into his home and didn't request the technician to remove the equipment since he didn't want to sign a 36 month agreement.

We do offer a free moving option so if the customer does move we will move the security system into his new home for FREE.

We want to try to work with this customer and satisfy their needs however there is a monitoring contract with the agreement the customer signed. We installed this security system on 9/25/13 and we never received any phone calls or correspondence from this customer until we received a complaint from the on 10/15/13.

We advise all of our customers about the 36 month contract and would never want to sign anyone up with the impression there is not a contract.

Review: Misleading Sale and Dishonest Sales PracticesRepresentative of Maximum Security Alarm called home back in mid April 2014 and stated that they were an associated with GE Security System our current security provider and that we were approved for a free complete upgrade to current alarm system. They were advised that we didnt want to switch Alarm Companies and were happy with current monitoring. The representative stated that wouldnt be the case and that my current auto payment would be increased to cover the internet alarm application and smart phone feature that would be an addition to the system. The representative then completed an inventory of items to be included in the upgrade. The upgrade was to include Main control panel, 14 door/window contacts, 2 smokes and 1 motion. The tech which showed up only replaced the control unit, 4 contacts and provided 2 key fods. When I made a call to Maximum security to inquire about the complete upgrade; the representative then stated that they only take over the existing equipment and replace only what was need. One this is the first misleading practice and I believe the representative was fraudulent in inquiring my security system. Secondly the switching of Monitoring companies which wasnt to take place, but to be an increase only to the existing auto payment. I received a correspondent from Monitronics a company out of state, stating that they couldnt process the auto payment through my bank. This request was denied; as the currently auto payment for security monitoring is Homesafe security (local based). I requested that this monitoring be cancelled and questioned the representative of the inappropriate practice being they are not associated with my current provider and deactivated the current system without make prior contact advising that the system was being taken off line. This is the second misleading practice to disabling the system without prior notification to current company. Several attempts have been completed to attempt to talk to management representative with no results. Several calls have been made to submit complaint and on different occasion I have been advised that I would be contact back by a manager/supervisor. No return calls have been received concerning the matter.Desired Settlement: Cancellation of out of state monitoring and restoring of Homesafe as security company.



We will have the sale rep whom spoke with this customer initially call them and if they cannot come to agreement we will cancel the account.



I am rejecting this response because: I was cotacted by a sale representative name [redacted] who was in short, rude. A follow-up call was then made by a more polite representative who explained the different between taking over existing equipment verses a full upgrade; which I advise the rep that I understand the different, but that what the inital aggreement. I also adivsed the second representative of the rudness of first call and the expressed statement that I had signed a contact and if I wanted the equipment taken out it would cost me $400 plus dollar for a technician to come and pull out. I advised them that I would have my previous security company remove the equipment and coordinate with them for pick up. Request cancellation of any association with Maximum Security Alarm and their associate montoring company Monitronics.



We will have our manager call the customer to proceed with request.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

A manager did contact me on 21 July 2014 as I stated in the rejection response and cancellation of security service and monitoring a satisfactory resolution.

Review: [redacted] called one day in referrance to installing an alarm system in my home. I agreed verbally to have it installed noteing there would be a 30 day free trail period then about $50 a mo. there after. Nothing was signed by me but a worksheet so the installer could get paid. On 12-9-14 I had a house fire that was a total loss. The installation was in the middle of Nov. 2014. The house fire was 12-9-14 so during the free month trail period. But yet they continued to take money out of my account. They state that I signed a three year contract, which I never did. I requested they send me paper work for the alarms and a contract. They stated they couldn't do that. Then I get letters from Maximum Security stating they were taking over and That I owed them the money for the systems. I don't understand why I should pay for something I'm not using and didn't sign a contract.Desired Settlement: I don't understand why I should pay for something I'm not using and didn't sign a contract.



We have addressed this same issue with the customer time and time again. In fact we e-mailed a copy of the customers contract to her grand-daughter:Feb 19 2015 9:04AM PST - [redacted]Emailed Granddaughter copy of contractFeb 18 2015 1:14PM PST - [redacted] ALSO SAID IT CAN BE EMAILED TO :[redacted]We do not offer trail periods for our alarm systems, nor have we ever. ?

Review: I advised your representative my mother has Parkinson/Dementia and is no longer employed not cannot handle her financial obligations. After, reviewing the alarm monitoring agreement and schedule of protection is missing vital information from the contract (a copy is enclosed).

The contract doesn't show what the purchase price of the agreement, monitoring system, installation fees, activation fees, equipment and the total purchase price. Desired Settlement: Please VOID the contract asap and refund all funds due to my mother and it has been cancelled.



We have spoken with this customer several times and since Ms. [redacted]'s daughter is claiming to have POA over her finances we have requested the POA document be sent to us. When Ms. [redacted] signed up for our service on 8/31/13 there was no issues or complaints until December of 2013.

This contract was clearly signed, explained too and agreed upon by Ms. [redacted], Not her daughter. We have explained several times until we get the POA for Ms. [redacted] we will not cancel the account or refund any funds. Ms. [redacted]'s complaint was she could not afford the system anymore, however we explained to her verbally and she signed a written contract that states the contract term is for 36 months and the Monthly Monitoring Rate is $38.99. The customer was fine with the contract terms and agreed to them and them about 3 months later decided she didn't want to pay for the service any longer. Ms. [redacted] has continued to pay for her alarm monitoring service up until March of 2014 until her daughter said she was going to refuse to pay for the service. The customer has received the service she signed up for and agreed too.

The bottom line is we have explained to Ms. [redacted]'s daughter we will not refund money for services that have already been delivered and paid for. We are still waiting for the POA she states to have. If the POA is dated after the contract was signed we have informed her it will not void the contract. She has already informed us she will not longer pay for the service therefore we advised her collection actions will be taken since the 3 year contract was not fulfilled.

We have tried several times to come to a common ground with this account however the customer is not willing to work with us and does not want to pay for a security system in the house.

Review: This company pulled mine and my wife's credit report without permission from either of us or knowledge of them going to pull our credit report.

I was contacted about receiving their product and was only asked my date of birth along with my wife's. We were not aware that they were going to pull our credit report. At no time did they advise us that they were going to do so. I contacted them to have the their inquiry removed and they told me that I needed to fax a letter to them for them to remove it. I did fax the letter and they have not remove their inquiry yet. Desired Settlement: I want their inquiry removed from mine and my wife's credit report immediately. Also, I am planning on seeking out legal assistance for them doing such without our permission. The company will have a chance to settle with me outside of court on this matter if they want too. Without gaining permission to pull the credit report from us is against the law. I WOULD HAVE NOT GIVEN PERMISSION IF WAS ASKED.



Business' Initial Response

I would like confirm the credit inquiry placed on your personal credit file will be removed. This inquiry was placed in error by one of our partner companies. It appears they accidently submitted this information to the credit portal in our internal customer database while saving your customer lead information. We had no intention on placing a personal credit inquiry on your personal credit file. Please accept our apologies our deepest apologies as we will take immediate action to correct it. Please rest assured Maximum Security Alarm, Inc. and all partner companies advise all customers regarding any credit inquiries that occur is regards to their home security system.

Consumer's Final Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

30 days to take off. It did not take 30 days to put it on there when you did not have permission in the first place. It needs to be removed immediately.

Business' Final Response

Credit inquires do take up to 30 days to get processed. The requests have been made by our company to remove the credit inquires.

Review: I am on the Do Not Call List. They call several times a day, multiple days a week.

They keep calling me. I am on the don not call list. I ask to be removed, they don't remove me. I go through the automated steps to get removed from their system. They still call me. They have called me twice today already. I can't take much more of this harassment.Desired Settlement: Stop calling me.



Business' Initial Response

I have added this telephone number to our internal DNC list.

Review: I am on federal & state DO NOT CALL list. I have been receiving calls day & night, several times a day for months now from this company.

Desired Settlement: Stop the calls.



Initial Business Response

I have added this telephone number to our internal DNC list.

Final Consumer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

This has to be the worst company I have ever delt with! They literally lied to me to get my money and then sent me to a collection agency! Not only did they force me to pay to keep it off my credit report they owe me 30$!! I made a really bad decision to accept their services and will think twice in the future before accepting any service from a security company. THEY ARE A JOKE!

Review: On November 7th I had a HVAC technician come out to my house because the heat wasnt working. He immediately notified me that the thermostats Maximum Security installed were not wired correctly. I called Maximum Security immediately to report the issue. For five days, I spoke to numerous representatives and supervisors. One supervisor offered to send a technician out in a week. I was extremely upset because I had already stated several times, that I have a 4-month-old infant and toddler. Because of this nonchalant attitude, I called a local HVAC company to fix the issue because I still hadnt had any communication from the company.Since then, I have incurred additional costs totaling $351.18 to fix this issue. On November 26th, a customer service manager gave me two options. One was to reimburse me for half my costs and terminate my contract and the second was to reimburse me for all my costs and continue the contract. I clearly stated that I would accept the first offer so that my contract could be terminated immediately. I also stated that I would escalate the issue in order to get the full amount that I am owed and also $100 to offset the cost of a higher electric bill due to the use of space heaters over a five-day period. I have left Nicole, the director of operations several voice messages since November 26th. Customer service has been absolutely terrible, the managers and director work irregular hours and are almost impossible to reach. Please contact me as soon as possible to resolve this issue. I will gladly forward receipts, work orders, email and telephone communication if you need. Thank you.[redacted]###-###-####Desired Settlement: Refund of $451.18 and termination of contract immediately.



I have been communicating with this customer and I sent the following email today in response to our correspondence from yesterday: Hello Ms. [redacted],We have no problem paying for the repair of your thermostat however we will notpay for anything further. On 11/11/14 you spoke with a customer service repwhom offered to give you 2 months of service since you used a space heater. TheHVAC invoices received total $254.00. It is clear our technician did not wireyour thermostat correctly and we can take full responsibility for that. Fromday one we wanted to repair the issue and move forward however this was not anoption for you. We offered to terminate your contract which you signed andagreed to for 36 months, which technically we do not have to do since it causesthe company a great financial loss for the company. Feel free to read yourcontract. We sent a copy of the contract to you today. We understand your frustrationwith the situation and we do take ownership there was a mistake made and it isnow fixed however all your demands are not going to be paid. I am not sure whyyou are requesting over $400 in your complaint. We have lost thousands ofdollars by you canceling your contract. We are going to cancel your contract and reimburse you the funds paid to the HVAC company.I apologize I did not return your calls in a timely manner due to the holidays.I am sorry things did not work out to your satisfaction and I do want tosincerely apologize for all of the hassle this has caused you and your family.



I am rejecting this response because: This is only a partial refund. In response to [redacted]s email. I appreciate the ownership of the mistake and $254 HVAC credit. However, I also spent an additional $100 to replace my old thermostats which your technician took. That is a total of $354. I am willing to settle for that and put this issue behind me and forgo the additional expense of a higher electric bill due to this mistake. Also please listen to the phone calls if recorded, Kristen who stated she was the supervisor said a technician would be available in a week, this is an unacceptable response. I stated to her and other technicians multiple times that I had an infant and toddler in the house and it was extremely cold.



Yes we will reimburse the customer the cost of the HVAC invoices and the cost of the thermostats purchased at [redacted]'s. I will be submitting a refund check request for the amount of $351.18. Again I do apologize for the situation. We will be conducting additional training with [redacted] and our technician who originally installed the thermostat into the home.



I received a bad check for $351 from Maximum Security for damages that they caused. For five days now I have been given the run around. Strangely, neither the manager nor the CEO has been to the office all week. I find this quite hard to believe. One of the supervisors in customer service told me that I could take the check directly to their bank. I called before I left to make sure the funds were available. When I went to the bank, I was unable to cash the check. The branch manager at the bank spoke to the supervisor at my request. The supervisor stated that accounting was in a meeting and it would take 30 minutes. She stated that as soon as they were done they would call the bank before they closed in 2 hours.I called back 30 minutes before the bank closed, the supervisor had left for the day and there was no one that could help me. In addition Maximum Security also owes me $120 for failure to terminate my previous alarm contract like they said they would.Refund by Wire immediately to my account for the total amount owed $471.Previous case # [redacted]



We are sending the customer an ACH today. I have addressed this with the customer.



I am rejecting this response because: I did not get a full refund of my money. Maximum Security did not pay off my previous alarm contract like they said they would. Consequently, I was billed a total of $120 over 3 months. Maximum Security said they would refund me but have not.



When our account office sent the refund they did not see this portion of the refund. We are sending the refund today.



I am rejecting this response because:I still haven't received the refund of $120 .



Consumer states that the check has been received



[redacted] has made a total of $120 unauthorized withdrawals from my account AFTER my contract was terminated. I terminated my contract with the company in December, since then they have made 3 withdrawals total of $120. I went through a lengthy process with their "sister company" Maximum Security to get the issue resolved. They even sent me a bad check, which is why I have no patience for this company. I have contacted Maximum Security they tell me [redacted] is making the withdrawals, while [redacted] won't even respond to me and transfer my calls to Maximum Security. My case handler from the in CA has advised me to file the complaint against [redacted] because that's what the bank statement shoes.Explanation for the charges incurred and written confirmation of termination of contract.



This complaint has been resolved



I am rejecting this response because:Clearly the complaint hasn't been resolved, I wouldn't be filing another complaint if it was. Mail or email me a copy of termination of contract.You continued to withdraw money from my account for three months after you said you were going to terminate my contract.



We have done everything on our end as requested by the customer. I will follow up with Montironics to see why they are charging her but we are not charging her account. She needs to call and cancel with Monitronics her Monitoring company if there was ever a concern.?



I am rejecting this response because:I have already filed a complaint against [redacted], they are not responsible for the charges, they forwarded the contract showing that your company is responsible for everything for a duration of a year. I have been back and forth between these two companies, I need for both companies to communicate. Most of all I just need something showing that the contract was terminated.



Thank you again for following up with me. I have officially given up on Maximum Security and [redacted]. I still did not receive an official termination of contract and both companies have refused to claim liability over the $120 that was withdrawn from my account after we terminated the contract. I was able to recover the money from my bank because I had asked them to stop any further withdrawals from [redacted]. I appreciate all your help with the matter.

Review: -A collection agency has been calling us to pay $2237.05 to Maximum Security Alarm System who has interrupted service since 12/2013 & has also stopped our account as per notice of 01/15/2014.Even after a 1st alarm notice , with the police coming to our house, of which a possible cause of malfunction connections were informed to us, we paid the bill of $ 250.00 but no technician check the alarm system as was promised. We have been calling Maximum Security System but no staff came. Not until 1/21/2014 did we learn that our account was not registered online in [redacted] / Maximum Security Alarm . How can we have an outstanding balance of $2237.05 in 5 months.? Why are we to continue giving our monthly payment when nobody is monitoring us? Why is this collection agency harassing us with calls at work .Desired Settlement: -fixed the alarm system & continue the $45.99 /month for a regular monitoring service with prompt service upon called by customer as agreed.



We have no problem doing this which is what we have been trying to do since day 1 but the customer kept hanging up on us when we tried to call to repair the problem.



This is our response :

Hi there this company is nothing more than a scam.. My system has not worked correctly since January 20th 2015. This is the day I got it. I was promised for my problems by a rep named rose and a manger named [redacted] a outside inferred cam. However I have not gotten this device nor is the system fixed yet. They seem to not care. I want the cam as promised to me. I am sick of being beat from one tree to the next with the crap this company is doing. Thank you very much. [redacted] Please make this right...

Review: The company keeps on calling: push sales, at least once a week, they will not leave us alone, tried do not call list, and we ask them 6 stop calls.

The Alarm company keeps on calling my house. They want to sell an alarm system. I have an alarm system and it works will, it has been perfect for 7 years. We have asked the company to stop calling, know they are calling once a week, 10/30, and 11/05 are the latest. We asked them nicely to stop calling, we tell them we are on The Do Not Call List,and they keep on calling, from their cell phones, pushing their product.

They have been abusive, pushy, and you end up having to hang up because they will not stop. Desired Settlement: 1. For them to leave us alone, stop calling.

2. $500.00 for harassment, abusive sells reps,

and having the phone typed up.

We have asked nicely to have them stop calling. Now since they would not listen to no call list, and they would not listen to us 6+ times...They owe us $500.00 for the constant phone calls, and abuse, and for making our land line not available.



Initial Business Response

I have added this telephone number to our DNC records for Maximum Security Alarm. It is not our intention to harass any consumer or abusive them over the phone. We would like to ask if you have the name of the person calling you so we can make some corrective action on our side since we certain do not want any of our employees being abusive, pushy or harassing over the telephone. I did want to confirm before I attempted to add the telephone number to our DNC list was already on our DNC list therefore they will not receive any more telephone calls from Maximum Security Alarm.

We do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Review: The company has not honored my repeated requests to discontinue their sales calls.

I began receiving telemarketing calls from MSA on 3/28/2013. These phone calls do not come from readily identifiable toll free numbers; rather, they come from what appear to be local callers. When I answer the phone, a recording prompts me to install a home security system after citing statistics regarding the annual number of break-ins across the United States. Initially, I hung up the phone, but after repeatedly receiving calls from MSA, I requested that my number be removed from the company's call list. I did this both verbally and through a prompt that the company offered in their recorded greeting. On 5/23/2013, I specifically spoke with a supervisor who identified himself as [redacted] Despite these requests and regardless of the fact that I have been registered with the Federal Trade Commission's National Do Not Call List since April 2013, I have continued to receive phone calls from MSA. As of today, I have contacted the Federal Trade Commission as well as my state Attorney General's office. I have yet to hear anything from the FTC; the AG indicated that there was little that could be done to pursue MSA because of the means through which they have contacted me (i.e., spoofing). Indeed, since speaking with the AG's office two days ago, I received two more calls from MSA (5/29/2013 at 5:49 PM and 7:44 PM). I consider these calls to be harassing in nature and in violation of KRS § 525.070 (1)(e) wherein harassment is defined in the following manner: "A person is guilty of harassment when, with intent to intimidate, harass, annoy, or alarm another person, he or she.... Engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts which alarm or seriously annoy such other person and which serve no other legitimate purpose." I have repeatedly told MSA that I already possess a security system, that I have no intention of changing my services, and that I have no need to do business with them. If I cannot resolve this issue through the, then I have no option other than to seek a resolution through litigation, which I would rather not do. It's an unnecessary waste of time and resources but, as I have also indicated to MSA supervisors, I will not hesitate to pursue legal action if they continue their solicitation. Desired Settlement: I want the company to stop calling me.



Business' Initial Response

We have added this number to our internal DNC records however I do not show any records that Maximum Security Alarm called this consumer directly, nor do we have an employee by the name of [redacted] therefore the call was initiated by another company other than Maximum Security Alarm. We have no intention on calling any person whom is on the DNC. I have updated our records so this consumer will not receive any telephone calls initiated from Maximum Security Alarm.

Consumer's Final Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

I receivef another call from Maximum Security Alarm this afternoon at 4:17 PM. I continue to request to be removed from the call list. This is the last opportunity I am offering to have this issue settled amicably.

Business' Final Response

We have already responded with the fact we will place this telephone number on our DNC list and Maximum Security Alarm will not contact this customer again.

Review: When the salesman was here I phoned the office and spoke to Mr. [redacted] asking him for a second keyfob for my alarm system, he said he would mail one out to me asap. I have not received it as yet. I have spoken to Mr. [redacted] several times. The last time I tried to speak to him I was told he would not answer my call and I was told someone else wanted to handle it. I was getting the run around. I do not like to be made fun of and that is how I feel. When I first get in touch with [redacted] he said he would help me and I should call him with any problems, that was before I signed my contract once he had me under contract he changed. All I want is the second keyfob and paper billing that he promised me. The second keybob is on the contract, but the salesmen did not have one and that is why [redacted] was going to send one to me and have it programed to my system.Desired Settlement: All I want is the second keyfob and have it programed to my unit and paper billing, if that can not be done I want out with no fee,



I am not familiar with this sales person however we will certainly make sure your concerns are resolved. From now on please contact Maximum Security Alarm directly so we can ensure your customer service needs are properly handled.I will have our customer service team contact you today to resolve all of your issues.I do apologize for the delay as we did not have an knowledge of this. We value your business very much so and thank you for allowing us to repair this situation.

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Description: Security Control Equipment & System Monitors, Burglar Alarm Systems - Dealers, Monitoring & Service

Address: 1010 Hurley Way Ste 525, Sacramento, California, United States, 95825-3218


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