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Maximum Security Alarm, Inc.

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Reviews Maximum Security Alarm, Inc.

Maximum Security Alarm, Inc. Reviews (116)

Review: Sales representative misinterpreted the contract terms

Technician misinterpreted the contract terms

The service is not up to the standard

Purchased & Installed Date: 5/6/2013

Installed Technician: [redacted]

Technician Cell number on the business card: XXX-XXX-XXXX

I got a phone call from Maximum Security Marketing saying they have an offer for a home security system for 44.99 a month and since there was no obligation I agreed to check it out. Then I agreed to set up an appointment with their technician in Jacksonville called [redacted] But after few days before the appointment I realized that I did not ask if it's going to be a contract since I do not want to get into long term commitments. Then I cancelled my appointment.

Few days later I got a phone call from the same person and he asked why I cancelled the appointment and I said I do not want to get into long term contracts. Then he said it's not going to be a contract and I have questions I can get clarifications from the technician when he comes for the demonstration. We then set up an appointment again with the same technician.

When the technician arrived home I especially asked him about the service termination terms. He said it's a contract but I can cancel the contract anytime by paying two months installments which is 44.99 x 2 and then he asked me to sign a document. I accepted what he explained to me and signed it. Also he offered me a smoking alarm which is $65 one time fee and he said with that I can get about 20% discounts on my home insurance because it's sending alarm to the fire department directly. So I paid for that as well.

He installed the system on that day and went with the payment of $110 from my checking account.

After about 1 week I got a call from maximum security and they asked if I am satisfied about the equipment. I said yes, and asked about the contract terminating terms as well. They said it is a 36 months contract that I have to maintain and further they says they can not be responsible for the technician's statements on terminating the service. This is totally a deception.

Also one day I accidentally open the back door when the system was armed and there was an alarm sound inside the home. Then I keyed in my pin and it stopped. I did not receive ANY call from the monitoring company or what so ever to check what's going on. I have those records with me. Therefore I do not believe this security service fulfills my requirement.Desired Settlement: The technician who installed the card gave me his name card from maximum security and when I tried his phone number it says INVALID phone number. Therefore this all look like to me as a fraud. I DO NOT have a TRUST on this security system and therefore I kindly request Maximum Security to remove their equipment from my premises and release me & my wife from their 3 years deceiving contract.

I do not want a refund, but I do not want to commit 3 years for this type of security service.



Business' Initial Response

We cannot cancel the contract. All agreements and contracts that are law abiding are done in writing and we do not offer and have never offered a plan to pay 2 months of service to be able to cancel any contract. The Rep [redacted] is denying this was ever told to the customer.

We cannot honor anything that was not signed and agreed upon in writing. This customer will be held to the terms of the signed contract.

We will be more than happy to check the system to make sure everything is working properly.

Review: Despite having had my number registered with the National Do Not Call Registry (with whom I've already filed a complaint) since February 22, 2013, I've received dozens of phone calls over at least 10 months pitching this company's wares via prerecorded sales pitch that starts out "The FBI reports a break in every 15 seconds...". The recording prompts the recipient to either press "1" to be connected to a sales rep, or "9" to be removed from their call list. I've repeatedly requested they stop calling, both in person to a representative, and also by following their removal prompt, which is evidently fake. Additionally, this company spoofs their telephone number so that a fake number is given after pressing *69. They are extremely leery about revealing their company name or phone number, and will usually just hang up when asked. Today I spoke to a supervisor at Maximum Security who identified himself as [redacted]. [redacted] steadfastly refused to provide any information about his company and abruptly hung up the phone. My concern is that by unlawfully circumventing consumer protections the Federal Trade Commission has put in place regarding telemarketers, Maximum Security is intentionally depriving consumers of the opportunity to verify the legality and reputation of their business. This is especially troublesome, considering the sensitive nature of their alleged business, which involves obtaining unfettered access to potential victims' homes, including network access and offsite data storage.Desired Settlement: First, Maximum Security must immediately and permanently stop calling me. Second, they must cease business practices which violate the Federal Trade Commission's Telemarketing Sales Rule. Third, consumers need to be made aware that Maximum Security is the company behind the pervasive, rule-breaking, and potentially unlawful "FBI" phone calls, so that consumers may have the opportunity to take appropriate action against the company if they so desire.




am writing this letter today in response to your complaint regarding Maximum Security Alarm calling you illegally. The information at hand has become clear that the originating phone

call to your residence was in fact Not made By Maximum Security Alarm. It was

made by a completely separate Company.

Our Company has no ability to transmit

prerecorded messages, and independent audit by a 3rd Party

Telemarketing Compliance Company verified this. Our phone

lines are only capable of making outbound analog dialing with live agents on

the phone attempting to speak to a Homeowner who is not on any state of Federal

DNC list. These are the facts and they cannot be disputed.

We do

have a telemarketing center however they are all live calls done by live agents. We do have a [redacted] in our office however he does not have any association with our telemarketing department therefore I feel as if the information you received was from another company and we cannot be held liable for their actions. You will need to make a complaint against the company that called you from the illegal telemarketing campaign as they are the company that violated the law.



I am rejecting this response because:

Maximum Security has a long history of using deceptive tactics to

violate the consumer

protections put in place by the Federal Do Not Call Registry and the

Federal Trade Commission, so it comes as no surprise that such a company

would resort to deception when confronted. One has only to search the

internet for their unlawful pre-recorded sales pitch "The FBI reports a

break in every 15 seconds..." to see just how many consumers have been

harassed and abused by this company, against whom they are unable to

defend themselves because of the tactics employed by Maximum Security to

obfuscate its identity. Here are but a few of the unsupported claims the

company has so far made in its refutation to my


UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIM # 1 - "the originating phone call to your residence was in fact Not made By Maximum Security Alarm"

UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIM # 2 - "Our Company has no ability to transmit prerecorded messages"

UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIM # 3 - "independent audit by a 3rd Party Telemarketing Compliance Company verified this"


"Our phone lines are only capable of making outbound analog dialing

with live agents on the phone attempting to speak to a Homeowner who is

not on any state of Federal DNC list"

The unlawful phone call to my residence was, in fact, made by a

representative of Maximum Security who fraudulently identified himself

as a General Electric employee named [redacted]. I personally verified

the connection by convincing "[redacted]" to schedule an appointment for me

to meet

with a Field Service Technician named [redacted] on March 22, 2014 at

our local police department. In the presence of law enforcement

personnel, I secured a copy of [redacted]'s identification badge and had him

contact his supervisor, Josh Coleman, who confirmed that he was, in

fact, a representative of Maximum Security. [redacted] refused to provide any

information about his company, instructed the tech to leave, then

terminated the call. I will be happy to provide definitive proof of my


to the upon request.




It is obvious this customer does not understand that Maximum Security Alarm does not even have the ability to so called "Robo Dial". There are 1000's of alarm companies out there who use similar names or other alarm company names without their consent. We use independent alarm contracts to do our installations therefore they usually work for several different alarm companies at the same time. The bottom line here is all of the facts I responded with in my original response are true and accurate regardless if the consumer wants to believe them or not.

We do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused to the consumer, however it appears the consumer lead on the original company that did call him and was the one who set up the appointment. We can certainly add this consumers information to our internal DNC list, however after checking our data we do not, nor did we ever have this consumers information that is used by Maximum Security Alarm.

Review: This company called us on the phone saying my wife has won a free alarm service!

After it was installed the cost would be $64.99 and then I had to sign his papers. I asked why I had to sign them. It will be $39.00 for a installing fee. This is all you have to pay. There will be no other charges. 13 days later, I received a contract in the mail. Only to find out my free system was going to cost me $1439.64 cents. Upon calling the company, I was told I only 3 days to cancel. From nine through on to the 18th, how would I cancel my FREE system. I told them I am not going to pay!Desired Settlement: I talked to them and they hung up on me. You need a magnifying glass to read the contract. And what I do feel is that the company should... keep the system or take it back and send me my $64.99 and an apology because I feel I was scammed and I was lied to! Contract is enclosed.



Initial Business Response

This account is under [redacted]'s name and we explained everything to her when we signed her up for the alarm system on 9/6/13. The customer knew about the contract and payment.

The customer even called our office back on 9/23/13 to update their payment information. They stated during that time they knew about the payment and had set up the account for automatic monthly

The person we spoke with who stated to be [redacted] knew everything and that the system itself was at no charge but there would be a monthly charge for the monitoring which we charged them for the 1st month of monitoring on 9/23/13. They called into our office to actually change their billing information so there is no way they can claim they thought everything was free.

They signed the contract. Received a copy of the contract. We will not refund anything. We advise all customers to read through the contract before signing it since it is a 36 month contract.

Review: I had a security system in place when I received a call fro this company advertising a better deal. They promised to pay off my old contract for 3 mos.

On 3/21/13 Maximim Security Tech.came and on 4/1/13 Tec. [redacted] was sched. to remove my ADT system and install but was unable to get signals after 2 days of trying & put a small antena in my garage; still no service. Decided he needed a large antena under the house. From 3/21/13 four tech. invaded my privacy. Tech. [redacted] got good signal without an atena. However he did not put the main key pad in my bed room as I requested and did not secure all the windows and doors. I was told by [redacted] in customer service that there was not enough power in my bedroom for an interactive keypad. Later I was given the 2nd intractive keypad as originally promised. The service did not work. A 3rd tech., [redacted] came out and conected the doors and windows as promised and got signals in the bedroom. There were still problems with getting the system to work properly. All this time I was left without any home security. Also the company refused to pay off my original security company so I was paying for ADT security service for 3mos. after it had been disconnected by Maximum Security. as they remove my old system while they tried to get their system installed. No one cared that I was a senior living alone with no neihbors near by. My calls to the company began to be unanswered and no replies to my many messages left. The Sales Rep. who initiated the sale was [redacted] whom I was no longer allowed to talk to. Instead [redacted] who said he was [redacted] Supv. would answer the phone when I called the number given me by [redacted] He became very agitated with me and said there was nothing else he could do for me. I agreed to "land Line rather than wireless service. Late in May, 2013 I receive a call that a tech would be out to fix my service the next morning. The next morning I received a call from a Mamimum Administrator saying if I didn't agree to say I was satisfied with my services they would remove their system withou atempting to repair the system. He said he felt sure they could get it working but I had ti sign the agreement saying I was pleased with the service before hand. I refused to sign any form before the work was completed so Quentin Harris came in on 5/14/13 AM and removed all their equipment. None of the extra holes in the walls were repaired not the place in the garage where the unneccesary antena was placed then removed.

Wires were cut, tangled and unlabeled making it almost impossible for the next security group to connect their system.

Today I received a 2nd bill from Maxmimum Security Alarm for monitoring services. Invoice # XXXXX. A call to the co. states they have me listed a customer being monitored. The system was never completd so how could they have me listed as a customer? The company never apologized for thr mos. I had no secrity coverage. They asked me to make a statement that I was happy with their services before it was properly installed.

I feel I should be compenstaed for the time I had to stay home for their Techs. to try to get the system fixed, the mental stressed/anxiety I experienced associated with lack of home security; the rudeness in which my case was handled. Also some one needs to go back into my Crawl space an get all those wires untangled and labeled for possible fuure use. This company needs to be investegsted for the way they handle their businessDesired Settlement: A minimum of $500.00 for the time I spent at home waiting for the technicians to complete their job. One tech. was here until after 12;00 Midnight trying to get all the doors & windows covered when he realized the previous Tech. had not done so. Reimburse me for the 3 mos. I was paying ADT while I was not covered. TOTAL OF $95.07





Business' Initial Response

We have gone back and forth with this customer and on 5/13/13 we advised the customer since she was unhappy we would pull the security system and cancel her account. We have tried to call this customer several times since then and have not received any type of communication. We have done everything possible to try and resolve the issues this customer experienced. The issue we experienced here is the old equipment that was taken over by our company is not working properly and we cannot warrant or repair another company's equipment.

We will call the customer today again to see what how she would like to proceed.

We have already provided the customer with free service since she was installed on 3/28/13. Her first bill was not until 6/28/13. We are not going to pay this customer $500 for her time. We understand everyone's time is valuable including ours and we have spent many man hours trying to resolve the issues she has experienced as well.

We are willing to do 1 of 2 things.

1. Get the system working properly and train the customer on the use and operations of the system.

2. Remove our equipment from the home and cancel the account.

Consumer's Final Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

Maximum Security refused to take under consideration that I was paying ADT $31.99/month the entire 3 months after they interrupted my services. Maximum had promised to promised to pay off my contract. Also, the mental anguish and stress as I modified my time to allow their technicians to work on the system. The anxiety of being home alone without any security system and then when I think we are making progress they pull out because I refuse to say I was pleased with their services before it was up and working, I did not get a sincere apology from [redacted].

Business' Final Response

We have spoken with this customer several times and have done everything in our power to try and accommodate the customer's needs and requests.

As we have explained to this customer we are more than willing to reimburse her for the 2 months of service totaling 71.98.

We are not willing to pay $500 to this customer since she feels it's an arbitrary cost for her time. We have spent 1,000's of dollars trying to the system in working order and the customer was still not satisfied with the security system.

The system did work however the customer did not have all the equipment she wanted therefore it was not up to her standards which we tried to resolve several times and we could not please the customer therefore we canceled the contract with no penalty to the customer. We removed the equipment and canceled her account. The bottom line here is we have spent several man hours trying to reason with this customer and we have already explained what we can further do for her. We can reimburse her for 2 months of service she had to pay towards her old ADT account.

We have already sincerely apologized to this customer regarding the fact she feels she did not get the service expected however we tried time and time again to reason and work with this customer to try and accommodate her every need. We did sincerely want to resolve this problem and since we couldn't we canceled the account with no penalty.

Review: When the salesmen came here to install my alarm system I phoned Mr. [redacted] at ###-###-#### ex.[redacted] to ask him for a second keyfob for my system. He said he would send one asap. The salesman did not have an extra one with him at the time and that is why [redacted] had to mail one to me and then it would be programed to my system. I have not received it as yet. I have spoken to [redacted] several times and he said he would mail it out, never received it. The last time I tried to speak to him I was told he would not answer my call and I was told someone else would take the call. I was getting the run around. I do not like to get made fun of and that's how I feel I was treated. When I first got in touch with [redacted] he said he would help me and I should call him with any problems, he even gave me his cell phone number, which he does not answer, that was before I sighed my contract, once I signed the contract he changed. All I want is the second keyfob and paper billing that he promised me. The second kefob is on my contract, but the salesmen did not have one with him and that is why it had to be sent to me and programed to my system.Desired Settlement: All I want is the second keyfob an have programed to my system and paper billing.



This business has taken care of the problem thank you

Review: This company made a credit inquiry on 10/28/14 and used my social security number without authorization. Originally I made a tentative telephone appointment but cancelled when I read their information with the No representative came to my home nor did I discuss any kind of purchase. I am greatly distressed that they have my social security number without my having given it to them. I have now registered fraud alerts with the three credit bureaus and have discussed my concerns with Maximum Security Alarm. I have asked them to delete the inquiry without satisfactory results.Desired Settlement: I would like the credit inquiry deleted with the credit bureaus and have my social security number deleted from their files.



We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused Ms.[redacted]. Ms. [redacted] did not speak with a Maximum Security Alarm employee she spoke with a 3rd party company that does occasional work with Maximum Security Alarm. We have since spoke with the company AG who the customer spoke with regarding the alarm system and we did inform them of the complaint. The rep we spoke with said they did go over all the details with the customer however this sales rep is new and converted this customers data once the customer scheduled the installation. We have since removed this customer from our database and will kindly remove the credit inquiry made on Transunion. Please allow 48 hours for the credit inquiry to be removed. We have required the company this customer spoke with to provide their employees with additional training to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.



Thank you for your prompt attention to and moves to resolve this situation. I have read the response and am satisfied with 2 of the 3 issues involved - the deletion of the credit inquiry and removing my information from their database.

Review: Maximum Security Alarm installed an alarm system March 16, 2013. The system they installed has never functioned properly.

Maximum Security installed an alarm system plus a medical monitoring bracelet for my wife, who is 100% disabled and was made fully aware of the fact that cell phones do not work at this address. The installed placed a faulty panel, no signs for the system outside the home, and handed the monitoring of the alarm system to another company, Monitronics Home Security, telling us that Monitronics was only going to be the billing company. We since learned that Maximum Security was only responsible for the installation, and Monitronics is not only billing but monitoring the system and that system requires cell phones to be used in monitoring our home. We requested that the faulty panel be replaced and the signs that were supposed to be installed, only to be told that there would be a $50 service charge from Monitronics and an additional $10 fee for the signs to be placed, plus that their system requires that cell phones MUST be used in monitoring the system, something that we told Maximum Security from the very beginning that cell phones do NOT work in this area. We attempted to call the phone number originally used by Maximum Security, but that phone number is now used by a different business and different name. My wife's health and our home is at stake because of this fraudulent behavior.Desired Settlement: We have been locked into a 3 year contract with this company under fraudulent circumstances. They need to either refund our money and cancel the contract or correctly do the installation that should have been done in the 1st place and assign a different company to monitor the system that is not dependent on cell phone.



Business' Initial Response

We have already spoken to this customer and scheduled a service call for 5/10/13 at 1:00pm. We have the same telephone number which is located on our contract XXX-XXX-XXXX, it has not changed and has been in use my Maximum Security Alarm for over 5 years. We will make all the requests for this customer have been completed at the time of the service call on 5/10/13. We will not be charging this customer for anything. We are more than happy to repair or fix any issues that come about with the system.

Review: On August 27th, 2013 Maximum Security Alarm DBA Max Security Alarm, Inc at [redacted] Phone # [redacted] installed a security alarm system, onto my home at [redacted]. When [redacted] installed this unit a siren, that was paid for, was never installed. Also, [redacted] without permission mounted the sensors with screws into six panel stained doors. If I had known ahead of time that this was to occure I never would have allowed the system to be installed. Since the initial instillation the system had never worked. I contacted the Maximum office and spoke to a lady who was "a manager" and she refunded 3 months charges of $29.99 each month for a total of $89.97 I also paid a fee for an additonal smoke sensor. On Sunday November 24th, 2013 [redacted] who was an account manager called to appolagize for the previous missed appointment and to tell me that the appointment on November 25th would also be missed as [redacted] was out of town due to a death in the family. The appointment was moved to December 2nd, 2013. This was the second appointment move. I had an independent company call me and said they could not name the December 2nd, 2013 and would get back to me as soon as they could. They never have and here November 8th, 2014 I still have an alarm system that is incomplete and does not work. I contacted the Original installer, [redacted], and he advised me that he had gotten an inheritance and he no longer worked for Maximum Security Alarm.

To date nothing has been done and the system is still not working. The system began beeping a couple of weeks ago and we had to dismantle it as it was keeping us up at night.Desired Settlement: I want the system removed and the holes put in my doors and wall patched and a full refund of all moneys and the three year contract terminated. All payments for each and every month has been removed from my account plus the $64.99 initial charge. The monthly charge was $29.99. I calculate that after the $89.97 refund I have spend $394.99 to date.




The last time we spoke with this customer we advised him a [redacted] service dealer [redacted] would be coming out to service the customer. This customer needs to contact [redacted] for all service needs. Jan 7 2014 1:00PM PST - Jessica Escobar job# 10443132 was closed for second time at customers request per [redacted]. We reopened service ticket and reassigned to [redacted]. Jan 6 2014 1:08PM PST - [redacted] Transferred Call from [redacted]. Customer was extremely upset and requesting to cancel because the siren he purchased at the time of install and the motion he purchased 12/2/13 hadn't been installed. Additionally, his chimes were set improperly and he was upset that the tech drilled through his maple doors to install the contacts without his consent. Advised the customer a ticket was opened on 12/2/13 but he states no one ever contacted him. According to [redacted], the dealer tried to contact the customer several times, left messages, then closed the ticket due to unable to contact / no response from the customer. Resolved the issue by scheduling [redacted] to go out tomorrow between 9a-11a to run service call and submitted check request for 3 months of service @ $29.99 - $89.97.Why is the customer waiting 11 months to contact us regarding this issue when we tried to resolve the problem on several occasions back in January 2014. We will not refund or cancel the account to the fact we made several attempts to complete the service and the customer did not allow us or respond to service requests. We have already refunded the customer 3 months due to service issues.



In response to the letter sent by your office Wednesday, November 19 2014 the following is submitted:1. [redacted] never advised me that [redacted] would be coming out to service my alarm system, but rather that someone would be contacting me.2. As I remember, the work was closed out and assigned to [redacted] as [redacted] no longer had anyone in the area to my service my system. 3. [redacted] did not contact me to set up an appointment, but later called back to cancel this appointment as they did not have the siren, or motion sensor that was to be installed and indicated that they would get back to me to set up an appointment upon receipt of these items. [redacted] never got back with me nor was a message ever left in regards to this. There is just my wife and I at this phone number therefore there would be no opportunity for this matter to be missed. 4. As to why I waited 11 months to contact anyone it is because I was in the process of moving into a new house, building a new building, acquiring repairing and selling an additional property, and running a multi million dollar business by myself. I do not have time to deal with a $30.00 dollar per month business that is not doing its job.Lastly, the system was up in so poorly that filters were left out and it diminished the function of my internet.Again, I want a full refund of all my moneys paid the contract canceled and the system removed, and the damage repaired.Sincerely,[redacted]



In response to the letter sent by your office Wednesday, November 19 2014 the following is submitted: [redacted] never advised me that [redacted] would be coming out to service my alarm system, but rather that someone would be contacting me.[redacted] is a [redacted] Dealers. [redacted] is the alarm Monitoring company therefore they are the company whom you pay your monthly monitoring bill monthly and does all of our alarm Monitoring. Since Maximum Security Alarm no longer had an Alarm Technician in the area your alarm company [redacted] sent assigned one of their service reps to your open service ticket. As explained in the original response the customer did not respond to the service request therefore [redacted] closed out the service ticket. As I remember, the work was closed out and assigned to [redacted] as [redacted] no longer had anyone in the area to my service my system. [redacted] is an authorized [redacted] Dealer whom they use to repair service on alarm systems. [redacted] assigns service dealers to repair service requests. [redacted] did not contact me to set up an appointment, but later called back to cancel this appointment as they did not have the siren, or motion sensor that was to be installed and indicated that they would get back to me to set up an appointment upon receipt of these items. [redacted] never got back with me nor was a message ever left in regards to this. There is just my wife and I at this phone number therefore there would be no opportunity for this matter to be missed. We have no control over the company [redacted] as they are not affiliated with Maximum Security Alarm. We are both Authorized [redacted] dealers however we are not associated with [redacted] and that complaint needs to be addressed with [redacted] or [redacted].As to why I waited 11 months to contact anyone it is because I was in the process of moving into a new house, building a new building, acquiring repairing and selling an additional property, and running a multimillion dollar business by myself. I do not have time to deal with a $30.00 dollar per month business that is not doing its job.All we ask is for the customer to communicate with us to resolve the problem. If there was a service issue [redacted] is very diligent regarding repairing open service tickets. Lastly, the system was up in so poorly that filters were left out and it diminished the function of my internet.This can be repaired during a service call and [redacted] will gladly open another service call with this customer. The customer will need to call [redacted] at [redacted] to request a service call from their alarm technician.

Review: Company calls repeatedly even though my num is on DNC list & I ask to be removed from the call list. Company also spoofs caller ID so I cannot block

This company has called from three different numbers (all from different CID numbers in Florida) within the last week.

My telephone number is on the Do Not Call Registry and I've requested they do not call.

If they would not spoof their Caller ID I would just program in their number and ignore them.Desired Settlement: This company has wasted at least 30 minutes of my time. I am self-employed and charge at a rate of $180/hour. I would like reasonable compensation of $40 and a promise to not call again.



Initial Business Response

The only location Maximum Security Alarm makes telemarketing calls from is Sacramento, CA. We do not use a "Spoof" caller ID. All calls made from Maximum Security Alarm clearly state it on the caller ID. Maximum Security Alarm does not make any calls from the state of Florida.

Final Consumer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

Clearly the answer given is nonsense. There are multiple numbers that I am being contacted from and the company representative identified themselves as Maximum Security.

That the company is unaware of its own practices is more evidence of the issue that they are ignoring both my request and the law that they not contact me with sales attempts.

Regardless of any of the above Maximum Security Alarm has not offered to honor my requested resolution or made any attempt at any resolution whatsoever.

Please honor my requested resolution.

Final Business Response

Maximum Security Alarm will only contact a customer after they have asked for more information regarding an alarm system. We do no spoof dial. We have a telemarketing center that clearly states our information and if you would like a copy of our DNC policy I will be happy to provide you with that. We will not be paying you for your time. The demand for an hourly wage from us is completely irrelevant to you deciding to answer the telephone and speak with our company or any other company who calls you.

Review: I purchased home alarm services from Maximum Security for my new home. I had my mother-in-law and a four year old niece living in the home at the time of purchase. On several occasions the alarm was tripped and the alarm sounded for several seconds before we acknowledged the alarm and shut it off. We never did hear from the monitoring company and called the help desk to see if they had received and alarm at our address. On each occasion of setting the alarm off we were told the alarm had to register for at least forty-five seconds before the monitoring desk would receive an alarm signal. So I responded that what they were saying was that they expected an intruder to be inside my house for forty-five seconds before and alarm signal was sent then they would call me and later the police. That was absolutely unacceptable. A technician from [redacted] was dispatched three times to the house where "nothing" was found to out of synch with system. Each time with me standing by the technician a activated alarm took at least 45 seconds before the monitoring desk acknowledged an alarm. Maximum Security never did respond to resolve the issue and we purchased another system and now within just a few seconds we receive a call from the monitoring desk when an alarm is tripped at the house. [redacted] and Maximum Security are now trying to collect on past due monthly recurring bills they think they deserve. I believe they should refund what I have already paid them and find another line of business. They certainly did not provide secure protection as they advertise.Desired Settlement: These two companies should absolutely not expect any more money from me. They failed to provide security services they promised. We gave [redacted] three attempts to resolve our home security needs and they did not prove worthy of us keeping their product. The security of my wife, mother-in-law and niece took precedence over continuing to deal with a non-responsive vendor like [redacted] and Maximum Security Alarm.



This complaint needs to be taken up with [redacted] the Monitoring company. We are not the monitoring company and have no control over this matter.



I am rejecting this response because:[redacted] was acting on your behalf. You should be responsible to see you outsourced vendors are providing services promised.

Review: Monotronics failed to provide acceptable service, response time far too long. Get threatening phone calls concerning contract.
Tested system through police dept. 3 times. Response time was 12 minutes the first time, 5-6 minutes 2 other times. 3-5 mins when tech tested with them expecting it. Cannot see paying 3 yrs. contract for no acceptable service. Monotronics failed to provide promised service, therefore should not be paid $1240.

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Other (requires explanation)

Just void the contract and get equipment out of home.



Initial Business Response

We are not the company the does the alarm monitoring therefore we have no control over the response time for the alarm monitoring. The response time will vary depending on the local police or responding jurisdiction. The customer will still be held liable for the contract since we have provided everything promised on our end. We cannot control how long it takes for the police department to respond to alarm system. Monitronics does follow certain procedures when dispatching police to a home and after they have dispatched the police they have no control on how long it takes for the police to respond to the alarm system. Every jurisdiction is different. We have provided the customer with acceptable service. The system is working properly however the customer is not happy with the police response time which no one can control.

Final Consumer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

There is no resulution offer in their statement, and my contract was with Maximum Security Alarms, not Monotronics. I offered to allow them to retrieve their equipment and to pay $200 for voided contract which is reasonable considering unacceptable service.

Final Business Response

We are working on getting the event history report from Monitronics since we do not do the alarm monitorinig for this customer. We are just the dealer that installed the equipment into the customers home. We need to verify what Monitronics has on record for the customer and we will be able to provide you with an exact history report for each occurrence.

Review: I got this alarm system with the thought of 3 years which I wanted to stop at 3 years called them & wrote said I no longer wanted. I completed the 3 years payment now they are saying that I have 5 years they can not produce anything but kept taking out of my acct so stopped now I am getting up to 8 calls a day say im owe which I do not here is a copy of agreementDesired Settlement: Stop calling & shut the service down which I no longer have it hooked up



This complaint needs to be addressed with the Monitoring company [redacted] as we have nothing to do with this account, billing or monitoring. We are just the company the sold the account originally on 12/18/10 and we do not have any information regarding this account since that time. Our records reflect this customer did sign a 36 month contract however we do not know what has transpired between Ms. [redacted] and [redacted] since she originally signed the contract.

I am sorry we cannot help. Please contract [redacted] regarding this complaint.

Review: Sales rep, [redacted] referred me to someone else for cameras, saying they were better than Maximum Security on a visit for a house alarm.

On 9/5/13, the sales rep, [redacted] signed me up for a home alarm system. When I asked about cameras for the home, [redacted] suggested [redacted] who is used by Maximum Securities on repairs, etc. [redacted] said that the cameras from Maximum Securities were not that good and the cameras from ** would be Commerical Grade. I learn now they are both subcontractors. [redacted] took the down payment for ** and the cameras were somewhat installed, not completed. Now some of the cameras don't work during the night vision. Maximum doesn't want to take responsibility because they say the rep can say and make any deals they want. Unfortunately, I didn't know they were subcontractors and when Maximum Security call to come to my home they would not be responsible for their sales rep. Also [redacted] was to change the contract from 60 months to 36 months. I was to get yard signs and window stickers and that never happened. I mentioned to [redacted] about the complaints through the but he said all companies have complaints but Maximum Security always resolves them. Maximum Securities wants me to deal with [redacted] and [redacted] which neither doesn't answer my calls. [redacted] made threatening phone calls to ** saying things I haven't said. I never left ** a threatening message, just asked for my money back on what was not installed and fix the cameras. I have wall damage where he installed the wiring for the cameras. No plate covers were installed. I would like the contract cancelled without any payments due. This needs to be in writing.Desired Settlement: contract cancellation without any further payments due put in writing. I have been contacting Maximum on this matter since 11/4/13 [redacted] and [redacted] since it happened in September.



Initial Business Response

We are working with this customer to resolve all issues. We have had several service calls lately and are going back to the home on 12/19. We assured this customer we will do everything in our power to make sure she gets the service needed so her alarm is working even though she purchased the products from another vendor whom we do not provide a warranty for. We are working in getting this resolved.

Review: Went through a long sales pitch after calling to inquire about an alarm system for my home, was never told I needed good credit for this system until.

I called today to get pricing for an alarm system for my home, the salesman seemed very nice and went through a 30 minute sales pitch and then offered me a alarm system at no cost and only pay the first month monitoring.

He explained they have a deal with GE, and that the alarm systems are free, and as long as I would sign a 3 year monitoring contract, they would come and install it tomorrow.

After I agreed to everything, he then asked for my date of birth, he only indicated to look at a file, not to run credit check. He comes back a few minutes later and tells me my credit was to bad, and he couldn't help me.

First off I gave no permission to run my credit, 2nd they never said anything about qualifying for this system, 3rd after I called back to get further explanation about what just happened, he pretty much treated me like a second class citizen because I have a low credit score.

Desired Settlement: Give me my free alarm system I was offered.

Touchpad, 2 remotes, 4 door sensors and 2 motion sensors all wireless.

Made by GE.

I will find an alarm company to monitor it that treats all people equal.



Business' Initial Response

In order to qualify for any home system equipment at no charge (which is the promotion we offer) consumers must met certain requirements which include owning the home or business and a satisfactory credit rating. If a consumer does not meet the credit rating requirement we are unable to provide the consumer with the promotion we offer. There is nothing we can do for this consumer since they did not met the credit requirements that are out required for this promotion. Most alarm companies have the same credit requirements therefore we do encourage this consumer to find another company that can offer this promotion.

We apologize for the confusion however we are not able to provide this consumer with any free equipment since the free equipment is only valid with a 3 year monitoring agreement.

Consumer's Final Response

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

They did not explain any of this up front, they mislead me, and added unnecessary points to my credit rating, not to mention, they never indicated that they were going to run my credit.

I challenge them to provide written or verbal permission of me giving them permission to even look at my credit.

This response is not good enough, im tired of being treated like a 2nd class citizen because of a credit report.

Business' Final Response

During our approval process we explain to all customers we have to do a credit verification to ensure they will qualify for the promotion. This is not a line of credit, it is a credit verification.

We do not treat any consumers like a 2nd class citizen due to a poor credit rating we are just unable to provide them with the promotion we offer with free equipment. This is a standard qualification with any alarm company.

Review: I dispute that I owe [redacted]/Maximum Security $1531.20 because the system was never properly installed. [redacted] disconnected our fire system and left it out of code. We have not had any monitoring service on the system for months and the Sales Representative made promises that [redacted] could not fulfill. We immediately addressed the issue during the initial installation where if promises were not made by [redacted] the Sales Representative then we would have had them remove the system that same day. [redacted]tine, the Customer Service floor supervisor for Maximum Security, who was very rude offered to send an installer to do the work but I denied her because it was the same installer, [redacted] who we did not want in our home. As of this date, our system is still not properly installed, we have not had any monitoring activity on the system since July 2014. We spoke to [redacted]tine again on November 21, 2014, and again she was rude and very aggressive about not wanting to resolve the issue anymore. She stated that she offered to send an installer to fix the system and I denied it so we breached our contract. But when my wife asked her if they had a different installer to send to do the work, she stated no, it was the same installer. My wife told her that is why it was denied. He was beligerent prior and not allowed in our home.Desired Settlement: Remove debt not owed - Remove or we can remove equipment from our home and return to [redacted] - return our fire system to its proper fire code - Refund intial deposit of $34.99



We have attempted to help this customer time and time again with no success. They have refused service or not showed up to scheduled service calls.We have gone back and forth us regarding what issues they have and we have repaired or attempted to repair the problem every time. This customer was sent to collections due to not paying for the service they signed up for and fulfilling the contractual obligations they signed up for. We have spoke with both parties and every time they agree to service they either cancel or are not home for the appointment. We have provided this customer with account credits due to complications they experienced with the installation of their alarm however whenever we take over another companies alarm system there is a chance the alarm system could have complications. We have tried to work with this customer through everything since March and since they customer stopped paying for their alarm system and did not allow us to repair the issue they broke the contract and have been sent to collections. We are more than happy to repair the issues. I suggest the customer read the contract they signed and agreed too therefore they can understand why they are in collections.



I am rejecting this response because: As I stated in my letter, the installer that was sent on behalf of Maximum/[redacted] did not reconnect our hardwired fire alarms to the system because he could not. he said there were not compatible to the system he installed. [redacted], the sales person, was suppose to look into a compatible system. He did not finish installing the wrong system properly and failed to show on more than one occasion to install the new. We wasted time waiting around for the installer to come to our home to only try to convince us to pay more for the new system, not to repair.I ask that Maximum/[redacted] provide documentation showing the original contract of what was to be installed. My notes show that we should have received a system to replace the [redacted] system we had which included the hard wired fire system and 2 keypanels, 2 remotes 2 motion sensors.I would also like to see the documentation of the credits that were issued to us for our system not working properly. To this date we have received no such credits. We had our bank, [redacted], investigate the monthly charges of 34.99 on our behalf and they removed it and furture payments after receiving no valid response from Maximum/[redacted] in May of 2014. And since that time we have not had any service on this system.I also ask that if Maximum/[redacted] is willing to repair/replace the system with what we were originally promised, and as long as it is NOT the same installer Kirby, then I invite them to get our system up and running. Because currently we do not have a working system in place as stated in the contract. We do not have the 2nd Keypad as was stated, along with the fire alarm issues.Thank you [redacted]I also found my hand written notes from the sales call with [redacted] and there should have been notations on the installers paperwork regarding the unfinished installation. ?



We will certainly call the customer today to go over some options on how we can repair the system without having the original technician do the work. We have since removed this account from collections due to situation. We will work diligently with the customer to resolve the issue and get the alarm system back in working order. I do see in our notes there was an account credit provided to the customer invoice#[redacted] for $69.98 received to us on 5/19/14.



I am rejecting this response because:On Friday 12/12/14, We received a message from Maximum Security stating that they are unable to find an alternate installer in our area to service our system. They stated that they were going to remove any amounts considered owed from our account and consider it closed. We were to keep the equipment.We would like the business to send that to us in writing and confirm through the complaint process.Thank you [redacted]



Yes, this is correct. After further research we do not have another installer in the area therefore we are going to cancel the account for the customer. Their account was already pulled from collections. Due to the fact we are unable to satisfy the customers needed we have advised them we are canceling the account with no further collections action.

Review: This complaint regards the Alarm Monitoring account of Mrs. [redacted] E. [redacted]. The premise phone number for the account is XXX-XXX-XXXX, and the address is [redacted] Ave in [redacted], AZ. I am Mrs. [redacted]'s son and hold POA in her affairs; a copy of that POA has been provided to Maximum Security Alarm company. I have been trying to resolve this issue with the account representative [redacted] (last name unknown) without avail.

On 15 February 2013, Mrs. [redacted] was visited at her home by a person who represented he was "from her alarm company" and was there to confirm that her system was functioning properly. He examined the alarm controller box and informed her that it was very old and not reliable and would need to be replaced. Being 88 years old and quite unfamiliar with electronics, she said "OK".

The representative presented a document to my mother for signature acknowledging the new controller installation. At no time did the representative explain to her that this was for a new monitoring company or that there was any contractual commitment for monitoring services. In that contract, one section is titled "Customer Authorization: To Be Completed by Customer Only", however he also filled out that part and did not ask her the specific questions. He circled "N" in response to Question 3 "Are you under any contractual agreement/obligation with any other company for monitoring services?". He also answered "Y" to Question 10 "I have received and Alarm User Manual, Instructional DVD, Yard Sign and window decals" (none were provided).

Finally, regarding the contract, the pink copy left with Mrs. [redacted] at time of installation differs from the version provided to me by [redacted] at Maximum Security Alarm via email on 26 April; the most notable change is in the financial disclosure statement where the "Amount of Each Payment" and "Total of all Payments" are left blank in my mother's copy but have "$34.99" and "$1259.64" respectively written in the company copy. Clearly this contractually-critical data was added to the contract after the representative left the premises as part of the deception.

In the couple months following the installation, my mother still believed she was with Guardian and did not discover that there was a problem until approximately two months later when she had a health incident requiring immediate attention. After activating her alarm requesting help, none came and her emergency contact numbers were not notified; a neighbor was able to drive her to the hospital. Curious why the system had not functioned properly, one of her relatives contacted Guardian and upon running a check on their system they found that they were not getting any data from the system. Their technician inspected and discovered that the controller had been reprogrammed and was no longer contacting their service.

At that time, we began taking steps to try and resolve this issue with Maximum Security Alarm.

I have graciously offered to pay the amount due for the first few months of the service, which is frankly extremely generous given the fraudulent circumstances of the contract and that the service failed her when she had a medical emergency. I made this offer in hopes of simply closing this issue for both parties, but that has been rejected and I have been informed that any cancellation will require full payment of the three-year commitment. We find this unacceptable given the fraudulent actions of this company.

Desired Settlement: We request immediate cancellation of the contract with NO termination penalties; immediately dismissal of any outstanding balance; and notification to the billing company Monitronics to cease all calls to Mrs. [redacted] and myself regarding any collection of past due balance.



Business' Initial Response

We will cancel this contract immediately and will need to schedule a time to remove all the equipment we added into the home. We apologize for any inconvenience as we had no idea this customer was signed up without her POA's knowledge.

Review: Receiving 1 call a day after repeated requests to stop calling.

I have asked that Maximum Security stop calling my home but they continue to call. I am on the government do not call list as of 6/12/13 but I continue to receive calls. Dates and times for this month alone are:

10/11/13 @ 2:28PM EST [redacted]

10/8/13 @ 12:57PM EST [redacted]

10/5/13 @ 12:49PM EST [redacted]

10/2/13 @ 4:51PM EST [redacted]

Each call is the same script and I have asked to stop calling at each request. Calls started in September and continued every 2-3 days. I started to keep track of the calls in October after the requests were being ignored. I will be filing a complaint with the DoNotCall registry once the government reopens because this is getting out of hand.Desired Settlement: Leave me alone and stop calling. I am not interested in your alarm services.



Initial Business Response

We will add you number to our internal DNC list immediately. We apologize for the delay. This consumer will not receive any more calls directly from Maximum Security Alarm.

Review: Promise one thing, after signing contract found it to be another. They promise to correct but when I call it goes to voice mail.

8/16/2013 [redacted], for the property on [redacted] st. [redacted] Ca. XXXXXDesired Settlement: Correct the issue or cancel our agreement.



Business' Initial Response

We have tried to call this customer several times to see what he is referring too and what requests we can help him with. We have been calling the customer since 8/20 with no answer or response from the customer. We are kindly asking the customer to call us at 888-564-5621 ext 311. We will be more than happy to assist the customer with anything that was promised to him during the sale.

Review: Phoned co 3 times with various options I thought were fair and reasonable. I even offered to pay for window contacts a 35.00 for 7 or 9 windows if they would drop 1 yr off auto collection. They refused and wanted me to pay up front for windows, I offered to buy out of contract as I didn't feel Alarm was reliable and good security. They refused. Any option I suggested was refused. I didn't feel safe with only 4 contacts. Also there monitoring fee is to high for only 4 contacts. Example of unreliability of system. I could enter home through unmonitored door from garage to kitchen, walk from kitchen to living room/ dining room, walk to 3rd BR/Den without alarm going off. I was solicited this free alamr install by telemarketer but then did pay $99.00 + 1st mo monitoring 39.99. Contract was with Maximum Security Alarm. Monitoring by "Monites"Desired Settlement: Alarm windows or deduct 36mus to 24 mo. or buy out of contract.



Dec 2 2014 1:47PM PST We received all parts installed - SIMON XT PANEL, 1 MOTION, 4 CONTACTS, 1 KEYFOB. Customer sent all of her equipment back to the office due to the fact we could not provide her with additional free contacts. We have apologized and explained to this customer that we tried to help, but unfortunately she's asking for more than we can provide for free or what the customer wants to pay. The customer hung up on us several times when we expressed to her we are unable to provide her with $100's of dollars worth of equipment for free or what she felt was a fair price. We advised the customer what the price is for the additional contacts she requested which is $35 per contact. We have provided the customer with 4 contacts at no charge during the initial installation on 9/13/14. Nov 18 2014 4:14PM PST customer called into our office inquiring about new equipment request. We quoted the customer for 9 window contacts and one free door contact including installation it would be $315. At that time we advised the customer typically we require payment upfront but she can pay once the tech is there to install. Customer stated she feels she is a senior who was taken advantage of from the beginning. I told her I resent that remark and I'm sorry to hear she feels that way just because we cannot provide her with the price she wants to pay. We have a cost for the equipment & installation we must pay and the price we quoted is our cost. Customer feels she is entitled to some sort of compensation because she's a senior and wants her monthly rate reduced because she has friends who pay a lower rate. We continued to advise the customer we cannot accommodate her demands and the customer hung up the phone.



I am rejecting this response because: I was open to many different options they turned them all down, even agreeing to to pay to have all the windows alarmed, they agreed at 35.00 per window, my only request was that they drop one year of the 36 month contract for minitoring, they refused, I have since been told by another company that legally in california they cannot have you contract for more than 2 years on monitoring, if that is true, it's foolish that they turn my request down, I dont believe the monitoring was installed correctly, I proved it. I could walk from my door leading to the kitchen from the garage, go past kitchen into dining room & living room and 3rd br. and alarm would not go off. in frustration I had an electrician remove ther alarm, they never phoned me, no alarm went off. nothing happened, so I dont believe that monitoring was done correctly they never called an emergency number so what kind of alarm is that, that it can be removed and not one thing happened. I will take them to court and I have prove for the two electricians that were there, no alarms were sounded. o contact ever made. they put 4 poor contact in your home and then want to tie you up on monitoring for 36 mos. I was solicited on the phone for this saying free installation, well that wasnt true either I paid 99.00 look where they mae there money on all the minitoring fee they recieve 39.99 er mo. for 4 contact. you can have eveery window done and still only pay the same fee.. it is to hard to write these things, if I can talk to you on the phone it would be much better if possible. thank you, trust me when I tell you that a good company would work with you in some compromise, they would not accept any of the options, the other was to buy out of the contract, they said no. then I tried to get the 39.909 reduced as that is high for only 4 contact, they refused, please check into the rulling on it being illegal to sign you up for 36 months. tthank you



We can certainly call this customer to discuss the matter further however we are unable to adjust the contract term once the contract is signed. Our minimum contract term is 36 months. A 36 months contract terms is 100% legal in CA however a 60 month contract term in CA in not. We are more than happy to work with the customer to accommodate their needs they just have to understand from a business stand pointe we are unable to give away everything for free and do not have the authority to change the contract term once the initial contract is signed. We will call to discuss this with the customer tomorrow and hopefully be able to fulfill their needs.



I am rejecting this response because: I was solicited on phone for free alrm istallations, I assumed that to be the entire house not four contact, sonce it was only 4 contacts, I paid on installation 99.00, plu 1 month, monitoring, I found alram monitoring questionalble as it was removed bvy an electrician after I was unable to negotiate with business in giving them three different options, all refused. I dont believe my alarm was every connected outside of the home. cost to them was what for those 3 months, monitoring was paid, they said they charge 35.00 for each contact installed I gave 99.00 , four contact times 35.00 is 40.00 if they want the forty dollars, they can have it, this is a crooked operation that needs to be found out. except for the 40.00 I mentioned I will not co-operate or work with them in any way and I definitely do not want an unmonitored alrm in my home as it appears that's what I had. [redacted]

Review: Request Monitoronics cancel my contract due to the false and deceptive terms of the contract.

I believe that I was deceived by the company. I was told that my contract was with GE, but later found that it is with Monitronics I have continue to ask for paperwork on the contract but they refer me to their website. I am charge a co-pay for products that are faulty. The alarm continues to trigger but the monitoring company failed to respond until I called them. I feel my safety is breach with this company. The customer services is very abusive when I call about my concerns with them.Desired Settlement: I want a cancelled contract without having to pay the penalties due to their deceptive advertising and faulty products. As a single woman with small children I am afraid that their promised services will not deliver when needed. If this happens, If able I would fill a lawsuit against this company.



We just spoke with this customer on 2/21/14 and she had a service call to repair / fix all the issues and concerns she had with the security system on 2/21/14 as well. We also gave the customer 1 month of service at no charge to compensate for the system not functioning properly. The customer stated she was happy and she does see our company attempting to make up for the past issues.

We never told this customer we are GE, we are an authorized GE dealer and the equipment for the security system is GE, Not the Monitoring Service. This customer was installed on 11/16/13 and we ever survey the customer on numerous occasions to make sure they know exactly what they signed up for and they are happy with our service.

As far as we know all problems for this customer have already been resolved.



I am rejecting this response because: The representative who solicate for my business told me they were GE. I did not learn after the installation that the security equipment and the monitoring company were two different companies. Yes, I did have a service representative come and back repair on 2/21/14 and yes, they gave me a refund for 1 month. The main problem that I have is that I NEVER know which company I am talking to (the equipment company or the monitoring company) this has confused me and I feel I was totally deceived by the company that solciated for my business. However, the issues are not resolved I have not receive a follow-up call from the company to test the system. Like I told the representative on 2/20/14, I can just be sitting in my home and the system will beep for no apparent reason - this I told the representative has happened 3 times. One time the alarm beep a series of 3 times in the middle of the night. I am a single woman living alone and becuase this keeps happening I do not feel completely safe or secure because I don't know if someone is entering myg home or not. I also told the the representative that the alarm has went off, ringing for a long period of time (1-min) and I DID NOT receive any calls from the monitoring company. Again, this is very troubling, because if this service fails at the time I need it most - the GE... Monitronics or whatmever company will have an even bigger problem with this customer. I also want to double back to 2/20/14, I spoke with a female representative and she bebated with me over the equipment of weather it was existing equipment or their equipment. She basicly argument with me about the service charge if the equipment was existing, I totally and fully understood what she was saying about the equipment. However, I felt like this woman tried to underestimate my level of intelligence about what was thiers and what was mine from a previous company. Overall, I do not like the level of customer service and I definitely do not like the equipment.




We have tried to call this customer several times since them with no success. We actually called the customer today and left a voice mail for the customer. I feel as if this customer is being unreasonable regarding not knowing who the equipment is made by and who monitors her alarm.

When you purchased your last alarm did they make the equipment they installed in the home? NO, because no alarm company that monitors alarms manufactures the alarm company. We use great alarm equipment manufacturing companies like GE who we let all customer know the equipment is GE and the monitoring company is Monitronics. We conduct several surveys with customers before and after installation to ensure they know what they are buying and understand the terms of the agreement, so why about 5 months later is there is issue?

This customer accepted the account credit. We have no problem fixing whatever issue the customer is experiencing. Training her on the system & showing her how the system works, the response time from the monitoring company, etc. We just need the customer to call us back or answer the phone for us.

All we want to do is fix whatever problem there is. I honestly think there was a misunderstanding with the sales rep stating we are an authorized GE dealer, since we are, however GE on makes equipment, they do not monitor equipment.

Please allow us the opportunity to help you feel comfortable with your system and I promise we can turn this around.

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Description: Security Control Equipment & System Monitors, Burglar Alarm Systems - Dealers, Monitoring & Service

Address: 1010 Hurley Way Ste 525, Sacramento, California, United States, 95825-3218


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