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Karma Mobility Inc.

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Reviews Karma Mobility Inc.

Karma Mobility Inc. Reviews (627)

Hi [redacted], 
It appears we have received your return and it's currently being processed at our warehouse. We process returns in the order they were received so it might take a little time depending on our volume—it’s our priority to get your Karma checked back in and your money back in...

your pocket as soon as possible.We'll send you an email as soon as your refund has been initiated. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me directly through support (attn: Erin) if you have any further questions. Best,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I've been in touch with Karma's reps for five months and given all kind of excuses. Please forward my attachments to help them locate my account and my email.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.

Hi [redacted] 
Your refund has been processed. Please allow 3-5 business days for it to show up on your account. (that's the banks, not us)
Please let me know if you need any additional help. 
Erin A[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
I understand what you saying and you have said it before. But that was not before I already singed up for never stop and the advertised service has changed dramatically. You knew what you were getting yourself into as a company that launched shortly after clear spot was bought out. Now that they are no longer in business you guys came in. You know the numbers and the usage as well as I do and not to mention you are running off of sprint LTE same people who bought out clear spot. It seems to me your just trying to suck out as much money from us by not only doing this but to buy your data every GB is a total of $14.00 for a regular user that's over $240.00 a month 3x more than any other provider. And when you chose the most likely plan of 15GB for a month than slow it down to 0.11mbps is crazy. Oh and let's not forget for every GB not used out of the 15GB you'll buy back remaining GB's for a total of $1.00. You should give back what you charge us!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.Thank you so much for your assistance. I have received a full refund from Karma Mobility, Inc.

Hi Tiffany,
Thanks for following up. When we announced changes to our service on January [redacted], we proposed a full refund for anybody unhappy with the changes, and offered the same on February [redacted]. Being that you have used your prepaid month in full, beyond the point which we were offering full refunds, and continued to use the service as stated under the new plan, you are not eligible for a refund on service.
You are eligible for the $99 refund of your device, but not the prepaid month of service ($50) which was used in full beyond the date of implemented changes/point we offered and accepted full refunds on service.
You can write in to me directly at [redacted] (ATTN:Alex) if you have any further questions.
Best regards,

I am sorry that you are upset. Like I said before we are under completely new management and need time to fix these issues. There is no set date but we intend to refund every customer that deserves one.

Hi There, 
It appears your emails for refunds and returns did not go through to our system. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma...

Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong.In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support.
While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at [redacted].
Please feel free to contact me directly through support, (attn Erin) and I can assist you further. 
Erin A[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

Hello, I have already been through this step with Karma resulting in no refund and no real response, it seems, from a real person. It just feels like cut and paste responses and that I'm being given the run-around. I  have attached just a few of the Karma Facebook messages confirming the refund policy due to the drastic changes they made in service. Thank you kindly for looking into this matter. [redacted]
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

 I clicked reject the business's response because it is in no way acceptable to me.  They offered something that they delivered for a very short time (unlimited hotspot wi-fi for $50 per month) then abruptly discontinued the service, 'replacing' it with a far more expensive 'plan'.  Then, they essentially blamed their customers for actually using the unlimited wi-fi, accusing them of using it at home, which they did not intend. Yet what did they think would happen?  There is no way to enforece or monitor when and where a person chooses to use their hotspot.  They are the ones to blame, for setting up an unsustainable system.  I personally don't know how broadband technology works, so it sounded like a good deal to me, so I invested in their product.  I suppose if I had a more tech-savvy brain I may have recognized how unreasonable their idea was for $50 per month unlimited internet.  As it was, I actually did use my hotspot at home because I live in a rural area with very few options for internet access, all of which have major problems from shoddy service and poorly working equipment to slow and/or very expensive service.  Karma was claiming that some customers were using 1000 GB per month.  I have no idea how anybody can actually use so much so quickly, especially with a Karma hotspot whhichI never really was able to get to work all that well.  I doubt if I have used 1000 GB so far in my lifetime.  I use perhaps 10-15 GB per month  max.  So I really thought this Karma company was the answer to my internet problem, but they just join the long list of unsustainable, unsatisfactory internet providers that rural residents cannot count on.  On a side note, Karma did offer to refund all the money I've paid to them, which I am accepting, but I still feel that this has been a huge hassle and that they shouls be deeply ashamed as a company.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because
I emailed the company for three days, without response, requesting that my money be refunded and that no package be sent. Company has no phone support and does not respond to emails in a timely manner. 
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

When I emailed Karma 2-3 weeks ago I was told my refund would be here in 2-3 weeks... Here we are 2-3 weeks later and I'm being told the same thing.
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Hi There,
Karma support doesn't have phone support at the moment but we’re happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund on hardware. For service, you'll get a refund for any unused data left on Refuel or any unused months left on your Neverstop subscription.You can...

use our Return Center for this: [redacted]
Let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to contact me through support directly. (attn: Erin)Best,
Erin A[redacted]

I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you.  While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well.  You can...

use our Return Center for this: [redacted]Tell us why here...
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

Hi [redacted], Unfortunately, there is no way to bring back Neverstop at this time. The product is no longer available. I am happy to discuss options for either returning your device for a refund OR looking at Pulse or Refuel as an option if you'd like to stick with us. Feel free to email me directly through support ([redacted]) Attn: Erin. Best,Erin A[redacted]Karma
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because,

[Your Answer Here]
 I have yet to be refunded for the charges made on 1/**/16 I was refunded for the data charges that came with the device but not the unauthorized (there  was no payment method set up and even your app stated that.) data charges that occurred on 1/**/16 In the amount of $49.00 Im sure this is just a "mistake" that'll be soon rectified but if you could please state this to me via the response form as none of your agents have seen it fit to responded to my request for a refund of the aforementioned amount.
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Hi [redacted],I'm not sure what I can say to clarify this any further. Again, we're working through all returns and their respective refunds as quickly as possible, while being as fair as possible for all those waiting for a refund. I understand that the only acceptable resolution for you would be to process your return/refund immediately, but as was stated previously, we're processing them in the order received and no other order. This is to ensure that those who have been waiting longest get their refunds first, meaning that I won't expedite the processing of your return if it's going to put yours ahead of others who have been waiting longer than you, just as I won't process the return of someone who before yours if we received it afterwards.Best regards,Alex F[redacted]

Thank you for taking the time to offer up this feedback. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would...

want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong. In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at [redacted]s.
Karma credit cannot be exchanged for cash. 
If you'd like to email support directly (attn: Erin) I can help you get this set up immediately. 
Erin A[redacted]

Thank you very much for your feedback. At this time, we can make an exception and refund any unused data left on your account as of November [redacted], 2015. You can reach out on that date or we can contact you at that time, whichever you prefer. Please feel free to reach out to customer support...

with any additional questions or concerns.

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Address: 2300 Valley View Ln, Suite 200, Ivring, Texas, United States, 75062


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Shady, yet now dead: once upon a time this website was reported to be associated with Karma Mobility Inc., but after several inspections we’ve come to the conclusion that this domain is no longer active.

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