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Karma Mobility Inc.

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Reviews Karma Mobility Inc.

Karma Mobility Inc. Reviews (627)

Hi [redacted],Thanks for following up.Again, I understand that it has already been a lengthy wait-- but understand that this is not specific to you. We are heavily delayed due to a significantly higher than normal return volume, and with that it is taking well beyond our normal timeframe to get the returns complete, and their respective refunds processed.We are working through returns processing in the order they have been received at our fulfillment center in order to keep the process as fair as possible. So while I understand you'd like to have your refund now, we can't move it ahead of others who have been waiting longer than you, just the same as we won't move someone ahead of you if we received their return after yours. Our team is working diligently to handle all returns/refunds as quickly as possible with the resources at our disposal. You will receive a confirmation email with refund details just as soon as your refund has been processed. If you care to discuss further, you can reach me directly at [redacted] (ATTN: Alex).All the best,

Hi [redacted],
I can see on my end here that your refund has already been processed. If for some reason you haven't already received confirmation, you can expect to receive it within the next 24 hours.
Best regards,
Alex F[redacted]

Kevin,There isn't an issue here, as simple and as clear as I can state it-- you initiated a chargeback/dispute through your bank/creditor. Since it's in that process, I am physically unable to process a refund the way I normally do. And yes, your return was confirmed/checked in at our fulfillment center on March [redacted]-- I attempted to process the refund on May [redacted] (along with many other refunds to customers who we received returns from on March [redacted]. The processing of your refund failed because you had already initiated a chargeback. And just be certain, I just attempted to refund you again right now only to receive this notification: "[redacted]"So yes, at this point had the chargeback not been initiated the money would have already been back in your account. There is no more that I can do for you here to resolve this for you as we have no direct involvement in the chargeback process. If there is anything else you need help with outside of this, please feel free to reach out.All the best,Alex
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

There isn't an issue here, as simple and as clear as I can state it-- you initiated a chargeback/dispute through your bank/creditor. Since it's in that process, I am physically unable to process a refund the way I normally do. And yes, your return was confirmed/checked in at our fulfillment center on March [redacted]-- I attempted to process the refund on May [redacted] (along with many other refunds to customers who we received returns from on March [redacted]. The processing of your refund failed because you had already initiated a chargeback. And just be certain, I just attempted to refund you again right now only to receive this notification: "[redacted]"
So yes, at this point had the chargeback not been initiated the money would have already been back in your account.
There is no more that I can do for you here to resolve this for you as we have no direct involvement in the chargeback process. If there is anything else you need help with outside of this, please feel free to reach out.
All the best,

Hi [redacted],
Thanks for following up.
Again, I understand that it has already been a lengthy wait-- but understand that this is not specific to you. We are heavily delayed due to a significantly higher than normal return volume, and with that it is taking well beyond our normal timeframe to get the returns complete, and their respective refunds processed.
We are working through returns processing in the order they have been received at our fulfillment center in order to keep the process as fair as possible. So while I understand you'd like to have your refund now, we can't move it ahead of others who have been waiting longer than you, just the same as we won't move someone ahead of you if we received their return after yours. 
Our team is working diligently to handle all returns/refunds as quickly as possible with the resources at our disposal. You will receive a confirmation email with refund details just as soon as your refund has been processed. 
If you care to discuss further, you can reach me directly at [redacted] (ATTN: Alex).
All the best,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
This is the same response I have been getting since I returned the product in March, when I was originally told, by Keith, that it would be two weeks and if I had not received the refund to contact them.  It has now been 14 weeks. How many times will they state the same thing - pushing it back 10-12 weeks every time?
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is mostly satisfactory to me and the matter has not yet been resolved. However, I have a time frame on which to expect my refund. If refund is not received in time frame indicated in the email from Karma Mobility, I will pursue other options. 

Hi [redacted],Thank you for reaching out. I understand the wait has been very lengthy. My apologies for that, but please know that what we've communicated to you when you've been checking in the status of your refund is correct.I can see that your return was confirmed received (checked-in) at our...

fulfillment center on March [redacted], which means it was then added to the queue of returns to be refunded. We have had, and currently have significantly higher than normal return volume, which is leading to heavy delays on all refunds. This is not specific to you, and in order to keep things as fair as possible, albeit lengthy, we're only processing refunds in the order which returns have been received. Based on your return date, I do anticipate you'll receive confirmation notice of your refund fairly soon (within the next 4-6). I know this isn't the immediate response you're looking for, but understand we're working through this is as quickly as possible, and I can assure you we'll process your refund just as soon as is humanly possible with the resources available to us right now.If you need anything in the meantime, feel free to reach me directly at [redacted] (ATTN: Alex).Best,Alex

Hi There,Karma support doesn't have phone support at the moment but we’re happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund on hardware. For service, you'll get a refund for any unused data left on Refuel or any unused months left on your Neverstop subscription.You can use our Return...

Center for this: [redacted]
Let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to contact me through support directly. (attn: Erin)Best,Erin A[redacted]

[redacted],Your refund was received at our fulfillment center on March [redacted], you have not been waiting since January. Based on the date we received it, you're refund will come in the next 6-8 weeks.The reason you're getting a refund on the device only is because the 3 months of service were used. -...

Your first month of service December [redacted] - January [redacted] was prior to the announced/implemented addition of the 15GB data cap- Your second month of service January [redacted] - February ** was used in full both before and after the announced/implemented changes on January [redacted](On January [redacted] we reset all subscriber data usage to 0GB and offered full refunds for anybody who the service would no longer work for. Had you stopped using it at that time and returned it, you would have received a full refund on the device, the third unused month of service, and the second month of service regardless of how much data was used between Jan ** - Jan **, but not the first because again, it was prior to the announced changes).- Your third month of service February ** - March ** you used the service throughout the month (2/3 of the high-speed data allotment), and canceled your subscription on March [redacted]. The offer for a full refund on the service did not mean to continue to use the service in full under the new terms for the remaining 2 months and still get a full refund on services provided. While we did change our offering, it was by your choice to continue to use the service under the new terms. Had you stopped using it the time a refund was offered, you would be refunded fully for all but the 1st month.I hope this clarifies the amount you'll be receiving when your return is processed. Any further questions can be directed to me at [redacted] (ATTN: Alex).Cheers,Alex

We made a mistake. We modeled Neverstop usage to be much higher than usage on Refuel. But we never anticipated that some customers would use over 1,000GB a month.But usage this high is not something that will work today. The other thing made clear in your feedback is that speed is important. Slowing...

it down was not a good solution, which is understandable.Getting online with Neverstop should be simple and work well for most use cases. So here's the update:-5Mbps up and down speeds are back-A new monthly limit of 15GB. If you surpass this, you’ll still be online but with minimal speeds good enough for emailing and messaging-Earn a $1 credit for each unused GBOnce we launch, everyone on Neverstop will get a fresh start at 0GB. Based on current usage, this change will have little to no impact for most of you, while still reducing strain on the service. But, if you’re looking to binge watch Netflix 24/7, this probably isn’t the product for you.You can contact support directly with any additional concerns or if you'd like to return the device for a full refund. Best,Erin A[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

Hi [redacted],Thanks for following up. Since we’re experiencing higher than normal return volume, and processing returns in the order they’re received, refunds are taking substantially longer than normal to process. We'll send you an email as soon as your refund has been initiated. Based on the...

date we received your return (confirmed received at our fulfillment center on 3/**), our normal 2-3 week timeframe for processing refunds, and the fact that we're heavily delayed due to high volume, I anticipate you'll receive confirmation of your refund within the next few weeks. Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to me directly at [redacted] (ATTN: Alex)Best,[redacted]

Hi [redacted], I understand the wait has been very lengthy. My apologies for that, but please know that what we've communicated to you when you've been checking in the status of your refund is correct. I can see that your return was confirmed received (checked-in) at our fulfillment center on April [redacted], which means it was then added to the queue of returns to be refunded. We have had, and currently have significantly higher than normal return volume, which is leading to heavy delays on all refunds. This is not specific to you, and in order to keep things as fair as possible, albeit lengthy, we're only processing refunds in the order which returns have been received.  To be quite honest, based on the date we received your return it's still going to be a while before your refund is on the way (10-12 weeks) since we're still working on returns received from March. I know this isn't the immediate response you're looking for, but understand we're working through this is as quickly as possible, and I can assure you we'll process your refund just as soon as is humanly possible with the resources available to us right now. Thanks in advance for your continued patience and understanding. Please do let us know if you need anything else in the meantime. Best,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

 I clicked reject the business's response because it is in no way acceptable to me.  They offered something that they delivered for a very short time (unlimited hotspot wi-fi for $50 per month) then abruptly discontinued the service, 'replacing' it with a far more expensive 'plan'.  Then, they essentially blamed their customers for actually using the unlimited wi-fi, accusing them of using it at home, which they did not intend. Yet what did they think would happen?  There is no way to enforece or monitor when and where a person chooses to use their hotspot.  They are the ones to blame, for setting up an unsustainable system.  I personally don't know how broadband technology works, so it sounded like a good deal to me, so I invested in their product.  I suppose if I had a more tech-savvy brain I may have recognized how unreasonable their idea was for $50 per month unlimited internet.  As it was, I actually did use my hotspot at home because I live in a rural area with very few options for internet access, all of which have major problems from shoddy service and poorly working equipment to slow and/or very expensive service.  Karma was claiming that some customers were using 1000 GB per month.  I have no idea how anybody can actually use so much so quickly, especially with a Karma hotspot whhichI never really was able to get to work all that well.  I doubt if I have used 1000 GB so far in my lifetime.  I use perhaps 10-15 GB per month  max.  So I really thought this Karma company was the answer to my internet problem, but they just join the long list of unsustainable, unsatisfactory internet providers that rural residents cannot count on.  On a side note, Karma did offer to refund all the money I've paid to them, which I am accepting, but I still feel that this has been a huge hassle and that they shouls be deeply ashamed as a company.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
 It's been 2 months and that's to long to be waiting for a refund.  That's not professional at all!!! When u make a order they want they money now, So I like to
have my refund!!!!
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HI [redacted], To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong. In the long term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support.Again, while we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at [redacted]Best,ErinKarma
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

 How much data I used is irrelevant the plan is unlimited and the speed was below usable level 90% of the time.   The high level of returns is proof of the companies negligence.   When you make a promise to customers you have to keep it or there will be consequences.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

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Address: 2300 Valley View Ln, Suite 200, Ivring, Texas, United States, 75062


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