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ADVERTISEMENT have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meSincerely, *** ***
Dear Sirs,Thank you for forwarding this customer concern to usWe have reviewed our patient's account and spoke with them by phone on 5/15/During our conversation we agreed to adjust the balance to $for the date of service noted and refund back to their credit card a total of $
Our patient should see the adjustment now posted to their credit card account and we will send a $balance statement for the date of service 12/20/for their records.We apologize to our patient for any frustration in resolving this account concern.Sincerly,*** ***Customer Support ManagerProvidence Health and Services
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because the resolution was not quite agreeable I do not feel fully compensated in the matter but was told that their offer was the best that could be done
*** ***
Date: July 17, Case#: *** / *** *** Dear *** ***: The following is in response to the above-referenced case related to services rendered by Swedish Issaquah Hospital to *** *** on June 2, His complaint concerns the cost of treatment in relation to the time he was in the
emergency departmentMr*** registered for services at 11:on June 2, and was discharged at 12:Mr*** emergency department charge has been reviewed by the Director of Health Information Management and has been determined to be accurateThe emergency department ("ED") is used to treat a variety of health care issuesEverything used during an ED visit is priced separately; the visit itself, the nurse, and the doctorThis does not only pertain to major services, even simple services can end up with multiple chargesDue to the nature of an ED being open hours a day, days a week, it costs more to run an ED than a primary care clinic, and as such, EDs tend to have higher costs for services than a primary care provider wouldThe charges for the services provided to Mr*** are validWe are happy to assist Mr*** with payment arrangements by establishing an interest free monthly payment planOr, we can help them determine if he may be eligible for financial assistanceHe will need to contact us directly if he would like to pursue either of these optionsHe can reach the patient billing relations staff at *** *** Thank you for the opportunity to respond to this dispute
In consideration of HIPPA requirements related to the nature of the requested investigation; the
patient's concerns are being addressed through our grievance process. A response will be mailed via post to Ms
*** on or before March 1,
Subject: Complaint ID ***Dear Ms ***,Thank you for your letter dated November 26, We have reviewed the patient concernOur patient did receive a billing of $for services received on October 30, Unfortunately the statement was sent to the patient prior to a claim
being filed to their insurance of recordWe are sorry for any confusion this created On November 21, their insurance carrier was notified of the claim and they are currently processingOnce our patient’s insurance has completed their processing, we will have a final balance due for our patient.We have attempted to contact our patient by phone and email and unfortunately have not heard backWe will actively monitor this account and once insurance processing has completed, we will reach out again to our patient to discuss any patient balance due.Please let me know if you need anything further have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I don't understand, however, their contention that my account was delinquent at one point because that is definitely NOT the case. I had made all of the current budgeted payments through December, so I don't know how there could be the perception on their part that I was delinquent. In any case, I received a phone call from the billing department informing me that they had withdrawn the referral to the collection agency and would continue with the previously arranged budgeted payments. I was also assured that there would be no adverse impact on my credit ratingI very much appreciate the assistance of the in resolving this issue.Sincerely, *** *** have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meSincerely, *** ***
Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:This seems to be a generic answer as none of this highlighted anything in my statementThank you for reviewing my caseI find the quality of care I received much lower then the next place I have received the correct treatment at for my knee. I'm sorry I have to point out that it was the quality of care and misinformed information that lead me to your ER instead of your primary care clinic that was told where to go over the phone.I find the facts that you have to point out your open hrs days a week a reasoning why your charges are higher then the rest of the hospitals? My explamples: ***, **, and *** all have the same hours of operation as I compared your rates to themThe level you rate and charged my injury at is completely incorrect as your staff agreed with meI was rated as higher emergency (believe it was Eor Ewas the term they used?) She stated for this type of injury it should have been a lower rate and she felt I was rated as a bigger emergency then it wasAs a comparison for your emergency term you had me under, It was rated the same as someone coming in with a abheart rateI compared this to my wifes billHow does a watery knee and a abheart rate fall into the same category of emergency charge? , Most of this info was found out when I called asking why this matter is taking so long to resolve? (Issaquah Swedish) It took days to send such a generic response to this matter? I'm letting you know that I dont feel this matter was looked into of any kind as your email response seems generic and the only matter concerning my initial statement is the time you put I was in (minutes)Again all that was responded to was the time I was in, you're open hours and be happy to set up a payment arrangement(none of which were in my original complaint) Here is my responseI'm sharing this conversation with the media and attorney general tomorrow as this matter was not handled in any way near a timely manor or professionallyThis generic response was about the same as the level of care and information given to me. It is extremely concerning given this is coming from a health fieldSincerely,*** ***
I have forwarded this on to our RBO (regional billing office). This is solely a billing issue. This is not a customer care in the hospital issue. Please follow up with our billing department. There phone in Oregon is ***The email is
*** you,Pam M***
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for forwarding this patient concern to usWe have reviewed Ms ***'s Providence Health and Services accountAs a result of this review, we have adjusted her November 1,date of service to a $balance and have closed this billing account
We apologize to Ms *** for any miscommunication and we believe the adjustment will resolve her billing concern
Please let me know if you need anything else
Joe D***
Customer Support Manager, Providence Health and Services
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: the information is inaccurateThey did not fully investigate this issueIm being billed over $for a doctor visit that consisted of placing neosporin and bandage wrap on my toeThey did not provide any other serviceI was in the ER room for mins maxLook at the surveillance camera for proofIf you look at the level that they indicated for the ER room, its equivalent of someone who has a broken bone or in a more severe situationThis facility is overcharging me by added the incorrect billing codes onto my billI understand hospitals want to be profitable, but they shouldnt take advantage of their patientsThis is unjust.
*** ***
Thank you for forwarding Ms*** concern to my attentionI have confirmed that she was indeed eligible for *** as a secondary to her *** HMO in July/August The two accounts in question have been cancelled from *** *** and any negative impact to her credit
will be removedGiven her *** status Ms*** will not be responsible for any balance after insurance I apologize for any inconvenience Ms*** may have experienced regarding this issuePer the request noted in her complaint, I contacted Ms*** daughter, *** ***, and let her know what actions have been takenPlease let me know if any further clarification is neededIris M***ManagerCustomer Service/Patient Financial AdvocatesSwedish Health Services Hospital Billing*** *** phone*** *** efax***
Dear Sirs,Thank you for notifying us of this concernWe have reviewed the account and as a resolution have made an adjustment to $for the outstanding balance in question.We have requested that our patient complete a Financial Assistance form for help with any balances in
2018. We respectfully ask our patient to contact our Swedish Medical Center business office if they should have any additional questions.We apologize for any inconvenience to our patient in their resolution of this issue.Please let me know if you need anything else. Sincerely Joe D***Providence Health and Services/Swedish Medical Center
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for allowing us to review and respond to our patient complaintUpon review, Providence did send billing statements to our patient for the services they received in April, 2013. The billing statements were mailed to an address on file that was located outside of the
United StatesUnfortunately, we would not know if our patient received the statements and we did not receive any return mail that would have alerted us to an issue
As a resolution, we have canceled all collection activity, and as a courtesy have adjusted our patient's Providence Health and Services bill to $In addition, we have updated our patient's home address and placed in the mail, for our patient's records, statements that reflect a $balance for the date of service in question
We apologize for any inconvenience and Providence hopes that these actions will resolve this complaint
I have communicated this information via email to the complainantThey are welcome to contact me if they have additional questions
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance
Joe D***
Customer Support Manager
Providence Health and Services have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meSincerely, *** ***
Complaint: ***At this time, I am rejecting this response because I am still waiting for a confirmation letter from *** *** stating that my account has $balance and my collection status will be removed as noted in the response from Swedish Case Manager. I want to be assured that my account is in a good position. Furthermore, I want Swedish, both hospital and medical parties, to confirm that these types of issues will never occur to me ever again. Colleen, Billing Specialist at Swedish Medical Mill Creek, will need to be "reeducated" again that *** *** is a separate entity from *** and *** *** does not include *** in the benefit/coverage. They are two separate entities. She keeps insisting that *** Healthcare covers *** in the plan as well and refuses to accept that *** is a secondary insurance, over and over again. In addition, *** must be entered if has not yet been done so or visible in Swedish system as a secondary insurance accordinglySwedish must use both insurance plans to bill the services correctly. Until that time, I will gladly accept the complaint being resolved. Sincerely,*** *** ***
Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: I was told I could be provided a service by the hospital staff that I actually couldn't receiveIf they had given me correct information in the first place, I never would have done the triage or incurred any service feesThis is entirely their mistake, and I shouldn't have to pay for it.Sincerely,*** ***
Dear Sirs,After we sent our response on 3/3/2017, we spoke to our patient's spouseDuring the call, the cost of one of the services provided was still in questionAlthough our patient has paid in full for all services on the 11/17/date of service, Providence has decided as a one time courtesy, to adjust off their account the service in question and to refund $back to our patientThey should see this refund on their credit card account in the next 5-days. The 11/17/date of service is at a $balance.We hope that this adjustment will resolve our patient concern. Sincerely, Joe D***Providence Health and Services
Thank you for the notification of this patient concernWe have reviewed their Providence Health and Services account for the July date of service in question. While a review of the documentation for that appointment reflects correct coding for the date of service,
we can certainly understand our patient’s concern about the balance due based on a previous visit and the scheduling of this clinic visitAs a courtesy, we have placed an adjustment of $on their account. The date of service is now at a $balance
We spoke with our patient by phone on June 14, to notify them of the adjustmentWe have also placed a $balance statement for the date of service in the mail to our patient for their records
We apologize to our patient for any frustration in their resolution of this concern
Please let me know if you need anything further