Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/07/20) */
July 17,
Ms*** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms***:
On July 13, 2015, we received your complaint, dated July 11, 2015, filed with
You said that you would be charged for service not received due to DISH Network's change of our billing due date
I attempted to reach you at (XXX) XXX-XXXX on July 15, and 17, 2015, and I left three voicemails
In my last message, I advised you that only the due date is changingYou will still be billed only for service that you receive and your billing periods are still the same
We sincerely regret any confusion this issue may have caused
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
March 24, Ms*** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
***-*** Dear Ms***: On March 22, 2016, we received your correspondence, dated March 19, 2016, filed with the You stated that when you purchased your DISH Network service you were told that your price would not increaseYour monthly cost increased when your new customer promotional discounts endedThis led you to disconnect your account prior to completing your contractual commitment, and you requested that your early termination fee be waived When we spoke on March 22, 2016, I attempted to explain the terms and conditions of your contractYou indicated that you did not wish to speak to a DISH Network representative regarding this matter, and you ended the conversation When you purchased your service, you were offered a $discount for months with a 24-month contractual commitmentThe increase in your bill is a direct result of the monthly promotional discount endingThe duration of these credits is noted on your bill every monthYou agreed to these terms and conditions when you signed your contract (copy enclosed)We are unable to meet your request to waive your early termination fee. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C*** *** *** ** *** ** *** ***
*** *** Enclosure cc: Denver / Boulder *** ** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** David Laslo
August 8, Mr*** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # *** *** Dear Mr***: On August 8, 2016, we received your rebuttal, dated June 30, 2016, filed with the You indicated that you accepted Ms*** *** response to your initial complaint We appreciate your feedback concerning this issue If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri
January 19, *** *** ***
** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
*** Dear Ms***: On January 16, 2017, we received your complaint, dated January 13, 2017, filed with the You disputed the early termination fee applied to your DISH Network account. You also said that you were told that your balance would be waived, and you expressed concern about the level of customer service you received When we spoke, I informed you that a review of the call to which you referred revealed that the agent with whom you spoke did not offer to waive any balance, but advised you that the account balance was already zero. As you indicated, the agent was viewing your old account, hence the need to update your email address I reviewed your call made on January 9, 2017.After reflection and reviewing your call, I waived your balance of $as a courtesy due to the level of customer service that you receivedWe sincerely regret how your issue was handled, and we appreciate your feedback concerning your experience If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri *** *** cc: Denver / Boulder EFlorida Avenue, Suite Denver, CO *** ***
March 30, Ms*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
***-*** Dear Ms***: On March 18, 2016, we received your complaint, dated March 18, 2016, filed with the You expressed concern that your price increased from $to $in March You declined the $discount you were offered and you requested that the $early termination fee be waivedYou also mentioned technical issues that you experienced Your account was established under the Digital Home Advantage 24-month agreement on March 30, 2015, with a 12-month $promotional credit for the first monthsThis credit reduced the America’s Top price from $to $ A review of your sales call revealed the agent disclosed that the price was reduced only for the first months of service; after which point, it would increase to the regular rateThe agent also informed you of the 24-month commitment When I spoke with you by telephone on March 24, 2016, you advised me that you were going to disconnect the service anyway as you could not afford itI suggested you reduce your programming, but you declined as you did not want to lose any channels Since you disconnected your service on March 29, 2016, and the 24-month agreement was not fulfilled, the $early termination fee is valid Please return the receiver and remotes to avoid unreturned equipment feesBoxes for their return will ship to the address on the accountPlease keep the return tracking numbers for your records If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:am to 3:pm MDT *** ***
November 9, *** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
*** Dear Mr*** On November 9, 2016, we received your complaint, dated November 7, 2016, filed with the You said that you called in to inquire about adding internet service, but you were told that you couldn’t receive any information because you had a bill pendingYou would like to speak with someone regarding adding internet service whether or not you have a bill pending When we spoke by phone, I advised you that our records reflect that you were informed that the service couldn’t be added until the billing was currentI reviewed a call recording that took place on November 7, at 5:pm (MDT), the agent told you and your daughter that we offer satellite internet starting at $to $The agent also told you that downloads speeds start at 5mbps with a two-year contract If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: Mon - Fri 6:a.mto 2:p.mMDT *** *** cc: Denver / Boulder EFlorida Avenue, Suite Denver, CO *** ***
March 2, Mr*** *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
*** Dear Mr***: On February 27, 2018, we received your complaint, dated February 27, 2018, filed with the You expressed concern that you were charged for movies that were supposed to be free for three months and you were only supposed to be charged a couple of dollars When I spoke with you by telephone today, I advised you that your three free months of the movie packages expired on February 21, When you removed them on February 24, 2018, all charges (except $3.96) were removedI applied a credit for the $3.96 that you were charged If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (720) 514- Sincerely, Gerri S*** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:am to 3:pm MDT (720) 514- cc: Denver / Boulder EFlorida Avenue, Suite Denver, CO *** ***
November 18, Dear Ms***: On November 17, 2016, we received your complaint, dated November 15, 2016, filed with the You disputed the early termination fee applied to your DISH Network account. You said that you did
not agree to a new 24-month commitment When we spoke, I advised you that when Mr*** contacted us on July 24, 2015, he was advised by two agents that upgrading your equipment would require a new 24-month commitment. He agreed to the commitment at that time As our records indicate that you were advised, and received the benefits, of the 24-month commitment, we are unable to waive the early termination fee applied to your account If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-#### Sincerely, Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri ###-###-####
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/05/21) */
May 12,
Ms*** ***
*** *** ***., Apt*
***, *** ***
Re: Complaint # ***
*ear Ms***:
On May 11, 2015, we received your complaint, dated May 8, 2015, filed with
You expressed concern with the debit of $that was applied to your credit card account for an early termination feeYou indicated that you paid the fee when you disconnected your service
Your service was bundled with *indstream when it was disconnectedAs a result, the payment of $that was made on April 7, 2015, was transferred to them and was not applied towards *ISH Network's early termination feeOn April 13, 2015, a *ISH Network-only account was established to bill you for the early termination feePer your promotion terms, *ISH Network may debit your credit card account automatically for any early termination, unreturned equipment and/or shipping feesTherefore, a debit of $was applied to your credit card account
*hen I spoke with you by phone today, I advised you that I reversed the early termination fee, leaving a zero balanceI also submitted a refund of $to your credit card account and waived the $box return feePlease allow three to five business days for the refund to process
You expressed dissatisfaction with our Customer Service *epartment while you were attempting to resolve your concerns*e appreciate that you brought this issue to our attention so that we may address it with the appropriate personnel
*e strive to provide excellent service and regret that your experience was unfavorable
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (***) ***-***
*** ***
*ispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
*ISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:am - 3:pm M*T
(***) ***-***
cc: *enver / Boulder
Cherokee St
*enver, CO
*** ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 6, 2015/05/27) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTE* the response from the business.)
All issues have been resolved, Thank you to *ish Network for your rapid response in this matter
January 27, Mr*** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
***-*** Dear Mr***: On January 22, 2016, we received your complaint, dated January 20, 2016, filed with the You disputed the early termination fee applied to your DISH Network account because the agents you spoke with would not lower your monthly rate. You also said that a payment was debited from your bank account after you removed automatic payments from your account I attempted to reach you at *** *** on January 25, 26, and 27, 2016, and I left three voicemails In my last message, I advised you that your early termination fee was waived on January 18, I also explained that our automatic payment procedures require that any changes made to your payment be made at least seven days prior to your due date. As you removed automatic payments the day before your due date, that payment was already being processed Additionally, when you contacted us about your monthly rate, you were still receiving your new customer promotional credits totaling $per month. As a company, DISH Network is unable to provide ongoing adjusted pricing. As you were still receiving monthly credits, the agents with whom you spoke were unable to provide even more monthly adjustments If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri
August 21, *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** *
*** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
*** Dear Mrs***: On August 10, 2017, we received your complaint, dated August 9, 2017, filed with the Although I received your voicemail, my attempts to contact you by phone at *** *** on August 15, and 18, 2017, were unsuccessful; however, I left three messagesI also contacted you by email at *** You expressed concern with the DISH Network account that was reported to collections in your nameYou maintain that the account does not belong to you and you would like it removed Please contact me directly at *** *** and provide me with additional information so I can locate the correct account. You may also provide me with a copy of your credit report showing the account, or any collection notice that you have received. Sincerely, *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** *** *** ** * *** ** ***
*** ***
*** *** * *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
October 26, 2016 Dear Mr***: On October 25, 2016, we received your complaint, dated October 21, 2016, filed with the You stated that you recently moved due to medical reasonsYou are unable to retain your DISH Network TV and dishNET internet
services at your current residenceThis led you to disconnect your services prior to completing your contractual commitmentYou were charged $You requested that these charges be waived In our email correspondence today, I offered to waive the internet early termination fee and I reduced your TV early termination fee from $to $As an additional courtesy, I waived your return shipping chargesI issued you a refund of $The remaining balance was owed for programming and cannot be refundedYou accepted this resolution If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Dispute Resolution SpecialistExecutive Escalations TeamDISH Network, L.L.C.Phone Hours: 2:pm to11:pm MDT, MON-FRI###-###-####
February 15, *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # *** *** Dear Mr***: On February 15, 2017, we received your complaint, dated February 10, 2017, filed with the You indicated that I previously offered to release you from the 24-month commitmentYou requested a written verification that you do not have a 24-month commitment and you are not subject to an early termination fee I received a voicemail from you requesting to be released from the 24-month commitmentAdditionally, you contacted our Office Of the President (OOP) to accept my offer to release you from the 24-month commitmentThe OOP agent waived your current commitment and you will not be subject to any current early termination fees Please note that although your commitment was waived, you are still under the renewal offer for a 2-Year Price Lock on your core programming package (America’s Top 250); therefore, you are no longer eligible for any additional monthly deferred credits Additionally, the equipment on your account is leasedTo avoid unreturned equipment fees, your receivers and remotes will need to be returned to DISH Network upon the disconnection of your serviceWaiving the early termination fees does not include waiving the unreturned equipment fees If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:am to 3:pm MDT *** *** cc: Denver / Boulder EFlorida Avenue, Suite Denver, CO *** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: we were never told there was a contract not the first time and not the second timeI clarified there was no contract repeatedly when I signed up, and when I asked to see something signed I was never sent anything because I never signed anythingI also deleted my card off your site and was told times that you had it removed from your system, surely you can verify that in your recordsI was told they would absolutely not debit my card because it was no longer in the system and the card you debited was only a card I used to make a monthly payment onYou were not authorized to debit me againAlso, you billed me on the 17th, we cancelled one week later that is not a months worth of serviceI paid on the 17th, used the service for a week so where is the rest of the month? You trick people into contracts then scramble and back talk yourselves to justify adding a bunch of fees in. I want the entire balance waived and a refund of the unused premium
*** ***
March 22, Ms*** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
***-*** Dear Ms***: On March 18, 2016, we received your complaint, dated March 17, 2016, filed with the You expressed concern with the early termination fee to disconnect your serviceYou maintain that you were told you had a two-week trial period Your service was activated on March 11, 2016, with a 24-month commitmentEnclosed is a copy of your 24-month agreementA review of the sales call did not find that you were promised a trial periodWe also show that an email was sent to you at *** on March 7, 2016, disclosing the terms and conditions of our service Your service was disconnected on March 15, Since your term commitment was not fulfilled, an early termination fee of $was applied to your account When I spoke with you by phone today, I advised you that due to the cost incurred by DISH Network to install and initiate your account, we are unable to honor your request to waive your early termination feeThe balance on your account remains valid If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C*** *** *** *** ** * *** ** ***
*** *** Enclosure cc: Denver / Boulder *** ** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** ***
August 22, *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *
*** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint #
*** Dear MrWilliams: On August 15, 2017, we received your complaint, dated August 12, 2017, filed with the You said you didn’t receive the channels you were told that you wouldYou requested that we release you from your contract When we spoke, I informed you that I will meet your request and release you from your contractAt your request, I set up your account to be disconnected on September 23, I also provided you with the equipment return disclosures If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** *** Phone Hours: Mon - Fri 6:a.mto 2:p.mMDT *** *** cc: *** * *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
February 13, Mr*** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint # ***
***-*** Dear Mr***: On January 19, 2018, we received your complaint, dated January 19, 2018, filed with the You said that when DISH Network installed your service, they made three separate attempts before the installation was successfulYou indicated that damage was done to your homeYou maintain that you made repeated attempts to contact the Corporate Field Resolutions (CFR) Team about this issue, and your requests to disconnect your account without penalty were not metYou requested that your early termination fee be waived and the debt be removed from collections and your credit file. When I spoke with you on January 23, 2018, I advised you that, after reviewing your account, I will assist you in working with CFR to resolve your damage claimYou said you would send me an estimate for the damageWhen I received this on January 25, 2018, I sent it to CFRI then followed up with you with the voicemail I left on February 13, I waived your early termination fee and your account has a zero balanceThis information will be updated with collections and the credit bureausPlease allow up to four weeks for processing. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (720) 514- Sincerely, Kimber S*** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm (720) 514- cc: Denver / Boulder EFlorida Avenue, Suite Denver, CO *** *** responded:"When I spoke with you by telephone today, I informed you that it is our company policy and procedure that a customer talk to an agent to request disconnection of serviceThere are disclosures and information that we need to provide during the callWe regret that you do not agree.The only reason Dish insists on a phone call is to talk you out of disconnectingIf there really were "disclosures and information that we need to provide" they would be better served in written form, not on the telephone.*** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/06/01) */
May 28,
*** *** ***
** *** XXXXXX
*** ** XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr***:
On May 22, 2015, we received your complaint, dated May 21, 2015, filed with the
Revdex.comMy attempts to reach you by phone on May 26, and 28, 2015, have been unsuccessful; however, I was able to leave a voice message on each attempt
You said that you closed your DISH Network account due to not being provided a payment extensionYou feel that the early termination fee should be waived due to the lack of customer service
A review of your account reveals that we provided you with a payment extension to May 14, You didn't make a payment and called us to request more timeBecause you had already received an extension, another one could not be offered in the same billing cycle
I regret that you don't agree with our billing policy; however, this is not justification to have your early termination fee waivedWe consider the balance of $to be accurateI have enclosed a copy of your contract for your records
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Mon - Fri 6:a.mto 2:p.mMDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/06/03) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Mr ***'s response is interesting and not entirely the truthHe did leave a message each of the three times he calledI'm not allowed personal calls at work, and I waited to see if he would actually leave a message with some informationHe gave his name and telephone number and said he was calling in response to the complaintIt's absolutely that his "attempts" to reach me by phone were unsuccessfulI called him back after the third messageI gave him my email address and told him I preferred any correspondence to be in writing but I would speak to him if that was what was required for resolutionHe never called back OR emailed meAn agent did give me the extension until May 14, even after I told her several times I could not pay anything until May She said I could call back on May and ask for more time but couldn't guarantee anythingI was going to pay in full, and I stated that each of the SEVERAL times I called to beg them to wait more daysThe agent said she couldn't extend it any further, with full knowledge that I would have no money to pay until May Mr***'s response is further indication of the need for this complaintI should also add in addition to the previously discussed issues, I was told if I didn't return the equipment by a deadline that I would be charged more moneyHowever the box Dish sent me had been ripped apart and carelessly taped together so that there was no way to send the equipment back in itMr*** seems to miss the fact that I insisted I would pay in full on May 22, and that I explained very specifically to ALL the agents I spoke with, that the extension to May was essentially just a way to prolong the terminationI still rightfully contend that I had no option other than to cancel a few months before my contract term was upIf they had waited more days they would have had full payment and kept a customerThey had the ability to keep me from terminating, they refused, and they should not be charging me the fee
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/06/10) */
June 5,
Mr*** ***
Denver, CO XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr***:
On June 5, 2015, we received your rebuttal, dated June 3, 2015, filed with the
You said that the box you received to return your equipment was damaged and you requested that we waive your early termination fee due to your customer service experience
A new return box was sent to you, which should be delivered by the end of today
The early termination fee is an accurate charge and shall not be waived
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Mon - Fri 6:a.mto 2:p.mMDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2015/06/11) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
It is unfortunate that the business chooses to respond in this manner, so the complaint has to stand unresolvedAs I stated previously Mr ***'s claim that his "attempts" to contact me were "unsuccessful" is absolutely falseHis last response to my "rebuttal" doesn't even address the facts that he refuses to address.This will just have to stand as an unresolved complaint on this forum, and I will seek remedy through other channels
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/09/21) */
September 16,
*** *** ***
XXXXX *** ***
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr***:
On September 10, 2015, we received your complaint, dated September 8,
2015, filed with the
You indicated that you did not return the equipment because the packing instructions informed you that those items did not need to be returned, as they were obsoleteYou were charged unreturned equipment fees and disputed that you were referred to collections
When I spoke with you by telephone today, I apologized for this oversightI removed the charges and notified collections to remove this from your credit reportPlease allow six to eight weeks for the bureaus to reflect any updates
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:am to 3:pm MDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 8, 2015/09/24) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I accept their response and reactions, ultimately they took care of their wrong doingHowever, I think it's absolutely disgusting that a business, knowing full well what they are doing would go out of their way to attack individuals in the way they have doneI can guarantee that I'm not the first individual to be extorted by dish network, and in my opinion, they should be investigated for extortionThank you, once again you have out done yourselvesIt's amazing to me how fast you can get results when us as consumers will get nothing but the run around for months
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/07/20) */
July 17,
Ms*** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms***:
On July 13, 2015, we received your complaint, dated July 11, 2015, filed with
You said that you would be charged for service not received due to DISH Network's change of our billing due date
I attempted to reach you at (XXX) XXX-XXXX on July 15, and 17, 2015, and I left three voicemails
In my last message, I advised you that only the due date is changingYou will still be billed only for service that you receive and your billing periods are still the same
We sincerely regret any confusion this issue may have caused
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
March 24, Ms*** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
***-*** Dear Ms***: On March 22, 2016, we received your correspondence, dated March 19, 2016, filed with the You stated that when you purchased your DISH Network service you were told that your price would not increaseYour monthly cost increased when your new customer promotional discounts endedThis led you to disconnect your account prior to completing your contractual commitment, and you requested that your early termination fee be waived When we spoke on March 22, 2016, I attempted to explain the terms and conditions of your contractYou indicated that you did not wish to speak to a DISH Network representative regarding this matter, and you ended the conversation When you purchased your service, you were offered a $discount for months with a 24-month contractual commitmentThe increase in your bill is a direct result of the monthly promotional discount endingThe duration of these credits is noted on your bill every monthYou agreed to these terms and conditions when you signed your contract (copy enclosed)We are unable to meet your request to waive your early termination fee. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C*** *** *** ** *** ** *** ***
*** *** Enclosure cc: Denver / Boulder *** ** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** David Laslo
August 8, Mr*** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # *** *** Dear Mr***: On August 8, 2016, we received your rebuttal, dated June 30, 2016, filed with the You indicated that you accepted Ms*** *** response to your initial complaint We appreciate your feedback concerning this issue If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri
January 19, *** *** ***
** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
*** Dear Ms***: On January 16, 2017, we received your complaint, dated January 13, 2017, filed with the You disputed the early termination fee applied to your DISH Network account. You also said that you were told that your balance would be waived, and you expressed concern about the level of customer service you received When we spoke, I informed you that a review of the call to which you referred revealed that the agent with whom you spoke did not offer to waive any balance, but advised you that the account balance was already zero. As you indicated, the agent was viewing your old account, hence the need to update your email address I reviewed your call made on January 9, 2017.After reflection and reviewing your call, I waived your balance of $as a courtesy due to the level of customer service that you receivedWe sincerely regret how your issue was handled, and we appreciate your feedback concerning your experience If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri *** *** cc: Denver / Boulder EFlorida Avenue, Suite Denver, CO *** ***
March 30, Ms*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
***-*** Dear Ms***: On March 18, 2016, we received your complaint, dated March 18, 2016, filed with the You expressed concern that your price increased from $to $in March You declined the $discount you were offered and you requested that the $early termination fee be waivedYou also mentioned technical issues that you experienced Your account was established under the Digital Home Advantage 24-month agreement on March 30, 2015, with a 12-month $promotional credit for the first monthsThis credit reduced the America’s Top price from $to $ A review of your sales call revealed the agent disclosed that the price was reduced only for the first months of service; after which point, it would increase to the regular rateThe agent also informed you of the 24-month commitment When I spoke with you by telephone on March 24, 2016, you advised me that you were going to disconnect the service anyway as you could not afford itI suggested you reduce your programming, but you declined as you did not want to lose any channels Since you disconnected your service on March 29, 2016, and the 24-month agreement was not fulfilled, the $early termination fee is valid Please return the receiver and remotes to avoid unreturned equipment feesBoxes for their return will ship to the address on the accountPlease keep the return tracking numbers for your records If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:am to 3:pm MDT *** ***
November 9, *** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
*** Dear Mr*** On November 9, 2016, we received your complaint, dated November 7, 2016, filed with the You said that you called in to inquire about adding internet service, but you were told that you couldn’t receive any information because you had a bill pendingYou would like to speak with someone regarding adding internet service whether or not you have a bill pending When we spoke by phone, I advised you that our records reflect that you were informed that the service couldn’t be added until the billing was currentI reviewed a call recording that took place on November 7, at 5:pm (MDT), the agent told you and your daughter that we offer satellite internet starting at $to $The agent also told you that downloads speeds start at 5mbps with a two-year contract If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: Mon - Fri 6:a.mto 2:p.mMDT *** *** cc: Denver / Boulder EFlorida Avenue, Suite Denver, CO *** ***
March 2, Mr*** *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
*** Dear Mr***: On February 27, 2018, we received your complaint, dated February 27, 2018, filed with the You expressed concern that you were charged for movies that were supposed to be free for three months and you were only supposed to be charged a couple of dollars When I spoke with you by telephone today, I advised you that your three free months of the movie packages expired on February 21, When you removed them on February 24, 2018, all charges (except $3.96) were removedI applied a credit for the $3.96 that you were charged If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (720) 514- Sincerely, Gerri S*** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:am to 3:pm MDT (720) 514- cc: Denver / Boulder EFlorida Avenue, Suite Denver, CO *** ***
November 18, Dear Ms***: On November 17, 2016, we received your complaint, dated November 15, 2016, filed with the You disputed the early termination fee applied to your DISH Network account. You said that you did
not agree to a new 24-month commitment When we spoke, I advised you that when Mr*** contacted us on July 24, 2015, he was advised by two agents that upgrading your equipment would require a new 24-month commitment. He agreed to the commitment at that time As our records indicate that you were advised, and received the benefits, of the 24-month commitment, we are unable to waive the early termination fee applied to your account If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-#### Sincerely, Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri ###-###-####
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/05/21) */
May 12,
Ms*** ***
*** *** ***., Apt*
***, *** ***
Re: Complaint # ***
*ear Ms***:
On May 11, 2015, we received your complaint, dated May 8, 2015, filed with
You expressed concern with the debit of $that was applied to your credit card account for an early termination feeYou indicated that you paid the fee when you disconnected your service
Your service was bundled with *indstream when it was disconnectedAs a result, the payment of $that was made on April 7, 2015, was transferred to them and was not applied towards *ISH Network's early termination feeOn April 13, 2015, a *ISH Network-only account was established to bill you for the early termination feePer your promotion terms, *ISH Network may debit your credit card account automatically for any early termination, unreturned equipment and/or shipping feesTherefore, a debit of $was applied to your credit card account
*hen I spoke with you by phone today, I advised you that I reversed the early termination fee, leaving a zero balanceI also submitted a refund of $to your credit card account and waived the $box return feePlease allow three to five business days for the refund to process
You expressed dissatisfaction with our Customer Service *epartment while you were attempting to resolve your concerns*e appreciate that you brought this issue to our attention so that we may address it with the appropriate personnel
*e strive to provide excellent service and regret that your experience was unfavorable
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (***) ***-***
*** ***
*ispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
*ISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:am - 3:pm M*T
(***) ***-***
cc: *enver / Boulder
Cherokee St
*enver, CO
*** ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 6, 2015/05/27) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTE* the response from the business.)
All issues have been resolved, Thank you to *ish Network for your rapid response in this matter
January 27, Mr*** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
***-*** Dear Mr***: On January 22, 2016, we received your complaint, dated January 20, 2016, filed with the You disputed the early termination fee applied to your DISH Network account because the agents you spoke with would not lower your monthly rate. You also said that a payment was debited from your bank account after you removed automatic payments from your account I attempted to reach you at *** *** on January 25, 26, and 27, 2016, and I left three voicemails In my last message, I advised you that your early termination fee was waived on January 18, I also explained that our automatic payment procedures require that any changes made to your payment be made at least seven days prior to your due date. As you removed automatic payments the day before your due date, that payment was already being processed Additionally, when you contacted us about your monthly rate, you were still receiving your new customer promotional credits totaling $per month. As a company, DISH Network is unable to provide ongoing adjusted pricing. As you were still receiving monthly credits, the agents with whom you spoke were unable to provide even more monthly adjustments If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri
August 21, *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** *
*** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
*** Dear Mrs***: On August 10, 2017, we received your complaint, dated August 9, 2017, filed with the Although I received your voicemail, my attempts to contact you by phone at *** *** on August 15, and 18, 2017, were unsuccessful; however, I left three messagesI also contacted you by email at *** You expressed concern with the DISH Network account that was reported to collections in your nameYou maintain that the account does not belong to you and you would like it removed Please contact me directly at *** *** and provide me with additional information so I can locate the correct account. You may also provide me with a copy of your credit report showing the account, or any collection notice that you have received. Sincerely, *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** *** *** ** * *** ** ***
*** ***
*** *** * *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
October 26, 2016 Dear Mr***: On October 25, 2016, we received your complaint, dated October 21, 2016, filed with the You stated that you recently moved due to medical reasonsYou are unable to retain your DISH Network TV and dishNET internet
services at your current residenceThis led you to disconnect your services prior to completing your contractual commitmentYou were charged $You requested that these charges be waived In our email correspondence today, I offered to waive the internet early termination fee and I reduced your TV early termination fee from $to $As an additional courtesy, I waived your return shipping chargesI issued you a refund of $The remaining balance was owed for programming and cannot be refundedYou accepted this resolution If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Dispute Resolution SpecialistExecutive Escalations TeamDISH Network, L.L.C.Phone Hours: 2:pm to11:pm MDT, MON-FRI###-###-####
February 15, *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # *** *** Dear Mr***: On February 15, 2017, we received your complaint, dated February 10, 2017, filed with the You indicated that I previously offered to release you from the 24-month commitmentYou requested a written verification that you do not have a 24-month commitment and you are not subject to an early termination fee I received a voicemail from you requesting to be released from the 24-month commitmentAdditionally, you contacted our Office Of the President (OOP) to accept my offer to release you from the 24-month commitmentThe OOP agent waived your current commitment and you will not be subject to any current early termination fees Please note that although your commitment was waived, you are still under the renewal offer for a 2-Year Price Lock on your core programming package (America’s Top 250); therefore, you are no longer eligible for any additional monthly deferred credits Additionally, the equipment on your account is leasedTo avoid unreturned equipment fees, your receivers and remotes will need to be returned to DISH Network upon the disconnection of your serviceWaiving the early termination fees does not include waiving the unreturned equipment fees If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:am to 3:pm MDT *** *** cc: Denver / Boulder EFlorida Avenue, Suite Denver, CO *** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: we were never told there was a contract not the first time and not the second timeI clarified there was no contract repeatedly when I signed up, and when I asked to see something signed I was never sent anything because I never signed anythingI also deleted my card off your site and was told times that you had it removed from your system, surely you can verify that in your recordsI was told they would absolutely not debit my card because it was no longer in the system and the card you debited was only a card I used to make a monthly payment onYou were not authorized to debit me againAlso, you billed me on the 17th, we cancelled one week later that is not a months worth of serviceI paid on the 17th, used the service for a week so where is the rest of the month? You trick people into contracts then scramble and back talk yourselves to justify adding a bunch of fees in. I want the entire balance waived and a refund of the unused premium
*** ***
March 22, Ms*** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
***-*** Dear Ms***: On March 18, 2016, we received your complaint, dated March 17, 2016, filed with the You expressed concern with the early termination fee to disconnect your serviceYou maintain that you were told you had a two-week trial period Your service was activated on March 11, 2016, with a 24-month commitmentEnclosed is a copy of your 24-month agreementA review of the sales call did not find that you were promised a trial periodWe also show that an email was sent to you at *** on March 7, 2016, disclosing the terms and conditions of our service Your service was disconnected on March 15, Since your term commitment was not fulfilled, an early termination fee of $was applied to your account When I spoke with you by phone today, I advised you that due to the cost incurred by DISH Network to install and initiate your account, we are unable to honor your request to waive your early termination feeThe balance on your account remains valid If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C*** *** *** *** ** * *** ** ***
*** *** Enclosure cc: Denver / Boulder *** ** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** ***
August 22, *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *
*** *** *** ** *** Re: Complaint #
*** Dear MrWilliams: On August 15, 2017, we received your complaint, dated August 12, 2017, filed with the You said you didn’t receive the channels you were told that you wouldYou requested that we release you from your contract When we spoke, I informed you that I will meet your request and release you from your contractAt your request, I set up your account to be disconnected on September 23, I also provided you with the equipment return disclosures If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** *** Phone Hours: Mon - Fri 6:a.mto 2:p.mMDT *** *** cc: *** * *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
February 13, Mr*** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint # ***
***-*** Dear Mr***: On January 19, 2018, we received your complaint, dated January 19, 2018, filed with the You said that when DISH Network installed your service, they made three separate attempts before the installation was successfulYou indicated that damage was done to your homeYou maintain that you made repeated attempts to contact the Corporate Field Resolutions (CFR) Team about this issue, and your requests to disconnect your account without penalty were not metYou requested that your early termination fee be waived and the debt be removed from collections and your credit file. When I spoke with you on January 23, 2018, I advised you that, after reviewing your account, I will assist you in working with CFR to resolve your damage claimYou said you would send me an estimate for the damageWhen I received this on January 25, 2018, I sent it to CFRI then followed up with you with the voicemail I left on February 13, I waived your early termination fee and your account has a zero balanceThis information will be updated with collections and the credit bureausPlease allow up to four weeks for processing. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (720) 514- Sincerely, Kimber S*** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm (720) 514- cc: Denver / Boulder EFlorida Avenue, Suite Denver, CO *** *** responded:"When I spoke with you by telephone today, I informed you that it is our company policy and procedure that a customer talk to an agent to request disconnection of serviceThere are disclosures and information that we need to provide during the callWe regret that you do not agree.The only reason Dish insists on a phone call is to talk you out of disconnectingIf there really were "disclosures and information that we need to provide" they would be better served in written form, not on the telephone.*** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/06/01) */
May 28,
*** *** ***
** *** XXXXXX
*** ** XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr***:
On May 22, 2015, we received your complaint, dated May 21, 2015, filed with the
Revdex.comMy attempts to reach you by phone on May 26, and 28, 2015, have been unsuccessful; however, I was able to leave a voice message on each attempt
You said that you closed your DISH Network account due to not being provided a payment extensionYou feel that the early termination fee should be waived due to the lack of customer service
A review of your account reveals that we provided you with a payment extension to May 14, You didn't make a payment and called us to request more timeBecause you had already received an extension, another one could not be offered in the same billing cycle
I regret that you don't agree with our billing policy; however, this is not justification to have your early termination fee waivedWe consider the balance of $to be accurateI have enclosed a copy of your contract for your records
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Mon - Fri 6:a.mto 2:p.mMDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/06/03) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Mr ***'s response is interesting and not entirely the truthHe did leave a message each of the three times he calledI'm not allowed personal calls at work, and I waited to see if he would actually leave a message with some informationHe gave his name and telephone number and said he was calling in response to the complaintIt's absolutely that his "attempts" to reach me by phone were unsuccessfulI called him back after the third messageI gave him my email address and told him I preferred any correspondence to be in writing but I would speak to him if that was what was required for resolutionHe never called back OR emailed meAn agent did give me the extension until May 14, even after I told her several times I could not pay anything until May She said I could call back on May and ask for more time but couldn't guarantee anythingI was going to pay in full, and I stated that each of the SEVERAL times I called to beg them to wait more daysThe agent said she couldn't extend it any further, with full knowledge that I would have no money to pay until May Mr***'s response is further indication of the need for this complaintI should also add in addition to the previously discussed issues, I was told if I didn't return the equipment by a deadline that I would be charged more moneyHowever the box Dish sent me had been ripped apart and carelessly taped together so that there was no way to send the equipment back in itMr*** seems to miss the fact that I insisted I would pay in full on May 22, and that I explained very specifically to ALL the agents I spoke with, that the extension to May was essentially just a way to prolong the terminationI still rightfully contend that I had no option other than to cancel a few months before my contract term was upIf they had waited more days they would have had full payment and kept a customerThey had the ability to keep me from terminating, they refused, and they should not be charging me the fee
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/06/10) */
June 5,
Mr*** ***
Denver, CO XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr***:
On June 5, 2015, we received your rebuttal, dated June 3, 2015, filed with the
You said that the box you received to return your equipment was damaged and you requested that we waive your early termination fee due to your customer service experience
A new return box was sent to you, which should be delivered by the end of today
The early termination fee is an accurate charge and shall not be waived
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Mon - Fri 6:a.mto 2:p.mMDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2015/06/11) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
It is unfortunate that the business chooses to respond in this manner, so the complaint has to stand unresolvedAs I stated previously Mr ***'s claim that his "attempts" to contact me were "unsuccessful" is absolutely falseHis last response to my "rebuttal" doesn't even address the facts that he refuses to address.This will just have to stand as an unresolved complaint on this forum, and I will seek remedy through other channels
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/09/21) */
September 16,
*** *** ***
XXXXX *** ***
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr***:
On September 10, 2015, we received your complaint, dated September 8,
2015, filed with the
You indicated that you did not return the equipment because the packing instructions informed you that those items did not need to be returned, as they were obsoleteYou were charged unreturned equipment fees and disputed that you were referred to collections
When I spoke with you by telephone today, I apologized for this oversightI removed the charges and notified collections to remove this from your credit reportPlease allow six to eight weeks for the bureaus to reflect any updates
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:am to 3:pm MDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 8, 2015/09/24) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I accept their response and reactions, ultimately they took care of their wrong doingHowever, I think it's absolutely disgusting that a business, knowing full well what they are doing would go out of their way to attack individuals in the way they have doneI can guarantee that I'm not the first individual to be extorted by dish network, and in my opinion, they should be investigated for extortionThank you, once again you have out done yourselvesIt's amazing to me how fast you can get results when us as consumers will get nothing but the run around for months