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Dell Inc

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Dell Inc Reviews (1785)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution seemsto be satisfactory to me as far as I can tell currently.

Today’s Date: 01/06/2014Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submission. Dell representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, [redacted], to address the contents of their correspondence. The customer states continued techncial concerns with a second unit and the agent has not reached out. We ask the customer work with the assigned agent should they still have concerns to be addressed. This is Dell's final stance on the matter. Dell regrets any inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this process. The customer may contact the representative at [redacted] who is ready to assist.Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc

A Dell representative contacted Mr. [redacted] and is working with him to achieve an amicable resolution for his concerns. Our representative may be contacted directly by email at [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted].  I prefer not to contact [redacted] as what she stated over the phone contradicted with the other agents that I had dealt with.  She said that the harddrive was erased but someone from DriveSaver who has contacts at Dell said that they located it they day after she called me.  It was returned to me several days after the compliant was filed.  My biggest compliant was the inconsistency of what Ms. [redacted] said over the phone vs everything else that was said or happend.  Also, they admit no responsibility of any wrong doing on their part.  I simply asked that they improve their training process so when similar situation happens in the future, their customers do not have to jump through hoops to get their harddrive back - it took me 20 days.  One of the Dell agents said that it's their policy to offer their customers to keep the hard drive to see if the data can be recovered, THEN TRAIN THEIR TECHNICIAN TO ACUTALLY MAKE THE OFFER.  Everything said after-the-fact is an excuse and meaningless.  Even though Dell's response was not satisfactory, I would like to close the case. I simply ask that Ms. [redacted] not contact me under ANY circumstances.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I am in contact with [redacted] and have been following up to get the status of my replacement system since Friday with no response.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: 
Dell refused to admit the failure of their ordering system and claimed it's an error that they have the right to cancel.  They included a term and condition which states
“Dell is not responsible for pricing, typographical or other errors in any offer by Dell and reserves the right to cancel any orders arising from such errors”
Clearly, it's not an error on the pricing but a technical problem in the ordering system that lead to failure of generating order confirmation even consumer submitted the order online and received order acknowledge email from Dell.

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the...

correspondence submitted by [redacted]t. A Dell representative recently contacted [redacted] regarding his concerns. Our representative explained the terms of Dell’s limited hardware warranty and provided technical assistance. Our representative also followed-up to confirm resolution. We regret any dissatisfaction he may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell experience. We remain ready to assist within the terms of the Limited Hardware Warranty. Our representative may be contacted at directly via e-mail at [redacted], in case [redacted] has any further concerns regarding this case.    Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:Regards,[redacted] The manager in the response to you claims the computer was delivered which was clearly not the issue because I had cancelled the order.  After cancelling the order Dell delayed repayment until they had located the lost package with Purolator.  I should not have had to wait for them to locate their lost package as I had canceled the order, payment should have been immediate.Even though I had canceled the order and had confirmation in an email my order had been canceled Dell did nothing to notify Purolator of the cancellation and my 87 year old father received numerous telephone calls from Purolator about the delivery of the canceled order and in fact attempted delivery of the computer which my father refused as he knew the order was canceled and I had purchased another computer from a more reputable retail outlet.Dell's customer service is terrible.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:The agent was informed to contact me at my home after 6:30 and he attempted call on my cell and informing that he couldn't reach me.  The email is attached

Today’s Date: 11/17/2014
Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submission. [redacted] representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, [redacted], to address the contents of their correspondence. At this time the agent has confirmed with the customer their concerns have been addressed. [redacted] regrets any inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this process. The customer may also contact the representative at [redacted]_[redacted]@[redacted].com with any other questions or concerns.
Executive Support Team
Incident ID: [redacted] Inc

Dear, Our records indicate that Dell representative [redacted] has followed up several times with the customer with no response.  The customer continues to demand a replacement system for software issues Dell does not replace hardware for a software issue.  We will continue to support the customer under the warranty.   We have also included a link to the terms and conditions of his warranty.  Hardware warranty: [redacted] Sincerely Executive Support Team Incident [redacted] Dell Inc.

Thank you for providing acopy of the customer’s submission.  Thiscase had been reassigned to Dell representative, [redacted].  [redacted] had called the customer on01/08/2015 to discuss his concerns.  Thecustomer had reported Dell had in error, shipped him a Dell Precision M3800 laptop computer, which he wanted to return to Dellat Dell’s expense; he needed a box and a prepaid return shipping label.  [redacted] arranged for an empty box and aprepaid return shipping label sent to the customer.  The customer used the box and shipping labelto return the equipment; Dell received the equipment on 01/13/2015.  Additionally, the customer,at that time, had been waiting on a refund check in the amount of $258.83 fromDell Financial Services (DFS) for some Dell equipment he had returned forrefund.        It was during this conversation on 01/08/2015 [redacted]confirmed with the customer he had received his refund check for the returned equipment;however, [redacted] informed the customer the refund was short by $16.35 whichwas for the original shipping cost.  Inthe interest of customer satisfaction, [redacted] has requested a check from DFSin the amount of $16.35 to be sent to the customer as soon as possible.  DFS has mailed a check to the customer on01/13/2015.  Today, 01/20/2015 after confirming with the customer byphone he has yet to receive this check, [redacted] has asked the customer toconfirm by email directly to her once he has received this check; he has agreedto do this.

Today’s Date: 12/03/2014Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submission. Dell representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, [redacted], to address the contents of their correspondence. The customer...

states their unit purchased in 2010 is providing seven beeps and should be covered as in warranty. At this time the agent has advised the customer that their system is out of warranty and any service provided will have a charge associated to it. Dell regrets any inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this process. The customer may also contact the representative at [redacted][email protected] with any other questions regarding the matter.Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Mr. [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in his correspondence. Our representative assisted the customer in creating a valid order and our...

records indicate it has been delivered. We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via email at [redacted] Sincerely, Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:The Response from DELL, INC. was, and remains inadequate.First of all, their Representative, “[redacted]”, only grudgingly, and finally admitted that he was based in INDIA, (thus explaining the heavily-accented, and, at times, very hard-to-understand English).< *  “*. [redacted]”, is what appears in his subsequent E-Mail; he orally spelled to me as, “[redacted]”…. >This Telephone Call, from INDIA, was contrary to what I had openly expected, and demanded.DELL has Offices in Texas, the is also there, so why this diversion to another Country, once more….???And, that Country is INDIA, from where they routinely make, and send Junk Telephone and Facsimile Calls to Citizens | Registrants of The National Do Not Call List (DNCL) in CANADA, and the National Do Not Call Registry in the UNITED STATES, thus completely ignoring our Laws prohibiting same.Therefore, when DELL ‘hands off’ to INDIA, first their illegal Activities in the U. S. A., plus CANADA, and then now, even this Formal Complaint to the in your area, is offensive.Next, [redacted] was unable < ? > | unwilling < ? > to supply me with a Facsimile Number for DELL, INC.  He suggested that I write to the Office for DELL, and after some searching, provided me with a [Physical] Address in Round Rock, Texas, for me to use, but at my Expense.Third, while he orally apologized for all of their Intrusions into my Privacy, there appears that no such Apology will ever be made to me, in writing, and originating from DELL Management in the UNITED STATES, and/or CANADA. Fourth, he was unable to provide any Compensation | Restitution for all the Damage inflicted upon me.All he was willing to do, was fill in a, “….Form….”, allegedly requesting that my Number, ###-###-####, be removed from future Junk Communications from DELL, again without disclosing how DELL ever obtained this Private, Unlisted Number.< If this is all that he going to do, there was absolutely no need to even call me; he already had all the Information necessary to complete his alleged, “Form”.  Therefore, one can only conclude that this is how DELL operates…. >When I informed [redacted] that this was what another INDIA-based DELL Representative supposedly had done many Months ago, he could only suggest that I contact them again, if this did not 'work', and he would then, “….escalate….”, the Matter.  Obviously, I then asked why it was not being escalated now, but [redacted] could not offer any real Answer(s), other than to keep repeating that he was currently filling in their, “Form”, but it could take several Business Days for that to become effective.  How many such Days, precisely????  First, “…3 to 4 Business Days….”, then when pressed for an exact Date, a vacillation as to how long this process could actually take.So, to repeat, orally, “*. [redacted]”, first promised that in completing his, “Form”, would then only take, “....3 to 4 Business Days....”, to stop these Facsimiles.  When I informed him that his last previous Associate, “Suny”, said, “....up to 3 Weeks....”, he then became deliberately vague.  In his E-Mail, he then vacillated once more, stating that, “ may take some time for changes to take effect.  In the interim, you may continue to receive Dell marketing communications from us....”.Huh????  So, how long, EXACTLY????.What I find interesting is that he never once asked for any Copies of ANY of their intrusive Facsimiles.  One would reasonably expect that that would have been necessary, if DELL was actually serious about the Problems these have caused me, and wanted to properly investigate their illegal Actions, and sending them from | hiding behind, “Blocked Numbers”.< Oh, right - DELL would then be forced to provide me with a Facsimile Number, so that I could 'Fax' such Copies to them….!!!!! >It is my belief, that the, “Form”, which, “*. [redacted]”, allegedly completed, is merely the same one which I was told, and was assured many months ago, would then solve the Problem.It certainly did not perform that Function THEN, nor do I expect it to NOW ….For instance, the Link provided by, “*. [redacted]”, in his E-Mail of January 28, 2015 does not even work < ! >.  Could it be that that, “Form”, if it even exists < ? >, is not in the English Language?I also find his added Clause, “Please consider the environment before printing this email”,  to be openly insulting, considering my many REPEATED Complaints to have DELL cease and desist from sending me unauthorized, by me, Facsimiles, which are then printed on MY Paper, using MY Facsimile Machine, MY Supplies, and so forth.In Summary:( A ) This Complaint should be handled by a Senior Manager, employed by DELL, INC., and who is physically based, and resides either in the UNITED STATES, or, in CANADA. These Offences occurred in North America; they should consequently be addressed here as well;( B ) That Individual must prepare an Apology, signed, in writing, and sent via Courier to me, along with, “( C )”....;( C ) To deny Compensation | Restitution is absurd; DELL, INC. has caused me personal Damages, Expenses, Duress, and many, wasted Hours; therefore DELL, INC. must be held accountable for remedying same. This could all have been avoided if DELL, INC. had simply resolved this when they were first informed early last Summer, 2014;( D ) Further Compensation | Restitution, should these unsolicited, and unwanted Facsimile, and/or Telephone Calls continue on, or after Today;( E ) DELL, INC. should fully explain, why they even utilize a, “Blocked Number”, to make such Calls;( F ) DELL, INC. should disclose how, when, from, and why they obtained a Private, Unlisted Facsimile Number;( G ) DELL, INC. should also disclose their own, permanent Facsimile Number(s), both to me, and to the;( H ) DELL, INC. should provide a ‘Hard Copy’ of the dated, “Form”, which, “D. [redacted]”, allegedly completed, again both to me, and to the

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Mr.  [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in his correspondence. Our representative submitted a request to unsubscribe from the Dell...

mailing list for the customer.  We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via email at [redacted], Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
[redacted] Thank you so much for your prompt rsponse in this matter. It is nice to know what a great job that the does to aid the consumer.

Dear,  I am writing on behalf of Dell Inc. in response to the complaint filed with your office by the customer.  Thank you for providing a copy of the customer’s submission.  A Dell representative, [redacted] has recently contacted the customer regarding their...

concerns.  We regret any dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the’s feedback.  [redacted] explained to the customer black Friday deals are valid only as long as stock lasted and by the time she tried her second order the offer had expired.  Should any future concerns arise regarding this matter, the customer may contact Dell’s representative via email at: [redacted]  Dell now moves to close this matter regarding Incident ID: [redacted].   Sincerely,   Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID# [redacted]Dell Inc.

Today’s Date: 03/23/2015Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submission. Dell representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, [redacted], to address the contents of their correspondence. At this time the agent...

continues to work with the customer. However, as per policy, a final response is being submitted today. The agent will continue to work with the customer until the matter is resolved. Dell regrets any inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this process. The customer may also contact the representative at [redacted] .Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc

Dear,Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Mr. [redacted]. A Dell representative recently contacted Mr. [redacted] regarding his concerns. Our representative explained the terms and conditions of Dell’s limited hardware warranty which...

dictates that software issues are not covered under the warranty. Please note that our representative offered technical assistance; however, Mr. [redacted] elected not to accept our offer of assistance. Due to our 21 days return policy, his request for refund was respectfully denied. We regret any dissatisfaction he may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell Experience. We remain ready to assist Mr. [redacted] within the terms of Dell’s Limited Hardware Warranty and our other policies. Our representative may be contacted directly by e-mail at [redacted], in case Mr. [redacted] has any further concerns regarding this case.  Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: 30204293Dell Inc.

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Address: 1 Dell Way Stop 8210, Round Rock, Texas, United States, 78682-7000


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