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Description: Cellular Telephone Service & Supplies, Cell Phone & Tablet Equipment, Supplies & Repair
Address: 575 Morosgo Dr NE Fl 2, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 30324-3300
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I had *** before and I decided to changed to cricket because of the price I started the plan on *** XX XXXX but the signal was very poor in my area so in january 13th I decided to moved to sprint so this my complaint cricket took monthly payments from my bank account they did on Dec 25th I called today earring for my refund from 12 days that I didn't have service with them and they told because I paid for the whole month they keep the money.
Product_Or_Service: Apple //Unlimited
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) They have to give my money back
April 3, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: Ms. ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by Ms. *** regarding Cricket Wireless. In this complaint, Ms. states she processed her monthly payment on the 25th of December 2017, then on the 13th of January 2018 she decided to port to another provider. She is requesting a refund of the unused portion of her bill, the 12 days remaining in that billing period.
While reviewing Ms.' account we discovered her number was indeed ported out prior to the end of that billing cycle. We contacted Ms. and explained to her that per our Terms and Conditions, which can be reviewed at, we do not issue credits for unused portion of the bill. If you port or cancel your service prior to the end of that billing period the remaining balance is forfeited and nonrefundable. Ms. wasn't happy with our answer and states she was never told that when she accepted our services. We again advised her that these terms can be found at
We apologize for any inconvenience or poor service she felt she received. Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met.
We are sorry we were unable to meet Ms.' request, and trust that this explanation properly addresses her complaint.
Cricket Wireless
Customer Corporate Relations
575 Morosgo Dr. NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
Do not use Cricket Wireless prepaid plan.It does not pick up my SIM card.I was told t was part of AT&T and that it used the same exact network.It does not work. I have been having issue after issue. You call a person with them sitting next to you- and the phone never rings.You try calling 10 times or more, it goes straight to voice message. You have an emergency and phone does not work,Cricket is not yet accredited- why are they allowed to sell there service?
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) I would like my bill deducted for the entire time I have had the service.I can not count how many times it did not work. I should not have to pay for service - when it does not work.
April 3, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by *** In this complaint, Ms. McGhee is requesting a refund for the service charges paid to Cricket. She states she that the service did not work, and she should not have to pay for it.
We have made several attempts to contact Ms. and discuss her concerns and were unsuccessful. Upon reviewing Ms. account, there isn't any documentation of interactions where she has contacted our Customer Care department regarding her service not working. Unfortunately, due to our Terms and Conditions amounts paid for service charges are non-refundable and account balances are not transferable, refundable, or redeemable for cash. This information can be found at Should Ms. wish to discuss this matter further, she can contact *** at XXX-XXX-XXXX.
We value Ms. feedback and apologize for any inconvenience or poor service she felt she received.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We thank Ms. for her communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses her concern.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have no need to discuss my issue with Cricket Wireless. When the service provider, such as Cricket Wireless, does not work does not work. No need to discuss. The damage is done. No wireless provider should be allowed to be in business... period....that is not regulated by the federal government.
The public needs to understand how Cricket Wireless works.
They do not allow calls on their network to go through, based on the amount paid for service. Your call is kicked back from going through to the receiver, if you are not listed under a certain level that you paid for your service.
Why would a Network be in business that would not allow all calls to go through... period.
You pay for a Wireless service, your call should not be denied to go through.
What if the 911 emergency call service operated on a network
That only provided service to people 1st, not based on their call order, but were based on answering the calls where the caller had to live in a affluent area before they would answer the calls? That would be unfair and dishonest to run a business in that manner.
Cricket Wireless is basing letting calls go through, based on the amount you pay for service. If you are offering a service, all calls should go through, not a selected few.
I terminated my service,....End of discussion.
April 13, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a rebuttal filed by *** In this rebuttal, Mrs. states that Cricket made no attempts to contact regarding her complaint requesting a refund for service charges that she paid and had intermittent service the entire time she was active with Cricket.
We made more attempts to contact Mrs. McGhee via phone and email April 10th, 11th and 12th and were unsuccessful. Mrs. can contact *** at XXX-XXX-XXXX, should she wish to discuss this matter further.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We value Mrs. feedback. Based on the aforementioned, we respectfully request that her complaint is closed at this time. We have made numerous attempts to speak with her, and she has been provided with our contact information to address this matter further.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) I WANT MY $30.00 THAT YOU GUY'S TOOK OUT OF MY BANK ACCOUNT ON 3/20/2018
April 4, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by Mr. ***. In this complaint, Mr. states that he performed a factory reset on his device that caused his information to be changed on others caller ID. Mr. has requested a refund for the service payment.
In researching Mr. complaint, we found that his account was set up under ***, and performing a reset on his device does not and did not change the name. We have also found that Mr. made a service payment on March 19, 2018, and on March 30, 2018, he ported his number out of Cricket.
We communicated with Mr. via telephone and email on April 4, 2018, to discuss his complaint. We explained to him that all service payments are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Therefore, we are not able to provide a refund for the service payment Mr. requested.
We thank Mr. for his communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses his concern.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I bought an iPhone 7 Plus from Cricket on 03/17/18. The phone worked for 2 days and then turned complete black. The screen will not work, it will not hold a charge. I took the phone back to Cricket within the 7 day retuen/exchange policy and Cricket would not replace the defective phone. Cricket told me I had to go though Apple after telling me for 3 days they were waiting on a shipment that they would replace it. Cricket DID NOT uphold the 7 day policy. Talking to Apple resulted in a conference call with myself, Cricket, and Apple, and at that time Apple told me Cricket was responsible. My receipt even says all exchanges and/or returns can be made within 7 days. The representatives in the store, including the store manager said they would call me back, and two different people left their shift when I called back to speak with them. I was in the Cricket store for 3 days in a row. I was promised a replacement phone the entire 3 days until the third day. I was in the Cricket store for 45 mins while they got a hold of the district manager, and and that is when she told her employee to tell me that she could not do a phone replacement. I'm also leasing the phone so I'm laying for a phone that doesn't work.
Product_Or_Service: Apple /iphone 7 Plus/Unlimited
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) I would like to get a replacement/exchange the defective iPhone 7 Plus like Cricket should of done within the 7 days.
April 9, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by ***. In her complaint, Ms. states that a Cricket Wireless Authorized Retailer failed to exchange her defective device within the 7 day exchange period. Ms. requests that the Authorized Retailer exchange her defective device.
In researching the complaint, we found that Ms. received the resolutions she is seeking on this complaint. Ms. purchased an iPhone 7 Plus on March 17, 2018. She experienced technical issues with the device on March 20, and the device was exchanged by the local retailer on March 26, 2018.
We have attempted to reach Ms. via telephone and email on March 29, 30, and 31, 2018, to discuss her complaint, but were unsuccessful. Ms. has our contact information in the case she is not satisfied and has additional questions or concerns.
We apologize to Ms. for any inconvenience or poor service she felt she received.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We thank Ms. for her communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses his complaint.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr. NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
On Aug. 23, 2016 I purchased A ZTE phone and an unlimited talk, text and high speed data choosing the $70.00 per month but with auto pay was only charged $65.00 per month. Months latter Cricket starting offering less expensive unlimited plans for $50.00 per month and with auto pay $45.00 per month, but with a restriction of 22 GB of high speed data usage per month after which Cricket would slow down the speed.. I started getting text messages form Cricket stating that I about to reach the limit and my speed would be slowed down. I went to several Cricket stores and ask them if I am paying the $70.00per month for unlimited high speed data, why was I having my speed slowed down, I was unable to obtain an answer I even went to a Corporate Store and ask them but they could not answer either.On February 22, 2016 I sent a letter to the listed address of Cricket Wireless575 Morosgo Dr. NE Atlanta GA XXXXX. Over a month latter I received an enveloped in the mail without any return name or address on it. Upon opening it I found a plain sheet of paper with no letter head and no signature. The letter stated 'Mr. thanks for being a valued customer. You can feel free to upgrade to our unlimited plans at any time. Please log online to www.cricketwireless .com."I am paying $65.00 a month for service that others only have to pay $45.00 per month.I was never informed that the company changed me to any other plan, and I believe I am Grandfather in to the original plan I signed up for.I would think that a business would respond to a customer inquires in a timely manner and in business manner.
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) Why can I not get any of my questions? Answer to why am I being charged for services I am not receiving. Why did I receive a letter that is insulting to me by not answering my question or a name and address I could contact? If this is the company policy can all disable vet expect to be treated in the rude manner? Reimbursement of monies for the time my speed was reduced. Is the company going to honor the arraignment I signed up for or be overcharged each month?
March 30, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by ***. In this complaint, Mr. states that he pays $70.00 for the unlimited plan, and his speed slows down once he reaches 22GB. He also states he has contacted Cricket's Customer Support, and wrote in to Cricket's headquarters, and he still hasn't received a valid explanation.
Cricket regrets that Mr. is dissatisfied with his Unlimited Plan. On April 2, 2017, Cricket has implemented Congestion Management to more fairly allocate network resources among users during periods and at locations experiencing network congestion. Unlike our other data plans, which reduce data speeds to 128Kbps if you exceed your monthly data usage allowance, Cricket's Congestion Management practice does not impose a cap on data speeds for Unlimited Plan customers who exceed 22GB of data usage within a monthly plan cycle. Rather, such a customer will continue to have High-Speed Data access for the rest of that cycle but may experience temporarily lower data speeds and increased latency during periods of congestion as compared to other customers using the same cell site.
As soon as the congestion at the cell site diminishes, or if the customer's data session moves to an uncongested cell site, speeds and latency are not affected. Because congestion can start and stop over a very short time period, the impact of this practice on Unlimited Plan customers in most cases should be minimal. Cricket is a no-annual contract carrier that provides pre-paid monthly wireless service to its customers. Cricket has provided more than a month's notice to existing customers of this change, and new customers purchasing an Unlimited Plan will also be notified of this change. Alternatively, Cricket customers may purchase or switch to another Cricket rate plan that does not include this network management practice. Cricket will notify its Unlimited Plan customers on a monthly basis as to when their data usage exceeds 75% of the 22GB threshold (i.e., at 16.5GB of data usage) so they can adjust their usage to avoid potential, temporary reductions of their data speeds during the remainder of that monthly plan cycle.
We made several attempts to contact Mr. on March 28th, 29th and 30th and were unsuccessful. Should Mr. wish to discuss this matter further, he can contact *** at XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We thank Mr. for his communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses his concern.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
From: ***
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, XXXX XX:XX PM
To: ***
Subject: Re: Complaint Case# *** (Ref#XX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-X-XXXX)
The response from Cricket did not address my question at all.
I get a message from Cricket each month that I have used 16 GB and they will be slowing my speed down when I reach 22GB. The Plan I signed up was for unlimited high speed data. I am being charged $70.00 for service that others are paying only $50.00 for the same service.
The only communication for Cricket was the letter that I quoted in my first complaint.
The last message from Cricket was March 21 confirming receipt of my auto pay. I have not received any voice mail or email for them.
If they do not want my business they should just say so. I sure I can fine other providers. During the time it has taken to get this response through the I have been paying the fee and still do not have answers.
April 13, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a rebuttal filed by ***. In this rebuttal, Mr. states his question was not answered, he feels that he signed up for unlimited data and that is what he should receive.
We contacted Mr. and advised him that Cricket's Unlimited plan continues to have unlimited high-speed data access. However, customers who have used more than 22GB of data on a line during any monthly plan cycle may experience temporary periods of slower speeds on that line during periods of network congestion for the rest of that monthly plan cycle. If there is network congestion, that is the traffic on a particular cell tower at a particular time is very busy, customers that have used more than 22GB of data on a particular line may experience slower speeds and increased latency. This is only temporary. Once the area is no longer congested or the customer moves to an area that is not congested, network speeds will resume to normal. We advised Mr. that prior to the change made we notified all customers of the upcoming change that went into effect April 2, 2017. Mr. was not satisfied with the resolution provided and ended the call.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We value Mr. feedback. Based on the aforementioned, we respectfully request that his complaint is closed at this time as we are unable to assist any further.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
From: ***
Sent: Monday, April 16, XXXX XX:XX PM
To: ***
Subject: Re: Complaint Case# 27599369 (Ref#XX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XX-XXXX)
Thank you for all your assistance.
I am not satisfied with the last response from Cricket.
The person I spoke with on the phone was rude by interrupting me when I was trying to state my point.
My questions were still not answered.
The person stated that they changed the plan I was on which was unlimited high speed data with out any slow down, to a plan that that can slow down after 22 GB.
That Cricket can not change any thing on my account unless I change it. They did still charge me the higher amount every month.
Why do they grander father some people and not others. One person signed up for a plan that gave the user 20 GB of data per month. Cricket stop offering that plan and offered a 10 GB in its place, but Cricket still honored the 20 GB with out any slow down in speed until the 20 GB were reaching.
After trying for months to resolve this unsuccessfully and still paying the higher price I feel it would be in my best interest to close the account with Cricket and use another carrier.
Again I want to thank you and the for there assistance.
I purchased cellphone, service and insurance on 3/18/2018 I received the phone on 3/20/2018. It was stolen on 3/21/2018. Called the company to report it stolen. Was informed that insurance which I purchased was not valid because phone was never activated. And that I could also not get a refund. So basically I'm out the cost of the phone, the service and the insurance.
Product_Or_Service: Other /Z983/Basic
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) Either a replacement phone one month service and insurance. Or a total refund.
March 28, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by *** regarding Cricket service. In his complaint, he reports that on March 18, 2018 he made an online purchase for a cell phone, cell phone service and mobile insurance. When he found the order at his front door, the box was empty. He immediately contacted customer service to submit an insurance claim but was advised that he could not submit a claim because the device was never activated. He asked for a refund, but was told he could not receive one. Mr. is asking we send him a replacement device or a month of service.
Cricket accessed Mr. s account, and found that on March 23, 2018 he went into a Cricket Authorized Retailer and purchased a device and activated service. We contacted Mr. on March 28, 2018 to gather more information on his online order. I was able to find Mr. online order (#XXXXXXXXX) and confirmed that UPS has opened an investigation on the lost package. We created an internal case with our billing department requesting for a full refund of his online order.
We attempted to call Mr. on March 29 and 30, 2018 to advise on the aforementioned with no success. We left him a voicemail. If Mr. still needs assistance please have him contact Emilio I at XXX-XXX-XXXX.
We thank *** for his communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses his concern.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
From: ***
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, XXXX X:XX AM
To: ***
Subject: Re: Complaint Case# 27599238 (Ref#XX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-X-XXXX)
Thank you. Issue resolved. Refund received.
I am just so flabbergasted with how cricket treats their customers. I have been with this company which I switched over from Verizon. I switched because the monthly payment was low. Anyways that is not why I went to extent to write a letter to what I experienced. While I was at work around 10:30 my phone got disconnected. Never did I make this request and nor did my husband. I use my phone line for personal and business use. Therefore I was of course confused why my phone wasn't working. It wasn't because my bill wasn't paid because I paid it early for that month. And it wasn't because it was requested so I was just a tab bit confused why my phone was disconnected. I of course called the help line or customer service if you call it.. they said that my husband called and canceled my line. Remind you, I'm the only person who knows the pin and has full access to it only. He barley knows his own phone number.. so I decided to go to the store because customer service wasn't understanding that I didn't make this request and told me that if I wanted my phone turned back on I would have to pay the fee.. so I decided to just go to the store.. soo I went to the store that is located closest to my job. *** spring *** spring *** XXXXX. I approached the man who worked at the front. I asked him why my number got disconnected. He wasn't helpful. he was rude, he laughed in my face and instead of helping my resolve the problem he just laughed.. and said that I made this request.. remind you, I use MY line for personal and business. There was a guys there (I cannot remember his name) but, he was very helpful and very kind. He tried getting answers for me and tried getting me the answers that I need. Unfortunately he was not successful. I was tired and he was tired of the guy on corporate telling us IT WAS ALL MY FAULT! I wasn't interested in staying there after being there for 2 hours already. I went back to work with once again a non working phone. Once I got off. My husband and I went to the store in Conroe where the girl that helped my husband purchase a phone on Friday march 16th 2018 he went into the store and stayed there for 3 hours. When looking up my information. Someone changed my information to a ***.. of course I was like WHAT'?? With all this fraud going on I was a tad bit freaking out. No one could understand by looking at my account why my phone was discounted. After being on the phone with customer service for over an hour. They continued to let me know that it was my fault and that I authorized it. Which I never did. So its easy to say CRICKET CALLED ME A LIAR. Which I do not take well. Long story short they told me that in order for me to get my phone re-connected I had to pay a fee, which was $76. I didn't want to pay it because it was not my fault nor did I authorize it. Neither did my husband. But im still curious that why is another lady's name is on my account and how did she end up having access to it? We have a pin code that is required when accessing an account. And I have never met this lady or know this lady.. I ended up not only spending money that I really didn't have to reactivate my phone that I never authorized to deactivated but, I felt that being a loyal customer for 2 years wasn't good enough and that I was called a liar and a thief. This is my phone. My life line.. for work and business use.. I am very torn that I was treated this way. Btw the lady *** at the store where we found this out at was very helpful and kind. She did everything that she could and didn't even want to take my money because she knew it wasn't my fault, cricket dropped the ball. And the only reason why I kept my service was bc I have already spend 3 to 5 hours in the store and the $80 a month is a good deal and that I already PAID MY PHONE BILL.. Over all I am just exhausted and felt scammed.. bc I still don't know who put someone else's personal information on my account..
Product_Or_Service: Apple /i phone 7/2 lines unlimited for $80
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) I feel as if I deserve the money that I spent to reactivate my phone put fourth toward future bill.. as well as store credit and someone to figure out who *** is. as far as im concerned this is FRAUD on cricket's watch.
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by ***. Ms. states her account was cancelled and the account information was changed without her permission. After research, their account was authenticated by an unknown source. Ms. was forced to pay a reactivation and service fee to restore her account. Ms. is requesting a credit to her account due to fraudulent activity.
After contacting Ms. via phone on 4/11, she explained that she did not know who would change her account information and also have her line cancelled. To have the account reactivated, she had to make a service payment plus reactivation fee. Ms. had just paid her monthly service payment and had to pay once again to restore her account. After researching the account, her account was authenticated properly, but not by her. We provided additional information to Ms. on how to keep others from gaining access to her account. We have also provided a courtesy credit for the inconvenience. Ms. is satisfied with the resolution. Should we find more information regarding this account, we will notify her. Should Ms. have any questions, please contact Gary directly at 404.401.1017. If we are unable to answer, please leave a voicemail and we will respond accordingly.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We value Ms. feedback and apologize for any inconvenience or poor service she felt she received.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA 30324
I ordered phone from CricketWireless website. They cancelled my order without giving specific reason.
I ordered phone for me on March 24, 2018 under their on going promotion for $19 it was Samsung Galaxy Halo 32GB and I also paid $30 for monthly service. this is the Order Number: XXXXXXXXX I paid with my order with Discover card which got charged for $50.33 immaterially. The price I got for phone $19 because I transfer my phone number. Promotion and deal I got was ended on March 25, 2018. so After I order my phone I chat with agent just to make sure that order was done correctly as I provided account info and pin number for my present wireless service straighttalk. the guy I spoke with on chat he told me that "You are good to go, your request for phone transfer was accepted and you will receive your phone on Wednesday on 28th March". Now on 26th of March which is today I got email from Cricket Wireless stating your order has been cancelled. The reason they gave is "We were unable to verify the information you provided". Now I don't understand which information I have provided that was unable to verify. I called customer service number X-XXX-XXX-XXXX the first guy I spoke after listing me he told me they can reorder my phone with same price with same deal but he won't able to reorder as they don't handle sales department he gave me another phone number XXX-XXX-XXXX and told me to call on this number and tell to reorder phone. I asked him how they gonna know my issue he told me that he gonna message Sales department so that when I call they know my issue. As I called that number to Sales department they don't have any cue what I am calling about neither they got any message for anybody. I had to call back again on XXX-XXX-XXXX this time another lady I spoke with again explain whole situation she replied me saying that they cannot do anything once order is cancelled. I request to speak with supervisor I spoke with supervisor got same answer. She said I cannot do anything neither she won't able to place an order with same price.
I want same phone with same price that order.
March 30, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by ***. In this complaint, Mr. attempted to purchase a Samsung Galaxy Halo online for $19.00. He states the order went through successfully, and he was later sent an email advising him the order was cancelled. Mr. states that he contacted Cricket Customer care and they said that they would connect him with our Sales team, who would then assist him in placing the order. He had to call back due to being transferred to an empty que. He states he was then advised that once the order is cancelled there was nothing that could be done.
We contacted Mr. to discuss his experience and were able to come to an agreeable resolution. Mr. device has been ordered and shipped out via UPS tracking 1Z884ARXXXXXXXXXXX.
We value Mr. feedback and apologize for any inconvenience or poor service he felt he received.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We thank Mr. for his communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses his concern.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Cricket company did give me device in $19 which originally I placed first time. I'm happy with the resolution. Thank you
Keep XXX-XXX-XXXX number calls every day saying I owe them money I must call back are will be picked up by a local police.
Product_Or_Service: LG /Cricket/Cricket wireless
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) Don't want them to call no more is this a scame.
April 2, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by ***. In this complaint, Mr. states that he is tired of the same number calling him.
We have made several attempts to contact Mr. via phone and email, and were unsuccessful.
However Mr. can utilize this website to report the number that keeps calling him.
The website is called Spam Response
Secondly Mr., can download the Hiya app. Hiya is a 3rd party application that scans calls globally to identify robocalls and spam. With this information, customers will be able to block these calls from ringing through to their smartphone. Hiya is available for ios and Android.
Should Mr. wish to discuss this matter further in detail, please contact *** at ***.
We value feedback and apologize for any inconvenience or poor service he felt he received.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We thank Mr. for his communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses his concern.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA 30324
My family has been on Cricket for about a year. We had 5 lines for $100 per month on autopay and the primary line is XXX-XXX-XXXX. We opened this account at the cricket store. We were at the mall and were offered a better plan through another carrier. Our account was paid until 3/29 so we had about a week left on our account of service. We walked over to the cricket store and let them know we wanted to switch. We had a gift card of $40 on our account that we prepaid with, previous payments were autodeducted from credit card. So we had a credit on our account of $40. We asked for our account number and spoke to them about switching and asked how we would get the pre-paid money back and we were told no problem just call cricket because we can't do it at the store. The gave us our account number and this phone number 1-800-CRICKET (XXX-XXXX). We switched carriers and called this number. I spoke to 3 different representatives the last one being a manager *** agent number XXXXXX. We asked if Cricket can send us a check for the credit on our account and she said no. We explained that we asked cricket prior to switching and were told this would be ok. She said no. We asked if we could spend the money on accessories and she said no. We asked if it could be applied to this last bill and refund our credit card $40 and she said no. We asked if we can apply it to prepaid service for minutes and she said no. We asked if we could get it in a form of a gift card just like what we used and she said no. This is not fair. We have money on our account and they are not giving it back, it's stealing and we asked before switching at the cricket store and *** center mall in Portland Oregon.
Product_Or_Service: Samsung /s7Edge/Family Plan 5 lines
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) I want $40 back in a form of a check or credit to my credit card on file.
April 4, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: Mr. M. ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by Mr. *** regarding Cricket Wireless. In this complaint, Mr. states he made a payment on his account with a PIN card prior to porting all of his lines over to a competitor. He is asking that the amount of the PIN card payment be refunded to him.
We reviewed Mr.' account and found that each of his payments were made via auto-pay on the 27th of the month, but in the month of March he made an additional payment on the 16th of the month with the PIN card. He then ported all of the lines out on the 18th of the month.
We contacted Mr. and explained that any payment made with a PIN or pre-paid card are nonrefundable and nontransferable. We also explained that any unused portion of the bill is nonrefundable and forfeited if the account is cancelled or ported prior to the end of the billing cycle. This information can be found online at
Mr. asked if we could cut him a check for the payment that he posted with the PIN card as an exception, but unfortunately that payment is considered forfeited at this time.
Mr. is not happy with our response and states he will figure out some way to get it refunded.
We are sorry we were unable to accommodate Mr. request, and trust that this explanation properly addresses and closes his complaint.
Cricket Wireless
Customer Corporate Relations
575 Morosgo Dr. NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
Was assured a new SIM card is $9.99 by chat agents. In the store I was told it'd be 9.99 plus $15. The employee Kevin refused to get the manager.
I was assured by online customer service that getting a new SIM card after my phone was stolen would cost $9.99. When I went to *** in *** I was told it'd be $9.99 plus $15. I asked the employee *** if he could waive the fee as my phone had been stolen. He refused. I asked to speak to his manager. He refused repeatedly. I asked for the manager's name. He refused. I was at his mercy because I needed a working phone so I coughed up the cash. I took a photo of him as proof for this complaint; he took out his phone and stuck it in my face in response.
Your people are unprofessional, rude, and crooks. I will go elsewhere with my business ASAP.
I was told it'd be $9.99 to get a replacement SIM, not 9.99 plus 15. I want a refund of the difference. Cricket also needs to fire
April 3, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by Ms. ***. In this complaint, Ms. states she was advised to go to a Cricket Wireless Authorized Retail location and purchase a SIM card for $9.99 but when she got there the Agent told her the cost would be $9.99 plus another $15.00. She states the online chat rep she spoke to advised her that the cost would only be $9.99. She feels the Agent at the Authorized Retail Location was attempting to overcharge her and wants a credit for the overage she incurred.
We reviewed Ms. account information and determined that she was charged $15.00 for the SIM card replacement. We reached out the Area Manager of that Cricket Wireless Retail location and was advised that they would conduct an investigation into this matter as the SIM card should have only cost $9.99. We contacted Ms. an advised her that we would issue a service credit to her account in the amount of $5.68 which is the difference in the price she was charged and the $9.99 actual price.
We apologize for any inconvenience or poor service Mrs. felt she received. Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met.
We thank Ms. for her communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses her concern.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I need confirmation action was taken against the employee *** who refused AFTER HALF A DOZEN TIMES to get the manager so I can speak to him, was abusive, and intrusive.
I called Cricket Customer Service 03/18/2018, and the representative tried to troubleshoot my phone over the phone. The representative could not fix the phone over the phone; and advised me to take the phone to the store to have them help me with the phone. It was then that the rude representative told me to call Asurian insurance, when I spoke to this individual they stated that I do not have insurance on the phone, and when getting the phone, I purchased insurance. The rude representative in the store stated that I'd have to buy a new phone, I was like absolutely not, I should pay deductible or something to get a new phone. They stated that I would not be able to do that, I stated that this is how you treat loyal customers!I turned around and walked out; and went to Sprint where I currently have service. I called cricket customer service, and asked for my money back, and they stated that it is their policy that they do not prorate the bill. I paid them for service from March 14,2018, through April 14th 2018. I want the money back that I did not receive for service which will be from March 19th to April 14th 2018. The phone was a Z.T.E. phone 2 MAX-soft-ware on the phone messed up causing APPS on the phone to malfunction, and they would not help me at all! So I went to the competitor and got another phone, and now I am a Sprint customer. I did not receive decent customer service, and did not get what I need to keep the phone. I asked for insurance and they did not apply it to my account for all this time.
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) All I want from Cricket is my bill to be prorated from March 14, 2018 to April 14th 2018. They were paid for service from March 14, through April 14,2018. I have paid for service that I did not receive and owe me the money for the service that I did not use. Further, I would also would like to know where the money went for the insurance I paid for monthly, because I did ask for the insurance when I purchased the phone.
April 5, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by *** regarding Cricket service. In his complaint, he reports that on March 18, 2018 he called Cricket Wireless to get assistance with his ZTE Grand Max 2 due to software and application issues. Customer service could not correct the issue and advised he could go to a cricket Store. Mr. then went into a Cricket Authorized Retailer and the sales agent advised that he needed to purchase a new device or he could submit an insurance claim. He called Asurion and was advised that he did not have insurance on his device. He states that he purchased mobile insurance at the time he bought his device. Mr. decided to port his number to Sprint, then called Cricket Wireless and requested a full refund for his March payment. Customer service advised that due to Cricket's Policy there are no refunds on services paid. Mr. is asking for a partial refund for the days he did not use the service. He also wants to know why his insurance claim was denied
Please note that per Cricket's terms and conditions, the customer will not receive a refund or credit for the unused portion of their account balance if they decide to cancel Service before their monthly service period ends. For more information on our Terms and Conditions please visit We reviewed the store's invoice (#XXXXXINXXXXX) and found that mobile insurance was not purchased the day the device was purchased. We also researched his account and see that mobile insurance was never added to his device.
We attempted to call Mr. Miller on April 3, 4, 5, 2018 to advise on the aforementioned with no success. We also sent him an email and text message in an effort to reach him. If Mr. still needs assistance please have him contact *** I at XXX-XXX-XXXX.
We thank *** for his communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses his concern.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
It was my understanding that I had insurance on the cell phone when purchased the phone, I requested insurance on the phone, I thought I had insurance, and when having software issues with the phone they did not even attempt to try to help me. It is my opinion that their representive in the store is not competent, and the impression I got, she could have cared less about my problem. I do not feel this is fair business when I paid for service, and they are able to keep the money for service that was not rendered to me.
April 11, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a rebuttal filed by *** In his rebuttal, he states that it was his understanding that he had insurance on his cell phone. He states that he requested insurance on his phone the day he purchased it. He does not feel is fair that he paid for business, and then he was not able to use it. He is asking for a refund of his last payment.
As stated in the initial response per Cricket's terms and conditions, the customer will not receive a refund or credit for the unused portion of their account balance if they decide to cancel Service before their monthly service period ends. For more information on our Terms and Conditions please visit We reviewed the store's invoice (#XXXXXINXXXXX) and found that mobile insurance was not purchased the day the device was purchased. We also researched his account and see that mobile insurance was never added to his device.
We attempted to call Mr. on April 3, 4, 5, 2018 to advise on the aforementioned with no success. We also sent him an email and text message with our contact information in an effort to reach him.
Upon receiving this rebuttal we contacted Mr. on April 10, 2018 and explained the aforementioned. We were able to come to an amicable resolution that Mr. was happy with.
Based on the aforementioned, we respectfully request that his complaint is closed at this time.
Cricket Wireless
Customer Corporate Relations
575 Morosgo Dr. NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
I have received the $40.00 for payment, however the question still remains when purchasing the phone ZTE Max 2 phone through the retailer, why wasn't my phone not insured, as I paid the first month for the insurance and for service. l will let this slide because I am no longer cricket customer, because I have gone with Sprint.
Hello, I bought my phone 10/2017 I've replaced it once, same issues three months later, I have never had cricket and this service is unacceptable. If I have to replace a phone I bought brand new twice within 6 months this is not a good phone I asked for a credit be issued for a new device or a refund for me to keep my service active after this month. Cricket facebook response*Unfortunately we would not be able to do that ***. We're happy to troubleshoot your issues and if the phone is defective our warranty department can replace the phone again for you.Good products, and good business is not their focal point. I honestly expect a resolution because resending a broke phone every three months is a despicable business practice. I would like a generous credit for a Samsung Galaxy s8+ Or I would like to give you this phone back and be issued a refund. You have cost me important phone numbers being lost, I own my own business and was out of commission for three days it took my phone to be returned, pictures and videos I will never get back from a trip with my family and the same thing is happening with my "new" phone, this is unacceptable within first few months of service. Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXE-Mail: ***@yahoo.comI fully expect us to come to a swift resolution if this service and company is customer based. Thank you for your time and I fully expect to hear from someone soon.***
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) Full refund and I will give them the phone back in the same condition I received it with chargerCredit issued for Samsung Galaxy s8+ considering phone purchased,and inconvenience caused with invaluable pictures, voicemails, phone numbers lost when this phone just shots off for no reason 3 months fresh out the box
April 1, 2018
Federal Communications Commission
Online Complaint
Re: ***
Complaint ID: XXXXXXXX
CC: ***
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by ***. In the complaint, Ms. states that she is not satisfied with the performance of her ZTE Grand X Max. She states that she went through two warranty exchanges, however she was provided with replacement devices that did not work.
Cricket Wireless Escalation Manager Chelsea, contacted Ms. via telephone on 3-27-2018, to explain our understanding the importance of having her device. She also advised her that warranty replacements devices are usually replaced with the same type of device. Ms. then stated that she is used to Samsung devices. We explained that since Ms. purchased her ZTE in October 2017, which is well past the 7 day return period and the device could not be returned for a refund.
Notwithstanding the terms of Cricket's warranty program an exception was made. Ms. was sent a Samsung Halo at no costs to her. We attempted to reach Ms. on Thursday 3-29-2018 to confirm, however we unsuccessful in contacting her. We wanted to advise her that the Samsung Halo was sent to her on 3-29-2018, as an exception, because Ms. was having issues with her current device, and we value her as a customer.
Ms. communicated with *** on 4-2-2018 via email and stated that she did not want the device, and was not satisfied with the proposed resolution. A request for return label was requested from our supply chain, so that Ms. can send back the device.
We apologize to Ms. for any inconvenience or poor service she felt she received. Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met.
We thank Ms. for her communication.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr. NE
Atlanta, GA 30324
Problems with Cricket
On several occasions, I had to notify Cricket Wireless about a phone number which happens to be my family doctor and a local number (XXX-XXX-XXXX) and I keep on getting an error message that your call cannot be completed at this time and to please try your call again later.
I have tried it from another phone and the number works perfectly and the
Cricket representative was also able to reach the number. In the past, there have been issues with my phone line and that phone number so this really needs to be investigated, especially since I do not have another phone to use and have to borrow a friend's phone. It is imperative that I am able to reach my doctor and should be able to as well. Cricket has stated that they cannot help me in any way but yet they are taking my payment every month and I can't effectively use my service. They should be shut down if they can't file a trouble ticket or try to assist in any way. They actually had the nerve to tell me that my doctor may have my number blocked which is egregious. My doctor would never block my number and when I had an issue like this before the doctor said everyone else was able to get through so it must have been on my end. Even Cricket was able to get through but yet they won't do anything to address this issue properly. How can Cricket state that there is nothing they can do about this and that they cannot file a trouble ticket because it will be declined. That is very poor business practice because they are not even willing to try to find out why I am unable to reach this number which is very important to me. If there was something wrong with their line, no one would be able to get through to it and that is obviously not the case.
Investigate and try to rectify the problem.
March 24, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by ***. In this complaint, Ms. states she was unable to call her doctor's office and when she contacted Cricket's customer care department, she was not offered much assistance.
We contacted Ms. directly and she stated she was now able to contact her doctor. She states that she was advised by IT that there was ongoing maintenance in the tower near her location. Ms. was advised that the issue was scheduled to be resolved by the next day and that the maintenance could have caused the issue when she was attempting to contact her doctor. Ms. was not happy with the resolutions she was provided when she contacted Care. We advised Ms. that we have our Quality Assurance team pull the call she is referring to, and will use information as a coaching and training opportunity. Ms. is satisfied with the resolution.
We value Ms. feedback and apologize for any inconvenience or poor service she felt she received.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We thank Ms. for her communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses her concern.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
Cricket has a promotion that provides 5 lines for $125.00 per month, If you are coming from another carrier you can benefit out of discounted price on the phones. I completed the order three times and every time after my bank has been debited my order has been cancelled. You do not get any explanation as to why, but the last time I was told that it was due to a bank issue. I contacted my bank and there is no issue with the bank as a matter of fact my bank was debited by Cricket. Upon speaking to a person in their company I was told that my only option was to go a store and pay an additional $125.00 for activation fee and the phone discount program was not available at the store. So I guess I am being blocked from benefiting on the discounts they are offering and I am being forced to pay full price.
Product_Or_Service: LG //5 family Plan
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) I like to benefit of what they advertise and I like to port all my numbers. I do not want to be forced to pay $125.00 activation fee and full price on the phones if I am coming from another carrier. thanks
March 27, 2018
Online Complaint
Re: *** Rogelio ***
Complaint ID: XXXXXXXX
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by Mr. Rogelio ***. In the complaint, Mr. explains that he attempted to place three orders online during a recent Cricket Wireless promotion and was unable to complete the process. He feels that Cricket purposely canceled his port in orders so that he would pay more at the store level with activation fees and full price promos. Mr. would like assistance with the porting of 5 numbers to Cricket Wireless.
Due to a high propensity for fraud we are unable to fulfill some orders due to discrepancies with the order. While we regret that this may upset our current and new customers we do this to protect them from potential fraudsters. We apologize to Mr. for any inconvenience or poor service he felt he received. Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met.
Cricket Wireless Escalation manager, *** spoke to Mr. on March 27, 2018.
Due to the tireless efforts of Mr. to join our network, we are cooperating with Mr. and attempting to monitor his future orders. Mr. had previously spoken with another Cricket manager that attempted to assist him with placing an order but we are unable to waive our fraud parameters. Mr. will have to provide accurate information online in order for the order to process.
We thank Mr. and are in communications with him. Cricket considers this complaint under resolution.
Cricket Wireless
Customer Corporate Relations
575 Morosgo Dr. NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
*** did speak to me and she agreed to extend the same prices that they had previously offered.
I did go the store and moved one line just to prove a point. I used the same credit card as I was using in the internet, the account and pin number from Tmobile and I was not asked for ID. So why the internet was blocking me is beyond me. My banks were charged and account information was verified every time.
Now today I placed the order and my total come up to $638.00 when in fact the charge should have been only $226.00 with taxes for the first month. I have been told that there will be a credit given back to my credit card right after I activate my numbers.
So let's see, this experience still being played out.
thank you,
*** S.
I purchased the plan on March 16th. On March 20th all 4 phones were cut off. We went into the store and two employees confirmed that another employee was at fault but we were the ones that had to pay for her mistakes. The manager was then contacted and she was raising her voice on the phone being extremely rude. We had not been rude up to that point. The manager still paid us pay the $60 even though the pervious time we went in we had already paid around $150ish. We understand where the $60 are coming from but after admiring that it was an employee mistake the customer should not have to pay for others mistakes.
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) We just want our $60 back because they admitted that we had to pay for the employees mistake and the manager was zero help. She was rude from the start.
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by ***. Mr. purchased and activated 4 lines for $100 only to get service cut off 2 days after. Mr. states due to the stores mistake, he had to pay an additional $60 to reactivate the lines. He is requesting a refund of $60
We spoke to Ms. via phone on 3/26/2018. While at the store, the store rep did admit it was the stores mistake, but they would still need to pay the reactivation fee. For this reason, we have provided a credit to Mr.' account for the additional amount paid. They were satisfied with the resolution. Should Mr. have any questions in the future, please contact me directly. Our office hours are Monday-Friday 9a-6p EST. If we are unable to answer, please leave a voicemail and we will respond accordingly.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We value Mr. feedback and apologize for any inconvenience or poor service he felt he received.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
My device Galaxy S7 was unlocked and I verified this with the previous Carrier. I Visited the website where I checked the compatibility of my device with their service. The returned result was "Yay! Your SamsungGalaxy S7 is compatible.". I spoke with a chat rep *** and had an email of the chat logged sent to me. I told her to check it as well, she did and said she got the same result. She refused to issue a refund and said that since I tested their SIM card on another phone and it worked then technically their service was functioning. I explained that the other device was not the one I had asked to be switched over and that I would not have bought the service if I was not going to be able to transfer my existing S7 Device. Again she refused to refund me as the service is not functioning. After getting nowhere with this rep and needing my phone for business the following day, I was left with no choice but to purchase another companies service and get my device back online again. Tricking consumers into buying a product under a false pretense is theft. I did not get what I asked and paid for and Cricket refuses to refund me for this. I came to the because this is not how a business should operate
Product_Or_Service: Samsung /Galaxy S7/Basic
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) I would like to be issued a refund for my purchase order number ending in XXXXX8608 ordered on 3/15/2018. Totaling $50.66. I do not think I am asking much as this is standard for nearly any company. If something doesn't work properly or works poorly, you take it back and get a refund. This is all that has happened here.
March 22, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by ***. In this complaint, Mr. Vlier states that he placed an online order for one sim card and one month of service. He stated that he found out that his device was actually not compatible with Cricket's network.
According to Cricket Wireless Terms and Conditions of service, available online at Amounts paid for service charges are non-refundable and account balances are not transferable, refundable, or redeemable for cash. If your account is suspended or cancelled, for any reason, any remaining balance in your account will be forfeited.
Non-withstanding Cricket's Terms and Conditions, Mr. will be refunded for his purchase. We thank him for his patience, and do advise refund times can vary by financial institution.
We value feedback and apologize for any inconvenience or poor service he felt he received.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We thank Mr. for his communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses his concern.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Cricket has agreed to refund which was the intended result. Thank You.
Company had a promotional period where the cell phone was half price for new customers. Phone needed to be ordered online through their website. Promised next day shipping. Phone was paid for and bank account was charged. Phone never left warehouse. Company replies with 'that's not our problem anymore, check your tracking number with UPS.? When UPS was questioned they responded with 'this package has never been in UPS possession.? Company will not answer where device is and I'm out a couple hundred dollars.
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) This company needs to finish their job. Deliver the device in a timely manor.
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by ***. Ms. states she purchased a device online and was told it would be next day shipping and as of 3/19/2018, she has not received her device.
We attempted to contact Ms. via phone, but we were unsuccessful. For that reason, we are unable to provide a resolution at this time. Should Ms. like to discuss this case in further detail, please contact *** at *** Our office hours are Monday-Friday 9a-6p EST. If we are unable to answer, please leave a voicemail and we will respond accordingly.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We value Ms. feedback and apologize for any inconvenience or poor service she felt she received. We look forward to hearing from her.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The business never made an attempt to call. The phone number was needed to port in the line so they had the correct number to reach me. However, this issue was resolved via facebook messenger in the week of March 19th.
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a rebuttal filed by ***. Ms. states she purchased a device online and was told it would be next day shipping and as of 3/19/2018, she has not received her device.
We did attempt to contact Ms. via phone on 3/26 at 5:15p & 3/27 at 3p from the number on the original response, but we were unsuccessful. We also attempted to contact Ms. today for a follow up and we were unsuccessful. A voicemail option was available today and we left a voicemail, should she have further questions. Ms. states her issue was resolved via Social Media and we are requesting to have this case closed.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
march XX XXXX I buy a iPhone 6 plus from cricket store in forest park il they said it not in the store they will have to order it long store short a week pass *** no phone so I ask for my money back they agree I should get my money back a week pass *** money they say we send it too you but my bank is saying they are lying
Product_Or_Service: Apple //cricket
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) refund my money because i do not recilved the phone
March 28, 2018
Online Complaint
Re: ***
Complaint ID: XXXXXXXX
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by Mr. ***. In the complaint, Mr. explains that he purchased two Apple iPhone 6 devices from a Cricket Wireless Authorized Retailer on March 03, 2018 and he has not received the phones even though he paid for them.
On March 20, 2018, Cricket Corporate Manager, Damaris left a voicemail for Mr. requesting further information. Mr. returned her call during non-business hours and has left a message full of vulgar language and did not provide any additional pertinent information.
We have not found an invoice in our billing system reflecting payment of a device. We have reached out to our local area management team in order to receive feedback on the complaint and to ask for a resolution if one becomes necessary.
As of March 28, 2018, Cricket Wireless' local area management team including myself have been unable to speak with Mr.. The Authorized Retailer has not responded directly to the corporate office in regard to Mr. claims either.
Cricket Wireless LLC ("Cricket") is committed to customer satisfaction. Part of that commitment is ensuring that any dispute a customer may have is resolved in a fair, effective, and efficient manner. If Mr. is still not satisfied, he may proceed to contact his own legal counsel that will guide him appropriately.
We thank Mr. for his communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses his complaint
Cricket Wireless
Customer Corporate Relations
575 Morosgo Dr. NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX
My fiancee lost his phone and we called cricket to put a hold on it. Cricket went ahead and cancelled his phone completely and now that we found the phone two days later in co-workers truck, they want us to pay $73.27 to repay for month and reactivate service.
Product_Or_Service: Apple /6s plus/Unlimited 2
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Other (requires explanation) I want his service restored completely. It's not our fault the cricket employee made an mistake.why should we have to pay for it?
March 27, 2018
Online Complaint
Complaint No: XXXXXXXX
Re: ***
Dear Sir/Madam,
This correspondence is in reference to a complaint filed by ***. In this complaint, Ms. states that the line was canceled by mistake, when her device was reported as lost.
We have made several attempts to contact Ms. via phone and email, and were unsuccessful. For that reason, we are unable to provide a resolution at this time. Should Ms. wish to discuss this matter further in detail, please contact *** at ***
We value feedback and apologize for any inconvenience or poor service she felt she received.
Cricket strives to provide excellent service and we regret when that high standard is not met. We thank Ms. for her communication and trust that this explanation properly addresses her concern.
Cricket Wireless, Customer Support
575 Morosgo Dr., NE
Atlanta, GA XXXXX