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Crazy Frog Pest Control

1200 E Watertower St, Meridian, Idaho, United States, 83642

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Crazy Frog Pest Control Reviews (%countItem)

I signed up for this service in June 2016. I received one service in July and I paid $99 for the service and then started paying $33 every month directly withdrawn from my bank account.In November I called to talk because I was continuing to pay but not receiving any services.The receptionist told me that no one had been at my house since July 2016. I explained to her that I have been paying every month but not receiving the services that were promised to me.I said I do not want the service anymore because I have been paying and not receiving any services.She understood and said that she cancelled my account.I asked if I was going to be charged anymore and she said “no.”I hung up the phone feeling that the situation was over and that I was no longer going to be charged for a service that I was not receiving.Then in April I received notification stating that my account was past due and that I owed $143.36 for a service that was performed on my house on 12/29/16.This service was never performed on my house.I talked with a woman in billing that was very rude and ended up hanging up on me and then refused to answer the phone after that.Then I received a second notice of the bill on 4/10/17.I called again.This time I talked with a woman that said she has just taken over all the billing issues.She listened and took notes about the situation.She said she could not handle the situation and needs Jimmy to call me. She promised he would call but I still have not heard from Jimmy.I finally reached someone on 4/17/17.I asked if I could talk to Jimmy.She said he was gone.I waited all day 4/17/17 and received no phone call.I waited again on 4/18/17 and then I tried to call and no answer.My phone calls were sent straight to voice mail.So then I continued to call on 4/19/17.I was wondering if your company had caller ID and was just not answering my phone calls so I had my mother call the company right after me.The moment she called Megan answered.They told my mother that they do have caller ID and are choosing to not answer my calls and would only contact me through email.They told my mom that they had sent me emails explaining the situation, which I never received. They told my mom that they had zeroed out my account and have told me that in an email. They also promised that if I called back and asked for Meghan they would answer the phone.I called them and they still would not answer the phone.This time I sat on hold for 10 minutes and then put through to voicemail.Then they emailed me right then as if they had already been emailing me.I did receive an email 4/19/17, explaining that they have zeroed out my account and now I have to pay a cancellation fee.With no mention of the amount of the cancellation fee.I have given the company a total of $278.20 for one pest control service performed in July 2016.After the first service I continued to pay monthly, using the automatic withdrawal through my bank account.Although my account was up to date I was not receiving the monthly service that my salesman promised at the time of purchase.They did not fulfill their contractual obligation by treating my home at the agreed upon time period.Then on 4/24/17 I received a letter stating that I now owe $200 for a cancellation fee. I received an email on 5/1/17 stating the same thing so I emailed back asking for a representative to call me back.I finally received a phone call later in the day on 5/1/17 from Kathy, the office manager.She said Jimmy had already gone home and she is the only person I can talk with.She continues to say my account was past due and that is why I wasn’t receiving the treatments on my yard but I tried to explain that my payments were being made through direct withdrawal from my account so it is impossible for my account to be past due.She just does not understand that I was fulfilling my obligation by paying the monthly fee but they were not fulfilling their contractual obligation.Kathy has now said I owe $92.49.I fear this amount will change the next time I talk with them or if I do pay, will they continue to ask for more money.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

On 06/29/16 Ms. *** signed a 12 month/5 service agreement. On 06/30/16 we serviced ***'s home and returned to her home as stated in the agreement on 07/30/16 to do the first quarterly. *** called our office on 07/29/16 to ask about her monthly billing and wanted to hear from her salesman. Our salesman emailed Ms. explaining that her monthly cost is her quarterly cost split up over three months. On 09/29/16 called in still confused on why she was being billed every month and at that point her account was moved to "pending cancellation" until we resolved the concern. The manager at the time once again explained the monthly billing and how her quarterly cost was split up over three months. *** had been charged on 06/30/16 for her start service, then over the next three months for her quarterly service that was performed on 07/30/16. In November when she called we refunded her for October and November since we had not been to her house to do her next quarterly because we were waiting to hear back from her regarding her billing. In February we again tried to contact *** via email to get her on the schedule. On 04/05/17 Ms. called us again wondering why her account was not closed. When trying to explain to Ms. that we have been waiting for a response, *** started to scream, curse and make personal attacks at the office staff and call them stupid. After many attempts asking *** to please not yell and communicate in a professional manner, she continued to yell, so we hung up. After that she called back and she was much more calm but insisted on talking to a supervisor. When she found out that the person she was talking to was in fact the supervisor she refused to talk. At this time, her agreement was discussed with her and she was informed that if she were to cancel early there would be an early termination fee which is the original discount we gave her from $299.00. She then continued to call various times, each time screaming at our office staff. At this point, as an office, we decided to only communicate with her via email because talking on the phone was only leading to our office staff being verbally abused. ***'s mom called and we told her multiple times that we were unable to discuss anything on ***'s account because she (the mother) was not on the account. On 05/01/17 our office supervisor contacted *** after emails of *** requesting that we call her. At this time she continued to yell and make personal attacks against our office staff. We did discount ***'s early termination fee for her in hopes to come to a compromise. As an office we have spent over 3 hours and many emails trying to accommodate *** without breaking the agreement.

Customer Response

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:



I am rejecting this response because it is full of lies. They changed how much I owed them every time I talked to them. The final bill was $92.51. I am afraid to give them this money because they have been so untruthful that I feel they could continue to ask for money.


Hard core, hard sell tactics. Ignored no soliciting signs on premises. Shared stories of personal life to tug on heart strings. I'm pretty solid on being able to get rid of sales people...this guy was touch to make go away.
Plus, be aware if you do sign up, and provide a signature on the tablet they carry around (nothing in writing for you to actually review or be able to read) you have made a 12 MONTH COMMITMENT Once done, it's like having joined a gym...notoriously difficult to get out of.
I do not recommend.


I had utilized Crazy Frog Pest Control for a couple of years and no longer wished to use their service. They would call and state they they would be coming out to treat my house/lawn the following week. I tried numerous times to get a live person to state that I no longer wanted their services. I ended up leaving at least 2 messages stating that we did not have a contract and they do not have permission to treat my home/lawn for pest control. I was out of town on business and a technician showed up at my home and my roommate stated that they had better clean any service with me before performing their service. They left after that conversation, but I still received an invoice for work that was not done or a service that was not agreed upon. I keep getting invoices and have no intention to pay for the aforementioned reasons. I view this a fraud billing for a service not provided and expecting someone to pay for this non-service. I wanted to go on the record that they are not professional and want them to cease and desist invoicing me.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

After further looking into Mr. account, we're seeing that Mr. left a voice messages asking why we would come out and schedule him with the weather on 2/13/17. We did call him back within minutes and left a voicemail. We did reschedule him for 2/25/17 and once again Mr. cancelled his appointment. We did send a voice and text message reminder on 03/01/17 that we were coming to his home to service him on 03/03/2017. When we did not hear back from Mr. that he did not want the service, we went and serviced his home as stated in the messages. Our technician showed up to the home at 9:32 am on 03/03/17 and completed the service at 10:00 am. After finishing the service our technician was approached by a woman telling him that they didn't want the service. At this point the full service had already been completed. Below are the technician's notes of what exactly he did. The invoice that Mr. is receiving reflects this service that was completed on 03/03/2017.

Performed out winter/preventive treatment . Inspected property for webs, treated exterior of home around base of the home with a power duster (perimeter ). Cracks and crevices of the home . Treated extra garage. Windspeed 3.3 mph SE.

On June 5th 2015, we had signed Crazy Frog LLC to take care of a mice issue. They did come out and place several mouse traps, as well as a poison mouse trap box, in our crawl space to kill and catch the mice, which they stated that they would change each quarter depending on the outcome of the box. Which at that time they also conducted a spray treatment to our residence, which was included in the plan. On the 2nd treatment, the box was full, and the additional traps they placed in our crawl space were also full, which they took out and replaced with new traps, and a new poison trap box. It was stated to the company that we would have to be home for them to take care of the traps, as the only access to the crawl space was in our hallway closet. Upon the 3rd and continuing treatments, we had to call and reschedule due to the tech coming out while we were not home (as they claim) and treating our house without removing the traps, and poison box in our crawl space. After several attempts to get a tech out, they finally showed, but stated that the new person they hired treated the wrong house, which was also confirmed by our neighbor, who's house they treated. But this continued with each treatment after that, with even one treatment they had claimed to treated our home, at the same time that we were home, and not a single tech had shown, as we would have known being home, which included still not changing out the poison box and traps in our crawl space. We give this company several attempts to make good on their promise, which each time resulted in failure due to the wrong house continuing to be treated and the poison box and traps not being removed, until finally it was at this point, on 6/5/16 we requested to cancel our service due to their inconsistency of being able to do the work that they were simply asked to take care of. We have now 7 months later been sent a bill for $399.78. For what? There was no mention of a cancelation fee when we cancelled.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

After reading the complaint our office got ahold of ***. We resolved all of his concerns and came to a common resolution. Our company zeroed out all balance for him and cancelled his account.

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Address: 1200 E Watertower St, Meridian, Idaho, United States, 83642


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