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Crazy Frog Pest Control

1200 E Watertower St, Meridian, Idaho, United States, 83642

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Crazy Frog Pest Control Reviews (%countItem)

I hired them under contract in march and the service they provided is terrible. They spray for bugs and more bugs spiders and ants show up in droves. I've complained and want out of my contract. They refuse to let me out of my contract without paying 300 dollars even though the "service" I'm paying $80 a quarter for is not working.
Thank you.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

The customer called on July 19th, 2017 asking to cancel service because she was unhappy with the amount of pests that she still was seeing. With the customer's permission we immediately scheduled one of our lead technicians to come out and re-service her home to take care any activity that she was still seeing after her last service. On July 21st, 2017 our lead technician serviced her home and reported that he did not see any unusual pest activity that would have been caused by negligent service from our technicians in the past. He specified that the only proof of pests that he could find was one spider web in the garage that had not been serviced in 90 days. The customer requested to terminate the agreement early without any fee's due to this and became increasingly upset when we informed her that this was not valid grounds to void the service agreement that she signed. We made our best attempts to come to a common resolution on this matter with the customer and feel that we did everything we could on our part to address and resolve the complaint in a timely and professional manner.

Customer Response

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. However, the company crazy frog and I resolved the problem thanks to your assistance. No further action is needed


Coming from one who used to sell Pest Control, I can tell they actually care about their people. Great job.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

This is great to hear! Our customers are always out number one priority and we are happy that this was reflected in your past services

We have paid for pest control services since December with no services. They admitted that they have not sprayed since November 2016. I asked for a refund and they told me that they have provided services for the amount we have paid, which makes no sense since they admitted that they have not provided services since November. Previously we were under a contract. They do not provide quarterly services unless you call them. They are supposed to spray quarterly and they have not done so. They said the would provide a free "redo" rather than the quarterly service and they did but we still have bugs and they still have not provided our quarterly services. I have asked them to quit taking money from my account since they are not providing the service however they keep asking us to pay.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

We have preformed 1 initial service and 6 quarterly services on the customer's home since they signed up with our company. The last treatment that was completed was done on June 5, 2017, and we had not come out previously since November due to weather and this caused multiple appointments to be rescheduled and because of this we were not able to come out in February in accordance to the quarterly service schedule. This was explained to the customer in a phone call on May 31,2017 and again on June 6, 2017. At this time the billing was also explained to the customer, as they have made 18 monthly payments and received 6 services. Every three monthly payments pay in full for a quarterly service. As of right now their account is current, but we will not be refunding previous payments that have been made as they are for services that have already been preformed on their home. We have made multiple attempts to reach out to the customer via phone call to resolve this issue directly, but have not heard back from them.

Customer Response

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because: Our 2 year contract ended and Crazy Frog offered to switch us to a month to month agreement in which they withdrew $25 per month since November 2016. They did not show up in for the scheduled quarterly in March due to rain. They did not offer to reschedule. I later realized they hadn't sprayed for some time and contacted them and they confirmed that they had not sprayed and rescheduled for a Saturday I believe was in May. We stayed home all day waiting for them to arrive and they did not show or call. I called again and they apologized and said they would do a ReDo Service for free due to their error. I informed Crazy Frog that I didn't want a re-do, I wanted my quarterly service as I had paid for in advance. She said they would do the quarterly service that should have been completed in March at the end of June. As of date, they never performed that quarterly service.


Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

The customer has received, in total, 6 completed quarterly services at their home since they signed up for services with our company. The first was completed on 7/25/15 and the most recent was done on 6/05/17. The customers opted for monthly billing, which breaks down the payments for the quarterly services into three separate payments that are charged every month. Given that they have received 6 completed quarterly services at their home there are 18 monthly payments charged to their account, three per service. This billing was explained to the customers both over the phone and via email to clear up any confusion. If there were an accidental overcharge in the billing we would have been more than happy to refund the customer, but in this case the disputed charges are valid as they are for services that have been previously completed.

Customer Response

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:
We did not receive quarterly service since November 2016, which was paid for in advance as explained in my earlier response. I stopped making payments inJune of 2017. There are 8 quarters in 2 years. They have admitted that they did not provide the services and have refused to make it right.




Signed up for 6 months of pest control services. Young man said they would spray each month. They did not. Tried several times to contact the young man who sold me the services. He never responded to my calls or emails. Received emails to pay bill. Told customer service person my concerns and problem with service. She quoted contract. I told her that is not what was agreed upon.

The person I tried contacting was Daniel S. He is the person I signed up for service. First time I call this number the phone rang and rang. The third time my call did go to voice mail. I asked him to call me regarding the contract. I indicated that I only agreed for service until the end of the calendar year. Regarding the contract, the contract was not displayed on his IPad. I only signed on a signature line agreeing to the monthly cost of the service. The full contract was not shown to me or explained in detail. I asked Daniel to send me a copy of the contract. This is why I was not happy with him or the way he tricked me into signing up for this service. I signed his IPad for agreement of monthly cost only!! Once I received a copy of the contract I immediately tried to get ahold of him. I notice that my signature was cut and pasted on a *** version. I have not talked to Daniel S since the first day I signed up. He never called my back regarding the contract.

In summary:
1. I did not agree to a 12 month period of service.
2. The agreement stated that this document supersedes any all agreements made prior to this document. (I did not agree to this)
3. Also, in the agreement is a cancelation fee, if the service is cancelled prior to end of the initial agreement I would pay the difference of $299 and the discounted price. (never ever was this discussed or talked about).
My signature was pasted onto a document that I did not agree too. Daniel misrepresented the service and omitted key information.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

Ms *** signed her initial agreement with our company in person on April 27th, 2017 at the time of sale. Outlined in the agreement she agreed to a 12 month/ 5 service agreement following a quarterly service schedule. Also outlined in the agreement that she signed for is the charge for cancelling early, which is the initial discount that was given to the customer at the time of sale that we ask they repay us if they decide to not fulfill the 5 services. The customer received her initial service on April 28th, 2017 and at the time of this service she also signed a paper copy of the customer guidelines sheet that again went over the service schedule and price points that were mentioned in the agreement. At the time of sale the salesman goes over the details in the agreement, and we have no way of transferring the customer's signature onto a different document as she is stating. After the customer signs the agreement a copy of it is emailed to them and on April 28th the customer called our office and requested another copy of the agreement which we sent to her. On July 7th, 2017 the customer called in to cancel her account with us due to the fact that she was under the impression that she would be serviced monthly, and for a term of 6 months only. This is not what was outline in the agreement that she signed at the time of sale and at the time of the initial service at her home with the technician. Our representative explained the cost of cancelling prematurely, and the charge was added to the account.

Customer Response

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because: The salesman never mentioned a cancellation fee, amount or anything!! I told him that I wasn't sure about this company and only wanted the service until the end of the year and he agreed. Everything asked for he agreed to it. Service for 6 months, yes. I agreed to amount, he said yes. I ONLY SIGNED A BLANK LINE ON AN IPAD FOR THE AMOUNT OF SERVICE. NOTHING ELSE WAS DISPLAYED. THE SALES PERSON INDICATED THIS WAS FOR THE AMOUNT OF SERVICE ONLY! The response from the company is a TOTAL LIE! THEY COPIED MY SIGNATURE FROM THE IPAD on to a contract I did not agree too! I NEVER SAW A CONTRACT. I felt highly pressured to sign up for this one time deal.

Very, very high pressure sales person who did not take no for an answer. I will be turning this company in to the *** and the *** for preying on senior citizens.



I have never been more pleased with a service that I paid for in my life I texted them and asked him to come back and do an additional spray because of my concern for these beetles that were in the trees and these earwigs within 24 hours I got a response and the service these guys are the best and it was affordable

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

We're happy to hear that we were able to get rid of those beetles and earwigs right away for you! We really appreciate you recognizing our hard work, and look forward to working with you in the future.

Outstanding Service - field staff are courteous and communicate well before and after each visit. During a snow event, even helped shovel driveway and walks!

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

Thank you for the kind words! Our techs work really hard to go above and beyond our customer's expectations for service and it sounds like they did a great job of this during your past services with us.

Crazy Frog Pest Control gets rid of and repels ants, spiders, wasps, earwigs and etcetera. The product they use is purely organic and will not hurt your children or animals. Right after application I had many dead pests around the house. Love the product.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

Bart- Its great to hear that our service is taking care of your pests! We hope you continue to see a decrease in activity, other wise please give us a call and we'll send someone right out!

Employees were very professional and listened carefully to concerns and requests. Application was quick and thorough.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

Thank you for your kind review! Our technicians work really hard to provide thorough, quality services to treat against pests in and around your home. It's great to hear that this was reflected in your last treatment, we look forward to working with you in the future.

All positive... very professional and polite by both the salesman and the employee performing the work. I am impressed. Thank you

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

Mr., Its great to hear that you've had such an all around positive experience with our company so far and we hope that continues during future services! We're very proud of our awesome staff - they all work hard to provide the best service for our customers and we're glad this was reflected in your last treatment!

We've enjoyed this company so far. They are friendly and always explain what is going on.
We'll keep using them.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

Thank you for your positive feedback, we really appreciate it! Our customers are always our number one priority and we are happy to hear that this has been reflected in your first few services so far.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

Thank you for your positive feedback, we really appreciate it! Our customers are always our number one priority and we are happy to hear that this has been reflected in your first few services so far.

They are very professional. We had voles and they were able to get rid of them last year. This year ants were the issue. We no longer have an ant issue.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

It's great to hear that we were able to take care of the pests at your home and we hope you continue to enjoy our services in the future!

Very courteous and friendly employees. Salesman was knowledgeable and not pushy. Technician who sprayed was also courteous and did his job quickly and efficiently. Now let's see if the bugs go away.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

Mr., it's great to hear that you've had such a positive experience with our company so far! If there is anything we can do in the future to further improve your service please let us know.

This company claimed to have a money back guarantee if I was not satisfied with their service; and I could cancel at anytime with out penalty. They came in did work that I could have done myself. And then their next scheduled appointment they never showed up. I did not receive a phone call or any type notification letting me know what happened. This is very unprofessional behavior from this company and I am not satisfied at all with their work. I have ask for a refund, but they refuse to do so. They are not living up to their money back guarantee promise.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

When reviewing this customer's account it shows that we came out to service the interior of Mr. home on June 15th at 7:00pm as scheduled. The technician rang the doorbell, knocked on the door and called the customer with no response. After 30 minutes the technician left the home at 7:32pm and put in a request to the office that we reschedule the appointment for a time when Mr. will be home. On June 16th our office received a request for cancellation of services from Mr. via email because he said our technician never showed up for the scheduled appointment the previous day and he has security camera footage to prove it. Our reply to this email stated that our technician left detailed notes and we have GPS tracking capabilities on all of our company vehicles that verify that the technician was at the correct home at that time. We also placed a call to Mr. on 6/16 regarding the cancellation with no response. At this time we emailed the customer a list of potential options to resolve the situation; He can send us the security camera footage proving we were not there at the time of service, we return to do the service, or we come to a different common resolution. As a company we do warranty our work and will return for free to redo any service if the customer continues to see pests in or around their home. Due to Mr ***’s refusal of services and his unwillingness to send us a copy of his security footage, we are not able to warranty work that was not able to be completed.

Customer Response

The company did not show up at the scheduled time. I waited until 7:25p on the day they were suppose to show up at 7:00p. If they did show up my sercuity cameras would have picked it up. As I told them I am not satisfied with their work and their lack of being professional. Their is no point for me to continue their service. As I stated before, the gentleman that sold me the service said I could cancel at anytime (with out penalty). And I would be refunded if I was not satisfied. And as you can tell and I am not satisfied all with this company. I no longer feel comfortable letting this company around or in my house; due to their lack of professionalism. So again their is no point in continuing this service.

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:



I signed a schedule the didn't show or call in December late February they called I explained they didn't show or call and I want to cancel they told me I was under contract that I signed and I explained they failed to show they broke the contract now they are trying to Bill me for more than the rest of the contract that they broke by not showing up when they say they would

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

Our services are completed in accordance to a quarterly schedule. After the initial treatment we return 1-2 months later to complete the first quarterly service to break up the pest egg cycle. After this we return roughly every 90 days for quarterly treatments. This schedule is tentative and is subject to change due to weather circumstances and customer scheduling conflicts. our Customer *** received his initial service at his home on 5/31/16 and then his first quarterly service on 7/23/16. He was then scheduled for his second quarterly roughly three months later and it was completed on 10/29/17 in accordance to the schedule. Following this October service Mr. was due for his third quarterly around the date of 1/29/17 and he was put on the schedule for 2/14/17. On 2/13/17 we spoke with Mr. on the phone and he requested to cancel any further services, so his service the following day was then cancelled. We informed him that he was in an agreement for 5 services/12 months and if he wished to continue with the cancellation, we ask that he repay us the initial discount that was given to him at the time of sale, as outlined in the agreement that he signed. On 6/15/17 we spoke again with the customer and he again requested to cancel service without completing his last two quarterly services outlined in the agreement. We informed him that a charge for that initial discount given to him would be applied to his account at this time. Due to the refusal of service and refusal to complete the agreement, on 6/15/17 this charge was applied to Mr. account.

Explained service thoroughly, performed as stated. Great customer service.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

thank you for your feedback! We really do appreciate it and hope you continue to enjoy our services.

First off Sales person said give them a try for just 29.00 which if not satisfied I could Cancel ( but in order to get the first I had to Sign a digital screen. First service knowing I had puppy left poised wasp nest on ground gate opened emailed told them cancel. They again sent someone one out in Aug without permission and are saying I agreed to 12 months. I have multiple emails from last July to this present date, they say They were not present when salesman made pitch. Now they threaten me to send to collections for a service I didn't want. No personal contact all automated . By the way At time of 29.00 service I signed a pest control guideline which I believed to be a receipt. How ever all information but my signature was filled out after the fact and there is no date Go FIGURE. I just want out . Please help me .

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

Looking over the customer's account it does show that we spoke with them on the phone and have addressed and resolved all of their concerns. She no longer has a balance and her account with us has been closed.

Customer Response

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Crazy Frog has always been great to create an individualized experience. They review what your needs are and the program covers pretty much anything. They target problem bug areas, and have always been friendly and understand we also have pets in the home.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

- Thank you for your feedback, we really do appreciate it. We strive to provide the best customer service for our customers, please let us know if there is anything we can do for you in the future.

The salesman and the technician are very professional

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

thank you for the kind review! We are soo happy to hear that you are enjoying our service so far and we look forward to working with you!

This company has the most professional trained people in the business. Always courteous always knowledgeable always professional thank you will recommend to everyone I know

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

Thank you so much for your kind words about our company. We strive to always being professional and helping out customers out, so thank you for noticing. Please let us know if there is anything we can ever do to help you out!

A sales person for Crazy Frog Pest Control showed up at my door at the end of June. He gave incredibly hard pressure and would not take no for an answer. He promised me that I could cancel it if I am unhappy after the first service. He filled everything out and went on and on about how all my neighbors are using it. I signed and then he gave me a copy of the fine print.
They performed 1 service and my pest problem actually got worse. I contacted them 9/9/16 to cancel and expressed my concerns. I received an email back stating that they would come spray again, but I told them I didn't like how they handled business and put incredible pressure on their customers or potential customers. I told them I did not want them to come on my property and that I was going to file a complaint.
I looked at my account recently after receiving a $71.68 bill for service that was never performed. I have continued to use my other pest comapny, all the while, they charged me $101 to sign up and then $35.84 each month till February.
My neighborhood app is FULL of people with the same complaint.

Crazy Frog Pest Control Response

We did talk to Mrs. and we came to a common resolution and her account was closed.

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Address: 1200 E Watertower St, Meridian, Idaho, United States, 83642


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