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Champion Photo Reviews (111)

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted]’s complaint stems from a Resurgent Capital Services bill that was placed in our office on June 12, 2013.   In her complaint she states that she has written numerous letters with no response, that she called the Newark office looking for information on the “main office” and that she has requested monthly payment notices and has not received any. We feel that Ms. [redacted] may have us or the bill in our office confused with another. SIMM Associates only has one location in Newark, DE. We are not familiar with a company located in Oaks, Pa. Furthermore we have been sending her monthly payment reminders to the address we have on file. We also have received and posted towards her balance $10 payments that Ms. [redacted] has been mailing for the last few years. In regards to letters mailed to us we have received them, documented her account and made attempts to call her to explain the status on her account but these attempts were unsuccessful due to bad phone numbers. We have closed this account in our office and forwarded it back to our client. Ms. [redacted] will receive no further communications from SIMM Associates. Should she have any questions, she may contact [redacted] at [redacted], extension [redacted]  Thank you.

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner.
[redacted]’s complaint originates from a PayPal Credit account that was placed in our office on March 15th of this year. She states that she had not purchased anything from PayPal in 2014 and furthermore, she called Ebay and PayPal and claims she was told she owes nothing.
It seems Ms. [redacted] may be confused or does not understand the difference between PayPal and PayPal Credit. These are two different entities and one can have a PayPal account and also a PayPal Credit account. The account we are collecting is for PayPal Credit and would not involve her PayPal account which indeed may have a 0 balance which she states in her complaint.
Due to PayPal Credit’s complaint policy we have closed this account in our office and forwarded it back to PayPal Credit. Ms. [redacted] will receive no further communications from SIMM Associates. Should she have any questions, she may contact [redacted]. 
Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted] complaint originates from a student loan account that was placed in our office on March 15, 2016 by our client Access Group. In her complaint she states that we continue to contact her grandmother, that her grandmother is not the co-signer on her account and that her attempts to make payment arrangements have been unsuccessful. Per a conversation with Ms. [redacted] on April 7th, she did not state her grandmother was not the co-signer but in fact asked our representative to have her grandmother removed from the account. Our representative told Ms. [redacted] that was not possible and SIMM Associates does not have the authority to do that. The following day there was another phone conversation with [redacted]. In this conversation a possible settlement arrangement was proposed. Due to the low settlement percentage, we notified her that we would first need financial paperwork completed. We would then forward to our client for final approval of the proposed settlement. We have made multiple attempts to contact Ms. [redacted] since this April conversation with no success. Due to the complaint, we have closed this account in our office and forwarded it back to our client. Ms. [redacted] will receive no further communications from SIMM Associates. Should she have any questions, she may contact [redacted]  Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  The statement the business made indicating they have never spoken with me is false.   I have spoken with them on several occasions.   The last of which was 1-2 months ago when I confirmed for them my name, phone number, and told them they do not have my permission to contact anyone else regarding my loan.   I was told at that time that my record was being updated with that information.   Following that, I received no further calls, but my relatives started receiving calls again.  If this is being closed with them and they will no longer contact my family or me, that is an acceptable resolution. Thank you   

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted]’s complaint originates from an Applied Bank delinquent account that was placed in our office on April 12, 2017. In her complaint she states that she started receiving calls from our company two weeks ago. She states she Googled our company and saw that SIMM Associates is a collection agency. She also states that she has received no written information from our company. Applied Bank has contracted with our company to act as a first-party for collecting delinquent accounts. We call as Applied Bank representatives and any written correspondence would come directly from Applied Bank and not SIMM Associates. This would be the reason why Ms. [redacted] has not received anything in writing from us. In regards to “robo calls” this is simply not true. We have made attempts to reach Ms. [redacted] to discuss her delinquent account with Applied Bank. As of this compliant, these attempts have been unsuccessful in establishing dialogue. Due to this dispute, Ms. [redacted]’s account was closed in our office. She will receive no more communications from our office. Should she have any questions she may contact [redacted] at [redacted]  Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. Mr. [redacted]’s complaint stems from a Resurgent Capital Services account that was placed in our office on December 7, 2015. He states in the complaint we had purchased the account and he also had concerns with the age of the account, as it was over eight years old. First, as mentioned above, SIMM Associates did not purchase this debt and does not own this debt. It is owned by our client LVNV Funding LLC and was forwarded to us for collection purchases. We sent a total of two letters to Mr. [redacted]. The first was the initial dunning notice that we are required to send upon placement. The second letter was indeed a settlement option letter. We made several attempts to contact him by phone but had no success. Due to the complaint, we have closed the account down in our office and sent it back to our client. Mr. [redacted] will receive no further communications from our office. Should he have any questions, he may contact [redacted]

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. Ms. [redacted]’s complaint originates from an Applied Bank past due credit card balance that was placed in our office on February 15th. In her complaint she states that she made a payment on February 27th that was not properly credited to her balance and as a result her credit report is still showing a past due balance. After further research we found that Ms. [redacted]’s payment was made via our automated phone system instead of Applied Card’s payment portal and as a result was not credited to her overdue balance. We have since reversed the payment in our system and applied the funds back to her credit card. We also have contacted our client, Applied Bank, to make them aware of the mistake. We will have a manager call Ms. [redacted] to make her aware of situation. SIMM Associates will also get payment information again so we can pass it through the payment portal so it can be applied properly to her account. Should there be any questions, please contact [redacted]

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted]’s complaint originates from a delinquent account that was placed in our office on March 22nd by our client Klarna. Account notes show that a purchase from was made using Klarna’s on-line payment methods. In the complaint she states that our representatives are calling her and asking for personal information. Our representatives are trained to verify 2-3 points of information before every call in order to verify that they are speaking to the correct party and to not divulge any third party information. These points of information could be address, birth date, phone number or last 4 digits of their social security number. Once verification is complete, our representatives can then go into account details in depth. Due to the complaint, we have closed this account in our office and forwarded it back to Klarna. Ms. [redacted] will receive no further communications from our office. Should she have any questions, she may contact [redacted]

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collectionagency.  SIMM does not purchase or owndebt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 inNewark, Delaware.  From its inception,SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly effective...

collection services toits clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professionaland appropriate manner.Mr. [redacted]’s complaint stems from his Credit OneBank/LVNV Funding account with our company. It seems there was amisunderstanding on the August 24th phone conversation with ourrepresentative. Mr. [redacted]’s payment was applied to his balance and I wouldagree our representative did not do a good job in communicating that fact onthe call. Our records indicate that Mr. [redacted]’s balance is indeed $300 whichhe says it should be. All monies that he has sent to SIMM Associates haveindeed been applied to his balance. We have educated the representative on how toproperly handle upset customers and to always pass along a call to a manager ifrequested by the customer. Mr. [redacted]’s account has been closed with ourcompany and forwarded back to the client. He will receive no further calls fromSIMM Associates. We apologize for any inconveniences this situation may havecaused.Should Mr. [redacted] have any questions, he maycontact [redacted]

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