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Champion Photo Reviews (111)

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. Ms. [redacted]’s complaint stems from student loan accounts placed in our office. She states in the complaint that has been receiving calls at work and was over charged per the agreement made via a phone conversation. After reviewing the phone calls that were recorded, we feel that our representative should have been more clear on the payment amount and fees that were going to be assessed. We have addressed this with the representative and will continue to educate not only this particular representative but also others so we can limit any concerns or complaints made by consumers. In regards to receiving calls, Ms. [redacted] will receive no more from SIMM Associates as this account was closed with our office and forwarded back to our client. Should Ms. [redacted] have any questions she may contact [redacted] at [redacted]  Thank you.

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collectionagency.  SIMM does not purchase or owndebt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 inNewark, Delaware.  From its inception,SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly effective...

collection services toits clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professionaland appropriate manner.Mr. [redacted]’s complaint stems from receiving callsfrom two different companies (one being SIMM Associates) in regards to a pastmedical bill for his daughter. Per a conversation on March 24, Mr. [redacted] statedthis was on his credit report twice and was going to call other company tospeak with them. He returned call on March 25 stating he paid bill to othercompany. We placed account on a hold to verify payment with client. We havesince closed account in our office and will remove SIMM from Mr. [redacted]’s creditreport. He should allow 30-60 days for credit report to be updated.Should Mr. [redacted] have any questions, he may contact[redacted]

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted]’s complaint stems from a student loan account that was placed in our office. In her complaint she states that she was contacted regarding a “supposed” student loan debt that SIMM Associates was servicing that was previously serviced by American Education Services and that our representatives have been calling and harassing another family member. Ms. [redacted] states that she is unemployed and never received communications from AES that the loan was “passed on” to SIMM Associates. She also states that SIMM Associates is not willing to validate the debt nor work with her towards a reasonable resolution and that payment demands are completely ridiculous and unattainable. She is also concerned that AES advised her that they knew nothing about said debt being owned by SIMM Associates. SIMM Associates received the defaulted private student loan in our monthly placements from TSI on April 8, 2016. SIMM Associates is contracted with TSI to service defaulted private student loans that were previously serviced by AES. On April 16th, the initial validation letter was sent to Ms. [redacted] and the co-signer at the addresses provided in the placement file. Our first contact was made with Ms. [redacted] on April 13th, at which time we advised her that the balance of $11,316.25 was due in accordance with the promissory note that she executed when securing the loan. As a courtesy, payment arrangements were discussed and she stated that she would have to speak with her co-signer and would call back that Friday. Records indicate that no request for validation was made at this time. Efforts to communicate with her were unsuccessful up to May 20th when a relative was called for the purpose of obtaining location information for both the her and the co-signer. Additional efforts were made to reach them with no success, so on June 8th another relative was called to obtain location information. During the course of this call with the relative, he stated he knew the debtor but wanted his number removed. In accordance with his request, the number was marked bad immediately. On June 8th, Ms. [redacted] called back in and was provided options for settlement and/or hardship payment arrangements. She again stated that she needed to speak with the co-signer. This particular file was handled in accordance with policy and I find no evidence of harassment or unreasonable demands.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. Sun Trust closed the account, but my claims are not false, I may still have the conversation where [redacted] made me cry. As long as Simms does not contact me per suntrust is fine. Nut my allegations were not false.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], The information stated by the company in inaccurate.  Sims is a predatory collector you scavenges for accounts to make make money from the lender. AES advised that they did not refer my account to Sims and they would be filing an harassment grievance against them on my behalf.  AES has put my account in forbearance which further proves that the file was not sent to collections.  My claims to filing a lawsuit was against Sims not AES. As long as I and my co-signer receive no further contact via phone or mail find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt.  It collects on accounts referred to it by its clients.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted]’s complaint originates from a delinquent student loan account that was placed in our office by our client Turnstile Capital Management, LLC. In his complaint he states that we can’t collect on an account that is over 7 years old and it should not be reflected on his credit report. Mr. [redacted] would be correct in stating that this is an old account and was originally opened in 2007. However, he has made payments on this account as recently as 2015 and this allows us to collect on this debt regardless of when it was opened. We are well within our rights to collect on this debt. Due to this complaint we have closed Mr. [redacted]’s account in our office and forwarded it back to our client. [redacted] will receive no more communications from SIMM Associates. Should he have any questions he may contact [redacted]  Thank you.

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted]’s complaint stems from a PayPal account that was placed in our office on November 17, 2015. He states that he does not owe PayPal any money and the only account he had with them was paid in full two years ago. Due to PayPal’s dispute policy this account was closed in our office on February 22nd. Mr. [redacted] will receive no more communications from our office. Should he have any questions he may contact [redacted]  Thank you.

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted]’s complaint stems from a PayPal Credit delinquent account that was placed in our office on June 13, 2017. The complaint states that [redacted] received an e-mail from our company and that they are not familiar with the account. The complaint also states that harassing phone calls are being made. Our office had been attempting to reach [redacted] by telephone since the account was placed in our office. We made multiple attempts with no success. All calls made resulted in a message left on an answering machine or a no answer. At no time have we have ever spoken to [redacted] or received any written correspondence to cease communications. On August 17th we sent an e-mail to an address provided by PayPal Credit. On August 22nd we received a response back stating that [redacted] would like to “settle this debt and work out a payment plan if possible? Please get back to me and thank you for your time.” Our representative e-mailed a response back within minutes that gave different payment options. On August 23rd we received this complaint from the Due to PayPal Credit’s complaint policy we have closed this account in our office and forwarded it back to PayPal Credit. [redacted] will receive no further communications from SIMM Associates. Should there be any questions, [redacted] may contact [redacted]  Thank you.

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted]’s complaint originates from a delinquent student loan account that was placed in our office on August 10, 2017. The complaint states that our representative was argumentative and unprofessional. We have pulled the recording of the conversation and we feel our representative definitely could have handled the call better. We train our employees to always remain professional on the phone and it was clearly not done in this instance. We have placed the representative in question on a written warning and will continue to monitor his calls to make sure he complies with the standards we set forth. Due to the complaint, we have closed this account with our office and forwarded it back to our client. [redacted] will receive no further communications from SIMM Associates. Should there be any questions they may contact [redacted]  Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

12/05/16   SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing...

highly effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted]’s complaint originates from a PayPal Credit account that was placed in our office on October 27th. In her complaint she states that she has never shopped at QVC and her PayPal account is backed up by a personal bank account. She wants the communications to stop. First, this account involves PayPal Credit which is different than PayPal. There could be some confusion on Ms. [redacted]’s part. If she feels that she has never bought anything from QVC using any service, then this could be a case of fraud. If that is indeed the case, she should contact PayPal Credit and dispute. Due to PayPal Credit’s complaint policy we have closed this account in our office and forwarded it back to PayPal Credit. Ms. [redacted] will receive no further communications from SIMM Associates. Should she have any questions, she may contact Brad Simendinger at [redacted]  Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  I do not have a paypal credit card account and never purchase anything from EBAY. I never received a letter from this company because at this time I do not live there.

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted]’s complaint originates from a PayPal Credit account that was placed in our office on August 15, 2017. She states that we have called and harassed friends and that she has no money to pay this bill. She also states that they have tried to set up a payment plan but “they expect an unattainable amount.” First and foremost, at no time since the placement of this account in our office have we ever spoken to Ms. [redacted] nor received anything in writing to stop placing calls. We have had no communication with her which makes it impossible to have had any conversation in regards to a payment plan. In regards to calling friends, we made 3 attempts to 3 different phone numbers for the sole purpose of finding location information. On each attempt our representative was told they did not know Ms. [redacted] and the number was removed to prevent any future calls. Due to PayPal Credit’s policy, we have closed this account in our office. Ms. [redacted] will receive no further communications from our office. If she has any questions, she may contact [redacted] or call at [redacted]  Thank you.

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted]’s complaint states that we have called his house on two occasions looking for someone that has the same last name but a different first name. He would like his number removed and to not be called again by our company. We originally called Mr. [redacted] as a means of finding location information for someone we were trying to contact that had the same last name. On our first attempt Mr. [redacted] was very evasive and never actually said this was the wrong number. He also at no time said he did not know the person we were attempting to contact. M. [redacted] asked questions like: what do we want? ; how did we get this number? And where were we calling from? Our representative asked if this was a wrong number and if it was we would remove the number. The call was than disconnected. On our second attempt Mr. [redacted] did tell us this was the wrong number. Our representative at that time notified [redacted] that the number would be marked bad and not called again. There were no more calls placed to Mr. [redacted] after this conversation. Should Mr. [redacted] have any questions, he may contact [redacted], extension [redacted]

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collectionagency.  SIMM does not purchase or owndebt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 inNewark, Delaware.  From its inception,SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly effective...

collection services toits clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professionaland appropriate manner.Ms. [redacted]’s complaint is SIMM calling her house andlooking for a person who she does not know and as a result has never lived ather residence. We have since closed the account out and she will receive nomore calls from our company. We apologize for any inconvenience. Should Ms. [redacted] have any questions, she maycontact [redacted]

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted] states in her complaint that since the loan defaulted as a result of financial hardships, she has attempted to work with SIMM Associates on a payment plan that fits her budget. She confirms that she made payments to SIMM Associates in accordance with a temporary hardship plan which required her to pay an initial payment of $1400.00, then six months of $250.00. Ms. [redacted] states that the representatives at SIMM Associates are rude and disrespectful. A review of this call would indicate that our representative handled the call professionally. While some of the content in the talk off could be improved, the overall content would suggest that our representative diffused, at times, an argumentative tone of Ms. [redacted]. She claims that we refused to provide an accounting summary of her loan, which would include assigned balance, current balance, payments made to date and how they were applied to the account. [redacted]’s defaulted private student loan in the amount of $45,979.14, owned by National Collegiate Trust, was assigned to SIMM Associates in February 2016. Our client’s instruction is to satisfy the balance of the loan in a time frame that meets National Collegiate Trusts expectations. Since the loan is no longer performing, the expectation is that the balance is due immediately. As part of the qualifying parameters set by our client, we have the authority to approve temporary hardship payment arrangements as to provide the customer time to explore resources to satisfy the obligation by either paying it in full or to benefit from an approved settlement amount. As we are not the system of record, we are not in a position to generate monthly statements to provide a full accounting of how payments are disbursed and/or applied to the outstanding balance.  Since the loans continue to accrue interest, we again rely on our client as the system of record and are not able to provide reconciliation via statements. Based on further review of the call, our representative agreed to extend the hardship payment arrangements with the understanding that the Ms. [redacted] would explore the options presented to her during the call for complete resolution. It would seem that she understood the requirements and agreed to follow back up with our representative. Due to the complaint, this account was closed with our company and forwarded back to our client. Should Ms. [redacted] have any questions, she may contact [redacted] at [redacted]

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. Mark [redacted]’ complaint originates from a PayPal Credit account that was placed in our office on January 8th of this year. In his complaint, he states that we called his cell phone and that he is not familiar with SIMM Associates. He also mentions that he received a “scam” call from a [redacted]. As mentioned previously, Mr. [redacted]’ account was placed in our office in January. During that time we sent him 1 letter that was the required dunning notice that must be sent upon placement of the account. We also sent 1 e-mail to an address he provided to PayPal Credit. We also placed a handful of calls and left messages. We have yet to receive a call back. In terms of calling his cell phone, this is legal to do as long as we have not been given a cease and desist (which we have not) and that the call was placed manually (not via predictive dialer). We are not familiar with the “scam” call as we have no [redacted] employed here. Also, neither of the numbers given by Mr. [redacted] are associated with SIMM Associates. Due to PayPal Credit’s complaint policy, we have closed this account in our office. Mr. [redacted] will receive no further communications from our office. If he has any questions, he may contact [redacted]  Thank you.

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collection agency.  SIMM does not purchase or own debt; it collects on accounts referred to it by debt owners.  It was founded and incorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware.  From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing highly...

effective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumer is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner. [redacted]’s complaint states that his wife is receiving e-mails from us in regards to purchases using Klarna. This account was sent to us February 8th. On February 18th we received notification from our client that these were indeed fraudulent charges and Mr. [redacted] or his wife did not make the charges. Due to this, the account was closed in our office. They will receive no more communications from our office. Should Mr. [redacted] have any questions he may contact [redacted] at [redacted]  Thank you.

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collectionagency.  SIMM does not purchase or owndebt.  It collects on accounts referredto it by debt owners.  It was founded andincorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware. From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing...

highlyeffective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumeris dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner.The complaint from Ms. [redacted] states that Simm hasbeen calling her cell phone and work phone over 20 times per day.  She requests that Simm contact her solely bymail.  Simm would disavow completely her assertion of so manycalls per day.  It has not happened, itis systemically virtually impossible, and it would be one of the most fruitlessways to collect imaginable.  Simm wasunable to reach Ms. [redacted] and called a relative to seek confirmation of herlocation information.  That would explainthe call to relatives she referred to. Given her request for solely letter contact, Simmwill close her account to further collection, code it as a Cease and Desistrequest, and return the account to our client. If Ms. [redacted] has any questions, she may contact [redacted] Thank you.

SIMM Associates, Inc. is a third party collectionagency.  SIMM does not purchase or owndebt.  It collects on accounts referredto it by debt owners.  It was founded andincorporated in 1991 in Newark, Delaware. From its inception, SIMM has been dedicated to providing...

highlyeffective collection services to its clients, assuring always that the consumeris dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner.Ms. [redacted]’s complaint relates to a conversationwith a Simm representative regarding her Pay Pal loan.  Ms. [redacted] states she requested accountverification and did not receive it.  Shealso felt that the representative implied certain matters to induce Ms. [redacted]to make a payment.  As she correctly states, Ms. [redacted] is entitled to verificationof the debt from Simm, and that collection efforts be stayed during the time ittakes to provide verification.  Simm willrequest the verifying information and forward it to MS. [redacted] beforecontacting her again.  As to theinferences made by the representative, her manager has reviewed the call withher and advised her how to avoid creating an unintended or improper impression forthe debtor.  Simm apologizes for anyinconvenience the call caused her.  Simmis unable to modify the credit reporting for Ms. [redacted]’s account as SimmAssociates does not report to the credit agencies for her account.    If Ms. [redacted]has any questions, she may contact [redacted]  Thank you.

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