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Austin Hose

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Reviews Austin Hose

Austin Hose Reviews (2808)

*** *** was given a credit of $as a courtesy to zero out the bill. The account was corrected on 11/**/he will receive one bill going forward

Our billing deptis working with the customer who wants to disconnect his line, He will need to provide us his account code to terminate this account which he understands. He will get back in touch with billing within and work with him to disconnect line. Case closed

Subsequent to receipt of the complaint, a Verizon billing consultant spoke to *** *** today, January **, 2018. The consultant advised that the Game Show Network (“GSN”) is not available in *** ***’s current package and all channel packages are subjected to change*** *** advised
he does not want to change from his current package and stated he had no further concerns

*** *** ***Thank you for referring the complaint of *** *** to our office for review. We appreciate this matter being brought to our attention.Our investigation concludes; Verizon records indicate that the customer does not subscribe to the inside
wire maintenance plan It is Verizon policy to quote charges when a trouble ticket is created As a resolution to the complaint a onetime courtesy credit for the $visit charge has been issued. Verizon has also had an Ecommerce specialist contact *** *** to assist him with his online access and bill history request.This Information has been provided to the customer and is satisfied with the resolution.Verizon apologies for the inconvenience this has caused and trust that this information will assist you in closing this complaint.Sincerely,John T.Verizon SW Executive Relations###-###-#### EXT ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: Verizon sold me a bill if goods that they are not honoringThey said that my bill would be $before my company discountIt is not my fault that the representative was wrongI accepted the service because of what I was getting for the price! Now they want me to pay extraIt's not fair and I would like to know what is the next step I should take with the
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*** ***

On 12/*/17, Verizon Appeals Billing Representative spoke with customer and resolved his concernsThe Representative issued the remaining credit for the callsA Representative had previously issued a credit of $Total amount of charged calls came to $plus taxThe Appeals
Representative issued credit totaling $and confirmed that all charges for the calls including tax have now been credited

Please be advised, Verizon has spoken with the consumer and reviewed the account with himIt has been explained to the consumer that the only way to reduce monthly billing down to the requested price point of $would be to downgrade services on the accountThe consumer does not wish to make
any changes to the accountAs a courtesy to the consumer Verizon has adjusted the current billing of $to down to a zero balanceNo additional adjustments are warrantedNo additional orders have been placed

This complaint was closed out with the on April ** with the following response:Our investigation found the customer subscribe to digital phone and internet services connected on March *, and disconnected on March **, There was no trouble reported to the company during that
periodThe customer terminated the service because Cablevision had contacted her with a better deal to come back to themThe customer had already spoken with multiple billing specialist and managers who sustained the activation fee and monthly charges for the service that we had providedWe explained that the day guarantee covers the waiver of any early termination feeWe contacted the customer again on April **, in response to this complaint and reviewed our findingsThe activation fee is applicable and sustainedWe understand that the customer is not satisfied with the response but this is our final response

This is a duplicate of an Executive Complaint the customer filed with us previouslyThe customer's final account has been credit adjusted for the Early Termination Fee billed. Total adjustment issued is $859.62. The customer has a credit balance of $

Verizon’s records show the account belonging to *** *** had a balance of $107.81. The account was sold on 1/**/to EOS USA and is no longer property of Verizon. *** *** would need to contact the purchaser regarding this matterThe account purchaser *** ***, can be
reached at telephone number ###-###-####. Verizon has not been successful in its attempts to contact the consumer by phone to advise the information above. Verizon has provided the information via mail

A Verizon technician was dispatched on 6/*/and the FiOS video service was repaired and restoredVerizon has out of service credit for FiOS Video from 4/**/- 6/*/in the amount of $Verizon apologizes for the inconvenience the customer experienced as a result of this matter
have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I received NO messages from Verizon.
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*** ***

On March **, 2017, our billing representative spoke with *** *** and issued an adjustment of $for billing of service prior to installation. In addition, an adjustment was issued for the Internet activation and modem fee billed totaling $331.48. We apologize for any
inconvenience that *** *** has experienced as a result of the above matter

Check# *** for $was issued 3/**/to refund *** *** credit balanceThe company also credited his early termination fee of $and issued a manual refund for the remaining $creditCalls to confirm receipt of the refund have been unsuccessful but he has been provided
direct contact information
I have
reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
This did NOT resolve the problemI was told a fix for the problem would be available on 6/** and to wait until 7/*/to make sure the problem was corrected.
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*** ***

Please be advised, upon receipt of the rebuttal complaint, Verizon spoke with the consumer on 6/**/16 advising that a billing agent would be in contact with her either on 6/** or 6/**/to discuss the accountRecords reflect billing agent - Deborah made attempts to reach the consumer on 6/**/and 6/**/to discuss the accountThe agent has advised that they were unsuccessful in reaching the consumer, however did leave a detailed voicemail message advising that the 6/*/billing statement totaling $was for telephone and internet chargesRecords reflect telephone and internet services were disconnected on 6/*/(TV services were removed in March 2016)The billing agent has left word also advising that the customer will receive back dated credit (adjustments back to 6/*/when services were disconnected) on the final bill to be rendered July No early termination fee has billed to the account to date nor was Verizon able to locate a technician visit fee billed An email has been forwarded to the consumer providing the above information and also direct contact information should the consumer wish to discuss the account info further

We reviewed the tape of the call from June *, when customer agreed to the conversion to FIOS Digital voice finding all disclosures pertaining to the change to FIOS Digital voice were reviewedWe can convert the services off the digital platform but the new rates in effect are now
applicableWe reviewed what the new rates would be and no changes were made in the serviceWe were not able to honor the old rate and also not able to honor customer's request to let him out of the existing current contract for the digital voice with no early termination feesWe regret that we will not be able to satisfy this customer

As a courtesy, Verizon issued an additional $for the customer's concerns. Verizon provided a detailed response via voicemail informing the customer of Verizon's out of service credit policy. Verizon provides out of service credit for documented trouble lasting hours or longer.Upon Verizon's investigation, the customer filed trouble reports on January **, (no dispatch required), July **, (no dispatch required), January **, (technician dispatched service repaired January **, 2016), February *, (no dispatch required), February *, (no dispatch required), February *, (no dispatch required), and February **, (technician dispatched service repaired February **, 2016). Verizon issues credit for dispatched trouble with an out of service duration lasting longer than hours. As a courtesy, the representative issued credit for the non-dispatch tickets as well, which gave the customer credit for the days. No further credit will be issued for this issue. Verizon informed the customer his $credit request is denied

Verizon's Customer Service Escalation team reviewed *** *** account. Verizon's Customer Service Escalation team representative spoke with *** *** on 12/**/and explained the how the credits for the returned equipment were applied on the final account. A request has been made
to expedite the credit balance on the final account and she should receive it in to business days.We trust this information will help to resolve *** *** concerns
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
It is now Nov, *** SaturdayI have not heard back anything from the responsible partyAnd I highly doubt I will hear back anything from them before the promised date, Nov ***I hope to be receiving a tangible response from Verizon
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above
*** ***

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