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Austin Hose

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Reviews Austin Hose

Austin Hose Reviews (2808)
I have read the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that I have no choice but acceptVerizons refund checkAlthough I did receive the refund check, I find their policy of billing for *** ** and then holding that portion to be highly unethical or moreSomeone should look into the legality of this practiceI did receive the money due me but what gives Verizon the right to hold money they know was in payment for *** ** servicesI have sold all stock I have with Verizon and would NEVER advise or do business with them ever again
*** ***

At this time, I have been contacted directly by Verizon Communications regarding complaint ID ***, however my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Verizon restored my service today....The problem, thanks to has been resolved! Thank
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*** ***

Thank you for referring the complaint of *** *** to our office for reviewWe appreciate this matter being brought to our attention*** *** expressed concern about his billPlease be advised that our Billing Investigation Team confirmed that there was a check mailed to *** *** prior to
receipt of this caseWe were able to speak with *** *** on November **, He was able to confirm and update the address that he needed the check mailed toWe were able to go over his address change and have mailed check returned and re-issued to correct / updated address*** *** understands that we were able to *** ** a paper check in the amount of $to ** *** *** *** *** *** ***We trust that this information will assist you in the closing of this complaintWe apologize for any inconvenience that *** *** has experienced as a result of the above matter

Please be advised we spoke with MrKurrle today at the home number. We cancelled the order that was placed online and renewed services at an estimated $ for the same services. We apologize for frustration this matter has caused. We trust this provides your
office with the information required in this matter Thank you, MsM*** SrAnalyst Verizon Executive Relations
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Verizon told me that the money was deposited in my account on September **, 2015, however I can provide a copy of my bank statement that the money was not depositedI have discussed this with my bank and they have informed me that they did not receive the fundsI am aware that they would like to close my case, but I do not have the fundsI do not understand how a check was issued in June and then all of a sudden funds were supposedly deposited into my account in September If they thought a check was on the way to me, why would they deposit the funds into my account? No one advised me that the funds could have been directly deposited into my account, if so I would have asked for that in June and avoided several phone calls and "lost" checks
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*** ***

Research determined that the Billing Telephone Number (BTN) *** was active with the previous provider from July *** thru August ***, On August **, 2015, Verizon activated the BTN *** to Verizon service. Please note Verizon does not compensate for loss of business or time On August **, I spoke with *** *** and relayed the above informationDuring this contact, *** *** acknowledged that he decided to port his lines to Verizon and that the issue was resolvedAs a courtesy, a credit in the amount of $will be issued to the accountThe billing statement has not generated at this timeOnce the billing statement generates the credit will be issued Please allow 1-bill cycles for credit to post to the account. We trust that this information will assist you in closing this complaintWe apologize for any inconvenience *** *** may have experienced as a result of this issueIf you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact our office at *** EXT ***. Sincerely, Stacey M.Executive Customer Relations

Re: Case Number #*** To Whom It May Concern: We are in receipt of the above-referenced case regarding *** ** ***. I would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Ms***Our client, *** *** ***, has notified us that they are
rebilling this account with Ms***'s insurance company. This account has not been reported to any credit bureaus nor will it beWe have also cancelled and closed out this account from our inventory. Sincerely, " CREDIT ADJUSTMENT BOARD, INC

Our investigation found that we had spoken with the customer on January *, and canceled the pending ordersThe customer retained the same services and we were able to establish a monthly discount of $for monthsWe appreciate the customer bringing this to our attention

Upon receipt of this concern we spoke with *** *** and explained that new bill with corrected services has not been generatedApplied a credit for $for the difference in bundleShould be $Customer aware of next bill including past due since customer did not make a paymentAdvised would FL\UP on next bill to check for any late fees and any adjustments that need to be makeCustomer understands

*** *** expressed concern about his business name reflecting incorrectly on his account, receiving multiple invoices and several service outages.After reviewing the invoices, we found *** ***'s original order was issued with a misspelled billing nameInstead of *** *** the name was set up as *** ***To correct this error we had to cancel and reissue orders for the accountThis generated a final bill invoice for the account with the incorrect business nameIn addition, in error, a temporary telephone number was set up for the customer but then disconnected two days later which generated another invoiceLastly *** ***'s new activeaccount with the business name spelled correctly was split into two invoices; one for Phone, and another for Internet and TV serviceOur representative ensured all billing errors have been corrected and verified the customer's invoices are now correct and bundled.A review of the repair records confirms the customer's internet service has been intermittent*** *** decided due to multiple billing issues and intermittent Internet he was receiving to disconnect service with usWe have issued a disconnect order per the customer's request with an effective bill date back to the original installation date so *** *** account will be credit adjusted.We trust that this information will assist you in closing this complaintWe apologize for any inconvenience that *** *** has experienced as a result of the above matter

Dear Mediator, Upon receipt of this complaint, Verizon referred this matter to our Customer Service and Financial Services departmentAccording to our records, Melody Fernaays expressed concern about a final balance with Verizon that was referred to collectionsUpon review, *** *** was
charged $for phone services that she advised she did not requestVerizon applied a credit in full to the account leaving *** *** with a balanceVerizon then referred this matter to our Financial Services department who submitted a request to remove this account from credit reportingOur customer should be advised this will take to business days before removal and can take anywhere from to days for the information to updateA deletion letter was emailed to *** ***Furthermore, I have left my number with *** *** should she have any additional questions or concerns

On November 30, 2016, our billing representative spoke with *** *** and explained the Early Termination Fee billed is sustained. The customer received an email of the Service Order Confirmation as well as a letter. In addition, the customer’s monthly invoice reflected she was in a
year agreement*** *** stated because her mother set up the account for her, she should not be responsible for the Early Termination FeeOur representative explained that by giving her mother authorization to establish the account, she gave her authorization to accept any terms and conditions also*** *** stated she will not pay the Early Termination Fee, however the charges are valid and sustained
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because I have not closed this case.I asked Verizon to come back to me and to please give me the history of how many times I have called for service and how many times they have not comeI am still waiting for the responseI have been paying for service for DSL and for Phone service and we have been down for weeksThey have not responded to this requestI just called *** *** and left her a message to call meWe still do not have a response to the above or service
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*** * ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
The main issue is misleading sales representatives (external vendors) that Verizon uses to do bait and switch advertisingThen, when I dispute what the sales rep told me vswhat was delivered, Verizon has no record of the phone conversation The sales rep told me I would get something equivalent to NFL ticket I play fantasy football and want to see the games my players are playing in, not the one or two games the cable network decides to show in my area Apparently, what he was likely talking about was NFL Red Zone, which I came to understand later, shows scoring plays from across the league in near real time When the cable guy came to install it, I asked what special NFL channels I had He said he didn't see anything soecial I called a local Verizon customer service line and they told me I did have a special NFL channel It took me many Sundays to become accustomed with Verizon'store cable box and determine if any additional football games were being displayed on my cable channels I eventually learned that there were not The local sales rep informed me I had the NFL Network, which was not the NFL Red Zone or anything close to NFL Ticket, as the Verizon rep had informed me This is the main reason I want the cancelation fee waived - misleading, lying sales reps and Verizon taking zero accountability for deceptive sales practices The other issues are more along the lines of incompetence in being able to tell me why service has been suspended on a weekend when the bilong office is closed Completely ridiculous I was without Internet for over days, even had to wait over a day over Thanksgiving to have it work again And it's been unreliable ever since - going in and out I cannot get my *** or *** Fire stick working to this day It'seems much slower than the equivalent speed Cox I used to have I am very disappointed and dissatisfied
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*** ***

On 3/**/17, a Verizon representative spoke with the customer an apologized for the billing issues The representative explained our records show a discount of $for the premium movie package was through December was not on the profile and was the cause of the bill being
higher The representative also issued credit for the last two bills for the overage for $plus tax and zeroed out the remaining balance which totaled $135.39. The representative has emailed the customer with options and provided his contact information should the customer need to make contact
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved
*** ***

Upon receiving the customer's concerns, this complaint was referred to the immediate supervisor of the representative for a further investigation and action plan. *** *** was advised we cannot provide her with an update on what action was taken with the representative as any discipline
given is proprietary
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** Verizon has called during my work day I will attempt to call back this evening but I am not sure if there is anyone available after pm.
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I reviewed the screenshots submitted by Verizon and question the validity of suchThey are showing, as it states at the top of the browser, back-end informationI have attached the two emails I have on fileThe first is a Preview of the Order and the second is the ConfirmationUnlike what Verizon is showing, neither of these messages contain language surrounding termination feesIf needed, please request the phone calls be pulled as well as the account notesA myriad of calls were placed, which explains why I was offered the valued customer discountAdditionally, several phone conversations transpired whereby Verizon claims they sent emails but none were received; to which the Verizon representative could not prove an email was sentI request further responses from Verizon be in writingThe representatives charged with handling these issues are not the most professional.
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*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, I
have spoke to several managers from Verizon and have been informed that the claim has been referred to *** for actionI am working with *** and Verizon has provided satisfactory response at the current time.
*** ***

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