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Austin Hose

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Reviews Austin Hose

Austin Hose Reviews (2808)

Upon receipt of the rebuttal, the issue was referred to the appropriate department to review and investigateThe customer received a $credit for the missed appointment as well as a $recurring credit for monthsThe $charge for the extender was billed in three installments with the installment appear on the upcoming June bill statementOnce the bill generates, the representative will credit the first $installment and cancel the remaining two installment and will adjust the $one time shipping feeAn email was sent to the customer on June ** advising of the resolution
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
My complaint remains the same!
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*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
It is not trueThe $discount applies for months, not for the monthsBut in October I will be billed for $Do you see that the $does not matter since they will increase my bill a lot more? I’ll be hit next October by a huge increase per month $for the rest of the monthsSo, the $they promised it is a lieAccording to a message from Verizon, the $is good for only one month, the month of September of Furthermore, I was not notified about the new contract for monthsVerizon decided to renew it without my knowledge, and to charge me more, without any option, in an abusive wayPlease, help to correct it
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*** ***

Per Verizon records, a new install was placed and an Email was sent on 2/**/stating double play Freedom Essentials Phone and HSI enhanced $59.99, plus taxes, fees & surchargesAlso, it detailed $S&H/activation fee, and $modem chargeThe services were installed on
3/*/15, HSI bill generates on the 4th of the monthBecause of the install date the HSI service was not on the 1st bill, 3/**/The 1st bill is where the F* *** *** *** was $38.48-it was that high due to the $in international callsHere is the definition of the F* *** *** ***: *** *** *** *** *** Charge or Fee This monthly Verizon surcharge allows Verizon and Verizon Long Distance to recover from its customers the funds it pays to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on interstate services to support the FCC's universal service programsThe FCC regulates this charge; reviewing and adjusting the fee quarterly based on the FCC's quarterly FUSF contribution factorThe FCC uses the fund to help keep local telephone rates affordable for all customers, support telecommunications services in schools, public libraries, and rural health-care facilities and subsidize local service to high-cost areas and low-income customers*This charge does not apply to Lifeline customers

The customer was upset he was put into a new two year contract in June without his permission and his bill is now moreOur CSSC agent spoke with the customer and he is upset that he was put into a new two year contract in June without his permission and his bill is now moreWe issued order number *** to put the customer back into 75/FDV and Ultimate HD for $We removed Starz and added $credit for months to honor promised rate of $per month for months

Upon receipt of the complaint filed Verizon reviewed the consumer’s account. The consumer expressed concern regarding a recent payment arrangement made and money being withdrawn from their bank account that they stated was not authorized. The consumer went online and scheduled future
dated payments which gives permission for Verizon to remove a payment from their bank or credit card at a later date. The consumer scheduled multiple payments online to be on specific dates. The consumer logged in on-line on 6/*/and created future dated payments for due on 06/**/2017, due on 06/**/2017, and due on 06/**/They also logged in on 06/**/and created future dated payments for due on 06/**/2017. On 6/**/Verizon reversed the payment of $back to the consumer’s account leaving the account balance of $that is due on 8/*/17. On 7/**/ Verizon spoke with the consumer and they confirmed the issue has been resolved. The consumer has our contact information should they have any further concerns
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.I am not happyWill pay what is owe on my pay schedule and at the end I will be less customer dealing with verizon
*** ***

On 5/**/16, a Verizon representative discussed the issue with the customer. The representative issued a credit of $to the account, $for months of late fees billed from July through April of 2016. The representative also explained the monthly Verizon
charges would be approximately $
I have reviewed the response made by
the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I have not received any written correspondence from the business yetThey have attempted to call, but I am unable to take personal calls during regular or extended business hoursThis is one reason I asked for a written confirmation of their resolution--the other being that I have so far not had a resolution despite verbal confirmations over the phone, and this doesn't leave me or the business with a satisfactory record.Thank you,*** ***
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*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I was never sent a bill nor was I called about this balanceI would have gladly paid it if I knewI was told there wasn't any disconnection fees because Verizon wasn't available in the town I moved toWhy am I now getting mixed signals and now have a bill that I would have paidI paid on time every month when I had Verizon and if I was aware of the bill, I would have paidMy number didn't change, SO why wasn't I called? Please remove this from my credit report and call me so I can make a payment.
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*** *
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Below is a copy of the response from their email, as it pertains to the account charges: "*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *"The Executive Relations Team that reviewed our complaint did confirm that our account was incorrectly billed for a period of time after we ported to another carrier. But they also stated in a separate email to us that we had paid in advance, days beyond the port dayTherefore, it now appears that we have a refund due to us of approximately $75.The team was also able to confirm that we have devices outstanding, not which we were billed for. However, the devices that we are in possession of do not match those that were listed in the response from the team. We responded to the representative who emailed us, with pictures of the models/serial numbers of the devices we do have. The comment that Verizons records reflect that we were billed $for the HD Set top box; $for the HD DVR and $for the Digital adapter is incorrect. We had been billed $for outstanding devices. This total listed by the team = $for devices. While we appreciate that they have acknowledged that we only have devices, the math doesn't seem to add up correctly. Although this may be an irrelevant point if Verizon clears the account from an equipment standpoint, it is relevant in that the math seems to absorb the refund due to us from overpayment.Lastly, the business stated in their on-line response that they had attempted to contact us repeatedly with no success. However, it appears that they attempted to contact us at the number they had on our account profile, not the phone number that was provided in the original complaint. They subsequently sent us an email notification that they had closed the case because they couldn't get a hold of us by phone, but again, they sent this notification to an email address that had been on our account profile, not the email address provided in the complaint.
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*** *** *** ***

On 1/**/17, Verizon recalled the account in question from the outside collection agency and has placed the account on hold for days pending resolution. Over the past few days, Verizon has made several attempts to contact the customer via phone with no success. Verizon has
provided the information above and included our contact information to the customer via voicemail message and US mailWe will be happy to assist once the customer makes contact

*** *** was advised that Verizon's contract terms does not include the rate of our equipment or premium channels & that those rates are subject to change at any time with notificationOur ad does state that the contract terms excludes equipment & premium channels

Per Verizon records, customer's final bill, dated December **, 2015, reflected a balance due of $Issued a credit in this amount on June **, 2016. The account is now at a zero balance
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Since the services were restored all tv programing is blipping in and out many times during viewing, the screen and sound go out for a few seconds then returns
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*** ***

Verizon continues to work to permanently resolve this issue

On 6/**/15, Verizon spoke with *** *** regarding his concernsHe confirmed his service was workingThe company has apologized for his experience and advised his experience would be used as coaching to prevent this in the future

A Specialist reached out to the customer on January *** and *** to discuss his account. The customer was expecting a credit in the amount of $not $As of today the customer has not returned the Specialist callsAccording to our records, for the previous case the Specialist issued the customer eight credits on December *** 2017. The credits totaled $and cover the customer’s April **, bill through his November *** bill. The Specialist did agree to follon the customer’s account each month through his March **, bill to adjust the bill to $33.18. The Specialist adjusted the customer’s December *** bill on January *, in the amount of $

Verizon has tried on many occasions to contact *** *** with no successVerizon has also advised Customer's complaint has been sent to *** and they are in contact with him

According to our records, a Verizon representative spoke to *** *** on January **, and apologized that he had been incorrectly advised that the 'router" he has would be compatible with Verizon FIOS*** *** went to our local store and was given the correct router at no chargeThe
Verizon representative sent return labels to *** *** so he can return the router that was shipped to him

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