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Affinity Solutions

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Reviews Affinity Solutions

Affinity Solutions Reviews (70)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

We have no record of this contract that Affinity is referring to.  When attempting to call Affinity we were funneled through a channel of choices in a phone call and never did reach anyone or received a call back.  Faxes were sent to Affinity.  It is very easy to throw the "we did not receive the fax" card.  The fax number given to us was the fax number we used to contact Affinity. Even in Affinity response, a telephone number was not given for us to call and solve this situation. 
The professional practice  that Affinity uses is very disturbing.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I was forwarded a copy of this so called contract. It was never signed by anyone with this company. This is a fake contract with a rubber stamp name at the bottom .  Our company would never enter into an agreement giving someone rewards for using credit cards. We actually reward customers to pay cash.  This so called contract is about a phony as they come with forged information on it.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.

Re: ID [redacted] To Whom It MayConcern:This is in response to the reply filed by [redacted]),dated March *, 2014. Affinity wishes to apologize if an invoice was incorrectly sent to[redacted], please ignore its contents. We reiterate our previous response that alloutstanding amounts owed have been reconciled and as such Affinity will nolonger be seeking reimbursement from [redacted]. Affinity considers this matterresolved, and will no longer be corresponding with [redacted] on this matter.Thank you. Regards,AffinitySolutions, Inc.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I do not recall signing a contract with Affinity Solutions and would like for Affinity Solutions to provide me a copy of this contract.   In addition, a fax was sent to Affinity Solutions on February [redacted], 2014 requesting cancellation of any and all contracts between [redacted] and Affinity Solutions, the letter was signed and faxed to the number listed on Affinity Solutions letterhead.  I can provide a copy of the actual fax including the fax verification report confirming that the fax was received by Affinity Solutions.  I do not feel that I owe any expenses incurred after the submission of this fax.  I will be happy to provide Affinity Solutions and the a copy of these documents.  Sincerely, [redacted]
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I will be willing to close the complaint when I receive a invoice stating that I have a zero balance owned to Affinity Solutions. After numerous phone calls, voice mails, and emails last week I finally got ahold of Joset and told her what I needed, she turned me over to [redacted] who was extremely rude when she left me a message. I have since returned her phone call asking for the invoice with no reply what so ever. 
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Affinity's response is that the [redacted] signed a contract.   The Affinity Salesperson who "sold" this contract misrepresented what this program was about.  Affinity now claims there IS a service fee (a fee charged by Affinity to [redacted] for their dubious reward program services).  
The [redacted] signed a document in July 2012 that states a $0 service fee. If the service fee was not meant for [redacted], then who was it meant for?  The Terms section of the Contract is written from a prospective end-customer of [redacted]'s - that is, "Spend $100, get $100 Reward Max."  See attached copy of so-called "agreement" which shows the completely misleading Service Fee and Terms.   Only the Service Fee section stating $0 service fee made sense to the [redacted] when the document was signed, as it was taken to be a zero-charge service fee.  
It was not until September 2013 that Affinity began billing [redacted] for the first usage of Affinitys' program by an [redacted] customer. The time between the [redacted]'s signing of the document with Affinity and the first time that an [redacted] customer supposedly used Affinity's rewards program was 1 year and 2 months - long enough for any retailer who is already is busy enough with bookwork and running a small business may overlook and simply pay the invoice, which amounted to only $60 in a Sept. 2013 bill.  [redacted] did not fall into this trap.
Now that [redacted] understands fully what Affinity does for its business, i.e., milk merchants for extra fees for questionable return on increased revenue (when in fact most credit card banks already offer rewards programs funded through their own merchant service fees).  What [redacted] signed was a worthless, non-binding document that was presented as an agreement.
Through this email via, [redacted] wishes to cancel this dubious "contract" as Affinity Solutions sees it.  [redacted] has no intention of paying Affinity invoices due to misrepresentation on Affinity's salesperson's part as stated above.  [redacted] wishes to not have any further correspondence with Affinity or its agents.

Re: ID [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:
This is in response to the concern/complaint filed by [redacted] ([redacted]),
dated November **, 2014.
As we noted in the last response, while Affinity maintains the existence of a valid contract, we
have no intention of enforcing it and consider [redacted] canceled from our
program. It is inefficient to further attempt to collect on this debt directly
and thus Affinity will no longer be pursuing such reimbursement. To be clear Affinity
considers this matter closed and will no longer be corresponding with [redacted] regarding
this matter. Thank you.
Affinity Solutions, Inc.

Re: ID [redacted]
To Whom It
May Concern:
This is in response to the concern/complaint
filed by [redacted]. ([redacted]), dated October **, 2014. 
While we are confident that there is
a valid agreement in place which clearly conveys the relationship that both
parties share, we have decided to suspend further attempts to collect such
outstanding amounts rightfully owed to Affinity. Affinity does request [redacted]
[redacted] provide a signed cancellation notice for our records, and we consider
[redacted] cancelled from our program. We wish you best of luck with your
Solutions, Inc.
At this time, I have not been contacted by Affinity Solutions regarding complaint ID [redacted].
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
As Affinity has stated, if they have no intentions to ever contact us again for any reason.  I find this response from them acceptable.  I just find it strange that no one from this company has given their own personal name(s) or has attempted to telephone us to help resolve the matter.  To this date, we still have no memory of which local company Affinity was working with and if there was ever a local company that Affinity worked with to gain our signature.
I appreciate the NY State to assist with my original request.  Your guidance the last few months was acceptable.  We are happy to see the system work. 
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 I do not recall nor can I locate the alledged signed agreement with Affinity Solutions.  Please forward a copy of this signed areement.

Whom It May Concern:
is in response to the concern/complaint filed by Exquisite Leather and Luggage
(ELL), dated October **, 2014.
wishes to apologize for the recent invoices which were sent to ELL. Please
disregard any and all further correspondence, as we have ELL’s cancellation on
record and consider this matter resolved. We wish ELL all the best with their
Solutions, Inc.

Review: Affinity Solution has sent 3 invoices for some kind of reward program, which we DID NOT SIGN UP FOR nor do we know anything about. We have tried to contact them several times and left messages to call back and resolve this issue, but nobody has. It is always an answering machine no matter what time of day. We have never signed anything or agreed to any such contract. We have been in business for 40 years and this is 100% unethical.Desired Settlement: We would like a written statement from the company that these charges are a mistake and we are not a part of this alleged program.



To Whom It May Concern: This is inresponse to the concern/complaint filed by [redacted], datedJune *, 2015. With regards to the invoicessent to [redacted], we would ask that you disregard those invoicesand any additional correspondence that you received from Affinity Solutions. Weare currently working through reconciliation issues within our system, and arein the process of fixing the issue. We thank you for your patienceduring this process, and apologize for any inconvenience. We wish [redacted] luck with his business. Regards,Affinity Solutions, Inc.

Review: received email stating that I signed a contract for some rewards program on Friday July **, 2014 morning. I NEVER spoke anyone from this company. I have tried for 2hours this am to reach the company only to get a recording every time called at least 15 times or more. I have also tried to call the persons Phone number on the email

only to get 1 ring and go to a busy signal every time also called 5 or more times with no luck. There is an attachment which I have Not opened for fear of a virus or worse.

I have the email which I can forward to you if you need it.the email does mention that there program works by loading this offer directly on my customers credit or debit card.

Here is a copy/pasted email blocked our name and such to try to comply with not included personal info as you requested-- Pictured of there coupons did not come across


Thank you for your time today. As discussed, you have an existing agreement in place with us for your Embroidery Deluxe 10% on purchases of $50 (Max $5) offer.--------------signed an agreement for an Always-On offer with us, which we would like to promote in our Rewards Program. Here is the offer title you provided:


Affinity Solutions, Inc, in a unique partnership with our Bank Partners and other programs, is offering you new channels in which you can market your existing offer through which can help you build brand awareness by having your offer displayed in locally targeted consumer channels and increase sales to new and/or existing customers by bringing them into your store.

Our Rewards Program works by loading your exclusive offer directly to your customers' credit or debit card. Your customers will see the offer on one of our many Bank Partners' Offers/Deals sites where we promote your offer, and then the customer loads the offer onto their debit/credit card and will come into your store to shop. When they swipe their card at your point-of-sale terminal, the offer is applied at the point-of-sale upon checkout. Your customer can shop and save without printing out or presenting a coupon.

At the end of each month, we will provide you with a record of qualified transactions, redemptions along with an authorization number of each transaction so you can match it back to your receipts. This will give you a good idea of how attractive your offer was to consumers and will let you know how many new/existing customers we were able to bring into your store to shop. Our Rewards Program works for dollars-off offers and percent-off offers.

As the leader in card-linked offers and transaction-enabled marketing, Affinity Solutions would like to promote your offer in our Rewards Program. To begin building brand awareness, seeing the benefits of automated coupon redemption and increasing sales to new and existing customers, please complete and submit this Coupon Verification Form or simply reply to this email and our team of Marketers will assist you in completing your account verification and the distribution of your offer.

Happy marketing!


Affinity Solutions

Merchant Support Team?

Phone: ###-###-####

Option: #1


This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request a hard-copy version.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------... Settlement: cancel any and all contracts

letter stating that I never contracted with them

that no billing now or in future will be done--- I owe them nothing!

no attack on my credit

and never contact me in any form



At this time, I have not been contacted by Affinity Solutions regarding complaint ID [redacted].




Re: ID [redacted]

To Whom It May Concern:

This is in response to the concern/complaint filed by Embroidery Deluxe, dated July **, 2014. Affinity Solutions, Inc. (Affinity) manages financial institution rewards programs. Affinity contracts with a large number of merchants that elect to participate in the programs (such as Embroidery Deluxe) wherein we promote those merchants through various reward program communications. In exchange for driving business to the merchant through the program, the merchant agrees under contract to pay for a discount/reward that program members receive for having bought goods or services through the merchant.

Affinity wishes to apologize that a reply was not made to your messages. We will investigate and ensure that you have an opportunity to communicate with someone in short order. Affinity prides itself on working to form strong relationships between financial institutions and merchants, and driving new customers to merchants such as Embroidery Deluxe.

Affinity has on record the contract, signed by owner, which we are confident clearly lays out the relationship that both parties share. While we maintain the existence of a valid contract, at this time Affinity has chosen to suspend collection and wishes Embroidery Deluxe continued success with their business. Affinity does request Embroidery Deluxe provide a signed cancellation notice for our records, and we consider Embroidery Deluxe cancelled from our program. Thank you.


Affinity Solutions, Inc.

Review: I have never done business with this company. I do not even know what they sell. Yet, they continue to bill me $98.08 and are threatening to use a collections service.

I have not ever received any product nor service from them. They do not have an email address for contacting them. I have left at least two phone messages asking for them to describe exactly what they did for me and asking them to produce a signed contract - if indeed I did hire them to do something. I never agreed to pay $98 for anything. I received one bill in November of last year and one bill in September of this year, which contained the threat.Desired Settlement: Please stop billing me for services which I never received. Please stop threatening to report me to collection agencies and the because I did nothing wrong. If you were a legitimate business, you would actually return my calls.



At this time, I have not been contacted by Affinity Solutions regarding complaint ID [redacted].




Re: ID [redacted]

To Whom It May Concern:

This is in response to the concern/complaint filed by [redacted], dated October **, 2014. Affinity Solutions, Inc. (Affinity) manages financial institution rewards programs. Affinity contracts with a large number of merchants that elect to participate in the programs (such as [redacted]) wherein we promote those merchants through various reward program communications. In exchange for driving business to the merchant through the program, the merchant agrees under contract to pay for a discount/reward that program members receive for having bought goods or services through the merchant.

Affinity wishes to apologize that a reply was not made to your messages. We will investigate and ensure that you have an opportunity to communicate with someone in short order.

Our contract on record is dated December **, 2010, as signed by [redacted], and will be provided to the We are confident that the agreement clearly conveys the relationship that both parties share.

Affinity has sent invoices and other payment reminders to seek reimbursement, as is owed under the contract, for providing the agreed upon rebates to our members who are now [redacted]’s customers. Affinity wishes to make clear that merchants are not obligated to continue with the program and may provide notice to cancel by using our cancellation form in order to terminate our contract at any point in time. However, merchants remain responsible for amounts owed and discounts/rewards incurred up to 30 days following receipt of the cancellation request given processing schedules.


Affinity Solutions, Inc.



Re: ID [redacted] To Whom It May Concern: This is in response to the concern/complaint filed by The Lived In Room, dated December *, 2014. In our last correspondence through the, Affinity provided our contract on record with The Lived In Room, dated December **, 2010, as signed by owner, which clearly conveys the relationship that both parties share. To address The Lived In Room’s question, no invoices are issued until purchases by program members are made. The first purchase in your case was in October 2013. Affinity runs loyalty programs in which program members are eligible to earn rewards on purchases at participating merchants, such as The Lived In Room, by your signed contract. Until such time purchases at the Lived In Room were completed, and the customers were rewarded for their purchases, Affinity would not have sought reimbursement for rewards from The Lived In Room. While we maintain the existence of a valid contract, Affinity has decided that it is inefficient to attempt to further collect on this debt. At this time, Affinity has chosen to suspend collection of amounts owed. Affinity does request The Lived In Room provide a signed cancellation notice for our records, and we consider The Lived In Room cancelled from our program. Thank you. Regards, Affinity Solutions, Inc.



Please confirm that you HAVE received and processed my cancellation request. THank you. I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: ON 12-*-13 I recieved 2 seperate statements with a notice to make final attempt to collect outstanding payments. Statements came with 2 diferent customer account id names but were mailed to the same company and same address.One statement is dated 11-14-13 with same invoice date but no due date or reference number and says it it over 90 days old. The second statement is also dated 11-**-13 with invoice date of 9-**-12 due 10-**-12 reference #[redacted] and 6-*-13 due 6-**-13 reference #[redacted] I called them 12-*-13 on 646-922-0540 talked to Crystal she said she could do nothing but have someone call me back if I would leave all my info NAME ADDRESS PHONE EMAIL BUISSNESSS NAME She said the customer ID acct name will not help at all. I have had no contact with this company untill today. I beleave this is a scam.Desired Settlement: stop sending fake bills



Re: ID [redacted]

To Whom It May Concern:

This is in response to the concern/complaint filed by [redacted] Auto Salvage ([redacted]), dated December **, 2013. Affinity Solutions, Inc. (Affinity) manages financial institution rewards programs. Affinity contracts with a large number of merchants that elect to participate in the programs (such as [redacted]) wherein we promote those merchants through various reward program communications. In exchange for driving business to the merchant through the program, the merchant agrees under contract to pay for a discount/reward that program members receive for having bought goods or services through the merchant. Our contract is dated March **, 2012, which will be provided via mail along with the cancellation form to the

Invoices dated 9/**/13, 4/*/13 and 6/*/13 were sent to [redacted], along with other payment reminders to seek reimbursement as is owed under the contract. A letter requesting final settlement was sent to close the matter and receive payment on the outstanding balance. Affinity merely seeks its rights under contract.

Affinity wishes to make clear that merchants are not obligated to continue with the program and may provide notice to cancel. However, merchants remain responsible for discounts/rewards incurred up to 30 days following receipt of the cancellation request given processing schedules.


Affinity Solutions, Inc.

Review: Affinity has been sending us statements for almost a year now. We have no knowledge of ever asking Affinity to provide us service. We have sent them several faxes to explain that we did not ask for any service. They have failed to explain what service they are providing us.Desired Settlement: We would like them to leave us alone. We do not need any services from them. Please have them stop sending us harassment letters. Thank you.



Re: ID [redacted]

To Whom It May Concern:

This is in response to the concern/complaint

filed by [redacted] ([redacted]), dated September **, 2014. Affinity Solutions, Inc. (Affinity) manages

financial institution rewards programs. Affinity contracts with a large number

of merchants that elect to participate in the programs (such as [redacted]

[redacted]) wherein we promote those merchants through various reward program

communications. In exchange for driving business to the merchant through the program,

the merchant agrees under contract to pay for a discount/reward that program

members receive for having bought goods or services through the merchant.

Our contract on record is dated June

*, 2011, as signed by owner, and will be provided along with other

documentation to the We are confident that the agreement clearly conveys

the relationship that both parties share.

While [redacted]

states that they have sent Affinity several faxes seeking an understanding of

Affinity’s job function, we regret to inform you that we did not receive any

correspondence from [redacted]. Affinity has sent multiple invoices to [redacted]

starting in April 2014 to seek reimbursement for providing such rebates to its

customers. Affinity is merely seeking its rights under the contract.

Affinity wishes to make clear that

merchants are not obligated to continue with the program and may provide notice

to cancel by using our cancellation form in order to terminate our contract at

any point in time. However, merchants remain responsible for amounts owed and

discounts/rewards incurred up to 30 days following receipt of the cancellation

request given processing schedules.



Solutions, Inc.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

We have no record of this contract that Affinity is referring to. When attempting to call Affinity we were funneled through a channel of choices in a phone call and never did reach anyone or received a call back. Faxes were sent to Affinity. It is very easy to throw the "we did not receive the fax" card. The fax number given to us was the fax number we used to contact Affinity. Even in Affinity response, a telephone number was not given for us to call and solve this situation.

The professional practice that Affinity uses is very disturbing.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Re: ID [redacted]

To Whom It May Concern:

This is in response to the concern/complaint filed by [redacted] ([redacted]),

dated November **, 2014.

As we noted in the last response, while Affinity maintains the existence of a valid contract, we

have no intention of enforcing it and consider [redacted] canceled from our

program. It is inefficient to further attempt to collect on this debt directly

and thus Affinity will no longer be pursuing such reimbursement. To be clear Affinity

considers this matter closed and will no longer be corresponding with [redacted] regarding

this matter. Thank you.


Affinity Solutions, Inc.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

As Affinity has stated, if they have no intentions to ever contact us again for any reason. I find this response from them acceptable. I just find it strange that no one from this company has given their own personal name(s) or has attempted to telephone us to help resolve the matter. To this date, we still have no memory of which local company Affinity was working with and if there was ever a local company that Affinity worked with to gain our signature.

I appreciate the NY State to assist with my original request. Your guidance the last few months was acceptable. We are happy to see the system work.


Review: Affinity Solutions keeps sending statements for what I have no idea. The invoice[s]/statment in question dates back to 12/**/2012 according to the statement. Numerous times we have called and left voice mails inquiring what the charges are for, in addition, we have returned copies of the statements with requests to explain the charge[s]. To my knowledge I have never directly signed any contracts with Affinity Solutions. The only thing I can think of is that one of our credit card processors at that time [and whom we are no longer doing business with and have since canceled all business relations] entered us into some sort of agreement with Affinithy Solutions without our direcct knowledge.Desired Settlement: Verify that we do not owe anything and stop sending statement and threats to "seek other emforcement means".



Re: ID [redacted]

To Whom It

May Concern:

This is in response to the concern/complaint

filed by [redacted]. ([redacted]), dated September [redacted] 2014. Affinity

Solutions, Inc. (Affinity) manages financial institution rewards programs.

Affinity contracts with a large number of merchants that elect to participate

in the programs (such as [redacted]) wherein we promote those merchants through

various reward program communications. In exchange for driving business to the

merchant through the program, the merchant agrees under contract to pay for a

discount/reward that program members receive for having bought goods or services

through the merchant.

Our contract on record is dated January

*, 2009 as signed by [redacted], and will be provided along with other documentation

to the We are confident that the agreement clearly conveys the

relationship that both parties share. Affinity had sent several invoices from January

2010 forward and other payment reminders to seek reimbursement as is owed under

the contract. Affinity is merely seeking its rights under the contract.

Affinity wishes to make clear that

merchants are not obligated to continue with the program and may provide notice

to cancel by using our cancellation form in order to terminate our contract at

any point in time. However, merchants remain responsible for amounts owed and

discounts/rewards incurred up to 30 days following receipt of the cancellation

request given processing schedules.



Solutions, Inc.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

I do not recall nor can I locate the alledged signed agreement with Affinity Solutions. Please forward a copy of this signed areement.




Re: ID [redacted]

To Whom It

May Concern:

This is in response to the concern/complaint

filed by [redacted]. ([redacted]), dated October **, 2014.

While we are confident that there is

a valid agreement in place which clearly conveys the relationship that both

parties share, we have decided to suspend further attempts to collect such

outstanding amounts rightfully owed to Affinity. Affinity does request [redacted]

[redacted] provide a signed cancellation notice for our records, and we consider

[redacted] cancelled from our program. We wish you best of luck with your




Solutions, Inc.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: This is the second complaint to the We have contacted the company on numerous occasions asking for an explanation of the charges. They will not return any phone calls or place a manager on the line. They also will not and say they can not explain the charges of the bill that is sent.Desired Settlement: We would like to receive an explanation of charges. If an explanation cannot be made we would like for the billing to cease and for our information to be taken out of their database.



Re: ID [redacted]To Whom It May Concern:This is in response to the concern/complaint filed by [redacted], dated February **, 2015.To address [redacted]’s question, Affinity runs loyalty programs in which program members are eligible to earn rewards on purchasesat participating merchants, such as [redacted], by your signed contract. At such time purchases at [redacted] were completed, and the customers were rewarded for their purchases, Affinity sought reimbursement for rewardsfrom [redacted]. The amount stated on each invoice represents the rewards paid out by Affinity to [redacted] customers. As noted in our last response, at this time, Affinity has chosen to suspend collectionof amounts owed. Affinity does request [redacted] provide a signed cancellationnotice for our records. Affinity considers [redacted] cancelled from our program, and this matter closed. Thank you.Regards,Affinity Solutions, Inc.

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Address: 1180 Avenue of the Americas, 3rd Floor, New York, New York, United States, 10036


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