I am responding to the reply from Ms [redacted] on my initial response questioning why she was unable to retain the salvaged vehicle.As noted prior, the estimate of repair was $3,and the unrelated damage of repair found on the vehicle was $1,totaling $5,The Actual Cash Value of the Honda Civic was $ 5,less $for conditioning with a total of $4,Therefore, the damage on the Honda Civic met the guidelines for the State of Ohio declaring the vehicle was impractical to repair and is a total loss, due to the total amount of damage found on the vehicle.As MrWhite explained to Ms [redacted] , on a total loss settlement with a loan involved, the loan must be satisfied for consideration to be given for an owner retain total loss vehicleIn this case, Ms [redacted] still has an outstanding balance on the loan, once the total loss settlement amount was appliedThe settlement was $3,and the payoff on the loan was $5,Therefore, Nationwide Retain was the only option available in this case.I am sorry that the outcome was not satisfactory to Ms [redacted] We strive to meet our customer’s needs, but understand that sometimes we are unable to do soIf you should have any questions or wish to discuss the matter further, please feel free to call me.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Lance R***, at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely,Nan Q [redacted]
it was okay when you changed the premium due to the error once again that you made but it can't go back to the amount that was owed before you guys "discovered" the error Regards, [redacted] ***
Dear: Ms [redacted] "Thank you for the opportunity to respond to this complaint We received notice of a Medical Payments claim by Ms [redacted] on September 9, After a review of the claim, the Nationwide Claims Associate issued payment to Ms [redacted] on October 6, for the coverage limit of $2,On or about October 13, the Nationwide Claims Associate put a "stop payment" on the check based on a mistaken belief that there was an outstanding [redacted] lien against any Medical Payments coverage available to Ms [redacted] for the lossThe Nationwide Claims Associate also contacted Ms [redacted] and asked if she had cashed the $2,check yetMs [redacted] said she had notThe Nationwide Claims Associate was not aware, at that time, that Ms [redacted] had actually cashed the check a few days priorThe "stop payment" of the $2,check caused Ms [redacted] ' account to be overdrawn Nationwide found out about the overdrawn account on Oct 17, Thereafter, Nationwide Claims Manager Bill P [redacted] reviewed the file and determined that there was no outstanding [redacted] lien on the Medical Payments coverage available to Ms [redacted] for the lossBased on this determination, Nationwide tried to deposit the $payment directly into Ms [redacted] ' account on October 17, 2016, but Ms [redacted] instead requested that Nationwide overnight a check to herNationwide overnighted a $2,check to Ms [redacted] on October 18, The check was delivered to Ms [redacted] at approximately 11:am on October 19, Ms [redacted] claims to have incurred a $overdraft chargeNationwide is willing to reimburse Ms [redacted] the $charge upon proof of loss being submitted by Ms [redacted] Nationwide has requested the proof of loss on October 18th , 20th and 27thAs of the writing of this letter Nationwide has not received any proof that this $charge exsistsNationwide maintains the position that it will be happy to reimburse Ms [redacted] once she submits proof of the $lossIf you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Yvette S [redacted] , at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely, William J P*** [redacted] [redacted]
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mr [redacted] additional concerns regarding the above referenced auto policy.Please review the summary of the recorded call listed below:April 1, [redacted] ***- [redacted] -Hey I was just calling to check status on my policy I guess they were trying to cancel it and wanted to see where they are at with the documents I sent over [redacted] - Verifies privacy, Bare with me just one second to get caught up on the situation [redacted] - Sure [redacted] -Ok so um what I understand we are trying to figure out how long [redacted] has been out of the country [redacted] -So the issue is she left out of the country, we are married right she has come back but living at a different location we are separated but are still together, legally married right and uh we are living at different locations she is back in the country now she is not leaving any time maybe a month or beyond the fact I am trying to figure out what we need to do in a way this is frustrating they are making a big deal over something small rightEven if they need to put her on there temporarily so my policy isn’t cancelled it is a $10-$increase I could care less I think it is a petty issue to be talking about this right if I had an accident or bad driving it would be different [redacted] - Well it is a different situation when there is a marriage involved we require having a spouse on the policy from there if you get separated or divorced right we would need a letter from her stating it was ok to remove her from the policy [redacted] - Can you hold on one secondAlright can you hear me better now even though we are not in the same household it is still causing an issue [redacted] - Yes it is how a married couple gets treated they both are named insured you have equal rights to the policy it is not just one saying the other should be removed because the other one has the equal rightsSo that is why we require the letter and proof of insurance to remove the spouse I understand it is a minor issue but um I am trying to see what is the best way to get this taken care of right We don’t have ***’s information right Yeah we do we have a Driver License information [redacted] - Yeah she even has all the information she has coverage on her vehicle at the different address, [redacted] - I would be able to speak to the Underwriter tell them that until you are able to letter of consent proof of insurance add her would that be ok to keep the policy active [redacted] - Yeah I just don’t want to be stopped and not have coverage [redacted] – Let me try to get in touch with an Underwriter I can not promise I will not get in touch with one right now [redacted] - What do I need to get from her [redacted] - If you get proof of insurance with the different address and a letter of consent to remove The car isn’t titled toher is it [redacted] - No it is titled to just me [redacted] - then the best thing is the proof of insurance [redacted] - This is the first time I had to deal with this [redacted] just asked for an exclusion form [redacted] - Just a letter of consent from her to remove her would work [redacted] - She was out ofthe country and now she is back and we are separatedDo what you need to, to keep meinsured [redacted] - If you don’t mind I can put you on a brief hold and try to reach out to themright now(hold) Got Erica’s UW voicemail but didn’t leave a message Hello [redacted] thanksfor holding I tried reaching out but the UW has already left for the dayI can follow up with youtomorrow what is going on I am not in the office tomorrow but I can have someone follow upwith you tomorrow [redacted] -Doesn’t my policy cancel tomorrow meaning I am not insured ortomorrow is the last day [redacted] - Tomorrow the policy cancels at 12:AM we are going to tryto get this policy brought back tomorrow I am going to send an email and I will have one of mycoworkers follow up with you tomorrow since I am not going to be in the office ok [redacted] - Iwonder if they tried to call me Do you know what the area code is over there? [redacted] -Overwhere [redacted] -where UW would call from [redacted] - UW doesn’t try to call out it would besomeone from the Service Center [redacted] -what if someone else tried to call would it be annumber [redacted] - Yeah we would have called from a number like that; I don’t see notes thatanyone tried to call back did you call earlier today [redacted] - Yeah it was like screw it let’s seeif he doesn’t call back and you know cancel that bad boy outPlan B if I call back apply forinsurance again what is going to be the issue what can we not solve now to keep the policyfrom cancelling [redacted] -The only thing we would have to do to avoid any further issues is listher on the policy instead of excluding her until we can get one of the two things [redacted] - I amlost to why they didn’t just say we are adding when they didn’t have the documents instead ofexcluding her since we didn’t get the document [redacted] - I wouldn’t be able to explain why [redacted] - I understand I used to be an Underwriter for loans I understand how they workA lotof them is negligence I didn’t get the documents cancel this out [redacted] - I hope that wouldn’tbe the case [redacted] -You would hate we all have daily lives you have so much going on oopsanother policy cancelled they will be calling backBut let’s just hope we can figure this outtomorrow because honestly I think I will be escalating the issue tomorrow if I need toUm Ithink um I think it is negligence and improper way to handle an insurance claim for someonethat document that was sent for a spouse I think it is a bad way to handle it for a payingcustomer right [redacted] - I Hope we are going to get this taken care of tomorrow if we can just letthe UW know you are willing to list her as a principal driver don’t think we will have an issuefrom there I really don’t [redacted] - We will see tomorrow if we um I mean You have done a lotyou are ok just hopefully the UW I will have to escalate at the UW end you did everything atyour disposal [redacted] - Ok Anything else I can help you with [redacted] -No I will be calling in firstthing in the morning [redacted] - Let me see who comes in that early that we can call you backfirst [redacted] - I don’t want to wait all day and the UW be out of the office again [redacted] - I don’tnormally come in until 10:in the morning which is still plenty of time to get in touch with anUW [redacted] - OK I can wait until noon but this needs taken care of tomorrow I have beenworking on this since Sunday and they just responded today saying they needed thedocuments [redacted] -we will give you a call tomorrow ok [redacted] -OKNationwide Underwriting approved the reversal of the policy, and rating of Ms [redacted] as aprincipal driver based on Mr [redacted] comments aboveOn April 2, 2015, our Member CareRepresentative contacted Mr [redacted] times to inform him that his policy had been activated withouta lapse in coverage, and Ms [redacted] was rated as a principal driverThe Representative wasunable to reach Mr [redacted] or leave a voicemail as it was fullAnother attempt was made to contactMr [redacted] on April 3, with the same result.Policy cancelled effective May 18, for non payment of premiumCollection notice in the amountof $was mailed to the customer on May 22, 2015.Nationwide is unable to remove the amount due of $on the policy, as Mr [redacted] advised he would like to rate her as a principal driver until further information could be providedPolicy was activated and premium was not paid by Mr [redacted] , resulting in the cancellation for non payment of premium.If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Lance R***, at ###-###-####, or email at [redacted] Sincerely,Kristin M***Personal Lines Compliance Specialist
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to MrS***’s additional inquiry.We have addressed MrS***’s repair concerns; these matters have been resolved to MrS***’s satisfaction.We had a third party, independent appraiser inspect MrS***’s vehicle for his diminished value claimThe appraiser assessed MrS***’s diminished value loss to be $1,A copy of this report was emailed to MrS [redacted] on November 13, MrS [redacted] informed the claims associate that he would be willing to settle for $1,Nationwide as extended a final offer, $1,300.00; MrS [redacted] has rejected thisWe will not be extending any additional diminished value offers.We trust this will resolve all pending concernsHowever, if you should have any questions or wish to discuss the matter further, please feel free to call me.Sincerely,Paul G [redacted]
A review of our records show that the Member started the quoting process and bound this policy via Nationwide’s website, Nationwide.com, on December 14, The policy remained in force until cancelling effective November 1, for non-paymentThe last payment received was on September 3, in the amount of $A billing statement was sent to the member on September 21, by email at [redacted] @mchsi.com and by way of the United States Postal Service indicating that a payment in the amount of $was due on October 14, On October 20, 2015, a Notice of Cancellation was mailed via the United States Postal Service as required by the Georgia Department of InsuranceThis Notice indicated that the policy would cancel effective November 1, if payment was not received by October 31, Payment was not received by the due date, so the policy did cancelOn November 6, 2015, a Payment Notice was mailed to the member via the United States Postal Service indicating that the bill for $represented the unpaid balance due for coverage provided from the June 14, renewal to the November 1, cancellation dateThe Notice also advised the member that if payment was not made, that it was possible a collection agency might contact her and that it could have a negative effect on her creditA copy of each document is enclosedThe member called Nationwide on February 16, 2016, indicating that her vehicle was inoperable and that she had cancelled her tags and had called Nationwide requesting that her policy be cancelledOur associate inquired as to when the member contacted Nationwide and on what date she cancelled her tags, but she was unable to rememberIn the State of Georgia, Nationwide requires a signed, written request from the member in order to cancel an insurance policy; whether it be through DocuSign or a Policy Cancellation Request form that we can mail or fax to the member for their signatureThe member indicated she had not signed a cancellation formAlso, a search of our Call Copy recording system shows that since September 3, 2015, Nationwide has received two calls from the member’s phone number ###-###-####The first call was on February 14, 2016, and lasted only thirty-five seconds before our associate advised the caller that she could not hear them and for them to call backThe second call was received on February 16, at which time the member explained her concern regarding the collection letter she had receivedAfter our associate was unable to find a signed cancellation form in our document repository and no documentation of a previous in-coming call, she advised the member that we could adjust the cancellation date if she could obtain documentation from the Department of Motor Vehicles as to when she turned in/cancelled her tagsThe member indicating that she was not willing to obtain the documentation needed and that she would contact the Revdex.com insteadAs was indicated to the member, the November 1, cancellation date of the policy can be adjusted with proof that the tags were cancelled prior to that dateOnce the member obtains proof, the documentation can be faxed to ###-###-####A cover sheet should be included with the Automobile policy number clearly stated on both it and the Department of Motor Vehicles documentThe cover sheet should also indicate that she would like the cancellation date of the policy adjusted to match the date the tags were cancelledOnce the cancellation date is adjusted, Credit Collection Services will be automatically notified of any adjustment to the owed premiumIf the date adjustment fully clears the balance owed, any additional credit will be refunded to the memberIf you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact meSincerely,
I am writing in response to the complaint submitted by [redacted] to the Revdex.com on 10/25/She expressed concerns regarding the delayed transfer of her 403(b) account held at her previous employer to a Nationwide Funds Rollover Ira account and the poor customer service that she experienceShe requested to be reimbursed for the amount that she could have gained had the IRA rollover been invested in a timely mannerIn addition, she wanted to make sure that other Nationwide customers did not have a similar experience.This matter was forwarded to Nationwide's Office of Compliance for review and handlingOur Compliance Office conducted a through investigation regarding Ms***'s concernsWhile nationwide strives to provide excellent customer service, our investigation showed that we failed to meet our high standards.During conversations with Ms***, I discussed the cause of the service issue that she experienced and explained how Nationwide's Office of Compliance was working with our business partners to address itI also reviewed the calculation used to determine reimbursement for money lost as a result of the delayed 403(b) account transfer to NationwideAfter our conversations, she was satisfied that her complaint was being properly addressed.Sincerely,Michael FCompliance ConsultantAttn: Distribution Compliance One Nationwide PlazaColumbus, OH
We are in receipt of your request for information dated December 30, regarding the above referenced file.Mr [redacted] is disputing the denial of claim [redacted] He states he had a covered service done the same day of cancellation and thought that the policy would terminate at the end of the day.Our records indicate Mr [redacted] contacted our office twice on November 7, During the first call he inquired as to what wellness benefits he had used for the current termThe representative confirmed he had used the benefits for flea and heartworm prevention medicationMr [redacted] had indicated he wanted to take his pet in for an annual checkupThe representative confirmed he still had benefits available for the term and recommended Mr [redacted] take the pet in before November 23rd (the date of policy renewal).During the second call on November 7, 2015, Mr [redacted] inquired as to the expiration and renewal of the policyHe advised the representative that he decided not to renew and wanted to make sure the cancellation was in processThe representative explained cancellation requests must be in writing and submitted via email, fax, or mail.Based on the recorded call, it appears Mr [redacted] was reading from the screen because he said, “ before submitting a cancellation I was just seeing you had something online.” The representative explained that he could go to the website, www.petinsurance.com, and click on the “contact us” link located at the top of the page.Mr [redacted] then explained where he was online, it [the online screen] said cancel policy and took him to the policy cancellation page and it was beginning to tell him what to do.The representative asked Mr [redacted] if he was logged into his account(Our policyholders have the option to create an account known as the policyholder portal)The representative explained she wasn’t sure the cancellation tool (on the policyholder portal) would be available since the policy was in its renewal time period (days prior to renewal.)Again, from the recorded call, it appears Mr [redacted] was reading from the screen as he said “you’ll get an email from VPI.” He said it did allow him to cancel and the representative confirmed that the policy now showed cancelled in our policy administration system.At that point Mr [redacted] explained that he had been with us for a long time but due to the rate and other concerns it was not cost effectiveMr [redacted] did mention he had just put in a claim for wellness for the current policyThere was no elaboration on the treatment date.Please note, when a policy is cancelled utilizing the policyholder portal, the policyholder sees several screens prior to receiving a cancellation confirmation emailThe first screen asks the user to confirm the contact information and reason for cancellationThe screen shows a cancellation effective date and the following statement:“Once you have selected a reason for your cancellation request, please confirm the cancellation dateThis is the date the policy will no longer be effective and coverage will no longer be extended for the insured petRemember, any claims submitted on or after the cancellation date will be ineligible for coverage.”The next screen advises the user that a confirmation email will be sent, confirms the policy information, cancellation reason, and cancellation effective dateAdditionally, the screen shows the following:“Please note: Claims for treatment dates on or after the cancellation effective date will not be eligible for coverage.”Our system does not maintain screen shots of each portal transaction; however we were able to process a cancellation in our test environment with a sample policy to show the exact screens Mr [redacted] would have seen when he processed his cancellationWe have included screen shots with this response.Claim [redacted] was submitted on November 7, and does show a treatment date of November 7, The claim was denied appropriately in accordance with the terms of the policy contractMr [redacted] chose to cancel the policy via the policyholder portal on November 7, As indicated above several screens showed that claims for the treatment date on or after the cancellation date would not be eligible.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our [redacted] Patty G [redacted] at ###-###-#### or via email at [redacted] .Sincerely,Vincent G [redacted]
This letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on July 6, Please note that we resolved MrYates’ claim with him on July 2, in exchange for a Release of All Claims If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, [redacted] , toll-free at ###-###-####, Ext [redacted] or by email at [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted] *** [redacted] Commercial Claims West Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company Phone: ###-###-#### Email Address: [redacted]
Dear [redacted] , Nationwide strives to provide great customer service to all of our customers I have investigated the issues stated by our member and the following response was received from agent, [redacted] , in regards to the complaint filed by [redacted] Our office spoke to this policyholder on December 1, She informed us she was the owner of the vehicle on policy number [redacted] We wrote a spinoff policy December 2, with [redacted] as the named insured and the two drivers on the policy were [redacted] and her mother, *** The Application is in DocuVault but it is unsignedThe application was sent to her by email in December of and again in May of The policy was written correctly but sometimes when we write a spinoff policy, the named insured while in processing at Nationwide switches back to the named insured on the prior policy While in Nationwide processing the new policy was placed back in her mother’s name We are able to correct this but would need the signed applicationMs [redacted] has still not signed the application to correct the named insured errorOur system reflects that on December 1, the policy was bound in [redacted] ’s name I have already mentioned this to Nationwide because we have seen this error beforeNationwide is aware that this can happen when a spinoff policy is written (a spinoff policy is when a driver on a current policy is transferred to their own policy)The address on both of these policies is the same All Declaration Pages have been sent to the [redacted] addressI feel Ms [redacted] is holding off signing the application because she wants Nationwide to pay the rental reimbursement for a rental car she had after her accident We only need the signed application returned to us in order to place [redacted] as the named Insured on the policy Ms [redacted] has spoken to Nationwide directly several times, the original vehicle on the prior policy and spinoff was a CadillacShe replaced that vehicle with an Audi and spoke to Nationwide directly to make that the replacement vehicleShe never had rental coverage on the prior policy [redacted] and it was not put on the new spinoff policy [redacted] There were never any notes or questions about rental coverage Ms [redacted] has received all Declaration Pages and no rental coverage is listedNo communication was made with our office after the conversation on December 1, 2014, when her spinoff policy was made effectiveMs [redacted] has no documentation where she requested this coverage that I am aware of We find that no error has occurred as there has been no documented request for LOU/Rental coverage either on Ms [redacted] 's prior policy or on her current policy When her vehicle was added to the policy, there also was no request for LOU/Rental coverageSince this coverage was not on her prior policy and we do not have any record of a request being made to add this coverage, Nationwide is not responsible for reimbursing Ms [redacted] for any rental car cost If you have any additional questions, please contact me at ###-###-#### or [redacted] Best Regards, [redacted] Centralized Sales Operation and Support
This letter is in regards to the request for information on the collection balance remaining for Ms***’ personal auto policy.The policy in question was a six-month policy that last renewed on December 10, with a premium amount of $1,On June 10, 2016, which would have been the next renewal date, the policy was request cancelled by Ms***The $1,had been paid in full as of the last due date of May 10, However, on April 19, 2016, a Chevrolet Silverado was added to the policy, with an added prorated premium amount of $from the date of the addition through the next renewal in JuneThe bill due May 10, had already been issued prior to this changeNationwide will never ask an insured to pay a monthly amount greater than the billed amount that has already been sentFor that reason, the amount of $was being added to the bill due June 10, When the policy was request cancelled effective the June renewal date, it still left the balance for the addition of the Silverado from April 19, through June 10, 2016.The Agent originally cancelled the policy effective June 28, 2016, which left a balance of $On June 16, 2016, a final bill was issued to the insured for that amount (attached)The policy cancellation date was adjusted back to the June 10, renewal, which reduced the final balance down to $On July 21, 2016, an adjusted final bill was issued for the new amount (attached)This bill included a $late feeService waived the fee on December 6, when the member called, leaving $for the balance on the Chevrolet from the add date of April 19, through the cancel date of June 10, If the insured can provide evidence that the Silverado was covered elsewhere prior to June 10, 2016, we would be able to make a further adjustmentIf not, then the balance would be correct for coverage that was provided.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice K [redacted] , at ###-###-#### or by email at [email protected]
I am writing in response to the complaint from [redacted] regarding the NationwideFlexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance policy referenced aboveThis matter wasforwarded to Nationwide's Office of Compliance for review and handlingI appreciate yourpatience while we completed our review.Our records indicate that policy # [redacted] is a Nationwide Choicelife Protection FlexiblePremium Variable Universal Life Insurance policy that was issued on April 17, withinitial specified amount of $75,on the life o [redacted] This policy has an insurancecomponent and an investment component; howeverits primary intended purpose is to providelife insurance coverage until the maturity date stated in the contract.One of the most notable features of this policy is its premium flexibilityAfter payment of theMinimum Initial Premium, which is required in order to put the policy in force, payment ofadditional premiums is solely at the discretion of the policyholderRather than remaining inforce due to the timely payment of a fixed or scheduled premium, the policy remains in forcefor as long as there is enough Net Cash Surrender Value to pay the monthly charges (thisrepresents the cost of insurance, administrative charges and the cost of any riders).The policy is designed to provide flexibility in connection with premium payments, investmentoptions and death benefitsThe policy owner has the right to vary the frequency and amountof premium payments, to allocate net premiums among the various Separate Accounts orGuaranteed Account, to increase or decrease the death benefit, or to change the death benefitoption, according to policy provisionsThis is not a fixed premium life insurance contractTheaccount value of the policy is allocated to the sub-accounts selectedThe value of theunderlying sub-accounts fluctuate daily depending upon market performance and are notguaranteed.Our records indicate that this policy went into a "lapse pending" status in April A lapsenotice was mailed to MrAmstrong on April 17, informing him that unless sufficientpremium was received by June 17, 2016, the policy would terminateA reminder was thensent on May 17, and the final lapse notice was sent on June 23, Mr [redacted] chose to pay a monthly premium of $per month throughout the life of the policy leaving itwith insufficient value to cover the cost of insurance.Enclosed is a copy of the application (ExhibitA) for policy [redacted] , and the policy itself(Exhibit B), given to Mr [redacted] at issueEach of these documents contain disclosuresrelating to the nature of this policy, including that the policy values could increase or decreasein accordance with the investment experience of the Separate Accounts and may increase inaccordance with the Interest credited to the Guaranteed Account, as well as statements withregard to the cost of insurance in relation to policy cash value.After policy [redacted] was issued, Mr [redacted] had a period of days to review thepolicyWithin those days the policy could have been canceled with a refund of premium.In reviewing our records, we cannot find any information that would lead us to believe thatMr [redacted] expressed any dissatisfaction with the policy during the examination period.In addition, since issuance of the policy, statements have been mailed to Mr [redacted] on aquarterly and an annual basis indicating policy values, withdrawals, gains/losses, as well ascurrent surrender value.Based on our review, we feel that the terms and conditions of this policy were adequatelydisclosed to Mr [redacted] at the time of purchase and find no basis to offer any type ofadjustment to policy [redacted] If there is any other documentation you would like us toconsider, please forward it to my attention and we will review it thoroughly.We appreciate your patience in this matterShould you have any further questions or concerns,please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Jeremy W [redacted]
At this time, we are in discussion with Mr [redacted] concerning the next steps in his claim We made him different offers to settle prior to being notified that he was continuing to seek additional treatment Since Mr [redacted] is still seeking treatment for injuries he is relating to the accident, we have advised him that at this point we do not have an option that we can use to settle his claim today while leaving it open for him to seek additional treatment in the future We have advised Mr [redacted] that we will continue to follwith him and once he has finished treatment we will be able to complete a full evaluation and make him an offer to settle his claim We want to be sure we are able to consider all treatment he would like to present as a part of his claim We have offered to request all bills and records for medical treatment incurred as a result of the accident and to inform Mr [redacted] of the need to secure past medical records should the need arise Adam T***, AIC.Casualty Claims Manager
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms [redacted] ’ concerns regarding the increase in premium due to an accident dated May 14, Ms [redacted] was added as a driver on May 2, 2016, at that time, the Auto Loss History Report provided by Lexis Nexis to Nationwide indicated the fault of the loss dated May 14, as “unknown or unreported” Underwriting had requested a Letter of Experience (indicating fault in the accident) from Ms [redacted] from her prior insurance carrier, in order to override the accident surcharge The information was not received therefore, the surcharge would be applied on the November 27, renewal Underwriting has received a corrected Auto Loss History Report on November 29, 2016, indicating the accident as Not at Fault, therefore the accident surcharge has been removed The agent’s office was also contacted for feedback on this caseUpon receiving the complaint, they immediately left cell phone messages with both [redacted] and [redacted] [redacted] did return their call, and spoke directly with Associate Agent, [redacted] ***During that conversation, there were apologizes of any misunderstanding over the dropped callWhen [redacted] offered to assist [redacted] with changing agencies if she preferred, [redacted] indicated that she was sorry that the complaint had even been filed, and had done so in the "heat of the moment" She also acknowledged all of the effort and steps that the agency had taken on their behalf, and was just happy that everything was getting resolved to her satisfaction If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Barb D [redacted] at ###-###-#### or email at [redacted] Sincerely, Kristin M***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mr [redacted] concerns regarding the above referenced auto policy.Review of the policy indicates it was written as new business on December 30, At the time of new business, [redacted] , Mr [redacted] wife, was listed as an excluded driver on the policyThe reason provided for the exclusion was she had left the country to care for family and never returnedUnderwriting set the policy up for rejecting due to no signed exclusion form or valid reason for exclusionThe cancellation notice was mailed on March 19, with a cancel effective date of April 2, 2015.On March 29, 2015, Mr [redacted] contacted our Member Care Services to inquire on the status of the policyThey indicated that the signed exclusion form was still needed for [redacted] prior to April 2, to avoid cancellation of the policyHe asked that the form be emailed to him in order to complete and send back.On April 1, 2015, Mr [redacted] again contacted Nationwide Member Care Services, he advised that Ms [redacted] was now back in the country, but not residing in the same household with himOn the same date he also called back to ask if she was able to be listed as a principal driver, and the policy reversed, until he was able to provide additional information.Nationwide Underwriting approved the reversal of the policy, and rating of Ms [redacted] as a principal driverOn April 2, 2015, our Member Care Representative contacted Mr [redacted] times to inform him that his policy had been activated without a lapse in coverage, and Ms [redacted] was rated as a principal driverThe representative was unable to reach Mr [redacted] or leave a voicemail as it was fullAnother attempt was made to contact Mr [redacted] on April 3, with the same result.The policy cancelled effective May 18, for non payment of premiumCollection notice in the amount of $was mailed to the customer on May 22, 2015.A break down of the amount due is as follows:Auto policy [redacted] started December 30, 2014, with a six-month premium of $Therewas an increase of $to rate Ms [redacted] as a driver effective April 2, Effective April2, 2015, the SmartRide discount was removed causing a $increase in premiumOn April 7,2015, the Motor Vehicle Report was returned for Ms [redacted] and the Accident Free discountwas removed effective April 2, 2015, causing a $increaseOnly three payments were receivedon the policy December 31, 2014, $43.63, January 30, 2015, $and February 28, 2015, $44.29;totaling $The policy cancelled on May 18, 2015, for non-payment removing $inunearned premium; leaving a collection amount of $98.45.Nationwide is unable to remove the amount due of $on the policy, as Mr [redacted] advised hewould like to rate her as a principal driver until further information could be providedPolicy wasactivated and premium was not paid by Mr [redacted] , resulting n the cancellation for non payment ofpremium.If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, [redacted] , at ###-###-####, or email at [redacted] Sincerely,Kristin MittasPersonal Lines Compliance Specialist
I am in receipt of your email letter to Nationwide dated January 20, I am providing you with the following information: • Revised Declarations • Identification Card I reviewed the call that transpired on November 28, The member called to remove the Comprehensive and Collision Coverages from her Chevy Impala and added a Nissan Altima to the policy effective November 28, Unfortunately, the changes did not process and the policy was not updated accordingly On January 27, 2016, the Comprehensive and Collision Coverages were removed from the Chevy Impala and the Nissan Altima was added to policy [redacted] effective November 28, The change increased the term premium by $An email has been sent to the member, at [redacted] indicating that policy documents are available online for viewingThe policy documents include a Revised Declarations and Identification CardsThe next payment, of $209.54, is due on February 14, Nationwide is required by the Department of Insurance to charge premium for coverage provided; therefore, we are unable to write off the premium increase caused by the addition of the Nissan AltimaIf there had been an accident prior to the addition of the vehicle in question, Nationwide would have located the call, added the vehicle effective November 28, 2015, and handled the claim accordingly If you have any additional questions, please contact Susan H [redacted] , Sincerely, Christina L [redacted] ###########
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from [redacted] regarding the above noted fileAs Senior Analyst, Customer Resolution & Response Team, I have reviewed this file and would like to address Mr [redacted] ’s concerns.Mr [redacted] called Nationwide Sales Solutions (NSS) on November 17, to get a commercial policy for his nail salonAt the time, the sales agent advised Mr [redacted] that Nationwide would be able to cover his nail salonThe sales agent then bound a commercial policy with Mr [redacted] ’s consent.On November 30, 2016, Nationwide mailed a cancellation notice to Mr [redacted] stating that his policy was ineligible for coverage and would be effective until January 10, Additionally, on this date the sales agent emailed Mr [redacted] to advise him his commercial policy would be cancelledThe sales agent apologized, explained he mistakenly referenced the incorrect forms at the time the policy was set up and stated Nationwide no longer offers insurance for nail salons.I verified with our underwriters that Nationwide has not offered insurance for nail salons for several years now and feedback has been sent to the leadership of the sales agent.On December 29, 2016, Nationwide issued a refund for $Mr [redacted] ’s down payment would have covered him until January 17, The policy was cancelled effective January 10, which resulted in a refund of $Since Mr [redacted] contacted his bank and disputed the November 17, down payment for $117.00, the refund was stop paid and applied to the billing accountThe collection amount for $is valid for the coverage that was provided from November 17, to January 10, 2017.On April 4, Mr [redacted] responded to the sales agent’s email from November 30, and stated he received a letter from a collection agency in the amount of $Mr [redacted] then stated he did not understand why he was receiving a bill for a policy that was never covered by NationwideMr [redacted] asked the sales agent to take care of it as soon as possible and asked why he never received a refund for his two month down payment of $117.00.On April 4, the sales agent replied to Mr [redacted] and explained the $collection amountwas due to the fact Mr [redacted] contacted his bank after the original transaction to decline the original$down paymentThe sales agent referenced Mr [redacted] ’s cancellation notice and explainedthe notice states Mr [redacted] had coverage through January 10, The sales agent thenexplained since Nationwide offered coverage through January 10, 2017, we are requiring the originaldown payment that was taken, hence the collection amount of $102.00.If Mr [redacted] completes the attached Policy Cancellation Form and includes the cancellationeffective date as November 17, then we can adjust the cancellation date of the policy and clearthe collection amount that is owedMr [redacted] can fax the completed form to ###-###-#### forprocessing.We sincerely apologize to Mr [redacted] for the inconvenienceI hope the information that I haveprovided has answered any questions in regards to this matterIf you require further assistance,please contact our [redacted] , Janice K [redacted] , at ###-###-#### or by emailat [redacted] Sincerely,Stacy LT***
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from our insured, Dan W*** I reviewed the complaint and the claim file and would like to address MrW***’s concerns This claim was handled under a Farmowner’s Policy underwritten by Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance (Nationwide) This policy originally incepted on November 11, On April 21, 2017, MrW [redacted] had a [redacted] with Loader B& Mower added to the policy The tractor had a limit of $21,and a deductible of $2, A claim was reported for a loss on July 19, Claims Specialist Michael Charles C [redacted] spoke with MrW [redacted] on July 20th to discuss the details of the loss MrW [redacted] explained that he was moving something with the tractor and had the item in the bucket when the item rolled out and hit the hood of the tractor causing damage There was damage to the hood, the bucket joystick, cluster gauge and the plastic around the steering wheel MrC [redacted] went over the coverages which included $10,in rental, $5,for Extra Expense/Continuing Operations, and a $2,deductible An inspection would be performed to evaluate the damages On July 25th, MrC [redacted] spoke with MrW [redacted] and MrW [redacted] advised that there was a dispute over the amount of the deductible Until the dispute was settled, he didn’t want to move forward with the claim An investigation was being conducted by the Agency Support unit to determine if there had been an error on the behalf of the Agent’s office when the tractor was added to the policy as MrW [redacted] had not intended for the deductible to be $2, On August 11th, MrC [redacted] contacted MrW [redacted] and informed him that the Agency Support investigation was complete and they found no error on the part of the Agent The deductible would remain at $2, MrW [redacted] was upset and did not want anything done on the claim He advised that he intended to contact the Revdex.com, the Department of Insurance, and [redacted] [redacted] *** On August 15th, MrC [redacted] spoke with MrW [redacted] again He went over the settlement with him The repair estimate came to $3, After the deductible of $2,was taken, Nationwide owed a balance of $ MrC [redacted] advised that he would be issuing a payment to Mr& MsW [redacted] and their repair facility for $ The payment was issued on August 18, (check # [redacted] ) to Heather & Dan W [redacted] & [redacted] The claim is now closed If you have any additional questions or concerns, feel free to contact Customer Advocacy Coordinator Yvette S [redacted] at ###-###-#### or via e-mail at [redacted] Sincerely, Julie C*** Claims Specialist III / MD Centralized Services Analytics & Customer Focus Team NATIONWIDE AGRIBUSINESS INSURANCE
This inquiry has the incorrect insuring company name and NAIC#Please update your files with the correct information.CORRECT INSURING COMPANY NAME: National Casualty CompanyCORRECT NAIC #: ***We are in receipt of your request for information regarding the above referenced fileMs [redacted] is requesting reimbursement for claim [redacted] for her pet.Ms [redacted] applied for the Medical Plan with a $annual deductible for her dog [redacted] on November 29, The policy was approved with an effective date of December 13, A medical records request was made on January 6, based on a claim submitted in close proximity to the policy effective dateNo medical records were received for the request until February of 2018.Upon receipt of this complaint, we have reviewed the medical records provided and reprocessed claim [redacted] as eligibleReimbursement was issued in the amount of $Claim [redacted] was also reprocessed as eligible post review and reimbursement was issued in the amount of $120.00.We appreciate Ms [redacted] ’s patience with the review process and are happy to be able to resolve this matter in her favor.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Kaitlin G [redacted] , at ###-###-#### or via email at [redacted] @nationwide.com.Sincerely,Cindy CarterUnderwriting Director
I am responding to the reply from Ms [redacted] on my initial response questioning why she was unable to retain the salvaged vehicle.As noted prior, the estimate of repair was $3,and the unrelated damage of repair found on the vehicle was $1,totaling $5,The Actual Cash Value of the Honda Civic was $ 5,less $for conditioning with a total of $4,Therefore, the damage on the Honda Civic met the guidelines for the State of Ohio declaring the vehicle was impractical to repair and is a total loss, due to the total amount of damage found on the vehicle.As MrWhite explained to Ms [redacted] , on a total loss settlement with a loan involved, the loan must be satisfied for consideration to be given for an owner retain total loss vehicleIn this case, Ms [redacted] still has an outstanding balance on the loan, once the total loss settlement amount was appliedThe settlement was $3,and the payoff on the loan was $5,Therefore, Nationwide Retain was the only option available in this case.I am sorry that the outcome was not satisfactory to Ms [redacted] We strive to meet our customer’s needs, but understand that sometimes we are unable to do soIf you should have any questions or wish to discuss the matter further, please feel free to call me.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Lance R***, at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely,Nan Q [redacted]
it was okay when you changed the premium due to the error once again that you made but it can't go back to the amount that was owed before you guys "discovered" the error Regards, [redacted] ***
I am rejecting this response because: was lied to at start of sale that I had vanishing deduction at start of process Regards, [redacted]
Dear: Ms [redacted] "Thank you for the opportunity to respond to this complaint We received notice of a Medical Payments claim by Ms [redacted] on September 9, After a review of the claim, the Nationwide Claims Associate issued payment to Ms [redacted] on October 6, for the coverage limit of $2,On or about October 13, the Nationwide Claims Associate put a "stop payment" on the check based on a mistaken belief that there was an outstanding [redacted] lien against any Medical Payments coverage available to Ms [redacted] for the lossThe Nationwide Claims Associate also contacted Ms [redacted] and asked if she had cashed the $2,check yetMs [redacted] said she had notThe Nationwide Claims Associate was not aware, at that time, that Ms [redacted] had actually cashed the check a few days priorThe "stop payment" of the $2,check caused Ms [redacted] ' account to be overdrawn Nationwide found out about the overdrawn account on Oct 17, Thereafter, Nationwide Claims Manager Bill P [redacted] reviewed the file and determined that there was no outstanding [redacted] lien on the Medical Payments coverage available to Ms [redacted] for the lossBased on this determination, Nationwide tried to deposit the $payment directly into Ms [redacted] ' account on October 17, 2016, but Ms [redacted] instead requested that Nationwide overnight a check to herNationwide overnighted a $2,check to Ms [redacted] on October 18, The check was delivered to Ms [redacted] at approximately 11:am on October 19, Ms [redacted] claims to have incurred a $overdraft chargeNationwide is willing to reimburse Ms [redacted] the $charge upon proof of loss being submitted by Ms [redacted] Nationwide has requested the proof of loss on October 18th , 20th and 27thAs of the writing of this letter Nationwide has not received any proof that this $charge exsistsNationwide maintains the position that it will be happy to reimburse Ms [redacted] once she submits proof of the $lossIf you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Yvette S [redacted] , at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely, William J P*** [redacted] [redacted]
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mr [redacted] additional concerns regarding the above referenced auto policy.Please review the summary of the recorded call listed below:April 1, [redacted] ***- [redacted] -Hey I was just calling to check status on my policy I guess they were trying to cancel it and wanted to see where they are at with the documents I sent over [redacted] - Verifies privacy, Bare with me just one second to get caught up on the situation [redacted] - Sure [redacted] -Ok so um what I understand we are trying to figure out how long [redacted] has been out of the country [redacted] -So the issue is she left out of the country, we are married right she has come back but living at a different location we are separated but are still together, legally married right and uh we are living at different locations she is back in the country now she is not leaving any time maybe a month or beyond the fact I am trying to figure out what we need to do in a way this is frustrating they are making a big deal over something small rightEven if they need to put her on there temporarily so my policy isn’t cancelled it is a $10-$increase I could care less I think it is a petty issue to be talking about this right if I had an accident or bad driving it would be different [redacted] - Well it is a different situation when there is a marriage involved we require having a spouse on the policy from there if you get separated or divorced right we would need a letter from her stating it was ok to remove her from the policy [redacted] - Can you hold on one secondAlright can you hear me better now even though we are not in the same household it is still causing an issue [redacted] - Yes it is how a married couple gets treated they both are named insured you have equal rights to the policy it is not just one saying the other should be removed because the other one has the equal rightsSo that is why we require the letter and proof of insurance to remove the spouse I understand it is a minor issue but um I am trying to see what is the best way to get this taken care of right We don’t have ***’s information right Yeah we do we have a Driver License information [redacted] - Yeah she even has all the information she has coverage on her vehicle at the different address, [redacted] - I would be able to speak to the Underwriter tell them that until you are able to letter of consent proof of insurance add her would that be ok to keep the policy active [redacted] - Yeah I just don’t want to be stopped and not have coverage [redacted] – Let me try to get in touch with an Underwriter I can not promise I will not get in touch with one right now [redacted] - What do I need to get from her [redacted] - If you get proof of insurance with the different address and a letter of consent to remove The car isn’t titled toher is it [redacted] - No it is titled to just me [redacted] - then the best thing is the proof of insurance [redacted] - This is the first time I had to deal with this [redacted] just asked for an exclusion form [redacted] - Just a letter of consent from her to remove her would work [redacted] - She was out ofthe country and now she is back and we are separatedDo what you need to, to keep meinsured [redacted] - If you don’t mind I can put you on a brief hold and try to reach out to themright now(hold) Got Erica’s UW voicemail but didn’t leave a message Hello [redacted] thanksfor holding I tried reaching out but the UW has already left for the dayI can follow up with youtomorrow what is going on I am not in the office tomorrow but I can have someone follow upwith you tomorrow [redacted] -Doesn’t my policy cancel tomorrow meaning I am not insured ortomorrow is the last day [redacted] - Tomorrow the policy cancels at 12:AM we are going to tryto get this policy brought back tomorrow I am going to send an email and I will have one of mycoworkers follow up with you tomorrow since I am not going to be in the office ok [redacted] - Iwonder if they tried to call me Do you know what the area code is over there? [redacted] -Overwhere [redacted] -where UW would call from [redacted] - UW doesn’t try to call out it would besomeone from the Service Center [redacted] -what if someone else tried to call would it be annumber [redacted] - Yeah we would have called from a number like that; I don’t see notes thatanyone tried to call back did you call earlier today [redacted] - Yeah it was like screw it let’s seeif he doesn’t call back and you know cancel that bad boy outPlan B if I call back apply forinsurance again what is going to be the issue what can we not solve now to keep the policyfrom cancelling [redacted] -The only thing we would have to do to avoid any further issues is listher on the policy instead of excluding her until we can get one of the two things [redacted] - I amlost to why they didn’t just say we are adding when they didn’t have the documents instead ofexcluding her since we didn’t get the document [redacted] - I wouldn’t be able to explain why [redacted] - I understand I used to be an Underwriter for loans I understand how they workA lotof them is negligence I didn’t get the documents cancel this out [redacted] - I hope that wouldn’tbe the case [redacted] -You would hate we all have daily lives you have so much going on oopsanother policy cancelled they will be calling backBut let’s just hope we can figure this outtomorrow because honestly I think I will be escalating the issue tomorrow if I need toUm Ithink um I think it is negligence and improper way to handle an insurance claim for someonethat document that was sent for a spouse I think it is a bad way to handle it for a payingcustomer right [redacted] - I Hope we are going to get this taken care of tomorrow if we can just letthe UW know you are willing to list her as a principal driver don’t think we will have an issuefrom there I really don’t [redacted] - We will see tomorrow if we um I mean You have done a lotyou are ok just hopefully the UW I will have to escalate at the UW end you did everything atyour disposal [redacted] - Ok Anything else I can help you with [redacted] -No I will be calling in firstthing in the morning [redacted] - Let me see who comes in that early that we can call you backfirst [redacted] - I don’t want to wait all day and the UW be out of the office again [redacted] - I don’tnormally come in until 10:in the morning which is still plenty of time to get in touch with anUW [redacted] - OK I can wait until noon but this needs taken care of tomorrow I have beenworking on this since Sunday and they just responded today saying they needed thedocuments [redacted] -we will give you a call tomorrow ok [redacted] -OKNationwide Underwriting approved the reversal of the policy, and rating of Ms [redacted] as aprincipal driver based on Mr [redacted] comments aboveOn April 2, 2015, our Member CareRepresentative contacted Mr [redacted] times to inform him that his policy had been activated withouta lapse in coverage, and Ms [redacted] was rated as a principal driverThe Representative wasunable to reach Mr [redacted] or leave a voicemail as it was fullAnother attempt was made to contactMr [redacted] on April 3, with the same result.Policy cancelled effective May 18, for non payment of premiumCollection notice in the amountof $was mailed to the customer on May 22, 2015.Nationwide is unable to remove the amount due of $on the policy, as Mr [redacted] advised he would like to rate her as a principal driver until further information could be providedPolicy was activated and premium was not paid by Mr [redacted] , resulting in the cancellation for non payment of premium.If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Lance R***, at ###-###-####, or email at [redacted] Sincerely,Kristin M***Personal Lines Compliance Specialist
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to MrS***’s additional inquiry.We have addressed MrS***’s repair concerns; these matters have been resolved to MrS***’s satisfaction.We had a third party, independent appraiser inspect MrS***’s vehicle for his diminished value claimThe appraiser assessed MrS***’s diminished value loss to be $1,A copy of this report was emailed to MrS [redacted] on November 13, MrS [redacted] informed the claims associate that he would be willing to settle for $1,Nationwide as extended a final offer, $1,300.00; MrS [redacted] has rejected thisWe will not be extending any additional diminished value offers.We trust this will resolve all pending concernsHowever, if you should have any questions or wish to discuss the matter further, please feel free to call me.Sincerely,Paul G [redacted]
A review of our records show that the Member started the quoting process and bound this policy via Nationwide’s website, Nationwide.com, on December 14, The policy remained in force until cancelling effective November 1, for non-paymentThe last payment received was on September 3, in the amount of $A billing statement was sent to the member on September 21, by email at [redacted] @mchsi.com and by way of the United States Postal Service indicating that a payment in the amount of $was due on October 14, On October 20, 2015, a Notice of Cancellation was mailed via the United States Postal Service as required by the Georgia Department of InsuranceThis Notice indicated that the policy would cancel effective November 1, if payment was not received by October 31, Payment was not received by the due date, so the policy did cancelOn November 6, 2015, a Payment Notice was mailed to the member via the United States Postal Service indicating that the bill for $represented the unpaid balance due for coverage provided from the June 14, renewal to the November 1, cancellation dateThe Notice also advised the member that if payment was not made, that it was possible a collection agency might contact her and that it could have a negative effect on her creditA copy of each document is enclosedThe member called Nationwide on February 16, 2016, indicating that her vehicle was inoperable and that she had cancelled her tags and had called Nationwide requesting that her policy be cancelledOur associate inquired as to when the member contacted Nationwide and on what date she cancelled her tags, but she was unable to rememberIn the State of Georgia, Nationwide requires a signed, written request from the member in order to cancel an insurance policy; whether it be through DocuSign or a Policy Cancellation Request form that we can mail or fax to the member for their signatureThe member indicated she had not signed a cancellation formAlso, a search of our Call Copy recording system shows that since September 3, 2015, Nationwide has received two calls from the member’s phone number ###-###-####The first call was on February 14, 2016, and lasted only thirty-five seconds before our associate advised the caller that she could not hear them and for them to call backThe second call was received on February 16, at which time the member explained her concern regarding the collection letter she had receivedAfter our associate was unable to find a signed cancellation form in our document repository and no documentation of a previous in-coming call, she advised the member that we could adjust the cancellation date if she could obtain documentation from the Department of Motor Vehicles as to when she turned in/cancelled her tagsThe member indicating that she was not willing to obtain the documentation needed and that she would contact the Revdex.com insteadAs was indicated to the member, the November 1, cancellation date of the policy can be adjusted with proof that the tags were cancelled prior to that dateOnce the member obtains proof, the documentation can be faxed to ###-###-####A cover sheet should be included with the Automobile policy number clearly stated on both it and the Department of Motor Vehicles documentThe cover sheet should also indicate that she would like the cancellation date of the policy adjusted to match the date the tags were cancelledOnce the cancellation date is adjusted, Credit Collection Services will be automatically notified of any adjustment to the owed premiumIf the date adjustment fully clears the balance owed, any additional credit will be refunded to the memberIf you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact meSincerely,
I am writing in response to the complaint submitted by [redacted] to the Revdex.com on 10/25/She expressed concerns regarding the delayed transfer of her 403(b) account held at her previous employer to a Nationwide Funds Rollover Ira account and the poor customer service that she experienceShe requested to be reimbursed for the amount that she could have gained had the IRA rollover been invested in a timely mannerIn addition, she wanted to make sure that other Nationwide customers did not have a similar experience.This matter was forwarded to Nationwide's Office of Compliance for review and handlingOur Compliance Office conducted a through investigation regarding Ms***'s concernsWhile nationwide strives to provide excellent customer service, our investigation showed that we failed to meet our high standards.During conversations with Ms***, I discussed the cause of the service issue that she experienced and explained how Nationwide's Office of Compliance was working with our business partners to address itI also reviewed the calculation used to determine reimbursement for money lost as a result of the delayed 403(b) account transfer to NationwideAfter our conversations, she was satisfied that her complaint was being properly addressed.Sincerely,Michael F
Compliance ConsultantAttn: Distribution Compliance One Nationwide PlazaColumbus, OH
We are in receipt of your request for information dated December 30, regarding the above referenced file.Mr [redacted] is disputing the denial of claim [redacted] He states he had a covered service done the same day of cancellation and thought that the policy would terminate at the end of the day.Our records indicate Mr [redacted] contacted our office twice on November 7, During the first call he inquired as to what wellness benefits he had used for the current termThe representative confirmed he had used the benefits for flea and heartworm prevention medicationMr [redacted] had indicated he wanted to take his pet in for an annual checkupThe representative confirmed he still had benefits available for the term and recommended Mr [redacted] take the pet in before November 23rd (the date of policy renewal).During the second call on November 7, 2015, Mr [redacted] inquired as to the expiration and renewal of the policyHe advised the representative that he decided not to renew and wanted to make sure the cancellation was in processThe representative explained cancellation requests must be in writing and submitted via email, fax, or mail.Based on the recorded call, it appears Mr [redacted] was reading from the screen because he said, “ before submitting a cancellation I was just seeing you had something online.” The representative explained that he could go to the website, www.petinsurance.com, and click on the “contact us” link located at the top of the page.Mr [redacted] then explained where he was online, it [the online screen] said cancel policy and took him to the policy cancellation page and it was beginning to tell him what to do.The representative asked Mr [redacted] if he was logged into his account(Our policyholders have the option to create an account known as the policyholder portal)The representative explained she wasn’t sure the cancellation tool (on the policyholder portal) would be available since the policy was in its renewal time period (days prior to renewal.)Again, from the recorded call, it appears Mr [redacted] was reading from the screen as he said “you’ll get an email from VPI.” He said it did allow him to cancel and the representative confirmed that the policy now showed cancelled in our policy administration system.At that point Mr [redacted] explained that he had been with us for a long time but due to the rate and other concerns it was not cost effectiveMr [redacted] did mention he had just put in a claim for wellness for the current policyThere was no elaboration on the treatment date.Please note, when a policy is cancelled utilizing the policyholder portal, the policyholder sees several screens prior to receiving a cancellation confirmation emailThe first screen asks the user to confirm the contact information and reason for cancellationThe screen shows a cancellation effective date and the following statement:“Once you have selected a reason for your cancellation request, please confirm the cancellation dateThis is the date the policy will no longer be effective and coverage will no longer be extended for the insured petRemember, any claims submitted on or after the cancellation date will be ineligible for coverage.”The next screen advises the user that a confirmation email will be sent, confirms the policy information, cancellation reason, and cancellation effective dateAdditionally, the screen shows the following:“Please note: Claims for treatment dates on or after the cancellation effective date will not be eligible for coverage.”Our system does not maintain screen shots of each portal transaction; however we were able to process a cancellation in our test environment with a sample policy to show the exact screens Mr [redacted] would have seen when he processed his cancellationWe have included screen shots with this response.Claim [redacted] was submitted on November 7, and does show a treatment date of November 7, The claim was denied appropriately in accordance with the terms of the policy contractMr [redacted] chose to cancel the policy via the policyholder portal on November 7, As indicated above several screens showed that claims for the treatment date on or after the cancellation date would not be eligible.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our [redacted] Patty G [redacted] at ###-###-#### or via email at [redacted] .Sincerely,Vincent G [redacted]
This letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on July 6, Please note that we resolved MrYates’ claim with him on July 2, in exchange for a Release of All Claims If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, [redacted] , toll-free at ###-###-####, Ext [redacted] or by email at [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted] *** [redacted] Commercial Claims West Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company Phone: ###-###-#### Email Address: [redacted]
Dear [redacted] , Nationwide strives to provide great customer service to all of our customers I have investigated the issues stated by our member and the following response was received from agent, [redacted] , in regards to the complaint filed by [redacted] Our office spoke to this policyholder on December 1, She informed us she was the owner of the vehicle on policy number [redacted] We wrote a spinoff policy December 2, with [redacted] as the named insured and the two drivers on the policy were [redacted] and her mother, *** The Application is in DocuVault but it is unsignedThe application was sent to her by email in December of and again in May of The policy was written correctly but sometimes when we write a spinoff policy, the named insured while in processing at Nationwide switches back to the named insured on the prior policy While in Nationwide processing the new policy was placed back in her mother’s name We are able to correct this but would need the signed applicationMs [redacted] has still not signed the application to correct the named insured errorOur system reflects that on December 1, the policy was bound in [redacted] ’s name I have already mentioned this to Nationwide because we have seen this error beforeNationwide is aware that this can happen when a spinoff policy is written (a spinoff policy is when a driver on a current policy is transferred to their own policy)The address on both of these policies is the same All Declaration Pages have been sent to the [redacted] addressI feel Ms [redacted] is holding off signing the application because she wants Nationwide to pay the rental reimbursement for a rental car she had after her accident We only need the signed application returned to us in order to place [redacted] as the named Insured on the policy Ms [redacted] has spoken to Nationwide directly several times, the original vehicle on the prior policy and spinoff was a CadillacShe replaced that vehicle with an Audi and spoke to Nationwide directly to make that the replacement vehicleShe never had rental coverage on the prior policy [redacted] and it was not put on the new spinoff policy [redacted] There were never any notes or questions about rental coverage Ms [redacted] has received all Declaration Pages and no rental coverage is listedNo communication was made with our office after the conversation on December 1, 2014, when her spinoff policy was made effectiveMs [redacted] has no documentation where she requested this coverage that I am aware of We find that no error has occurred as there has been no documented request for LOU/Rental coverage either on Ms [redacted] 's prior policy or on her current policy When her vehicle was added to the policy, there also was no request for LOU/Rental coverageSince this coverage was not on her prior policy and we do not have any record of a request being made to add this coverage, Nationwide is not responsible for reimbursing Ms [redacted] for any rental car cost If you have any additional questions, please contact me at ###-###-#### or [redacted] Best Regards, [redacted] Centralized Sales Operation and Support
This letter is in regards to the request for information on the collection balance remaining for Ms***’ personal auto policy.The policy in question was a six-month policy that last renewed on December 10, with a premium amount of $1,On June 10, 2016, which would have been the next renewal date, the policy was request cancelled by Ms***The $1,had been paid in full as of the last due date of May 10, However, on April 19, 2016, a Chevrolet Silverado was added to the policy, with an added prorated premium amount of $from the date of the addition through the next renewal in JuneThe bill due May 10, had already been issued prior to this changeNationwide will never ask an insured to pay a monthly amount greater than the billed amount that has already been sentFor that reason, the amount of $was being added to the bill due June 10, When the policy was request cancelled effective the June renewal date, it still left the balance for the addition of the Silverado from April 19, through June 10, 2016.The Agent originally cancelled the policy effective June 28, 2016, which left a balance of $On June 16, 2016, a final bill was issued to the insured for that amount (attached)The policy cancellation date was adjusted back to the June 10, renewal, which reduced the final balance down to $On July 21, 2016, an adjusted final bill was issued for the new amount (attached)This bill included a $late feeService waived the fee on December 6, when the member called, leaving $for the balance on the Chevrolet from the add date of April 19, through the cancel date of June 10, If the insured can provide evidence that the Silverado was covered elsewhere prior to June 10, 2016, we would be able to make a further adjustmentIf not, then the balance would be correct for coverage that was provided.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice K [redacted] , at ###-###-#### or by email at [email protected]
I am writing in response to the complaint from [redacted] regarding the NationwideFlexible Premium Variable Universal Life Insurance policy referenced aboveThis matter wasforwarded to Nationwide's Office of Compliance for review and handlingI appreciate yourpatience while we completed our review.Our records indicate that policy # [redacted] is a Nationwide Choicelife Protection FlexiblePremium Variable Universal Life Insurance policy that was issued on April 17, withinitial specified amount of $75,on the life o [redacted] This policy has an insurancecomponent and an investment component; howeverits primary intended purpose is to providelife insurance coverage until the maturity date stated in the contract.One of the most notable features of this policy is its premium flexibilityAfter payment of theMinimum Initial Premium, which is required in order to put the policy in force, payment ofadditional premiums is solely at the discretion of the policyholderRather than remaining inforce due to the timely payment of a fixed or scheduled premium, the policy remains in forcefor as long as there is enough Net Cash Surrender Value to pay the monthly charges (thisrepresents the cost of insurance, administrative charges and the cost of any riders).The policy is designed to provide flexibility in connection with premium payments, investmentoptions and death benefitsThe policy owner has the right to vary the frequency and amountof premium payments, to allocate net premiums among the various Separate Accounts orGuaranteed Account, to increase or decrease the death benefit, or to change the death benefitoption, according to policy provisionsThis is not a fixed premium life insurance contractTheaccount value of the policy is allocated to the sub-accounts selectedThe value of theunderlying sub-accounts fluctuate daily depending upon market performance and are notguaranteed.Our records indicate that this policy went into a "lapse pending" status in April A lapsenotice was mailed to MrAmstrong on April 17, informing him that unless sufficientpremium was received by June 17, 2016, the policy would terminateA reminder was thensent on May 17, and the final lapse notice was sent on June 23, Mr [redacted] chose to pay a monthly premium of $per month throughout the life of the policy leaving itwith insufficient value to cover the cost of insurance.Enclosed is a copy of the application (ExhibitA) for policy [redacted] , and the policy itself(Exhibit B), given to Mr [redacted] at issueEach of these documents contain disclosuresrelating to the nature of this policy, including that the policy values could increase or decreasein accordance with the investment experience of the Separate Accounts and may increase inaccordance with the Interest credited to the Guaranteed Account, as well as statements withregard to the cost of insurance in relation to policy cash value.After policy [redacted] was issued, Mr [redacted] had a period of days to review thepolicyWithin those days the policy could have been canceled with a refund of premium.In reviewing our records, we cannot find any information that would lead us to believe thatMr [redacted] expressed any dissatisfaction with the policy during the examination period.In addition, since issuance of the policy, statements have been mailed to Mr [redacted] on aquarterly and an annual basis indicating policy values, withdrawals, gains/losses, as well ascurrent surrender value.Based on our review, we feel that the terms and conditions of this policy were adequatelydisclosed to Mr [redacted] at the time of purchase and find no basis to offer any type ofadjustment to policy [redacted] If there is any other documentation you would like us toconsider, please forward it to my attention and we will review it thoroughly.We appreciate your patience in this matterShould you have any further questions or concerns,please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Jeremy W [redacted]
At this time, we are in discussion with Mr [redacted] concerning the next steps in his claim We made him different offers to settle prior to being notified that he was continuing to seek additional treatment Since Mr [redacted] is still seeking treatment for injuries he is relating to the accident, we have advised him that at this point we do not have an option that we can use to settle his claim today while leaving it open for him to seek additional treatment in the future We have advised Mr [redacted] that we will continue to follwith him and once he has finished treatment we will be able to complete a full evaluation and make him an offer to settle his claim We want to be sure we are able to consider all treatment he would like to present as a part of his claim We have offered to request all bills and records for medical treatment incurred as a result of the accident and to inform Mr [redacted] of the need to secure past medical records should the need arise Adam T***, AIC.Casualty Claims Manager
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms [redacted] ’ concerns regarding the increase in premium due to an accident dated May 14, Ms [redacted] was added as a driver on May 2, 2016, at that time, the Auto Loss History Report provided by Lexis Nexis to Nationwide indicated the fault of the loss dated May 14, as “unknown or unreported” Underwriting had requested a Letter of Experience (indicating fault in the accident) from Ms [redacted] from her prior insurance carrier, in order to override the accident surcharge The information was not received therefore, the surcharge would be applied on the November 27, renewal Underwriting has received a corrected Auto Loss History Report on November 29, 2016, indicating the accident as Not at Fault, therefore the accident surcharge has been removed The agent’s office was also contacted for feedback on this caseUpon receiving the complaint, they immediately left cell phone messages with both [redacted] and [redacted] [redacted] did return their call, and spoke directly with Associate Agent, [redacted] ***During that conversation, there were apologizes of any misunderstanding over the dropped callWhen [redacted] offered to assist [redacted] with changing agencies if she preferred, [redacted] indicated that she was sorry that the complaint had even been filed, and had done so in the "heat of the moment" She also acknowledged all of the effort and steps that the agency had taken on their behalf, and was just happy that everything was getting resolved to her satisfaction If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Barb D [redacted] at ###-###-#### or email at [redacted] Sincerely, Kristin M***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mr [redacted] concerns regarding the above referenced auto policy.Review of the policy indicates it was written as new business on December 30, At the time of new business, [redacted] , Mr [redacted] wife, was listed as an excluded driver on the policyThe reason provided for the exclusion was she had left the country to care for family and never returnedUnderwriting set the policy up for rejecting due to no signed exclusion form or valid reason for exclusionThe cancellation notice was mailed on March 19, with a cancel effective date of April 2, 2015.On March 29, 2015, Mr [redacted] contacted our Member Care Services to inquire on the status of the policyThey indicated that the signed exclusion form was still needed for [redacted] prior to April 2, to avoid cancellation of the policyHe asked that the form be emailed to him in order to complete and send back.On April 1, 2015, Mr [redacted] again contacted Nationwide Member Care Services, he advised that Ms [redacted] was now back in the country, but not residing in the same household with himOn the same date he also called back to ask if she was able to be listed as a principal driver, and the policy reversed, until he was able to provide additional information.Nationwide Underwriting approved the reversal of the policy, and rating of Ms [redacted] as a principal driverOn April 2, 2015, our Member Care Representative contacted Mr [redacted] times to inform him that his policy had been activated without a lapse in coverage, and Ms [redacted] was rated as a principal driverThe representative was unable to reach Mr [redacted] or leave a voicemail as it was fullAnother attempt was made to contact Mr [redacted] on April 3, with the same result.The policy cancelled effective May 18, for non payment of premiumCollection notice in the amount of $was mailed to the customer on May 22, 2015.A break down of the amount due is as follows:Auto policy [redacted] started December 30, 2014, with a six-month premium of $Therewas an increase of $to rate Ms [redacted] as a driver effective April 2, Effective April2, 2015, the SmartRide discount was removed causing a $increase in premiumOn April 7,2015, the Motor Vehicle Report was returned for Ms [redacted] and the Accident Free discountwas removed effective April 2, 2015, causing a $increaseOnly three payments were receivedon the policy December 31, 2014, $43.63, January 30, 2015, $and February 28, 2015, $44.29;totaling $The policy cancelled on May 18, 2015, for non-payment removing $inunearned premium; leaving a collection amount of $98.45.Nationwide is unable to remove the amount due of $on the policy, as Mr [redacted] advised hewould like to rate her as a principal driver until further information could be providedPolicy wasactivated and premium was not paid by Mr [redacted] , resulting n the cancellation for non payment ofpremium.If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, [redacted] , at ###-###-####, or email at [redacted] Sincerely,Kristin MittasPersonal Lines Compliance Specialist
I am in receipt of your email letter to Nationwide dated January 20, I am providing you with the following information: • Revised Declarations • Identification Card I reviewed the call that transpired on November 28, The member called to remove the Comprehensive and Collision Coverages from her Chevy Impala and added a Nissan Altima to the policy effective November 28, Unfortunately, the changes did not process and the policy was not updated accordingly On January 27, 2016, the Comprehensive and Collision Coverages were removed from the Chevy Impala and the Nissan Altima was added to policy [redacted] effective November 28, The change increased the term premium by $An email has been sent to the member, at [redacted] indicating that policy documents are available online for viewingThe policy documents include a Revised Declarations and Identification CardsThe next payment, of $209.54, is due on February 14, Nationwide is required by the Department of Insurance to charge premium for coverage provided; therefore, we are unable to write off the premium increase caused by the addition of the Nissan AltimaIf there had been an accident prior to the addition of the vehicle in question, Nationwide would have located the call, added the vehicle effective November 28, 2015, and handled the claim accordingly If you have any additional questions, please contact Susan H [redacted] , Sincerely, Christina L [redacted] ###########
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from [redacted] regarding the above noted fileAs Senior Analyst, Customer Resolution & Response Team, I have reviewed this file and would like to address Mr [redacted] ’s concerns.Mr [redacted] called Nationwide Sales Solutions (NSS) on November 17, to get a commercial policy for his nail salonAt the time, the sales agent advised Mr [redacted] that Nationwide would be able to cover his nail salonThe sales agent then bound a commercial policy with Mr [redacted] ’s consent.On November 30, 2016, Nationwide mailed a cancellation notice to Mr [redacted] stating that his policy was ineligible for coverage and would be effective until January 10, Additionally, on this date the sales agent emailed Mr [redacted] to advise him his commercial policy would be cancelledThe sales agent apologized, explained he mistakenly referenced the incorrect forms at the time the policy was set up and stated Nationwide no longer offers insurance for nail salons.I verified with our underwriters that Nationwide has not offered insurance for nail salons for several years now and feedback has been sent to the leadership of the sales agent.On December 29, 2016, Nationwide issued a refund for $Mr [redacted] ’s down payment would have covered him until January 17, The policy was cancelled effective January 10, which resulted in a refund of $Since Mr [redacted] contacted his bank and disputed the November 17, down payment for $117.00, the refund was stop paid and applied to the billing accountThe collection amount for $is valid for the coverage that was provided from November 17, to January 10, 2017.On April 4, Mr [redacted] responded to the sales agent’s email from November 30, and stated he received a letter from a collection agency in the amount of $Mr [redacted] then stated he did not understand why he was receiving a bill for a policy that was never covered by NationwideMr [redacted] asked the sales agent to take care of it as soon as possible and asked why he never received a refund for his two month down payment of $117.00.On April 4, the sales agent replied to Mr [redacted] and explained the $collection amountwas due to the fact Mr [redacted] contacted his bank after the original transaction to decline the original$down paymentThe sales agent referenced Mr [redacted] ’s cancellation notice and explainedthe notice states Mr [redacted] had coverage through January 10, The sales agent thenexplained since Nationwide offered coverage through January 10, 2017, we are requiring the originaldown payment that was taken, hence the collection amount of $102.00.If Mr [redacted] completes the attached Policy Cancellation Form and includes the cancellationeffective date as November 17, then we can adjust the cancellation date of the policy and clearthe collection amount that is owedMr [redacted] can fax the completed form to ###-###-#### forprocessing.We sincerely apologize to Mr [redacted] for the inconvenienceI hope the information that I haveprovided has answered any questions in regards to this matterIf you require further assistance,please contact our [redacted] , Janice K [redacted] , at ###-###-#### or by emailat [redacted] Sincerely,Stacy LT***
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from our insured, Dan W*** I reviewed the complaint and the claim file and would like to address MrW***’s concerns This claim was handled under a Farmowner’s Policy underwritten by Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance (Nationwide) This policy originally incepted on November 11, On April 21, 2017, MrW [redacted] had a [redacted] with Loader B& Mower added to the policy The tractor had a limit of $21,and a deductible of $2, A claim was reported for a loss on July 19, Claims Specialist Michael Charles C [redacted] spoke with MrW [redacted] on July 20th to discuss the details of the loss MrW [redacted] explained that he was moving something with the tractor and had the item in the bucket when the item rolled out and hit the hood of the tractor causing damage There was damage to the hood, the bucket joystick, cluster gauge and the plastic around the steering wheel MrC [redacted] went over the coverages which included $10,in rental, $5,for Extra Expense/Continuing Operations, and a $2,deductible An inspection would be performed to evaluate the damages On July 25th, MrC [redacted] spoke with MrW [redacted] and MrW [redacted] advised that there was a dispute over the amount of the deductible Until the dispute was settled, he didn’t want to move forward with the claim An investigation was being conducted by the Agency Support unit to determine if there had been an error on the behalf of the Agent’s office when the tractor was added to the policy as MrW [redacted] had not intended for the deductible to be $2, On August 11th, MrC [redacted] contacted MrW [redacted] and informed him that the Agency Support investigation was complete and they found no error on the part of the Agent The deductible would remain at $2, MrW [redacted] was upset and did not want anything done on the claim He advised that he intended to contact the Revdex.com, the Department of Insurance, and [redacted] [redacted] *** On August 15th, MrC [redacted] spoke with MrW [redacted] again He went over the settlement with him The repair estimate came to $3, After the deductible of $2,was taken, Nationwide owed a balance of $ MrC [redacted] advised that he would be issuing a payment to Mr& MsW [redacted] and their repair facility for $ The payment was issued on August 18, (check # [redacted] ) to Heather & Dan W [redacted] & [redacted] The claim is now closed If you have any additional questions or concerns, feel free to contact Customer Advocacy Coordinator Yvette S [redacted] at ###-###-#### or via e-mail at [redacted] Sincerely, Julie C*** Claims Specialist III / MD Centralized Services Analytics & Customer Focus Team NATIONWIDE AGRIBUSINESS INSURANCE
This inquiry has the incorrect insuring company name and NAIC#Please update your files with the correct information.CORRECT INSURING COMPANY NAME: National Casualty CompanyCORRECT NAIC #: ***We are in receipt of your request for information regarding the above referenced fileMs [redacted] is requesting reimbursement for claim [redacted] for her pet.Ms [redacted] applied for the Medical Plan with a $annual deductible for her dog [redacted] on November 29, The policy was approved with an effective date of December 13, A medical records request was made on January 6, based on a claim submitted in close proximity to the policy effective dateNo medical records were received for the request until February of 2018.Upon receipt of this complaint, we have reviewed the medical records provided and reprocessed claim [redacted] as eligibleReimbursement was issued in the amount of $Claim [redacted] was also reprocessed as eligible post review and reimbursement was issued in the amount of $120.00.We appreciate Ms [redacted] ’s patience with the review process and are happy to be able to resolve this matter in her favor.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Kaitlin G [redacted] , at ###-###-#### or via email at [redacted] @nationwide.com.Sincerely,Cindy CarterUnderwriting Director